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68.29% A New Tempest / Chapter 28: The Massacre Begins

Kapitel 28: The Massacre Begins

It has been 3 days since Ciel told me they would arrive. But currently nothing has happened so far. Either these fools just arrived or they are waiting for the right time to attack.

Everyone in Tempest is already aware of what will happen.

They all put their trust in me and my executives to protect them. I could not be more thankful for all of them.

When this battle does start, Guy said he would accompany me but not interfere if I fight someone. So all he wants to do is watch but that is fine by me. This is my chance to further prove my strength as a Demon Lord.

On the other hand Velzard has no interest in this war so she is gonna sit in here and watch over Shalsha and Shinsha along with Ciel and Ramiris. Why is Ramiris still here you ask? Because she wished to live here for some reason. I forgot to mention this earlier but as a replacement for her golem I destroyed, I had Guy teach me demon summoning magic and I summoned one for her. I gave it a physical form and the name Beretta with its order to serve and protect Ramiris.

We can head back to why she wanted to live here later. Because now I sense a commotion coming from the center of town.

"You ready friend?" Guy Crimson approached me from behind and asked.

"Of course. And since when was I your friend?" I questioned this horny demon.

"Aww. Don't be like that. We have been friends since I showed up on your doorstep." He answered with a weird smile.

"Well whatever, lets just get this over with." First things first I just activated a teleportation circle beneath my feet and teleported us out of my house into the sky above where the commotion took place.

Below me I saw what looked like three teenagers. One flat chested girl and two knockoff "Bleach" characters.

"Lets enjoy the show." I said to Guy. Theres no need for me to interfere after all. These fools are far to weak for my subordinates.

We concealed our presences so that no one would sense us. But I sensed more people coming from the south(I think).

{It is the scouting party of 500 knights. They are causing a commotion in order to have justification for attacking Tempest. Then when the knights arrive they plan to kill some citizens due to this commotion.}

'Is that so? Well I can't let them get in their way.' Next thing to do is to have someone intercept them upon arrival.

(Benimaru, Sakame can you both hear me?)

B:(Of course Lord Rimuru)

S:(Yes master)

(I want both of you to head to the south. There will be 500 knights attempting to enter. Kill them all. No survivors, understand?)

B:(I wouldn't dream of it.)

S:(I agree with Benimaru.)

Once I conveyed the information it was time to just observe the show below me.

Rimuru POV END:

At the army's camp:

Still a total of 4 days away from the monster nation of Tempest. A camp was set up for the foolish army that dares to invade a demon lords domain.

They believed simply because it was a newborn demon lord they could kill it with ease. And even easier with the Saint known as Hinata Sakaguchi. The western hero and protector of humanity.

Soldier 1: I can't wait to destroy this country!

Soldier 2: Hey, you know I hear they have some monsters that are quite the lookers.

Soldier 3: Really?! So we get to relieve ourselves with their women too?

Soldier 4: Thankfully. I heard from the human visitors as well that they have a queen. And apparently she is the hottest of them all.

Soldier 5: I call dibs on the queen. Maybe I can rape her in front of their king.

Soldier 6: Well their king is a pathetic slime. It won't matter in the end.

Many disgusting things could be heard from the soldiers mouths. The human saint who heard these comments was disgusted by them. Sure she didn't care because the topic are monsters. But she is imagining that they would say the same if the country being attacked was humans.

"Hinata Sakaguchi?" A voice could be heard behind the saint. She turned around to see who was there. To her expectations it was the unsightly king of Farmus.

"What is it, your majesty?" She answered his calls reluctantly. She similar to King Gazel, did not care for this king in the slightest. The only reason she joined up here was because she wished to slay the leader for killing her sensei.

"May I ask, why didn't you join up with the scouts and take care of this phony demon lord already?"

"Because, it didn't matter when I kill him. If he sees what will become of his nation before he dies, he can feel as I did when took someone from me."

"Oh I see. Well I am thankful to you for joining us on this endeavor." The king said while he looked at Hinata with eyes full of lust. As the observant woman she is she had noticed his gaze and was further disgusted by him.

"If you excuse me." Hinata gave a slight bow before leaving the foul kings tent.

Back to Tempest:

"Why do you believe him?! You weren't here!" A woman named Kirara shouted at a short and stubby individual namdd Gobta. He looked confused at this question.

"Its simple. In Tempest we trust our friends. And Gobzo would never touch a little girl like you. He only has eyes for the Voluptuous type, like Lord Rimurus secretary Shion." Gobta said while moving his hands around in the air, seemingly making an hourglass figure.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone! I said I would follow you to the end but I take that back!" This lighter tone caused by the Goblin Comedy Duo made the crowd start to chuckle rather than accuse Gobzo of a crime he didn't commit.

After all the earlier scene was just caused by this little girls skill.

The amount of laughter heard from the crowd was infuriating Kirara.

"Don't you mock me you filthy monsters! Why don't you just go die!" She shouted. A wave was sent over every individual in the crowd.

This was the effect of her Unique Skill [Bewilder]. It allows her to take control of targets and force them to do her bidding through her words. In this case that was kill themselves.

"Hoh. They are in for it now."

"They should have listened earlier."

"Thats what you fools get!" Kirara shouted in triumph.

But nothing happened. It was as if her skill had didn't work. But she did use it properly. This surprised the three of them heavily. Not once has anyone survived Kiraras skill.

"I see" The trio heard a voice coming from the crowd.

"Your skill allows you to convert your voice into a wavelength that interferes with brain waves." A pink haired woman wearing a white and red kimono was walking down the street with a busty purple haired woman in a purple pantsuit walking at her left. And to her right was a old man wearing all white with a long white beard.

"It is a truly despicable power. So it's use is forbidden here. Please depart with your friends and leave our country."

'That girl negated my skill?!' Kirara was beginning to panic. Not once has she had her skill defeated. In this situation, she was now powerless.

'She is a true monster.' Kirara thought as she dropped to her knees in despair.

"Is this how you should treat humans?" A man called Shogo stepped up.

"Well, this gives me a chance to use my [Severer] so I'm not complaining." A man called Kyoya said as he unsheathed his sword.

"It displeases me to see a whelp acting so impudent." Hakarou taunted the two men.

"We will see about that old man." Kyoya responded slightly annoyed by Hakarous words.

"Princess, please step back. Hakarou and I will handle these fools who dare to attack Lord Rimurus country." Shion said as calmly as she could.

But on the inside she was raging like a furnace. To say she was pissed was an understatement. She was infuriated due to the fact they dared attack Lord Rimurus country.

"Rimuru? Oh your leader. Yeah after this I'm planning on killing him next." Shogo taunted Shion. He said it with the intent to make her even more engaged to the fight.

But it had the opposite effect. She was even more pissed. Not because he basically said she would lose. But because he said he would kill her master. To Shion who respects Rimuru to the highest degree, these words were pure absurdity.

Though she was still raging on the inside, she kept a neutral face and put her sword in the ground ready to face off against this foe.

She swore she would make him suffer for his words.

Meanwhile the two idiots still had evil grins on their faces. They felt their victory was nigh, but they could not have been more wrong.

In the next moment Tempest was completely enveloped inside an anti magic area along with prison field. While one weakened the monsters, the other prevented them from escaping their city. In short it was a double layered barrier.

(Kiyoko, go find the person who put up the Anti-Magic Area.) Although Rimuru was not going to interfere with this he gave the order to his fox subordinate.

K:(Understood Rimuru-sama)

He then cut the thought communication.

Back to the two fools, they began to laugh manically. They truly though their victory was only a matter of time.

But in that next moment Shion got tired of their act and rushed forward taking Shogo as her opponent.

She moved faster than he could even react and punched him in the gut. Sending him flying back into a building. The building was lucky to still be standing.

That punch from Shion was strong enough to kill him in one hit. She would have done just that, but no. She wanted to make this impudent fool suffer for his transgressions.

"What they are supposed to be weakened!" Kirara shouted being even closer to the verge of despair.

"You seem shocked missy." Hakarou said and he was effortlessly dodging all of Kyoyas attacks while he had [All-Seeing Eye] active. Kyoya was growing frustrated by the second. He was too dumb and confident in his own power to think he could beat anyone in this world.

Meanwhile Hakarou just kept and kept dodging Kyoyas useless strikes.

Until he finally had enough of dodging and took one strike.

"Crestwater Slash." The result was simple.

Kyoya lost his head.

In his perspective, he was standing still.

But he failed to realize he was already dead. But the worse part was he was still conscious because of his own skill. Due to that he prolonged his death. As he could only watch as Hakarou caught his flying head by his hair.

"Kyaaaaa!" Kirara let out a scream of terror.

The fight with Shion vs Shogo was as one sided as Hakarou vs Kyoya

Shogo was all bloody and bruised. He was to the point where the slightest gust of wind can knock him over. And that gust did come because he fell to the ground.

"Please..... spare me.... It was just.... A joke." Shogo muttered. He could barely speak. Teeth were missing and his jaw looked broken from Shions relentless beating.

"Pathetic." Shion said slightly more enraged. Not only did he mock her master but he believed he was strong enough to face her and now here he is begging for his life.

A pathetic man indeed.

Shion decided to finally end this fight by picking up Hercules Edge and raising it to his neck.

"Let this moment make you realize how foolish it was to say you could beat my master when you couldn't even scratch me." As she got ready to take his head Shogo managed to get one final sentence out.

"Just.... How strong is.... Your master?" Shogo wished to know how he would have fared against that monster before he died.

"My master belongs to the upper echelons of strength in this world. The likes of which you people could not begin to fathom." And so.

Shion has now ended Shogos subscription to life.

"Well what do we do about her?" Shion said as she turned around to the frightened girl.

(Take her to the prison. I will question her later. Also good job Shion.) Shion heard a voice in her head before it faded away and it was from her beloved master. To make her even happier she now knew that Rimuru was watching their fight.

Like so, she followed his orders and dragged Kirara to the Tempest Prison.

"Well lets head south next." Rimuru said to Guy, who did not object to this. Seeing the humans struggle to live was entertaining him.

In the south:

To the south of Tempest there was an army of 500 knights ready to invade the monster nation and kill as many as they can.

Due to these actions they were about to be shown no mercy.

As they began to approach the entrance of Tempest, they noticed to silhouettes standing in front.

They stopped roughly 50 feet away from the gate.

"Move aside at once! Unless you wish to be cut down with your fellow monsters!" The leader of this party shouted to the silhouettes.

But were they in for a treat.

The two standing in there way could be said to be the third and fourth strongest people in Tempest. Only weaker than Rimuru and Veldora.

"You dare to invade our masters territory, you will pay for this action with your lives." The red haired oni spoke back.

"Your deaths shall not be easy." The black haired beastman added on to his comrades statement.

"Hahaha! You believe you could defeat the great knights of the kingdom of farmus?" The knight leader 'Folgen' retorted.

This caused all the knights to laugh at the monsters supposed delusion.

The were consumed by their laughter and their own arrogance that they had dropped their guard.

Next thing Folgen knew....

The soldier to his rights head has been sent flying

Splattering blood across his face.

The culprit to this attack was Sakame.

He used a new move he has been practicing. He swung his sword with a great amount of force resulting into a shockwave that cut off his head.

But the strike didn't stop at the one soldier.

It extended back killing 30 more soldiers before dying out.

This one attack caused panic among the knights, even folgen but he was confident he could take them out. But he used his unique skill [Spearhead] to take control of the knights and have them fight.

"Charge!!" Folgen shouted. Causing all the knights to charge at Benimaru and Sakame.

But they just stood there waiting for their opponents.

Benimaru coated his sword with black flames and Sakame coated his with lightning.

They both raised their swords towards the soldiers before swinging them both down violently. Causing both lightning and flames to shoot out killing roughly 300 hundreds of soldiers with just one strike.

Folgen held back as he watched his soldiers get slaughtered by the two monsters in front of him. He needed to report of this to the king, so he ran.

"I have to report this to king edmaris! We can't win against these monsters!"

He looked around to see what happened to his soldiers, the scene terrified him.

There he saw blood.

Nothing but blood and corpses piled.

In the seconds he turned around and ran, Sakame killed the rest within seconds.

He was horrified to the point where he felt like vomiting. So he turned his head around to focus on escaping.

But he didn't expect this.

Benimaru sent a [Hell Flare] to him. Ensnaring him in a dome of fire completely incinerating his mount and him.

Not even ashes nor his armor remained.

"That went well, don't you think so? Plus I'm taking a liking to this Benimaru guy." Guy said to Rimuru.

"Well they are my subordinates, it is only natural for them to be great." Rimuru boasted to Guy.

"So where are we off to next?" Guy questioned

"Well we can just hover here." Rimuru answered.

"Why's that?" Guy questioned once more.

"I created some magic earlier that can act as surveillance. It is called [Leaks]."

(Misfit reference but different use. Please tell me if there is observation magic that acts like a camera.)

"Hoh. Are you sure that its alright to be telling me some of your magic?"

"Its fine. Not like it's used for combat or anything, all its used for is observation thats all."

Rimuru proceeded to create two chairs floating in air for them to sit so they won't have to fly. He created something that looked similar to a warp in space but it displayed the four areas where the other barrier is being held.

"Now it's time to watch stage three of the massacre." Rimuru muttered.

"You know some drinks would make this better." Guy responded hoping Rimuru would deliver. Rimuru let out a heavy sigh and brought out a bottle of brandy from his [Imaginary Space] fortunately without Guy noticing along with two glasses."

And so they had their drinks in hand, ready to watch the rest of the massacre play out.

To the East was Zegion and Apito

To the West was Souei and his shadows

To the North Gabiru and the other lizardmen

To the South Kiyoko after dealing with Myulan.

There were 500 people at each pillar holding the barrier in place.

"Lets watch this through till the last soldier dies." Guy said while raising his glass for a toast.

"Of course, I would not want to miss my subordinates fighting." Rimuru said as he reciprocated to Guys toast.


Their glasses clinked with one another before they took a sip and put their full attention the show about to unfold.

To the West:

Before Rimuru and Guys eyes the fight was over before the soldiers even realized it began.

For Souei and his Shadows who specialize in things such as stealth and assassination, dealing with them easy due to the trees.

To begin Souei used his strings to bind over 100 of them in place before pulling on the strings reducing them to mince meat.

They died so silently.

Using the moment before Souei killed them, the shadows chose to strike.

They began to kill the people who were not bound by Souei. With 5 shadows it made the cleanup of the rest far easier.

In no time at all, all of the soldiers were met with their demise.

"Forgive us master Souei. These foes were not as formidable as we thought." Said the leader of the shadows. Gabirus little sister Souka.

"It's natural." Souei responded to his admirer before destroying the barrier crystal.

"Well that was fast." Guy commented.

"It was to be expected. They take their job very seriously." Rimuru responded.

They shifted their gazes to the next area.

To the North:

The battle was already underway.

The holy knights supplied by the church to assist in this annihilation were under attack.

By what you ask?

The Dragonewts

The Holy Knights were clueless on how to respond to this attack.

They did not expect to be attacked so suddenly. But that was a foolish error for humanities so called protectors.

The Dragonewts rained different kinds of breath attack down onto the poor soldiers.

Some soldiers died of burns

Some died of frost

Some died of lightning.

Either way everyone had an equal death full of pain.

Above in the sky was the leader of theses dragonewts preparing for his attack.

"Listen well mortals, my name is Gabiru. Take this token with you into the underworld." Gabiru gave his final words the knights would hear.

He flew even higher in the sky, before he soared downward crashing into the ground with his vortex spear. Resulting in a massive crater before attacking once more causing even greater damage.

"Hmm, somethings not right." Rimuru commented.

"What exactly?" Guy questioned.

"I was told earlier that there was only one strong person among the soldiers. But there appears to be more." Rimuru answered.

"I was wondering when you were going to realize that." Guy responded to Rimurus worries.

"Well, Gabiru is fairly strong so he should be able to handle it."

Back to the battle:

Gabiru got up from his spot in the crater. He observed the damage and thought that everyone was dead and gone. But he heard a voice.

"Thank you for showing up, I was getting bored."

A masculine voice was heard coming from a tent that was somehow still standing.

A man exited the tent. He was tall but scrawny. He had black hair with purple eyes wearing completely all black. Along with a pitch black trench coat.

"And who may you be?" Gabiru questioned the suspicious individual.

"My name is Tsuge Ryo. I am what you may call an otherworlder."

Before Gabiru could prepare himself for battle this otherworlder speed-blitzed him a delivered a punch to Gabirus abdomen sending him flying into the air.

He used his wings to catch himself.

Even though the punch did send him flying, it did not seem to hurt that much. That punch that could probably kill someone like Shogo was no more than a wasp sting to Gabiru.

The only reason Gabiru even took the punch was because he wasn't ready. He dropped his guard too much, it was something he planned on fixing.

Regaining himself, Gabiru flew straight down at him like he did to the soldiers earlier.

Ryo anticipated this and jumped backwards. But Gabiru was not done just yet. Recovering from his own attack, he resumed his offensive with his spear.

He wished to see how strong this Ryo was so he started off slow and worked up.

Jab after jab with his spear he upped his attack speed to the point where he could barely react to Gabirus speed anymore. That continued for about 2 minutes and through that time, Ryo accumulated cut after cut and was bleeding profusely.

He was tired from all this dodging and from his wounds. Gabiru seeing the boy was at his limit was ready to finish him off.

Something unexpected occurred.

"[Reversal]!" The boy shouted. In an instant all of his wounds were gone and the same goes for his fatigue. Why did that happen?


Gabiru fell onto the ground face first.

Ryos skill is undoubtedly the cause of this.

His wounds disappeared but he didn't heal them.

"Hahahaha! Thats what you get for underestimating me you stupid monster!" He mocked as he stepped on Gabirus head and repeatedly kicked him.

"My Unique Skill [Reversal] allows me transfer all my wounds and fatigue onto my enemy dealing quadruple the damage! Hahahaha!" The boy was now laughing maniacally, it was an unsightly scene.

"Hoh! Are you dead?" He questioned, because Gabiru was not moving. Perhaps the damage was too great."

"Weak ass monster. I thought you could give me a fight." Said Ryo as he walked away from Gabirus body.

But he was foolish to do so.

Gabiru was indeed not dead.

He was just lamenting in his stupidity.

'How could I do something so arrogant and foolish? Have I not changed since Rimuru-sama took us in?' Gabiru thought as he was putting himself down.

{Would you like some assistance?}

Gabiru heard a voice resound in his head.

'W-Who is this?'

{I am Rimuru-samas wife, Ciel. If you would like some help I'll be glad to lend it to you.}

Even though she introduced herself, Gabiru still didn't know who they were. He heard people speak of Rimuru-sama having a wife but he had never seen her so he thought it was a mere rumor.

But it turned out to be true.

'If you are Rimuru-samas wife, then I trust you. Please help me.'

{Acknowledged: This skill is the most suitable for one such as yourself.}

<<The Individual Gabiru has acquired the skill [Worker]>>

{This skill transforms ones hard work into power. That power can be used to just strengthen yourself or heal yourself from damage one person may never heal from.}

With this acquisition, Gabiru began to glow with a green aura around him. It was healing his body from his fatigue and damage until he felt brand new.

The foolish kid was still just walking away. With Gabiru back on his feet he was not going to let this kid get away with humiliating him.

Gabiru charged straight at the kid jabing his spear into his neck.

Or thats what should have happened.

The kid sensed this hostility and instinctively dodged the attack.

"How are you still alive?!"

Gabiru didn't answer, he was too furious at this kid for humiliating him and himself for acting like a fool.

Gabiru threw a punch to the kids face. With the power he has due to his new unique skill, that punch broke the kids jaw and sent him flying back crashing through tens of trees.

He got up from that attack ready to use his unique skill again.

Gabiru rushed at him even faster than before ready to impale him. The kid merely smirked at this.

"[Reversal]!" The kid shouted once more.

To his surprise....

Nothing happened.

Not a scratch appeared on Gabiru. He could only stare on and wonder why his attack failed.

But even that was short lived.

Gabiru pierced his heart, killing him instantly.

Gabiru removed his body from his spear and returned to his fellow dragonewts who have been on their way back to Tempest since before the kid showed up.

Back to Rimuru and Guy TV:

"Well that was eventful." Rimuru said feeling completely nervous at that outcome.

"I thought he was done for. But whatever that was came in clutch at the end." Guy spoke up.

"I'm thankful for that ending. If it hadn't ended like that, I would have destroyed their entire forces already." Rimuru said with a sigh of relief.

"Oi, pour your friend some more brandy." Guy said as he motioned his glass towards Rimuru.

Rimuru reluctantly poured the crimson demon more brandy as they now turned their attention to the next battle.

To the South:

Although the soldiers were on guard and protecting their crystal from any enemies, some fools were sitting on the ground drinking.

Soldier 1: When will the main army arrive?

Soldier 2: I think they still have four days left.

Soldier 1: Can we get this over with, I want to enjoy myself with their stuff.

Soldier 3: Don't forget their women.

"You know I think I would love to hear this conversation." They heard a majestic voice coming from the tree line.

Out stepped a tall woman with animal ears. She had beautiful, long snow white hair. Along with 7 tails coming from her behind.

This figure was Kiyoko

Although she was a monster, she was a beautiful one. The foolish soldiers were taken with lust towards Kiyoko.

"Listen here Girlie. If you just offer yourself to us, we might just not kill your master."

Once more, fool threatened Rimuru.

Similar to Shion, Kiyoko was taken over by disgust towards these fools who want to do horrible things to the women and rage at them for daring to make fun of her almighty master.

The foolish soldier even dared to approach her, with his hand extended ready to grab at Kiyokos chest.

Unlucky for him...

Kiyoko has had enough.

Just as he was about to grope her, his hand was sent flying.

"You should really mind both your words and your manners. As if I would ever let you violate my body or speak ill of Rimuru-sama."

The fool tried to keep his composure but that was a failure, as he bow had his entire midsection pierced by one of Kiyokos tails.

The man fell to the floor dead.

He was one of the strongest apart of this group and he was killed so easily by this delicate looking woman.

This caused a panic among the soldiers but they were more angry than scared. They outnumbered her after all, how could they lose. So they all charged her full of confidence that she would lose and they could violate her body after.

But they were simple fools like the rest.

To their thoughts, Kiyoko was delicate and lacked fighting prowess. But out of all Rimurus subordinates she was the second most skilled in hand to hand fighting but when she went berserk it was a whole different story.

Instead of fighting with the skill and grace she usually has, she instead went berserker mode.

She tore the soldiers apart left and right.

Painting the ground the crimson color of blood.

Body parts were sent flying all over the place.

Soldiers were now losing their will to fight her.

The ones who tried to run were cut down before they got to far.

Some were on the ground crying. Wondering why they decided to attack this place.

The mere scene of Kiyoko terrified them. Earlier she seemed like a graceful woman, but that was nowhere to be seen now. She wore a sadistic and bloodthirsty smile all while she was covered in the blood of her victims.

This was the last sight the soldiers saw before they all met their end.

In less than 4 minutes, Kiyoko has already killed all 500 soldiers.

"This is what happens when you speak ill of us. Especially our master." Kiyoko said to the lifeless and dismembered bodies before walking over to and destroying the crystal.

Back to Rimuru and Guy TV:

"That was certainly a sight wasn't it." Rimuru muttered

'I must not piss her off ever.' Rimuru thought to himself.

"Ill say. You got some very interesting subordinates Rimuru. Mind if I take some?" Guy asked with a friendly smile.

"What do I get out of it?" Rimuru asked. Of course he wouldn't trade them, but what could he get out of this hypothetical trade?

"I will give you my maids." Guy answered.

"I'll pass." Rimuru quickly objected.

"Why's that?" Guy questioned.

"Because, I basically already have maids. Somewhat. Now lets just continue watching." Rimuru suggested.

"Hah, fine fine." Guy accepted.

To the East:

There were two mysterious figures approaching the final crystal location.

One had the appearance of a humanoid bee or wasp.

The other was clad in pitch black armor with a long horn coming from the forehead.

Both of these beings were insectars saved by Rimuru and trained by Veldora. They were who Rimuru got his honey from.

They were named Zegion and Apito.

The walked in silence as they grew ever so closer to the crystal.

They were not trying to sneak up onto the soldiers, rather face them head on. That was the kind of fighter Zegion was.

They stepped out of the tree line and observed the soldiers.

The soldiers didn't take long to notice their presence since the have not concealed them. But they grabbed their weapons and prepared for combat.

"There are a total of 500 here." Zegion commented

"Which means we can each take 250 to test ourselves." Apito responded.

Not wasting any time Zegion and Apito began to slaughter the humans.

Apito with her superior speed was unable to be seen by the humans. With her physical strength it was possible to kill them in one strike, which she did but she decided to leave the rest to her offspring she created through her skill [Queens Worship]. And like that she simply killed her half of the encampment.

Zegion on the other hand was specialized in physical combat. In terms of skill he was number one among Rimurus subordinates.

Zegion tore apart his half of the soldiers using the moves that Veldora taught him from his Veldora Style Killing Arts.

Though he only used them occasionally, he preferred to kill them with his sheer skill in combat.

The soldiers tried to fight back, but they couldn't even break through his passive barrier.

All the soldiers could do was wait for their deaths. In less than 2 minutes the soldiers fighting Zegion has died and now the crystal was destroyed.

Back to Rimuru and Guy TV:

"Rimuru, why are all your subordinates so strong?" Guy questioned.

"I have no idea you know. Maybe they are just that good at training themselves." Rimuru responded.

"Well, thats the last of them. So I guess its my turn now." Rimuru said.

Both Rimuru and Guy got up from their seats and put the drinking glasses away.

"Time to show off yourself even more, Rimuru." Guy said with a hint of excitement.

"I guess so." Rimuru responded.

"Wait can you take footage of this somehow without a recording crystal? That way if some demon lords don't approve of you, it would prove tour strength. Not that they would doubt anyone I approve of."

"Yeah, I guess I can. But lets just go now."

Rimuru and Guy departed and flew in the direction of where the main army is located.

At the main army:

Rimuru and Guy Crimson have now arrived at their destination. Hovering above the entire army totaling over 100,000 soldiers.

"So how are you going to start this off?" Guy questioned.

"Cause as much destruction as I can."

Rimuru created a barrier similar to that of the barrier cast by prison field to prevent all organisms escaping. Rimuru began to cast his newly created spell, made solely for this war.

"May your sins drag you beneath the surface to the entrance of the underworld. Satet!"

(Egytpian god of chaos, destruction, evil, anger, storms, confusion)

The very earth within the barrier was shifting. The gravity became heavier on the soldiers. Mini volcanoes were created within the barrier and began to erupt. It was creating ash clouds enhanced by Rimurus [Turn Null] already within the barrier over 80,000 people have died from this one attack.

Out of nowhere, Rimuru canceled the attack after being notified on the kill count. He along with Guy Crimson began to descend down towards the kings tent.

Like the barrier that kept everyone inside, Rimuru cast a barrier that protected the kings tent. They could not exit or enter.

As Rimuru and Guy descended onto the tent, he noticed a unfamiliar short haired woman staring at him with hatred in her eyes.

Rimuru canceled the barrier to let them out.

"May I ask who you are? I am here for the king and only him. He must answer for his actions." Rimuru said.

"As much as I detest this king. You shall kill no one else monster." Hinata retorted as she readied her Rapier to face Rimuru. Rimuru was about to respond but Guy intervened and said something

"Do you really think you can defeat an awakened demon lord and one such as him?" Guy seemed to taunt her.

"Who might you be?" Hinata questioned as she pointed her sword towards him.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Anyways Rimuru go take care of your business." Guy said then proceeded to fly back into the air.

"Don't order me!" Rimuru retorted. He then turned back towards Hinata ready to face this holy knight.

Instead of waiting for him to be ready, she attacked straight forward immediately.

She pierced Rimurus chest.

Is what she thought would happen.

But in reality she could not pierce his Multi-Dimensional Barrier.

But in the end she was relentless with her attacks. She tried and tried and tried to keep it up, but it was all futile.

"How long are you really going to keep this up?" Rimuru mocked as she continued to pierce him.

"I will continue until you die." She was quite relentless. Rimuru heaved a sigh before I decided to counter attack. He punched her straight into the face, sending her into the kings tent.

"Why are you so determined to kill me." Rimuru could have killed her easily with that punch, but he held back. 

Although it was hard to, she managed to return to her feet.

"Because you have killed so many people including my sensei." Hinata said.

'Hmm. Sensei? Were they apart of that 80,000 I killed?'

"Who was you sensei, exactly?" Rimuru asked.

"Why do you need to know you killed her so long ago!" Hinata retorted angrily. She now tried to perform her ability [Dead End Rainbow].  But once more it was futile like her earlier abilities.

'I killed her? Shizu? Is that who she means?'

"Firstly I didn't kill your sensei. Secondly I killed in order to protect my people. You seriously didn't think I would sit by and let you kill us, did you?"

"You don't expect me to believe the word of a monster do you?"

'Well she is stubborn. I guess Ill break her spirit.'

She attempted to strike Rimuru again, but he caught it effortlessly and shattered it merely by tightening his grip.

She jumped back in anticipation of a counter attack.

"I guess I will have to use this now."

The holy knight began chanting for her next attack.

Multiple magic circles began to appear on Rimuru. But this was to his benefit as he began to analyze it.

"Exhaust All [Disintegration]!" A pillar of light overtook Rimuru as she believed it to have killed him. She began to walk away in triumph but...

"[Azathoth]" A massive pitch black mass overtook the light of Hinatas attack. Devouring it whole.

And after this mass disappeared she saw Rimuru standing in the same spot completely unharmed.

"Every attack of yours is meaningless in front of me. Now [Turn Null]."

Rimuru pointed out his finger toward Hinata and released a tiny black sphere.

This sphere shot straight past Hinatas face, just barely grazing it. This attack destroyed a mountain behind her. Further causing her to fall deeper into despair as she fell onto her knees.

Rimuru approached her and picked her up by her scalp.

"Foolish human. Did you really think Holy magic would defeat me? This is the consequence for daring to attack us. I would never allow for things like this to happen." Rimuru said and then punched Hinata in the stomach strong enough for her to pass out. He threw her body to the side out of his way.

'Ciel, where is she from?'

{She is from The Holy Empire Lubelius.}

'Transport her back there, and reactivate Satet to kill the rest and store their bodies in the [Imaginary Space] I am gonna use them for something later.'

{Understood} Ciel listened to Rimurus orders and proceeded to do everything as asked.

"Well it's time to return. Thank God this is finally over."

(A/N: Damn. This is the longest chapter I have wrote totaling 6532 words. I am tired so I decided to speed things up a bit in the end so that I can have some thing to add in later chapters to make those longer. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.)

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