"Now, I want to thank you all for pretty much arriving on time. Out of all the 125 students we brought to this agency, everyone has arrived on time. About your luggage, after I explain everything, you will head to the accommodation area to place all your things away then we can begin our day." The main soldier explained.
He was around 6'0 tall and had a typical athletic physique but this was mostly covered up by his soldier armour. The armour of a soldier slightly differed from that of a civil officer.
It had very similar designs, but the main difference was the outer appearance. Instead of it being totally black, it had camo colours sploshed across it to allow for camouflage.
He had black hair and dark brown eyes.
After this, he directed the students through the main building, which had several indoor balconies and separate rooms that were inaccessible to the students.
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