T4 was being uncharacteristically silent when it came to answering questions about the mission. This must have been what he meant when he said that perhaps the system was challenging her. She relied on herself and the footage of the drones to decisively enter the building that the compass and her gut said was the one.
The footage from the drones showed nothing out of the ordinary, just shoppers, shop attendants and a lot of house hold items like fridges, televisions, water heaters and the like. Then you had phones, chargers, extensions and many other electronics.
Some shops sold cups, plates, forks, flasks and the like. These things were available in all types, shapes and sizes. Where would one hide a treasure map in all of this?
Every shop had at least one or more customers that were buying or inquiring about the price. On the third floor in the largest corner shop some teenage boys were break dancing to loud rap music as if their lives depended on it.
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