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23.21% TVD: The Tribrid Legacy / Chapter 13: Chapter 1.12

Kapitel 13: Chapter 1.12

Orion settled into the plush cushions of the living room couch, surrounded by the familiar comfort of his grandmother's home. The walls were adorned with photographs of his family, telling the stories of their past. The scent of blooming flowers wafted in through the open window, bringing a sense of serenity.

"Grams, I know it might seem reckless, but I have to go to New Orleans," Orion said, his voice full of conviction. "I need to find my family and learn about my werewolf heritage."

Grams looked at him with a mixture of worry and apprehension. "Orion, I understand your curiosity, but New Orleans is unsafe for someone like you. There are many unknowns and potential dangers."

Grams looked at Orion for a long moment, her eyes softening as she saw the determination and passion in his gaze. She knew there was no stopping him, that he had a fire burning inside him that couldn't be extinguished.

"Alright, Orion. I'll let you go to the French Quarter but promise you'll be careful. But promise me that you'll come back to me, safe and sound, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything," she said, her voice full of emotion.

Orion sat up, feeling the fire of determination, and smiled at his grandmother, grateful for her support. "I promise, Grams. I'll be careful and find the answers I'm looking for. I can protect myself. Plus, have my magic and my werewolf strength. I won't let anything happen to me."

He had been searching for answers about his father and his family for a while, and he knew that going to the French Quarter was his best chance to learn more about his heritage.

Grams sighed deeply, her eyes filled with love and concern for her grandson. She had always known that Orion was different, that he had a restless spirit and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. But she also knew the French Quarter was dangerous, full of hidden secrets and unsavory characters.

Orion went down the hall to Bonnie's room, where she was immersed in a painting. He called out to her, and she turned around, surprised to see him there.

"Hey, Orion. What's up?" Bonnie asked, setting down her paintbrush.

"I'm going to New Orleans," Orion said, his voice serious.

Bonnie's eyes widened in surprise. "What? When? Why?"

Orion saw the disappointment and shock on Bonnie's face. He breathed deeply and said, "I'm sorry, Bonnie. I don't want to keep anything from you. But I can't tell you now. When I get back, I promise to tell you everything."

Bonnie looked at Orion, studying his face. She could see that he was struggling with something, and she trusted him enough to know that he had his reasons for keeping it a secret. She nodded her head and said, "Okay, Orion. I trust you. When you get back, we'll talk about it."

Orion felt relieved and grateful for Bonnie's understanding. "Thank you, Bonnie. You're the best sister a guy could have."

Bonnie smiled and rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm your only sister, Orion."

Bonnie sighed, feeling a sense of helplessness. She didn't want to hold her brother back but didn't want to see him get hurt. "Just promise me that you'll be careful, Orion. And that you'll stay in touch. I want to know that you're okay."

Orion nodded, feeling grateful for his sister's concern. "I promise, Bonnie. I'll be careful. And I'll call you daily, so you know where I am and that I'm okay."

Bonnie hugged him tightly, feeling sad that he was leaving. "I'll miss you, Orion. But I understand that you have to do this. Just be safe, okay?"

Bonnie nodded, knowing why he was going. "I get it. But are you sure you want to go alone?"

Orion nodded confidently. "I'll be fine. I have my magic, and I'm powerful. I won't let anything happen to me."

Bonnie smiled at his determination but couldn't help but worry about him. "Okay, just be careful. And don't stay away for too long. Grams will worry."

With that, Orion left Bonnie's room and headed off to start packing

Orion was filled with apprehension as the summer approached and, with it, the looming threat of the death of Elena's Parents, a sign that the plot was about to unfold. Despite his reluctance to leave, Orion knew he needed to find answers and take action.

With that, Orion headed off to his room and start packing.


Before Orion embarked on his journey to New Orleans, he quickly stopped at the Lockwood house, a sprawling mansion that had been in the family for generations. The Lockwood family was well-known in Mystic Falls and had been one of the town's founding families.

Orion approached the door and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer. After a few moments, Carol Lockwood opened the door, surprised to see Orion.

"Orion, what brings you here?" Carol asked.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Carol, but I need to speak with Richard and Tyler urgently," Orion replied.

"Is everything okay?" Carol asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, everything is fine. May I come in?" Orion requested.

"Of course," Carol said, stepping aside to let him in.

Orion quickly entered the Lockwood house and cast the spell "Ad Sonum" on Richard, Carol, and Tyler, rendering them temporarily unconscious. He then proceeded with his mission, knowing he had to act fast.

Once the Lockwoods were in deep slumber, Orion carefully entered the house. The place was filled with antiques and priceless artifacts; each steeped in centuries of Lockwood family history. He made his way to one of Richard's hiding spots, a small safe that he had seen Tyler use before in the show. With a quick flick of his wrist, the safe was opened, revealing the moonstone that Orion had come for.

HOrion's heart raced as he picked up the moonstone, feeling its immense power pulse through his fingertips. The stone was smooth and cool to the touch, glinting in the dim light of the Lockwood house. He knew that it was a coveted artifact, capable of sealing away the werewolf side of anyone. As he held the stone, Orion knew it would be helpful to have it in his hands for now, seeing as many would be vying for it. He replaced the natural moon stone with a fake that he had infused with his magic, and He wanted to make sure that it would be a replica of the original. With the switch made, he carefully returned the faux moonstone to its hiding spot, ensuring everything looked undisturbed.

With the moonstone safely in his possession, Orion quietly made his way out of the Lockwood house, leaving the sleeping family undisturbed, erasing any memory they had of him today.


(Mystic Falls, Lockwood Residence)

Orion approached the door and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to answer. After a few moments, Carol Lockwood opened the door, surprised to see Orion.

"Orion, what brings you here?" Carol asked.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Carol, but I need to speak with Richard and Tyler urgently," Orion replied.

"Is everything okay?" Carol asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, everything is fine. May I come in?" Orion requested.

"Of course," Carol said, stepping aside to let him in.

Orion quickly entered the Lockwood house and cast the spell "Ad Sonum" on Richard, Carol, and Tyler, rendering them temporarily unconscious. He then proceeded with his mission, knowing he had to act fast.

Once the Lockwoods were in deep slumber, he looked around; The place was filled with antiques and priceless artifacts; each steeped in centuries of Lockwood family history. He made his way to one of Richard's hiding spots, a small safe that he had seen Tyler use before in the show. With a quick flick of his wrist, the safe was opened, revealing the moonstone that Orion had come for.

Orion's heart raced as he picked up the moonstone, feeling its immense power pulse through his fingertips. The stone was smooth and cool to the touch, glinting in the dim light of the Lockwood house. He knew it was a coveted artifact, as it was the object that bound the curse of the original hybrid. As he held the stone, Orion knew it would be useful to have in his hands for now, seeing as many would be vying for it. He replaced the real moonstone with a fake that he had infused with his magic. He wanted to ensure it would be a replica of the original. With the switch made, he carefully returned the fake moonstone to its hiding spot, ensuring everything looked undisturbed.

With the moonstone safely in his possession, Orion quietly exited the Lockwood house, leaving the sleeping family undisturbed while erasing any trace of his visit.


Excitement and apprehension intermingled within Orion as he gazed at his newly purchased French Quarter house. The historic building was magnificent, boasting intricate carvings and ornate wrought iron balconies adorning its walls. As he stepped inside, he was struck by the house's elegance, with each room expertly decorated with antique furniture, beautiful paintings, and intricate details showcasing the city's rich history and culture.

As he took a deep breath, he was immediately enveloped by the soothing scent of lavender that seemed to linger in the air. The polished wooden floors creaked softly beneath his feet as he walked through the space, and the warm and inviting glow of gas lamps illuminated every corner of the house. In the background, he could hear the soft and melodic strains of jazz music playing from a nearby club, adding to the house's ambiance.

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he gazed out the window at the bustling streets of the French Quarter below. The city's vibrant colors, sounds, and smells seemed to swirl around him, drawing him in and captivating his senses.

But despite the beauty and charm of his new home, Orion couldn't shake off the apprehension lingering at the back of his mind. He knew that the city held secrets and dangers that he had yet to uncover and that he would need to be careful and vigilant if he would find the answers he sought.

As he sank into a plush couch, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself and focusing his mind. He knew that he was ready for the challenge ahead and that this new house would be the perfect base to explore the city and uncover the secrets of his past.


Orion had just moved into his new home in the French Quarter and was determined to uncover the truth about his father. His first step was to speak with the regent of all nine covens in New Orleans, a daunting task. He spent several days gathering information about the regent and covens in the area, knowing that the regent held a position of great power and influence.

Orion understood the need to approach her respectfully and cautiously. After much research and planning, he went to the regent's mansion. A sense of unease came over him as he walked through the wrought iron gates and up the cobblestone path.

As he reached the door, he took a deep breath and knocked. A moment later, the door swung open to reveal a petite yet commanding figure. The regent was an old lady named Josephine LaRue, with striking blue eyes and a stern expression that could cut through steel.

Orion stood before her, nervous yet determined. He had come to make a deal with her. He planned to offer his unique abilities as a "healer" to Josephine in exchange for her protection and guidance in the French Quarter.

"May I come in, Regent LaRue?" Orion asked politely.

Josephine raised a well-manicured eyebrow, sizing up the young witch before her. "And what brings you here, Mr. Bennett?" she asked in a crisp, no-nonsense tone.

Orion took a deep breath and straightened his posture. "I've come to offer you a deal, Regent LaRue. I have a unique ability that I believe could be useful to you," he said, holding his hands.

Josephine regarded him coolly, her eyes scanning his face. "And what ability is that, Mr. Bennett?"

"Madam, I possess the gift of healing, and I can relieve your hands of the hex so that you may once again play the violin with ease," Orion stated with conviction.

Josephine's eyes narrowed slightly. "Prove it," she challenged. "Heal my hands, and I'll believe you."

Orion took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Josephine's stare on him.

Orion carefully gathered various herbs, each with unique properties and qualities. He selected fragrant rosemary with its pine-like aroma and reputation for stimulating the mind and body. He added turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and bright, golden color. Next, he reached for charcoal, a powerful detoxifier that could absorb impurities and negative energy. He then chose sage, with its soothing and purifying scent, and chamomile, renowned for its calming and relaxing effects.

Orion mixed and ground the herbs with deft hands using a small mortar and pestle until they formed a thick, black fluid. As he worked, he couldn't help but feel the weight of Josephine's eyes on him, watching his every move with a sharp, critical gaze. He tried to remain focused, knowing he needed to impress her to make a deal.

After several minutes of grinding and mixing, the potion was ready. Orion took a deep breath, feeling the power of the herbs pulsing through his veins. He approached Josephine and presented the potion to her.

As Orion touched Josephine's hands, he could feel the prickling sensation on his skin, indicating the presence of dark magic coursing through her veins. He knew removing the hex would be challenging and had to do it without her suspecting anything.

He quietly chanted a Latin incantation that he had improvised on the spot, "Sana quod maledictum est." The words came out smoothly, and he concentrated on removing the hex by drawing it out.

Orion closed his eyes and took a deep breath, centering himself. His mind raced with thoughts of the curse, and he began to draw upon his energy. He focused his energy on siphoning the hex without her noticing. Slowly, he started to feel a slight tingling sensation in his fingers, indicating that the siphoning process had begun.

He knew that time was of the essence, and he concentrated all his energy, gradually drawing off the dark energy from her hands. Orion could feel the power flowing into his body, and he fought to keep himself from getting overwhelmed by the intensity of the hex.

Josephine watched him with an unwavering gaze, scrutinizing every move he made. However, Orion remained composed, keeping his movements subtle and his focus sharp. As he continued to draw out the energy, he could feel the curse weakening, and he knew that he was making progress.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Orion felt the energy of the curse wane and disappear from Josephine's hands. He opened his eyes and let out a relieved sigh. Orion slowly released Josephine's hand, and as he did, he could see the look of surprise and relief on her face. He knew that he had succeeded.

"My hands," she whispered, flexing her fingers. "They feel normal again." Orion smiled, knowing that he had removed the curse without her noticing.

"Before we make our deal, may I ask for a small favor, Josephine? Would you play something for me?" Orion requested, a glint of eagerness in his eyes.

Josephine's face lit up with a smile. "Of course, Mr. Bennett. I would be delighted to share my music with you," she replied.

Orion watched as Josephine retrieved her violin and bowed, fingers familiarly caressing the instrument. As she began to play, he was entranced by the haunting melody that filled the room. Her playing was exquisite, and Orion could feel the emotions behind every note.

As the last note faded, Orion clapped in appreciation, his heart racing excitedly. "That was beautiful, Josephine. You truly have a gift," he said, his admiration evident in his voice.

Josephine's eyes sparkled with joy at Orion's compliment. "Thank you, Mr. Bennett. It means a lot coming from someone with such a discerning ear," she replied, her tone warm.

With the ice broken, Orion knew it was time to make his deal.

Orion approached Josephine with a respectful yet confident demeanor. He knew that his requests were significant, and he needed to present them in a way that would earn her trust and respect.

Orion approached Josephine with respect, aware of the complexity of his requests. "Regent LaRue," he began, his voice measured and steady, "I come before you with three requests, each of great importance to me."

He took a deep breath before continuing, his eyes meeting Josephine's. "Firstly, I humbly request your protection during my stay in New Orleans. I understand the dangers within this city and wish to ensure my safety while focusing on my mission. With your guidance and support, I can confidently navigate the challenges ahead."

"Secondly," he said, "I ask for your assistance in gaining access to Dowager Fauline Cottage. It is imperative that I retrieve something of great value, and I cannot risk any interference or delay. I understand the delicate balance of power in the French Quarter and wish to avoid conflicts."

He paused before making his final request, knowing it was the most challenging. "And lastly, I request a grimoire. As a magic practitioner, I am always seeking to expand my knowledge and understanding, and I have long been intrigued by the unique magic of the French Quarter."

Josephine listened carefully, her expression giving nothing away. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke. "Your first request is granted, Mr. Bennett. I will ensure your safety during your stay in New Orleans," she said firmly. "As for your second request, I will do what I can to grant you access to Dowager Fauline Cottage."

Orion felt a glimmer of hope at her words but remained cautious. "And what of my third request, Madame?" he asked, his tone respectful yet eager.

Josephine paused for a moment, considering Orion's request. "I will grant you the grimoire," she said, handing him a worn leather-bound book.

Orion nodded, grateful for the grimoire and Josephine's willingness to consider his request. He knew he had to tread carefully, as any misstep could cause Josephine to change her mind. "Thank you, Madame LaRue," he said, his voice sincere. "I understand the delicacy of the situation, and I will do my best to show my gratitude in any way I can."

Josephine's eyes scanned his face for a moment before she finally spoke, "Access to Dowager Fauline Cottage is not given lightly, Mr. Bennett," she said slowly, "but as you have healed my hands, I may consider granting your request."

Orion breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that his plan had worked so far. "Thank you, Madame LaRue. I assure you I will not abuse this privilege," he said, hoping to ease her concerns.

Josephine nodded, "I trust you will keep your word, Mr. Bennett. However, I must warn you that the witches of New Orleans, particularly those in the French Quarter, do not take kindly to outsiders meddling in their affairs. If you wish for my protection, you must promise to stay out of their business."

Orion nodded in understanding. "I have no interest in interfering with their affairs. I wish to go about my business peacefully."

"Very well," Josephine said, "I will grant you my protection and access to Dowager Fauline Cottage. However, you must leave immediately after retrieving what you need. Do we have an agreement?"

Orion smiled, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude wash over him. "Yes, we have an agreement. Thank you, Madame LaRue."

Josephine gave him a slight nod before turning away, signaling their conversation was over.

Orion stepped out of Josephine's house and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. The meeting had gone better than anticipated, and he had secured the protection he needed to stay in New Orleans.

As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping up on him. The supernatural world was dangerous, and he had to be cautious in dealing with the covens. He knew he couldn't let his guard down, not even for a moment, in a city like New Orleans.

He was lost in his thoughts when he spotted a figure following him. The shadow quickly darted into an alleyway as he turned a corner. He became more alert and hastened his pace, not wanting to take risks.

Being cautious was essential to him because he had already caught the attention of the covens. He couldn't allow anyone to obstruct him. He held his bag tightly as he made his way to his new house in the French Quarter, keeping a watchful eye behind him every step.


( Josephine's POV)

As I took the violin in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. It had been so long since I played, and I wasn't sure I still had the skill. But as I drew the bow across the strings, a warm feeling spread throughout my body, and the familiar melody of the music filled the room. It was as if the instrument was an extension of my body, and I moved seamlessly through the notes, the music filling the room with its beauty.

I played for what felt like hours, lost in the melody and the feeling of being able to play again. The sound was rich and complete, and the notes were clear and accurate. It was as if the violin had come alive, and I was simply along for the ride.

A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I finished my final song. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in so long, and I was grateful for the opportunity to play again.


(Orion's Pov)

Once I got home, I got out my phone and rang Slater. "Hey, Slater, I need a couple of favors. Firstly, I need you to find a werewolf named Hayley Marshall and deliver a message for me."

The message itself was carefully crafted with a professional tone. "Greetings, Miss Marshall. It has come to my attention that you have been searching for information about your birth family. If you are still seeking answers, I can provide them. Please meet me at 2737 Canal St, New Orleans, Louisiana, to discuss this further. I assure you that your time will not be wasted.

Best regards, Orion ."

"Secondly,I also want you to find a vampire by the name of Lexi Branson and give her a daylight ring," I said

( the address is fake)

Thirdly, I want you to get me two 600-year-old vampires. Send them to Mystic Falls and have them watch over Bonnie Bennett, Sheila Bennett, and Victoria Donovan and protect them ."

Slater let out a low whistle. "That's quite a laundry list of requests, but I'll see what I can do. You want me to start with Hayley first?"

"Yes," I replied. "Let her know I must speak with her as soon as possible. And make sure you're discreet about it."

"Got it," Slater said. "And what about the vampires? Any specific ones you have in mind?"

"I don't have any preferences as long as they're reliable and experienced," I said.

Slater nodded. "Okay, I'll make some calls and see what I can find. I'll let you know as soon as I have any leads."

"Thanks, Slater. I appreciate it," I said, ending the call. I leaned back in my chair, thinking about the tasks at hand. I knew I had to tread carefully, especially with the vampires.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I thanked Slater before ending the call. I trusted him to find Hayley Marshall and deliver my message without fail, and find the vampires to protect my family. However, impatience soon crept in as I realized the situation's urgency.

The day's adrenaline wore off, and exhaustion hit me hard. I knew I needed to rest to regain my strength. So, I quickly took a refreshing shower to wash off the day's sweat and grime. As I slipped into my comfortable bed, I let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension in my muscles slowly dissipating.

Finally, with my mind at ease, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful slumber. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to rest after such a long day finally.


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