The story is about a high school student named Takashi who lacks confidence due to past bullying. He is a student at the Hikari High School of Magic and is the only one in his class who has not yet summoned a magical creature as part of the Summoning Exam. Despite being mocked by his classmates, he manages to summon an angel and scores a perfect score in the exam. The angel offers to help Takashi overcome his lack of confidence and become a great magician. As Takashi begins to learn more about magic, he discovers that the demon king has noticed him and is coming for him. With the help of the angel, Takashi gains confidence in himself and is ready to face any challenge that comes his way. The story ends with Takashi feeling grateful for the angel and ready to explore the magical world.
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionAutor Ced1
worth it to read even in the ending keep up Author!