Noah had a few silver hairs on his head. His eyes are silver in color with a small amount of purple in them. And his big eyes have been scanning his surroundings.
He, has been looking around the house as the maids carried him from one place to the next. He's trying to take in the scenery. 'From the looks of it, it seems like we're not in the royal palace. Maybe a Silva manor locate in the noble realm? I'm not sure'
Currently Noah is laying in a baby crib in a big room with high ceiling and curtains that kept fluttering in the wind as golden light occasionally shone through. The room was beyond luxurious, it was very grand, befitting of royalty.
'This must be Nozel' Noah thought as he looked at a young boy who looked around 13-14 years old with silver whitish hair.
Nozel was staring at Noah for a second, and then he pocked Noah in the cheek.
"He's soft, and squishy" - Nozel Silva, the future captain of the silver eagles said that.
Noah started laughing, 'I didn't imagine that Nozel of all people would say that. I guess I'm used to him being all strict and serious'
Nozel was happy to see his younger brother laughing. Nozel kept playing with Noah for a little while, before a maid came to take him away for his magic training. Before he left, Nozel went towards another crib and gave a kiss to another baby that is sleeping.
Noah couldn't do anything until he could move, so for now all he could do was just stay put. 'This is boring! I wish I can use magic right away!' - Noah
'Wait why can't I use magic right away. I mean even small kids can use magic' - Noah realized after some time of thinking.
Noah kept trying to channel any form of energy but all he could do, was push a fart out. 'Well...that is embarrassing'
Days passed, then weeks passed, during that time Noah had spend a lot of time with his mother Acier Silva and his older brother as well. Acier was very gentle, she spends hours holding Noah and Noelle in her arms while looking at the beautiful garden of the Silva manor.
While Noah kept trying to channel his magic, he couldn't preform any magic but he did make some progress. With some concentration he can sense a small area around him without even opening his eyes.
While Noah was trying to produce magic in his crib, he felt his body get lifted up.
'huh? I thought the maids won't come at this time'-Noah thought, as he looked up to see a woman with an eyepatch. The woman staring at Noah with a perverted look on her face.
'Who the hell is this woman! Wait! I know her, why is she here now!' - Noah got startled, he wanted to scream, but all that came out was crying.
Nozel, was the first to come over. When Nozel saw his younger brother in the hands of some scary looking woman, he got scared, but he didn't want to run away. His siblings are still in the room.
"Hey, hey. You must be Nozel, no? Where is your mommy, I came all this way just to meet her" - the scary woman said in a cheerful voice
Nozel, was frozen with fear, suddenly the woman threw Noah towards Nozel. When Nozel saw Noah mid-air, his body instinctively jumped to catch his brother. Thankfully, Nozel made it in time, but just as he caught Noah, the woman appeared right on top of him striking towards Nozel and Noah.
Seeing the fist coming their way, Nozel, put his body in the way to protect Noah and closed his eyes waiting for the pain, but nothing happened.
"Good work Nozel. That's exactly what a big brother should do" - A beautiful voice sounded from behind Nozel. Looking behind him, Nozel saw his mother blocking the woman's attack with a steel lance.
"Hey! I'm Vanica. Lets have a fight!" - Vanica's maniac and cheerful voice.
Vanica sent another attack, this time towards Acier.
Once their combat began, Nozel took Noah and began running out of the room, 'I need to find one of the maids, to grab Noelle' Nozel kept thinking, but the best thing he can come up with is to get some of the servants' help.
Just as Nozel went of the room, a 16 year old girl with black hair turned around the corner.
"Hey, you! Take Noah and run! Get away from here! Call for help!" - Nozel recognized the girl. She's an apprentice maid who's meant to be in training. He can't trust just anyone with his younger brother, but he still has to go back to get Noelle, and he had no other option.
Once the young maid took Noah, Nozel turned around and rushed towards the second crib in the room. Noelle was awake, but she wasn't making any sound. Nozel hurriedly took her into his arms and started running.
The fight between Acier and Vanica, was moved outside of the manor. Currently Acier in her steel Valkyrie armor was flying around Vanica, while delivering some powerful magic spells.
Vanica at first was entertained, but every second that passes, the frown on her face deepens. "Hey! I thought you're stronger than that" - Vanica shouted in a childish displeased tone
Acier didn't respond. Acier was tired from child birth. Her stamina and peak prowess haven't returned to her yet. But she's not weak either. Vanica was just too strong. From her senses, Acier can tell that Noah is currently with the apprentice maid, and Nozel has Noelle.
"What are you thinking about?!" - Vanica said as she sent a powerful blood magic attack towards Acier.
Nozel was running with Noelle held tightly in his arms. He was going towards a study room, where he knew a magical communication device was located. Getting to the study, Nozel called the royal palace. 'There are royal guards, and they are strong, their whole job is to protect the royal families.'
After making the call Nozel hurriedly described the whole thing in detail to the person on the other side. Nozel was so worried and disoriented by the whole thing, he didn't even remember the face of the person he spoke with.
After relaying the whole incident, Nozel started running towards the back garden of the manor. Once he made it to the garden, he can see the back of the apprentice maid, she was so far away, he can barely make her figure out.
'Good! I informed the palace, help will be here shortly. I just have to keep Noelle and Noah safe until then' Nozel thought as he ran towards the maid.
Just as Nozel took a few steps, a figure crashed into the ground a few meters away from him. It was non other than Vanica. Seeing the woman land in front of him, Nozel turned around and ran towards an area of the garden with thick vegetation to hide in.
Nozel was out of breath because of all the running, but the adrenaline in his blood kept him highly alert. While hiding in the bush, he can spectate the fight between his mother and Vanica.
"You're not living up to all the great tales I heard about you ~Acier Silva~" - Vanica
"Why are you doing this?" - Acier asked in a stern and commanding voice.
"ahahaha, isn't obvious? I want to have a good fight" - Vanica's maniac laugh
Acier frowned at this responce. She knew that the person infront of her is crazy in every sense of the word, and that was scary. She hasn't met people like that before. She fought many battles and took the lives of enemies, but this person had no regard to anything. Acier had to protect her children, and that was holding her back a little, besides the fatigue from child birth. At the thought of her children, Acier's eyes shifted towards Nozel and Noelle hiding behind a bush
"Those pests seem to be getting in the way of our battle. Why don't I get rid of them so we can have the bloodiest fight ever!" - Vanica lunged forward towards Nozel and Noelle this time she was determined to kill them.
"Don't you dare touch my children!" - Seeing the attack on her children, Acier pushed herself to the limit and flew as fast as she can towards Vanica.
Vanica was caught of guard and a massive wound formed on her abdomen.
"AHAHAHAHA! So you finally decided to take this seriously!" - Vanica said as a devil wing came out of one side of her back and a blood red wing camo out of the other side.
Vanica started to hurl black scribbles like objects; curses. Acier knew that the black scribbles were dangerous, but she had to stand her ground, until Nozel can make it out with Noelle
Just as Acier dodged a blood whip from Vanica, she saw a stream of curses going towards Nozel. Acier tried to block it, but the curse ignored her defense, and struck her body.
Acier's body was covered in cuts and she was bleeding from all over. Seeing his mother this way, Nozel's eyes started to water, "Keep running Nozel, don't stop" - Acier said to nozel even as her body was all cut up she didn't stop thinking about her children.
Nozel ran as fast as he can. Vanica on the other hand noticed Acier's concern about her children, she also noticed that Acier attacks harder when she's defending for her children. After coming to that conclusion, Vanica kept targeting Nozel.
Every few seconds, Nozel would feel the hairs on his back stand in fear, but then he would hear the sound of metal clanging, and that feeling of dread would go away momentarily.
Finally, Acier was able to land multiple big hits on Vanica, but Vanica seemed to enjoy the more she was hit.
[End this Vanica] A voice inside Vanica's head sounded
[huh? Why? I just started having fun] - Vanica responded to the voice
[That woman is strong and she has injured you severely. Besides there are other people coiming] - Magicula
[Just give me more power!] - Vanica shouted in her head.
[Did you not hear me say, you're severely injured. I'm ending this] - Magicula said as she semi took over Vanica's body and sent a powerful curse towards Acier. Acier tried to dodge, but the curse hunted her down until it struck her in the back.
Other than the blunt feeling she got from the hit, Acier felt her magic power depleting at a very fast rate. She was already at her last leg, so she had to do something. Focusing all of her magic power left into one attack, Acier took off the Valkyrie armor. The only thing Acier had was her wings and the lance in her hand. She disregarded her defense and went for speed and one powerful blow.
Once Acier made it to Vanica, she pushed the lance deep into her stomach. The attack rattled Vanica to her core, she was never struck that hard before.
Realizing that she was distracted by Magicula and now the big hit that was landed on her, she retreated. Fluttering her wings as fast as she can Vanica disappeared into the distance at a great speed.
Acier fell on the ground, was too tried and exhausted to do anything else.
Thanks for reading. Hope you like the chapter.