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73.33% A World Unwritten / Chapter 251: Duel

Kapitel 251: Duel

As Lúthien and I stand facing each other, there's a moment of stillness, a calm before the storm. Then, in a blink, we're both dashing forward, closing the distance between us. Okay, I start with nine initial steps. I think to myself, smirking at the challenge ahead. Lúthien, one of Mason's love interests and a key player in the story, is about to show me what she's made of.

Three steps in, and she's within range. I launch a side punch, which she nimbly dodges. Coating my leg in a thick layer of mana, I follow up with a left kick, but she's ready for it, blocking with ease. Lúthien's expression remains unreadable, but I can't help but smirk. The fun is about to begin.

I create a mana string and lash out at her, but she sidesteps, dodging my attack. She waits for me to make the next move, but I shake my head, signaling a 'no.' That's when she springs into action, forcing me to open my eyes wide as she launches her counterattack.

Shit, fuck, this is crazy. I think as her sidekick comes at me. It's neither fast nor slow, but perfectly in sync with the wind, mesmerizing in its execution. I barely step back in time to dodge. Her arm, coated in a thick layer of mana, slashes towards me, speeding up as it catches the wind's flow. Another step back, and I narrowly avoid her strike. Damn, she's tough. I can't find an opening. So this is what Elven martial arts is... 

I can't afford to pause. Elven dueling rules are strict and annoying, but I'm feeling exhilarated. Fighting a character of Lúthien's caliber proves how strong I've become, though I'm still at a disadvantage in long-term fights. Elven duels are capped at 15 minutes so I should be fine. 

Ilka, perched atop my head, yawns, her interest piqued as she observes Lúthien. "I like it, this is a good test for you. Since you're my student, you need to be capable of this," she comments, her voice a blend of casual observation and underlying challenge. As I maneuver around Lúthien's assaults, Ilka offers her insights. "Elven martial arts embrace the way of nature, a concept everyone knows. Elves claim their martial arts are exclusive to their kind, but that's bullshit."

Lúthien's consecutive attacks come swiftly, each one I carefully parry or sidestep. Is she really pushing me this hard? Ilka continues, "I mastered their techniques easily, but you'll need a bit of encouragement. Remember, the mana surrounding us flows like a river, influenced constantly by nature. To harness Elven martial arts, you must read and sense this flow, understanding how nature affects the flow. From there it's simple. Use what you learn from the mana to predict how nature is flowing."

I attempt a feint, then dodge another of Lúthien's strikes, running out of maneuvering space. "Great, just fucking great," I grumble internally. Ilka wants me to copy her technique in front of everyone. Wait a minute... The only ones that will notice are the Elves and Isadora. It should be fine. 

★ ★ ★

V smirks, his determination crystal clear. 'Okay, I guess we're speeding up.' He coats himself in aura, and Lúthien mirrors the action, her body shimmering with mana. They both accelerate, their movements a blur of calculated attacks, dodges, feints, and blocks. Lúthien's eyes widen in surprise and curiosity. 'Who is this?' she wonders, as they push the limits of their speed, their exchange becoming a relentless storm of energy.

Eldarion watches, his breath caught in awe. "Not a single mistake so far..." he murmurs, turning to Ayla with an incredulous expression. "How long did you train him for?" he asks, his voice a mix of skepticism and admiration.

Ayla, maintaining her composure, replies with a calm, professional tone, "I've only been training him for 5 months." Inside, however, she's a whirlwind of emotion. 'Oh my god, thank you so much, V!' she praises internally, a silent scream of joy and relief. 'I know a secret agent like you knows Elven traditions, but this is beyond my expectations. Not a single mistake, and he doesn't even pause to think about his next move. You're saving me from my father's crap.' She allows herself a moment of internal jubilation, 'I'll be able to drink in peace all day today.'

Meanwhile, Eldarion scrutinizes the duel, determined not to miss any detail. 'Five months... A human learned our dueling method in just 5 months? Impossible. Yet, he's following the rules flawlessly. No physical contact; I thought he would lose instantly, but he only attacks with energy. His steps, all calculated... Can he truly be human?' Eldarion ponders, his gaze never leaving the spectacle. 'Knowing the rules is one thing, but to duel at this speed, to adapt so perfectly in such a short time, it's unheard of.'

Fëanor exhales deeply, a mix of surprise and respect evident in his voice. "Isilcalë, I'm glad to see you haven't lost your roots. But this boy, how did he master this in just 5 months?" he questions, his skepticism clear.

Ayla responds with unwavering calm, "I will never lose my roots. As for the boy..." She glances back at the duel, where V and Lúthien are now moving so fast, their attacks send shockwaves through the platform. "He traveled across multiple countries before enrolling in the human academy. He once visited here and was captivated by our culture. I never explicitly taught him how duels work. I simply gave him a book, and he learned everything on his own."

Eldarion nods, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Is that so? This human went out of his way to learn our ways..." He sounds impressed, yet contemplative, as if reassessing his understanding of what's possible.

V exhales deeply as he's pushed back, a revelation dawning on him amidst the flurry of movement. 'Okay, I'm starting to understand her habits,' he muses internally, admiration for Lúthien's speed surfacing in his thoughts. 'She's so fucking fast, I wish I could train with her every day. Her speed isn't what's interesting, it's her constant change in movements.' A moment of epiphany strikes, widening his eyes. 'I get it!'

Ilka, ever observant, smirks at V's realization. "Oh~ has my dear disciple figured it out~?" she teases, her voice laced with amusement.

As Lúthien launches another kick, her foot trailing the wind's path with its direction, speed, and weight constantly shifting, V mirrors her movement. Their kicks, both enveloped in energy, clash mid-air. Lúthien's eyes betray a flicker of doubt as she jumps back, questioning, 'Am I mistaken?'

Eldarion, unable to contain his astonishment, stands abruptly, his grip on the chair so intense that the stone beneath cracks. "T-that!-" he begins, only to be silenced by Fëanor's cautionary grip on his shoulder.

"They can hear you," Fëanor reminds him quietly before turning back to the duel. "I am equally confused... He did use it," he admits, his voice betraying his perplexity.

Eldarion's mind races with questions. 'How? How is a human using our martial arts? Maybe I mistook it...' He reluctantly sits, his gaze fixed on the duel, searching for answers.

V, with a smirk, embraces the challenge. 'All I have to do is keep calculating as the environment changes.' He launches two attacks, mirroring Lúthien's martial arts with precision when she counters and strikes back. Her shock is evident, her glare intense. 'No, I didn't misread it. He's using Elven arts. How? Isn't it impossible for humans? Humans are pathetic with no connection to nature.' Her attacks become more fervent, pushing V to adapt and reverse-engineer her technique further.

Eldarion trembles, not from fear or confusion, but from sheer disbelief. "How is this possible... all his movements are in sync..." he mutters, his voice barely audible.

Fëanor, too stunned to react physically, turns to Ayla with a cold inquiry. "How did he learn it?" he demands, seeking an explanation.

Ayla is internally panicking. 'What the hell, V!? What did you do...' She's overwhelmed, her thoughts a chaotic mess. 'I know you're super powerful, but that doesn't mean you can just learn our techniques.' Aloud, she stammers, "I-I don't know... I never taught him this..."

V, undeterred, continues to dissect and understand the technique. 'I get it; I'm not using it the same way elves do. They sense their surroundings naturally, while I need to analyze the mana and use that data to predict my movements. But if my calculations are off, it won't work at all.'

V smiles, a mix of determination and intrigue lighting up his face as he adeptly dodges and counters Lúthien's moves. 'Let's see how you like this,' he thinks, his punch mirroring hers with identical force and precision. Her eyes widen in disbelief, a glare fixed on V as if refusing to accept the reality before her. 'No, I refuse to believe this,' she mentally protests, even as their exchanges become more synchronized, their punches matching with eerie perfection.

As their dance intensifies, the surrounding flora seems to take notice. Plants around the platform begin to grow more vigorously, some even turning towards the duel as if drawn by an invisible force. Eldarion, witnessing this phenomenon, exhales deeply, questioning his own senses. "Am I mistaken?" he wonders aloud, only for Fëanor to confirm, "No... you're not mistaken."

Their attention is captured by the duel's escalating harmony, the wind swirling around V and Lúthien, forming visible images of vines in a vibrant green hue. Ayla, her voice quivering with astonishment, struggles to articulate her thoughts. "T-this... t-this is..." Before she can finish, Eldarion names the phenomenon, "Aeluinë Lirima..." His eyes remain glued to the spectacle, observing the rhythmical battle unfolding before him.

Lúthien, amidst the flurry of blows, takes a deep breath, trying to make sense of the unfolding events. 'What's going on?' she ponders, noticing the ground's reaction to their movements. 'I can feel their desire for more...' she realizes, feeling the emotions of the surrounding plants channeling through her, her confusion deepening. 'What is this feeling?'

Ilka, momentarily detaching herself from V's head, insists, "Don't lose focus! Ignore everyone and keep exchanging blows; you need to activate it!" Her encouragement is clear, emphasizing the importance of their continued engagement.

Eldarion, unable to hide his smirk, comments, "I don't know what's going but isn't this the problem she's been having recently?" Fëanor nods in agreement, revealing, "Yes, no matter who we brought in, we've been unable to find someone who can achieve Aeluinë Lirima with Lúthien."

Ayla watches the duel unfold, her disbelief evident. 'Is V part elf? No, he's not; I would feel it. But how is he capable of achieving "harmony"?' She ponders the essence of Aeluinë Lirima, where each participant must embody the fluidity and grace of nature, their movements and attacks perfectly in sync with the world around them. As vivid images of plants emerge and the wind dances around the duelists, it's clear they've achieved something extraordinary, something thought impossible for those not deeply connected to Mother Earth. 

V dodges an incoming attack with grace, quickly following up with a feint. His mind races with questions.' What the hell is going on? I know what this is, but I'm not harmonizing with the earth; I'm simply following a path.' His gaze shifts to Lúthien, who seems to be suppressing a smile. 'She's in harmony. Is it because I'm mimicking her movements? Should I alter my approach? There's no point in continuing to use Elven martial arts; it'll only draw more attention.'

Just as V contemplates changing his fighting style, Lúthien begins to radiate a green glow, and the nearby plants react to her energy. She breaks the conventional rules of their duel, dashing towards V with a speed that disregards their previously established rhythm and strikes. V clicks his tongue in frustration. 'How did she reach deep harmonization? No more playing by the rules, huh?' As they engage in physical combat, the force of their impacts releases bursts of green light, causing the surrounding flora to sway as if dancing.

'Shit, I can't switch up my fighting style now or I'll hurt her...' V realizes, as they stand their ground, exchanging a flurry of blows that generate a miniature tornado around them. For the first time since their encounter, Lúthien's face lights up with pure joy. "Please, don't stop," she pleads, her voice calm yet filled with happiness.




Fun fact: during most of the duel, they did not touch each other. they use aura/mana to make contact, not their physical bodies.

Elven Duel Rules:

Welcome to the ancient tradition of Elven dueling, a ceremonial combat that tests not only physical prowess but also strategic thinking and adherence to our deep-rooted customs. Below are the essential rules that govern the conduct of a duel from the moment it begins. It is crucial for both participants to understand and respect these guidelines to ensure the duel remains a fair and honorable contest.

Initiation of the Duel:

The duel begins with both participants standing on the designated platform.

Each participant must formally request to duel by stating their name and intention: "I, [Name], request a duel."

Participants must then make a blood offering to Mother Earth by cutting their palm and allowing their blood to fall onto the platform, symbolizing their commitment and respect.

Conduct of the Duel:

There are no pauses or breaks. The duel is continuous until a winner is determined by the duel's conditions.

Physical contact between duelists is strictly prohibited. Any form of touch, accidental or intentional, results in immediate disqualification.

Duelists must remain within the bounds of the dueling platform at all times. Stepping off the platform, for any reason, results in disqualification.

Movement and Attack Phases:

Duelists are allowed a maximum of nine steps during a "Step Phase." These steps can be used for positioning, dodging, or closing distance but must be strategically managed.

If a duelist exhausts their steps before evading five attacks, they must remain stationary and continue to dodge up to nine attacks without moving their feet. Failure to adhere to this rule results in a pause in movement, adding to their total stoppage time.

Attacking is unrestricted until a duelist makes three consecutive attacks without a counterattack or response from their opponent. After three attacks, the attacker must cease until the opponent initiates their attack. Failure to comply results in disqualification.

Winning the Duel:

The duel lasts for a 15-minute duration. The participant who accumulates the least amount of time in forced stoppage (from stepping out, physical contact, or rule violations) is declared the winner.

If a participant is forced to stop for a cumulative 15 seconds throughout the duel, they automatically lose.

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