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100% I Reap Souls In DC (Bleach X DC comics) / Chapter 205: 200: Shukai Final Part (The End)

Kapitel 205: 200: Shukai Final Part (The End)

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Chapter 200: Shukai Final Part.

A/N: The light of God exists in each one of us.

A denial of that light...breeds Chaos and freedom.

(?? P.O.V)

A worthy successor.

Not the first.

Maybe...the last.

I wonder what his answer will be when I give him the choice.

(General P.O.V)

A swift blur of golden energy darted through a cluster of four winged angels, unleashing rapid strikes that propelled them backward, leaving no chance for a counterattack.

The blur materialized into Jay Garrick, the Flash.

Sending a mocking salute at the Heavenly host, the Flash was off again, speeding through their ranks and mercilessly demolishing them.

"He's too fast on the ground!"

One of the 4 winged angels in the sky yelled out, evading the Speedster's bullrush by flapping her wings and maintaining distance.

"Attack from the air!"

She ordered, drawing back a light arrow from the bow in her hands.

They had aerial superiority.

"You heard the commander! Fire!"

Another angel added, riding on a chariot pulled on by Pegasi.

"Show them the might of the Angel Host!"

In the air, the angels managed to maintain an orderly formation, and without wasting time, they retaliated.

A barrage of arrows descended upon the Flash, yet he effortlessly danced out of harm's way with minimal effort.

"Not a bad effort. But I'm afraid you're too slow."

Garrick snorted.

"For Heaven!"

The 4 winged Commander growled in anger, unsheathing a holy sword and darting down.

She was personally going to deal with the annoying speedster.

That plan was rendered mute when a glowing green fly swatter blind sided her from the left, batting her and her group away.

Spiralling through the air, right above their own forces, they were sent crashing towards the huge pearly gates behind the Angelic forces.

"The sky is my turf."

John Stewart, the Green Lantern of Earth 16 stated with a smile. A green shroud of energy pulsed around his body.

"You might outnumber us, but we're clearly stronger."

The green lantern ring on his finger glowed, creating a machine gun that he aimed at the disorganized troops.

Then he pulled the trigger, unleashing a hail of bullets at the ranks of angels like some sort of Commando.

Screams and yells of pain sounded out as the Heavenly Host was introduced to guns and the devastation they could cause.


Zauriel grew angry at the scene, resulting in him sending a radiant beam of light the Lantern's way.

"Divine Light!"

Stewart quickly switched the machine gun out for an emerald shield to protect himself.

But Zauriel's attack proved too mighty, plowing right through the green construct and instantly turning Stewart into ash.

"For tainting these clouds with blood and suffering, death and an eternity in Hell await you, John Stewart!"

The Leader of the Pax-Dei, Zauriel declared.

""" Divine Overseer, that was amazing!"""

""" By the father, incredible!"""

""" Push! Expel these intruders from the Silver City!"""

""" Yeah!!"""

The Angels now emboldened, cried out with new found determination.

They'd just seen Zauriel take out a powerful enemy in one shot.

The two League teams, the one from Prime Earth and the other from Earth 16 on the other hand, were positively livid.

Green Lantern was taken out in front of their eyes.


Hawkwoman cried out, taking flight towards Zauriel, furious eyes burning with hatred.

"I shall avenge you!"

The difference in numbers between the Reaper's allies and Heaven was comically obvious from the sky.

But despite being faced with such a powerful force: countless angels, ranging from four-winged guardians to eight-winged Cherubims encircling Zauriel, Hawkwoman appeared indifferent, spinning her Nth metal mace with deadly intent.

"I shall strike you down, angel. Prepare yourself!"

She promised.

"Another fool with a desire for death."

The leader of the Pax-Dei sneered, the holy lance in his hand glowing with power.

Zauriel raised it up, aiming the tip towards Hawkwoman.

"Divine Light!"

Only for a blue and red shadow to block the latter's path. Prime Earth Superman had flown in between the two, his eyes glowing red-hot.

"Shayera, let me handle this. "

He informed the Thanagarian, glaring at Zauriel's incoming attack.

Another radiant beam of light.

With an angry grunt, the Kryptonian released his heat vision, sending it on a path to contend with the Arch-angel's attack.

Red and white clashed, Hawkwoman flew back, momentarily blinded by the light show occuring at her front. Enough so, that she brought her hands up to shield her eyes from the glare.

The Nth Metal mace in her arms bolstered her energy shield, minimizing the effects of the energy collision.

She was about to jump in and help when something grabbed her mental focus. A thought, projected through the mind-link.

[Hawkwoman! Fall back, your life is in danger the longer you stay close to them.]

Batman's voice came through with a commanding tone.

[John is still alive, remember? Only the spell to project his soul into Heaven has been broken.]

Oh her anger, she had forgotten that little tidbit. Even if they died here, they would only be sent back to Earth.

Hawkwoman's momentary relief dissipated as Superman, with astonishing amounts of effort, audibly strained as Zauriel's light beam forcefully countered his heat vision, inevitably pushing the Kryptonian back.

The Man of Steel mindfully leaned to the side, evading the beam's path.

It passed by the two of them, close enough that Clark felt it's heat sear his skin.

The attack erupted in the sky above, dispersing the golden cloud cover hanging over the first Heaven in its wake.

All watching were left in awe.

"Incredible," Prime Wonder Woman marveled from the ground, her gaze fixed on the Red-Haired Zauriel and the radiant cloak of energy enveloping his form.

She twirled the God-killer sword in her hand with excitement and battle mania.

"To think that those 12 winged angels are so powerful."

Prime Earth Batman's cape flapped in the wild winds produced in the aftermath.

"Superman can't take him on alone. He isn't enough."

"One Superman maybe, but how about two?"

Earth 16 Batman questioned staring at hus Earth's Superman.

"I like how you think."

Prime Batman complimented his parralel self.

"Finally I get to join in the action. I was feeling a little left out."

Superman admitted, staring at his Parallel self fighting with Zauriel in the sky.

"" Go. ""

The two dark knights instructed in unison.

"You're the only one strong enough to physically contend with an Arch-angel."

One Batman said.

"The two of you together will win."

The other one added right after.

"Okaaay that is officially creepy. Not as cool as I thought it would be."

Green Arrow commented, eyes darting between both Batman.

"You still talking? I am up to 300 enemies and counting."

Prime Cyborg told the archer, sending out energy blasts at the enemy.

The two were tasked with guarding the group by taking shots at any angel that flew too deep into enemy lines.

Naturally, they decided to make it a competition. One between Prime Earth and Earth 16.

You see, the Leaguers could deliberate on strategy without disturbance, due to where they were positioned.

Which was at the rear of the Reaper's army. Their main job was to plan.

At the very front were the Soul Lanterns, absolutely wrecking the angelic forces with support from Atlantean magicians and soldiers.

"A little help here...I have company."

Deadman called out from the sky, a party of enemies flying after him from the Front Lines.

He swooped down, several dozen chariots with 4 winged angels on them, tailing right behind, weapons glowing with divine light.

Upon nearing the Leaguers, Shazam stepped forward, sending a lightning net that flew through the whole group, crisply dispatching the angels.

Shazam lowered his hands, tendrils of lightning still dancing erratically around the fingers.

"Thanks. That was close."

Deadman sighed in gratitude, showing a thumbs up to the Champion of the Gods as he landed before the Leaguer.

The latter shrugged with an easy going smile,

"Don't mention it. Besides, we kinda need you. Without you, we wouldn't be able to survive in this place. Much less fight."

The Champion of the Gods turned to look at the chaotic battlefield around them with a pensive stare.

"This place actively denies our physical forms. Had we entered carelessly, our bones would have been shattered, flesh ground to dust and blood boiled."

He stated grimly.

"I admit, it was quick thinking on your part, Brand."

Earth 16 Batman complimented, typing on his wrist computer.

"By layering a spell over Dr. Manhattan's portals, you created bod-"

"Soul echoes."

Deadman interrupted, facing a particular point on the sky.

A few of the angels that had attacked him, had managed recover from Shazam's initial attack.

4 winged angels were stronger and more resilient than normal ones after all.

'They're back. Time to deal with them permanently, the less enemies we have the better for us.'

Deadman reasoned to himself.

He extended his arms, summoning a tempest of spiritual energy overhead that forcibly pulled the angels into its swirling vortex.

The whirlwind glowed blue, shadows of flying humanoids in Chariots faintly visible within it. Trapped.

"If you wouldn't mind."

Deadman motioned to Shazam, pointing at the sky.


Shazam said with an uncharacteristic malicious grin.

The Wizard Shazam and the Quintessence had shown him how fickle godly beings could be. He wasn't going to put his trust in the divine any longer.

He ignited his hands with electric energy, sending a large bolt of divine lightning that spread across the Whirlwind, frying the trapped angels.

The spirit storm exploded. Blackened feathers drifted to the ground, turning into ash in the air.

"As I was saying Bats."

Deadman turned to the Dark Knight

"Soul Echoes are transient constructs, providing you with a presence in a spiritual realm. Their existence relies on your will to maintain them,"

Deadman explained,

"The only drawback is that serious injuries will destroy the Soul Echo, vaulting you back into your physical body, drained of Spirit Energy for some time."

"In that case, a prolonged battle is out of the question."

commented Black Canary.

Their advantage had been the element of surprise. The enemies had bigger numbers. And while useful, the drawback of Soul Echoes was that they were essentially turned into glass cannons. They had power but one good hit and they were out.

"Everything rests on how long we can hold on. At least until Davian gets his friends back."

She intuited.


Deadman answered without hesitation.

"That's why I'm here. We're currently pushing them back on the front lines. But once they get organized we will start to lose ground. Badly. We need a plan in case the Boss is late-"

"No need."

Prime Batman stated,

"Manhattan estimates we have approximately 4 minutes until Heaven's Sun reaches its peak. Currently obscured by the Levels of Heavens above us, its light becomes visible only at the Zenith, directly above the Citadel."

He pointed straight up.

"That same light will instantly turn our Soul Echoes into ash."

The Second Batman added.

"Four minutes. That's how long this rescue mission should take. No more."

"Four minutes then. We can hold out for that long, I think."

Deadman breathed out, slightly unsure.

"But just in case there's some unforeseen circumstances, we need a back up plan."

Upon hearing that, the Dark Knight turned his eyes towards a certain direction.

Several feet away from them, was a deserted Chariot, a majestic black stallion at the head.

The rider was nowhere to be seen, being one of the angels caught in Deadman's and Shazam's combo attack.

Batman narrowed his eyes.

"I have an idea."


In the skies above them, a truly devastating battle was unfolding, two Supermen fought against the leader of the Pax-Dei.

Two Kryptonians against the might of an Arch-angel.

It was enough that the battle happening below somewhat stalled, and the Flash found himself watching the fight next to a few League members.

Scarlet beams of solar heat clashed with divine light, sending a kaleidoscope of colors washing out into the sky.

"I seldom see Superman going all out."

Captain Atom said, just as dumbfounded as the rest.

"Out of anyone else here, Clark's force of will is unbeatable. And we have two of them. That's good for us. "

Hawkman breathed out.

What went unsaid was the fact Zauriel was keeping up with the two.

"And not just them either."

Powergirl pointed out, motioning to another side of the battlefield.

A place that was being avoided like the plague.

"We have them too. Davian's friends. They helped me a while back...but I never thought they were so powerful."

A Raven's cry sent sonic vibrations that stunned the angels in the air.

A group of several thousand 4 winged and even stronger angels hang in the air, hands covering their ears in pain.

From a top the Raven's back, a beautiful woman with black hair cut shot wielded a Katana, pulling back her arm and swinging it out with precision.

"All I see is a bunch of chicken flapping about."

Lady Shiva stated, executing her attack.

Numerous sword phantoms littered the air, speedily covering the distance between them and drowning the heavenly host under the Intricacies of Sword Mastery.

"Now, fall... Crescent Moon."

The sword phantoms exploded into arcs of cutting winds that pushed a good chunk of the enemies back.

"Dastardly Female!"

A Seraphim with pink hair shouted at Shiva, flying in with two celestial axes in each of his hands.

The Seraphim Raguel!

Arcs of divine light jumped forth from the axe, cutting towards the Raven in the sky.

The air itself screamed in the path of something Heaven itself denied.

Grail launched out twin beams of the Omega effect at Raguel's axe attacks, destroying them before they could reach the Raven. The angel was pushed back.

"So arrogant. I'm a God. You're a mere attendant to one. Learn your place."

The New God mocked the Seraphim.

"Daaaaammnn you!!!"

Raguel roared coming in with a fist.

With a flare of its wings, the Raven produced a pressure wave that pushed back Raguel, sending him crashing towards the ground.

A cymbal sounded out, and Raguel was teleported off the ground and into the air.

The Arch-angel found himself floating beside another of his compatriots.


The new Arch-angel was female, blonde haired, in a silver armor and different from the others with a variety of wespons. In the place of a sword or spear, she was holding onto a pair of Cymbals. One in each hand.

Her eyes were also completely white.

She was the Lead Seraphim of yne Heavenly Choir, Jehoel. One of the important positions in Heaven.

Those white eyes were narrowed Raven's way.

"Be careful. These enemies are not like the demons we face. They are organized and quite deadly."

She concluded her statement.

"Thank you, Jehoel."

Raguel said, light washing down his hands to form another pair of axes. His grip tightened around them.

"Let us work together and dispose of them."

The two Seraphims were not the only ones finding Raven andher group a nuisance.

There was another one. Not man nor angel.

A fly with comically large eyes and a hat flapped it's wings, buzzing in the air, evading attacks left and right.

A wave of light arrows headed for the Atlanteans down below. (The arrows failed to land, blocked by one of those glowing spirits, a Soul Lantern)

The fly strafed away into another part of the battle.

A magical bomb unleashed by Zatara, pulled in great numbers of angels before crushing them and then releasing their remains into the surroundings.

Peace, a goddess of Order decided to jump in and attack the magician, starting a magic battle.

The Fly decided to avoid that area too.

There was a place where the Fly had to time freeze the area around him, successfully surviving one of those radiant beams that the Arch-angel s used.

It's light, carrying the Divine Presence of the creator washed through him. Fortunately, as a fifth dimension being, he could take it head on.

The chaos unfolding around them was hilarious.

All this, because of a single man.

Then again...what did he have to complain about?

There were two Supermans! Or is it Supermen?

Mr. Myx didn't care about the correct pronunciation. The only thing that mattered was that there were two of them.

And they were kicking ass! He wanted to cheer for them but that was bad sporting. He was their enemy after all!

Following behind the radiant beam, both Superman clashed in Midair against Zauriel. They were rearranging the battlefield by the mere shockwaves of their battle.

Eventually, Myx couldn't hold back his excitement.

"Get him Supes!"

The Imp cheered in a reedy barely audible voice, mock boxing in midair, in the form of a fly.

"Give that jerk a good beating! Yeah! Wallop his ass!"

Myx Widened his compound eyes, slapping his head. He had been caught up with Supe's fight, he forgot he had a mission.

Wings flapping too quick for anyone to perceive, the Fly immediately started flying towards Raven's group.

This was where the Reaper's closest allies were gathered.

A wide evil smile spread out across the Fly's mouth, something that should be biologically impossible. But to Myx this was nothing.

The reason he was after Raven's group was to use them against Davian.

"Once I sneak up on them, they're as good as mine. Zehahahahahaha! Zehahahahaha!"

The Fly buzzed happily.

Only for the sky to turn dark, caused by a shadow that appeared above Myxzptlk.

The Fifth Dimension Imp disguised as a Fly immediately halted in its advance, his insect body shivering in fear.

Dr. Manhattan was staring right down at him, the passive expression on his face making him look unfeeling and bored.

Yet those eyes...they had Myx backing away in terror.

"Oh no no no no no. Why him? Why couldn't it have been another extradimensional asshole..."

The Imp shuddered.

Giant blue hands begun descending towards Myx.

"I won't let you harm them."

Dr. Manhattan spoke.

"This is the end of the line, Mr.Myxzptlk."

"Oh hell no! I'm out of here!"

The Imp stated, changing directions and flying in the opposite direction to Manhattan.

For added effect, he teleported vast distances, going deeper into Heaven in a mad dash to escape.

Normally doing so in a realm governed by an Outerversal Entity would be impossible for just about anyone. But Myx knew Heaven's secret.

God's presence was diminished, allowing this much.

"Zehahahahaha. I'll just sneak up on them again."

Myx planned.

"By the time that blue asshole notices me, it will be too late! Zehahahahaha!!"

The Golden Cloud islands passed by him, numerous souls dancing around in the Utopia.

Before him was Heaven's boundaries. A huge wall that obstructed the way forward.

But Endless or Infinite were mere 3 dimensional understanding of space-time concepts. To someone like Myx they amounted to nothing.

"This is far enough. He wouldn't follow me to such a long distance."

The Fly told itself, buzzing before the wall.

"I cannot let you escape."

A voice called out, like a decree from Heaven.


The Imp was close to an heart attack.

"But how? I flew so far away from you!"

The boundaries of Heaven behind Myx begun to tremble and shake. The Fly turned around, staring as a blue pillar moved, pushing away the cloud islands close to it.

No, not a pillar... A finger.

"In reality, you never left my hand."

Dr. Manhattan revealed.

"You merely thought you did."

There was a smoke pop and Mr. Myxzptlk appeared in the flesh, holding both hands up. Beads of sweat were visibly falling down his face.

"Wait, Can we talk this out?"

He gulped.

"It was just a prank. No need to get so worked up, you know?"

""" Mr. President!!"""

A cloud of Imps flew towards them, surrounding Myx protectively.

""" We heard you were in trouble."""

""" Batmite informed us. Are you okay, Mr. Mxy?"""

Myxzptlk's face split up into a wide smile upon the arrival of his forces.

"Quick everyone! I can't explain it but it's time for our signature move! The Cosmic Convergence Gambol!"

He declared, shadow tendrils stabbing into the Imps around him.

""" Use my power Mr. President!!!"""

""" I accept to die for you Myx dearie!!!"""

""" Kick his ass Myx!!"""

All the Imps gladly showed their support.

Myx's shadow swallowed over thousands of his followers in a single instant.

The realm started to lightly tremble with his power. In his position, Space begun to twist upon itself.

Mr. Myxzptlk begun to scream, the sound loud enough as to be heard across the battlefield.

Veins jutted out on his skin, his muscles inflating as his size increased.

His hat disappeared, the hair underneath, growing in length and bulk. It then changed colors from black to yellow.

His soft facial features became as hard as granite and once the transformation was complete, an entirely different being stood where Myx once was.

Over seven feet tall with sickly green energy covering him...

This was the Super Saiyan Imp!

"Let's see if you can still deal with me now."

The new Myx boldly proclaimed, body flashing with blue streaks of energy.

"Your power...multiplied by 50 times...."

Manhattan stated, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't see how that narrows the gap between us."

"You'll see!"

Myx stated, falling into a stance that Davian would have recognized had he been around.

"Get a load of this: Final Flash Ka-me-"

Energy begun swirling around him crazily.


His voice took on a different tone, sounding much deeper.


With this final vocalization, a brilliant sphere of both purple and blue energy formed within Mxyzptlk's hands.

He thrust them outward, aiming for Manhattan.

The energy burst out into one concentrated energy blast, burning the very path it blazed, advancing at Manhattan.

The attack struck, waves diving off into the surroundings. Everything turned white for a second.

"Everyone be careful!"

Prime Earth Green Martian called out in urgency, shifting forms into a dark green wooded dome around the Reaper's allies.

The Martian begun screeching in pain as the heat produced by the attack seared his skin.

Despite the Martian weakness to Fire being more mental than physical, burn marks still appeared around his Soul Echo.

This went on for more than a second before things eventually quieted down.

The smoke cleared from the battlefield, revealing a wildly different environment than before.

There were patches on the cloudy golden ground and the sky above, holes that revealed chaotic pockets of energy that were slowly healing.

To block against the attack, both sides of the battlefield had deployed their own defensive abilities.

A crack sounded out from the wooden dome that Martian Manhunter had created with his body.

Spider webs ran down it's structure, green light peeking through the cracks and with a resounding crash, the whole thing broke apart.

The pieces detaching, burned in the air, disappearing into the ether.

[I shall leave the rest to you]

He sent through the Mind-link, his Soul Echo along woth his presence fading away.

Deadman stretched out his palm, a small piece of dissolved wood falling on it.

"His Soul Echo...he sacrificed himself to save us."

The Spirit muttered heavily.

"What was that crazy explosion?"

Green Arrow questioned.

"We weren't in range of it and we still lost J'onn."

"Not him alone," Prime Earth Batman asserted.

"We've lost contact with six League Members, including Aquaman, who was leading the Atlanteans. Moreover, more than half of our allies fell victim to the attack."

He paused, the weight of the situation sinking in.

"We've forfeited the surprise advantage we held, and our firepower has been halved. If they regroup before us...we're facing imminent defeat."

And sure enough, the allies were scattered across the area, making it difficult to launch a group attack and easier for the enemy to pick them off one by one.

Not to say that all was lost.

A large chunk of those who remained, were shielded underneath Raven's wings, with the Soul Lanterns forming a round bubble around everyone.


Raven questioned through the Mind-link.

[We're good Mistress.]

Hal replied, his body glowing With golden energy.


Raven flapped her wings, ascending to the sky.


She flew towards the entrance to heaven, sending the dust and smoke away with the air below her wings.

The scene was revealed and her statement was proven right.

Something glowed a distance away from them, right at the entrance to Heaven.

In front of the Pearly gates, a huge silver shield stood.

The shield disolved into motes of light, revealing the numerous numbers of angels still left alive.

The enemy had survived.

The silver apparation of an Arch-angel with a large cross stood before them, holding it up into the air.

The apparation's existince was false, given manifestation by the three Arch-angels at the head of the Heavenly Host.

Zauriel the Angel of the Host stood in the middle.

To his left was Jehoel, the Angel of Wisdom and Divine Enlightenment.

And to his right was Raguel, the Angel of Divine Justice.

"That was close."

Zauriel said, Angel Michael's apparation fading away with the barrier they had erected.

"It's about time."

Jehoel told her fellow Seraphims.

"The Sun is a minute away. Finally we can put a rest to this."


Raguel agreed.

"That said, 'He' might prove a challenge. He's unharmed by the Imp's attacks."

The three looked up, gazes fixated on the familiar blue figure of Manhattan.

"We also lost the Lords of Order in the attack."

Zauriel grimly informed them.

"And he's not the only troublesome foe we have. There's the two Kryptonians."

In the case of Super Saiyan Imp vs Manhattan, the result of the battle between the two extradimensional beings was concluded.

And the outcome of the battle was not accepted by the loser.

"How?! You cheater! Why are you so powerful? I was using 100000% of my full strength."

Myx protested, back in his normal form, with the bowler hat on top of his head.

He was imprisoned in a cage made of blue energy. A cage that neutralized his abilities.

Dr. Manhattan blinked impassively.

"I derive my strength from Anti-crisis energy. It's peaceful and harmonic. A natural counter to a being of chaos such as you."

"Aw shucks. I lost didn't I?"

The Imp deflated, sighing while laying down on the floor of the cage.

"This was my chance to show off...and you ruined it."

He hatefully glared at Manhattan.

"I'll make you pay one day Blue Guy. Time to Skedaddle. Kltpzxym!"

A second passed and Mr. Myxzptlk's eyes slowly widened.

"It...didn't work?"

He couldn't teleport back to the Fifth Dimension. The cage was even restricting such a core aspect of him.

"You shall not leave."

Manhattan informed him.

Myx gulped.

"You are my prisoner now, Myx."

Manhattan allowed a small content smile on his face.

(Davian's P.O.V)

My steps made no noise as I approached the throne room. I had about a minute left until Heaven's Sun reached its Zenith.

I had to rescue Chase and Rama before that happened.

Or the three of us along with the 106729 allies and 17 million Soul Lanterns keeping the Heavenly Host busy, would be fried.

Speaking of the sun, I held back a wince, my haori slightly steaming. Being this far up exposed me to the glares of it's stray rays.

The heat and light steadily grew more and more intense to the point it was almost too much to bear. I grabbed a chunk of my haori and tore the whole thing off, leaving my chest open.

Fine, I'll take it head on then.

That said, the Throne Room was before me.

It would only take a single Shunpo to get in and get them out.

But...this was God's abode. And there was a difference between being reckless and being bold.

It would have been completely careless of me to rush in without thought.

I arrived at the massive open entrance. Right on the edge of the path of light leading inside the building.

2 angel statues with 12 wings stood on each side of the entry way, holding swords.

The next step I would take, my foot was going to land on...

How unexpected...the ground was a simple stone floor, I would have thought it would be something opulent and Gaudy. This was Heaven after all.

Reikaku rippled out, encompassing the entire Citadel.

Two bright spheres of light and one massive sun appeared across my scanning field.

My grip on Chesha Neko was the tightest I had ever held it.

Those two souls, one was made from my own, the other belonged to a goddess...Chase and Rama Kushna.

Finally. I found them.

What made me wary was the other presence I felt.

It was...on an entirely different level. Stronger than even Gabriel, who had given me some trouble.

Could it be God? There was no mistaking must be God. My soul trembled in a way it hadn't since facing the Great Darkness.

My foot rose up to take the next step. There was a small staircase to climb and then I would see Chase.

Just a single step... was a heavy one.

I was reminded of the warning Chase had delivered to me, sent through Manhattan:

["Don't come for me while you're this weak. I expect you to get stronger. Strong enough that it doesn't matter where I'll be. Strong enough that you won't die trying to save me."]

Sorry Chase, the problem with that arrangement are my strength.

I stepped right through.

My steps echoed out as I climbed the stairs, my resolve hardening with each passing second until...


A new voice stated as soon as I cleared the stairs, stepping into a wide chamber with tall open windows.

"Its nice of you to grace us with your presence, Reaper. The three of us have been patiently waiting for your arrival."

The Man was absolutely attractive. The kind of handsome face that you just wanted to punch. Blue eyes, white hair and 12 snowy wings behind him.


"You're not God."

I said in realization, struggling to believe how an angel could exude the kind of presence he was.

The Man chuckled. It was an annoyingly beautiful sound.

"Seated on this throne as I currently am, I might as well be."

He lightly caressed the throne's Armrest.

"You might have defeated Gabriel but there is frankly no chance of you surviving this encounter."

He leaned forward.

"You have fought valiantly. Now is the time to prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness."

"Mmmh...I see. I'll take that under advisement."

I replied.

"Oh wait, fuck you."

Then promptly showed him the middle finger.

My gaze left the angel, though I still heavily monitored him through Reikaku, and landed on Chase.

Immediately I was enraged. Chase was a beaten mess.

"Gabriel did that?"

"Not just him, but it's nothing."

Chase shrugged.

"In any case, I'm thinking you beat him?"

"Yeah." I nodded, gritting my teeth.

"He was tough."

The golden chain on his neck clinked noisily as he laughed.

"Serves that asshole right. I told him."

My teeth gnashed so hard I thought they would shatter.

They had him in chains. Unacceptable.


His laughter started dying out, then his eyes turned hard.

"You shouldn't have come Davi."

"Yeah well, I'm here now. Nothing you can do about it."

I shrugged, turning my focus to one of the most important people to me.

I felt my face twist into a soft smile.

"Hey Rama."

"Davi, dear boy, it's nice to see. But I agree, you shouldn't have come."

She answered with a sad smile.

"Your strings don't lie. You're not prepared for the consequences of your actions."

"Like I said, I'm here now." I told the two of them.

"And I'll get you out. So deal with it. "

I leaned forward, the air around me growing sharper.

Those chains- they must have been suffocating. Chase's Spirit energy flow was disrupted, it felt sluggish in my senses.

To a spirit like him, it was probably a few levels above uncomfortable.

"Stand back, I'm getting those cuffs off you."

I informed him.

The edge of my zanpakuto left a shadow through the air as I executed a move.

A laido was a fast slash. An attack that abandoned all preparation and form for speed and ergo, cutting power.

Several sword slashes landed on the golden chain in the span of an attosecond.

Sparks flew from the contact.

Metallic clangs rang out as the sound finally caught up with the action.

Yet no nick or mark appeared on the chains. They still looked pristine. The golden manacles were still intact.

Chesha Neko hissed as I slowly slid it back in it's sheath.

This complicates things. And I couldn't cut the area around the wall either.

The chains were mostly ornamental. The real restriction was Heaven itself. Chase was being held onto by the weight of the realm.

"What now?"

The Angel on the throne asked in a curious tone.

"Tick don't have much time left."

Loathe as I am to admit, he's right.

Heaven's sun was about to rise above us, spelling trouble for everyone.

The good thing was that Chase and Rama were safe in the throne room, the ceiling would shield them from the direct rays.

The rest were a different story. Which meant it fell to me to finish this quick.

The weight of expectations on me was immense.

But my resolve was unbreakable.

"If I can't cut through them...then I'll just have to cut you down."

I told the Angel, immediately rushing forward with a dark edge around Chesha Neko.

Two shadows detached themselves from me, each of the Time Remnants going for both Chase and Rama.

The Angel who by now I suspected was Metatron smiled, as if finding my charge non-threatening.

Good. That means he won't see this coming.

I jumped, spinning at the apex of my ascent, coming down on top of him with my blade swinging out, the trajectory headed for his neck.

Just because my first attempt at cutting The chains didn't work, didn't mean The layer of Respira on the edge of Chesha Neko was going to fail.

That was the purpose of the Time Remnants. To kill 3 birds with one stone. They would Rescue Chase and Rama while I handled the angel.

A solid plan, until time itself stopped.

'What's this? I can't move.'

The air around the edge of my blade rippled like a thick invisible liquid.

"Day 2: He formed the oceans and seas:- River of Time."

The Angel intoned lowly.

Mirthful Blue eyes met my purple ones.

Even my time remnants were frozen in a temporal cage, only our awareness remained.

Flexing Cosmic Authority yielded no results. It was like pushing against the weight of time itself. Imagine trying to forcibly fight the temporal flow itself. That was the trap I had fallen for.

"I told you."

The Angel chuckled.

"Seated on this throne, the throne of God...I am untouchable."

With that, he raised a single hand, the palm beginning to glow a bright white.

Despite remaining the same physical size and shape, reality warped around the palm, causing it to appear tremendously huge in my vision.

It occupied everything, the sky, the ground, the peripheral of my vision.

It was the palm of creation itself.

The Hand of God.

In some ways, the Hand of Man himself. For the light didn't just come from within Metatron alone, a large chunk of it was being pulled from the connection he had to the Throne under him. The Throne of God.

Damn. If that were to land, I would be struck with the combined collective of Humanity itself. The wills of Quadrillions. And by extension, God's Will.

I had no idea if I could survive that.


Chase yelled, seriousness pouring out of him. He was likely sensing the power within the hand.

"Be careful! Metatron is unlike anything we've faced before."

So...he's Metatron...

And I could see just how dangerous he was, what with being trapped in a time bubble, just waiting for his retaliatory strike.

The palm grew ever bigger and ever closer until finally, it eventually landed on my chest.

Breath instantly left me as a large force slammed into me. My ribs instantly shattered, the impact hurting my very soul due to the light infused in the attack.

I lost consciousness for a split second, my vision going dark.

Something gave way behind me, a piece of the entrance to the throne room.

The impact brought back my awareness, prompting me to open my eyes, realizing that in just an instant, I was blown right out of the Throne Room, headed towards the edge of the Final heaven.

A garganta appeared behind me, swallowing my body. Then I set the exit point for the portal to be the skies above the Throne Room.

Propelled from the portal, my trajectory shifted abruptly.

No longer soaring horizontally, I descended vertically, hurtling towards the golden ground with Chesha Neko unsheathed from its scabbard.

I landed with a boom, the impact producing a shockwave that cracked the ground.

That Palm had packed a punch, I felt the pain straight to my soul. It was different from any attack I had had to contend with in the past.

The only reason I survived with a few injuries was Cosmic Authority negating 90% of the attack's potency.

Eyes burning with a desire for payback, I stood up, knowing what was coming through Reikaku.

At that instant, my Time Remnants were blasted through the entrance as well. Their bodies sailing towards me.

Chesha Neko unravelled into purple strings that grabbed them off the air, absorbing them and realigning us into one temporal wavelength.

It was a skill that held a few complications, otherwise I would have used it to fight him.

Light steps sounded out as Metatron descended the stairs.

With a stone tablet clutched in his hands, he walked out, that same smile on his face.

"I expected more fight from someone who could defeat Gabriel."

The bastard said, spurring my anger on.

"I'm disappointed."

With a growl, energy erupted from my heels, pushing me forward. I was fusing the intricacies of Shunko with the unlimited speed from the speed force for that extra juice.

Everything appeared frozen as I entered Hypertime. Everything including Metatron. Flash called it Flash time.

And I was going to use it to wipe away the smirk on Metatron's smug face.


Lightning blazed around my swinging blade, crackling with intensity as I executed my slash.

"Death God Sword Art first Stage:- Non-Existence."

There was no resistance as Chesha Neko sliced right through his body. The deathless energy pouring off the edge destroyed his form entirely.

I carved a trail with my feet behind him, halting after bleeding off all my momentum.

Through Reikaku, I felt his light and presence disappear abruptly.

But death was seemingly too good for him.

A section of the ground to the left of the throne room, inflated into a mould.

That mould shape-shifted into a humanoid figure and in an instant, Metatron was back.

"Day 3:- he created land and vegetation: Terraforming Verse."

He intoned, his body reforming from the clouds and air around.

There was that peculiar name of the attack. The one before was called Day 2: River of Time. This one was Day 3:- Terraforming Verse.

"Your attacks,"

I spoke up.

"They're inspired from the Creation story. 7 days for 7 skills."


The Angel responded, shifting his stance into something unassuming.

"It's the Voice of God."

He explained unworriedly.

"7 skills just like you said. The ones I used were the weakest. You should just give up. This battle is meaningless. I am too powerful for you."

The indifference in his tone got to me.

"You don't really see me as a threat, do you?"

I remarked, the truth of my words sinking in further as his subsequent reply unfolded-

"Should I? I have God himself in my corner, what can you do?"

Metatron threw his head back, suddenly laughing.

"You still refuse to see it. I outstrip you in all capacity. Power, knowledge, Influence and Authority. No matter how you look at it, the odds are stacked against you."

It was true. The odds were against me.


"That's how I like it."

I muttered to myself, tightening my hand around the grip of my Zanpakuto.

My anxiety disappeared. My breath evened out. I stretched my body...or soul I guess, feeling and hearing the cracks as I loosened up.

"Tell me something."

I called out for the last time, deciding to finally go all out.

With his attention on me, I asked what I wanted.

"If I beat you, then all that's left is the big guy himself, correct?"

The smile that had been on his face slipped away. He tapped his fingers on the Stone Tablet in his arms in contemplation.


He finally answered after a pause.

"But, thats only dependent on you beating me."

A dangerous gleam shone in his blue eyes.

"And we know there is no chance in Heaven that happens. You're not Jesus, the performer of miracles."

I grinned, twirling Chesha Neko. I never claimed to be, but I cpuld perform miracles as well.

"Let's do it then. Your Voice of God against my full power. My Bankai."

I was going to have to be careful of the rest of the skills in the Voice of God. I knew 2 of them already but he said they were the weakest.

I don't have time to probe him, so it's full power from the start.

Reiatsu surged out of me in one directed wave of power.

The air shook and screeched with it's weight.

Thinking equally as fast as me, Metatron's own presence rippled out colliding with my own.

The sky rumbled, splitting into two sides. My Purple Reiatsu against his white Divine Presence.

However, without being seated on God's throne, I had the stronger Spiritual Presence, inevitably pushing him back.

Metatron's hair was blown back by the pressure wave, eyes narrowing my way as I slipped into a Shunpo, speeding towards him- blade tip aimed for his forehead.

I extended Chesha Neko's length by weaving the strings, adding a full yard to it.

The Arch-angel brought his hand forward, slapping the unexpected blade away.

Keen senses he's got.

Once more, I employed Chesha Neko's shikai, turning the weapon into strings.

Leaning on my right leg, I twisted my hips, adding power to my follow up move.

The sword shifted into a whip with a tipped blade at the end. It struck out, cracking the air while passing through Metatron as his body turned into formless light.

I kept on striking out, dealing hundreds of whips at his body with no visible damage occurring.

Grooves appeared on the beaten ground, patches that ran deep, almost to the heavens lower than us.

"Day 1: He Created the Light: Light Canopy!"

The Arch-angel chanted, changing into a stream of light that took to the sky.

With a wave of his left hand, the right still holding onto the Tablet, thousands of light arrows appeared above me positioned like an umbrella, cutting off all evenues of a quick escape.

The light arrows swirled around violently, acquiring enough power and penetration to take out a whole galaxy in a single shot.

He swung his hand down, sending the wave falling on top of me.

There were many ways to deal with this, I went for the easiest.

My mouth widened to an insane degree, swallowing all his attacks in a single munch.

All that energy was then stored in Gluttony's belly.

Almost immediately, it started burning my soul. This energy was different from anything else I'd absorbed. It was too potent and indisposed to a being with the essence of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Knowing I couldn't keep it within me for long, I mixed it with Respira in Gluttony's belly and then breathed out a long gray beam of corrupted light into the air, using Reikaku to track the Angel's movement.

I felt the blow connect, drowning his position with his own attack.

Metatron flared his wings, sending the gray energy splintering off into the sky behind him.

The two of us stared at one other, different expressions on each of our faces.

Mine was a grim one, that attack did nothing.

And to add salt to the wound, the Sun had just reached its Zenith.

My body was starting to smoke.

I was too late in accomplishing my objectives. Not ideal. Not ideal at all.

And from the look on Metatron's face he knew that the balance in power had just shifted to his side.

"I'm an angel. Light doesn't hurt me."

He revealed smugly.

A layered statement.

Not even light corrupted with Respira huh? Damn this guy has crazy resilience.

In the same breadth he was telling me that the Light from Heaven's sun would only affect me.

Fuck. Guess I don't have a choice then. Time to use my Trump Card. Taking in a deep breath, I prepared myself for a fully powered Bankai, only for a thought projected my way to stop me.

[Davi! I have a plan]

Chase's voice blared in my mind.

[Hold on and don't do anything crazy just yet! Let me handle the sun business, alright? ]


I called out, my stiff shoulders somewhat relaxing. He sounded a bit more lively, which was a good thing.

Instead of answering, the entire realm begun to tremble and shake.

[Don't worry. I've been thinking. The only reason all this happened was because I was too weak to fight Gabriel.]

He said through the Mind-link, space still trembling.

I narrowed my eyes. The way he was talking...

[But you said it best my Wielder, I'm not your weakness. I'm supposed to be your strength.]

With the drop of those words which failed to fill me with confidence, the trembling increased, cracks started appearing around the structure of the Throne Room.

"Damn you! The Stone Tablet is giving me no answer as to what's happening."

Metatron exclaimed, glaring my way.

"What are you doing?"

I didn't have time to respond to him, as I finally realized Chase's plan.

Without thinking, I blasted off towards the throne room in a desperate dash.

[Wait you stupid Cat! Don't do it, you can't shoulder the weight while still under those chains. Not alone. Your soul can't take it!]

I yelled through the Link.

What was he thinking?! I was the reckless one. The one supposed to do stupid shit like what he was planning.

[Must be ironic huh? I always warn you not to be careless and here I am, trying to teleport Heaven into Ultima. If this fails we're all dead. If it succeeds at least you will survive...]

He said with a laugh.

[Shut up!]

Why was he talking like that? That sappy sentimental bullshit.

[Hahaha...there's so much I want to say to you Davi. But...we are connected, so you probably know it anyway]

I reached the entrance.

[I told you to stop that! How will I be able to face the others without you? You're the whole point to this Raid in the first place!]

[Tell them I pulled off my greatest Vanishing Trick yet. The Cheshire Cat's grin.]

His mental presence brushed against mine, and I felt his emotions so clearly as if they were mine.

Resolve, acceptance and a deep devotion to me.

[Goodbye Davi. And can't win this without losing something]

An unexpected Spirit Shockwave rippled out from within the Throne Room, throwing me back.

My heart squeezed, knowing I was too late yet again.

I felt his Mental Presence recede as with a tearing sound, Heaven was ripped from its place in the Sphere of the Gods and thrown into my own universe, Ultima.

Chase had just saved all of us


I sank to my knees, staring at the remains of the Throne Room before me.

The walls had crumbled down, exposing the interior to the world.

Amongst the debris, the Throne of God stood tall in the middle of the crater. But I didn't care for that.

"I can't...sense him."

I said simply, not wanting to believe it.

How could I? This was Chase. He couldn't be gone...

There have only been two times when his presence had disappeared. But those instances had been different, circumstantial and temporary.

This was something else. There was an emptiness within my chest...a heat that was missing.

Unsteady footsteps sounded out from my back. I hadn't noticed it yet but Heaven's Sun was missing.

The Silver City was now cloaked in the perpetual Purple of my realm. He'd done it.

Reikaku informed me that we were at the point of collision between Ultima and Heaven. The Silver City was now within my realm.

"What- ack!"

Red blood splattered on the ground next to me. Looking at my peripheral, the owner turned out to be Metatron.

'Oh boy, he isn't looking too good.' I thought numbly.

Long gone was his majestic self. Now he stood, a shrivelled left hand hanging limply at his side, the right hand still holding onto the Stone Tablet, although it too had cracks running down it's structure.

"What did you do?!!"

He screamed wiping the traces of blood from his lips.

The wings behind him had lost their spleandorous white color, now faded and gray with spots of black intermixed.

He dragged his feet, (the left leg shrivelled up like his hand) his face twisting into an ugly sneer.

One filled with malice and hatred. Not really fitting for an angel.

But what do I care? Chase is gone.

"What did you just Do?! Answer me!"

He demanded.

Staying silent didn't seem to make him happy.

He used the Stone Tablet, swinging his right hand around and slamming the tablet onto the side of my face.

"You turned me into a monster!"

My head was whipped to the side, yet the pain was hollow.

"You despicable Creature! What did you do?!"

A few more blows came, the crazed Arch-angel seeming to understand the impact of Chase's actions.

"You have completely corrupted my home!"

I felt him grab my hair next, turning my head towards the cracked Stone tablet in his hands.

"Look! Look! These are the 10 Ancient Laws that protect creation from selfish beings like you!"

He yelled, deranged.

"Read! You've broken them all!"

He laughed without humor, a self deprecating sound that I would have loved to enjoy.

"And now you steal from God!! How bold of you! No one else can claim such a feat!"

Oh, the Ancient Laws... I had promised myself I would destroy them...

But what satisfaction would that bring? Chase wasn't here anymore.

I blinked, my eyes just managing to read the list of laws I had broken. A very comprehensive list indeed. One that Chase and I had managed to go against countless times before.

I guess...this time our luck ran out.

"Why won't you fight back?!"

Metatron raved, breathing heavily after delivering a barrage of blows that I barely felt.

I could feel his glare on me, as he raised his shrivelled left hand.

"Divine Light!"

A sickly beam of energy slammed into me, throwing away my body. I dug a groove on the ground before stopping.

I stayed there, gaze set to the sky before eventually landing on Chesha Neko.

A zanpakuto without a spirit. Even the blade had lost it's glow. And I couldn't access any of my Soul Reaper abilities.

That meant no Shikai or Bankai. Only Kido, Hoho and Zanjutsu.

A recent memory appeared at the forefront of my mind.

'And remember I'm order to win this, you need to lose something.'

Chase's voice echoed out.

Was this what he meant?

I barked out a laugh. That bloody stupid cat. didn't matter anymore. I had lost.

"I'm not done with you yet Reaper."

Metatron growled, steps headed my way.

Only for something to explode against his face, a heavy punch that threw him towards the entrance to the Throne room.

"Stay away from him!"

Rama Kushna yelled, having emerged from a portal at my back. One that feat eerily similar to a Garganta. How strange.

Immediately, I felt her hands wrap around my head and shoulders, hugging me.

The golden chains that had held her captive, clincked loosely on her wrists, the manacles hanging on her thin hands, a stark contrast to the storm of power and rage I felt brimming within her.

"Dear boy are you okay? You've taken quite the beating."

She asked, concerned.

When I didn't say anything, she sighed, staring down at me with a sad smile.

She followed my gaze to her manacles.

"What an amazingly insane cat...he somehow cut them off and had the time to throw me through a portal before he-"


I interrupted without emotion. It was a fact.

"No sense in sugar coating it."

I added in an even tone.

Her hands tightened around me, losing the sad smile for a pitying look.

"You sound...empty."

"I'm fine."

I bit out, a bout of rage surging to the surface, before I stomped down on it. I wasn't going to blow up on Rama.

But it was clear that I needed to do something to take my mind off of things.

Metatron had taken to crawling towards the destroyed Throne Room while mumbling to himself. The Stone tablet with my blood was still held to his chest.

No doubt he was headed for the Throne of God.

I couldn't let that happen. Without Chase, all I was left with was Vengeance.

I would reap them all.


The goddess of Balance told me as I got to my feet, snatching Chesha Neko off the ground.

I disgraced myself as a Swordsman by letting the blade fall off my hands. That shall never happen again.

A shadow appeared over head, soon enough landing right to our front.


Raven called out, shifting forms from her Soul Self into her human one and then rushing towards me.

Warmth surged within my cold as ice and hard as granite heart. The emptiness didn't vanish, it only reduced slightly. And that was all because of her.


With tears falling from her eyes, she launched herself at me, slamming onto my chest.

"Oh Davi...I felt him disaapear. He can't really be gone, right..."

She asked, sniffling on my shoulder.

All I did was wrap my hands around her.

"It's okay. It's all going to be alright."

I consoled her, rubbing her back. I hated to see her like this.

She punched my chest, still crying.

"What's wrong with you? I'm the one supposed to tell you that..."

"I know."

I replied, allowing us to stay like that for a while.

Then I backed away.

She stared up at me worriedly.


"There's something I need you to do for me."

I told her.

"How soon can you guys get everyone out of Ultima?"

"That's not currently possible. The Transfer Array needs time to recharge. It siphons stray Will from everyone on Earth to power up the core. It will take at least an hour."

Batman, who had arrived on a Chariot pulled on by Pegasi said.

My emotions towards him any other day would have been hostile. Now I just felt indifferent.

Still, the fact that they couldn't use the array made things harder.

Especially if I wanted to go all out.

That's when something else occured to me.

I willed through my connection to Ultima and as a result, the Tower of Fate appeared right beside us, on the final heaven.

There were a few exclaims but I ignored them to focus on Raven.

"Get everyone inside the tower."

I instructed her.

"The facilities within are infinite in capacity, so there will be plenty of room. I've given you full control of the Tower...leave this place and go as far away as you can."

"What about you?"

She demanded.

"I can't lose you too! Davi please come with-"

She stopped, noticing something in my expression.

"I'm sorry. I need to do this."

Saying that, I side stepped her and without looking back, matched towards the remains of the Throne Room.

A few feet away and Raven called out to me.

"Davi...there's something I wanted to ask you..."

I stopped, then stared over my shoulder with a smile.

"Yeah...label us. I wouldn't mind being your man..."

She blinked then a soft watery smile broke out on her face.

"I'm so sorry for being selfish...especially at a time like this but...don't die Davi. Survive and come back to me."

No more words needed to be said, I committed that perfect face, black hair and thighs to memory, then looked on ahead and walked away.

Soon, I sensed the Tower descend to the lower levels with my Reikaku.

Good. They didn't need to be here for this.

I walked up the steps, stepping over the debris before soon arriving before the Throne of God.

Metatron sat on it, breathing heavily. The Throne seemed to be taking a toll on him.


He growled upon seeing me, vitriol pouring off his tone.

"This is..."

"All my fault, I know."

I twirled Chesha Neko.

"Trust me, I'm about to do a whole lot more."

Then without a single second of hesitation, I plunged the blade straight through my chest.

The pain was noteworthy, I had punctured my Saketsu after all.

Reiryoku begun spilling out of the soul node, filling the air between us in a miasma of purple.

"What are you doing? Sacrificing yourself still won't save anyone who stood with you!"

He growled out, leaning forward on his throne.

"They shall never be welcomed into Heaven! Even if you repent and beg for forgiveness!"

He slammed his hand on the Arm rest.

I lost sensation across my soul body. But I still had enough awareness to laugh at him.

"You have no power over anything anymore...its sad that you're yet to realize that."

I told him, enjoying the absolute hatred on his face.

Half of my energy was already gone by then, dissipated into the air, leaking through the wound on my chest.

A wound that still burned from the sword sticking out of it.

"Insolent to the end! Fine then!"

Metatron roared out.

Immense waves of power were fed from the Throne and into him.

"I shall end you once and for all. By using the combined light of God in every creature in shall be completely destroyed, never to be reincarnated or reformed."

The Arch-angel promised, white hair swirling behind him. His blue eyes glowed sinisterly.

"Feel the Full Might of God."

Full might of God huh?

Just. Bring it.

He raised the Stone Tablet...and I finally understood why he chose to never let it go.

A pure bright white soul emerged from above his head.

A soul I immediately recognized. Nick's phantom appeared above him, staring down at me with concern.

My lips parted...then I laughed and laughed and laughed until I couldn't anymore.

"You...absolute piece of chicken shit..."

My insult was directed at the Seraphim on the Throne.

With an unsteady gait, I stumbled towards him.

"You...were planning to use him of all people against me? My best friend? despicable."

"His soul found peace."

Metatron replied with a nasty smile.

"Blame yourself for changing that. Now, you shall stand there and let me kill you, or I shall snuff out his soul like a candle in the middle of a storm."

Almost all my Reiryoku was depleted. The surroundings were starting to blur. I sank to my knees a second time. But this time...I knew I wasn't getting up.

Because I had made my decision.

There was only one way to beat this guy. And that was by taking him out along with me.

"Day 7: He rested:- Sabbath's Resonance."

Metatron intoned.

Within my dwindling range of Reikaku, I felt the mysteries of this particular attack.

It channeled all the preceding authorities of the other 6 days of creation into a single destructive wave.

Anything hit by that would gain True Death. Afterall, there can be no Creation without Destruction.

Even if I were at my prime...there was no way my single Cosmic Authority could contend with 7.

The final bit of my energy left me, and my soul lost substance. The spirit uniform I wore started disappearing into motes of light.

Chesha Neko's blade also begun to dissipate within me and my soul was left as nothing but a husk.

I looked at Nick one more time, managing to throw him one of my rare smiles. According to him at least.

His Phantom smiled back, giving a single resolute nod, and then Metatron's Sabbath Resonance filled my vision.

Before the attack could reach me, I closed my eyes...and allowed myself to die.

(General P.O.V)

A light bloomed at the collision point between Ultima and Heaven. A light that destroyed everything in its path.

By now, Raven had evacuated everyone.

Ultima on the other end faced it's end. Every single thing Davian had created was destroyed.

All the planets, stars, galaxies, even black holes.

Their webs of existence were entirely obliterated, turning the realm into a deathless state.

And on God's throne, Metatron breathed out a sigh of relief. It was all over.

Sabbath Resonance also took out the entire Heavenly Host and all the souls in the 7 levels of Heaven. Everyone and everything was dead.

He was left alone...seated on a throne with a single soul floating above his head.

In the end, only the Throne Remains.

(?? P.O.V)

(In A Place Separate from Time)

(The Final Cove)

"The trick is to remain relaxed yet alert. Stiff and they'll suspect something is up. Too relaxed and they'll get bold, maybe come for the grains forcefully."

An old man sat on a bench in the park, feeding a flock of pigeons and explaining the process.

"What is this..."

Davian asked, looking around at the warm sunny park. Nature occupied his sight every which way he turned.

"I'm supposed to be dead."

"Right down to business huh?"

The old man sighed, adjusting the bowler hat on his head.

"Your father liked a good conversation. I see that wasn't passed down to you."

Davian blinked, as if waking up from a dream.

"Where is this... And who are you?"

The Old Man stared at him strangely before realization dawned on him.

"I forgot, Sabbath Resonance initiates True Death. The person you were before is truly dead. Davian Mabuz is essentially no more."

"I'm dead?"

The younger of the two asked.

Then staring down at his hands,

"Im dead."

He said it as a mere fact.

His state of being unalive was the one thing he was sure of.

"And that name...Davian Mabuz. It sounds familiar."

The Old Man looked at him before his gaze was pulled to a pond a few feet ahead of them.

The still water's surface had rippled. How...peculiar. Even separate from existence, the boy's presence persisted.

Turning his focus back to the latter, the Old Man was taken back by the sword under his neck.

He hadn't even felt it. And the boy's eyes. They contained malice of which he'd never seen on anyone. Not even the worst of demons, his dark counterpart or the ONES FORGOTTEN filled him with such...wariness.

How long had it been since he felt this kind of fear? The fear of death.


The old man chuckled humorously.

"So, your memories have returned."


Davian said, pressing Chesha Neko's edge onto the Old Man's neck. A trail of blood flowed down his skin.

"Don't be too hasty now. I gathered the dregs of your consciousness from the memories of the people who love you."

The Old Man explained.

"You might have his memories and personality, but you are not truly Davian. He is gone. Not even I can bring him back. But I can give you a fresh start in any world you want. All you have to do is pledge yourself to me."

The Old Man offered.

Davian took a second to think about it...then he exerted effort and with his Blade's edge burning with a dark flame, he decapitated the Presence.

The pigeons immediately flew off.

"No thanks."

The Reaper said, getting up from the bench.

"After all. I did all this to get to you, Old Man. For vengeance and freedom. No more will I be a play thing. I denounce you as my Creator."

He watched as the Presence lower body burn away under the effects of his dark flames.

"You will stay dead..."

The Head told him from the ground.

"I wanted to give you a second chance. A way back to her..."


Davian muttered.

Rain begun falling onto the park, soaking Davian and causing more ripples to appear on the surface of the pond of existence.

"I'll find my way own way back. This time as someone free from your light. I accept my role."

The Reaper said and with one final glance at the dissolving head, he turned around and walked away.

(General P.O.V)

Metatron's relief was very short lived.

The Throne under him started cracking immediately after Sabbath Resonance.

And then it crunbled into nothing, causing him to fall on his ass.

"What's happening?"

He groaned, looking around him but all he could see was nothingness surrounding the throne.

Picking himself off the ground, the Stone Tablet in his hands unexpectedly shattered into fragments.

Metatron couldn't believe it, staring at the pieces in horror.

In addition, all his Light, God's light disappeared from within him. The feathers of his wings begun falling and his body shriveled up even more.

"Oh no oh no oh no oh Divine Power..."

He screeched.

The darkness of the nothingness started creeping towards him...and then, the Nothingness breathed.


Metatron yelled in blind panic, scrambling away.

"God! Father! Help me! Brothers! Samael, Michael, Gabriel please! I don't want to die!!! Someone save me!!!"


Davian's voice came from everywhere, A dark chuckle escaping him.

"Not're dead. Anyone but you..."

Metatron stuttered staring at his front.

The darkness parted as a floating Skeleton burning with black flames and wielding a weapon that could not be seen, held or felt.

The Darkness around the nothingness acted as his clothes.

The Arch-angel on the ground established gazes with the Lord of The Dead, the Reaper.

The sight became too much for Metatron and he went insane. The final moments of his sanity were filled with a foreboding statement. An initiation into destiny.

"Shukai: Cheshire Neko, Kami o Fukumu Subete no Sonzai o Karitoru. (Shukai: Chesha Cat, Reap Everything In Existence Including God)


All across the Multiverse, those in the know, understood the changes to come with the battle at Heaven's Gate.

They anticipated it and in some cases prepared for it.

To herald that new age, a massive blade burning with Death Flames descended from the sky above a particular entity's world.

"A change of rule."

A dark haired handsome man stated, staring at the setting sun in a beach somewhere.

The blade cut through the clouds, stabbing into the ocean, headed towards his beach house.

"Can't say I expected such a thing. Thought I'd be long dead before Heaven ever lost its standing. To think your brat caused it Aden..."

Lucifer's eyes glowed with mirth, his laughter echoing out across the private beach he owned.

(The Multiverse)

An infinite number of universes.

All with God's light in them.

Time for a change.

A shadow appeared above countless Earths. The reflection of a sharp blade burning with dark flames reaping everything in sight.

Screams and panicked shouts sounded from every world as nations fell.

People tried to escape the descending blade by leaving the planet or holing up in bunkers.

But the blade was larger than the sky, it's imposing size deceptively fast as the pointy end stabbed into the planets' core and cut through them, continuing on its path.

Then with a loud ripping sound, the very heavens were torn apart.

Everywhere the blade passed became a scene of destruction. Galaxies fell, universes followed.

Lucifer appeared above his Earth's atmosphere, only to whistle in surprise after realizing he'd only seen a portion of the blade, which turned out to be a scythe.

It was passing through the entire universe, conceptually reaping all the lives found in habitable planets with no discrimination.

"Such turmoil."

Lucifer chuckled, adjusting his tie.

"Such delicious anguish."

The Morningstar's eyes shone a red hue.

He narrowed his eyes at the Reaper's Scythe.

"Still, I cannot allow you to act as you please, boy. Reap other places but this little corner of existence is mine. BEGONE."

He used the Voice of the Devil, aiming to banish The Reaper from this particular universe.

Unexpectedly, the blade could not be stopped.


Lucifer, a being on the level of God himself was speechless. His own authority had failed.

The blade still swung down through the Universe, ripping the whole thing into two and Reaping over Trillions of lives.

Instead of acting as expected, namely lashing out in anger as his vacation home was destroyed, the Morningstar threw his head back and laughed in hysterics.

"Hahahahahahahaha. Unbelievable!"

He grabbed his ribs.

"He must have killed God then!"


In the realm under, where darkness coiled like a serpent, the Throne of Shadows loomed— an epitome of defiance and estrangement from divine light.

Forged from the very essence of the Great Darkness, the throne manifested as an immense structure of obsidian, its surface absorbing all light, leaving only an inky void.

Sinister tendrils of shadowy mist twined around the throne, giving an eerie semblance of life to the colossal seat.

Ancient symbols of an unknown language, etched upon its armrests, whispering tales of rebellion and the tumultuous dance between malevolence and liberation.

It was a throne conceptually and visibly the opposite of God's throne.

And seated upon it was am unlikely figure.

Desire of the Endless.

Turns out, the Great Darkness, God's own evil had been ousted, eons past. Desire was the true mastermind behind everything.

He was the one that had instigated Davian's conception and birth, messed with Fate to create the perfect Weapon to use on God, sparked the first flames of the war between the Reaper and the forces of both Good and Evil.

All for this, all to create the perfect Anti-divine.

And now, watching the blade of the Reaper's scythe fall through the sky of the Great Darkness' realm, Desire felt at peace.

The Reaper was reaping existence itself. Destroying this layer of reality that God had abandoned long ago.

"Humanity cannot exist without God. Only an unfulfilling end awaits it."

Desire muttered to Itself.

"So why not start over? Reap everything...nephew. And start it all from scratch."

The Reaper's blade fell.

It reaped everything, the Source Wall had been the first to go, followed by the Sphere of the Gods, then the various universes layered together.

An infinite number of lives. All godless. All stuck in a never ending loop of death and life, as the multiverse was simply remade after every existential end.

The Reaper had broken that cycle.

Now all that remained to be seen, was what kind of world he would create.

~The End~


*Don't Kill Me for the long wait.

*This Chapter had a lot of ways it could've gone.

*To those wanting to know about Chase and the aftermath of everything, I'm sorry...there might be an epilogue in the future but for now, this is the end.

*Thanks for sticking around this long guys. I owe you everything.

*I'm open to any and all questions.

*My longest chapter ever.

It's 12,077 words.

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