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Kapitel 2: No Maidens to your name

(A/N: Hey there it's your lovely Author here, just wanted to tell y'all that Escanor as I'll start calling him will take on some of Escanor personality's, mainly his pride, he won't take all of his personality as I still want to make him unique as my own character, I decided that I'll be updating this fanfic 2 times every week, the days being Tuesday and Friday, if I miss a day than I'll probably updated the next day if not than ill write an announcement, that is all enjoy the chapter)

Hephaestus won by a land slide, so she'll be the Goddess of our beloved MC


As Escanor approached the line to wait, many people couldn't stop staring and admiring him, after all it's not everyday you see someone that is 7'2 and handsome. Even just standing there he was attracting all the attention, Escanor had to wait 10 minutes before finally, it was his turn to show identification and go in Orario.

" Name and reason for coming to Orario?"- Asked the guard at the gate 

" The name is Escanor Lionheart, reason for coming to Orario is so that I can become an adventurer"- Said Escanor 

(A/N: I tried looking but there was no mention of Escanor last name so I made my own one up)

" Ha no kidding with that height and those muscles you'll easily be welcomed to any familia here, I wish you luck in your endeavors Escanor Lionheart"- Said the Guard 

" Thank you Guard, the luck is not needed, as I'm sure I can be able to join even the most powerful familia here"- Said Escanor with a prideful laugh at the end 

As Escanor finished his sentence he started walking towards the city passing the gate 

" He's a prideful one huh"-proclaimed the gate guard with a sweat drop on his forehead 

Escanor started making his way through the city, with his destination being the Adventurers Guild. Luckily he purchased the [Map] skill and he knew his way around, if he dint have such skill he would have probably gotten lost 

' Ha ha ha ha, Even just walking I attract a lot of attention, but of course it is to be expected, As I am pretty tall and pretty muscular, not to mention that I'm certainly also the most powerful'- Though Escanor pridefully 

It took him around 10 minutes with the help of his [Map] skill to get to the adventures guild, the reason he took this long being hi, looking around and admiring the beaty of the city 

As Escanor approached the Guild and eventually entered it, he took notice of its appearance and its employees.

If he recalled correctly the main building of the Guild is called the Pantheon. It is a wide space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and also has an exchange area. There are also small meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them. Aside from that, there is a library area. Most employees work on the first floor of the building while the high-ranking officials work on the second floor.

He also remembered about the advisors one could get to assist an adventurer, for newbie adventurers it was always recommended to get one. As advisors often suggested to what depth an adventurer should go in a dungeon in accordance to their level and skills, as well as warning them of any special dangers of certain floors and how to prepare against them

As Escanor entered the guild all the other adventurers present turned and looked at him, after all, even if new adventurers are commonly seen, seeing one so tall and muscular is pretty much unheard off, that is until now.

Making his way towards the counter where a wolf lady with red hair and sort of golden-brownish eyes was , If he remembered correctly from the anime her name was Rose Fannett and she was of the werewolf race.

" Hello Mrs. Guild Employee, I'm here today to register as an adventurer and be able to join a familia"- Said Escanor 

" Very well, the name is Rose, you may call me as such, I need your name and identification to register you as an adventurer, if needed as well I can recommend you to some Familias that you may be interested in and could possibly join"- Said rose coldly yet some hint of fear was present in her eyes

(After all she's conversing with a 7'2 muscular giant, can you blame her? I would certainly be a little scare)

" The help is graciously appreciated Mrs.Rose, My name is Escanor Lionheart and here are my identification papers, also if it's not to much problem I would certainly like to know of any familia that is recruiting at the moment"-Said Escanor

" Very well Escanor please follow me towards the meeting boxes where we can discuss more privately"- Said Rose coldly as she started walking towards the square booth with Escanor following after

In the room there were two couches split apart facing each other with a small coffee table in the middle, the floor was carpeted making it look like a small relaxation room

As the two people present in the room sat down facing each other, the silence was broken by Rose

" Well Escanor your registration as an adventurer is almost complete, all you need is to come back as a child of a familia, if you would like I can be your adviser, giving you help when needed and recommending things about the Dungeon with you"- Said Rose with a little less cold tone than her usual one

" I would be delighted to have someone as beautiful as you, Mrs.Rose, as my advisor for the dungeon, if anything coming back to see you after my trip to the dungeon is something to look forward to"- Said Escanor with a little laugh at the end ( hold up… let him cooooook!)

After finishing his sentence, a little yet subtle blush appeared on Rose's cheek, even though she is beautiful by any standards, due to her cold demeanor many adventures are awkward with her so they never really flirted with her 

" *cough* well I'll hold you to it, getting back to the topic, you said you wanted to recommendations towards familias that are recruiting, yes?- Asked Rose this time without any cold tone 

" Yes, if it's not to much trouble upon Mrs.Rose, I would certainly like to know" -Said Escanor 

" Currently there are 3 Familias that are recruiting, those being the Loki, Hephaestus, and Hestia Familia, the Loki familia holds the title as one of the strongest familia, with the Freya Familia being the only other familia challenging the title, The Loki Familia is known for its exploration and dives down the dungeon " - Said Rose 

" The Hephaestus Familia holds the tittle as the best craftsman familia, known for their forging of weapons and armor, but currently they are recruiting exploration adventures that can go down the dungeon to get materials for their forging"- Said Rose 

" Finally the Hestia Familia, it's current members are 0 due to the goddess being new, but the chances of you being accepted are possibly 100%, definitely more than your acceptance rate with the Loki or Hephaestus Familia"- Said Rose listing off the Familias that were recruiting at the moment 

" Thank you, Mrs.Rose I appreciate you for the information, and I'll definitely be joining on of those familias, as I'm highly confident I can join any of those 3 Familias with little to no problem"- Said Escanor pridefully as he was standing up to leave 

" Very well Escanor make sure to come back and tell me personally which Familia you decided to join, after you do, as your advisor I will be recommending to what level you should go down to in the dungeon, as well as give you the starter set to start your life as an adventurer" said Rose with a raised eyebrow to Escanor's prideful tone 

"Very well, thank you for your help Mrs.Rose"- Said Escanor as he was leaving the Guild making sure to wave Rose goodbye 

" Well, I shouldn't worry about him to much, he does look strong after all."- Said rose as Escanor was out the door, she could still see his giant back full of mus- "what am I thinking"- Said rose slapping her hands on her face cheeks to shake her of those impure thoughts 

" I must be going insane, after all there's no way I like him after just meeting him once….right?"- Asked Rose to herself hoping no one would hear her 

(back to Escanor)

" Well that was certainly helpful, and the anime really dint to this world any justice, it's even more beautiful than shown, especially the characters, Mrs.Rose back on earth would definitely be rated as the most beautiful" - Said Escanor out loud to no one 

" Hmm so which familia should I join, each familia has its own perks, the Loki Familia known for its strength, the Hephaestus Familia known for its wealth and forging abilities, and the Hestia Familia who doesn't really have anything other than the goddess's debt to Hephaestus"- Said Escanor with a sweat drop on his forehead at the mention of the perks of joining Hestia 

" Out of those 3, the Hestia Familia really doesn't have any compromise, so my options go down to Loki or Hephaestus. I never really like Loki from the anime, so I don't think I'll be joining that one, The Hephaestus familia is also very well off so I don't have to worry about anything financially within the Familia unlike with Hestia's"- Said Escanor describing the pros and cons of each Familia

" With that out of the way, I'll start heading towards the Hephaestus residence, I'm sure they'll take me in, after all Rose did say they're looking for explorer type adventures, and with my strength it shouldn't be any problem."- Said Escanor 

It took him another 5 minutes with the help of the [Map] skill to get there, after all even with the skill, the city is very big so getting around takes a while.

He arrived at Babel Tower and went towards the 8th floor as the Hephaestus Familia rents that floor.

He opened the door and was greeted by many weapons of many kind handing on the wall, each weapon looked beautiful in its own way, and you could definitely tell the how great the skill of the person who forged said weapon was.

He walked towards the counter and was greeted by a dwarf

" Hello, I am here to inquire if I could join the Hephaestus Familia, if it's not too much trouble, could you go and bring Goddess Hephaestus?"- Asked Escanor while looking down towards the dwarf because of the height difference

" Eh, looking to join the Familia ah, well yourra definitely more qualified than some other adventurers"- Said the dwarf looking up towards Escanor 

" Give me a minute while I go and talk to her about you will ya."- Said the dwarf 

While Escanor was waiting for the dwarf to come down with Hephaestus at hand, he took some time to look around and inspect the weapons.

" You like what you see?"- Asked a feminine voice from behind him

He turned around and was met with the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

Hephaestus has a crimson eye and red hair reaching to the neck. She has a rather sharp face and slender body with an eyepatch over her right eye. If he remembered correctly her right eye has a defect so horrible that almost everyone, with the exception of Hestia and Welf, who sees it runs away in horror.

" Well yes, they certainly are beautiful and look rather powerful, but they still can't hold a candle towards my own."- Said Escanor talking rather proudly about his Divine Axe Rhitta 

" Really, is that so"- Said Hephaestus 

" Well, I did hear from Mont here that you wanted to join my Familia, if you wouldn't mind moving towards my office so we can talk more privately."- Said Hephaestus leading the way

As they arrive in the room,Escanor took notice of the lack of decoration in the room, it was rather bland, just like form the small box at the guild, her office consisted of 2 couches separated by a coffee table and a desk close to the window 

Hephaestus gestured for Escanor to sit down, which he did.

" So let's get down to business."- Said Hephaestus 

" Any particular reason as to why you want to join my Familia?"- Asked Hephaestus 

" Certainly, you're Familis has enough strength, wealth, and fame in itself, but I believe I could make it even stronger, more wealthier and even more famous if I was to join." Said Escanor with a little smirk on his face 

" Really? Well you're certainly very prideful aren't you." Said Hephaestus with a small smile of her own 

" Well, before I accept you, as we really need adventures who can explore, do you have any prior dungeon experience?" Asked Hephaestus

"None at all." Said Escanor 

" So you're telling me, you have no prior dungeon experience and yet talk a big game on how you're going to raise our status?" Asked Hephaestus with her left eye twitching form the insanity she just heard 

" Ha ha ha, well I can certainly promise you I am no weak adventurer, I can tell you that much before I'm officially in you're Familia Goddess, the rest you may learn afterwards." Said Escanor 

" hahhhh, well least you look the part, and certainly do need adventurers, very well take your shirt off and lay on your back, I'll start the ritual." Said Hephaestus 

"Very well" Said Escanor 

As Escanor took his shirt, his muscular physique was opened for anyone to see, and the only one who could at the moment was of course, Hephaestus.

' How can one be so muscular' Thought Hephaestus with a blush on her cheeks 

Escanor layer down and Hephaestus came behind him and she dropped a drop of her Divine Blood on his back.

As she did, Escanors Stats were shown and she was shocked, never in her entire immortal life has she seen someone with so many skills and magic as soon as they gain a blessing.

His status are as follow

[ Stats 

Level: 1

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dex: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0


Sunshine: Wields Sun magic 

Daytime: as the day goes by, power increases, finally reaching its full power at noon

Super Slash

The One: At noon for a certain time, Powers reaches its full potential

Divine Sword Escanor

Divine Spear Escanor

The One: Ultimate; at the cost of one's on vitality, The One, can triple its power and potential 

Development skill:

The Sin Of Pride: The mor prideful the user is, the stronger he gets over time


Cruel sun

Pride flair 

Crazy prominence 

Final prominence ( As the One Ultimate)

Helios Flare

Greatest Sun]

" Wha- What are you!?"- Asked Hephaestus in shock

" You just recieved my blessing and you already have 7 skills and 6 Magic spells, and not to mention that development skill, it's just too much, this is just simply unheard off, did I just really recruit a monster as my child." Thought Hephaestus out loud

" Ha ha ha, well it is to be expected" Proclaimed Escanor pridefully

Although he was surprised about the development skill nothing else surprised him as he already saw his own stats with the help of his own status window.

" Well, my now Goddess, I will set forth towards the dungeon, I will bring good news soon." Stated Escanor 

" *sigh* very well Escanor, just don't go too crazy, with those stats I'm sure you'll even be fine at the lower levels, just be careful alright, and try not to get yourself involve in anything you shouldn't be involved with will ya? I can just foresee all the chaos and headaches you'll be causing me." Said Hephaestus with a caring look

" My Goddess please don't look at me like that, I'm afraid if you do, I might fall for you." Said Escanor with a hearty laugh at the end 

Truly a Goddess transcends all forms of beauty, He's sure no other Goddess is as beautiful and as pure as his Goddess

" wh- GET OUT WILL YOU, SEE IF I CARE IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU!" Screamed Hephaestus while shutting the door 

But if Escanor dint let her do that, he would have been met with the most mesmerizing sight to ever been seen by any mortal, a beautiful Goddess blushing 

" Ha ha ha, well off to the dungeon than, I wonder what surprises awaits me." Wondered Escanor as he started descending the Tower of Babel and on his way towards the guild to register his Familia and than the dungeon 

" Well readers, see you all on the next chapter, and I hope you all liked this one " Said Escanor waving goodbye to the readers


(A/N: Wait…. Did he just break the fourth wall?)

(A/N: you may be wondering why he's level 1 on this one and level 12 on the other one, well the reason being is that when anyone gains a blessing they all start at level 1 no matter their true strength, also early chapter so enjoy, I might get to writing Chapter 3 later in the day, and it should be ready by Thursday and not for Saturday like planned due to my busy schedule, if you want an early chapter 3, can we get to 30 power stones?)

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