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27.27% Livestreaming My Pokemon Journey! / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Starter Bonds

Kapitel 3: Chapter 3: Starter Bonds

We're only a few blocks away from Professor Birch's lab before Chat finally slows down just enough for me to read some of the messages.

[Crack_Head: you're going to stream your pokemon journey!? Can you do that? It feels illegal, I'll fine you if it is!]

[Piplup_Supremacy: that's genius, I can't believe no one has tried that!]

[The_Brave: wait I just tuned in, what'd I miss, whyy is chat going crazy???]

[Shiny_Hunter: bro is trippin trippin]

[Not_Annoying: so are you not playing tekken? (sad pepe)]

[DaughterOfGiratina: will you stream 24/7? Even when you shower? Asking for a friend.]

[Future_Kalos_Queen: this is so exciting! I dont go on my journey until next year, stupid Kalos and their 18 year old trainer policy!]

[Future_Kalos_Queen: I'll be sure to learn the ins and outs of being a trainer so I'm better prepared!]

[Red: …intriguing.]

I idly respond to a few of the comments before as we rapidly approach our destination. I pause momentarily at the last message, the person who wrote simply had Red as their username.

'Could it be…? Nah.' I dismiss it entirely, there's no way someone that important would be in my twitch chat, I mean he doesn't even have a profile pic and who uses their real name as their twitch username?

Yep, definitely not him.

That antisocial battle junkie is probably fist fighting a Tyranitar in Mt. Silver right now.

Mind now clear we finally arrive at the lab, a bit late by my estimations but it could've been a lot worse. I have May with me after all. 

I dismount alongside May before saying, "Alright Rotom remember censor protocol, censor the faces of civilians." I instructed.


"You have a censor protocol?" May questioned as we walked up to the front doors.

"Yep," I affirmed, "the no censor list is made up of people I have explicit permission to film or can be filmed without repercussions. Like Gym Leaders, or Pokemon trainers which can be filmed without exceptions by Hoenn law."

She almost looked impressed, "You put a lot of thought into this." Before she realized, "Wait, I have my license but I'm technically not a trainer until I receive my starter right?" 

"I assume my face isn't censored? So aren't you breaking the law right now?" She asked, bringing up a good point. 

"Huh. Maybe? I guess you're right. It's not like filming someone is strictly against the law though, it's just easier for them to sue or press charges for something else. Like defamation or slander." I explained.

I turn to look at her as I knock on the door. "You gonna press charges?" I asked sarcastically.

[DeathKnight123: Yooo! Prison arc!]

[TylerTheDestoryer: jailbreak stream when?]

"I just might." She smirked teasingly, "Don't worry, I'll visit you in prison." She said playing along with chat.

The doors opened up magnetically after a brief buzzing sound. I suppose that's a difference from the games and the anime. I don't remember the Pokemon labs being this fortified.

Though I guess it makes sense when you think about it. If I were an unscrupulous individual attempting to do wrong, I'd definitely target the region's Pokemon professor.

"Ah, Dante, May! You've arrived, and just in time too. Come in, come in!" The jolly Professor greets us with the same boisterous energy he seems to constantly have.

"They're not just in time, they're almost ten minutes late." Brandon's interjected in annoyance.

"So, what-" I interrupt May before she can even start. I grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her back into me, that usually calms her down.

It's honestly such a pain how often these two fight. Not in the playful friendly way, but with real genuine hate.

I understand why of course, and I hate that I'm responsible. At least partly.

I still remember how close we used to be, all three of us. Although, I suppose this would be old Dante in this case.

The 'breakup' if you can call it that, of our friendship happened right when I first arrived.

I had mentioned how I transmigrated into this body as a consequence of Dante's suicide. But I hadn't gone into detail of what that suicide entails, it's not something I like thinking about.

Those days upon first arriving where and still are some of the worst days of my life. It was so disorienting to be transported into a place so familiar yet unfamiliar, two sets of memories one clearer than the other. I had a total identity crisis.

One that wasn't helped by the sudden influx of new faces claiming to be people I know, claiming to be people that I care for and vice-versa. Berating me in relief with tears streaming down their faces and asking why. Why I had attempted to off myself.

I just wish it hadn't been May that found my corpse.

My corpse draped soullessly over a work desk, a bottle of pills in hand. I say corpse knowing it to be true, the doctors themselves confirming my body had been dead on arrival.

They attributed my revival to their defibrillators, but I knew the only reason I'm breathing now is due to the intervention that was my arrival. Whoever or whatever placed me in this position.

Since my suicide attempt so many things changed. It ended up bringing forth the end of a decade-long friendship.

May was really clingy after the incident, which isn't surprising, she was probably worried. Brandon on the other hand was the complete opposite.

He pulled away slightly, started distancing himself. Going out of his way to avoid me.

Who knows why he did it, maybe it was out of a sense of betrayal. His best friend was hurting and he didn't come to him for help. Maybe it was guiltful and self loathing, for not seeing the signs sooner. Or it could very well just be discomfort towards the whole situation.

The death of a close friend is something no one should have to feel, especially a 14 year-old.

Regardless of what it was that made Brandon pull away, I know old Dante wouldn't blame him for it, so what right did I have?

May of course noticed his distancing himself from me and her by association. When she finally confronted him though, let's just say their screaming match was probably heard all throughout Littleroot.

Since that day nothing has been the same, May has made it clear what she thinks of Brandon. She never did end up forgiving him, doing everything she can to spite him.

A few months ago, out of nowhere Brandon reached out and apologized. It came completely out of left field, I accepted his apology of course reassuring him that he had nothing to be sorry for.

I had hoped that his apology would end up mending the gap between us. Mostly between him and May which I still felt a sense of responsible for deteriorating. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

There was still a polite distance between us that wasn't there prior. He probably still blames me for the ruin of our friendship whether intentionally or subconsciously.

Which, I guess is … fair?

Regardless between him and May things couldn't be worse, at this point he's grown to be just as venomous towards May as she is to him.

It's probably unsalvageable at this point but I'll never stop trying to fix our friendship, it's the least I could do.

"Hey Brandon!" I tried greeting him with my best smile.

"Hey." He replied tersely.

Honestly I'll take it, I was expecting a nod at most or for him to ignore me outright. I'll take it as another win for the fabled Charisma stat and call it a day. 

[Toto: that was kinda rude]

[BabyShark9: is it just me or does May not seem to like this guy?]

[CasualLurker: He was rude to Dante, I don't like him either!]

[PiplupSupremacy: if May doesn't like him, then neither do I!]

The sudden influx of messages had my chat scrolling quickly, the sudden movement alerted it's presence to the Professor who finally acknowledged the purple elphant in the room.

"So this that Twatch thing you told me about, Dante? People are watching you on their TV's like a movie right now, live?" He asked me with a look of pure amazement.

"It's Twitch sir, and yes. There are currently people watching, though not exclusively through their televsions but any device with a screen." I patiently explained to the not all technologically inclined man.

"Amazing." He expressed. "And Rotom here is recording correct?"

"Yes." I answered.

He faces right at the camera lens on Rotom's forhead and begins speaking, "Well hello there Twootch, I am Austin Birch though many of you know me as Professor Birch, this region's very own Pokemon Professor." 

"It's an honor to be speaking to all of you today," he suddenly turns to me and asked, "Dante, how many people did you say were currently tuned in."

"I didn't specify, but there's a counter under the chat." Sure enough everyone in the room had their eyes suddenly pinned to one spot.

[21,990 viewers]

"Twenty thousand people are watching!" He yelled out in complete shock, eyes buldging from their sockets, jaw dropped.

Brandon and May had similar reactions though the former did a better job of hiding.

Although I didn't show it I was just as surprised, if not more. That's almost an all time high for my channel, considering nothing exciting has happened yet, I'm surprised.

This is also approaching an all time high for twitch as a whole, which I believe was something like 90k. You have to understand Twitch is still relatively new, it's quickly growing sure. But it's still new it barely averages a daily of a quarter of a million throughtout the entire platform.

Around a tenth of all current twitch viewers are watching my stream.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever given a seminar this large, I'm getting anxious." He proceeded to adjust his tie nervously giving an akward laugh.

"Well-," He couldn't finish his thought however, due to the sudden interjection of his own son.

"Ugh, can we get on with it! I don't want to stand around here for hours, I have shit to do!" Brandon called out in frustration.

"Brandon, language!" His father chided.

A roll of his eyes and a scoff is all he recieved for his troubles.

[PiplupSupremacy: yeah I don't like this guy.]

"Though he could be kinder," The professor glares at the rebelious teen before continuing, "he is right that I should start wrapping things up. I think I've kept you long enough."

Despite his words I wasn't holding my breath, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but Professor Birch talks a lot. Like a lot, a lot. 

He reminds of that one teacher from RWBY with a similar physique. Given that this would be the last time I see him for a while, at least in person, I don't mind hearing him prattle.

My companion, and even Brandon, the Professor's own son, weren't of the same mind. Brandon let out a deep sigh of suffering meanwhile May rolled her eyes so subtly that only someone who knows her as well as I do could have caught it.

…and chat apparently.

[Chat 1: yo did sweet little May just show sass? She rolled her eyes right? Am I tripping?]

[CourtBourt: that's kinda hot]

[Chat 3: I didn't know she had a rude bone in her body!]

[PiplupSupremacy: she's not being rude, she just shifted her eyes because some dust caught in it, you guys are making something out of nothing!]

Sure enough he goes on to ramble for another 10 minutes before he actually starts wrapping things up.

"...and that's how I ended up saving the world while wrestling a wailord with nothing but my wits, and pencil sharpener and a Alpha Gene Poochyena."

[HyperHyper: please make it stop.]

[Mocha: this is the closest ive ever been to leaving a Dante stream voluntarily.]

The professor to his credit seemed to realize we were on the verge of snapping.

He cleared his throat. "Ahem, so anyways I can see you guys are trembling in excitement! Literally in your case, May!" The professor boisterously laughed.

Unbeknownst to him she was trembling in anger. Any more of his 'lectures' and she'd probably commit murder, live.

"I won't bore you with any more details and things you already know, you three have some of the highest scores for the trainer licensing exam, I've ever seen."

"It's any wonder you all come from the same little town, the world works in mysterious ways huh?" He stated wistfully.

I could tell Brandon wanted to tell him to shut up and get on with it, but to his credit he held himself back.

"Anyways I think I've kept you waiting long enough, for the moment you've all been waiting for." As if on cue, the lights go out.

A sudden mechanical noise is heard and the floor splits open into three parts. Out of those three newly formed openings rose out three pillars with a singular pokeball sitting atop each.

I have to hold myself back from bursting out into laughter at how dramatic this whole thing is.

My chat seemed impressed if nothing else.

[TutuPrince: finally he shut up!]

[0zymandias: dude that's sick!]

[InvincibleThunder: is this normal!? This didn't happen when I got my starter!]

[InvincibleThunder: Then again my score wasn't high enough to recieve a starter from the Professor personally. I got mine issued through my local Pokemon Gym like most trainers.

[Auburn_Cargo_Pilot: pick Torchic, it's a lieral kickboxing Phoenix!]

[Flattery: Torchic +1]

[Pokemon_Master12: no Sceptile is cooler!]

[Burn_Baby!: who cares if it's cooler if it's cooler if it's a grass type, grass types suck!

[Perfume_Princess: @Burn_Baby!, you did not just say that!]

"That does beg the question," Birch suddenly says, "How will we distribute the Pokemon themselves, I don't think going by order of arrival is very fair." He finished pointedly ignoring the glare coming across the room.

"I disagree, it should be order of arrival." I informed the professor.

"What!?" May obviously wasn't in agreement, "How is that fair? He lives here!" She said in regards to Brandon.

"Yes May, but we were late he would of been here before us anyways." I patiently explained my reasoning.

"You don't know that! Plus it should be ladies first, have you no manners!" May gets ready to start ranting but fortunately she doesn't get a chance.

"No." Brandon's voice echoed. "Like Dante said, I'm going first." Then he moved towards the Pokeballs without awaiting confirmation.

He doesn't hesitate even for a second, he clearly had given this more than enough thought.

His hand reaches for the ball on the far right, the one standing atop a podium with the symbol for grass.

He pick up the ball and in one clearly practiced motion throws it in the air, accompanied by a bright flashing light out pops a small green reptilian that falls perfectly into Brandon's awaiting arms.

"Hey Treecko, my name's Brandon Birch, I'm gonna be your new trainer." He explained with a smile, the first smile I had seen from him in ages. 

The Treecko gives him a once over and nods in satisfaction "Treecko." It said.

Brandon lets out a geniune happy smile, so reminiscent of the old him.

I turn to May beside me who was still looking upset, "I know for a fact you weren't going for Treecko, stop being so salty." I whispered into her ear, I felt her shiver a bit before turning her head away with a pout.

It reminded me of this morning. If only she had more pancakes I could steal…

"Whatever, go up. You're turn." I told May nudging her forward, content to be the last to 'pick'.

May grumbles but she doesn't manage to hide how ecstatic she is. 

So she too rushes forward to pick her new lifelong companion, she goes straight towards the middle and picks the fire variant of the Hoenn starters.

May similarly throws the Pokeball in the air.

"Come out, Torchic!" She called out in excitement.

"Tor Tor! Torchic!" Contrary to the reserved and aloof Treecko, Torchic was clearly more in tune persoanlity wise with its trainer as it came out of its Pokeball swinging.

Metaphorical speaking of course, it wasn't actually attacking. It was just chrping and squirming, generally being very excitable. This Torchic was clearly a very social Pokemon.

"Ohmygod!!! You're so cuuute!!" May catches her Pokemon out of middair and starts smothering it pokemon with affection, peppering kisses onto it's face and swinging it around.

I get near them to introduce myself, I'd do the same with Treecko but I don't think Brandon would appreciate that very much.

"Hey little guy, my name's Dante. I'm a friend of your trainer, we will be traveling together!" I give it my best smile fully expecting to charm him with my S-Rank Charisma.

Instead I'm met only with betrayal as Torchic nips my finger. The insult hurts more than the wound, "How could you!?" I expressed flabbergasted.

May was quick to defend her starter, "Well what did you expect, she's not a 'guy', she is a she. A little lady! You were rude, first!" 

"How was I supposed to know that!?" I demanded.

"You just should've." She argued. 

I don't even ask how she knew, she'd probably say some dumb shit like 'woman's intuition'.

[Spongubobu: Whoa, did Dante just misgender someone.]

[Not_Annoying: #Canceled, might as well end this journey nonsense and become a tekken streamer.]

[Long_OakWood: Someone call twitter!]

[Girl_Power: how unwoke]

"Whatever, look Torchic I'm sorry. I should've realized you were a girl from how pretty you are. Can you forgive me?" I request as sincerely as possible.

She looked like she was thinking about before she lets out a chirp of agreement. She makes one large leap from May's arms into mine, nuuzzling into me.

May immediately whips out her phone and starts snapping pictures. It seems even my audience isn't immune to the portrait being painted.

[Hard_Boiled: this is giving me diabetes.]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: this is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life!]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: if I die now i will die a happy woman.]

[PiplupSupremacy: NotCyn! Where have yoj been, you missed so much, I DM'd you a bunch.]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: I know I was busy ;(]

[I_Flick_Beans_Professionaly: how do I screenshot on an IPad?]

After another a minute or so of cuddling the cute little KFC advertisement with May, I decide to move on.

"Anyways now it's time for my starter! The best of all starters!" I felt Torchic nip me again at my best starter comment but I steadfastly ignored her.

Handing May her adorable baby chick back, I march on to meet my new best friend.

I make no fanafare unlike my two counterparts and simply press the button on the center of the Pokeball and call out my starter.

"Come out, Mudkip!" The flashing light gardaully forms knto the silhouette I know and love and finally into the Pokemon itself.

"Mudkip?" The little blue creature looked towards me and tilted it's head in curiosity.

"Hey Mudkip, I'm Dante.  What do you think about conquering the world with me?" I wasted no time and asked this of my partner. I have to know now, before I end up getting attached, I'm not above choosing another starter if this one doesn't live up to my standards.

If anything I find it cruel to drag along a sentient creature to make it do something it didn't want to do, or worse couldn't. If this Mudkip didn't share the same level of passion as I do, I'll release it into the wild.

Thankfully my Mudkip turned out to be one hell of a badass, it immediately matched my intensity and with the closest thing to a grin as it could manage, "Mudkip!" It stated in pure unadulterated determination.

Somehow despite our language barrier between us I heard him loud and clear, he said, "Bring it on!".

"That's what I'm fucking talking about!" I picked him up and held him up like I was holding up a baby lion.

"It's you and me against the world, you and me til the end, Mudkip!" I told him.

"Mud!" He yelped in agreement. Prompting another fit of joyful laughter on my end.

I hold him in place, my face beaming with pride for god knows how long before something May says that snaps me out of concentration.

" does he have the Alpha Gene?" She asked Professor Birch?

"No, no. Don't get me wrong, I had the same thought at first." The professor explains, "but he's been tested, he's just a very large for his species, Mudkip."

Upon closer look at my starter, he is infact super big. 'Huh, what do you know? Pretty cool.'

I sit down with Mudkip in my lap and read a bit of Chat catching up on missed messages, Mudkip for his part stares at Rotom in confusion.

[Flattery: I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for Torchic.]

[Burn_Baby!: me too, I mean for God's sake he has blonde hair and red eyes! His channel name is Dante's inferno!]

[Burn_Baby!: Blaiziken would've been perfect!]

[Forgotten_Sister: I for one find Mudkip to be adorable.]

[Definitely_Not_Champion_Cynthia: he's so big, he'll definitely grow to be big and strong.]

"I wonder if he'll grow so big I could fit on one of his hands?" I said thinking out loud.

Hearing my idle thoughts the Professor gave his two cents.

"I doubt he'll be that big" The Professor informed me.

"You're right." I end up saying, in truth I was referring to his mega evolution but I wasn't about to say that outloud. Mega evolution hadn't been discovered yet.

Reading the comments about how Torchic would've fit my color scheme better I suddenly remever something.

"Oh yeah, before I forget." I reach into my backpack and pull out a crimson red bandana that matches my eye color.

"Would you mind if I wrapped this around your neck Mudkip, I think you'd look super cute?" I asked permission first.

Upon receiving it I carefully tie ita round his neck making sure not to tie it too tight.

May looks on sentimentally, "You're giving your starter a bandana?" She asked me, evidently touched at the gesture.

I look at her in confusion, "Huh? Oh yeah you do wear a bandana! What a coincidence, huh? Small world."

The girl in question puffs up her cheeks, "You're an idiot." May deadpanned.

"Yes." I easily agreed.

Truthfully she was my inspiration for the bandana not that I'd ever admit it.

[Dragon_Queen667: Damn imagine having a girl literally throw herself at you and you still can't rizz her up. Couldn't be me]

[Joyful: couldn't be me either.]

[Joyful_but_prettier: now me personally…]

[PiplupSupremacy: common Dante L]

[Drip-Jin-Woo: Common dante L]

[Long_OakWood: common Dante L]

[Obu_Obu_Obu: maidenless Dante]

All this rilling up from chat had me this close to literally punching the air. Thankfully I'm saved from popping a blood vessel by the walking interruption that is Brandon.

"Hey Bandana!" Brandon called out.

"Hah?" May turned around with a look that was just screaming 'why are you talking to me'.

"You and me, right here right now." He stated.

[Kiyan_Tribe: Oh no! Dante, he's gonna steal your girlfriend!]

[DeathKnight134: He'll probably try to steal her via weird voodoo magic coming from that potato sack he calls a hat!]

[PiplupSupremacy: All my homies hate Brandon!

[PiplupSupremacy has received a 1 hour ban.]

[(MOD)Sparkles: Really Piplup, you of all people? I'm disappointed, no making fun of anyone except Dante. Unless they really suck.]

I ignore my chat as usual, it's better for my mental health that way.

"The fuck are you on about?" May questioned, scowl still present marring her delicate features.

"1v1 me. My Treecko will destroy that walking drumstick!" He taunted with a cocky smirk.

If Torchic's little squeak of indignation was any indication of anger, the absolutely livid look on May's face transcended all.

"You're fucking on!" May accepted the challenge with a bloodthristy grin and eyes screaming bloody murder.

Much to the shock of my Chat who were used to sweet innocent airhead May.

It does get me thinking however.

Given all the bad blood between them, letting them out their emotions via battle might prove useful as a type of catharsis. Or it might make them hate each other more, what do I know? 

So long as that possibility existed I should probably stop this fight, but I don't.


Because it'll make for great fucking content!

--- --- --- --- ---

[A/N: Chapter 3, complete! Sorry for getting so intense there. This is not meant to be an angsty fic nor do I think I portrayed it as one even in the more dark undertones of this chapter in particular. This is meant to be a lighthearted fun adventure fanfic with occasional horniness, and it will be! I just didn't want something as serious as previous Dante's suicide to be nothing more than a plot device. I also brought it up because it will end up playing a minor role down the line, mostly in regards to the relationship between Dante and May.

That being said, I'll try to post tomorrow if I manage to finish Chapter 4 by then. If not see you on Monday I guess.]

[QOTD: What's your favorite electric type? No reason… Mine is Electivire in case you were wondering.]

(Btw I promise I don't hate Brandon.)

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