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73.68% This isn't High School DxD, damn it! / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Bubbling Frustration

Kapitel 28: Chapter 28: Bubbling Frustration

"Why, Professor?"

I blurted, even though I could make a guess based on what I'd learned from reading her status. I wanted to hear it from her. I wanted her to open up to me.

Professor Ava glanced at me for a moment before looking ahead, her gaze a feeling a little distant at that moment.

"Personal reasons. You need not worry yourself about that, Leon."

Then she looked back at me and smiled, but I couldn't find myself enjoying that beautiful face when my head was going through a small yet strange turmoil.

While I was still taking in this new development, she spoke.

"Leon, to be honest, you're truly my most favorite student. I'm proud to be able to teach someone so outstanding. Even if there's not much I can teach you at this stage, I would like to impart to you all I have left. Perhaps it might help you in the future. If you could grow even a little bit from it, I'll consider myself a successful teacher.

And when... not if, but when you become world famous, make sure you don't forget your poor old Dungeon Explorations Professor, got it? I'll be mad if you did."

She finished, crossing her hands below her sizable bust and donning a cool but stern look that held no heat. It didn't even hold an expectation, in fact. She didn't actually mean that and was just saying it for the sake of it. Maybe it was all an excuse for something. I didn't know.

I frowned mentally, feeling more annoyance bubbling within me at this.

I wasn't just being a silly playboy when I had expressed my liking for her. I actually meant it. I found her attractive and I wanted something between us. Something more than just a relationship between a student and a teacher.

I was taking it slow and easy because I didn't know how to approach this woman properly and because other things were keeping me occupied until now.

And now I was suddenly being told this?

That she would leave and was going to be married off to some noble fuck as his second concubine.




It annoyed me greatly.

Just because of some fucking high noble nobody I was going to lose this likable and attractive woman that I had been interested in.


There was no way in hell I was going to let it happen.

It would have been one thing if she had rejected me or my advances directly, which, I'll admit, were quite ambiguous and evasive. It would have been a little painful and soured my mood for a while but at least I could accept it and move on. I could honor her wishes.

But this?


This was unacceptable.

"Professor Ava."

I stopped midway and spoke, causing her to pause as well.

We were currently in a slightly secluded area in the hallway, a little further away from the main space where the festivities were taking place. Our little walk had ended up taking us to this place without either of us seemingly realizing it. That was good though, as it provided us some much-needed privacy.

I still cast a Silencing charm around us just in case.

"You're hiding something from me. Aren't you? Something is bothering you a lot but you refuse to say it."

She didn't reply immediately. Was it because she was surprised by my accusation or was she searching for a reply, I didn't know for sure.

"What makes you think so?"

She finally asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Let's call it a gut feeling. And my gut feelings are usually correct."

"Hmm. That's an interesting talent indeed. Good instincts are very important for an Adventurer. It has saved many lives."

She imparted with a thoughtful nod and a sagely smile, entering her Professor mode for a moment, but then she lightly chuckled.

"Well, even if it is, I don't think I can talk about it to a student of mine. I'm still your teacher. And an adul—"

"Not if you're going to leave."

I retorted immediately, finding my own tone quite dry.

She gasped in mock hurt.

"Hey, now! That's rude. I'm still your teacher. For the next month or so you're not getting rid of me, Mister."


I honestly didn't know how to properly pursue this matter. I would have liked for her to open up to me but the wall of the student-teacher relationship we had was preventing it from happening. She wouldn't confide with her student and someone so young, clearly.

But I wanted her to, so I could offer her a solution. I could offer quite a few solutions. I was ready to use money, status, and even some underhanded tactics to free her from her arrangement if needed.

I could do it; I had the power to do so.

But for that, I needed her to say something.

'Just say anything… so I can begin from there. I can help you, you know?'

I sighed when she didn't, only to realize she might be expecting a reply from me instead.

"You know…"

I began, my frown materializing for real for a moment before I pushed it back in and forced myself to relax.

"I understand that I'm just a student in your eyes. Probably too young for you to think of me as someone reliable, or someone who can grasp your situation. But I've been independent for years. You don't survive out in the world on your own, make a name for yourself, and become so strong while remaining an ignorant child. You have to grow up and be responsible. I've had my fair share of experiences as an independent person, and have learned a lot about what kind of world this is and what kind of people live in it, even if it's only been a few years."

I paused to take a deep breath, my next words feeling more personal.

"And you say you don't want me to worry about you… but I can't do that. I can't do that because…"

I halted, unsure of my following words.


Even Ava seemed curious as she looked at me with a serious and inquisitive expression.

'Because I actually fucking care for you, damn it!'

I couldn't bring myself to confess. I wasn't exactly good with such emotions. Not in my last life, and apparently not even in this life, even with all that bravado and confidence I exuded all the time. All that confident façade was a well-placed front to hide the awkwardness that had been there since a long time ago. It was easy to hide any other time, but not when it came to confessing my true feelings for someone.

Why was it so hard to say I liked someone?


'You have no idea how few people in this world I actually find myself caring for… and you're one of them.'

The people in this world that I actually cared for could be counted on one hand with plenty of fingers remaining. I rarely did things out of actual care. Most of what I did was to earn World Points in the end so I could traverse to other worlds. That was my end goal. But here I was, doing something that I knew wouldn't really earn me any substantial World Points. And yet, I was still willing to do it. There was no other reason. And it wasn't a whimsical decision like I had pretended in Olivia's case. It was all because I had come to like this woman in the short time I had been acquainted with her. Just like…

It was only now that I had truly sorted out my feelings for Ava when I realized the possibility of losing her to some obnoxious noble.

"… Nothing, don't concern yourself with that. You're right. I guess we're not that close. Just a teacher and a student."

Ava seemed to have been taken aback by my words, her face showing a clear surprise and… hurt? It was probably the first time I had shown such coldness towards her ever since we got acquainted. 


To my momentary surprise, she brought her hands up and cupped my cheeks, making me look straight into her red eyes that were a tone darker than her red lipstick. If it was any other time, I would have glanced at those pouty lips and had some not-so-innocent thoughts. But I couldn't even bring myself to focus on that, or the nice perfume she was wearing today which I could smell clearly due to our close proximity. Right now, I just wasn't in the mood.


There was a pause where she seemed to consider something but then she seemingly resigned herself before continuing.

"Look, Leon. I am going to be married in two months. I won't have time then to teach here as I'll have other responsibilities. And… I know we're just a teacher and her student but I do care for you. You are still my favorite student and a likable junior of sorts and I take great pleasure in teaching you what little I can."

There it was. My straw.

"Is it to someone you love?"


She was taken aback by my sudden question.

"You said you're going to marry. Is it to someone you love?"

I knew I was being very direct here, but I didn't have the patience left in me to slowly elude to the subject matter. She would just evade it like before.

"… It's an arranged marriage."

She simply replied, but then added.

"But I am well acquainted with the person I'm going to be married."

She didn't answer my question though. She tried to evade it, but I pushed.

"But do you love him?"


The ensuing silence told me enough. Before she could open her mouth to say anything, I stated the fact.

"You don't love him. Are you even happy with this marriage? Is it something that you want?"

I didn't get a reply to any of my questions. Instead, she pulled her soft hands back and turned towards the windows overlooking the academy's well-kept gardens.

"… Look, Leon. It's not something I should be discussing with my student. It's inappropriate."

'Haaa… again with that excuse, even if it's reasonable…'

She started evading the topic again. But it was going so well until now…

'Damn it.'

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and a little bit of anger surfaced.

"Fine. Can you at least tell me the name of the bas— the man you're going to marry?"

She turned to look back at me with an uncertain expression but she did give me an answer this time.

"He's the son of the current Marquis, Horus, and the heir to the title. His name is Gilbert Fou Horus."

"… I see."

'So, that's the name of the bastard.'

"Anyhow, I've kept you with me for long enough. It's still the first day of the festival. You should go and enjoy it with your classmates and friends. Go make some memories. And don't worry about this. Marriage is a fundamental part of one's life. I knew I wasn't going to be teaching my entire life. I am old enough to be engaged after all."

That wasn't the problem here. Both of us knew it, I was sure. But neither said anything.

After saying that, she shooed me away before picking up the clipboard she'd kept aside when she'd cupped my cheeks, leaving to continue her own job. 

I was left with a great deal of frustration and annoyance at the circumstances.

I hated being in this younger body so much at that moment. If only I was a few years older, I wouldn't be treated like a child.

Left alone in the empty hallway, I called out to my hidden companion.


[Yes, Captain.]

The mirror showing the view outside also reflected my own face which was blank, hiding the emotions I had been feeling at the moment.

"Find everything you can about the Horus Household and the man named Gilbert Fou Horus and his father. Find out what connection they have with Ava and her family and the circumstances relating to this marriage. I want everything, even the tiniest details. Their secrets and any dirt you can find on them."

[Understood. I'll get to it immediately.]

With that done, I left, making my way back to my café, trying but failing to suppress my annoyance and anger.

'You better not give me a single plausible reason to dislike you, Gilbert… More than I already do, anyway.'

Midway through, I heard Eris's voice in my ears again, the contents of which made my annoyed frown turn into a deep scowl and my pace much quicker.



She didn't have much time to process what happened.

She was bringing Her Highness to the café while trying her best to dissuade the Queen from playing a harmless prank on her friends. Queen Mylene wanted to keep her identity hidden for the time being and simply act as a customer.

She was going to reveal her identity once they had a cup of tea and watch the expression of everyone once they realized they were unknowingly serving the Queen of the kingdom. Maybe even do a little bit of pranking.

Queen Mylene thought it as a mere harmless prank but somehow she couldn't feel the same way. She didn't want to cause problems for her friends even though she knew Her Highness wouldn't be too harsh on them even if they unknowingly made a mistake.

With those worries in her head, she entered the room assigned to them for their café, calling out for Olivia.

"Livia, I'm—"

Only to momentarily pause in shock when she saw her friend falling to the ground with a cry and subsequently clutching at her back to rid of what seemed to be hot tea sprayed over her.


She cried, rushing towards Olivia before she even realized it, ignoring the Queen's reaction and the others present there.

All she cared for at the moment was to help her friend. Olivia seemed to be in pain from being burned. And she didn't like that one bit. It ached her heart to see her suffer like this.

"Someone bring some ice and water. And a cloth! Hurry!"

She half-ordered and half-shouted as she reached Olivia and quickly inspected her back.

The dress had soaked in all the hot liquid and was likely burning her back. If nothing was done, it could even leave burn marks, not to mention the pain she must have been feeling from it right now.

"Livia, it's going to be alright. I'll help you."

She quickly placated her fellow blonde who seemed to be in great pain as she pulled out her handkerchief and tried to rid some of the liquid soaking her friend. It wasn't an effective strategy but until the ice and water came, this was all she could do to alleviate Olivia's pain.

She gritted her teeth, seeing her teary and pained expression, anger quickly bubbling inside her at the person who caused this, who hurt her dear friend.

'Whoever did this… they'll pay dearly for this.'

"… I'm sorry…"

The words of her fellow blonde brought her out of her anger-induced trance as she turned to look at Olivia's tear-smidgen face.


"I ruined everything. I couldn't do it without you guys. I—*hicc* I made a mess… I'm so sorry…"

Her heart ached hearing the pained words of her friend as Olivia tried to talk between her choked sobs and pained groans.

"What are you talking about, Livia? It's not your fault! I'm sure it was just an accident. You've done nothing wrong. And don't move too much. I'll help clean it up."

By now, one of the two helper boys had brought a bowl of water and ice and a cloth. She dropped her handkerchief and immediately took the bigger cloth and soaked it thoroughly in water, not minding the droplets that splattered on her dress and face, before placing it on the patch where the hot liquid was burning Olivia's back.

Olivia whimpered, jolting from the sudden cold sensation.

"I-It's true. I… I was clumsy and got myself burned. I troubled everyone. I caused you trouble too."

Olivia protested weakly while tears rolled off her cheeks, falling on the carpeted floor that now had patches of tea on it.

"No, Olivia! You're not at fault. I don't know what happened here but I'm sure it was not your fault. You're the one who was hurt, so you're the victim here. You don't have to blame yourself for this!"

"Um, Miss Angelica is right! It wasn't your fault, Miss Olivia! I was the one who tripped and caused this mess. I'm truly sorry!"

The dull blonde-haired boy bowed in apology, looking distraught and apologetic. He had been the same one who brought the bowl for her.

Angelica turned to look at him, reflexively ready to give the boy a good scolding before she noticed the other occupants in the room and their faces.

Suddenly, everything seemed to fit into place, almost as if it was the most natural conclusion.

'I see now…'

Her anger was now directed towards the smirking and clearly amused haughty faces of the noble girls and their servants who had been sitting there, enjoying the show like it was some sort of comedy drama. One of them in particular caught her attention. A blonde girl in an unfashionable purple blazer and a hairstyle that screamed out of style, not doing her below-average face any good whatsoever.


"Goodness, what a pathetic sight. I must admit Angelica, I didn't expect your standards to have gone so low. Keeping commoners and nobodies in your café who can't even serve tea properly. It reflects quite badly on you, you know. Heh, not that there's much to destroy. Your reputation is already rock bottom."

"Stephanie Fou Offrey."

She almost spat the name while her hands still moved in tandem to soak the cloth in cold water and place it in spots where the hot liquid had been poured.

"What are you doing here?"

In response to her question, Stephanie poised up more, increasing her haughtiness— if that was even possible.

"Oh, you know. Just wanted to check the café opened by the Duke's daughter herself along with that upstart Adventurer-turned-Noble. So far, I can't say I'm impressed. I expected much better service. But this place clearly lacks that—unsurprising, seeing how you employ lowly commoners with no skills or even the ability to serve properly. Maybe I should have gone to the Prince's café instead. At least they have class. This place is simply below my stature."

The more she heard the words spewed from the girl, the more her anger bubbled. But she couldn't do much here, other than retort verbally. It wouldn't be wise to cause a big scene with the repulsive girl, despite how annoying she was.

She clutched the cloth in her hand she was soaking in the cold water, trying to calm her nerves.

Currently, taking care of Olivia was her main priority. Stephanie could come later.


She opened her mouth to simply tell her off but she was cut off by another, much colder voice.

"You really should have gone to the Prince's café, then. You and your merry little band coming here and causing this mess isn't endearing you to anyone here. Quite the opposite, in fact."

Suddenly, she and everyone else in the room turned to look at the doorway where the disguised Queen stood puzzled.

But it wasn't the beautiful platinum-haired woman who had said those words.

Next to her stood a boy taller than her, wearing the same school uniform as the other boys. It was hard to not know his identity after the recent affairs involving the prince and herself. Seeing him was a relief.

But the moment she looked at his expression, she felt a deep chill run down her spine, eliciting shudders and goosebumps in her entire body. She hadn't noticed but others were going through similar emotions, feeling discomfort on various levels. All except Olivia who was still downcast.

It was the first time she had seen such a dangerous expression on Leon Alpenwind's face.

He seemed positively enraged.



This is a double release, as an apology for the months long haitus. Read the A/N at the end of next chapter if you want to read my excuses, whinings and complains.

Also, I've been gone for so long that WebNovel has added some basic formatting capabilities! I can Bold and Italics my shit now! Woo! It'll be now Bold and Italic shit. Still shit, but it'll be slightly nicer looking shit! :D

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