/ Fantasy / My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World

My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World Original

My Wife and I Became Sages in Another World

Fantasy 437 Kapitel 1.1M Ansichten
Autor: CaracasM

3.95 (20 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Ichiro was a man who had to live through a tragic and awful life.
After losing his wife, his only source of happiness, his despair only got worse until the day he died.

To Ichiro's fortune, the Goddess of Life, Phelena, decided to send his soul into a new body in another world. His only condition was for the Goddess to send him far away from people.

The goddess agreed, but she certainly had other plans for Ichiro's new life.

A wholesome story about a man rekindling his love for living and encountering his lost wife in another world!

[Story is written in 1st person with a casual tone]


If you want to see artwork of the novel, check out: caracasm.carrd.co

Previously known as: Lost & Found: Rekindled Life

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    It's easy to read and understand , but, how should I say this? underwhelming or unexpected. The novel doesn't follow how I thought , it's more like a book written for kids who want to get the "isekai" understanding. He acts like a kid when he is older than that, he can't make any firm resolution 😔 and seem to go back on his word ,especially in the 'Princess Arc', always getting pulled along .It is a great novel in it own respect 😁.Sorry Author , it seems this isn't my cup of tea , we part ways here. thanks for the book

    2 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 12 Badge

    TLDR: Needs work but it is still better than most novels on WN. Don't pass it up! This review will be written in three parts, first is an analysis of the story, second will be on the writing style, and third will be the conclusion. Story: Aside from some cliches, and a generic fantasy world, the story is quite enjoyable. Cliches are cliches because people like them, right? I will completely look over the fact the author turned the MC into a 12-year-old boy, though, because it will provide the MC with four years to grow their pool of MP. The MC used Fireball and Inspect, but when creating a "bo", no spell was used. It felt weird. Saying the MC used water magic, nature magic, fire magic, or earth magic (you get the point) without showing us how also comes off as lazy writing. It might be better to remove fireball completely if the author intends to have magic-users in this world directly influence the world by using mana rather than using 'spells'. I do, however, like the fact that magic isn't learned like a list of spells in most novels like this. You have to get the spell right, and your mana takes care of the rest. Within five chapters, the author skipped over the MC learning a lot of magic as well. There were several leaps in time where we could have gotten to know the main character and their new friend over another chapter or two, but that possibility was removed when several months or so were skipped. Now, for the writing style: As I say, with many of the novels here on WN, we need less telling and more showing. To explain quickly: using had/have/was will either be an easy way to avoid showing the reader what's happening, add unnecessary words to a sentence, or create sentences with less readability. So much telling. The more 'glue' words in a sentence, the longer it is, and usually, the less information it provides to the reader. Reading the MC speak and then move straight into internal monologue is pretty jarring, and there's no need to put extra thoughts within brackets and quotation marks when everything else is the MC's thoughts. Cutting out the thoughts within the internal monologue would make sense. Many words could be replaced with much more impactful ones, sometimes making senses feel a little flatter. A couple of times, the author used the present tense, and the novel is written primarily in the past tense. Using words such as 'now' or 'is' outside of dialogue can create a jarring moment. Conclusion: The Author is new to this, it's easy to see, but they have potential. The world they are creating is forming nicely, although slowly, throughout the chapters, and I enjoyed what I read. The main character could feel more his age since he was at least in his thirties, from what the prologue provided. With a decent amount of structural editing and copyediting, this novel could improve greatly. I would like to come back to this novel in the future and update my review with a more favourable one.

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    I like this novel a lot, easy to read and great character, I can’t wait to read the new charters.

    2 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 1

    As said in the other review this novel is quite childish and the plot is average. But despite its problems it is when a pleasant novel to read. The author has a lot of points to improve so courage and continue to improve yourself

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Dropped. My review is pretty much the same as others. Author, sorry and I hope you're listening to them. 😕😕 Especially the part where author just summarizes the events. I sleepy reading just reading couple of line of those. This novel is a big no for me. I don't even care much if the mc is childish and illogical. Let us be immersed in the story and let us be in the same room as the mc as much as possible. Show, don't tell", that's a golden rule. I think that's the most important.

    0 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 15 Badge

    I decided to make Yoru the one with the highest popularity by giving him 200000 points because he's best boy, Also here's 20 golden tickets since I never use them

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    what chapter does he find his wife? if anyone knows please tell me

    5 Antworten anzeigen

    I like the blurb. I like the characters but I can’t fall in love with them. I can’t lose myself in their world because as of chapter 140 the author just tells us what is happening. They don’t show us. It’s a shame because this novel has the bones to be great. Author, create more dialogue. Stop summarizing the story and let us see/experience the scenes. I don’t want Ichi to tell me something happened, write the scene out. Hopefully, you will take my advice bc this really could be a fantastic read.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Very good novel, if you are looking for a relaxing novel this is for you. This novel is much better than most of the novels here. Give a try and see by yourself 😁

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    The story is interesting! With the isekai and such. There are a few grammar issues but it’s not huge. I like it’s pace! Good work and keep it up!

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    first of all I want to say that I enjoy your novel, I like the Mc kindhearted nature that being said I have a few issues that you might want to address 😉. 1) despite mc previous knowledge being that he went to college and all even if he didn't study it his lack of common sense is terrible, I mean who makes some national tier potion and sells it dirt cheap. He didn't think about his unique background being the son of a goddess having an effect on everything he does, yes its kind and nice to give away these OP potions but think about all the alchemist that slave away trying to make a decent potion to earn a living and mc comes and destroyed all their hard work. Usually alchemy is a hard profession and people face many failures but mc has no such problems so what happens when in town A you worked hard to make a low grade potions and sell them for 8 copper but you hear a rumor that town B has a godlike potion being sold for the same price, I don't need to spell it out, yes it kind of him to do so, but his kindness is hurting others business and livelihood. 2) Power scale is weird, Idk how mc struggle against the goblin king and ran out of mana I get he is back to being 12 and all and he new to this world but I would imagine having all the mana should amount to some insane strength not to mention his previous knowledge as even the goddess said he'll be stronger than others; and the spider queen being 600 years old she should be a godlike existence maybe not as strong a dragon or other races in the same tier as her but she should definitely wipe out enemies like flies other than her contemporaries

    Spoiler enthüllen
    2 Antworten anzeigen

    This is a relaxed story but it's not really to my taste. It's pretty much just the typical Japanese isekai MC except there's no harem, and he's not as OP. As another reader said in their review, it's kinda childish. I think it would've been better off if the MC was never an adult in the first place because he can't seem to determine whether he wants to behave like an adult or like a child. Even if he's physically 12, it doesn't make any sense for him to act like that considering he's a grown man on the inside, and also the experiences he's been through. Like he grew up in an abusive home, was married for a period of time, lost his wife in an accident, died a couple years after after being shot. With all these experiences, the personality he portrays doesn't make sense. Also, I don't get why the MC wished to be sent to a place far away from humanity when he isekaied but then the moment he came across humans who were a bit nice to him, he didn't hesitate to become their magical sugar-daddy. That aside, the grammar is really good and I didn't come across any errors that made reading difficult. I just couldn't get into the story. Goodluck with your writing, author.

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    So overall it’ a good and interesting book. No major grammar errors or any major mistakes. However, I started noticing some flaws and decided to drop around ch. 48. Here is my reasoning: I get a feeling that the writing is a little shallow. The mc encounters some problem that isn’t explained too much, then immediately god-snaps and fixes whatever it is. For example, building and creating all of his inventions. Very few people know the exact compositions of materials. Going further, very few people have enough expertise in a field to recreate even one of the varied things the mc is making. How can a person be able to make say different shampoos, which the author probably just googled a basic recipe, and then go ahead and start making concrete and buildings. Making a building is super complicated even if you are able to get rid of the manpower issue with magic. All of the sudden inventions just start to become unreal and unimaginable for the mc to come up with them. Especially if there were previous reincarnator. How the h*ll is the mc the first to come up with the types of food he is. Add onto that the cleaning supplies as well. The first thing on a reincarnators to do list would have been these exact things so why is the mc the first. I mean, the previous reincarnator was a WOMAN. Do u expect a WOMAN from the modern world to go one day without at least trying to make some kind of shampoo with magic. It’s jus bullshut. Based on everything that is happening I can already know what is going to happen in the locked chapters just by their names. My real problem is there is no depth and realness to the other world. The only real worldbuilding we get is medieval magic sword world with demons. NOTHING ELSE. The food of the world isn’t described, everything is worse than what the mc can bring to the table. Author, u do realize that America didn’t make all the types of food in the world right. It just has a bunch of the worlds food available. That means that there is different food everywhere. In this other world, all u could bear to describe of their food was the bad jerky that the knights had. Otherwise all u did was say that the mcs food was the best. That’s all. I mean, come on. If a place was able to make chocolate and tea, two things that take complex actions and recipes to make, u expect me to believe they can’t make some other food like fried food. U also realize that fried food isn’t the best food in the world right? Oh well I’ll stop ranting. It was an ok story but if u want a deep and interesting story, don’t get ur hopes up for this story. Its a watered down version of Wise Man’s Grandson and other similar isekai stories. I was expecting a more mysterious story due to the synopsis but all it is is the mc and the reincarnation of his wife, i.e. the princess, being so blind that they don’t recognize each other the entire time even though the author seems to make a point of when they should recognize each other.

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    I decided to re-upload the review after reading more chapters. good novel a tragic beginning which creates empathy for the reader, endearing characters. But also excellent update stability. But I find this novel quite childish, the first chapter shows that the mc is a bit naive. It's weird because I'm used to cool, cruel, ruthless Mcs. As said in the other comment, there is a lot to improve. Ps English is not my mother tongue so sorry for the mistakes

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    I like the way how the character has been described, easy to read and sticky to keep reading. Waiting for new material and stories!

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    The spider queen legendary beast as bonded beast ruined it for me, but still a good book, keep it up

    Spoiler enthüllen
    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Really bad, MC is so stupid . The MC's character design at the beginning is not the same as the rest of the story, the author is inconsistent in building a lively character.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Average at best.........................

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    The novel so far is perty good , easy to understand,entertaining and full of excitement.the novel being a no harem type is great ,I am kinda tired of harem. The ML is faithful to FL and kind to everyone

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    Neueste Veröffentlichung:
    Chapter 437: Chapter 437 - Memories of the First Sage 2 hours ago

    Volumen 1

    1. 1
      Prologue 1 years ago
    2. 2
      Arrival 1 years ago
    3. 3
      The First Hunt 1 years ago
    4. 4
      Life in the Forest 1 years ago
    5. 5
      Neighboring Village (Part 1) 1 years ago
    6. 6
      Neighboring Village (Part 2) 1 years ago
    7. 7
      The First Winter 1 years ago
    8. 8
      Potion Business 1 years ago
    9. 9
      The Queen Demon Spider 1 years ago
    10. 10
      The Magical Flower Field 1 years ago
    11. 11
      Developing End Village (Part 1) 1 years ago
    12. 12
      Developing End Village (Part 2) 1 years ago
    13. 13
      The Goblin King 1 years ago
    14. 14
      Aftermath 1 years ago
    15. 15
      Two Years from Jackson's Perspective 1 years ago
    16. 16
      God Siblings 1 years ago
    17. 17
      Stray Wyvern 1 years ago
    18. 18
      Yoru's Evolution 1 years ago
    19. 19
      The Town that Won't Speak 1 years ago
    20. 20
      Traveling with Knights 1 years ago
    21. 21
      The Troll on the Road 1 years ago
    22. 22
      Town of Speranza 1 years ago
    23. 23
      The City of Glorya 1 years ago
    24. 24
      Royalty at Glorya (Part 1) 1 years ago
    25. 25
      Royalty at Glorya (Part 2) 1 years ago
    26. 26
      Night Hunt in the City (Part 1) 1 years ago
    27. 27
      Night Hunt in the City (Part 2) 1 years ago
    28. 28
      Farewell Glorya 1 years ago
    29. 29
      The King’s Audience (Part 1) 1 years ago
    30. 30
      The King’s Audience (Part 2) 1 years ago
    31. 31
      Gina the Battle-Maid 1 years ago
    32. 32
      A Princess’ Perspective (Part 1) 1 years ago
    33. 33
      A Princess’ Perspective (Part 2) 1 years ago
    34. 34
      The Princess of the Sephyr Kingdom 1 years ago
    35. 35
      The Magic Tutor 1 years ago
    36. 36
      Sightseeing the Capital 1 years ago
    37. 37
      The Queen’s Inspection 1 years ago
    38. 38
      Teleports and Ice Cream 1 years ago
    39. 39
      Back Home 1 years ago
    40. 40
      End Town Party 1 years ago

    Volumen 2

    1. 41
      The First Lesson 1 years ago
    2. 42
      The Knight’s Barracks and Chocolate 1 years ago
    3. 43
      A Couple of Chocolatiers 1 years ago
    4. 44
      Racing Through the Forest 1 years ago
    5. 45
      Fairy Island 1 years ago
    6. 46
      The Fairy Deal 1 years ago
    7. 47
      Tree House Expansion 1 years ago
    8. 48
      Hunting With the Princess 1 years ago
    9. 49
      Barbeque 1 years ago
    10. 50
      Potatoes! 1 years ago
    11. 51
      Reinar’s Alchemy 1 years ago
    12. 52
      The Weakest Knights 1 years ago
    13. 53
      Ivy’s Warning 1 years ago
    14. 54
      Black Dragon Serpent (Part 1) 1 years ago
    15. 55
      Black Dragon Serpent (Part 2) 1 years ago
    16. 56
      Town’s Feast 1 years ago
    17. 57
      Piano Under the Moon 1 years ago
    18. 58
      Melina’s Perspective (Part 1) 1 years ago
    19. 59
      Melina’s Perspective (Part 2) 1 years ago
    20. 60
      Melina’s Perspective (Part 3) 1 years ago
    21. 61
      Winter With the Princess 1 years ago
    22. 62
      Registering as Adventurers 1 years ago
    23. 63
      Vespera’s Magical Ponchos 1 years ago
    24. 64
      The 7th Knight’s Order 1 years ago
    25. 65
      Flaming Death Frog 1 years ago
    26. 66
      Port Town Blue 1 years ago
    27. 67
      A Show of Strength 1 years ago
    28. 68
      An Eerie Feeling 1 years ago
    29. 69
      Demonic Energy 1 years ago
    30. 70
      Release the Kraken! (Part 1) 1 years ago
    31. 71
      Release the Kraken! (Part 2) 1 years ago
    32. 72
      Devil Hunt 1 years ago
    33. 73
      Mithril Adventurers 1 years ago
    34. 74
      The Possessed Knight 1 years ago
    35. 75
      The Devil, Armaros 1 years ago
    36. 76
      Moon Buff 1 years ago
    37. 77
      Awakening 1 years ago
    38. 78
      Illusions of Despair 1 years ago
    39. 79
      No More Nightmares 1 years ago
    40. 80
      Ocean Fishing 1 years ago
    41. 81
      Jackson’s Secret (Part 1) 1 years ago
    42. 82
      Jackson’s Secret (Part 2) 1 years ago
    43. 83
      A New Request 1 years ago

    Volumen 3

    1. 84
      The Villagers’ Saints 1 years ago
    2. 85
      The Kingdom’s Border 1 years ago
    3. 86
      The Mithril Mine 1 years ago
    4. 87
      The Mithril Basilisk 1 years ago
    5. 88
      Adamantite Adventurers 1 years ago
    6. 89
      Traditional Blacksmithing 1 years ago
    7. 90
      Facing the Truth 1 years ago
    8. 91
      Kraken Whisper Pearl 1 years ago
    9. 92
      Winter in the Capital 1 years ago
    10. 93
      Raw Gemstones 1 years ago
    11. 94
      Sound Magic 1 years ago
    12. 95
      Asys, The God of Magic 1 years ago
    13. 96
      Melina’s 16th Birthday 1 years ago
    14. 97
      Voice Crystals 1 years ago
    15. 98
      The Knights’ Tournament (Part 1) 1 years ago
    16. 99
      The Knights’ Tournament (Part 2) 1 years ago
    17. 100
      The Knight’s Tournament (Part 3) 1 years ago
    18. 101
      Supreme Commander Thorne 1 years ago
    19. 102
      Academy Enrollment 1 years ago
    20. 103
      Dormitory and New Mayor 1 years ago
    21. 104
      Distressed Soldiers 1 years ago
    22. 105
      The Illusive Woods 1 years ago
    23. 106
      The Droman Empire 1 years ago
    24. 107
      Baiting Criminals 1 years ago
    25. 108
      The Thief and the Saber Master 1 years ago
    26. 109
      Bandit’s Favor 1 years ago
    27. 110
      The Captive Alchemist 1 years ago
    28. 111
      Control of the Underground 1 years ago
    29. 112
      Infiltrating a Noble’s Mansion 1 years ago
    30. 113
      Late-Night Empress’ Meeting 1 years ago
    31. 114
      Sleep-Deprived Flight 1 years ago
    32. 115
      Night Caravel Raid 1 years ago
    33. 116
      Lesser Demons 1 years ago
    34. 117
      Lesser Demon’s Black Pearl 1 years ago
    35. 118
      A Noble’s Interrogation 1 years ago
    36. 119
      Imperial Banquet 1 years ago
    37. 120
      Droman Library 1 years ago
    38. 121
      Going to the Desert 1 years ago
    39. 122
      Cactustown 1 years ago
    40. 123
      Capital of Aridonia 1 years ago
    41. 124
      The Sand Cobras 1 years ago
    42. 125
      The Sultan of Aridonia 1 years ago
    43. 126
      A Faulty Detective 1 years ago
    44. 127
      The Corrupt Doctor 1 years ago
    45. 128
      Missing Letters 1 years ago
    46. 129
      Desert Rush 1 years ago
    47. 130
      The Pain of War (Part 1) 1 years ago
    48. 131
      The Pain of War (Part 2) 1 years ago
    49. 132
      The Cursed Beastkins 1 years ago
    50. 133
      Vespera’s Genius but Radical Cure 1 years ago
    51. 134
      Beastkin’s Hope 1 years ago
    52. 135
      Melina at the Academy 1 years ago
    53. 136
      Melina’s New Friends 1 years ago
    54. 137
      Melina’s Task 1 years ago
    55. 138
      Melina’s Golden Pearl 1 years ago
    56. 139
      The First Cured Demon 1 years ago
    57. 140
      Kalusia’s Border Wall 1 years ago
    58. 141
      The Terra Titan 1 years ago
    59. 142
      Inside Enemy Territory 1 years ago
    60. 143
      Enemy Warehouse 1 years ago
    61. 144
      Overlooking Howlsridge 1 years ago
    62. 145
      Golem Attack 1 years ago
    63. 146
      Sephyr’s Reinforcements 1 years ago
    64. 147
      The Siege of Startown 1 years ago
    65. 148
      The Phoenix of Kalusia 1 years ago
    66. 149
      A Flaming Battle (Part 1) 1 years ago
    67. 150
      A Flaming Battle (Part 2) 1 years ago
    68. 151
      The Phoenix’s Blessing 12 months ago
    69. 152
      The Black Pearls Factory 12 months ago
    70. 153
      Greater Demon 12 months ago
    71. 154
      The Army Merger 12 months ago
    72. 155
      The Final Reinforcements 12 months ago
    73. 156
      Melina’s Small Problem 12 months ago
    74. 157
      Melina’s Forgiveness 12 months ago
    75. 158
      Melina’s Worries 12 months ago
    76. 159
      Melina Meets Asys 12 months ago
    77. 160
      Kalusia’s Last Stand 12 months ago
    78. 161
      The Devil, Zagor 12 months ago
    79. 162
      Promises Made 11 months ago
    80. 163
      Fire Awakening 11 months ago
    81. 164
      Fueling the Flames 11 months ago
    82. 165
      A Flaming Finisher 11 months ago
    83. 166
      The Phoenix’s Altar 11 months ago
    84. 167
      Kalusia’s Aftermath 11 months ago
    85. 168
      Beastkin’s Library 11 months ago
    86. 169
      Small Town of Meisi 11 months ago
    87. 170
      In Need of a Helping Hand 11 months ago

    Volumen 4

    1. 171
      Melina’s Wait 11 months ago
    2. 172
      Ichiro’s Fast Travel 11 months ago
    3. 173
      Two Sages 11 months ago
    4. 174
      Ichiro and the Headmaster 11 months ago
    5. 175
      Quick Return 11 months ago
    6. 176
      Kalusia’s Castle Party 11 months ago
    7. 177
      Into the Jungle 11 months ago
    8. 178
      Jungle Beastkins 11 months ago
    9. 179
      Ancient Water Canal 11 months ago
    10. 180
      Ancient Temple 11 months ago
    11. 181
      Open Sesame 11 months ago
    12. 182
      Ghost Gorilla 11 months ago
    13. 183
      Safe Haven 11 months ago
    14. 184
      Arcana Trees 11 months ago
    15. 185
      New Magic Bo 11 months ago
    16. 186
      Platinum Adventurers 11 months ago
    17. 187
      Sightseeing the Desert 11 months ago
    18. 188
      Magic Pictures 11 months ago
    19. 189
      Desert Contract 11 months ago
    20. 190
      Dune Worm 11 months ago
    21. 191
      Re-Visiting the Droman Empire 11 months ago
    22. 192
      New Alchemy Recruit 11 months ago
    23. 193
      A Deal Between Sages 11 months ago
    24. 194
      Professor Ichiro 11 months ago
    25. 195
      A Teacher’s Reputation (Part 1) 11 months ago
    26. 196
      A Teacher’s Reputation (Part 2) 11 months ago
    27. 197
      Test Preparations 11 months ago
    28. 198
      Students’ Curiosity 11 months ago
    29. 199
      West Port 11 months ago
    30. 200
      Suspicious Presence 11 months ago
    31. 201
      Blood Werewolf 11 months ago
    32. 202
      Worst Possible Outcome 11 months ago
    33. 203
      Sage Headmaster Devon 11 months ago
    34. 204
      Three Sages Vs. The Traveling Devil 11 months ago
    35. 205
      Safe Return 11 months ago
    36. 206
      Alchemic Research 11 months ago
    37. 207
      Bracelet Relic 11 months ago
    38. 208
      World Tournament Preparations 11 months ago
    39. 209
      Qualifiers 11 months ago
    40. 210
      Sailing to Kyotora 11 months ago
    41. 211
      Yumiko Port 11 months ago
    42. 212
      Cherry Blossom Field 11 months ago
    43. 213
      City of Kyotora 11 months ago
    44. 214
      Trash-Talking a Prince 11 months ago
    45. 215
      Takeo, the Crown Prince 11 months ago
    46. 216
      Combat World Tournament 11 months ago
    47. 217
      Mysterious Pink-Haired Girl (Part 1) 11 months ago
    48. 218
      Mysterious Pink-Haired Girl (Part 2) 11 months ago
    49. 219
      Nexa, the Secret Devil 11 months ago
    50. 220
      Yuki’s Resolve 11 months ago
    51. 221
      Heated Semi-Finals 11 months ago
    52. 222
      Intermission (Part 1) 11 months ago
    53. 223
      Intermission (Part 2) 11 months ago
    54. 224
      The Finals 11 months ago
    55. 225
      Kyotora’s Palace 11 months ago
    56. 226
      Kyotora’s Secret Library 11 months ago
    57. 227
      Kyoko’s Legacy 11 months ago
    58. 228
      Magic Quartz 11 months ago
    59. 229
      Departure 11 months ago
    60. 230
      Jobs Delegation 10 months ago
    61. 231
      The Illusive Road 10 months ago
    62. 232
      Debutante Ball Preparations 10 months ago
    63. 233
      Graduation 10 months ago
    64. 234
      Dhormec’s Rings 10 months ago
    65. 235
      Debutante Ball 10 months ago
    66. 236
      Proposal 10 months ago

    Volumen 5

    1. 237
      Nessa’s Pain 10 months ago
    2. 238
      Intercontinental Teleportation 10 months ago
    3. 239
      Guanghua Settlement 10 months ago
    4. 240
      Mask-on 10 months ago
    5. 241
      The Lunar Forest 10 months ago
    6. 242
      Lunar Forest Exploration 10 months ago
    7. 243
      Elven Clues 10 months ago
    8. 244
      Elves in the Forest 10 months ago
    9. 245
      Salamandra 10 months ago
    10. 246
      Elves' Secret Password 10 months ago
    11. 247
      Elven Railway 10 months ago
    12. 248
      Capital of Eldariel 10 months ago
    13. 249
      Chief Aiwin Eldari 10 months ago
    14. 250
      Glasses for Elves 10 months ago
    15. 251
      Impulsivity 10 months ago
    16. 252
      Nessa’s Determination 10 months ago
    17. 253
      Drakzen’s Plan 10 months ago
    18. 254
      Legendary Evolution (Part 1) 10 months ago
    19. 255
      Legendary Evolution (Part 2) 10 months ago
    20. 256
      Drakzen’s Loss 10 months ago
    21. 257
      Prejudice 10 months ago
    22. 258
      Elve’s Acceptance 10 months ago
    23. 259
      The Luckiest Immigrants 10 months ago
    24. 260
      Migration Protocol 10 months ago
    25. 261
      The Country of Balinesia 10 months ago
    26. 262
      The Mages’ Tower 10 months ago
    27. 263
      Sage Astra 10 months ago
    28. 264
      A Peek of the Future 10 months ago
    29. 265
      The Sage’s Assembly (Part 1) 10 months ago
    30. 266
      The Sage’s Assembly (Part 2) 10 months ago
    31. 267
      The Dwarven Nation, Durinhold 10 months ago
    32. 268
      Rockvalley 10 months ago
    33. 269
      The Dwarven King 10 months ago
    34. 270
      The World’s Secret Weapon 10 months ago
    35. 271
      World Titan 10 months ago
    36. 272
      Guanghua Infiltration 10 months ago
    37. 273
      The Noble, Mei Ling 10 months ago
    38. 274
      The City of Xiulan 10 months ago
    39. 275
      Forgery 10 months ago
    40. 276
      Xiulan at Night 10 months ago
    41. 277
      The Zhao Family 10 months ago
    42. 278
      A Noble’s Dungeon 10 months ago
    43. 279
      Melina’s Fury 10 months ago
    44. 280
      The Back of the Theater 10 months ago
    45. 281
      Warrior Slaves 10 months ago
    46. 282
      Enslavers’ List 10 months ago
    47. 283
      Night of Liberation (Part 1) 10 months ago
    48. 284
      Night of Liberation (Part 2) 10 months ago
    49. 285
      Turmoil in Xiulan 10 months ago
    50. 286
      Nobles Meet, Slaves are Freed 10 months ago
    51. 287
      Kidnapping Nobles (Part 1) 10 months ago
    52. 288
      Kidnapping Nobles (Part 2) 10 months ago
    53. 289
      A Report to the Empress 10 months ago
    54. 290
      To the Guanghua Capital 10 months ago
    55. 291
      Commoners’ Outskirts 10 months ago
    56. 292
      Searching for a Target 10 months ago
    57. 293
      The Sickly Noblewoman 9 months ago
    58. 294
      Ichiro’s New Little Brother 9 months ago
    59. 295
      Melina’s New Little Sister 9 months ago
    60. 296
      The Bao Family 9 months ago
    61. 297
      The Missing Prince 9 months ago
    62. 298
      Yujun and Leslie 9 months ago
    63. 299
      Leslie’s Memories 9 months ago
    64. 300
      Act of Deception 9 months ago
    65. 301
      “Monsters” 9 months ago
    66. 302
      Identity Theft 9 months ago
    67. 303
      Counter-Strategy (Part 1) 9 months ago
    68. 304
      Counter-Strategy (Part 2) 9 months ago
    69. 305
      The Palace’s Attic 9 months ago
    70. 306
      New Hope 9 months ago
    71. 307
      The Palace’s Dungeon (Part 1) 9 months ago
    72. 308
      The Palace’s Dungeon (Part 2) 9 months ago
    73. 309
      Ichiro’s Diversion 9 months ago
    74. 310
      Sinoc and the Scarlet Trio 9 months ago
    75. 311
      Melina Vs. Demonoids (Part 1) 9 months ago
    76. 312
      Melina Vs. Demonoids (Part 2) 9 months ago
    77. 313
      The Devil, Vyrazul 9 months ago
    78. 314
      The Former Empress 9 months ago
    79. 315
      Yuandu’s Status 9 months ago
    80. 316
      Squadrons 9 months ago
    81. 317
      The Superior Demonoid 9 months ago
    82. 318
      Chaos at the Capital 9 months ago
    83. 319
      Vyrazul's Tricks 9 months ago
    84. 320
      Melina’s Memories (Part 1) 9 months ago
    85. 321
      Melina’s Memories (Part 2) 9 months ago
    86. 322
      Melina’s Awakening 9 months ago
    87. 323
      Vespera’s Emergency 9 months ago
    88. 324
      Drakzen’s Interruption 9 months ago
    89. 325
      The Thundering Spear 9 months ago
    90. 326
      A Devil's Betrayal 9 months ago
    91. 327
      Aftermath and Trial 9 months ago
    92. 328
      The Temple’s Secret Passage 9 months ago
    93. 329
      The World’s Titan Core 9 months ago
    94. 330
      Guanghua Festival 9 months ago

    Volumen 6

    1. 331
      The Pink Capital of Lotus 9 months ago
    2. 332
      The Lotus Royal Family 9 months ago
    3. 333
      The Arrogant Prince 9 months ago
    4. 334
      Pink Goblins 9 months ago
    5. 335
      The Lady of the Pink 9 months ago
    6. 336
      Pink Goblin Shaman King 9 months ago
    7. 337
      Nessa’s Rage 9 months ago
    8. 338
      Out of Breath 9 months ago
    9. 339
      Chimera Vs. Infernal Bear 9 months ago
    10. 340
      The Path to Rose Peak 9 months ago
    11. 341
      Magical Hot Springs 9 months ago
    12. 342
      Storm Dragon’s Trial (Part 1) 9 months ago
    13. 343
      Storm Dragon’s Trial (Part 2) 9 months ago
    14. 344
      Storm Dragon’s Trial (Part 3) 8 months ago
    15. 345
      Arashi, the Storm Dragon 8 months ago
    16. 346
      A Devil’s Burden 8 months ago
    17. 347
      North and South 8 months ago
    18. 348
      The Underwater Mystery 8 months ago
    19. 349
      Snowy Shore 8 months ago
    20. 350
      Baelzor’s Eyes 8 months ago
    21. 351
      Glacial Zone 8 months ago
    22. 352
      The Glacial Nomads 8 months ago
    23. 353
      Garon’s Request 8 months ago
    24. 354
      Black Ice Pinnacle 8 months ago
    25. 355
      The Dragon’s Labyrinth 8 months ago
    26. 356
      The Lava Dragon 8 months ago
    27. 357
      Fuego’s Mission 8 months ago
    28. 358
      A Dragon’s Flight Speed 8 months ago
    29. 359
      Black Lightning Lion 8 months ago
    30. 360
      Drakzen’s Motives 8 months ago
    31. 361
      The Hidden Villagers 8 months ago
    32. 362
      Helena and May 8 months ago
    33. 363
      The Pit 8 months ago
    34. 364
      The Brainwashed Viking 8 months ago
    35. 365
      Alchemists’ Research 8 months ago
    36. 366
      Vikings’ Martial Art 8 months ago
    37. 367
      Searching for Survivors 8 months ago
    38. 368
      Alchemists’ New Mix 8 months ago
    39. 369
      Imps’ Possession 8 months ago
    40. 370
      Genius Alchemists 8 months ago
    41. 371
      The Shy Imp 8 months ago
    42. 372
      Grul and Dan 8 months ago
    43. 373
      Emergency Evacuation 8 months ago
    44. 374
      The Devil, Baelzor 8 months ago
    45. 375
      Gravity Awakening 8 months ago
    46. 376
      Ichiro Vs. Baelzor and Drakzen 8 months ago
    47. 377
      Serious Pinch 8 months ago
    48. 378
      Melina and the King of Vista 8 months ago
    49. 379
      The Misty Town, Nebbia 8 months ago
    50. 380
      The Ice Dragon’s Trial 7 months ago
    51. 381
      Frost, the Ice Dragon 7 months ago
    52. 382
      Melina’s Reinforcements 7 months ago
    53. 383
      The Devils’ Escape 7 months ago
    54. 384
      The Dragon Family Tree 7 months ago
    55. 385
      The Emperor’s Brother 7 months ago
    56. 386
      Army Preparations (Part 1) 7 months ago
    57. 387
      Army Preparations (Part 2) 7 months ago
    58. 388
      The Imp’s Disappearance 7 months ago
    59. 389
      The Iron Capital 7 months ago
    60. 390
      Grul’s Struggle 7 months ago
    61. 391
      Thorun, the Northern Emperor 7 months ago
    62. 392
      The Battle Within the Iron Capital 7 months ago
    63. 393
      Chaotic Battle 7 months ago
    64. 394
      Twins Vs. Emperor 7 months ago
    65. 395
      The Hydra (Part 1) 7 months ago
    66. 396
      The Hydra (Part 2) 7 months ago
    67. 397
      Ichiro’s Purpose 7 months ago
    68. 398
      Necromancy 7 months ago
    69. 399
      World-Wide Broadcast 6 months ago
    70. 400
      The Duality of Siblings 6 months ago
    71. 401
      Melina and Nessa Vs. Baelzor 6 months ago
    72. 402
      Baelzor’s Ace 6 months ago
    73. 403
      Ice Awakening 6 months ago
    74. 404
      Time Freeze 6 months ago
    75. 405
      Drakzen’s Motives 6 months ago
    76. 406
      The Wonders of Necromancy 5 months ago
    77. 407
      A Heated Battle in the Freezing Lands 5 months ago

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