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50% Multiverse of V / Chapter 3: Word count

Kapitel 3: Word count

Soon after V's birth, he watched in intense fear of Urizen's manifestation and tried to crawl away, taking note of his frail body and failed trying to strengthen it with demonic power. While fully aware that he will die soon, V admits to himself that he didn't want to die as he found Vergil's book of poems on the floor, causing him to remember his happy childhood with Dante. Hearing V's thoughts, Griffon swept V off the ground and took him outside, dropping him roughly on a pile of garbage and telling V to make a contract with him. Griffon half-jokingly pitched and explained how a contract works to V, but V grew annoyed at Griffon's yapping and shuts his beak. V demanded that Griffon explain himself, who revealed to V that he is the discarded memories of Vergil's time with Mundus that were cut off with Yamato. Griffon explained to V that he will disappear without a host, which was V's part of the contract to fulfill. Since V's body also decaying and he can't return to being Vergil without the power to defeat the demon half, Griffon stated that the two of them have to work together or they will die.

V killing an Empusa.

V and Griffon halt their conversation to go into the city and stumbles into a deserted alleyway where they found a young punk mugging an old man. While the punk focused his attention on V, Griffon attacks the punk from behind and knocks him unconscious, allowing V to steal the punk's clothes. As V gets dressed, Griffon restarted their conversation, though V questions why would he need Griffon, angering him since he has been helping V to move around and get him clothes. However, V clarified that he was planning on "using" Griffon and voiced his skepticism of his abilities. While exasperated by V's demeanor, Griffon agreed to prove himself to V, who told him to kill the Empusa that had manifested in the alley. V then watched with an impassive expression as Griffon easily killed the Empusa with a lighting attack, boasting to V if he still thinks that he doesn't need him.

V wondered if the Empusa's appearance in the city is because of Urizen, to which Griffon confirmed and then stated that Red Grave City will likely be infested with demons soon since Urizen is very powerful and has the Yamato. While Griffon chides V for acting arrogant when he can't even protect himself, V picked up his poetry book and stuffed it into Griffon's mouth just to silence him. While V dislikes the thought of teaming up with Griffon, he agreed to work together with him because he doesn't want to die. As the two bicker with one another, the Empusa rose up from the ground and attacked the duo, much to Griffon's shock. Griffon dodges the Empusa and lifts V in the air, questioning why his lightning didn't kill it, to which V's response was that Griffon was not strong enough. When striking it again failed, Griffon suddenly runs out of demonic power, causing his form to become unstable and dropping the both of them back on the ground, Since Griffon was unable to fight, V breaks into a nearby antique store to hide while dragging Griffon inside with him. The Empusa attacked V, pining him down, but Griffon draws its attention. V then reflected on how frustrating it is to be weak and decided to fight too, breaking a glass case to retrieve a cane in the process, and stabbed the Empusa from behind.

V establishing his contract with Griffon.

After going through a great effort, V was able to successfully kill the Empusa, then he collapsed on a nearby couch from exhaustion. While wiping off the demon blood, V wondered why he was able to kill the demon even though Griffon's attack was able to hurt it. V then speculated that it was because of the cane, even though it did not look like a Devil Arm. Griffon explained to V that it is not the cane, but V himself. Griffon deduced that because he is a essentially "dream" without any substance, it is impossible for him to kill anything, but V can and must be the one to deliver the killing blow after he weakens any upcoming groups of enemies in the future. Since it took a lot of effort just to beat a low-level demon, V was doubtful that he could even defeat Urizen in his current state, but Griffon assured V that he shouldn't be ashamed since the both of them are "pathetic" in their own way. When Griffon's form begins to melt on the floor and tells V to make a choice quickly, V reluctantly accepted the fact that he needed Griffon and placed his hand on Griffon's melted form to begin the contract. As Griffon's form wrapped around V's body, Griffon apologized to V for his earlier attitude and then promised to not make fun of him anymore, which V amusingly remarked that he was going to pluck Griffon if he continued to make digs at him. With the contract completed, V gained tattoos on his upper chest and arms while Griffon regained his proper form.

Sometime later, V was plagued by a memory of Vergil's time being tortured by Mundus, but was able to snap out of it, though Griffon poked fun at his pale expression. V was then informed by Griffon that another physical manifestation of Vergil's memories was nearby and urged V to find them before they disappeared. However, V found the task troublesome and was reluctant to find more "annoyances", but Griffon pointed that they urgently need more allies. Griffon explained to V that three more beings took physical form after Vergil cast them out. Although some will likely be aggressive, Griffon believed that some of them would be willing to form a contract with V since they wouldn't want to die. When V asked if they refused to help, Griffon said that they would have to use force to tame them. V spotted a dark human-shape figure in the street, causing Griffon to hide behind V and try to get him to get rid of the person. The figure suddenly morphed its body and attacks them with a large spike, but V was able to block it with his cane. When the figure turned out to be Shadow (another manifestation of Vergil's memories), V questioned Griffon how are they supposed to communicate with Shadow since he couldn't speak human language.

V is confronted by Phantom.

As Shadow charged at V, he suddenly snatched V's cane and ran away, leaving V confused. Griffon speculated that Shadow might think that the cane could lead him to the Demon World since it smelled like it, but V stated that, according to Griffon, the cane wasn't a Devil Arm. Griffon then clarified his previous statement by saying that the cane was most likely to have been accidentally made with materials from the Demon World, comparing the cane to V since they were both mostly normal things with a little demonic energy, which V didn't appreciate. Using Griffon to fly, V tried to track Shadow for a little while, but had to land in an alley after Griffon reached his limit. They noticed the alley was covered in bugs and noticed Shadow laying on the ground, on verge of vanishing. Before V could help Shadow, a giant, speaking Phantom appeared in front of them and threaten to eat V and Griffon for trying to take his prey.

Picking up his cane, V quips to Phantom that Shadow was their "prey" first as Griffon explained to V that Shadow was in his core state and his normal form should return soon since he not completely out of energy yet. However, Griffon advise V that they should deal with Phantom before handling Shadow. Phantom recognizes V and Griffon, calling the former their "host", since Phantom was a part of Vergil too. V stood silent as Griffon tried to get Phantom to make a contract with him, but the arrogant Phantom hauntingly proclaimed that he will never serve a weakling like V, disparaging V with insults, and stated he would rather die than live bounded by him. Angry at Phantom's insults, V provokes Phantom, saying that he has no need for him, causing the demon to attack him. V and Griffon managed to dodge and hide behind a large rock, dragging Shadow's limp body with them. Griffon scolded V for provoking Phantom, but V nonchalantly commented that peaceful negotiation was a waste of time. Exasperated by situation, Griffon said they cannot handle Phantom and Shadow at the same time, so V must forcefully tame Shadow. Before V could stab Shadow with his cane, Shadow regained consciousness, lashing out at V and clamping his jaw on V's cane. As Griffon attempted to calm Shadow down, V reflected over his interaction with Phantom and realize it's pointless to demand cooperation from Shadow. Letting go of his cane, V directly looked into Shadow's eyes and asked him to make a choice - die or struggle and live - and if Shadow choose to live, then he needs Shadow. Winning Shadow's cooperation, V had Shadow transformed into his appearance and lure Phantom close enough for them to attack him. When Phantom's core was exposed, V stabbed it with his cane, killing the demon spider. While Griffon pointed out that they lose a potential ally, V at least gained Shadow as a familiar. As a show of affection, Shadow pounced on V and licked his face, much to V's disgust and Griffon's amusement.

After Shadow finished licking him, Shadow initiated the contract ritual with V and transformed into a semi-liquid state to warps around V's body, with Griffon explaining Shadow's actions to V. In a mental landscape, V connected with Shadow's mind and received another affectionate lick from the demon. As more tattoos appeared on his body, V experienced another memory of Vergil's time with Mundus, causing V to feel emotional and mental pain. V contemplated how much he hates reliving the memories and never wanted to see them again, but knew he needed more power to beat Urizen and must find a stronger familiar. Griffon remarked that V lost a major ally in Phantom, which was why V shouldn't had picked a fight with him, though he admitted that Phantom wouldn't cooperate with them even if V forcefully tamed him. Griffon warned V that all of them weren't very strong individually, so they must work as a team and V cannot be reckless. Ignoring Griffon's lecture, V stuffed his cane into his mouth and asked the demon bird if there was more powerful "nightmare" left he form a contract with. When Griffon's nervously confirmed that there was one more, V was curious about his behavior, but Griffon just told V to do what he tells him. Arriving to an abandoned church, V paid no attention to Griffon's persistent protests to leave this particular demon alone and entered the church. After stepping in some dark slime, V gazed in awe as the gigantic Nightmare manifested before him. While sweating in fear and a very scared Griffon pleading to him to run away, V was impressed by Nightmare and remained determined to have it as a familiar.

Griffon explained to V that while the original Nightmare had the power to destroy the Demon World, it did not have a will of its own, and it will only obey its master, stressing V was completely unable to communicate with the Nightmare made from Vergil's memories. With Nightmare blocking the door, V and Griffon cannot run away. When Griffon questioned V if he had a plan, V told him that he wanted to gauge Nightmare's power and sends Shadow to attack. Before Shadow could land a blow, Nightmare quickly impale Shadow, leaving him in his core form, much to V's surprise. As Nightmare prepares to fire its laser beam, V quietly stared in amazement as Griffon panicked. While V was able to barely dodged the laser, Griffon takes a direct hit and reverts to his core form, leaving V without any form of protection. Seeing how powerful Nightmare was, V admitted that confronting Nightmare was a mistake. Using its sludge-like tendrils, Nightmare captured V and engulfed him into its body. As V falls down a dark abyss, V had his cane taken away by Nightmare. V eventually landed in dark, watery area with a giant, cracked statute of Mundus in front of him. V then saw Vergil wearing Nelo Angelo's armor emerging from the ground and grabbing onto V, causing V to realized that appearance of Nelo Angelo and everything else around him was just a "worthless dream".

When Nelo Angelo grabbed V by the neck, V tried to banish it away since he knew its an illusion, but it didn't work. When Nelo Angelo placed his hand on V's head, V was shown memories of Mundus, Trish, and other moments from Vergil's time as Nelo Angelo. Disturbed by these memories, V didn't have time to process these memories due to an illusion of Dante manifested and shoot Nelo Angelo in the head, which greatly surprised him. When the area started to dissolve, V fell deeper into the mental abyss and met with Nightmare's consciousness, which as took the form of a giant eye. Realizing everything he saw was Nightmare's doing, V questioned why Nightmare was showing him these illusions, believing that Nightmare was mocking him for his weakness and telling him that he, as Vergil, was inferior to Dante. With his hand upon Nightmare' eye, V channels his demonic energy onto it, causing the area began breaking apart as Nightmare's body in the real world began to emanate light beams from the inside. Plunging his hand into Nightmare's core, V grabs hold of it, making Nightmare's body crumble in the real world and release V from its slime. As he held its core, V stood victorious at overcoming Nightmare's illusions.

While Griffon insists he kill Nightmare since it won't listen to him, V does not respond and even showed no reaction at Nightmare's reforming into a skull-like shape to intimidate him. When numerous demons appeared outside the church, V stayed focus on Nightmare and remained deep in thought, ignoring Griffon's attempts to get his attention and the danger they were in. When Nightmare suddenly formed spikes to threaten V, he remained completely unfazed by Nightmare's intimidation tactics. V stated to Nightmare that he knows it wants its core and handed it back to him, much to Griffon's confusion. Nightmare then impaled V from behind, but V didn't not reaction in fear and calmly explained to the demon bird that he did not give back Nightmare's core, rather he "bestowed" it. Looking directly into Nightmare's eye, V remarked that it should recognize him as its master because Nightmare belonged to him. This seems to resonate with Nightmare, who withdrew in spike from V and started the contract ritual, causing more tattoos appear on V's body and his wounds to heal. After Nightmare reformed itself into a smaller golem-like body, V ordered Nightmare to kill the invading demons. However, Nightmare's power took a toll on V, causing him to abruptly fall to the ground seemingly paralyzed and making his three familiars to dissolve back onto his body.

After losing consciousnesses, V dreamed of being in Sparda's mansion, appearing pristine and functional as music played in the background. Upon looking at a book, V concluded that he was experiencing an memory from Vergil's childhood, remembering that he was really laying on the abandoned church's floor after using up all his demonic power. V reflected how powerful Nightmare is, deeming him the strongest of his familiars and could allow him to beat Urizen. However, V realizes that the demonic power in his body isn't enough to sustain Nightmare for a long time, only for a few seconds, and believed it's foolish to battle Urizen with that limitation. Unable to seek out more familiars, V lamented that he underestimate his abilities and proclaimed that everything he did so far is pointless since he can't defeat Urizen. Upset by his situation, V then started to laugh in a bitter, self-deprecating manner before calming down and bemoaned how everything he done so far was in vain. V's emotions caused his surroundings to change, transforming the mansion into its ruined state after Mundus's attack on it. V acknowledged that he's weak, causing him to be suddenly taken into a dark, watery space. While annoyed he was pulled away from his peaceful memories, V notice Vergil's poetry book beside him and wondered why he took the book with him. V recited some lines from the book, particularly drawn to the word "eternity", causing him to pondered if he was any moment in his life so far that he wished to be everlasting. V warily remarked how Vergil threw away emotional sentiments in exchange for power. When an illusion of Yamato and a mirror appeared in front of him, V saw a reflection of Dante looking back at him. V openly contemplated why Vergil lost to Dante even though they are twins born with the same bloodline and power, acknowledging that he made a mistake that caused Vergil to lose to him. As the mirror shattered, V wakes up to Griffon's screams, who thought V was dead, and explained to him that he just ran out of power. Griffon warned V not to use his power recklessly since it means the death of the familiars too. Griffon then complained to V about the Nightmare's summoning limitation and how there are no more "nightmares" for V to find, admitting that V wouldn't be able to handle it even if there were since he was already at his limit. When asked about their next move, V thought about Dante and told Griffon recruiting Dante for help was the surest way to defeat Urizen.

After getting back in the more populous part of Red Grave City, V rested on a bench and sent Griffon to find out when the latest train outside to leave. V took the time to reflect over Dante's previous achievements as a Devil Hunter, deeming him the strongest one of them all. Once Griffon reported to him that there was time before the train will depart and asked questions how V will face Dante, V stated that he won't reveal Dante his origins since Dante won't even recognize him since he doesn't physically look like Vergil and will just request Dante's help. Amused at the though of hiding their identities, Griffon told V he'll need a pseudonym, but V was indifferent to the idea and told to come up with one, which lead the demon bird to jokingly give suggestions based on V's slender physique. V decided to be called "V", using the poetry book's "V" insignia as inspiration, much to Griffon's exasperation. As he tiredly stood up, V realized that he was hungry and hit his cane against Griffon's beak after said he'll catch mice for V. When Griffon explained he doesn't know what humans eat, V pointed out that procuring food, train tickets, and getting Dante's help would all require money, which he didn't have. V resolved to steal money, preferably from someone rich so they don't have to exert themselves doing it multiple times, which Griffon agreed with and hoped they can to find a good target soon since they don't want to cause a ruckus. In an alley, V and Griffon spotted a young woman being robbed by a trio of men. Seeing the buglers had a gun, Griffon advised V not to get involved since he would die if he got shot and urged him to run away. Upon witnessing the robbers demands the woman to hand over her oval gem necklace, which was memento of her mother, V recalled a memory of Eva giving a young Vergil and Dante their halves of the Perfect Amulet. V then attempted to help the woman, but ended up tripping over some garbage cans since his body was still weak from the lack of nutrition.

The one of robber confronted V and questioned his presence in the alley, which V cautiously explained he was passing by. When he attempted to get up with his cane, the robber kicked the cane away from V and demanded him to hand over his money. While V stated that he doesn't have money, the robber believed V was lying and aim his gun to V's head. Noticing Griffon watching above, V asked the robber to let him go since he doesn't want to get shot, but the robber refused until V handed over any money to him. V warily warned the robber to let him go before any real trouble started, but was pistol whip across the face and caused his nose to bleed as a result. While the robber mocked V, Shadow suddenly skewered the robber's hand, causing him to drop the gun, and sent him flying to the wall. As Shadow protectively manifested into a large spiked ball over his master, V calmly states the robbers had made Shadow angry. Frightened by Shadow's appearance, the other two robbers drew their guns, but Shadow quickly attacked and brutally skewered them to the wall. Afterwards, V took the opportunity to take their money as Griffon flew down to complained that money wasn't enough for what they need. V remarked that his cane gave thieves that impression that V was weak and compelled them to attempt to attack him, so they didn't have to worry about finding people to steal from. However, Griffon disagreed with that idea since it was too dangerous for V, but V stated things should be fine as long as they can stop thieves before they cause any trouble. Once Shadow released the robbers from his spikes, V mocked them for their groans of pain. Upon noticing the jewel necklace on the ground, V picked it up as Griffon asked if it was worth anything. The woman, who witnessed V's entire confrontation with the robbers, frighteningly trembled at V and begged him to stay back. Not wanting to scare her any further, V dropped her necklace near her, telling Griffon it wasn't worth anything, and walked away.

After taking the train to the city, V hunts for J.D. Morrison by investigating bars that he likely frequents, but all the leads he was given turned out be a bust and was badgered by thieves along the way. After dealing with three men, V also took a break to eat a burger, though he didn't enjoy it since he disliked getting his hands messy. V questioned Griffon if he really knew where to find Morrison, which the demon bird had no real answer to. With their latest lead being Grue's Cellar, V hoped to find Morrison soon and that the money he collected so far will be enough. When Griffon inquired why V was going through all the trouble to find Morrison when he already knew where Dante's shop was, V explained he wants to conceal their identities as much as possible. While continuing on their search, Griffon brought up the possibility of what will they do if Dante can't defeat Urizen, causing V to admit that he hasn't thought about that scenario. V remarked that it was Vergil's wish to beat Dante and was the reason why V was discarded in the first place, but V proclaimed he is more scared of dying than anything else and had faith that Dante won't lose. Suddenly, a man appeared and held a knife to V's neck and attempted to rob him, but V remained unfazed as Griffon quickly dealt with the man. Finding Grue's Cellar, V contemplated what would happen if Dante did lose and thought about Nero, whom was left gravely injured after Vergil took his Devil Bringer. However, V dismissed Nero and believed him to be too weak as a back-up plan compared to Dante.

Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare

V meeting Dante.

Knowing Urizen's resurrection is nearing, V goes to Grue's Celler to find J.D. Morrison in order to get into contact with Dante. Before entering the bar, V assaulted a random man with Griffon in order to obtain money to pay for Dante's services. Upon meeting Morrison, V asked him to take him to Dante and hands him the bloodstained money. Although wary of V and Griffon, Morrison accepts the payment, especially due to wanting V and Griffon not hurting more people just to collect more cash and takes them to Devil May Cry. At the shop, V waited outside the office with Griffon while Morrison spoke to Dante first. Griffon questioned if V was nervous meeting his "brother" for the first time in years and remarked that Dante shouldn't be able to recognize V as Vergil, but encouraged him to act differently from Vergil just in case, suggesting V to tell a joke before dissolving back into tattoos on V's body. Once he entered the shop, V introduced himself to Dante and explained that he wants him to stop a powerful demon that is about to be resurrected in Red Grave City. While Dante is confident that V's job would be easy, V claimed to Dante that this demon is much different from the others he fought before because the demon is Dante's "reason for fighting" - his brother Vergil. V's revelation caused Dante go into a stunned silence, giving time to V pondered over Dante's reaction. When Dante showed a furious reaction and let out his demonic aura, V was secretly elated yet frightened by Dante's strong reaction, pleased that Dante hadn't change since he defeated Vergil years ago. V calmly explained to Dante that he doesn't mind if he doubts him because once Red Grave City is demonized, he'll know the truth. At the mention of his old home, V saw that Dante was already starting to believe him and warned him that the city will be in danger soon, so Dante should keep an eye on the news. When V turned his back to Dante, V was pleased how Dante was being lured in, but V's mood quickly soured when he spied Eva's picture on Dante's desk. Devil May Cry 5: Visions of V

A few days later, Morrison provided a helicopter to take V and Dante to Red Grave City with Trish and Lady, which V was grateful for. Upon arriving inside Qliphoth tree, V hopes to attack Urizen before he is fully resurrected, but realized that Urizen had awakened as they were traveling up the tree. Noticing how V was staring at Trish, Griffon telepathically spoke with V, worrying if Dante and the girls would kill them if they find out the truth. Griffon also reminded V that he must give Urizen the killing blow before Dante. Suddenly, V sense Urizen's demonic power, amazed and frightened by how much stronger he became since their separation, and hallucinated a vision of slug-like skulls haunting him. Distressed, V realized that Urizen was much stronger than Dante and his plan was likely to fail. Devil May Cry 5: Visions of V When V openly express his concerns over the situation, Dante ordered him to leave, believing him to be "dead weight" if he can't handle the mission. While frustrated by Dante's comment, V pragmatically complied with Dante's words, much to Griffon's shock. Unsure of the chances of his allies in defeating Urizen, V wants to get Nero as "insurance", despite knowing Nero's Devil Bringer arm was recently ripped off and Griffon's own protests. Using the helicopter, V quickly arrived at Fortuna and found Nero at the hospital just as he awoke from his coma. After introducing himself, V explained to Nero that it was Urizen that stole his arm and he hired Dante to subdue him. V asked Nero to join them and goads him by pointing out Nero's wounded pride. Although Nero was suspicious of V, Nero agreed to help him to get his arm back.

V with Nero and Morrison.

After getting Nero's gear, V and Nero return to the Qliphoth tree and spotted Dante fighting Urizen from a distance. V warned Nero not to underestimate Urizen since he gained a lot of power after taking Nero's Devil Bringer. V went ahead of Nero, using Shadow's ability to carry himself since moving was becoming more difficult for V due to his decaying body. V and his familiars dealt with demons coming from the tree to make things easier for Nero. Once Nero caught up with them, V told him to go ahead and leave the other demons to him. When V and Griffon arrived at Urizen's throne room, V saw Nero and Dante struggling to beat Urizen as the ground began shaking. Dante yelled for them to run while he holds Urizen off, though V had to drag a stubborn Nero out the cavern, who insisted on staying and helping. When debris blocked the path to Urizen, the two met up with Morrison and told him what happened as tentacles started sprouting from the group and attacking people. While Nero wanted to fight, V demanded he retreats and revealed that the world will end after a month. V encouraged Morrison not to lose hope and Nero to get stronger since he is the only person that can defeat Urizen besides Dante. V and Nero agreed to meet up again in a month, with Nero returning to Fortuna to train. V choose to stay in Red Grave City, lying to Nero that he will be collecting information in the meantime.

As the days passed, V observed the Qliphoth tree growing bigger as it sucks more human blood. Griffon then suggested that V should evacuate the city to slow Qliphoth's growth, but V rejected the idea because he didn't believe anyone would listen to him and he did not have the authority or time to organize a city-wide evacuation. While V tried his best within his capabilities, he felt great regret about not being able to do more. When Griffon questioned if Nero will return, V commented that Nero isn't the type to accept a "losing streak", causing an amused Griffon to quip about it where Nero's inherited that attitude from. V contemplated over his beloved book of poems, which echoes the Qliphoth's nature. V bitterly recalled his former self's delusions and how he lied to Nero since he already knew everything about Urizen. Although he wanted to avoid too much movement since his body was eroding, V resolved to help the humans and to minimize the damage as much as possible until Nero returns.

Devil May Cry 5

V killing Goliath with his cane.

Once a month had passed, V called Nero to set a meeting place so they plan their next move. V arrived to their rendezvous point just as Nero was finishing battling Goliath. V uses Shadow on the weakened Goliath and dealt the final blow before Nero could kill him. After bantering a little bit, Nero asked if he knows if Dante was still alive at the Qliphoth tree. V calmly stated that if Dante was still up there then he would likely be Qliphoth pollen by now and explained what the Qliphoth does to Nero. While Nero wants to go straight to the tree to save Dante, V stopped him and informed that they must take care of the Qliphoth roots first. When Nico arrived in the Devil May Cry RV, V meets her for the first time and went inside to plan their next move. V and Nero agreed to split up to cover more ground and meet up with each other at the base of the Qliphoth tree. V then silently watched in amusement as Nico bickered with Nero and Griffon before taking his leave.

V stands victorious after defeating Elder Geryon Knight.

On the streets, Griffon questioned V if he believed Nero could defeat Urizen, but V stated that they can only hope that Nero could. A swarm of Empusa soon appeared before V and his familiars, with Shadow ready to fight and Griffon wanting V to run away due his frail condition. However, V chooses to fight and destroy as many Qliphoth roots as he could. Eventually, V encountered Nidhogg and quickly dealt with him. Soon after, V noticed the gigantic Gilgamesh and decided to leave it alone, knowing that it was beyond his current capabilities. However, Gilgamesh spotted V and attacked him, plunging him into the city's underground tunnels. As V destroyed more Qliphoth roots on his way out, V attacked Gilgamesh's legs that were protruding from the ceiling above. V briefly bumped into Nero, who was fighting Gilgamesh topside, and told him that he'll leave Nero to deal with Gilgamesh. Upon returning to the surface, V spied on Cavaliere Angelo being ordered by Malphas, who is the second-in-command of Urizen, to find Sparda's sword and destroy it. After Malphas left, V confronted Cavaliere Angelo, expressing recognition of it and mockingly promised to be "gentle" with it. While V was able to kill Elder Geryon that Cavaliere Angelo rode on, Cavaliere Angelo escaped from V due to tiring himself out. V soon wished to find the Sparda Devil Arm to raise their chances of beating Urizen. When Griffon pointed out that V was not strong enough to wield the sword, V stated that Nero might be able to do it. Noticing a fragment of Elder Geryon on the ground, V picked it up and returned to the RV.

V telling Nero about his childhood.

V entered the RV just as Lady, who was rescued earlier by Nero, were telling the others what happened after V and Nero left the tree a month ago. V politely greeted Lady and handed Nico the demon fragment to make a new Devil Breaker for Nero. Since the road to the Qliphoth tree was blocked by debris, V and Nero decided to travel the rest of the way on foot. While they went on different underground paths, V and Nero met again on the surface and were confronted by a Proto Angelo and small army of Scudo Angelos. Recalling Vergil's time as Nelo Angelo, V grew angry at the sight of the Angelos and proceeded to battle them alongside Nero on their moving battlefield. V and Nero finished the fight before their platform went over a cliff, landing in an area that V recognized to be where Vergil and Dante's old family home resided. V nostalgically and cryptically shared his childhood memories to Nero before stating that they must part ways because V wanted to find the Sparda sword. While Nero warned V that the sword would be too much for V to handle, V shrugged it off and said that they need all the help they can get, much to Nero's puzzlement.

V about to impale an unconscious Dante to wake him up from his coma.

V sent Griffon to scout the area and, upon hearing his reports of nearby demons "dancing", figured that the Sparda sword was nearby. After fighting off a Behemoth and other lesser demons, V sensed the sword's presence and was led to a group of Nobodies worshiping it, which V mocked them for. After dealing with them, V retrieved the sword and tried to lift it, only to fail. While Griffon playfully teased him, V believed that Nero was the only one left that could wield it just as Shadow alerted V to a fortunate find - a comatose Dante, whose presence had been concealed by the sword. While initially relieved to see Dante, V was overcome with rage and attempted to stab Dante with Sparda, ignoring Griffon's pleas to snap out of his trance. However, V only attempted to stab Sparda near Dante's head, which was able to shock Dante's instincts enough to wake up him from his coma.

V revealing his origins to Trish.

When Dante remarked that he believed that V was going to stab him, V explained that stabbing or at least attempting to stab him was the only way to wake him up since Dante could be "stubborn". V updated Dante on the fact that he's been in a coma for a month and Nero was on his way to fight Urizen again even as they speak. Dante demanded that V leave Nero out of their mission, but V retorted that if Dante could beat Urizen alone, then he would never have to use Nero. V lamented how Nero was useless during their first attempt at Urizen, but Dante cut him off and started to leave. V tried to stop Dante, but fell to the ground and noticed that his body was starting to deteriorate. Although it became harder to move his body, V rushed after Dante and eventually caught up to him, but Dante quickly departed and left him with a unconsciousness Trish to take care of. V sent Griffon to follow Dante while he stayed behind to look after Trish and read his book until she woke up. When Trish began asking questions about Urizen's origins and V's identity, V explained to Trish about his birth and the truth of Urizen. V told Trish that he seeks to right "Vergil's" mistakes and asked her if he was foolish for thinking Dante could help him atone, seemingly looking to Trish for maternal assurance due to her resemblance to Eva. However, Trish does not answer his question and told him that he had a duty to see Dante's war through to the end.

V with Dante and Nero in the Qliphoth tree.

V and Trish traveled to the Qliphoth tree, but when the ground began rising due to the Qliphoth completing its emergence in the Human World, V nearly fell off a cliff if it weren't for Trish grabbing his hand. At the base of the Qliphoth, V and Trish reunited with Dante and their other allies. V explained to Dante that Urizen was at the top of the tree and insisted that he allow Nero to join them since they are running out of time. However, Dante decreed that all three of them should go their separate ways and left before V or Nero could interject. V fights his way through the tree and briefly encountered Dante and Nero on the way, only for them to get separated after the ground collapsed. V had Griffon slow his descent and carried him for a short time before he exhausted himself.

V losing his familiars.

Although his body continued to slowly crumble and movement became more difficult, V was grimly determined to go Urizen's location. V came across an area with strange rocks, which deprived him of his familiars and rendered him unconscious, and was ambushed by Malphas's illusions. Malphas threw V into pocket planes of the Demon World, which he surprisingly discovered was healing his body. V was forced to recovered his familiars one by one and battle against mirages of Goliath, Artemis, and Cavaliere Angelo. Upon exiting the pocket plane, V soon found Malphas again, but he acknowledged that he didn't have the strength to fight her. As he tried to figure out a way past her, he accidentally alerted Malphas of his presence and shrunk back in fear, but was saved by Nero's timely arrival. While Nero battled her, V tossed Nero some Devil Breakers he was holding on to so he can have a better chance in fighting against Malphas. After defeating the demon, V thanked Nero for his help and tried to proceed onward to Urizen's location. Seeing how V's body was badly deteriorating, Nero told to get him some rest, but V begged Nero to take him to Urizen as his last request, which he reluctantly agreed to. As they made their way onward, V revealed to Nero that Urizen was really Dante's older brother Vergil, much to Nero's shock. When Nero questioned why the brothers would fight, V explained that it was because they disagreed on their reason for existing and fought each other to adhered their own beliefs, though Nero found it all ridiculous.

V speaking to Urizen before reemerging with him.

In the aftermath of Dante's victory against Urizen, V and Nero arrived to the scene and V finally decided to serve his own purpose to confront Urizen in his weakened state. While Dante warned him to get away, V told him that he wanted to finish the fight with his own hands. Climbing on top of Urizen's chest, V advised Urizen not to struggle since he already lost, who only proclaimed his desire to have more power. V stated that even though he and Urizen had lost each other, they are connected by that one feeling. As he began reciting William Blake's "Love & Harmony" poem (relating to the relationship between V and Urizen), V stabbed Urizen with his cane before Dante could stop him. As a result, both V and Urizen became engulfed inside a blue light as they both merged back into one person - Vergil.

After Dante's brief clash with Vergil, V was mentioned by Nero when he inquired what happened to V, to which Dante informed him that V had reunited with Urizen and turned back into Vergil, and during the final battle between both Nero and Vergil as father and son. In the aftermath of the entire incident, the only things V left behind was his familiars, who chose not to merge back and died fighting against Dante's hands; his cane, which his familiars used as a focal point for Nightmare. After Vergil's fight with Nero, he gave V's poetry book to Nero.

According to Matt Walker, Vergil's World of V skill represents that V himself is still technically part of Vergil, rather than him fading completely into Vergil's self upon his reunion with Urizen.

Powers and Abilities



Oooh, genius, says "be careful." Yeah, no shit, Shirley! Ain't that right, V? I mean you ARE fragile at the moment. Wouldn't take much to wipe you out in a sticky situation.


—Griffon to V, Devil May Cry 5

Main article: V's Cane

V using Royal Fork.

V uses his unique cane in battle only to perform singularly strong strike to finish off enemies who have sustained enough damage. According to Nico, his cane is forged with a metal ideal for channeling demonic energy, such as the attack called "Royal Fork" where he summons several copies of his cane and rains them down on enemies, as well teleport to enemies using his cane as beacon in a flash of blue energy. V can proceed to strike the target down with his cane as well as perform a double jump upon stepping on an enemy. Upon finishing demons off, V seems to use his cane to absorb the power of defeated demons, enhancing the strengths of his familiars with it. Finally, V can also enter a state similar to Devil Trigger, which causes the black ink in his hair to disappear, revealing his natural white hair, and allows him to augment his familiars as well as summon Nightmare.

V enchanting his Cane with demonic power

As he is the human half of Vergil, V only has a comparatively minuscule demonic energy, making him mostly human with a crumbling body supported only by the demonic power he had left; though he seems to replenish his energy by defeating demons, it would eventually fail to sustain him unless V uses his cane to re-merge with Urizen.

Similar to Nero's moveset, which are named after gambling and casino terms, most of V's moves are named after chess terms.

After beating Bloody Palace, V learns taunt that allows him to cover his cane with demonic energy, which increases the power of his attacks and allows him to hurt and defeat demons on his own.


V's Familiars.

V has the ability to summon familiars with demonic powers, formed as physical manifestations of Vergil's trauma from his time as Nelo Angelo, taking the form of Mundus's demon minions which he had authority over. When not called upon, the demons appear as tattoos on V's body and as ink in his hair, turning it from white to black. When they are summoned, the corresponding tattoo to each demon disappears and in case of Nightmare, his hair turns back to its original color. Due to their nature, V described his demons' abilities to be "dream-like" since they are only able to inflict pain, yet unable to kill. Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare Although he can direct them, V can also make them fight automatically. The demon familiars revert to their core state upon taking too much damage and require some time to regenerate before they can be resummoned. V can increase the speed of their return by standing close to them. Due to their contract, V is capable of telepathically communicating with his familiars. Devil May Cry 5: Visions of V

Griffon: This avian monstrosity can always be found somewhere around V, usually flapping its beak with some inappropriate jab. Griffon can summon pillars of thunder strikes and fire an electric blast as well as launch enemies into the air.[16] He is also able to lift V across the air when needed. Griffon is the only one that knows human language and acts as the interpreter for Shadow and Nightmare so others can understand them..

Shadow: This demon familiar usually takes the form of a quadruped beast, only to shapeshift into blades, needles, and all manner of nasty weapons to act as vanguard, but it can also use it's claws, fangs and tail to attack. Through Shadow, V can also move at faster speeds than normal.[16] V can also ride on Shadow as a form of transport.

Nightmare: V can unleash his full power to call upon this gargantuan demon. When summoned, Nightmare may crash onto the battlefield like a meteorite, or burst through parts of the environment to heed the call. Its sluggish movements belie unsurpassable strength and high-invulnerability. Wherever Nightmare appears, its massive fists or brutal laser beams are the last thing enemies ever see.[16] In his normal size, Nightmare is 3.5 meters tall, but is capable growing even larger. V is also capable of controlling Nightmare directly by climbing atop it and piercing it with his cane to kill off enemies.


Devil May Cry 5 promo site[17]

V, The Mysterious One

Book and cane in hand, this slender man appears covered in impressive tattoos. Before chaos fell upon Red Grave City, he sought out Dante through the information broker Morrison and tasked him to subdue a certain demon. V lacks the power to fight himself, instead relying on three demon familiars to take the offensive in battle.

Nico's Note - The Art of Devil May Cry 5

Now call me crazy here, but soooomething about that "V" guy weirds me out. Can't quite put my finger on it right about now. I mean, this cat signs up Dante on a road trip to the underworld and calls himself a Demon Hunter. Not sayin' I doubt him. Seems like his ink gives him some crazy powers, least of which is summoning a mouthy demon chicken that I WILL country fry if it back-talks me again.

Before Devil May Cry 4

Nero was found as a baby by Credo and Kyrie's family at Fortuna and was raised under their care. As a child, he was bullied by other children who claimed his mother was a prostitute. As with Credo, Nero joined the Order of the Sword to defeat demons that threatened the city, though Nero often worked alone. Devil May Cry 4: Deadly Fortune

As was mentioned in an incident report, a number of demons appeared suddenly from the Mitis Forest and attacked Fortuna. Nero was present at the scene and exterminated all of the demons, but he couldn't prevent demons from injuring Kyrie and his own shoulder. Nero's sword, the Red Queen, was also damaged and sent for repair. Kyrie recovered completely, but Nero's shoulder never healed properly, and was transformed into something else. Initially he believed it to be an infection but, upon realizing it was demonic power, he began training with it in secret.[9]

Devil May Cry 4

On the day of the Festival of the Blade, Nero barely manages to make it to Kyrie's performance in time after dealing with a group of demons, with a man in red secretly watching him from the rooftops. He leaves her a gift and then prepares to leave, having grown tired of Sanctus's preaching. Just before he can, though, the mysterious man in red bursts in through the glass ceiling during a prayer and slays Sanctus, the leader of the Order. Before the assassin (who is later revealed to be Dante) can confirm the kill, Credo and a battalion of knights surround Dante, but are completely outmatched. Kyrie, seeing that Dante is going to kill her brother, finally escapes Nero's hold on her and runs to them, but is knocked down in the process. When Nero sees the man in red looming over Kyrie, he kicks him in the face and orders Credo and Kyrie to go get help while he stalls Dante.

Nero duels Dante

The two fight, and Nero is forced to reveal his Devil Bringer. With it, he was able to knock Dante back and impale him with his own sword on Sparda's statue. But Dante, who isn't just a mere mortal, frees himself and jumps down. Nero states that Dante isn't human, to which Dante then pulls Rebellion out and comments that they're the same, and points out the knights he had slain, who turned out to be demons. Confused, Nero watches as Dante flees the scene. Shortly after, Kyrie returns Nero's sword, Red Queen, at Credo's request. Credo gives an order to Nero - to pursue the man in red, with witnesses seeing him heading to Fortuna Castle. Suddenly, all three feel the building shudder, and leave to discover the city's citizens being attacked by demons. While Kyrie and Credo lead the survivors back to headquarters, Nero fights off the remaining demons. In order to pursue Dante, Nero goes through Fortuna, which is totally overrun with demons. His pursuit of Dante leads him to discover the source of these demons: in a small village at the base of Lamina Peak, just outside the city, Nero finds the first Hell Gate and fights its guardian, Berial the Conqueror of the Fire Hell.

Nero meets the new member of the order: Gloria

After defeating Berial, Nero makes his way through a supernatural blizzard to Fortuna Castle where he meets Gloria, a new member of the Order whom he's never seen before. After some exposition, Nero and Gloria go their separate ways. When Nero enters Fortuna Castle, he finds it infested with demons and starts to investigate. He finds the second Hell Gate and fights Bael, a large toad-like demon whose specialty is ice. While exploring the castle, Nero stumbles upon a secret underground laboratory of the Order, where he meets Agnus, the Order's Chief Alchemist. Agnus reveals that he created the Hell Gates and uses them to summon demons, which he needs for his experiments. Agnus also reveals that by using this power, Sanctus hopes to rule the world by using the Savior, the god-like being the Order constructed.

Nero resurrects Yamato in Agnus' lair

Agnus succeeds in killing Nero with his Angelos,[10] but Nero is dramatically revived with a Devil Trigger, due to the Yamato which resonated with him. In this form, Nero manages to repair the Yamato, the broken sword of Dante's fallen brother, Vergil, which Agnus had been holding within a containment field inside his lab. Nero then forces Agnus to reveal his Angelo form and retreat.

Afterwards, Nero heads towards The Order's headquarters, believing Credo knows more about what is going on. He crosses a bridge that leads into a cave concealed by the Foris Falls and finds himself in the Mitis Forest. Here, Dante bumps into him, but their encounter is very brief. Dante apologizes snidely to Nero, stating that "it'll have to wait", and then jumps off a cliff. Nero fights countless demons on his way through the forest and eventually banishes Echidna the She-Viper, a snake-like demon who treats the demons of the forest as her children. After that, Nero reaches the Headquarters without any other surprises.

Nero defeats Credo and officially betrays the Order

At the entrance he is met by Credo, whereupon Nero asks who Dante is. Credo draws his blade and exclaims that Nero does not have the authority to demand answers from him. Nero reflexively uses his Devil Bringer to block an attack from Credo, exposing his secret. Realizing that Agnus, who brought news of Nero's demonic power to the Orders' commanders only moments earlier, was right, Credo transforms into his Angelo form and declares that Nero is under arrest. A fight ensues, after which Credo returns to his human form and Nero emerges victorious, but Kyrie, appearing seemingly from nowhere, screams out when she beholds what she interprets as Nero, with a demon arm, trying to kill Credo. Nero tries to explain and calm Kyrie down, but Agnus swoops in turning Kyrie against Nero, making her think he's a demon, holds her hostage, revealing Sanctus's desire to use her to get to Nero. Credo is furious of this treachery as Agnus flies away with Kyrie, so he asks Nero to put aside this fight for now and vows to get the truth from Sanctus. While Credo flies off to see Sanctus, Nero pursues Agnus and Kyrie.

Nero fails to rescue Kyrie from Sanctus

Nero finds and fights Agnus in the Order's headquarters and succeeds in defeating him. Just as Nero is about to finish off Agnus, an army of Bianco Angelos, led by none other than Sanctus himself, in the armor of an Alto Angelo no less, swoops in to aid him. As Sanctus leaves with Kyrie, Nero jumps after her, but he is only able to grab her necklace, which he gave to her as a gift back at the cathedral. Nero cries for his failure as the Bringer destroys some vines tangled on a bridge, as the event forces him to pursue Agnus, Sanctus, and Kyrie. However, he runs into Dante on his way out. Nero tries to ignore Dante, but Dante reveals that he wants Yamato back due to what's left of his brother's.

Dante allows Nero to keep the Yamato, showcasing their first step as allies

Nero refuses anything he says from Dante, causing another fight between them. Although Nero is wielding Yamato, yet undisciplined and angry, despite managing to disarm Dante, he soon is forced to acknowledge Dante's superiority when he swiftly knocks him down with only his bare hands. However, Dante also says that now he is calm and cool so he can go now, revealing Dante was not only fighting him but was also guiding him at the same time. Although Dante did want his brother's sword back, he allows Nero to keep it for now, seeing how he needs it and that he is calm headed. Dante asks Nero's name and so he reveals it to Dante while also commenting that each other's names were "not bad," thus showing their mutual respect.

Nero later finds Sanctus next to a giant statue resembling Sparda, which is the Savior. Sanctus asks Nero if he wishes to surrender himself and form the Savior's core together with Kyrie in which Nero refuses and attempts to rescue her, but fails and falls into Sanctus's trap. In the process, Sanctus takes the Yamato from Nero. Suddenly, Credo appears, enraged because Sanctus had used Kyrie, and attacks his former superior. Sanctus runs him through with Yamato, causing a mortal wound, and Credo to fall off the Savior but is caught by Dante. He, together with Trish, witness as Nero is absorbed into the heart of the Savior. The Savior soon awakens and flies toward Fortuna. Credo asks Dante to honor one last request: to save both Kyrie and Nero, after which he dies.

Much later, Dante, having retrieved Yamato and destroyed all the Hell Gates, faces off against the Savior. After weakening the Savior's exterior, Dante thrusts Yamato into the core of the statue, awakening Nero and allowing him to escape the heart-like organ imprisoning him. After completing a number of trials within the Savior, Nero finally confronts Sanctus. Sanctus, having achieved even greater levels of power with the Sparda, asks why Nero betrayed the Order. Nero answers that Sanctus has done enough foul deeds to make Nero hate him. During their exchanges, Sanctus also scoffs at Nero for being held back by love.

Nero defeats Sanctus, allowing him to save Kyrie

Nero finally defeats Sanctus inside the Savior. In a final bid for victory, Sanctus implores Sparda for power, but his request remains unfulfilled. In a fit of rage, he asks why Sparda refuses to give him the power to kill Nero. The sword remains silent, but Nero explains to Sanctus that although Sparda was a demon, he did have a heart, one that could love another person. Lacking this, the sword will not grant his request for power. Nero saves Kyrie and kills Sanctus, and they escape the Savior. Although it seems that all is finally over, the Savior suddenly transforms into the form of the False Savior, taking on Sanctus' appearance. Nero asks to fight in Dante's stead, and Dante acquiesces. Nero offers a quick prayer to God, during which he explains how he's come to terms with his demonic power, and destroys the False Savior and Sanctus once and for all by using it.

In their final encounter, Dante allows Nero to keep Yamato, sealing their friendship

Nero meets up with Dante, with whom he exchanges thanks and friendship. With Dante about to leave, Nero tries to return Yamato back to him, but he refuses to take it, saying it's now entrusted to Nero. In their final moments together, Nero asks Dante if they'll meet again, but Dante just vaguely waves in answer.

Kyrie joins Nero as they both agree it's all over, and, although the city is in shambles, they express no regret. Instead they admit their desire to be together. Despite Nero's demon power, Kyrie shows total acceptance of him. Nero returns the necklace to her and they nearly kiss, but they are interrupted by some remaining Scarecrows. Nero fights them off while Kyrie waits and also agrees to kiss him later in the final scene. After defeating the demon, Nero and Kyrie are seen holding hands while looking on at a distance.

Before Devil May Cry 5

Some time after the events of Devil May Cry 4, Nero was given a blue Devil May Cry neon sign by Dante, sent by J.D. Morrison. Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare With it, Nero and Kyrie soon set up their own Devil May Cry branch and rented an apartment in Fortuna, making Nero an official professional Devil Hunter.

Devil May Cry 5: Before the Nightmare

Over the course of the next five years, Nero was met with many people, such as occult reporters and novelists, who were investigating The Savior incident. At one point, Nero met an occult journalist named Jeffrey Turner for the "Occult Times" magazine, vaguely answered his questions and had a picture taken of himself, thought his face was obscured. Since the Fortuna orphanage had not been rebuilt after the incident, Nero and Kyrie took in three young orphans: Julio, Kyle, and Carlo. However, their lifestyle was very simple since there wasn't a lot of work for Nero to do in Fortuna, be it hunting demons or helping the locals, and Kyrie usually refused monetary payment, so they were often paid in food and other essential items.

One day, while trying to repair Red Queen, Nero was interrupted by Julio, who informed Nero that a "strange woman" was outside. Nero jokingly asked Julio if the woman had "three eyes and no nose," but was told that the fact that she was looking for him was what made her strange. Nero initially thought it was another reporter, but when Julio described the woman as having dark skin and glasses, Nero believed that it may be Gloria. However, Julio also stated that she had frizzy black hair, which annoyed the woman in question - Nico - and caused her to barge into Nero's garage. While hiding his Devil Bringer away from Nico's sight, Nero sent Julio back to Kyrie and determined that Nico was either human or a weak demon due to the Devil Bringer having no reaction to her. When Nico questioned Nero, Nero requested that Nico should put out her cigarette before speaking with him because he doesn't like smoking and the garage is full of combustible gases. When Nico quipped that he should save the lectures for Julio, Nero became more irritated and told Nico to put out her cigarette or get out of his garage. Nero mentally observed that Nico was about the same age as him yet she talked down to him and thought that she was an unpleasant person.

After Nico complied with Nero's demand, she noticed his Devil Bringer and teased him a little bit about his arm. Although Nero was worried about her reaction to it, Nico nonchalantly stated that he doesn't have worry and that his Devil Bringer was part of who he was. Nico finally introduced herself as "Nicoletta Goldstein" and explained that she was looking for The Order of the Sword's demonic research documents, which was why she was asking former members of the organization for help. Nero noticed that Nico didn't seem to have any ill-intent, but remained wary of her and inquired how she knows about the Order's private research. When Nico revealed her extensive investigation, Nero realized that she had legitimate connections to demons as opposed to the occult fanatics, but believed that it gave him more of a reason to be suspicious of her and denied her request. Nero was surprised when she suddenly asked about Agnus and informed her that he was killed. When he asked how she knows "that asshole," Nero was stricken with disbelief upon learning that Agnus was her father. As Nico started tinkering with Red Queen, Nero struggled to take it back from her, due to disliking how she touched his stuff without permission. However, Nero eventually stood in awe as she immediately identified its problem while scolding Nero for not regularly doing maintenance on Red Queen, and quickly fixed it. Nero accepted that Nico was Angus's daughter by watching her work and noticing the similarities between them. Feeling indebted for Red Queen's repair, Nero decided to help Nico find the documents and was joyfully given permission to call her "Nico".

Nero took Nico to the basement of Fortuna Castle, where Agnus's old lab was located, and watched her stutter with excitement at the equipment. Fearing that she may be planning to continue Agnus's malicious research and bring demons into the Human World, Nero asked Nico what her intentions were while secretly planning to kill her with Blue Rose depending on her answer. When Nico explained to Nero she wanted to be a weapon artist, Nero took his finger off of Blue Rose's trigger. When asked if he knew Nell Goldstein, Nero was insulted by Nico, but managed to keep his cool and explained he hasn't heard of her because guns aren't popular in Fortuna. Nero told Nico that people used to look down on Nero for using one, piquing Nico's interest and causing her to ask if Nero really has a gun. After hesitating for a moment, Nero showed Blue Rose to Nico and allowed her to examine it, while becoming impressed that Nico was able to deduce the gun's design. While Nero reflected over his life, Nico started bragging about Nell's work, which Nero had little interest in until she mentioned Ebony & Ivory. Nero realized the connection between Dante and Nico while becoming increasingly uncomfortable since Dante was the one that killed Agnus using Nell's guns. While ignoring Nico's inquiry about whether Dante was a good person and was using her grandmother's weapons honorably, Nero quietly tried to process the information Nico gave him and reflected how Dante was an important person to him, leaving him confused as to how to explain everything to Nico. In the end, Nero told Nico everything about Agnus and Dante, which she held no hard feelings for.

Later, Nero and Nico took all of Agnus's documents back to Nero's house and allowed Nico to stay with them for a while as she worked through the papers. During dinner, Nero stomped on Nico's foot when she swears in front of Kyrie, which amused Kyrie. While Kyrie was in the kitchen, Nico remarked that Kyrie was too good for Nero, which Nero agreed with. When Nico took out her cigarettes, Nero snatched them away for her and ordered her not to smoke in the house. Before going outside, Nico questioned if Nero would like to use any of her weapons, though Nero didn't how to respond to that, and she proclaimed that they will be business partners. Nero was unsure if Nico was okay with the arrangement since he helped Dante kill her father, but Nico stated she doesn't hold any grudges. Nero then reacted in shock when Nico told him about Rock Goldstein, who is also her blood-related uncle and her adoptive father.

Nero loses his Devil Bringer.

For the next year, Nero and Kyrie came to the conclusion that they should make their own Devil May Cry branch mobile so Nero can find more work outside Fortuna and earn more money in order to support themselves and the orphans. Since they didn't have a lot of money, Nero purchased a broken-down RV and began working with Nico in refurbishing it. One day in April, Nero and Nico were working on the RV, with Nico complaining about how she had become Nero's "pet mechanic" since she had been helping him so much, but Nero said that Nico still owed him for his giving her the Order's documents. When Kyrie called them in for dinner, Nero told Nico to go on ahead of him and started cleaning up when he noticed a hooded figure outside the garage. Thinking the man was homeless, Nero causally invited him to eat with him and Kyrie, while not noticing that the hooded man had stepped inside the garage without a response. Suspicious, Nero questioned what the stranger wanted and noticed his Devil Bringer is glowing, signaling that the stranger is a demon. Hearing Kyrie calling for him, Nero warned her to stay away, leaving himself open for an attack from the stranger, who then ripped the Devil Bringer off Nero's arm. As the hooded man somehow used Yamato to create a portal to teleport himself away, Nero bled profusely as he weakly tried to stop the man. Nero soon passed out from the blood loss as Kyrie and Nico arrived on the scene and tried to stop the bleeding as they called a hospital for help.

Nero in a coma.

For the next few weeks, Nero remained in a coma and eventually woke up in his hospital room to find V by his bedside. Without his Devil Bringer to tell him if V was a demon or nor, a tense Nero questioned V, who told him that he knows the demon who stole his arm and that Dante was currently on his way to fight him, since he hired Dante to beat the demon due to V being after him as well. V invited Nero to join the mission because he doesn't think Dante can beat the demon alone, which Nero was doubtful about. Nero also pointed out that his current condition won't allow him to fight very well, but V and Griffon goaded Nero by remarking on his wounded pride. Although he doesn't trust V, Nero desired to get back his Devil Bringer and was used to fighting with one arm since he used to hide his Devil Bringer a lot. However, Nero was worried about Kyrie, and since he believed that she wouldn't let him leave after what had happened to him, Nero told V to wait while he sneaked back to the garage so he could get his weapons. Afterwards, Nero and V traveled to Red Grave City in a helicopter and entered the Qliphoth tree.

Seeing Dante fighting from afar, Nero questioned why he was here since it seems Dante was holding his own well enough, but V warned Nero not to underestimate the demon, Urizen, since he gained a lot of power after taking Nero's Devil Bringer. After V went ahead, Nero mused how everything about V was suspicious yet felt compelled for some reason to follow him and wanted to believe V was being with honest with him. Nevertheless, Nero had a "score to settle" and felt guilty for losing Yamato after Dante entrusted it to him. Nero fought his way through the tree, meeting up with V again and was told to go ahead leave the lesser demons to him. Upon entering Urizen's throne room, Nero saw Dante, Trish, and Lady on the ground. After saving Dante from being grabbed by a tentacle, Nero felt happy since Dante saved Nero and his loved ones once, and always wanted to repay Dante ever since. Nero insulted Urizen, who didn't respond to his provocation, and proclaimed to Dante that he will be taking over the fight. Nero tried attacking using Red Queen, but a crystal of red demonic power that conjures a barrier prevented Nero from landing a blow on Urizen, and Nero was soundly beaten back.

As the ground began to shake, Nero was nearly blasted by Urizen, but Dante intervened and told Nero to leave while he held Urizen back. Nero still wanted to fight, but Dante yelled that Nero was "deadweight", in which it unintentionally insulted Nero and greatly angered him. Nero had to be dragged out of the throne room by V through force before debris collapsed the entrance. When Nero attempted to climb over the debris, V had to pin him down and told Nero to stop beating himself up and take some time to gain strength. Nero and V escaped from the Qliphoth and met up with Morrison and told him what happened as tentacles started sprouted from the group and attacking people. While Nero wanted to fight and help the people, V stopped him and told him there was nothing he could do. After V revealed that the world will end after a month, Nero and V agreed to meet up again in a month, with Nero returning to Fortuna to train and get stronger since Nero was the only one who could defeat Urizen if Dante was really gone.

Once back in Fortuna, Nero immediately requested Nico to make him a prosthetic arm, which would take six months to create. Nero explained that her about their time-limited, which only stressed Nico out since it's impossible to make the arm within that time frame. When speaking to Nico after two days, Nero suggested asking Morrison for help, which she rejected, and ridiculed her for the lack of results. When Nico chastised him for his attitude, Nero apologized to Nico and promised to wait a little longer. After Julio arrived to inform Nero that demons appeared in Mitis Forest, Nero invited Nico to join him and instructed her to keep her distance. After wandering in the forest for a while, Nero discovered a Blitz and tried to buy time so Nico can get to safety, but Nico was inspired and chose to stay. After killing the Blitz, Nero brought the Blitz's corpse back home so Nico can study how it generates electricity in order to build Nero's prosthetic arm. Nero also invited Nico to come on his demon hunts from now on to get more ideas.

After a month, Nero prepared to return to Red Grave City, wearing Nico's Devil Breaker to replace his right arm, and said goodbye to Kyrie, telling her that Morrison may be sending people to protect the town while he was away. On the road, Nero received a call from V and set a meeting place so they could plan their next move. While Nero chides Nico for her rough driving, he thanked her for doing her best within the time limit. Since Nico had more ideas for his Devil Breakers, Nero promised to collect resources for her, especially demon corpses or fragments. Not having heard any news about Dante for a month, Nero mentally readied himself to save Dante and fight with his pride on the line.

Devil May Cry 5

Nero killing an Empusa.

As the evening set in, Nero listened on the radio about how people are dealing with events happening in Red Grave City before getting bored and shutting it off. Nero asked Nico how she felt about going to save Dante since he was the one who killed Agnus, but Nico coldly remarked she doesn't feel anything for her father since he left her a long time ago. As Nero nagged at Nico for smoking in the van, they see a group of Empusa demons on the road, though Nero quickly and acrobatically finished them off before continuing on their path to Red Grave. On the bridge, they saw a military unit fruitlessly trying to fight off demons and Nero goes to help them, though not before making sarcastic comments at the leading Soldier in charge and telling him to stay out of the way. Nero took this opportunity to test out his Overture Devil Breaker and showed off in front of Nico and the soldiers. Nero also observed the Qliphoth roots all over the city and wondered why demons are gathering so much blood. After saving the Soldier and his unit, Nero learned from him that the entire city had been taken over by demons, knowing that Yamato made this all possible.

Nero banters with Goliath.

Upon arriving in the city, Nero had to separate from Nico since the road were blocked, but not before looking for letters from Morrison. Nero transversed the ruined city, fighting his way through the roots and demons, and spotted V from a distance as he made his way closer to their rendezvous point. Nero arrived at the destination first, only to be ambushed by Goliath and had a car thrown at him, but was able to easily avoid it and mocked the demon's goal of becoming king of the Demon World. Nero easily overwhelmed Goliath and was about to finish him when V showed up and finished Goliath for him. After bantering a little bit, Nero asked if V knows if Dante was still alive at the Qliphoth tree. V calmly stated that if Dante was still up there then he would likely be Qliphoth pollen by now and explained what the Qliphoth does to people to Nero. Nero stated that they will find Dante if he still alive, but will leave his body alone if he's not, and started to head towards the Qliphoth tree. However, V stopped Nero and informed that they must take care of the Qliphoth roots first. When Nero sees Griffon and Shadow, Nero quietly inquired what V was, but their conversation was interrupted by Nico. Seeing Nico's fawning over Goliath's horn, Nero joked with Nico before refocusing on the mission and went inside to plan their next move. Nero and V agreed to split up to cover more ground and meet up with each other at the base of the Qliphoth tree.

Nero holding an unconscious Lady.

When Nico announced she made a new Devil Breaker Nero and demanded payment, Nero playfully argued with Nico since he collected the materials she needed to make the Devil Breakers. Before leaving, Nico told Nero he'll be on his own for a while until she can clear the roads and better ask her any questions he has about the Devil Breakers. As Nero left the RV, he commented on Nico's laid-back demeanor amidst their situation. Nero worked his way to the Qliphoth, destroying as many Qliphoth roots and demons as he could. Sometime later, Nero came across Artemis and attempted to banter with it, but goes straight to fighting it since it can't communicate with it. During the fight, Nero noticed something odd about Artemis and eventually wounded it enough to see that Lady was inside of it. Nero cut Artemis apart and rescue Lady, who was unconscious. When Nico showed up, she teased Nero about holding the naked Lady in his arms and playfully threaten to tell Kyrie, which made Nero warily remarked that the situation would make Kyrie very mad at him.

Nero speaking to Lady about what happened to Dante and Trish.

Nero and Nico cleaned Lady up in the RV and made her comfortable until she woke up. When the ground began shaking, Nero noticed the giant demon Gilgamesh a few yards away from them and goes out of deal with it since it was too big to left alone. While attacking it, Nero encountered V again through a hole Gilgamesh fell through. When Nero asked what he was doing down there, Griffon answered that they were attacking Gilgamesh's feet and jabbed if Nero thought he made Gilgamesh fall by himself. Slightly annoyed, Nero jokingly implied about eating Griffon before V broke off their banter and left Nero to finish Gilgamesh by himself. After killing the demon, Nero was notified that Lady was awake now and picked a piece of Gilgamesh for Nico to use. Nero asked Lady what happened to her, Dante, and Trish after Urizen defeated them a month ago. Unfortunately, Lady was unable to provide Nero with anything useful since her memory was hazy. When V entered the RV, Nero informed him that they were waiting for V s they can travel by foot since the van cannot travel any further since the road was blocked. Before Nero left, Lady asked Nero if they can trust V, though Nero stated that while he was unsure if they could, V was helpful.

While they went on different underground paths, Nero and V met again on the surface and were confronted by a Proto Angelo and a small army of Scudo Angelos. While Nero cracked a joke and made light of the situation, he was puzzled by V's angry reaction towards their enemies before proceeding to battle them on their moving battlefield. Nero and V finished the fight before their platform went over a cliff, which (unknown to Nero) was the area where Sparda's family mansion was located. As V starts reminiscing about his past memories, Nero curiously listened to V's vague tale. When V told Nero he was going to look for the Devil Sword Sparda, Nero warned V that wasn't a good idea since the sword was very hard to handle. However, V shrugged off Nero's warning and simply stated they need all the help they can get, which made Nero continuously question V's actions and what was he hiding from him. Nero's musings was interrupted by the timely arrival of Nico, who nearly hit Nero with the van, and heartily commented that they becoming more in tune as a team. Nero made his way to his way the Qliphoth and returned to Urizen's throne room again. While angrily snarking at the demon, Nero remarked that Dante's body wasn't here before starting the fight.

Nero succeeds in slashing Urizen's hand.

Despite Nero's best efforts and his Devil Breakers, Nero was only able to break through Urizen's shield and land a small cut on Urizen's hand, causing the demon to bleed. While Nero took the wound as a sign of his success, a furious Urizen harshly knocked Nero down and rose from his throne, declaring he would make Nero regret being born a useless human and vowed to give him death and despair. After a long hard battle, an exhausted Nero was ensnared by Urizen's tentacles and was about to die, but was suddenly saved by Dante in his Sin Devil Trigger. While Nero didn't immediately recognize Dante in his new form, he was elated upon seeing Dante alive and told him he'll leave Urizen in his hands before passing out, leaving Griffon to carry Nero and fly him away to safety to where Nico and Lady were located in the Qliphoth tree.

Nero with Dante and V in the Qliphoth tree.

Later, Nero regained consciousness and joined the group just as Dante, V and Trish arrived and were discussing the next course of action. Once V explained that Urizen will be on the uppermost level of Qliphoth, Nero insisted on joining Dante, who didn't want Nero to come, but V supported Nero's presence since they were running out of time and didn't have time to argue. However, Dante decreed that all three of them should go their separate ways and left before Nero or V could interject. Nero fights his way through the tree and briefly encountered Dante and V on the way, only for them to get separated after the ground collapsed. After a little while, Nero noticed his Devil Breaker was wearing down and was nearly ram in the head when Nico arrived with the RV. Nero berated her nearly killing him, but Nico defended herself since Lady was the one driving before focusing to tuning Nero's Devil Breaker. Nero continued to make his way down and found Malphas hunting V. Nero shot at her to draw her attention away from V and was unfazed by the demon's taunts at him. With the aid of some more Devil Breaker V gifted him, Nero quickly defeated Malphas allowing V to reveal himself freely. Seeing how V's body was badly deteriorating, Nero told to get him some rest, but V begged Nero to take him to Urizen as his last request, which he reluctantly agreed to. As they made their way onward, V revealed to Nero that Urizen was really Dante's older brother Vergil, much to Nero's shock. When Nero questioned why the brothers would fight, V explained that it was because they disagreed on their reason for existing and fought each other to adhered their own beliefs, though Nero found it all ridiculous.

Dante leaves a stunned Nero to process his relation to Vergil.

After Dante defeats Urizen, Nero shares how he found out Urizen was all along Vergil. Nero then stood by and watched as Dante failed to stop V from reuniting himself with Urizen back into Vergil. While Dante and Vergil briefly scuffled, Nero cautiously observed the brothers and was puzzled by Vergil thanking him before the latter teleported away. Confused over what happened, Nero questions Dante and was vaguely told that V was part of Vergil. Dante demanded that Nero go home since his fight with Vergil is personal. Angered that Dante is undermining him again, Nero refuses, as he wants his revenge since the day Vergil reclaimed his sword, ripping his arm in the process and blames Dante for letting him keep Yamato, not knowing he'd come back. As the argument escalated, Dante was forced to reveal to him that he is Vergil's son and that he already knew the day since he saw him the first time, arriving in Fortuna, and how Yamato reacted to Nero five years ago. Dante gently told Nero that he doesn't want him to be burdened by the fact he's fighting his own flesh and blood before leaving a bewildered Nero behind in order for him to process the revelation.

As the Qliphoth tree collapsed, Nero eventually rejoined Nico and the others just as they prepared to leave the Qliphoth. Noticing Dante wasn't in the RV, Nero demanded the girls where he was, but Trish told him to let Dante handle the situation. Nero questioned if Trish knew Vergil and explained that Vergil and Dante were both his father and uncle, which she confirmed and stated that she had also suspected that Nero was related to Vergil and Sparda too. When Nero expressed his anger and confusion, Trish tried to calm Nero down and explained that no matter how much he hates Vergil, he can't kill his father. Having killed her own father, Lady said that Nero would never recover from such an act and attempted to comfort Nero, saying he should be proud of how much he has done during the crisis and can move on. However, Nero angrily disregarded her and demanded Nico to turn the RV around, but Nico denied Nero's order due to how much the tree is falling apart, causing Nero to jump out of the van so he could find and fight both the brothers himself.

Nero activating his Devil Trigger as his arm regenerates.

As he made his way up the Qliphoth, Nero found an operational phone booth and decided to call Kyrie for guidance. Nero explained to Kyrie that he had nothing as a child and Kyrie and Credo were the only family he knew, but now he has a biological family. When Nero asked Kyrie how he was supposed to handle this situation, she lovingly encouraged not to doubt himself because he always knew right from wrong. Assured by his lover's words, Nero thanked Kyrie and told her he will be home soon. As Nero ran to the top of the Qliphoth, Nero reflected over not being able to save Credo and was determined not to lose anyone else. Nero's heightened emotional state caused his demonic blood to react and awaken, with the energy destroying his Devil Breaker and his arm to regenerate. The surge of power caused Nero to activate his true Devil Trigger form, transforming him into an angelic-looking demon.

Nero stops the brothers' endless fight.

Using his wings, Nero quickly flew up the tree and stopped Dante and Vergil from landing a fatal blow on each other. Both Vergil and Dante are confused and curious about his newfound power, but Nero simply told the two that their fight ends right now. When Dante began to protest Nero's involvement, Nero sucker punches him with his spectral wings. Nero proclaimed to his father and uncle that he won't let either of kill each other and that he was putting an end to their violent sibling rivalry. However, Vergil laughed at his intentions, but seeing Nero's determination, Vergil challenged Nero, stating that if Nero loses, then by default he has beaten Dante, which the latter acknowledged and claimed doesn't care about what they do before collapsing on the ground. Before the fight ensued, Nero vowed to defeat Vergil and acknowledged him as his father. During the fight, Vergil told Nero that their rivalry between him and Dante was none of his business, but Nero stated the contrary since all of them are family. Nero managed to defeat Vergil, who became impressed by his son's abilities, as Dante joked how Vergil took his Nero's arm to gain more power yet he still lost the fight. Annoyed by his father and uncle's attitudes, Nero chided them since the Qliphoth's gateway from the Demon World was expanding and they need to close it. Agreeing with Nero, Vergil and Dante decided to work together to close the portal from the Demon World with Yamato. Hearing this, Nero expressed concern about how they will get back and protest over being left behind. However, Dante explained to Nero that he must stay in the Human World, leaving the responsibility of protecting it and mankind in his place.

Nero preparing to wear a Devil Breaker on his newly restored arm.

As soon as the brothers were ready to seal off the portal to the Underworld, Nero tried to stop them, but was knocked away by the both of them. Nero watched as his uncle bid him farewell and Vergil told Nero that he won't lose their next fight. As a final gift, Vergil gives Nero "V's" poetry book, saying that he will be back for it. As he watched his father and uncle leave, Nero picked up the book and exasperatingly called them "idiots". After the incident, Nero reunited with Nico and started to head home to Fortuna. While reading through V's book, Nero listen to Nico expressing her shock at his regrown arm and bantered about all the "weird" stuff that had happened. Echoing Nero's question about Dante to her from the start of their adventure, Nico asked Nero's feelings about saving Dante since she heard from Trish and Lady that he killed Vergil once. Nero quietly brushed the question, saying it didn't matter since the Sparda twins are gone, but Nico comforted Nero and told him to okay for to cry over losing his family. When Nero said he wasn't going cry, Nico encouraged to express his sadness, but Nero insists he wasn't going to cry, which caused the conversation to escalate into an argument as Nico teasingly hackled him to cry. Nero suddenly got a call from Kyrie and notify her that he was on his way home, even telling her that he had a "surprise" (his regrown arm) to show her. Nero's phone call was interrupted when Nico abruptly halted the RV due to a horde of demons in their path. After saying goodbye to Kyrie, Nero goes to work and fended off against all of the remaining demons in the city, using one of Nico's new Devil Breaker prototypes for his revived Devil Bringer at her insistence and that it'd be out of his character without them. For that, Nero felt generous of this and accepted them as his "weapons". After taking care of the remaining demons, Nero noticed the Qliphoth was falling apart, happy knowing the brothers finished their mission and hoping that they'll one day return as he continues on his way home.

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