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96.96% Gamer Emperor of the Multiverse / Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Kapitel 32: Chapter 32

Whatever the hell Ligrosa was, a powerful Hydra, and of course the Gorgon version of Medusa... I wasn't under any delusion that I would be able to defeat any of them except for maybe the Hydra and even then that was iffy as I didn't have any fire magic that could burn shut their headstumps.

"Jake! Yukikaze is turning to stone even with her touki!" Akagi yelled and I cursed and mentally sent all my kitsune away to safety before I used my sword to carve open the roof of the van and before Andromeda could react I pulled her out of the van with my arm wrapped around her chest and myself yelling. 

"Close your eyes or you will die! Do not open your eye's at all or you will be turned into fuck!" I cursed as Medusa sent a beam of back and red cursed magic at us from her eyes and I leaped up from the van with my eagle-like wings spread out from my back as I flew chaotically through the air to avoid the beams of cursed petrification magic.

'I am still a good ten miles away from the Camp's barriers... And the gods who are watching this don't want to interfere in the show!' I cursed as I could see familiars of various gods watching as there were owls, eagles, doves, and other animals that served as the icons of the Greek Olympians were watching the show with obsessive interest.

I waved Kusanagi frantically slashing wind blades outwards at the monsters to give us more speed to push us towards the barrier of Camp Halfblood but then a loud rumble rang out as Medusa's wings also flared int othe air and Kusanagi warned me. "She is using her domain of a sky serpent to drag you down!" 

And she was right as our forms were slammed downwards with Andromeda screaming at the abrupt height drop and her stomach rightfully feeling like it was climbing up into her chest.

And in slow motion I saw the Ligrosa and nine-headed Hydra ready below us with salivating mouths filled with so many teeth ready to tear us apart... "Jake teleport us out!" Kusanagi yelled into my head.

But as we fell towards the monsters I was fucking done... I was just honestly pissed with this mission at this point. And I did what every child does when their parents and siblings are being assholes. "Grandma Rhea help us please!" I screamed out with my faith, touki and magic radiating into the void and for a split moment there was nothing.

And just as we were about to land into one of the massive mouths of the Hydra and I was going to cut my losses and just teleport away with Andromeda. Everything stopped.

We were stopped in our fall, and were now being held up in the middle of the air, the rest of the monster's stopped in complete silence as well seemingly frozen, the sounds of the wrecked van instantly died out also died out. And all... All other sounds instantly died out.

"Hmm... Well this is something?" A gentle voice spoke out and we were slowly lowered to the ground and as I turned over to look at the source of the voice I saw a woman with long luscious green hair down to her backside. She was also wearing a yoga outfit out of all things and was gently closing the frozen eyes of Medusa.

And with her task of closing Medusa's eyes done I met the deep green eyes of the goddess I called and could only hide a shiver at the depth of age, wisdom and... Kindness in her eyes as she looked at me and Andromeda but more specifically Andromeda in particular.

"Young man. You aren't my grandson at all... Don't you feel any shame in calling out for me?" She spoke almost teasingly as she elegantly walked over towards us but her bare feet didn't make contact with the gravel road as thick luscious soft grass formed beneath her feet to cushion it as it seemed as though Mother Earth refused to bring discomfort to the goddess.

I took a breath and then with a small smile I answered with pure honesty. "Hestia may be the best goddess in the Olympians. But you are the best mother Rhea, and I hold a son's respect for you." I finished almost cheekily making her chuckle aloud before she arrived to us and then hummed as she picked up Andromeda by the chin and inspected her face.

"Rhea... Are you a goddess?" Andromeda asked shocked as she was starting to put together the pieces and the motherly milf of a goddess nodded gently as she spoke kindly.

'"Yes my darling granddaughter. I am the goddess of the 'Flow' I am Rhea the birth mother of the Olympians... And I am disappointed in every single one of you!" She spoke furiously as her voice rose in pitch as the very earth shook with lava cracking to the surface and flowing across the ground in the surrounding forest.

And then it hit me... Rhea was the goddess of the domain of 'Flow' She literally stopped the flow of time, and in her anger at the Olympians watching this mess, she brought a flow of magma to the surface which was further proof of her essence of an Earth goddess.

But my thoughts were cut off as Rhea continued with her voice rising in annoyance. "Oh those... Brats! I told them not to make that damned oath as it's not like they could or would even keep their promise except for my darling Hades... Haa... What is your name little one?" She asked gently and Andromeda feeling the divine gaze and motherly love within Rhea's gaze couldn't get huffy and use her short name as she didn't like being called Andromeda.

"Andromeda huh... You are undoubtedly Poseidon's child." She finished gently and then sighed as violent lightning shattered the sky above us and Kusanagi hissed into my mind. 'Zeus is aiming his lightning at us!'

And as though in answer Rhea pulled Andromeda and me behind her as she fiercely yelled out at the roiling sky that was filled with countless flashing lightning bolts. "Don't you even dare mister! I will have Thor and Indra come to pay you a visit if you decide to attack my grandchildren for some prophecy and broken oath you all broke to begin with!"

The lightning swelled as though in furious anger at Rhea for threatening or even standing up for herself before Andromeda and I cried out as the divine thunder roared out in fury. Popping our eardrums as Zeus gave a snort with his divine lightning-filled storm dispersed with the three greater monsters somehow disappearing as well.

With myself groggily opening my eyes as I held Andromeda to my chest to make sure we didn't collapse to the ground.

As getting your eardrums blown out even with a Gamer system was disorientating as fuck.

And I knew Andromeda herself was in pain with the way one of her hands was balled up into a fist against my chest.

But then I felt gentle hands cup my face with my face being pulled upwards as a soft voice entered my mind. "Hmm a lovely young hero king making his way through his great journey... Reminds me of the old days. And you actually have a kind heart to go along with your ambitions." Rhea's voice was like being held in the bosom of a buxom woman with her whispering sweet nothings from above as your head was surrounded by the warm softness of her breasts.

And then I felt it, I unmistakably felt it upon my lips, the lips of a goddess being laid upon my own as divine energy so similar, yet so truly different from Kusanagi's own innate divinity was sent shooting into my body as Rhea's voice whispered into my very soul. "You called me your guardian and in saving your life, I will charge you as my champion. To not only protect yourself from the indignant wrath of my son, but for my own heart I am claiming you as my own seeing as you so wish to claim such a relationship!"

[Ding! Rhea's Chosen Champion Title Received!] [Rhea's Chosen- User has gained the ability to alter the 'flow' of things, and due to bearing the mark of Rhea, all lions will be endeared to the user and will not attack unless greatly provoked!]

Along with the blessing, I felt my blown out eardrums healing as well as my disorentation being fixed as Rhea let go of me and then the goddess gave Andromeda a kiss upon her brow to heal her as well before stepping back.

"Now my dears." She spoke wistfully with a small sigh. "I have done all I can and even now I am sure that a few of the Olympians will be most indignant in my interference, but you two need to finish your journey... At least Andromeda you must make your way into the Camp once you get to the barrier, Jake my champion I highly advise you to leave when you get to the barrier." She finished explaining.

And I knew what she meant, for all I knew there could be Hunter's of Artemis, monsters, or even a pissed-off god waiting to smite me should I enter the campgrounds properly...

So I nodded in understanding and bowed my head to my... Patron goddess in Rhea as I said. "Thank you for the help, and the advice." I finished with her smiling more naturally and then without a change in her expression I heard her voice touch upon my mind again.

"I would advise you most strongly to leave as soon as possible... Unveiling a foreign divine blade while calling upon the blessings of Ares may lead him to try to claim the blade for his own collection in recompense despite the battle being done in his name." And with that final warning there was a rush of flowing leaves that encircled her glowing form and within a couple moments Rhea had disappeared.

I took a breath to center myself as Andromeda whispered. "I am just sooo damned confused." 

And I just gave her a pat on the shoulder as I said tiredly. "And it will never stop being confusing." 

But with Rhea now gone and the Olympians being pissed, I picked Andromeda up in a princess carry and flew as fast as I could towards the camp with my false wings needing to land every once in a while, but we still got to the camp's barrier in a good five minutes and remembering the surroundings I made sure not to run face first into the damned barrier that didn't allow me entry.

"Alright Andromeda-" I started but she cut me off.

"Call me Andy!" She said fiercely with a pout that made my lips twitch as she stabbed me in the chest with a finger. "Andromeda is too damned long for a name! And it makes me sound like some kind of helpless princess... Once I get my powers under control I won't need you to protect me, you hear me Jake!" She promised and yet... I could see that she was just trying put on a tough front.

And seeing how much of a spitfire she was. I nodded with a gentle smile as I reached into my inventory and then handed her the cursed dagger that John Wick left behind when he killed that Lich dragon. "Then use this dagger along with your other one to give your enemies the most painful of deaths while you are still in training. Also you can use Drachma coins to call me and your mother through an Iris call when you get to camp" I said dead seriously and her eyes glinted in a... Scary ass light as I told her in more detail what precisely that dagger did, along with the true effects of the dagger her true father left behind for her.

She smiled with more confidence and there was a small flush in her cheek as she patted me on my shoulder as she said. "Thank you Jake... Seriously I know you went above in beyond in helping. And helping with my mom and dealing with Gabe sooo uhm..." 

Her flush deepened and then I froze as she grabbed the front of my hoodie to drag me down and then she kissed my cheek before turning on her heel and ran towards the camp with myself looking at her running away form as I mentally screamed.

'Oh gods no... The overpowered demi-god who literally almost destroys America by blowing up Saint Helens has a crush on me. I am fucked!'

But as though in answer my phone dinged and seeing it was from Senko I just teleported away back to the Continental room I 'owned' to see what she wanted directly.

"Jake!" A female shout reached my ears and as I took in my surroundings after teleporting I froze.

As standing in a revealing outfit that Senko had clearly shoved her into. Was a flushed with embarrassment Sally Jackson filling out a low-cut maid outfit... Just perfectly.

'And there is the titty logic of DXD at work.' I thought as I had believed that my most 'cunning and intelligent' kitsune wouldn't mess with Sally when I told them that she was VIP. So after absorbing the scene I coughed and asked with a somewhat tired smile after the days events. "Uhhh what is this?"

In which Senko happily explained as Sally tried and failed to push the low-cut skirt to hide her panties from my view as I sat down on my love seat. "Jake my darling... You realize that Sally is a mortal without magic or anything like that correct?" And at my bland nod, she continued more seriously. "Well, when I helped her call into work for a family emergency they decided to just fire her directly... So I decided to hire her as your maid as a king no matter the size of their domain needs a servant to take care of their day-to-day busy work."

I gently placed my hand on my face as I took a deep breath before I dragged down my hand and looked at Senko and then Sally whose face went atomic red as I asked blankly. "And why is she wearing a fetish-tier maid outfit?" 

Instead, it was Sally who answered with a tiny voice. "This was the least perverted one the hotel sent."

I coughed at the thought of Arianna messing with the order to mess with me thinking it was for my Kitsune and then I tossed her a blanket that she happily took and wrapped around herself and then she looked at me more calmly with her body covered up. And with that conversation breaker cleared up, I took a breath and explained that I got Andy to the camp safely.

"I am... So glad to hear she got there safely." She whispered and I nodded as I knew Andy was still safe as she was walking the last mile or so before hitting the camp so it would be a bit before I got the quest confirmation ending. "Will she be alright there?" She asked and to that I could only answer.

"She will have support to learn her powers, along with the training of Chiron the greatest trainer of fighters and heroes in human history... She will have all the tools she needs to succeed in life, but if she needs help she knows how to contact me if she truly needs the help." I finished before refocusing on Sally in particular as I remember her mana tank trait that could store and refine mana within herself.

"And as for you Sally... What are your thoughts on all this? Are you really willing to swear yourself into my service as this isn't some simple job that you could just quit from as I have a number of secrets I am not willing to allow to spread out." I warned her. I didn't mind giving her some gold or mortal money to restart her life now that Andy was at camp and no longer monster bait.

But her diving in my life was going to have complications and I knew that.

Sally looked at me seriously and her blanket-covered form shifted as she leaned towards me and she said with utmost seriousness. "I can't pretend to live a mortal life anymore... I have been clear-sighted all my life so even with the supernatural protections that mortals typically have I see all the spiritual monsters haunting the world. Andy can stand up on her feet now... I don't want to return to ignoring a ghost devouring a fetus's soul leaving the would-be child in a mother's womb stillborn and just having to stare at the sight."

'Dear gods that's fucking horror fuel.' I thought shuddering at the mental image before I answered. "Alright alright... Well, it's just fine as I have become ready to heavily expand my operations." I spoke as I looked at Senko and spoke. "Senko, tell the rest to get ready, as by tomorrow I plan to go to one of those realms you listed to take them over." 

Senko nodded with her taking out her phone to text my other kitsune the news while I looked at Sally and smiled wryly as I decided to be frank. "Sally, I will be clear. My kitsune around me are my lovers though as my... Maid, I won't expect anything like that from you." I said to put her to ease with her lips twitching at my words before she looked at me with her eyebrow raised as she actually answered with some sarcasm.

"I saw the way you looked at me in the bathroom when I was getting changed and in here Jake."

Without any shame I answered honestly. "A half-naked very beautiful woman was in front of me, it would have been an insult not to look." I kinda joked and she snorted with her eyes rolling.

But before I could continue 'flirting' I got another text message this time going from the text tone I knew it was Yuki so I looked at it before smiling as it read. [I am at the NYC Continental in the Library with Arianna... Where are U </3 I missed you soooo much<3 <3] 

"Excuse me ladies, my wife has called me." I spoke making Sally's eyes widen and hearing the word 'wife' but Senko just waved me off as she collected the information the realms she collected previously so we could choose which one we were going to take over properly.

Azazyel Azazyel

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