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100% Pokemon: A New Age / Chapter 10: The Town Of Beginning

Kapitel 10: The Town Of Beginning

Chapter 10: The Town Of Beginning

Nathan paused at the edge of Pallet Town, taking in all its sights and sounds. The small town was as charming and rustic as ever, streets lining with two-story homes, each with its own unique style. Pallet Town always held a special place in his heart, for it was where it all began.

Stepping along the familiar streets, he felt a wave of nostalgia come over him. Images of his past flooded his mind - hiding under the covers for hours on end, playing Pokemon on his Gameboy late in the night until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.

Exiting the town and onto a meandering dirt road, he caught a glimpse of a yellow silhouette darting away. It was gone in an instant before he could get a closer look. Could it be…?

Pushing the thought aside, Nathan made his way up to Professor Oak's Lab, which sat atop a hill, overlooking a glittering river. A slender, fair-skinned girl with long blonde locks welcomed him at the door. "Hey, Nathan," she chirped. "Good to see you again. Come on in."

"Hey Daisy..." Nathan waved an awkward hello, his gaze drifting beyond her for a moment as if looking for someone else. "Is Gary around? Normally he would have answered the door."

Her cheery disposition quickly soured at the mention of her brother's name. "He had left for his trip without telling us," Daisy said with a frown. "Honestly! That boy is always making us worry."

Nathan blinked in surprise, his eyebrows arching. "I… see," he said, nodding hesitatingly. "Uh, Professor Oak is expecting me—is he home?"

"Yeah," Daisy said, her anger dissipating. "He's out in the field doing research. I'll take you to him."

He followed Daisy out of the house and into its expansive backyard. Everywhere he looked, there were pokemon darting about in the area, from the majestic Charizard to the common Magikarp.

Some were sleeping peacefully in the shade of a tree while others went about their business. He watched as a Rapidash soared through the air before gracefully landing back down on solid ground. A Pidgey hopped over to him and perched itself on his shoulder, cooing softly as if to greet him.

Nathan smiled - he could never get tired of this place!

They eventually made their way over to Professor Oak who was busy scribbling away in his notebook. Seeing Nathan's approach, Professor Oak set his pen down and turned to him.

"Ah, Nathan!" he said in a jovial tone. "You've finally arrived. I wasn't sure if you'd come today."

"Sorry to keep you waiting, professor," Nathan replied sheepishly. "I had a mission in Honeycombee village this morning."

The professor hummed quietly to himself. "Ah yes, the Honeycombee village. They do have some good honey there… In any case, no harm done. Come on then! Follow me."

Nodding, Nathan followed the professor as they continued to talk. "Gary? I'm afraid I don't know much about his whereabouts."

Professor Oak paused mid-stride when the conversation shifted to Gary. "He left a few days ago on a journey of his own. He told me that he wanted to see the world for himself and experience things first hand. I tried to press him to stay, but he went off on his own."

Daisy frowned at this, but Professor Oak continued in a comforting manner. "Don't worry, Daisy. He knows how to take care of himself out there. I'm sure he'll come back with a few interesting stories to tell."

At this Daisy softened as she assimilated the professor's words, finally allowing herself to relax.

The professor then turned and opened a door for them. "This is where I do my research," he introduced.

Nathan stepped in cautiously, taking in his surroundings. The place had a sterile feel to it, but was filled with all sorts of interesting machines, which he wasn't even sure what each of their purposes were.

"Now, let's get started. I have three exceptional pokemon here that I think would be an excellent fit for a trainer like you. As the winner of the tournament, you get to choose one of them as your prize." Professor Oak led Nathan over to a table with three pokeballs on it.

Nathan could hardly contain his excitement as he neared the table. He had a few guesses of what pokemon contained inside those pokeballs.

Professor Oak picked up the first pokeball and opened it, revealing a small, orange lizard-like pokemon. "This is Charmander," he explained. "He's a fire-type pokemon and is very powerful in battles."

Nathan nodded, his eyes flashing briefly as he used Observe. "I'm guessing the other two are Squirtle and Bulbasaur then?"

Professor Oak's smile broadened as he opened the remaining two pokeballs, revealing a small, blue turtle-like pokemon and a green creature with a bulb on its back.

"Indeed, they are," he confirmed, gesturing to each pokemon in turn. "This is Squirtle and Bulbasaur."

Nathan considered his options carefully, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each pokemon. In the end, he knew that his choice had to be Bulbasaur, the versatile and adaptable grass-type that could heal and support his team in battle.

"I think I'll go with Bulbasaur," Nathan announced, his voice laced with conviction.

Professor Oak nodded, smiling. "An excellent choice," he said as he handed Nathan the pokeball.

Nathan took the pokeball and released his new companion, watching as Bulbasaur materialized in front of him. The small pokemon looked up at Nathan with big, innocent eyes, and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Hello there, little guy," he said, kneeling down to greet Bulbasaur. "From now on, I'll be your trainer."

Bulbasaur responded by extending a vine from its back, which Nathan eagerly shook. After their brief introduction, Professor Oak approached Nathan with a small, rectangular device.

"And here's your Pokedex," he said. "It's an essential tool for any trainer. You can use it to identify any pokemon you come across on your journey and learn more about them."

Nathan took the Pokedex and examined it closely. Although he already had the ability to Observe pokemon through his own unique power aka the system, he knew that having the Pokedex would take his pokemon training to a whole new level. It was basically an encyclopedia that he could carry everywhere in his pocket.

"Oh, and as the winner of the tournament, you're entitled to free lodging at any Pokemon Center in the region."

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's amazing!"

"Yes, it's a small reward, but I'm sure you will appreciate it," Professor Oak said with a grin. "Just show them your Trainer ID and they'll take care of the rest."

Suddenly, Nathan remembered an important matter he needed the professor's help with. He retrieved a pokeball and released his Munchlax, hoping the professor could assist with its voracious appetite.

"Oh, a Munchlax!" Professor Oak exclaimed, whipping out a magnifying glass to inspect the pokemon, much to the discomfort of Munchlax and Daisy, who was embarrassed by her father's enthusiasm.

"Sorry about that," Professor Oak apologized with a chuckle. "I get carried away when I see a rare pokemon. So, Nathan, why'd you want to show me this Munchlax?"

Nathan fidgeted before replying, "I figured you could help me with problem."

"Well, Munchlax is known for its insatiable appetite," Professor Oak began, "but there are ways to manage its eating habits. "First, you can try feeding it smaller portions throughout the day rather than one or two big meals. This can help regulate its hunger and prevent overeating."

Nathan nodded, taking mental notes as Professor Oak continued.

"Additionally, you can try incorporating more filling foods into Munchlax's diet, like fruits, berries and vegetables. They have fewer calories than the usual pokechow but can still help satisfy its cravings. Finally, regular exercise can also help Munchlax burn off some of the excess energy it gets from all that food."

"Thanks, professor," Nathan said gratefully. "I'll be sure to try those suggestions and see if they work for Munchlax."

Before Nathan could take his leave, all the lights suddenly flickered out, plunging the lab into darkness. A few moments passed before a single beam of light illuminated the room, revealing Professor Oak with a flashlight in hand. "Looks like we're having another blackout."

"Ugh, not again!" Daisy groaned from the corner of the room. "That's the fourth time this week."

"Have you looked in the fuse box yet?" Nathan asked, curious about the frequent power outages.

"We did," Daisy replied, her brow furrowed. "Everything looked fine. We're still not sure what's causing these blackouts."

Nathan thought for a moment before offering, "I can check it out for you. I'm pretty handy with fixing things like this."

"That'd be great! Come with me," Daisy said and Nathan followed her.

Minutes later, he was descending the steps to the basement. First inspection of the electrical panel, nothing seemed to be amiss; all of the switches were in their correct positions and none of the components seemed ruined or faulty.

Nathan found himself scratching his head in confusion. "Strange. Everything looks okay here," he murmured to himself.

Fiddling with a few switches, he heard a faint noise coming from the far corner of the room. He peered through the darkness and made out a small chubby creature gnawing on an electrical cord.

It had yellow fur and a long zigzag tail like lightning bolt, two brown stripes on its back, red circles on both cheeks, and two pointed ears with black tips. His eyes widened in amazement as he realized what it was - a Pikachu!

Nathan slowly edged closer, trying not to startle it. As if on cue, the Pikachu suddenly noticed him and sped off like lightning into the darkness, dropping the cord in the process.

A moment later Nathan emerged from the basement in a hurry. "I know what's causing the power outages," he said to Daisy who was waiting outside.

She leaned in closer. "What did you find?"

"There's a Pikachu stealing electricity in the basement. We need to figure out how to smoke it out of there," Nathan told her.

Daisy looked skeptical but agreed to give it a try. They quickly got to work, setting up a trap using some cords and a battery. Then, the trap was carefully laid in the basement.

About an hour later, they heard a faint buzzing sound coming from the basement. They both looked at each other, excited that their plan might be working. Slowly, they went down the stairs and peered into the darkness.

Sure enough, the Pikachu was back, gnawing on the cords of the trap they had set up. It seemed to be completely absorbed in its task and didn't notice them.

Nathan signaled for Daisy to be quiet as he crept closer to the Pikachu. Quickly, he grabbed it by the tail, lifting it up and out of the basement.

The startled creature put up a fight, generating lightning in an attempt to escape, but Nathan had anticipated this and wore rubber gloves as protection.

After much effort, they managed to secure the Pikachu inside a cage. Daisy and Nathan looked at each other, both feeling relieved.

"I can't believe there's a Pikachu in our basement," Daisy said, still in disbelief.

Nathan smiled, "Yeah, it's not every day you get to see one of those."

"So what are you going to do with it?" Daisy asked, her gaze shifting from him to the Pikachu scurrying within its cage. "Are you going to catch it?"

Something about this Pikachu seemed familiar to Nathan. Could this be the same Pikachu that Ash had in the future?

His lips moved silently as he uttered a single word: "Observe."

Pikachu (Male)

Level: 5

Type: Electric

Ability: Fate's Plaything (Your future is never certain. Just when you were feeling content and in control, the smallest thing could go wrong, upending everything)

Moves: Quick Attack, Charge, Growl, Thunder Wave

Warning! - The moment you choose to keep this pokemon, you'll also be affected by Fate's Plaything.

"No!" Nathan blurted out, perhaps a bit too loud. At Daisy's puzzled look, he quickly explained, "Do you see its attitude? I think it would be best to leave it with Professor Oak."

Daisy merely shrugged at this and moved to take the cage away. "Why don't you stay here for the night?" she said, as the sky outside darkened. "Gary won't mind if you use his room."

Nathan hesitated for a moment, considering Daisy's offer. He was tired after a long day of traveling. A warm bed and a good night's rest would be welcome. "Okay, I'll stay."

Daisy smiled warmly and led him to a room down the hall. "Make yourself at home," she said, gesturing to the neatly made bed.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, Nathan climbed into bed and soon found himself in a deep slumber.

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Nathan stood before Professor Oak and Daisy the next day. He tucked a small pack of supplies into his bag and smiled at the two of them.

Professor Oak returned the smile and placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "Before you go, let me give you a bit of advice. Becoming a great trainer isn't just about winning battles. It's about understanding your Pokemon, their strengths and weaknesses, and helping them grow with you."

Nathan nodded, taking the professor's words to heart. "I'll remember that," he said.

Daisy stepped forward and gave Nathan a tight hug. "Take care of yourself out there!"

"I will." He smiled one last time at them before setting off.

The familiar sights and smells of Pallet Town greeted him a few minutes down the road. Early risers were tending to their gardens, chatting with neighbors, starting their day-to-day routines - all unaware that Nathan was passing by.

Lost in thought, Nathan didn't notice when he bumped into someone else. He drew back quickly and mumbled an apology – until he realized whom he had collided with.

There, standing before him, was his old friend, Ash Ketchum. His thin frame was draped in a navy blue jacket and a red cap pulled low over his eyes – the same one Nathan himself was wearing.

"You're copying me!" Ash accused.

Nathan suppressed a twitch in his eye. "Is that how you say hello after not seeing each other for an entire year?" he replied, though he knew very well that he had been copying his friend's style. He kept quiet about it, however.

"What are you doing here?" Ash asked as his gaze landed on the pokeballs dangling from Nathan's belt. His eyes widened in shock. "Y-you already have a pokemon?!"

A smug grin crept across Nathan's face as he said, "Yes, let me show them to you."

In the next second, Growlithe, Pidgey, Munclax, Teddiursa and Bulbasaur emerged from their respective pokeballs.

Ash felt a wave of envy wash over him. "It's not fair! Mine is still a week away" he whined.

Nathan shook his head, knowing there was little hope of calming Ash down in this state. Though he might as well try, he offered some advice: "Be patient. Your turn will come soon. Why not make the most of it and increase your knowledge on pokemon?"

Ash ignored his suggestion with a carefree gesture and then asked Nathan to join him for breakfast at his mom's restaurant. There he met Delia Ketchum - a cheerful single mother who welcomed Nathan with open arms.

She looked at the pokeballs attached to his belt and commented, "It looks like you already have your pokemon - good luck on your journey!"

Nathan gave her a grateful smile and thanked her before she ushered them away from the kitchen.

The duo made their way to a table and sat down. In between bites of pancakes, Ash asked Nathan where he was planning to go first on his pokemon journey.

"I'm still undecided," Nathan admitted. "On one hand, Pewter City seems like a great place to start – but I've heard so many wonderful things about Celadon City too!" He smiled at Ash and added, "But that's enough about me, what about you? What are your plans after getting your pokemon?"

Ash leaned back in his chair, a dreamy look in his eye. "Ah, my plan is simple," he said excitedly. "I want to become the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer - that's it!"

Nathan chuckled and shook his head at his friend's enthusiasm, before finishing off the last bite of his food. Once they were done eating, they said their goodbyes to each other, promising to have a battle someday in the future.

Watching Ash walking away, Nathan suddenly remembered something.

"Oi Ash! Don't forget to set your alarm clock early next week or you'll be late when Professor Oak hands out his Pokemon!" he shouted after him.

"Don't worry! I won't," was Ash's reply before he vanished from view.

Nathan couldn't help but mutter skeptically, "Oh, who am I kidding? He'll probably be late anyway." With a shrug, he adjusted the strap of his backpack and continued on his way home.


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