Bo Xuan walked into the office while carrying two cups of coffee. As she placed down the small tray, Bo Xian could not help but glance at the handsome young man sitting on the sofa.
"Bo Xuan, you can go out now."
The voice pulled her back. Bo Xuan looked up and found that Ye Qing Xin was looking at her. Bo Xuan lowered her head and nodded. She turned around with the empty tray and was just heading to the door when she heard Ye Qing Xin speak again.
"Bo Xuan, I have something to discuss with Mr. Ning. Please don't let anyone disturb us."
"Certainly, President Ye." The assistant nodded again before closing the door behind her. She stood in the hallway while watching the group of secretaries in front of her while wondering about Ye Qing Xin's instruction earlier.
She wondered what was the private matter that her boss was going to discuss. It did not feel as if her boss was going to talk about another cooperation between the celebrity and the company.
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