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84.61% The 100: Advanced Preparation / Chapter 11: First Kill

Kapitel 11: First Kill

"I recognise Clarkes' and Finns' voices along with a third, unknown voice. Their tone is one of crisis."

"They're in trouble!"

Stella informed me of the voices' identities, she could cross-match any voices she hears with ones she heard/recorded before.

"Let's hurry up!" I spoke and we zoomed off at our top speed, the S models barely keeping up. Because we were in the forest, going this fast, I was definitely going to break through some trees...or was I?

Stella already has a detailed map of the area, so she received my live viewing data and calculated the most efficient pathway to our target from my point of view and path and sent this information to my eye in the form of a red featureless man.

This red man that only I can see will move in a specific way designed to be the most efficient, all I had to do was follow and replicate his movements. I call this process Red mode.

Red mode can be used for anything from training to fighting, but it needs a high degree of processing that only an Ultra supercomputer can do. Not even all of my A.I can do it. So I can't activate it without Stella or a B-model present to process and send the information as only they can activate Red mode.

While the concept is simple, this side project took me two years of trial and error before it finally started working properly.

I was swerving and dashing through the trees when a familiar head came into view. It was Clarke, and with her were Wells and Finn. Unfortunately, we can't have a happy reunion as evident by the fast-approaching wall of acidic fog in the distance. Heading straight for us.

As soon as they came into our view, I immediately knew what I was supposed to do, Stella knew too, which is why we both raced towards Clarke.

Leon: [No way in HELL AM I CARRYING TWO STINKY MEN! Back Off!]

Stella: [No way old man! I'm carrying the serious beauty!"]

Stella then deactivated Red mode, making me unable to find the fastest route to Clarke... Playing Dirty are we?

Leon: [Stella. Code 8008, Stationary Mode. Execute command]


Stella scream texted me as her body froze in place as if she was playing red light, great light. I smirked and ignored her.

A second later, I reached close enough to Clarke that Stella could never catch up, so I terminated my earlier command, allowing her to move.


Seeing me pop up out of nowhere, a surprised yet secretly joyful Clarke exclaimed.

"It's fine now. Do you know why? Because I am here!"

Thanks All Might, for that wonderful motto.

Wells: "Leon? The one who saved Octavia and Jasper? Thank you--"

Finn, however was not as ecstatic as the other two and interrupted.

"We don't have time for this!"

He then attempted to grab Clarks' hand, only for it to be hastily pulled away by her, ignoring his wounded puppy face, I carried Clarke and began running. Earning a cute yelp of surprise from her.

Wells: "What about us!"

Leon: [Hey Stella, I feel sorry for you, so I won't make you carry them, I already informed the S models to carry them.]

Stella: [Hmmph!!]

Leon: [Oh come on, you're still mad? If you forgive me I'll pet you tonight.]

Stella: [You're Forgiven! Hehe]

So easy to please.

However, while Stella was easy to deal with, not everything was sunshine and rainbows, all because of an idiot. But this kind of idiot is one seen once every 1 thousand years. Finn.

The reason I say this is because of the message I received from the S models. All S models are a single hive mind so they speak and think as one.

S Models: [Sir. The protection target named Finn is resisting aid. Please advise.]

I almost facepalmed, ughh, that asshole again. [Connect your view.]

Then out of the corner of my eye, a small screen popped up displaying what the S model responsible for Finn was currently seeing.

He was thrashing about like a little kid screaming stuff like who are you, who sent you, don't touch me! (Stop, it hurts, please stop it hurts), I'm still a virgin..AHEM, going off topic again.

I replied, [Use non-lethal force to incapacitate him and follow us. Oh, and hurry up, the fog is almost here.]

S models: [Affirmative.]

Then a scream was heard in the distance as an S model used a chock baton to knock Finn unconscious, thank goodness Wells was more complying.

We soon arrived at the tent B-5 had set up, and next to it was one more which she began setting up as soon as we left. I, along with Stella and Clarke, entered with B-5 into one tent, while the S model carrying Finn like a bag of potatoes threw him inside...gently... With Wells. The S models stood guard outside as they won't be affected by the fog at all.

Not five seconds after we entered, the fog washed over the tents, obscuring our view of the outside. What a close call, for them I mean, I'd be fine either way really.

"What was that?" Asked Clarke with her trademark worried expression.

I removed my mask and relaxed back on B-5's soft legs, since Stella had armour on, and responded lazily, "That dear, is a weapon called The Veil. Basically an acidic fog. Should it touch your skin, you'll make even Deadpool look charming next to you."

Stella laughed out loud, while Clarke just got more confused, clearly not understanding the reference.

"Deadpool?" She asked.

"Oh don't worry about it. Main point is, don't let the fog touch you or you'll get severe acidic burns that can paralyse you with unimaginable pain, and even cause death"

Stella interjected and added more information, which I thought was a bit excessive, "Mild exposure results in blistering skin and causes coughing. Exposure lasting more than a minute or two, however, causes extreme pain, blindness, paralysis, and eventually death."

"The Acid Fog is assumed to be part nerve gas part sulfur mustard vesicant (military chemical warfare agents). Exposure to these chemicals can cause paralysis, skin blisters and burns, and respiratory effects."

"Symptoms may include loss of consciousness, convulsions, cessation of respiration, Flaccid, Paralysis copious nasal and oral secretions. Intense bronchoconstriction. Decontaminate within 2min to prevent tissue damage--"

"Woah there honey, I'm pretty sure we all stopped listening after the first two lines" I interrupted the endless, excessive, nerdy knowledge.

Clarke looked concerned, she contemplated, "Who could be responsible for such a cruel weapon. More importantly, why?"

I closed my eyes enjoying the lap pillow of B-5 who just upped the temperature of her thighs, and responded.

"It's mount weather, a bunch of pussies inside a mountain, you probably know of them."

Clarkes' eyes widened, the people that were supposed to help them is trying to kill them? Why-- Then like a bolt realisation struck Clarke.

I noticed this and remarked, "You finally figured it out huh."

Clarke nodded grimly and said, "The River acts as their border, that's why when we got too close, they released the gas."

Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, my childish humour made an appearance, "I can release gas too you know!"


Silence reined for a moment before a torrent of laughter erupted from Stella, who held her stomach and rolled around inside the tight confines of the tent. This seemed to relax the mood as even Clarke started laughing a bit.

"Anyways don't worry about those A-holes, although they can sometimes be a pain in the ass, they're pretty weak."

Even when I said that, I remembered about the reapers, the rocket they had, and the military equipment they possessed, they may be weak to me, but for other people, they're a force to be reckoned with. However, she didn't have to know that.

As per usual, Clarke started contemplating again, then rubbed her temples.

"What are we supposed to do now? We were supposed to go to mount weather, but now that's out of the question. So where do we go?"

She then looked at me, I knew what she wanted to ask. She saw the S models protecting me, and saw that the equipment we all held was in pristine condition, we even had assault rifles.

"Unfortunately I can't take you to where I'm from. I will however assist you. But don't expect me to babysit you, I'll only be on the sidelines doing my own thing."

Her eyes shined, "You're joining us?!"

"Hmm, joining is a big word. Let's call it Mentoring. I have survived here all my life, so I know a thing or two. What you need now is not hope for some miracle to save you, but to get your asses to work, protect yourselves and don't fully rely on anyone. Not even me."

Clarke looked ecstatic, she was inwardly curious about me but refrained from asking further, that I could tell and appreciate. She adorned an anxious face, she should really be more laid back.

"Bellamy won't be happy about this." She mumbled.

I knew what she meant, no supposed "alpha" male like Bellamy would want someone coming out of nowhere and telling them what they should and shouldn't do, especially with the whole whatever the hell we want fiasco going on currently.

It'll especially injure his pride. Not that I care though. Fortunately, he can be reasoned with, worst case I'll threaten him. I always have plan B of simple and quite easily beating him up.

"Don't worry about him Clarke. I'll talk to him, I'm sure we'll figure it out. For now, relax for a bit, the fog will take a while to disappear."

Stella got into my arms and rested her head on my chest. I still had my left side empty so I stretched my arm as a signal to Clarke, who blushed a little.

"I-it's okay, I'm good, wooaah!"

I pulled her into my arm, ignoring her words, and pressed her head into my chest which now has two pretty heads on them.

Clarke then shook and almost shouted, "oh my god! Atom, Charlotte and Bellamy are still outside!"

"Shshshs, I'm sure they'll be fine. If what you told me about Bellamy is true, he will be just fine." I stroked her hair.

I felt her tense body slowly relax into mine as she succumbed to relaxation. She finally felt safe, as of nothing bad was gonna happen. A feeling she hadn't felt since her father passed away.

"I forgot to introduce you, this is B-5, she's a little quiet and doesn't prefer to talk, she is---"

And so, we engaged in conversation, the awe-struck Clarke asking various questions about B-5, and even talking to her herself. I don't know why she didn't ask why B-5 is named like that, but I think she assumed it was a ground thing.

Seeing as the stress was still there, I decided to give her a hand. "B-5, get 'The Good Stuff', "

She nodded and brought out several glasses of still-cold beer. This wasn't just any beer, they were the finest I could find.

"Care for a sip?"

Clarke hesitated for less than a blink and snatched the beer, instantly devouring it. Stella wanted to take one, but I told her off.

"What are you doing Stella? You can't get drunk if you took this so why waste it?"

She pouted, so I did her a favour.

Leon: [Activate Drunk Mode.]

And now we have a drink Stella who started rambling incoherent words. Clarke was no better as she kept laying her heart out.

"It's been hours. Charlotte…"

Leon: "Is in good hands. Bellamy will take care of her."

Clarkes' cheeks were flushed as she looked at me and said with sadness, "While we're on the subject, why is it that everyone thinks me wanting us to not die is a bad thing? Like I'm such a downer. I can be fun. Yeah. You think I'm fun. Right?"

I lowered my mask and smiled comfortingly, "Of course you are, you're the most fun"

Stella shook my shoulders suddenly and slurred, "I'm f-fun th-ee motht tshoo awent Ai?

"Of course, you're the 'motht' fun too."

I honestly feel I'm talking to children. Sigh, I can't get drunk while these too are like thi..oooh. Wait a moment. I look at B-5 and smirk.

"Hey B-5, I'm getting drunk now, don't take any orders from me while my blood alcohol level is above 0.010%."

"Yes, master."

Afterthat, I began to chug a beer while a nosy Wells who heard our conversation spoke out. Since our tents were basically hugging each other, we could hear each others' voices if we spoke loud enough. And Clarke wasn't exactly being discreet.

Wells: "You're fun. You remember that time…"

The drunk and upset Clarke interrupted.

Clarke: "Remember that time you betrayed me and got my father executed? Yeah, I remember. Where were we? Fun."

"Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't, because I don't want to talk about it, what were you thinking?"

Wells "I made a mistake, Clarke."

Clarke was not satisfied with his answer.

Clarke ""I made a mistake, Clarke.""


Clarke was now close to tears, and she

Clarke "Not good enough."

- [Clarke grows angry at Wells]

Clarke "You know, I bet you couldn't wait to run to daddy. Tell him everything so that he'd finally believe you were the perfect son he always wanted."

- [Wells gets angry with Clarke]

Wells "What do you want me to say?!"

Clarke "I want an explanation."

Wells "I can't give you one. I thought I could trust him."

Clarke "Well, I thought I could trust my best friend. Guess we were both wrong."

Wells "I'm still your friend."

Clarke "No, you're not. If you were my friend, you would walk out into that fog and never come back."


While Clarke and Wells were having a heart-to-heart, I was now drunk and harassing my Automata.

"So soft, hehe~ I like boobies, D-do you like boobies too?"

My face was flushed as I played with B-5's boobs and asked her. She remained still with no change in expression.

I stared with my hazy eyes into her chest and mumbled, "I wanna taste."

B-5 then slowly pushed down her dress, revealing her two white melons. I flashed a silly smile and started sucking on them. Then spurted some drunken talk.

"Am I good enough? Will I have to kill people...I don't wanna k-killl peoplee, but I'll have to, because they're baaaad people."

B-5 stroked my hair gently and said in a dark yet determined tone, "Don't worry master, I'll kill all the bad people for you."

My face was blank and I smiled excessively then rubbed my head between her boobs, "hehee~ Thanks!"

B-5 smiled warmly, but then shook as I began licking and biting her pink nipples.

Stella on the side, who was talking to a rock, saw what I was doing and joined me too on the other nipple.


"Why isn't there any milk coming out~" I said.

Stella frowned and thought hard, then said, "Maybe these are not boobs?"

She looked at B-5 and said, "Are these fats?"

B-5 popped a vein but managed to remain composed, she then activated a feature I had forgotten I added. Warm, delicious milk started pouring into my mouth, and I revelled in the heavenly taste.

"*Sucks* So delish! H-hey Cwarke! Come try some!"

We kept talking, sucking and having fun until Clarkes' and Stellas' chests moved rhythmically and they fell asleep in my embrace. I slowly fell asleep too.

____The next morning____

"--ster, Master, wake up."

My eyelids fluttered as I opened my eyes to the beautiful face of B-5. Truly a work of art. She stands at a height of 168 cm, including heels. Her hair is white, and is set in a short bob cut, and if not obscured by her blindfold, possesses blue-gray eyes.

She's endowed with a pale complexion and has a slim figure and a curvy body. Having a mole on the right part of her chin that only added to her allure. I resisted the urge to kiss her and slowly woke Clarke up. Stella never actually slept, preferring to enjoy our cuddle instead.

What the hell happened last night, there is something dried around my mouth, *licks lips* hmm? Milk? We didn't bring any mil-- It was then all the memories came back to me. Since my eyes are always recording everything I see, I was able to watch everything we did. My face flushed red in embarrassment and I looked at B-5 hesitantly, especially her breasts.

She looked as expressionless as always. Stella and Clarke also woke up, and began to remember last night's events. In the awkward atmosphere, we all remained silent. The only thought in my head was that last night was WILD.

We even sucked each others' boobs...even mine, searching for more milk. But after finding none there, we began searching for other places. Let's just say nipples aren't the only things that are sucked that can release milk. Despite the awkward atmosphere, it seemed as if we were all closer than ever with Clarke and B-5.

5 minutes later, we were all standing outside while two S models packed up our tents. Finn looked as if he just ate shit, and Wells was grateful that we saved him, a good soul. Not everyone can take being blamed for his best friend and secret crush's father.

The reason he took the blame was to not let Clarke hate her mother and lose her too, since she was the one who exposed her own husband for he wanted to spread the news of the ark's dire situation to bring them together, yet Abby thought such a decision would bring chaos.

I nodded at him and we soon were on our way to find Bellamy, which was inside the buried SUV that is later used in the show. I think in the show, it was Clarke and Finn who hid there while Bellamy and Charlotte were in some cave talking about slaying Charlotte's demons. Bellamys' parental skills...are questionable at best.

He stood there with a couple of goons who just left the caves they had hidden in.

"Clarke!" He greeted her, but then his eyes fell on me, Stella and the four guards.

"Leon. A pleasure to meet you. This is Stella, my wife, and these four are our guards."

He squinted his eyes at me in clear suspicion, but we still shook hands.

"I'm Bellamy. Thank you for saving O' and Jasper, I owe you. But...who really are you and where did you come from. I mean, someone coming out of nowhere with never seen before tech is not exactly normal."

I smiled under the mask, "I don't blame you for being wary of me, in your shoes I would too. However there is no reason to guard against me, I have shown nothing but goodwill and I hope you accept me and my future assistance."

He remained silent for a while then commented, "Sorry, but I don't trust you. There is no free meal in life, I learned that the hard way. You must want something."

"I do." I removed my mask, revealing my face and recently cut hair.

"I wanna have fun."

He was about to continue arguing at my evasion of his question when we heard a groan of pain echoing a distance away.

Clarke rushed over, all of us following her lead and we soon arrived at a gruesome scene. The atmosphere was melancholic as a burned Atom lay in a shallow pit groaning in pain.

The only words coming out of his mouth were a faint, cracked whisper that was barely recognisable. "K-i-ll M-me."

I looked at Stella, who shook her head, indicating he was too far gone to be healed.

Clarke was a doctor, she knew he was hopeless, but looked at me with a last glimmer of hope, "Can you save him."

I shook my head slowly.

"Son of a bitch. Atom."

Bellamy rushes to Atom, looking over his wounds, unsure of how to help him. He then heard faint murmurs.

Atom: "Kill me. Kill me. Kill... me."

Atom gasps from pain and lack of oxygen

while the others show up behind Charlotte.

Bellamy stands back up as Charlotte hands him the knife he gave her earlier. Atom then begins to choke

Atom: "I… can't… breathe."

Bellamy looked over to the hunting party who embarked with him and told them to head back to camp.

Bellamy "Charlotte, you too."

Atom: "Kill... me."

Bellamy held the knife to Atom's neck but hesitates, so Clarke takes it from him and kneels down next to Atom. I knew what she was about to do, but I won't let her. I need to get used to killing. And this is the perfect target.

I placed my hand on her shoulders, and stood on top of Atom. Clarke began humming in an attempt to calm him down as I took a gun out of my suit. Bellamy looked alarmed that I had a gun, apparently not realising all my guards had Assault Rifles but okay.

Although my expression was cold, if one looked closely they'd notice my hand was shaking slightly.

Closing my eyes, I was about to press the trigger when I stopped. What's the point of this if I don't look? Reluctantly, I open my eyes, took a deep breath of air and...


The sorrow in the air was palpable, I walked over and headed away into the woods, Stella following after me.

Once I was behind a tree, I fell on one knee and threw up. Stella silently arrived behind me and stroked my back. My hands were still shaking even now. After I finished throwing up, I drank some water and rested against the tree, Stella sitting on my lap facing me. She pushed my face to her chest and stroked my hair, which strangely calmed me down.

I bet she researched this topic for this situation but I don't care, I enjoyed the comfort her warmth brought me while the rest prepared Atoms's body.

"Thank you honey." I said.

"It's fine. I'm always here for you." She responded.

I then drank some apple juice to watch down the taste of puke, and we headed back together. Joining the group again, no one spoke a word until we arrived at the dropship. While they were sad, I wasn't. I was just shaken that I killed someone, but otherwise, f*ck Atom, I didn't know him, I'd still feel the same even if it was Hitler. Though I'd be happy about that one.

Bellamy hauled Atom's body into camp on a gurney, as soon as we entered, Clarke went into the dropship to prepare medicine for Jasper while Murphy talked with Bellamy, which ended in a scuffle and Murphy almost getting beaten.

Octavia rushed out of the Dropship Bellamy tries to stop Octavia from seeing Atom's body.

"Octavia, just stay there. Please, stay back."


They then scuffled for a bit, ending with Octavia seeing the body.

Apparently, she and Atom had a "moment", so she was a little sad, but now she had me and Stella. So she came in and hugged us tightly, earning us a death glare from her brother.

Wells headed to dig another grave, and I comforted Octavia.

"I'm sorry about Atom, but enough sadness, you're gonna make me jealous~"

Octavia ignored my flirting and said seriously, "I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we? But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die."

I looked at her for a moment, I really want to kiss her but we were out in the open. And I've got other things to do. Such as interrupting the deep moment of friendship between my to-be girlfriend and Wells.

A minute ago...

Clarke, "Wells? I know I probably don't deserve it, but I need to know the truth. It was my mom. Wasn't it? She's the one who told your dad. I didn't want to believe it. I… I couldn't. I blamed you because my father's dead and it's my mother's fault. Isn't it? Wells… Please."

Wells- "I knew how you would feel. I wanted to…"

Clarke- "To protect me. So, you let me hate you?"

Wells "What are friends for?"

Clarke "How can you forgive me?"

Wells "This is already done."

I interjected, "Hey, let's go check on Jasper, I heard he fell ill."

Placing my hand subtly around Clarkes' shoulders, we headed into the dropship, where Monty offered us some of his and Jaspers' iconic bear, or was it moonshine, whatever it was, it was shit!

As evident by me spurting it all out the moment it entered my mouth, making Octavia and the rest who were with us laugh.

"You call this beer!?"

I then shared some of our cans with them, which earned me various shouts of praise. That's the stuff.

Suddenly, a weak voice attracted my attention.

"Can I have a sip of that? My savior."

I smirked as the others exclaimed, "I patch you up only for you to get sick the very same day. You're surprisingly fragile."

We shared some laughs, then his eyes fell onto B-5 next to me and his mouth opened.

"Holy mother of! Who is the beauty!"

"Oh this? This is my maid, you can call her B-5."

"Beefive? You have a maid!! You lucky motherfu*ker!"


Afterthat, we stayed briefly before I headed outside to meet with Bellamy. We needed to talk about how to go forward. On our way, B-5 attracted no shortage of pervy stares and teens ogling her figure. Even though she didn't react, I could tell she was irritated. So I placed my hand around her waist, which instantly switched her mood to ecstatic.

I had my mask on, so the jealous teens could only grow more envious.


Periphery of the Dropship

Charlotte approached Wells, "Hi."

Wells: "Couldn't sleep?"

Charlotte: "I never can. You on watch?"

Wells, "Yes, Join me."

Charlotte stood beside him and spoke eerily, "I had a nightmare."

Wells nodded, "Hmm."

Charlotte,"I… I have them every night. But… I think I found a way to make them stop. I'm sorry."

She then held a knife and repeatedly stabbed Wells.

Wells, "No!"

[Groaning] [Coughing] [Choking]

Charlotte then looked at Wells as he choked on his own blood, and spoke while in tears, "Every night, I see him. Your father. He kills my parents and… and I see his face and… and I wake up and I see yours. And the nightmare never ends. The only way to make it end was… was to slay my demons. I had to."

She then hummed the same way Clarke did when Leon killed Atom, only this time instead of comforting, it was eerily uncomfortable.


Longest chapter yet, about 4600 words, I got a bit carried away.

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