"Lucas what did you do this time" The scolding voice of the Old nanny said to him.
"I'm sorry Mary, I didn't mean to kill the rabbit" He apologised.
The old lady sighed knowing how difficult it was for a vampire child, they needed blood for their survival but she loved the small little Rabbit a lot.
"Will you punish me?" He asked
"How can I even punish you little one. Now go to bed, You have a lot to do tomorrow, preparing you to be the next Euphoria Lord".
"Well that can only happen if I have no brothers right?" .
The old lady smiled but said nothing.
"Siblings aren't as bad as you think". She said.
"They are!!" He yelled. "I want to become Lord but I don't need any siblings, I already have you and it's enough" .
"Don't let your mama hear that , she's going to be so upset with you" The nanny said.
"You're my mama She isn't" He said angrily before covering himself with the blanket not wanting to hear anymore.