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26.92% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The Party Before The Sports Festival!

Kapitel 7: Chapter 7: The Party Before The Sports Festival!

Most of the UA teachers and the police officer from yesterday were seated in a conference room. Right now they were discussing everything that happened at the U.S.J.

"I think it's safe to say that our security needs an improvement. Especially after this incident." Nezu started off the meeting.

"I agree." The policeman continued his train of thought. "From what little camera footage we have and the eye witnesses, it's safe to say that this won't be the last time they attack. Most of the thugs were low-level villains who resorted to mugging people in back alleys. But yesterday they were all under the leadership of the masked man."

"Unfortunately we don't have too much information on him, based on the other students, only a couple coming into close contact with him. If only I could have arr-" a skeletal man with blonde hair stopped himself for a brief second, sweat rolling down his forehead. "I-I mean if All-might could have arrived there earlier, we could have put a more in-depth psychological profile on the villain."

"And that is why we are here." Nezu said as he looked at the student who was in the middle of the conference room. "Or better said. That is why you are here, Mr Luffy."

Luffy right now was eating some biscuits given to him by the little bear. As usual, he had no idea why he was in a room full of heroes and a normal guy. "Huh?"

"Luffy you are here to tell us what you know about the guy with the hands covering his face and the Nomu. Now get on with it, I don't have all day." Aizawa hurried Luffy. He right now was wearing two splints on both arms, and his head and chest were covered in bandages. Aizawa felt as if he could fall asleep at any second right now, even though his entire body itched and he felt like one wrong move and he would feel unimaginable pain.

Every teacher begged him to get some more rest. But he would not budge, he would be at this meeting as if his life depended on it. Truth be told, the only reason he was there was Luffy.

"Ooh, those guys! Well, let's see." Luffy said as he plopped on the floor, concentrating hard to think right now. "Oh, ok! There was this guy, he was covered in hands, he kept saying the bird guy was his and he was really weak."

"That's it?" Said Midnight surprised that such a huge crowd of villains could be led by the guy Luffy just described.

"Yeah! I didn't even break a sweat when I broke his arm!" Luffy said it like he was bragging to his parents about a good grade.

"Huh?! Wait! you broke his arm?!" Said a surprised Vlad King.

"Well duh. He was going to kill the frog girl!" Luffy said which just made everyone question who 'frog girl' was.

"He means Tsuyu Asui, a student in my classroom with a frog like quirk." Said Aizawa as he tried to scratch his temples. "I know you did it to protect a fellow classmate and that he is a villain. But next time, choose a less drastic approach. Now continue."

"There was also this smokey purple guy, he made a bunch of portals. He was also weak." Luffy said as he munched on some delicious cookies.

"The villain with the warp quirk. Very rare to see, which makes him extremely valuable to the League of Villains. Anything else about him?" Asked Snipe.

"The purple guy? Not really, but he was polite." Said Luffy which did not help the others.

"And then there was the bird guy. Honestly, not that tough. As far as strong people go, he wasn't that strong but he gave me a little workout, even fell asleep. Guess I've been slacking off from training, huh?" Luffy said while thinking that he should get back to training, to at least last longer in battles.

*Training? What kind of training do you do?* Aizawa thought with a raised eyebrow.

"You call making a crater and blowing a hole in the dome 'a little workout'?" Said Midnight. She thought that the kid was putting on a brave face, but then again, he did manage to get out of that battle unscathed.

"We need more of a personal background. Things he said how he talked, how he responded to events. Stuff like that." Said the detective with a notepad and pen at the ready.

"Umm, he didn't say anything or really did anything besides attack me or whoever attacked those two other guys." Said Luffy which just made matters worse.

"So you're saying that he doesn't have a personality?" Asked the cement hero. "Besides protecting his bosses?"

"Well I don't know about that, but it's more like ugh, like, like." Luffy said as he thought of a way to make them understand. "It's more like he doesn't have a will!"

"Will?" Said Aizawa to the excited kid.

"Yeah! When I blasted him with my haki to knock him out, it was like I was hitting a brick." Luffy said unbeknownst to him that he just made everyone more confused.

"Haki?" asked Snipe.

"Hold on, Professor Snipe, we will get around to that in today's meeting now let's focus on the task at hand."

"I agree, from what I can tell you mean to say that he is a mindless drone?" Asked the skeletal man, only to receive a stare with a frown.

"Mr Luffy?" Asked Nezu as he was getting his cup of tea ready.

"Can I help y-"

"Hey, do you know All-Night or something?" Luffy asked the man who in turn proceeded to have an almost heart attack.

"W-w-w-what do you mean by that?" The skeletal man at this point was sweating buckets while every other person thought 2 things.

*Can you be any more obvious?* and *How did he knew?*

"Well, whenever I feel your aura, it feels like All-Night's just way weaker." Said Luffy who in turn caused a sweating skeletal man to look at him in pure horror. "Admit it!"

"A-a-a-admit what y-young man? I mean man! Just man!" he said as his arms were starting to get heavier by the second and his knees to tremble.

"Just say it, it's pretty obvious. He somehow managed to figure it out." Said ectoplasm with a couple of the other teachers nodding.

"Is he some sort of genius?" Asked the detective, completely surprised at Luffy figuring out one of the greatest secrets in japan.

"It's so obvious now!" Said Luffy to a skeletal man.

"You're All-Night's brother!" This caused most of the teachers and a detective to face vault. "Am I right!" Luffy more so said than asked thinking he had it right.

"Never mind." The detective said.

"I should've expected this." Aizawa really wanted to get these splints off so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose in pure frustration.

"Y-y-yes, That's it Youn- ...M-man." All-Might thanked his lucky stars that somebody with such an ability can be this much of a dumbass. "B-but it's a secret! So you can't go telling anyone about this."

"This is gonna cause some confusion when Luffy inevitably blurts it out." Aizawa said to the other teachers, who responded with a nod.

"It's better than the actual secret. Ya, dig?!" Yamada loudly said in his seat, next to Aizawa.

"Stop yelling. It's way too late for this kind of noise." Aizawa said, planning to get an aspirin for his headache later.

"Well yes, I agree. It is getting late." Nezu said as he looked at the starry night sky. "I hope the answers you received were to your liking?"

"I admit; I have been hoping for more. But this will do for now." The detective said as he got his coat on. "If there is nothing more than I will take my leave."

"Yay! Time to go home! I'm so hungry." Luffy said as he ran leaving behind a startled detective. "Bye everyone!"

But before he could exit the room. "Wait, I think you should know this too." Nezu stopped him.

"Alright, I know I have promised some of you some answers and I am here to give it. So there is no need to snoop around." Nezu said as he looked at Aizawa who in turn just scoffed and looked the other way.

"The reason that Luffy has such a low IQ and the reason that Luffy looks like he has multiple quirks is because." Nezu said as every teacher in the room was looking at him.

"Experimentation." (Yep, that's the route I'm going with, if yall don't like it then idc. I spent way too much time thinking of this and experimentation just makes the most sense.)

This caused the room to feel a sense of pity and even a few slight gasps from some of the more heart-kind heroes.

"Experimentation? Are you serious?" Asked a disbelieving Aizawa, one of the ones who did not gasp.

"That topic is one I wouldn't lie about so casually." Nezu said, lying through his teeth.

"Ok then, how can you explain his combat experience?" Aizawa said trying to find holes in this story. "He did jump without hesitation into battle. Not even gonna say anything about his gears."

"The facility where he grew up, he was forced to fight by the people he was experimented on. Gradually becoming more and more skilled in the usage of his quirks." Nezu explained, hoping this story is believable enough.

"Okay, I guess that explains that. But what are his quirks exactly?" Aizawa kept up his interrogation.

"Well besides from the obvious. He has a quirk called 'Haki' as he said before." Nezu said which caused All-Might to pipe up.

"He did say he sensed my weaker aura and my buffed up form's being one and the same." All-Might reminded everyone.

"Is that what Haki does? Let you sense other people?" Asked Vlad King, becoming more and more interested in Class's 1-A Rep.

"From the little that I know, it also lets the user predict incoming attacks." Nezu said, based purely on the reports he has read of Luffy in battle.

"What about the quirks, where he can make his hands a shiny black, or the one where he emits light from his punch?" Aizawa kept asking.

"I'm afraid that's all I know, if you want any more information, you can just simply ask him. But I advise against that." Nezu warned them.

"Oh? And why is that?" Aizawa said, which caused a few teachers to facepalm.

"I speak from experience when I say, that it's not nice, to ask about such an event." Nezu said in his usual happy manner, but the way he emphasized that word, sent some shivers down the teacher's spine.

"I'm sorry, but there are still some holes left to fill. Why is he so obsessed with pirates? And if he had no schooling before UA, how did he manage to pass the written exam?" Aizawa kept pushing, hoping that something would crack.

"I theorize that the reason he admires pirates to this extent, is because of an event in his childhood where a pirate somehow managed to help him in some way, shape or form." Nezu kept saying, not breaking under Aizawa's questions.

"You theorize, huh?" Aizawa retorted, but it did not stop the animal from continuing.

"And as for the reason he passed UA, I admit that I have taken a liking to Mr Luffy, since we have shared such an experience. And since UA was the perfect way to oversee him, as he reenters civilized society. I decided to help him in the written portion of the exam, as a way to keep him on school grounds." This caused a few eyebrows to be raised at the principal, not quite believing what they just heard.

"I know what you may think, but do not think that I would accept a person who could be in an emotional unstable place or who I don't think could be a pro-hero." Nezu finished his explanation, awaiting the responses from his staff.

"I will say this; I am surprised to see that the principal would break his own rule. But this young man, who is purely a victim of circumstance, should have every chance as any other student, besides I also believe that he would make a great pro one day." All-Might said as he was thinking back to the entrance exam, seeing Luffy's goofy smile never disappearing for more than 10 seconds off his face.

"Well, from what I've heard, he was chosen democratically as the class representative, which means that if he is getting treatment. Then it's clearly working." Said the school's psychiatric counselor.

"Your decisions have never led us astray before, so I will trust your judgement." Midnight said, soon to be followed by every other teacher saying something similar, well almost everyone.

"Thank you all very much for your trust, I hope I won't let you down." Nezu said as he did a slight bow. "Aizawa?"

"...Your story is plausible and I have no reason to doubt you. So for that I won't have any objections against Luffy staying in UA." Aizawa said as he was nearing the door. "But do not misunderstand, if I find that he has ill-intentions or is hiding something. Then I will not hesitate to expel him."

"Feel free to do so!" Nezu said to Aizawa who already left. "Detective?"

"Ah!" he was startled at being addressed all of a sudden. "Y-yes. I am not a part of UA so, I cannot have any objections. But I will keep this secret, that you can depend on."

"Thank you very much, and that concludes our meeting!" Nezu said as he and everyone else got out of their chairs.

With Luffy, after the meeting.

"Momo! Oi, Momo!" Luffy called her name as he exited the building "Oh, Momo there you are!"

"Here I am, now let's go the car is waiting on us." She said with a troubled expression on her face as they neared the limousine. "Get in."

The car ride was nothing special, the streets sparkled with lights even though it was nearing 7 P.M., the limousine was quiet with the only sounds coming from the radio, since this luxurious car was soundproof, the radio was the only thing you could hear. After a couple of minutes of silence, Luffy was tired of the boring, jazz music playing on the radio so he decided to start a conversation.

"Oi Momo, check this out." Luffy said as he put 2 small sticks in his mouth, making him look like a walrus. "I'm a walrun!"

"That's disgusting." Momo said looking up from her phone where she was browsing the news. "You don't know where those could have been."

"Agh, you just don't know how to have fun." Luffy said as he crossed his arms and spit out the sticks. In response, Momo gave a slight chuckle.

"Oh yeah? Then maybe you should teach me." Momo said, after a second of thought she realized what she had just said and instantly regretted those words. "Wait wa-"

"That's an awesome idea!" Luffy said already bouncing with excitement. "Let's have a party!"

"Me and my big mouth." Momo scolded herself under her breath before turning her full attention to Luffy. "Luffy look, it's not that I don't want to have a party, but there are other things to consider."

"Huh?! Like what!?" Luffy's face held a surprise, he thought that if there was ever a time to have a party then it would be now.

"Like the fact, that my father won't allow it." Even the way she said it betrayed the fact that it was a poor excuse.

"Eh? But didn't he say that he'll let me hold a party whenever I wanted?" Luffy said the thing that Momo feared.

"Well he actually said it in the near future." Momo tried to continue this reason of why he wouldn't be allowed to have a party.

"Same thing." This caused Momo to sigh. Her shoulders were stiff and her posture was rigid, maybe she needed some sort of break, especially after the U.S.J.

"How about the fact, that this is not the best time." Momo said thinking she got one on Luffy. Truth be told she never knew when was the best time for a party besides birthdays, holidays and important business transactions at her family's company.

"What are you talking about? This is the perfect time for a party!" Luffy said it as a fact.

"Oh really? And why is that?" Momo asked genuinely curious to see what the rubber man would answer.

"Because after a battle we need to have a party too cool of for a bit." Luffy responded to Momo, who was genuinely shocked at the fact that Luffy actually gave some good advice. "it's just common sense."

"Well maybe, but who are we going to invite? Just us, Tenya, Midoriya and Uraraka? I don't think that's enough for a party." Momo said while subconsciously, she was starting to like the idea of having a party.

"What are you talking about? Are you stupid or something?" Luffy asked as if Momo just said that meat is not delicious.

"You're the last person that gets to say that!" Momo snapped half-heartedly at Luffy. "But what do you mean?"

"It should be obvious, we're inviting everybody!" Luffy said as he spread his arms as much as he could in the limo.

"You mean the whole class?" She asked only to receive a nod in response. "Well, it's still not going to work. You still need to ask my father for permission, and I doubt that he'll give it to you."

"We'll see about that." Luffy said as if he accepted a challenge, only for Momo to scoff in return. Did he honestly think that her father will allow a bunch of children at a party led by Luffy? Not possible.

"Yeah, I have no problem with it." Momo's dad said as he was going to his office with a newspaper in hand and a coffee in the other, leaving behind a completely shocked Momo and a celebrating Luffy.

"Yaahoo! See?! I told you!" Luffy said as he laughed triumphantly at the fact that he was right and Momo wasn't.

"F-father! You cannot be serious; didn't you deny Luffy's parties for about 2 weeks in a row?!" Momo tried to find the method to the madness.

"I did say that he will have a party in the near future, and that future is now present, so congratulations Luffy. It seems you got your end of the deal." Momo said which made Luffy beam with happiness. "Plus, I thought you said you wanted guests, did something happen?"

"Trust me, Luffy is more than any guest I'll ever need." Momo said as she began massaging her temples. "I suppose there is no stopping it now. When will we do it?" Momo started asking Luffy different questions to which he had almost-to-no answers, she should've guessed it.

At School.

"Did you guys see the news last night?" Asked Hakagure her classmates in hopes of passing the time. Right now they were in their classroom waiting for the teacher to come in.

"Yeah, What about it?" Responded Ojiro, the one seated next to the invisible girl.

"We totally got a few seconds of screen time, although I doubt anybody noticed me." Said a now sadden Toru.

"Probably not." Agreed Shoji, the dupli arms quirk user. This only made The invisible girl sadder.

"We're totally big deals." Said a proud Denki. "The news channels love us."

"Get over yourself." Said Jirou in an annoyed tone. "They only care about the hero course, not the students."

"Who knows what would have happened to us if the rep wasn't there." Sero said while looking at an eating Luffy.

"Probably All-Might would have saved us." Tokoyami assured the other students. "But to be able to stop the monster that was meant for All-Might, I only shudder at what his other gears look like."

"I think you're being over dramatic." Said Sero who was also looking at Luffy. "But you gotta wonder. How can a student be so strong?"

Before anybody else could say anything, Iida was heard scolding the class for not being seated as he entered the classroom.

"But you're the only one who isn't seated." Said Ojiro to the class deputy.

"Yeah, we are all seated." Said a snickering Denki.

"Dang it!" Said Iida in embarrassment as he took a seat, which caused a reassuring comment from Uraraka, and a hearty laugh from Luffy.

"Oh man! This never gets old!" Luffy laughed as if he heard the greatest joke ever, even though he heard it every morning since Iida became his right-hand man.

Soon after the door was opened as a mummified Aizawa walked in. "Good morning class." His voice was muffled by the bandages.

"Cool! A mummy!" Luffy said which caused a few snickers from his classmates, and an eye-roll from Jirou and Momo, although Momo's more from fondness than anything.

"Sir! I'm glad you are feeling well!" Said Iida with a raised hand.

"Is that really 'feeling well'?" questioned Uraraka from behind Iida with a look of worry.

"My well-being is irrelevant, if you want to worry about anyone then worry about Bakugou." He said as everyone turned to their explosive friend who now was wearing a simple sling and a couple of bandages courtesy of recovery girl.

"Don't you dare." Bakugou growled as much as he could without getting in trouble.

"Anyway, these bandages are unnecessary, seeing as how I'll be removing them after this lesson." Aizawa said to reassure the class, which mostly worked.

"What's more important is the school's sports festival." Aizawa supplied the topic of this lesson.

"Yeah! Lets g-" Kirishima was about to finish his cheer when a certain electric user stopped him.

"Wait a sec, is it really a good idea to hold this event so soon after what happened?" Denki along with most of the class shared his worry.

"... That means you better not slack off on your training. That's it." As soon as Luffy heard these words he was out of the class already running to the cafeteria.

"I swear, our class rep doesn't have anything but food on his mind." Mina said as she and everyone else was getting ready to leave for a recess.

"Actually hold on, I guess this is as good as time as any to tell you guys, so nobody leaves yet." Aizawa said which caused every student to plop back into their own seats.

"But what about Luffy, shouldn't he hear this?" Toru asked, concerned that Luffy was missing out on possibly important information.

"Do you honestly think he pays a lick of attention to any classes? Ever?" Said Jirou which caused a lot of the other students to agree with her.

"Actually, this is about Luffy." As soon as Aizawa said this everyone in the room quieted down, and a tense atmosphere enveloped everyone. "Ok, I'll just keep it short and sweet. You see, Luffy has been experimented on as a child to have multiple quirks and was forced to fight by them, that's why he Is so strong."

Nothing was said, you could hear a pin drop in the classroom as each student looked at their teacher with a variety of shocked faces. "That's it. Class dismissed."

"HOLD ON!" Was what pretty much everyone said when their teacher tried to leave.

"You can't just drop a bomb on us like that and then peace out!" Kirishima said as he almost got out of his seat.

"Bomb? More like a nuke!" Denki said as he turned to his red-haired friend.

"What do you mean the rep was experiment on?!" Mina asked in a face with a mix of shock and pity for the pirate.

"L-luffy." Momo uttered under her breath, with eyes as wide as the sea. *You never told me.* She felt pity and betrayal at the same time.

"Look, I don't have all the details, if you want you can ask him."Aizawa said as he looked at everyone's faces of worry. "But you shouldn't do it."

"Eh? And why not?" Bakugou said a bit annoyed at the fact that the reason Luffy was ahead of him, was because he basically cheated by having multiple quirks.

"Of course you shouldn't ask him, you idiot!" Jirou said as she lightly yelled at him. "Can you even imagine what he's been through?!"

In response, Bakugou only scoffed instead of insulting her back.

In Izuku's head. *And I thought I had it rough, I bet my life was a dream compared to his.*

"Then he is truly worthy of being class representative." Iida said as he stood up in an attempt to defend his superior. "To be able to smile even after everything that had happened to him, he is a true hero!"

"The ones who smile's are the biggest are the ones who hide the most pain." Tokoyami sagely chimed in.

*Out of everyone here, Luffy may be the only one who can understand what I went through. * Todoroki thought as he looked at his desk. (Technically it's not wrong.)

"B-but, Isn't he like a danger to society?!" Said Mineta what some other students were too afraid to say.

"How can you honestly say that? At the U.S.J. he jumped so that he could take on all the villains by himself." Said Toru in Luffy's defense.

"I would probably be dead if it weren't for him. Ribbit." Asui said as she remembered being inches away from an agonizing death.

"UA wouldn't have allowed him in if he were crazy, we are not that stupid." Aizawa said putting all thoughts of Luffy being a serial killer to rest. "Now if that's all, I have to get these stupid bandages off me. Oh, and I think it goes but try to act natural around him."

Now the students watched as their teacher left the classroom leaving behind a quiet class.

"Okay guys! Just be natural, and don't bring up any unwanted trauma!" Kirishima said as they all waited for Luffy to come back and begin their second lesson.

"Yeah! But you can bring the wanted trauma if you want!" Denki said which caused a few laughs to break out. It helped relieve the tension, but it came all back when they heard the door opening.

"Ah! Man, that was good!" Luffy said as he walked back to his seat with his eyes closed and hands behind the back of his head. Apparently, the whole class failed theater class, as they all stared at Luffy like he would disappear if he wasn't watched.

"What?" Luffy asked as he watched every eye in the room look at him. "Do I have something on me?"

"Luffy, why didn't you ever tell me?" Momo asked in a whisper that could be heard in any close proximity. "You know, I would have never laughed at you or anything."

"What are you talking about?" Luffy was getting more confused by the second.

"You know, we don't think any less of you. Now or ever." Uraraka said in an attempt to comfort her friend.

"Yeah! You are just as manly as always!" Kirishima said as he flexed his biceps and gave Luffy a toothy grin

"Huh?!" Luffy started to get angry too. He used his haki but all he could feel was pity from the other auras.

"You are just as Magnifique as always, mon ami." Aoyama decided to pipe in. His French accent was very clear.

"I admire the way you hide all that pain behind your smile." Izuku also tried to comfort his class rep. "It reminds me of All-Might."

"What pain?! What are you guys talking about?!" Luffy was a couple of sentences away from marching out of the classroom. Fortunately for him, the teacher came in.

"What's popping?! Little listeners!" He yelled thinking the class would be dead bored for upcoming the English lesson. Only to find everybody looking at Luffy with a look of pity and an angry Luffy. "What?"

"We found out about Luffy being ex-" Mineta winced from the pain of having an earphone jack stuck in his arm, not being able to finish his sentence.

"What he means! Is that we found out about, you know." Jirou said as she tilted her head at Luffy.

"Found out about what?!" Luffy was nearing dangerous levels of anger.

And Present Mic, being the pro that he was, quickly found out about what they meant and he responded in a way to calm Luffy down and start the next lesson. "Luffy look, as a part of the Hero agency, I say that we are sorry for not being able to help you when you needed it." Actually what he did is purely fan the flames.

The class could swear that they saw Luffy's hair becoming white for a split second before Bakugo came in and somehow managed to save the day. "You idiots, Aizawa said to act normal but what your dumbasses are doing is just making him angry, so stop coddling him. Rubber brain, don't you gotta eat or something." This made Luffy forget all the anger he felt as he reached into his backpack to get a big sandwich.

"Wow Bakugou, never expected this from you." Said Asui genuinely impressed. Only to have him snap back at the frog girl for the back-handed compliment.

"Alright, alright, let's get this English business on the road!" Yamada said which reminded everyone what lesson they had. Almost all of them proceeded to slump in their seats.

At Lunch Hour.

Uraraka, Iida, Izuku, Momo, and Luffy were all going to the cafeteria to eat. While for most it was the first time that day, for Luffy it was the third time, and that's not counting the packed lunches.

"Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Luffy said in quick succession in an attempt to hurry his friends. "We're gonna miss it."

"I doubt that." Izuku said with an amused smile on his face. He was still amazed by the fact that still with all that trauma, Luffy could still keep his goofy self. (Technically not wrong.) "Anyway Uraraka, I wanted to ask you something."

"Hmm? What is it Deku?" Responded Uraraka.

"Why do you want to become a pro?" Izuku asked, which in turn caused Uraraka to shudder.

"Well, you see..." Uraraka tried to draw it out as long as possible, hoping someone would come to save her. "It's the money." Nobody came.

"The money?" Momo found herself repeating the question. "I had no idea middle-class families live so badly, that the only way to make money is by becoming a pro."

"Nononononono, it's not like that." Uraraka quickly tried to take out the thought that she was broken from their friend's mind. "I just want to get a license to be able to help my family with their construction company. That's all."

"Ohh I see, with you being able to use your quirk in public, you could do the work of dozens of heavy machinery. That's not a bad idea." Izuku found himself admiring Uraraka again. "With your ability to float you spend way less money."

"Oh yeah! You can make people fly!" Luffy said as he remembered Iida flying out of the crowd. "Make me fly, please!"

"Are you sure? Is this even legal?" Uraraka asked her friends.

"I don't see why not; we are on school grounds so that means that we can use our quirks in public." Momo chimed in, who was standing next to Luffy who was nodding aggressively.

"Sure, if you want." She said as she touched Luffy's arm, making him float. "But if something happens to you, then it's not my fault."

"Wow! This is so awesome! I feel like I don't have any weight." Luffy said only for him to reach the ceiling and be stuck there. He then proceeded to shoot his arm to reach for Momo's suit.

"What the? Luffy!" Momo scolded the boy for making her clothes wrinkled.

"Shishishi, sorry." Luffy laughed as he proceeded to float right above Momo.

"Anyway, Don't you guys think my goals are too greedy?" Uraraka got back on track as she asked her friends. While holding her face in embarrassment at having such a greedy goal.

"No way, you'll still be a hero, that's all that matters." Izuku reassured his crush.

"Exactly! Your goal is to support your well-being, which is a perfectly fine ambition to have!" Iida also reassured her while various robotic poses with his arms.

"'Money is important', if you have an ambition that follows that statement then it's nothing wrong with that." Momo gave her a nugget of wisdom. She had a good understanding when it came to the value of money since she comes from a business focused on making money.

"Thank you all very much." Then she looked at the floating Luffy, wondering what he is gonna say.

"I don't care." Luffy said which made Uraraka sad and a little angry from not getting the validation she wanted, the mood also intensified.

"What do you mean you don't care?" Uraraka asked trying to keep her calm façade on.

"I mean that making money, it's not that big of a dream." Luffy said which just caused the gravity girl to get angrier.

"Oh, so what? My dream not good enough for you? Mr king of the pirates?" Uraraka said as she glared daggers at the class rep.

"I didn't say that." Luffy said with a blank expression at a now confused gravity girl. "If making money makes you happy, then I'm happy."

"T-thanks." Uraraka was slightly taken aback by the fact that Luffy said something so wise.

"Hahahahahah, Young Midoriya! Is here!" All-Might said as he turned a corner.

"A-all-Might? What're you doing here?" Izuku said slightly taken aback by the fact that All-Might appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Lunch! You want to eat with me?" All-Might said as he showed a packed lunch in front of everyone.

"I want it!" Luffy said as he reached for the packed lunch only for All-Might to dodge out of the way. "Oh come on!"

"I'm sorry, young Luffy but this is my lunch. I want to eat it!" All-Might said to the flying Luffy, who in turn just stuck his tongue out and pulled on his eyelid.

"Don't think you're all high and mighty. Cuz I know your secret!" As soon as Luffy said this, all the color from Izuku drained away. Leaving only a husk.

*OH NONONONONONONO, IF Luffy knows then everybody knows!* Izuku was desperately trying to get his racing mind under control.

"What secret?" said all the other students.

"I-i-it doesn't matter!" Izuku said as he was waving his arms. "Let's just go All-Might!"

*This is for sure going to create some confusion.* All-Might thought with a sigh as he and Izuku went to his office.

The Last Lesson of the Day.

"Guys! Wait!" Luffy said as soon as everyone got out of their seats, ready to go home. "I gotta tell you something!"

*Oh no, is this about before? Or is it because we know his past?* that was pretty much everyone's thoughts, despite the smile on his face.

"Yeah rep? What's up?" Sero asked, hoping it was not what he thinks it is.

"We are having a huge party at my house!" Luffy said only to be interrupted by Momo.

"He means my house." Momo explained but Luffy did not stop.

"It's gonna be super fun, we'll have food and music and all sorts of cool stuff! It's gonna be all night!" Luffy continued hyping this party.

"That's not true."

"And it's captain's orders! That means you gotta come!" Luffy said as he finished his little speech leaving behind a surprised class.

"A party at the Yaoyorozu mansion?! I'm in!" Said Mina and Toru not missing a beat.

"Wait a second. Don't get us wrong guys or anything." Sero said. "But is this really the best time?"

"Duh! Obviously! We just had a battle so now we gotta celebrate!" Luffy said it as if it were nothing but the obvious. "After every battle we celebrate. Those are the rules!"

"He's right! After the eventful week we had, we deserve a break so that we can rest!" Iida commented. "This could also prove to be a great bonding experience." He finished with a robotic wave.

"Well, you're not wrong. It could be fun. Ribbit." Asui agreed with most of the class.

"Yeah! I can't wait to go!" Kirishima said, already excited.

"Yeah man, I'm gonna bring my video games!" Denki was not far behind.

"A party at the Yaoyorozu's?" Mineta asked himself as he looked at Momo. "Definitely."

"I could bring my Karaoke set." Jirou said as she fidgeted with her ears jack. "That could be fun."

"My dazzling self will also make a plus grande entrance!" Said Aoyama

"I-I've never been to a party before so I don't really know what to do." Izuku said as he stared at his desk sheepishly.

"There is nothing to do, besides have fun!" Uraraka encouraged him. "It's gonna be great!"

"Good, then it seems like ev-" Luffy was about to finish.

"Hell no." When Bakugou interrupted him. "I'm not going to some nerds with a ponytail house, just to be around a bunch of losers and other nerds."

As for Luffy, he looked completely taken aback like somebody stole the last meat from the fridge.

"Yeah, sorry guys, I'm also not coming." Todoroki agreed with Bakugou. "It's not my sort of thing." He said as he got his backpack and got ready to leave.

"No way! I said it's captains order so you gotta come!" Said Luffy as he stood in front of Todoroki's way, not allowing him to leave.

"You're not my captain!" Bakugou snapped at Luffy, while also getting ready to leave. "You can't order me around!"

"Oh come on guys, It's gonna be fun!" Mina said trying to convince the two of them. "Don't be such buzzkills."

"I really am sorry." Todoroki said as he vaulted over the desk to be on the other row. "But I'm not coming."

As for Luffy, he looked like someone just curb-stomped his dog. "It's fine Luffy, they'll just ruin the fun anyway, so it's not a huge loss." Uraraka tried to comfort him. Who in turn just received a whimper.

"Who are you?" Todoroki said as he looked at the hallway being filled with people not letting them go. Now everyone in the classroom turned to the new commotion that was being caused.

"What business do you have with our classroom?" Iida said as he got into his deputy role.

"Why are you blocking our doorway? We will not be held hostages!" Mineta said as he pumped a fist into the air

"They're scouting out the competition you idiots." Said Bakugou as he walked past a scared Mineta. "We are the class that survived a real villain attack, they wanna see it with their own eyes."

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like, now move it extras!" Bakugou said as he glared at them, Izuku and Uraraka were freaking out at a potential war happening while Iida was waving his arm at Bakugou to stop calling people extras.

"So this is class 1-A, I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass." Said a new arrival, he had purple eyes and purple hair. "Is everyone in the hero course delusional? Or is it just you?"

This caused Bakugou to look irritated, most of the class to shake their head rapidly, and for Luffy to come near Bakugou. "...If any of us do well at the sports festival, the teachers can decide to replace a student in any of the hero courses."

"So you want to steal a spot in my crew? Is that it?" Luffy asked the new arrival dead in the face, which caused a lot of muttering from both outside the class as well as inside.

"Your crew?" The student said with a chuckle. "That's a cute way of saying it, and yes I will take a spot from here. Consider this a declaration of war."

"You think you know what war is? In war, brothers die. This is just jealousy, if you'd have been good enough you would have already started here, but I guess you're not." Luffy said in an even tone which caused a very massive tick mark over the student's head.

"Now hold on! The entrance ex-" The student said only to be cut off.

"It doesn't matter what you think, the truth is you weren't good enough. You think you are now? I wanna see it, but don't think we'll just slack off so you better bring everything you got because the day you take a spot here without my permission, is the day I failed." Luffy said before he left everyone in silence.

"T-that was soo manly!" Kirishima said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

"Yeah, no kidding." Denki was not far behind. Soon after everyone left with a variety of different emotions and feelings about what just transpired, and the way Luffy defended his class.

Luffy's comeback only served to further motivate, not only his classmates but also the other classes. And soon word spread out throughout the entire school.

At The Yaoyarozu Mansion.

5 Minutes Before The Party.

"Oh my goodness, this place is huge!" Midoriya said as he looked at the mansion. Even though he was outside the gate, it was still impressive.

"Good afternoon Midoriya!" Said Iida as he slightly startled the shorter teen. "I hope your days of training have been well!"

"Yeah, I mean my muscles feel sore all over, but this little break is just what I need." Izuku said while rubbing his arms. It was 2 days after the 2 training weeks have started, each student doing their utmost to live up to Luffy's speech and their school's reputation.

"Hey guys!" Uraraka said loudly as she ran at the two of them like they were going to disappear. "Woo! What do you have there?"

"Oh! This?" Izuku said as he looked at his gift. "My mom said it's custom to bring a gift at a house invitation. So I packed something from my room. How about you guys?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a phone case." Uraraka said as she presented them the phone case with the hero thirteen on its back.

"I, of course, have brought a homemade salad! Perfectly rich in vitamins needed for our training!" Iida said as he waved his arms at what looked like a packed lunch.

"Oh. That's, practical?" Uraraka said slightly confused at the weird gift.

"Thank you very much!" Iida responded with a slight bow.

"Oh great, what are you nerds doing here?" The trio turned to see a familiar spiky-haired blond boy with anger issues.

"Bakugou? What are you doing here?" Iida asked as he put his hand on his chin in thought.

"Yeah, I thought you said that this is a 'nerds party'." Said Uraraka with a teasing smirk. "Does this mean you're a nerd?

"The hell it does!" Bakugou snapped which made Izuku flinch. "After my old hag checked the group chats behind my back, she forced me to go."

"Oh, I guess aunt Mitsuki hasn't changed." Izuku said which made the explosive boy glare at him.

"Anyway, what are you extras doing here? waiting?"Bakugou said as he tried to not look impressed by the giant house.

"Actually we have all just arrived, we were getting ready to approach the intercom." Iida said which made Bakugou approach it himself.

"So? Just do it." Bakugou said as he pressed the button. "We are here for the shitty party, now let us in!"

*I don't think that's how you're supposed to say it.* Izuku thought with a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Name?" The intercom said back.

"Bakugou Katsuki." He gave his name with a slight glare.

"Which one is that? The one with the green hair?" The intercom said back with a slightly teasing tone.

"I'll Blow Your Ass To Bits!" Bakugou said very angrily while Izuku just yelped.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding. Don't get your panties in a twist." The intercom said as the gates opened. "In you go."

With a 'tsk' from Bakugou, they all started to walk towards the secondary gate.

"S-so Kacchan, What did you get?" Izuku asked in hopes of making conversation.

"It's called Askmi." Bakugou said while staring ahead.

"Askmi?" Uraraka repeated, confused.

"Ask me again and I'll shove my hand up your ass." Bakugou said while getting slightly ahead of everyone.

"Should've expected that." Uraraka said with a slight shudder from the visual Bakugou provided.

"Classic Kacchan." Izuku said with a slight smile.

As they reached the front door, they rang the bell and waited to see who would open the door. Apparent that someone was a gray-haired butler.

"I take it you are friends of Ms Yaoyorozu and Mr Luffy?" He said only to receive 2 yes's and a no. "Very well, follow me."

Meanwhile, Uraraka was thinking something completely different. *Oh My Gosh, An actual Butler! With a suit and Monocle and everything!*

"Wow, It's bigger on the inside!" Izuku said with a look of fascination. In fact, everybody had this look, even Bakugou had a hard time hiding his admiration.

"That's everyone's reaction. Now if you'll follow me to the party hall." The butler said as he guided them to a living room with a lot of food, snacks drinks, and music.

"This room is literally bigger than my entire house." Uraraka said as she looked astonished.

"Oh! look who showed up!" Denki said as he greeted the four new arrivals, but really only talking to one person. "Guess you joined the nerds cult too, huh?"

"I'll Kill You!" Bakugou said as he started running after the electric boy, who in turn was screaming with a mix of happiness and horror.

"Hey guys!" Luffy greeted the now trio. "Glad you guys could make it!"

"I am happy to be here, class rep!" Iida said as he did a small bow and gave Luffy the salad, who in turn ate it instantly.

"No! That was meant for the whole class!" Iida said as if he had just lost a huge bet.

"To be honest I'm surprised you gave food to Luffy and expected him to no eat it." Uraraka said this only caused Iida to fall into greater depression.

"Lemme show you guys around!" Luffy said as he pointed at different spots in the room.

"There is the TV, Kalimari got some of his games and now some of the other guys are playing there." He said as he pointed at a couch with a giant 4k TV, where, Sero, Ojiro, and Tokoyami were playing a fighting game against each other.

"Then we got the Music place, earphones got something called Kareok or something, where you can sing to music. It's awesome!" He said while pointing at a Mina and Toru doing a duet in front of Jirou, Aoyama, Koda, and Mineta. "I like singing, but sometimes they cover their ears, I don't know why."

"Then we got my favorite place, the food table. You go there, you eat and you talk. I love it." He said while pointing at a table with little to no food left, courtesy of Luffy. At the table Kirishima and Shoji were having an arm wrestling competition, nearly breaking the table.

"And then we have the books corner. Nothing interesting happens there." Luffy said as he pointed at a corner bookshelf with a couple of bean bags. Only Momo and Tsu were there, playing chess.

"Oi Luffy! Come on, we said whoever wins gets to arm wrestle with you!" Kirishima said as Shoji was grumpily walking away.

"That's it, now go do whatever you want!" Luffy said before turning to Kirishima. "I'm coming spiky hair!"

"Wow, is this how all parties are?" Izuku said as he was eyeing the TV, already wanting to go play the All-Might fighting game.

"They are a lot more separated than I thought." Uraraka said while looking at the Music place, always wanting to try her hand at music, she hasn't been to a lot of parties but she guessed it would've been more connected.

"Yes, this is truly the best way to form closer bonds!" Iida said while gazing at the Books corner, wanting to try his intellectual might against Yaoyorozu.

Soon after they all quickly dispersed, each going to the place they felt like they belonged the most to.

"Oh, come on man! It didn't even budge an inch!" Kirishima said, salty about his loss.

"Heh, next time you need to be way stronger!" Luffy said clearly enjoying his win. "Hey what are you guys doing? Are you guys wrestling? I wanna join!" Luffy said as he jumped into what was Bakugou kicking Denki's ass.

"Don't you dare Rubber brain!" Unfortunately, Bakugou's threat was too late seeing as how he jumped right on Bakugou.

"I wanna do it too!" Kirishima said as he quickly jumped on top of Luffy, who was on top of Bakugou, who was on top of Kaminari.

"I-I c-c-can't b-b-breath!" Denki said as he struggled for breath.

"Ugh, Boys are such barbarians, not having even a lick of culture." Momo said as she watched the quickly forming group pile. "Anyway, I win."

"Darn it!" Iida said angrily, mad that he lost in only a couple of moves.

"Is this the new 'All-Might Ultimate symbol of peace 3' Game that just came out?!" Izuku said as he took a seat on the couch. "It's so hard to get a copy that even I'm struggling."

"Yeah, you can play as All-Might versus all the Villains he faced." Ojiro said as he watched Tokoyami and Sero beat each other, one using All-Might and the other Best Jeanist. "You can also play as the other heroes."

"Dammit, Of course you're gonna win with All-Might! It basically says it in the name of the game! You were just lucky to that you picked first." Sero said as he almost threw the controller.

"How does the ancient saying go? Don't hate the player, hate the game." Tokoyami said which just made Sero angrier.

"That's not even ancient!" Sero then looked at the new arrival. "Oh wassup man! Wanna play?"

"YES, please." He said as he took the controller and picked All-Might.

"Of course." Sero said with a sigh.

"...Never gonna say a lie! And Hurt you!" Toru sang as she, along with Mina, finished their song. (If you know, you know)

"Whoo man, I'm exhausted, my throat hurts." Mina said as she got on the armchair and opened a bottle of water.

"You said it, I've never singed that long and loud before." She said as she got on the round couch. "Who's next?"

"Can I try?" Uraraka said as she got up from her seat.

"Sure! Solo or duet?" Toru asked but before she could respond she heard another voice.

"You guys done? I wanna sing!" Luffy said as he ran towards the karaoke station.

"No no, wait wa-" Mineta couldn't even finish before being interrupted by Uraraka.

"Sure, Luffy." Uraraka said as she gave him the other mic.

"No, trust me you do not want to do this!" Jirou said so more in a whisper so that Luffy couldn't hear her.

"Oh come on, How bad can he be?" Uraraka said as she picked a song she liked.

"Well, don't blame us if your ears start bleeding." Jirou said as she got ready, physically speaking.

1 Song Later. "Whoo man that was fun! Not as good as Brooke's songs but I liked it! Gonna go check on Momo, see ya guys later."

"... I Apologize, I know what I did wrong and I hope you guys can forgive me. " Uraraka said as she massaged her ears. Not really helping.

"I-It's fine, it's actually our fault, we should've insisted on it more." Said Toru as she took her invisible fingers out of her invisible ears.

"Next time I'm asking Momo for a pair of earplugs." Mina said which caused a round of agreement to go around the group.

"Alright, you guys! Time for Dare or Truth!" Luffy said as he caught everyone's attention. And after a quick elbow in the side. "I mean Truth or Dare!"

"Ok so, how does this work?" Luffy asked around the group. Right now they were all seated in a circle on a rug.

"I believe that the objective is to ask a question and based on the answer you either give them a question or a challenge." Iida said as he did various poses with his arms.

"Yeah, but this time with a twist!" Mina said as she got a glass bottle, seemingly out of nowhere. "The bottle does the choosing. So who goes first?"

"Oh me! Me!" Luffy said as he grabbed the bottle right from Mina's hands, and placed it in the middle of the circle. "So now I just spin it, right?"

After receiving a nod he spun the bottle, which landed on Momo. "Now what?"

"Now you ask me Truth or Dare." Momo answered his question while sweating a bit.

"Okay, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Responded Momo, *No way am I ever going to give Luffy a chance for him to make me do something. * "Now ask me a question."

"Okay, What's your favourite type of meat?" Luffy asked the only question he could think of.

"No no no, you're supposed to ask her some juicy question, like 'who do you love?' and 'is he here?' stuff like that." Toru informed Luffy, only for him to look at her like a white piece of sheet.

"Umm, I guess Kobe beef? I think." Momo gave her answer which made everyone look at her like 'Really?'.

"Oh wow, what a surprise, the rich girl like rich food." Bakugou said which made a couple of people glare at him.

"Oh you better pray you don't fall on me." Jirou said with an evil grin.

"Tsk, am I supposed to be scared?" Bakugou retorted.

"Oh you will be." Jirou said in response.

"So now what?"

"Now Momo spins." Said Asui, which she did just so only for her to fall on Mina.

"Truth or Dare?" Asked Momo.

"Hmm, I'm feeling adventurous. Dare." Responded Mina only to get a slightly panicked Momo.

"Umm, I don't really know what to say." She said and after thinking over it for about a sec. "Breakdance."

"Okay!" Mina said more excited than Momo thought anyone would be.

"Wait, Mina you can Brake dance? I never knew this." Said Uraraka in slight surprise, while Mina was picking a quick song.

"Yes, she told me once that she breakdances in casual conversation." Momo commented, then proceeded to watch as Mina did the windmill, the head spin, the bigger windmill, and all sorts of other tricks (Idk what its called)

"Whoo, I haven't breakdanced in front of so many people in a while. I was a little nervous." Mina admitted as she came back to her place.

"Nonsense, you were tres bien. Mon cheri." Aoyama said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, very impressive!" Iida also commented.

"Ok, now my turn." One bottle spin later. Everyone looked at the man in question.

"Midoriya! Truth or Dare!" This caused Midoriya to slightly panic. * I can't choose truth, cuz then my secret may be found out so I guess.*

"Dare." The whole class proceeded to comment on him on his bravery and say things like 'he will not be forgotten'.

"I dare you!" Mina said as she looked at an explosive boy. "To make your best impression of Bakugou!"

"Huh?! Don't you dare Deku!" Bakugou said as he nearly got up and marched to the green-haired boy.

"Oh come on, don't be such a buzzkill." Denki said while snickering.

"Yeah, just do it dude, we'll hold off Bakugou from killing you." Kirishima said this did not help Izuku in this situation, but since this is a bonding experience.

"I'll Kill you!" Izuku said doing his best to keep his hair spiky and make the angriest harsh voice he could.

"I'll Kill you!" This caused the real Bakugou to respond in the same way, which made half the class roll on the ground laughing, while the others were trying to keep Bakugou away from committing manslaughter, while also laughing.

After a couple more spins Jirou finally landed on Bakugou. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, I ain't a coward." Bakugou replied with a small growl.

"That's just what I wanted to hear. Now the dare is to call the last person you texted and say 'meow'." Jirou's dare made a lot of people laugh not thinking Bakugou would actually do it. "You are gonna do it right? After all, you ain't a coward, right?

"I'm not scared of shit." Bakugou said as he picked up his mom and dialed his mom. "Meow. I Said Meow You old hag!"

"who did you call?" asked Asui the question on everybody's minds.

"My mom." This made everyone laugh wholeheartedly, while others kept calling cat boy. "I'll kill every last one of you, I swear to All-Might."

After a couple more spins, the last dare came around.

"Can you give us a tour of the house?" Asked Uraraka. Really wanting to see where she would end up, hopefully.

"Don't bother, there's nothing interesting in this whole mansion." Said Luffy reminiscing the first day he came here.

"That can't be true, in this whole mansion?" Asked a skeptical Denki.

"It's true, the only places even remotely interesting are the garage and my gym." Said Momo which just got everyone more riled up.

*Of course you have a private gym.* Thought Uraraka and a couple of the other students.

"Let's go!" Kirishima said as he jumped into the air.

At The Garage.

"Wow!" "No way." Amazing." "Is that an actual Rolls Royce?!" And several other comments like these were made when they entered the garage.

"These are some nice cars." Tsuyu said as she looked at a Ferrari.

"I need my phone! Just imagine the amount of like's I'll get!" Mina said as she opened the door to a Lamborghini.

"These cars have some impressive engines." Iida said as he looked at a Porsche's engine.

"But why is that car set apart from the others?" Sero asked when he looked at a very expensive car that was in a corner.

"Oh, that one. Luffy would you mind explaining?" Momo asked the straw hat, who only gave a toothy grin.

"Oh, I lift that car." Luffy said it as if he lifts cinder blocks, not cars worth more than 10 of the student's houses combined. "The weights in the gym are too light for me."

"... You're telling me you build muscle by lifting a Buggati divo?!" Asked Kirishima, who was slack-jawed.

"I don't know what's crazier, the fact that you build muscle by lifting cars, or the fact that, that car is literally in the top ten most expensive cars in the world." Asked Denki, it was probably both.

The Gym.

"Ooh, very nice! It's perfect for a handful of people!" Izuku said as he eyed the weights. "I have these kinds of weights!"

"So this is Yayorozu's gym." Mineta said as he looked everywhere. "Very interesting."

"Your gym has better equipment than most gyms I've been at." Kirishima said as he looked at the treadmill.

"And the ring? You take lessons with somebody?" Ojiro said as he looked at the slightly tattered ring.

"Oh, yeah. Me and Luffy have been sparring from time to time." Momo said which caused a couple to gasp like she just admitted to fighting bears in her spare time.

"And your still alive?" asked a non-believing Mina.

"Of course, I'm still alive!" Momo said in a bit of a surprise that no one was believing her, then yet again, she can't really blame them.

Back at the Party Hall.

After a couple of more games and mingling with everybody, they all said goodbye to one another, already feeling their bonds strengthen. They were all happy at the least.

"I'm dead tired." Said Momo with a sigh as she plopped on a bean bag. "I feel like I could fall asleep at any second.

"That means the party worked!" Luffy said from his place on the couch. "Hey Momo, I wanted to say thanks. Thanks for helping me and going through, this whole party." After not receiving anything in return he continued.

"Thank you for always being in my corner and having my back. You know if I wanted a si-" Luffy was cut off by a light snore. When he looked over at where Momo was, she saw her snoring away like a little baby.

Deciding that he should at least do this much, he picked her up, bridal style, and brought her to her room. After gently placing her down in her bed he left, but not before hearing a very slight "You're welcome."

With a grin on his face, he decided that this would be a good time to go to eat and sleep, after all, in 2 weeks the sports festival starts.

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