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84.61% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Ultimate Moves

Kapitel 22: Chapter 22: Ultimate Moves

Chapter 22: Ultimate Moves!

U.A. Dorms

The Same Morning.

Luffy and Momo were walking side by side, Luffy being a little further on then Momo because he was walking with newfound determination. He was wearing his hat, something Momo was thankful for, and also bore the huge smile that Momo's been missing. He was walking like he just found out what Christmas is. They were walking in comfortable silence, which was a surprise for Momo since she thought Luffy would have talked her ear off, but she wasn't gonna question it, maybe he just needs a buffer? She thought.

"We're almost there. I'm guessing most of our classmates are already awake, even if it is the weekend. They're all probably getting ready for their workouts." Momo said to fill the empty air. "Since we're all living together, they all found a workout partner."

"Oh! I didn't think about that. I wonder who's working out with who?" Luffy said in a cheery manner.

"Well, from what I've heard, Kirishima and Bakugou are going to the gym together. Iida likes to run marathons, unfortunately, nobody's fast enough to keep up with him. Sero and Kaminari like to team up sometimes. Mina likes to gather up as many of the girls and guys as she can to have a work out group, she tried asking me sometimes but I never accepted." Momo talked.

"Why not?" Luffy asked.

"Umm, It's a bit embarrassing to say but I was the one who had to look after you." Momo said while looking down and rubbing her arm. "But it's not that I didn't want to work out with them, I just couldn–"


"Ow!" Momo yelped in pain after Luffy lightly hit her head, he had an uncharacteristically frustrated expression on his face. "Wha–"

"You Idiot! Why were you looking after me, when I was perfectly fine by myself?!" Luffy said, slightly raising his voice, as he stopped and started pointing a finger at Momo.

"Huh? In case you forgot, you were just moping around all day, barely touching your food!" Momo said as she quickly forgot about her head pain and adopted an annoyed expression on her face. Now, Momo's a smart girl, she knows that Luffy is saying this out of concern for her, and she also knows that Luffy isn't really mad, just being overprotective right now. However, from what she knows, siblings are supposed to bicker so she also isn't really mad, more so she's playing along with Luffy. Plus, she liked seeing Luffy get mad—it was like a puppy trying to protect its owner, cute and amusing.

"It wasn't that bad!" Luffy said. It was that bad,

"Oh yeah? Then why did you never eat? You only did when I forced you!" Momo said, adopting an aggressive stance.

"I never ate when you forced me! I did it because I wanted to!" Luffy refuted.

"Really? Then look straight into my eyes and tell me that you would have eaten if i didn't force you!" Momo exclaimed, fixing a piercing gaze on Luffy's eyes.

"...I would've eaten." Luffy stammered, with a waterfall of sweat on his face while he was looking away. Right after he finished he tried to whistle, failing. Luffy's terrible skills in lying came to his detriment once again.

"Ha! See!" Momo said while pointing her finger victoriously.

"Tsk" Luffy said in defeat as he hung his head in annoyance, he wasn't really in a place to argue when Momo held all the cards. Momo felt a unique sense of victory, it wasn't like winning first place or beating the other kid at a game. It felt more personal. "Still, you should've gone to train. It's not like I'm a baby you know."

"Sure, sure, if you say so." Momo said as she took a more motherly attitude towards the sulking Luffy. Now she had a choice, whether to revel in her victory or let it go. On one hand, this is their first sibling quarrel and she does feel like celebrating, on the other Luffy just came out of a terrible, life-threatening experience. "If you feel really that bad, then you could join me on the next workout session."

"Deal!" Luffy said, sulk completely gone as if it never existed and continued to march towards the dorms.

*It's too early.* Momo thought as she followed Luffy. Still, she is thankful that Luffy is back to his old ways. "But don't think I'm the only one who didn't agree, she's lucky if she can get 4 kids to go with her."

"Really? Like who?" Luffy asked as they saw their dormitory.

"Jiro doesn't like it, Ojiro has his own dojo that he likes to go to, same thing with Todoroki, and Midoriya always goes out first before she can even ask him." Momo said. "Also, Aizawa said something about a new training method so everybody's pretty excited about that."

"Then I'm excited for it too!" Luffy said as he pumped a fist into the air. He opened the door to the dorms.

*We'll have to see if Mr. Aizawa allows it first.* Momo almost said but decided to keep it to herself. They bumped into Izuku. Kaminari and Kirishima were having a discussion on the couch, Bakugou was seen going into the kitchen wearing a loose black tank top, Ojiro was stretching while talking to Mineta. Other voices could be heard coming from the kitchen

"Oh, Hi Luffy! I didn't expect to see you here." Midoriya said carefully. He was wearing gym clothes so he was probably going out early for a run. The boys waved them a brief hello.

"Hi Greenie!" Luffy said as he got up close and personal with Izuku, He grabbed his face and started playing with it. "I missed this!"

"Umm, what's happening right now?" Izuku said with a muffled voice and completely bewildered. He expected Luffy to not even glance at him or maybe to just walk right by him, he totally didn't expect Luffy to start stretching out his face. What Luffy was talking about was friends, hanging out with friends, playing around, he was pretty Lucky Izuku was the one who greeted them, I don't think Bakugou would've had the same reaction as him.

"Stop it." Momo said sharply as she slapped Luffy's hands away. Feeling embarrassed on Luffy's behalf. "Sorry about that Midoriya. Good Morning!" Momo said as she slapped his hand again and this time kept them there forcefully after Luffy tried to touch his hands again. Izuku took a couple of steps back.

"It's no problem!" Izuku said sheepishly. He didn't expect to get a face massage the first thing in the morning, but hey 'expect the unexpected' right? "So, I'm im guessing Luf–"

"I'M GONNA BECOME THE KING OF THE PIRATES!" Luffy yelled at the top of his lungs after taking a breath of fresh air. This stopped every conversation going on and made everyone, even the ones from the kitchen, pop their heads to take a look at Luffy, Mineta was hiding behind Ojiro. Momo turned to Luffy with a mix between shock, embarrassment and happiness.




"Well, that felt good to get off my chest. I wonder what's in the fridge, I'm starving!" Luffy said it like he didn't just wake up everyone in the dorm and the nearby buildings. He started walking towards the kitchen when Momo suddenly stopped him.

"What was that?! You can't just scream that at 6 in the morning!" Momo reprimanded Luffy as she grabbed him by the face. Momo's face right now reminded Luffy of Nami whenever he would wake her up by screaming like a rooster.

"But… I can." Luffy said, his voice muffled by Momo's iron-like grip, this made Momo even more mad.

"Oh yeah? Try that again, we'll see what happens." Momo said threateningly which made Luffy sweat-drop.

"I'm gonna… go." Izuku said as he slipped past them and ran full speed ahead, scared for his life. *I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything.*

"WHAT THE HELL'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" Both Momo and Luffy turn to face an enraged Bakugo. Bakugo was acting like he found the guy who killed his family. "IT'S 6 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING! I HAD SHITTY SLEEP! I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE MY CUP OF COFFEE YET!"

"Haha! Sorry, sorry. I was just feeling good, sparkles." Luffy said, finding Bakugo's anger amusing. Soon, he felt a hand gripping his neck and he also felt his eyes wanting to pop out of his skull.

"You might wanna rethink that nickname." Bakugo said with a menacing growl, the same one you would find in a predator ready to devour his prey.

"I-I apologize." Luffy said with sweat falling off his forehead, his tongue sticking out. Momo was seen sighing and shaking her head.

"I HAVE HEARD SCREAMING VOICES AND I AM APPROACHING THEM RAPIDLY!" Iida was heard as he quickly went down the stairs. If you listened closely, you could hear a faint "Hut! Hut! Hut!" with each step. "Uh-oh!"

Iida said and Iida fell, right at the bottom of the stairs, his not-exactly graceful appearance, exposed for the whole dorm to see. With a miniscule blush, Iida rose up, dusted himself off and approached Bakugo, Luffy and Momo robotically. Everybody else just stared dumbfounded, even Bakugou let go of his grip on Luffy.

"What seems to be the problem?" Iida asked, with perfect posture, pose and tone in a very authoritative way, the same way a father would break up a fight between his kids.

"Don't just ignore that!" Momo yelled which prompted Iida to completely break.

"Gah! I've been found out!" Iida said surprised as if he's just been discovered as a spy infiltrating a secure building. This caused Momo to face palm.

"It's barely been five minutes." Momo mutters to herself. Meanwhile, Luffy was laughing at Iida's over exaggeration.

"And What the hell are you laughing at? Huh?!" Bakugo said with renewed anger as he grabbed Luffy's shirt. But Luffy didn't care, he just kept laughing.

"Anyway, by the power invested in me by Mr. Aizawa and using the Height's Alliance rulebook, chapter 7, page 88, 1st section, 5th paragraph, 2nd colon, 'Any and all disturbances to the public peace within the confines of the dormitory, must be reported to a certified individual'."

"What's that?" Luffy asked, confused.

"Did you seriously memorize the entire book?" Momo asked bewildered, she didn't expect him to take his role so seriously.

"Are you seriously gonna try again?" Bakugou asked even more confused than the other two. With good reason though.

Iida's Past Tries.

"Mr. Aizawa! I regret to inform you but Kaminari and Kirishima played a video game in the living room past curfew! This is obviously a violation of the Height's Alliance rulebook!" Iida said as he eagerly barged into the teacher lounge.

"There's a rulebook?" Aizawa asked, deadly tired. Suffice to say, first try failed.


"Sir! I have recently discovered that several female classmates like to gather for sleepovers in Ashido's room! Sleepovers are strictly forbidden in the rulebook!" Iida said, hoping this time it'll work.

"I wish I could get some sleep right now." Aizawa said and Aizawa did. Second try failed.


"Sir! I have witnessed Bakugo assaul–" Iida said as soon as he entered the teacher's lounge.

"Wait! Before you continue, I need you to do me a favor." Aizawa said, raising his hand to stop him from speaking. "Go to the vending machine and get me a cup of coffee."

"Of course sir! No problem!" Iida, being the teacher's pet that he is, said excitedly as he left quickly, thinking that he'll finally listen to him this time.

The second Iida was out-of-sight, Aizawa got up, locked the door to the teacher's lounge, grabbed a pair of noise cancellation headphones and got in his sleeping bag, dozing off almost instantly.

*...Wait, Mr. Aizawa didn't specify what kind of coffee.* Iida thought with a bad feeling. Of course, there was no specification since Aizawa didn't want any kind of coffee, but that's for Iida to find out. Third try failed and many others ended similarly to this.

Present Day.

"It's never gonna work, moron." Bakugo said with an annoyed sigh. "You're gonna have an easier time teaching this idiot calculus than getting that bum to listen to you."

"H-How dare you call Mr. Aizawa that!" But our Iida was unrelenting in his quest to get Aizawa to listen to him. In truth, Aizawa has no problems disciplining his students, but what he does have a problem with is extra work, a big no-no for him. So, unless it suits Aizawa, Iida is going to keep running to the teachers' lounge for nothing.

"Tsk! My morning's completely ruined now." Bakugo was heard muttering as he stomped off to the kitchen.

"Class president, may I ask what sparked this sudden outburst?" Iida asked, a little more subdued than before. Luffy had already finished laughing and now was just standing there with a smile on his face, Momo with a little less annoyed look than before was next to him.

"It's nothing, it's just that… I'm back!" Luffy said with a fist in the air. "Pirate Captain Straw Hat Luffy is back in action!" Iida looked at Momo with an eyebrow raised. She just simply smiled and nodded.

"That's good to hear then." Iida said with a thumbs up. "Now then, shall we head to the kitchen?"

While Momo, Luffy, Iida and Bakugo's interaction happened, several conversations were also happening.

Kaminari and Kirishima.

"What was that?" Kaminari said, a little bewildered.

"I'll tell you what that was, it was the sound of our rep coming back! Hell yeah!" Kirishima said happily.

"You think so?" Kaminari said his grin appeared as his bewildered one left. He was getting entertained by Luffy's and Momo's antics.

"I know so." Kirishima said, happy.

"I don't think this dorm'll survive if that's the case.." Kaminari said with a scared expression.

"Well, I know I will. Anyway, Super Smash Heroes 6 is coming out…" And they got back to their old conversation.

Mineta and Ojiro

"Damn, damn, damn!" Mineta said with eyes full of fear, still clinging to Ojiro's legs

"What's wrong with you?" Ojiro said while trying to shake Mineta off his leg. "Get off!"

"No, no! Do you understand what this means?" Mineta asked, stiff as a stick.

"That the rep is getting better?" Ojiro asked with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"Noooo! It means that I'll become the Nr. 1 choice for teasing again!" Mineta said with a tremble.

"Maybe if you stopped being such a perv, you wouldn't be bullied as much." Ojiro said with a grunt as he finally managed to throw the stiff Mineta away like a ball. "Also, how's that any different from before?"

"Oh, you don't get it. I've enjoyed a life of peace this last month or so. Since the rep was in his funk, nobody really said anything mean to me, even Bakugou kept his blows to a minimum." Mineta said as he crawled into a ball and started rocking back and forth. "But now everything changes."

"..." Ojrio, lookin at the sad and pitiful form of Mineta felt genuine sadness in his heroic heart.

"On the plus side, Yaoyorozu doesn't have to babysit him anymore. I can't wait to see her around in the mornings!" Mineta said in a creepy tone with the slightest hints of drool coming out of his mouth right now. "I don't think I've seen her in pajamas yet."

"See dude, that's the problem. If you're not gonna fix it, then only god will be able to help you." Ojiro said with a sharp edge to his tone as he left for the bathroom. "Can't believe I even felt sorry."

The Kitchen Group.

"Ow!" Jiro winced as she covered her ears. She follows Mina, Ochako, Hagakure and Tsuyu to witness the whole incident. "Dammit, it's way too early for this and my earlobes haven't been calibrated yet."

"You have to calibrate your ears? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked curiously.

"Not really, they do it by themselves, it just takes a while in the mornings. Ack!" Jiro winces again when Bakugo starts screaming. "What the hell's their problem?" She asks through gritted teeth.

"Guys, guys, guys! check it. I know what's happening!" Mina said very happily as she was barely able to stay in place. "My girl Momo did it! Wahoo!"

"Did what?" Ochako asked as she looked back at her.

"She finally managed to get Luffy out of his depressed mood! Let's go! That's my girl!" Mina said very excitedly. In truth she was more happy that her advice worked than anything. "High five!"

Hagakure was the one who met her high five. "So, Luffy's back? Like actually, actually back?"

"The mornings are gonna get a lot crazier." Ochako said, giggling behind her hand at Iida's fall.

"And louder." Tsuyu added.

"I'm buying ear mufflers." Jiro was already on her phone ordering it.

Back with Luffy.

"So, does this mean you will be going to classes again?" Iida said as they started to go to the kitchen.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see sunglasses and everyone else again." Luffy said, excited.

"That's good. Mr. Aizawa has been mentioning a special training exercise so I think you might've come back at the perfect time." Iida said.

"Momo also said the same thing. I can't wait!" Luffy said eagerly.

We'll see soon enough." Momo added. After that, the trio chatted with the rest of the class. Luffy was eating as if he hadn't eaten for a whole year, which left everyone stunned. Momo and Luffy left for their workout routine, not participating in any others, much to Mina's pleas. Momo decided that it would be best to start off slow and easy since Luffy had just recently come back, and Luffy simply followed Momo.


Aizawa's Lesson.

"First of all, I would like to welcome back the class representative from his leave of absence. I assume that everything is in order now?" Aizawa said after class started. He addressed Luffy.

"I'm A-Ok! Ready to hit the books better than ever!" Luffy said with a fist in the air, his straw hat dangling from his neck.

*Says the guy that was asleep at every single lesson 'till now.* Kaminari, and many others, thought with a sigh.

"That's good to hear, I trust that this incident will not happen again." Aizawa said with a serious tone, Luffy nodded. "Good. Now, I believe I've mentioned this already but your main focus this summer is obtaining additional hero licenses."

"Yes sir!" Most of the kids in the class said.

"Do not take this lightly, a hero license means you'll be responsible for human lives, you can imagine the exam to receive one is very difficult. Only 50% of students pass the test required for these permits each year." Aizawa said from the front of the class.

"Is it that hard to get a provisional license?" Mineta asked, more scared than anything else.

"In order to prepare, today you'll concentrate on creating something new." Aizawa said and right on queue, 3 pro-heroes entered the class. It was Midnight, Ectoplasm and Cement entered, the former striking a pose while the latter entered normally. "2 Ultimate Moves."

"An exam is a normal school thing!" Mina and Kaminari said excitedly.

"But this is total hero work!" Sero and Kirishima said equally or even more excitedly. Most of the class was pretty excited for this new training arc of their lives, Izuku was nervous but still excited, Todoroki and Momo were acting pretty nonchalant but deep down they were also excited. Bakugo Looks like he already has something in mind. Luffy was with the rest of the class, excited as all hell.

"When we say 'Ultimate' we mean a move that will guarantee you win a fight." Ectoplasm said to the class, quickly quieting them down with his creepy voice.

"An action so unique to your identity that no other hero can hope to copy it." Cement wisely added. "Simply put, you must learn to lean into your strength."

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pro-heroes have an ultimate one, those who don't are fools." Midnight added with a seducing voice.

"This may sound abstract but we will explain more as the day goes on. For now change into your costume and meet in Gym Gamma." Aizawa said as he ended the lesson. Everyone was quick to change.

Gym Gamma.

"Gym Gamma, also known at the academy the Training Dining Land or T.D.L." Aizawa said as they entered what was pretty much a huge warehouse with giant windows for natural light.

*First the U.S.J. Now this?* Izuku, Ochako and Mina thought with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

"This facility was my idea, we can prepare unique terrains and obstacles for each student here." Cement said while demonstrating his quirk in action. "Here you will learn to serve up justice, hence the name."

"That's pretty cool." Kaminari thought out loud.

"Please allow me a question!" Iida said with his hand raised.

"What's the advantage of having an ultimate move at the provisional exam? May we know your reasoning?" Iida asked the teachers vigorously.

"That's 2 questions. Calm down." Aizawa said to the trembling Iida. "The job of a hero is to save as many civilians as possible from all kinds of disasters, natural or man-made. Of course the licensing exam analyzes how well you're able to deal with such things. It won't be just fighting, your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged, in addition to how well you communicate, cooperate and read others. Every year a new test is used to evaluate these qualities."

"One thing is especially important." Midnight jumped in. "If you want to be a pro-hero you must be able to prevail in battle, if you're prepared you won't have to worry. And those of you with an ultimate move will have stronger results."

"Your circumstances should not dictate the outcome of your future battles. Learn to be consistent and you'll be a great asset to the front lines." Cement added.

"Your ultimate move doesn't necessarily have to be an attack, take Luffy's 'Gears' for example. He is able to increase his speed, his size, his strength and fly. These are all invaluable abilities to have in a crisis." Ectoplasm praised/lectured.

"Way to go man!" Kirishima complimented Luffy with a pat on the back.

"Heh, You didn't have to say all that." Luffy said with rosy cheeks, obviously feeling happy from the compliment.

"So it's kinda like a secret weapon, something to give us an edge in a fight?" Sero half said, half asked.

"Now there's a smart boy." Midnight said with a wink. "For example, the way Kamui Woods is able to imprison all of his opponents in an instant, that's exactly what we want to see."

"The training camp was interrupted, but the practice you did get in to refine your quirks was part of the process to develop these moves as well. Now that you're caught up you'll be working hard to develop these special moves for the next 10 days or so." While Aizawa was saying this, every student was in awe as Cement made several ridiculously big pillars of concrete and ectoplasm created a dozen or so clones. "This is how you'll be spending the remainder of your summer vacation."

"Prepare for intensive training, in addition you should think about how you can improve your costumes, especially now since you have a better understanding of your quirks." Aizawa said as the 2 teachers finished their training platforms. "I expect each of you to go plus ultra, do you have it in you?"

"Yes sir!" Most of the class responded with a determined look on their face.

"I'm so charged up for this!" Kaminari said excitedly.

"Now, before we begin I'd like to ask the class rep something." Aizawa said, stopping the kids in their tracks.

"Me?" Luffy asked with a dumb founded expression.

"Yeah, you. Since you have, what is it? 5 gears in total?" Aizawa asked after the other teachers went out of eavesdropping range. Luffy nodded. "I'm going to ask you to oversee some other students again, see how their training for ultimate moves is going and give some advice along the way. Of course, you can decline and work on Gear 6 but, since you were able to beat him and a bunch of other villains, I don't think more power and technique is a top priority for you right now."

"The rep's training again?! Noooo Please I beg you! Anything but that!" Mina pleaded as she fell on her knees.

"Well, this is how I die, better call my parents and write my will." Jiro and Kaminari said with a crestfallen expression.

"Training with Luffy again? I-I don't know about that one Mr. Aizawa." Even Kirishima's manly behaviour was breaking.

"Finally! I was waiting for a chance to get a rematch with Rubberboy again!" Bakugou said with tiny explosions coming out of his hands again.

"Huh? What's that? All-Might's calling me? I better go see what he wants!" Mineta said as he started running full speed ahead to the exit. Unfortunately for him, he was stopped by Aizawa's scarf. "Ah, crap!"

Most of the students were either on the with their souls leaving their bodies, guys like Izuku, Ochako, Kaminari, etc… or protesting to Aizawa. Even Todoroki was sweating a bit through his cool demeanor. The only ones who were excited were Bakugou, Iida and Momo.

"Quiet down everyone." Aizawa said with a tone of authority and activating his quirk to get everyone's attention. "As I said before, this is only a training exercise, there will be no sparring, and if anybody gets hurt, I will intervene before that happens."

"Liar! You also said that in the training camp!" Hagakure said while pointing her invisible finger at him.

"Nobody's hurt now, right?" Aizawa said, he isn't wrong.

"Just because we didn't break an arm or something doesn't mean we weren't hurt!" Hagakure continued to protest.

"Yeah!" Many others backed her up.



"...So, what do you say Luffy?" Aizawa asked Luffy who looked pretty neutral, all things considered.

"Don't Ignore Us!" Most of the class yelled.

To Luffy, he didn't really care which one he picked; he could go for either. It was true that he didn't need Gear 6, but that didn't mean he wouldn't need it in the future. Before he answered, he looked over at Momo. Momo did want to train and spar with Luffy, so she gave him a nod, which was all Luffy needed.

"I'll do it!" Luffy answered with a smile

"Good." Aizawa said.

"Noooooooo!" Most of the class screamed in future agony.

"Calm down and get to work." Aizawa said as he stepped to the side lines to let the kids do their own thing. Most of the kids ran off to the farthest pillars they could find, leaving behind a cloud of dust. The ones left were Luffy, Momo, Bakugo, and Iida.

"Oh man, everyone left so fast." Luffy said, wondering why they didn't want to spar with him.

"It's you and me Rubberboy, let's go, it's time for round 2." Bakugo said as he menacingly approached Luffy.

"Luffy, I would like to ask you to teach me more on the technique 'Shave'." Iida revealed his reason for staying. Luffy didn't choose either, instead he opted to look at Momo for guidance.

"Actually, before you start training with them, I'd like to at least discuss your quirk and see what you can do." Ectoplasm's clone seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Umm, sure but…" Luffy said while moving his eyes towards Momo, silently asking 'What should I do?'.

"You should do what the teacher says Lu, we still have plenty of time." Momo says with a slight sigh.

"She is right, You should always do what the teacher tells you, of course!" Iida added, which made Bakugo's eyebrow twitch in irritation.

"Tsk! Surrounded by a bunch of nerds." Bakugo mutters low enough so that he isn't heard.

"Well, alright. Go ahead, teach!" Luffy says to the clone. The clone chooses the nearest pillar and they both climb on it. Momo, Iida and Bakugo opt to do the same.


"Alrighty clone, what now?" Luffy says as he does some basic stretches. Sounds of explosions, electricity, and pain reverberate throughout the warehouse. In a word, destruction.

"Tell me a little about your quirk and what you can do with it. Basic information goes a long way in creating an ultimate move." Ectoplasm says.

"What's a quirk? Oooh! You mean that thing. Ok, sure. I can stretch, bend. My Gears make me really fast or really big or really strong or really free." Luffy says as he enumerates on each finger. "That's about it."

"Well, that's something. But I think I remember you demonstrating some of those abilities at the tournament." Ectoplasm says, Luffy's descriptions not being all that useful. He gets into a defensive stance. "Show me your second gear."

"Okay! Gear Second!" Luffy says as he puts a fist to the ground and supports his other arm on his leg. Pools of blood start to pump in his entire body, making his skin color pink with steam coming out of him.

"That's an interesting technique, show me what you got." Ectoplasm says as he charges at Luffy.

"Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol!" Luffy says and not even a tenth of a second later, a fist shaped hole appeared in Ectoplasm. It happened so fast, that not even a slow motion camera could pick up what happened. Soon, the pro hero disintegrated into a pile of goo and another one took its place. Luffy already out of second gear.


"...So, did I do good?" Luffy says to the pro hero, and Ectoplasm is pretty lucky that his face complexion doesn't allow him to leave him with an open mouth.

*Truthfully, I didn't agree with Aizawa's decision to have him teach other students, but maybe what other choice do we have?! I don't even know what happened, much less try to teach him something new!* Ectoplasm was having an internal crisis about this beast of a student. "Yeah, it was pretty good. Now, why don't you go aid another classmate. Alright?"

"Yeah! Thanks, teach!" Luffy says, more than happily as he swings across to somebody else's pillar.

"What a monster." Ectoplasm says as he watches him swing across pillars without a care in the world.


"What?! Lu? What happened? Are you already done?" Momo yelped in surprise, not thinking that Luffy would be done so fast.

"Yep! He just said that I can go to whoever I wanted. So I came here." Luffy said as he pointed at the clone supervising Momo.

"I see. Well, if you're here and all, might as well see what i'm trying to do." Momo said as she sucked in a deep breath and forced 2 metal poles out of her arms. She gasped for air as the meat poles hit the ground with a thud. "So, what do you think?"

"Cool! You used your power." Luffy said it as if he just watched Momo use it for the first time.

"That's it?" Momo asked with a hint of irritation.

"Um… Those are some good poles." Luffy said while trying to think of an answer Momo would like.

"No! I used my quirk to make 2 metal poles at the same time, that's my special move. That's what i've been training for." Momo said, a little annoyed that she had to spoon feed him the answer.

"Oh, that's it?" Luffy said as he tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean that's it? This is a big deal I'd have you know!" Momo said, her irritation growing with each sentence out of Luffy's mouth.

"Well, I mean…Is it?" Luffy asked with a confused face. "Woah!" Luffy yelped in surprise as he was forced to dodge Momo's attack with a metal pole of the ground. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" He dodged a couple more hits.

"No fighting between students!" Ectoplasm said with an authoritative voice which made Momo come back to her senses.

"Momo, how about this? You tell me what I said wrong and I'll say what you want me to say, okay?" Luffy said, desperately wanting to know what made Momo so mad.

Momo, with a resigned tsk, threw the metal pole on the ground. She went to a part of the platform that made for a perfect seat and sat on it. Truthfully, she wasn't mad at Luffy. She was more mad at herself for only coming up with that, admittedly, pretty lame technique after months of training. Luffy was just her outlet for her anger, which she knew he didn't deserve.

"Sorry about that, okay? It's just… What would you do if you were me?" Momo asked Luffy as she hung her head in shame.

"If I were you? Hmm, I'd probably find a way to turn myself into a guy again–"

"Not that! I meant, if you had my quirk, what would you do differently?" Momo stopped Luffy before he said anything too crazy.

"How should I know?" Luffy said with a slight laugh. "I don't know, you'll figure it out when you need to."

"That doesn't really help me." Momo says with a disappointed expression, as she looks up at Luffy.

"Okay, okay, what If? Hear me out, when you make something you can like… make another arm! And then, when you go to punch somebody you can like Bam! Wham! Punch him twice–" Luffy crazy antics were brought to a stop when he heard Momo's laugh.

"W-What are you even talking about?" Momo said through fits of giggles. She slowly stood up.

"No listen! It makes sense if you think about it." Luffy persisted with a happy demeanor.

"Sure, sure. If you say so." Momo said as she patted him on his shoulder. "Why don't you go and help some other classmate, okay? I'll try on my own from here."

"Oh, You sure?" Luffy said, a tad bit disappointed.

"Yeah, yeah. Just go, you clown." Momo said as she approached Ectoplasm, ready to make something new.

"Okay." Luffy said before lingering for a couple more seconds and then jumping off the pillar.

*Thanks for the laugh Lu.* Momo thought as a smile forms on her face. "I'm ready to continue."

"Very well." Ectoplasm says as they both get ready to carry one with their lessons.


As Luffy, wnt from person to person, most of their encounters went something like this.

"What do you think I should do?"

"How should I know?"

"Then why are you here?"

"I don't know."

And then Luffy would leave, there were encounters where something else would happen, like Bakugo for example.


"Hey Spar-I mean Boom boy!" Luffy landed near Bakugo after he unleashed a huge explosion on a clone.

"Oh? You're here for a rematch?" Bakugo said with a feral grin and slight pants.

"Do you really want a rematch? I don't really feel like hurting you." Luffy said with a sympathetic tone, but Bakugo took it as pity.

"Shut up! Don't decide the outcome by yourself!" Bakugo angrily said as he got up close to Luffy. "If I don't fight you, how else am I supposed to get stronger?"

"I don't know, by fighting other guys?" Luffy said as he backed up.

"Nuh-uh. I wanna fight the real deal." Bakugo said, which made Luffy sigh. He really didn't feel like hurting any of his friends.

"Fine." Luffy said looking downcast, before an idea popped in his head which uplifted his spirits. "I guess we'll fight."

"What's wrong with you? Why did you say it like that?" Bakugo said as he distanced himself, ready for a battle.

"Nothing! Let's just fight." Luffy said as he stood his ground, taking up no stance and leaving himself completely full of openings.

"I got no problem with that!" Bakugo said as he took a stance. They were both pretty close to each other, about 10 steps away. "Let's do this before that moron realizes his clone is gone."

"Bring it on!" Luffy said and thus started the match. But calling it a match wouldn't be exactly right because the second Bakugo started sprinting towards Luffy, he just knocked him out with some conqueror's haki. Bakugo, being way weaker than Luffy, didn't really stand a chance, he clinged onto conscience but it didn't last long. Right before passing out he heard Luffy say.

"If you really wanna fight me, get strong enough so you don't pass out from that. That's when you get a real chance."


After half an hour passed, the students were still going hard at their training, Aizawa was also fighting with all his strength against the monster that is sleep deprivation, and he wasn't winning. Thankfully, Luffy came in at the perfect time to offer him a helping hand.

"Hey, sunglasses, whatcha doing?" Luffy asked as he landed right beside Aizawa, who snapped back to reality, realizing that he hadn't been paying even a fraction of his attention to the students.

"What are you doing? I thought I told you to help the students." Aizawa said with a yawn.

"I tried to, but I don't know how to help them. Their power is just too different from mine." Luffy said, looking unserious. "I mean, I guess I helped Iida, and Bakugo."

"Ugh, no… it's my fault. Should've known you were too dumb to actually do anything." Aizawa said, annoying Luffy.


"I just don't know what to do with you." Aizawa said, not looking bothered by the fact that Luffy is offended.

"You could start by being nicer." Luffy said with a hmmp. After that, they both fell in a comfortable silence as they watched over class 1-A.



Until Aizawa started speaking.

"What happened?"


"You're looking pretty cheerful nowadays, compared to a week ago at least."

"Oh, you mean that? Nothing special, Momo just saved me."

"And how did she do that?"

"She reminded me why I'm a pirate. This place made me lose sight of that."

"She did that?"

"Yep, I owe her my life for that."

"Really? Your life? Don't you think that's a bit much?"

"If somebody stops you from killing yourself, doesn't that mean you owe them your life?"

"...I thought you said she saved you."

"I don't really see the difference. I just know that I wouldn't be here without her."

"I see." Aizawa said, closing the discussion, a little taken aback by the way Luffy was talking. *I guess it runs deeper than I thought.*

"I AM HERE! On my day off." All-might, suddenly appearing at the doorway, buffing up for a second then going back to normal. He was wearing casual clothes with his hand bandaged up.

"'Sup All-Night!" Luffy greeted the hero with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Young Luffy, I didn't expect to see you here, I thought you would be training." All-Might said as he got closer to Aizawa and Luffy.

"Well, I tried but-" Luffy said but was interrupted.

"Don't you think he's strong enough?" Aizawa said, thinking about the All for One incident.

"Haha! I guess you're right." All-Might said before going over to the students, visiting them one by one and offering pretty good advice.

*When did he start being a good teacher?* Aizawa was surprised by All-Might's newfound talents. That was until he saw the 'Teaching for dummies' book in his back pocket. "Seriously?"

"Huh?" Luffy said, surprised.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it." Aizawa said and continued to watch the students alone as Luffy fell asleep shortly after All-Might left. And so the days progressed, Luffy mostly sleeping at the 'ultimate moves' lesson, occasionally helping out a student here and there.

4 Days Later.

Gym Gamma.

"Hey Aizawa, Young Luffy, How's it going?" All-Might said as the students practiced their newly formed and crude ultimate moves.

"Hey All-Might." "What's up?" Aizawa and A half-sleeping Luffy responded.

"Abyssal Black Body." They heard Tokoyami say as his shadow covered the upper part of his body.

"Good, but isn't that too hard to say?" Midnight said as she supervised him. "You should be able to say it loud and clear."

"Got it." Tokoyami's shadow responded.

"Some of them have finally solidified their fighting styles." Aizawa commented before turning to Bakugo. "And there are those who are already putting together special moves."

"A.P. Shot!" Bakugou yelled as he shot a highly concentrated blast from his hand which put a small and direct hole in a mini concrete wall. "Haha! I did it! Take That You Rubber idiot!"

"Ha? Somebody call me?" Luffy said as he struggled to stay asleep after so many distractions. Well that and his spidey sense going off the rails.

"No wonder Young Bakugou is doing well, as usual-" All-Might said before getting interrupted.

"MOVE!" All-Might heard Luffy scream.

"Hey! Watch out!" Bakugo yelled. Aizawa was also getting his scarf out to move him out of the way. Turns out, a part of the wall destroyed by Bakugo was heading straight towards All-Might's skull. Now, Luffy was about to hop into action and protect All-Might, but with a quick look into the future, he realized he didn't need to.

"Smash!" All-Might looked up with a proud grin as Izuku destroyed that piece of concrete with his legs. Everyone was shocked by his sudden appearance.

"Wow! That was awesome, greenie!" Luffy said in excitement, bobbing his head up and down. Izuku landed with steam coming out of shoes and electricity out of his body. "Ah! So that's why you were asking me about kicking and stuff!"

"Well, it's pretty embarrassing to say, but I want a style of my own, you know?" Izuku said with a nervous laughter as he deactivated full cowling.

"If you really wanna know how to kick, you should talk to Sanji! He's the best kicker I've ever seen." Luffy said with a smile as he patted Izuku on the back.

"Maybe, one day." Izuku had no intention of talking to anyone related to Luffy. He's barely able to manage Luffy, he can't even imagine what his friends are like.

"That was super dope Midoriya!" Kaminari said as he came running with Kirishima.

"I always thought you were more of a puncher." Kirishima added.

"I am, or I was." Izuku said as he pointed to his new leg armor. "It's these new soles Hatsume suggested and I think they'll really up my game."

"Plus Iida has been teaching me some moves so my overall style changed." Izuku said. "I just figured out what direction I want to go in and I still have a lot of work to do."

"Kicking's pretty cool, right? Although I'm more of a puncher!" Luffy said as he half-heartedly punched Izuku.

"Yeah, I think punching suits you better." Izuku said as he rubbed the spot where Luffy punched him. "But I'm nowhere near an ultimate move yet."

"I don't know about that. I'd say you're further along than you think. You should be ready for this test. I don't think there's a thing you need to worry about." All-Might said, boosting Izuku's motivation a little bit.

"The one who should be worried about is you, All-Might." Aizawa said as he approached him.

"Yeah, I know." All-Might said, raising a hand to stop Aizawa's worries. "Sorry for the scare, young Bakugo!"

"...tsk, You watch yourself, All-Might!" Bakugo yelled as he disappeared in a cloud of his own explosion. Some might say he looked worried for a second, but Bakugo won't ever say that. This put All-Might in his own head for a second, thinking about how weak he's become.

"You guys made changes to your costume too?" Izuku excitedly asked Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Yeah! I see you've noticed we look pretty awesome!" Kaminari proudly responded.

"You're not the only one with a brand new style," Kirishima said. "We've all been making changes here and there. Now's the time to upgrade! I guess the only one who hasn't changed is you, rep."

"Oh yeah, I didn't even notice but your costume is the exact same." Izuku added as he looked at Luffy's hero costume.

"Hmm, I thought about putting on some cool toys, but in a fight, these are the only things I need!" Luffy said with a smile as he pointed at his arms.

"Haha! True, I guess you don't really need an upgrade anyway." Kaminari said with a laugh, amused by Luffy's pose.

"That's enough class A!" Vlad said as he and class 1-B entered Gym Gamma. "Class B is scheduled to use this training area every afternoon."

"Class B?" izuku said in surprise.

"Oh, Hey Guys!" Luffy said, saluting their sister class.

"Yeep! It's the monster!" Monomoa yeeped in fear as he hid behind Kendo. She tried to nudge him away but was, admittedly, also dealing with a little bit of fear due to the monster of class 1-A.

"Huh?" Luffy tilted his head in confusion.

"Eraser! Get your kids out of our way." Vlad commanded.

"You're not tryna kick us off early when we have 10 whole minutes left, are you?" Aizawa said in retort. "You didn't forget that our exam is first, right?"

"First?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah, class A won't be fighting class B. We each have our own test in different areas and months." Aizawa responded. Kendo and Monomoa let out a sigh of relief.

"There are 2 exam dates, in June and in September, and the tests are held in 3 different places. We don't want students from the same school fighting each other." Vlad added.

"So, our school is not the only one attending?" Kirishima half asked, half stated.

"Yes, and not only that, we're taking the test way earlier than the other schools." Izuku said, with a determined look on his face.

"That's true, very few first years try in the provisional licenses. In other words, the test will be made out of students who trained harder than you with quirks you don't know about, ones that are powerful." Aizawa said, which only added to the students' fears. "The actual content of the exam is a mystery but you can expect that you're going to have a rough time, try not to get too hung up about that."

"Yes sir!" Most of the students present said.

"Ahh, it's no worries for us, sunglasses." Luffy said as he hung his arm around Izuku. "We'll go there. Kick the exam's ass and be back with our trophy!"

"You do know that this exam is to get a license to do hero work, right?" Aizawa asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Hero work? I thought we were going to go to an all-you-can-eat buffet?" Luffy asked, confusion written all across his face.

"Then why did you think we were gonna get a trophy?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't know." Luffy said which made everyone sigh.

"I knew it." Aizawa muttered under his scarf.

Provisional Licensing Exam Location.

National Dagoba Arena.

And before everyone knew it, the exam was already here. Now everybody was standing in front of the huge building with costumes in hand while wearing their school uniform.

"Ah great! Now I'm getting nervous." Jiro said nervously. I know, right? What a shocker.

"I wonder what they're gonna make us do?! What if I can't get my license?" Mineta said as he waddled in one place out of nervousness, his anxiety more apparent than the others.

"Mineta. Don't ask if you can, say that you will." Aizawa offered a bit of advice while looking dead tired.

"Yes sir! I so go this!" Mineta said, his anxiety betraying his determined demeanor.

"If you can pass this test, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros." Aizawa said as he addressed the whole class. "I expect your best!"

"You got it, sunglasses!" Luffy cheered as did most of the class.

"Lu? You've been looking more healthy these days. It's nice sleeping in your own bed, isn't it?" Momo said to Luffy. Luffy has been sleeping in the same room with Momo for the past couple weeks now. And after a lot of pushing from Momo, Luffy finally gave in and went back to his own room. "Are you sure you don't wanna change it?"

"Nah, it'll be like a reminder, you know?" Luffy said with a smile.

"Im glad-"

"PLUS ULTRA!" Momo and most of the other chats were interrupted as a random guy yelled plus ultra at the top of his lungs. Todoroki seemed to have remembered something about the new guy.

"It's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa." A guy with purple hair said to Inasa. There was also a girl with long-ish hair standing next to them. Inasa was a pretty tall dude with a buzz cut and was wearing a cap with an S on it, he also wore a pretty creepy open mouth smile.

"What?! Pardon me!" Inasa said as he got into an extremely low bow, low enough to touch the ground with his head. "I AM SO EXTREMELY SORRY!"

"Who is this guy? I do not trust his enthusiasm." Kaminari said with a bead of sweat down his face.

"Hahaha!" Luffy on the other hand was laughing his ass off. "He kinda reminds me of Kin!"

"Hey look at their uniforms." Jiro pointed out their uniforms, which consisted of a white shirt, blue jeans or blue skirts and a cap with an S on it.

"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan." Kaminari added.

"U.A. in the East, Shiketsu in the West." Bakugo said. Everybody seemed to know this school.

"Who?" Everybody besides Luffy that is.

"It's the only other school which rivals U.A. in terms of hero courses. Shiketsu High." Momo very helpfully added.

"I see. Which one are we again?" Luffy asked but his question seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Instead of being hung up on that though, Luffy finally got a real, good look at each student from Shiketsu, and his gaze fell on one specific girl.

"I just really wanted to say it once! Plus Ultra!" Inasa very enthusiastically said. "See? I really love U.A. Highschool! I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students! I am so looking forward to it!"

Due to how hard he hit the concrete with his head, a little bit of blood leaked out. And usually a certain person would have commented on it, but it seemed as if she was put in a trance, was it because she was scared out of her mind? Maybe. But no matter how many times she looked away or hid behind the purple-haired guy, Luffy's stare just didn't seem to leave her.

*How the hell did he figure it out already?! And why did they, out of all the locations, came here! Where I am?!* She screamed in her mind while looking pretty calm on the outside.

"Inasa Yoarashi." Aizawa said loud enough for his students to hear.

"Do you know that guy Mr. Aizawa?" Hagakure asked.

"Indeed, he's strong." Aizawa said, which surprised some of the students. "He's the same year as you all and received the greatest score at the recommendation exam, but for some unknown reason, he declined his acceptance and went to Shiketsu."

Some students were pretty worried about the guy who's doing non-stop bows right now. 'I mean, if he's the top scorer, that means he's stronger than Todoroki right?' is what those students thought. While the others.

"Hmmp, Big deal,I bet he's not as strong as our freak of a captain." Mineta said, looking proud as if he did something. "Ain't that right, rep?"


"Rep?" Mineta asked again, this time some other students noticed.

"Umm, yeah, yeah. I'll take mine medium rare." Luffy off-handedly said, very obviously not listening.

"Well, he's definitely not as dumb as our captain." Jiro said, mocking Mineta for using the word 'captain'.

"Anyway! We'll be off, U.A. High! I wish you the best of luck." Inasa said as their class got ready to leave with one girl looking more relieved to leave than anything else.

*Faster! Faster! Walk FASTER!* She screamed in her mind.

"HA! Sure! Why not? Let's throw some wild cards in the game!" Luffy said pretty loudly, which once again stopped all chatter and made Shiketsu's class turn around, with one girl looking more uncomfortable by the second. "But I'm warning you, do something like that again and I won't be as nice as last time."

"Is that a… challenge? Or are you looking down on us?" Inasa asked, thinking Luffy was talking to the whole class.



"Who are you?" Luffy asked while getting a good look at him.

"Why You-" Inasa started walking back towards Luffy, a button clearly being hit. But was stopped by the girl.

"Let's just go, Inasa, we'll settle this in the exam." She said as she prompted the whole class to leave. While thinking *Thank you god, Thank you universe Thank you all!*

"What was that rep?! We don't need any more enemies!" Mineta said in complete anguish.

"It's not like you to act so aggressive." Jiro said, in surprise as was the rest of the class. "What gives?"

"It's just a little competition, what's the harm?" Luffy said with a shrug. Momo looked especially worried.

"What did you mean when you said 'like last time'? That was obvious–" Aizawa said but was interrupted. He felt a shiver up his spine.

"Hey AIzawa! I'd recognize that scowl anywhere!" A new Heroine popped up. "Let's get married."

"No." Aizawa firmly refused her, seemingly forgetting about Luffy's whole antic. Mina looked heartbroken.

"Haha! You're a real laugh buddy!" The heroine said as she clutched her stomach in laughter.

"As usual, you're impossible." Aizawa said, looking thoroughly unamused. "Joke."

"Ah! That's Ms. Joke the Smile Hero! She has a quirk called 'Outburst' which forces everyone to laugh uncontrollably! Her fights against villains are always full of insanity!" Izuku excitedly nerded out at the hero.

"Come on! Imagine it, if we were married you'd have a future full of laughter!" Ms. Joke persisted.

"That sounds like an actual nightmare." Aizawa said in hopes of crushing her dreams, it didn't work.

"You two look close." Asui pointed out.

"Our agencies were near each other. As young heroes striving to make a difference in the world, a mutual love bloomed!" Ms. Joke said, her head filled with fantasies.

"No, it didn't." Aizawa quickly shut her down.

"I do miss your quick retorts!" Ms; Joke pointed at Aizawa. "You're my favorite person to tease, future husband!"

"So Joke, if you're here then that must mean–" Aizawa said.

"That's right!" Ms. Joke said. "Over here everyone this is U.A!"

"Oh wow! It really is class A!" A guy who could only be described as dark hair, taller Deku said. "Amazing."

"I've seen them on TV!" A girl with sharp teeth said.

"Second years from Katsu Butsu Academy. This is class 2." Ms. Joke informed. "They're my students."

"Hey I'm Shindou." Shindou said as he grabbed Izuku's hands, which caught him completely off-guard. "Looks like U.A's had it pretty rough this year, must've been tough!"

"Um, Y-Yeah." Izuku said, nervously.

"But even so you're still aiming to become pro-heros despite those hardships!" Shindou said as he shook Kaminari's hands.

"It's wonderful!" Shindou said as he shook Jiro's hands next.

"Heart full of fortitude! I believe that's what everybody in the world needs to have." Shindou said with a smile, looking like glitter was coming out of him.

*This guys is too nice.* Izuku thought.

*This charming, pretty boy is gonna steal all our girls.* Kaminari had his priorities straight.

Luffy, uncharacteristically enough, didn't look like he wanted to get along with Shindou.

"Especially you, Bakugo and Luffy," Shindou said as he extended his hand for a handshake. "You guys have an especially strong will, don't you?"

Luffy wasn't about to handshake and Bakugo slapped Shindou's hand away before he could. "Stop pretending, what you say doesn't match the look in your eyes."

"Hey man! Don't be so rude!" Kirishima scolded Bakugo. "Sorry, he's just like that."

"Hey Luffy, Mind if I ask for an autograph?" The spiky teeth girl asked. "You were just so cool at the sport's festival."

"Are you really gonna fangirl here?" Her classmate said.

"I'd be happy to sign something for you." Mineta butted in.

"Hey, get your costume and head to orientation, there's no time to waste." Aizawa said as he headed in the building, seemingly forgetting about Luffy's stunt from before, either that or he just wrote it off as Luffy being Luffy.

"Yes sir!" The class said as they also headed inwards.

Inside The Building.

"Wow! There's a ton of people here." Luffy said as he stood dead center in the crowd full of students.

"Way more than I thought there'd be." Momo said. "By the way Lu, back with Shiketsu High, what did you mea–"

"Ok, let's do this exam thing. I'm from the Hero's Public Safety Commission name's Mera. My circadian system is so screwed up. Aw man." Mera said from a podium looking over the students, looking almost as tired as Aizawa in the first period.

"So, about the content of this licensing thing. Basically, 1540 examinees compete in a free-for-all exercise or whatever we're calling it this year. See, we've got a lot of pros around, and since Stain was arrested, a lot of people expressed doubts about the status of heroes in modern society. But, when you really think about it, getting paid makes sense. If you're going to risk your life to save someone, why shouldn't you get paid? God, I could really use a coffee," Mera said, looking like he's about to fall asleep halfway through his speech. "Anyway, whether they are in it for compensation or a sense of duty, we've got too many heroes working in the streets. Basically, we've got way too much quantity and not enough quality. That's why only about 100 of you are gonna pass this exam."

"There are over 1500 people taking this test, I thought they said over half of them will pass." Momo worriedly said.

"That means less than 10% of us will be passing." Asui said, looking worried as well.

"Oh man, I'm getting way more nervous!" Jiro said, hugging herself to calm down.

"The worlds pretty crappy, but we're living in it so we gotta deal with it. Anyway, here are the rules." Mera goes on to say that each person has 3 discs that need to be protected and 6 balls to attack other people with. You have to take out at least 2 people to pass this round. "What else? Oh, I guess we gotta hand out these discs and balls, and we'll give you a few minutes to get situated after we open."

"Open?" Todoroki asked and his question was answered. Turns out this room was a box that unboxed open only to reveal a huge arena with different terrains and landscapes.

"Here there are different terrains that you'll want to avoid, use your quirks well and do your best, or not, I don't care." Mera said as pretty much everybody looked on in horror at the huge arena. Luffy was one of the few that had stars in his eyes instead of fear. "Hope you guys liked the reveal, so much sleep was lost over this."

Now that everybody was ready, every school dispersed, sticking with the groups they already knew.

"Lu! You should have your discs more dispersed. You're going to be taken out quickly if you leave them like that!" Momo said as she looked at Luffy's discs. They were right next to each other, stuck to his chest, basically screaming 'Free Elimination Here!'

"What's the point of putting them farther away if I don't plan on getting hit?" Luffy said with a confident smile. "Also, they're stuck and I don't know how to take them off."

Momo and a few others facepalmed.

"Let's stick together guys!" Izuku said to everyone, and everyone agreed.

"Yeah right! This isn't a field trip!" Bakugo yelled and ran off.

"Hey! Wait up!" Kirishima followed after him.

"I'm going on my own too." Todoroki also departed. "It's hard for me to use my power when everyone around."

"Wait! Don't split up!" Izuku screamed but to no avail, they were already too far out. Okay, almost everyone agreed.

"I don't think it was a good idea for them to split up!" Izuku said as everyone started running to a safer position.

"How come?" Mineta asked, they were headed towards the pillars made out of dirt, thinking to get the high ground.

"Think about it, they already know about all of our powers! From the sports festival." Izuku said.

"I see." Iida said in epiphany.

"That means they already have strategies against us and know our weaknesses." Momo added.

"Oh no!" "That's bad." And several comments like these were made, bringing down most of the class, emotionally speaking at least.

"So what?" Luffy asked, not really understanding the problem.

"What do you mean, rep?" Kaminari asked.

"I mean, all we have to do is hit their disc thingies with our balls, right?" Luffy pointed out the obvious. "So it doesn't matter if they know, as long we take them out first."

"That's actually… not a bad way to look at it." Izuku said as they arrived at the pillars.

"They're here." Luffy said as he stopped a ball from hitting Izuku's disc, being only inches away from hitting it.

"Whoa!" Izuku said in surprise. Soon after, dozens of students jump out from their hiding place, catching class 1-A in an ambush.

"I saw your quirk on TV!" Shindou said, being at the front of the ambush and also being the one that threw that ball. "You can't use it without destroying your body! Well, shouldn't I take advantage of that?!" A storm of balls were raining down class 1-A.

Well, most of class 1-A besides one certain straw-hatted individual. He, using his quirk, jumped higher than the guys from the ambush, taking some of them by surprise, and using the ball that Shindou threw and a

"Take this fakey! Gomu Gomu no Bullet!"

He threw that ball so hard that it hit the disc on Shindou's chest, cracked one of his ribs and knocked the wind out of him.

As everybody was running away or defending from the onslaught of balls raining down on them, Luffy was casually walking towards Shindou, who was on the ground trying to crawl away from the menacing Straw Hat pirate. Multiple balls were thrown at Luffy, but he just dodged with ease. Shindou shortly arrived at a dead end and tried to stand up, but the pain and the lack of air in his lungs made it pretty difficult.

Luffy on the other hand, took out a spare ball he had and gently touched Shindou's other two discs, disqualifying him instantly.

"Well, that was easy. Bye now, fakey!" Luffy said with a disappointed tone as he ran towards his classmates. Shindou was left behind, looking completely and utterly defeated.

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