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66.66% Overlord: Zarathos Apotheosis / Chapter 4: The New Old

Kapitel 4: The New Old

Climb or rather… Orion clenched his fist, as he observed his new appearance or rather an appearance that belonged to him when he had been a New God.

"I still can't really get around saying that." He muttered in disbelief.

But even so, he was an entirely new being.

He trudged to the hanging mirror at the corner, with some difficulty -as even the act of walking without wincing out of pain or a missing limb was too strange to get used to- but this was now his new normal.

[This is you, Orion. How you really look.]

The Mother Boxes beeped coolly at the way her son had been staring at himself at the mirror.

Like he was looking at a stranger.

Where Climb was just some inches over 5ft, Orion was cutting it at 3 meters tall. With a physique akin to a body-builder, and muscles that would have made him some 100 years ago glow in envy. But that wasn't the biggest surprise of it all.

'Is that really, me?' Orion couldn't help but ask dumbly.

His hand cut through orange curls where there should have been bright yellow. The resemblance was still there, only that it was through minute facial structure and his eyes still possessing the cerulean blue, but that was all.

For while Climb's eyes carried a certain naivety, Orion's eyes carried a certain madness.

As if to affirm that fact, Orion's eyes began to glow orange. It began so suddenly that he backed away in alarm.


[Be at ease my son. That is your power, the Astro-Force currently coursing through your veins.]

"The Astro-Force?" Orion looked at the Mother Box while repeating her words.

Turing to mirror now a little bit pacified, Orion couldn't help but inch closer entranced at the dangerous glow in his eyes. In fact, now that he was paying attention to the state of his body, he was already feeling it.

He was different now.

He felt… Powerful.

He stared at his hands while clenching them. Hands which began to glow a distinct orange underneath the epidermis as a tremendous blast of heat expelled out from his body. The mirror before him turned into slags, while the earth softened turning magma red, and all wooden substances shrank up at an alarming rate.

[Cease your curiosity my child. If not taken care, then at least the security of this Castle if not this capital cannot be guaranteed.]

Just like that, it all ceased. The heat vanished as a blast from the air outside cooled down the rising temperature. Meanwhile, Orion eyes widened.


Orion had never expected that. But still he couldn't help the quirking of his lips.

"So, this is power…"

His grin widened a little at the thought. But still he couldn't ponder at the consequences of such power at the moment.

The location wouldn't let him.

By now, some of the castle guards would be heading here due to the commotion. While this is not Nazarick, this castle had its own method of inner-surveillance however crude it was in the end. Ambient changes on this scale would be enough to trigger an alarm.

This is the royal castle after all.

Like custom, the ingrained need to don his armor pulled his eyes to where it was normally kept only to see that it wasn't there. Tilting his head in confusion, Orion wondered where it was, before moving on to where he could even get clothes to put on.

With his present size, all his rather limited outfits were nothing more than insufficient draping.

Just as he was eyeing his bed-sheet as an alternative, the Mother Box fortunately came to his rescue.

[If it concerns your present conundrum, mayhap I can present a solution.]

All three boxes glowed at the same time, with the clothes in his wardrobe flying out and turning into light coating the nerved New God. By the time it was over, the clothes were gone and in its place was an armor that looked to light to be an armor.

Strangely unsurprising, its metallic surface was tinge dark orange with lines of black and blue highlighting his muscles. More clothes flew out transfiguring into a blue pewter sabaton that stretched up being interlaced with his leg greaves.

"Mother Box… What is this?"

[Molecular Manipulation. The ability to change the state of anything into what you desire…]

Seeing that Orion still didn't get it. The Mother Box brightened in what appeared to be embarrassment. It should have been obvious that Orion would not be able to know what Molecular Manipulation meant, but the cosmic computer swore that wouldn't be for long.

The King of Apokolips is meant possess knowledge concerning this kind of things.

[In short, this is one of my functions and one of the ways your powers can be applied.]

Nodding just for the sake of nodding -as the New God still had no idea what the Mother Box was going on about- Orion observed his new wears while noting that while it appeared intimidating it wasn't as thick as his armor, which led him to wonder of its durability.

But he pushed that away. Who knows, maybe this unique dress possess some manner of enchantment etched upon it.

On another note.

"Mother Box, please conjure for me a cloak to hide my face. I am beginning to suspect the kind of past we have landed ourselves into."


The Mother Box beeped in a way that showed that she knew exactly what the New God was insinuating about.

His bed sheet flew towards him turning into a dark cloak with silver pins which he draped over himself. The sound of the metal clanking was the signal that he was already spending too much time in his room.

Taking a deep breath, Orion moved, opening the wooden door while peeking the hallway. His body, particularly his ears tickled as the voice of approaching guards became more apparent.

"Hold yourselves men! The sight of the commotion was reported to be at this wing. So swords out, and prepare to strike at my command!"

"The Captain sure is fired up."

"What kind of fool comes to heart of the kingdom to attack?"

"Hey, do you think it's the Empire?"

"Nah, they aren't this bold… Shh! Shut it now before the Captain catches us and grills both our asses."

"Eh, ah! Right."

Orion eyes narrowed, as he realized that he could apparently hear them so clearly even though they were over twenty meters away, in fact the New God felt if he pushed enough he could make out even farther.

'They aren't close… Probably just entering the wings. Although, it seems like I have to see what this body can do before I can plan anything else. Can't let myself get caught, eh.'

[Then, my child. I will be waiting in hyperspace until you require my physical presence.]

"Hyper-what…? And, she's gone."

The New God breathed out in exasperation as the Boxes vanished into motes of light. Probably to the hyperspace realm if he got it right.

[I am still here Orion, just not physically.]

"… … … You know what? I don't have it in me to be surprised at every little thing. Let's just get out of here."

Thankfully, it seems like his knowledge concerning the castle's layout hasn't atrophied, just around the corner cutting though some areas would take him through the back. Only that he has to go fast.

That was when it happened.

To Orion, everything slowed down a notch. The air became thicker, while breeze that brushed pass his frame felt too muddy. By his side, the New God spotted a fly hung in the air, no matter how he shook his head muddled, it still hadn't flapped away. It had become a frozen frame.

Shaking his head at the strange phenomenon, Orion angled himself and ran…


The floor beneath Orion cratered under pressure, with a vacuum of air filling the spot he previously was as he rocketed away.


The walls zoomed in with such speed it took even more concentration to not just bulldoze through them. Not even a second later, he found himself away from his room out of the building and into the sun.

Letting out a large breathe, he still didn't know he was holding, Orion smirked as he looked back at the residential section of the castle, the guards would only be met with nothing.

Orion looked up as he could hear the chirping of the birds that flew freely through the clouds.

'T-The sky… Huh.' He mulled morosely. But then he shook his head as now wasn't the time to pounder on his freedom from that place.

It was time to go… But before that he still had to confirm something.

An aching suspicion of sorts.


The familiarity of everything was just as comforting as it was heart-aching. The walls, the marbled statue, the painted images of King and the ones before him.

The smell of dried blood and fetid rags sufficed in all manner of substances only felt like it was a bad dream.

Once, he traversed this hall with a sense of purpose, looking forward to fulfil his sworn duty. Once, he went through this corner of the castle with a beam as he briskly strode to the one who held his heart. But now he could only look around as the images of the blood-ridden hallway stained his memory.

Everywhere he looked would only be interweaved with that day .

He could still hear their screams, pleas for mercy that were not given as they were slaughtered. Headless bodies of children heaped as ungodly beast feasted in relish, while their mothers and fathers where stomped on heartlessly as they couldn't protect their children.

Unknowingly, a dark aura enveloped him as more than two thousands souls resonated out in agony.

Keep on running! Don't stop! Don't look back!

No… Stop it!

Mommy! Daddy!

It hurts… It really hurts!


Orion… Orion… Be our avenger… Avenge us all!

Their ghostly groans suffused him in a bloody haze!

Around that section of the castle from both great to small felt a bone-numbing chill pass though their bodies, they remained locked in their various postures unable to move at all. Some outright fainted while the brave ones forgot to breathe. For they felt that the very moment they did, that moment was when they had declared their lives as forfeit.

[Calm yourself, my child.]

A soothing wave washed though his body as the red aura was overtaken with a blue one.

[This is neither the time nor place to vent out your frustrations.]

"I know… I know…" Orion gritted his teeth. But even so, just thinking of that day the failure of a knight held his sword to fight a fruitless battle was more than enough to agonize his soul.

An invisible blast of heat burst out cracking the walls as blue eyes turned fiery orange.

As long as he was within this castle the memories will never disappear. Still, he just has to confirm this one thing… Just this.

No matter how painful his answer will be.


Standing at a perfect vantage point, Orion spied down the flower garden where he saw her once again.

Her beautiful long hair with a face stemmed an alluring kind of innocence which only increased by the calm smile on her face. The Golden Princess, the ever diligent sighed as she stooped to water her plants.

The flowing white dress only gave her a feeling of holiness, which was always coupled with her saintly demeanor. Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself was the perfect representation of what means to be a Princess of the people.

What a grand farce…

'Why Princess. Why betray everything we stood for?!'

'I did it all for you, Climb. For the both of us. I want to keep you with me forever and ever, like an owner with his pet, I don't want you to ever leave my sight. '

Kind? Selfless? Altruistic? Philanthropic? No! No! No!

She was anything but that… Even his apparently new status couldn't stop the trail of sweat that slid down the side of his face.

He still couldn't see it, no matter what angle he took, Orion still could not see that perverted imp that laid herself bare before him at that day and the humming Princess down below.

And that… Was scarier than anything.

But that wasn't why he was here.

"Climb, please help me with the watering-can."

"Of course, Renner-sama."

"Mou, I did say when we're alone call me Renner."

"But, Renner-sama."

"Hmph… Climb you dummy."

A feeling of despondency arose from Orion's chest at the pleasant sight. Yes, the pleasant sight which was just another day between the Princess and her Knight.

Between Renner and… Climb.

'So I was right after all…'

Laughter escaped from his throat without him realizing it. A laugh filled with despair.

"Pft… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!"

It carried such force that it caught the attention of the Princess and her Knight who reacted accordingly. With the Princess behind her back, the foolish Knight clad in silver armor pointed his sword at his counterpart while Princess Renner appeared to be the perfect image of a damsel in distress.

"Reveal yourself, stranger. This is a private section of the royal castle, without authorization from any of the royalty, you are not permitted to be here."

'Hmph, a textbook way of striking a conversation.'

Orion's amusement paused as he began to note the stark differences.

'For one, his voice sounds too different. Puerile… An apt term. It seems we really are unalike.'

Orion could see the face of a street boy, one who tried conscientiously to blend in, to be what he wasn't meant to be.

His tongue pressed against his lower teeth as a burning emotion bubbled at the sight of the fool who showed his back to that snake. It was one out of anger… But this wasn't time to take action.

Orion knew Climb couldn't stop him from tearing her from limb to limb. He had been him after all. But still, he would not take action… At least not at the moment.

Vengeance taken hastily is vengeance unrelished.

Letting out a derisive huff, Orion eyes glowed dimly as he instinctively obscured his features. He mockingly curtsied. "My, my… Such devotion."

An instant later, Orion vanished from his spot appearing just before Climb.


The Knight clad in silver stumbled back in shock, but even so his stance was one of a protector. For both Orion and Climb knew the oath they took that day: with their lives, they shall be an unwavering shield for the Princess.

"Tell me boy, what is your name?"

The young man with blond hair narrowed his eyes, "Climb. And yours."

"… Orion." The behemoth replied after some deliberation.

Even with the politeness Climb portrayed, he was still wary of the giant that stood before him. Just some minutes ago, he could hear the light commotion that had been going on in the castle, even felt an ominous wind coming from the royal edifice, but he assumed it was nothing serious.

But that was a mistake. Judging from the unreal speed, the stranger displayed, Climb needed no one to tell him that this man is dangerous. But that wasn't why he was worried.

'At least I need to get Renner-sama to safety!' Climb thought as he scanned for an opening.

"I assume you are the reason for all this commotion, Orion-dono." From behind Climb, Princess Renner politely questioned in such a way that it sounded like a fact.

The eyes beneath the hood narrowed slightly before relaxing itself.

"As expected of the Golden Princess, your mind is as sharp as they say. Yes, and I apologize for the sudden commotion, it was an error on my part."

"… Please none taken. Could I trouble you for some tea and biscuits? I'm also sure that I can explain to the guards, the truth of the matter. It was a mistake and nothing more. Besides, if possible, I would like to know the reason for your visit."

'Smooth… Real smooth, Princess Renner.' Orion thought at the way she quietly took control of the pacing. Addressing him with such a familiar tone, that an outsider could liken them to be old time friends.

'And that's what makes her dangerous.'

By now, he could pick up the guards were already heading to his location. And while he would like to see some old time acquaintances, staying in the castle could lead him to murder some people out anger.

Particularly the first Prince and a certain Noble heir.

So he decline, curtsying while he replied. "No need for the Golden Princess to trouble herself on my account. After all, I've gotten what I wanted, so I can see myself out."

Her smile softened, but the New God knew she was already deducing and making assumptions. But none of them would be accurate, this he took as comfort.

Looking at Climb, Orion tilted his head for a second before letting out a sigh.

"Boy, when wielding that sword make sure it is pointed at the enemy."

The Knight in silver didn't appear to understand what Orion meant but that was fine. Let the fool stew in his delusion a little while longer.

Just as he was about to leave, Princess Renner shot him a question that almost tripped him.

"Orion-dono, permit my presumptuous assumption. But, do I know you? You seem a little bit too familiar."

Her dainty brows furrowed as she took in his figure. Just as she was about to compare it to his counterpart. Orion cleared his throat as a distraction, while he internally grimaced.

'She's too quick-witted! I've got to go.'

"I don't believe so, Princess Renner. For I would be the first one to disclose such a thing, because your elegant beauty and stature demands it. Then by your leave, my lady."

He vanished with a shockwave.

Meanwhile, as the Golden Princess assured her worried Knight that she was alright. She subtly narrowed her eyes that turned dull.

'Orion… Somehow I can't help but draw a parallel between him and Climb. Is it because of the deep ruggedness…? Not to mention what he said back there and the bloodlust which he was trying so hard to hide... Does he know? Hmm… what a mystery.'

She will have to look further into this.

- OZA-

'You, absolute moron! Why didn't you hold yourself back there?!'

The New God chided himself as he tore through the castle, cutting through corners while weaving through the personnel and visiting dignitaries who appeared confused by the sudden blast of wind.

Spotting the closed castle gates, Orion without pausing momentum curved towards the wall segment and jumped over more than 150m in the air, vaulting over the walls into the capital Re-Estize.

The New God landed in the middle of a familiar market stirring winds that blasted away the goods displayed on nearby stalls. Orion winced as he was assaulted by the stringent racket. Shaking his head, the New God took off once again. This time out the capital entirely, this place only brought back bad memories.

So he ran, picking up speed while becoming one with the wind.

He hopped lightly once, twice, the city gate dangerously approaching ever closer. But then the third hop carried him 250 miles away from the capital.

The rush of the wind that brushed pass Orion as he soared in the sky was exhilarating as it was daunting. Once again, this casual feat had proven that he has ascended far pass the famed Realm of Heroes.

Now he was playing at the level of gods…

Turning back, Orion looked at Re-Estize what was slowly turning into a small dot…

There is much to do.

Heavy foot sank into the soft earth as Orion trudged deeper into the tropical forest. It was a dense woodland which its name will forever remain in Orion's memories.

The Great Forest of Tob.

A hazardous place where only the most careful of adventurers and explorers could trend, but even so the risk for death remains ever high. Particularly due to its high rate of monsters, but that wasn't the most notable part in all this.

'It's only miles away.' A lump formed in Orion's throat as realized how close he was to the Great tomb of Nazarick.

But that wasn't enough to deter Orion from what he was looking for right now…

[Orion, are you alright?] The Mother Box beeped, physically manifesting as it provided companionship for the lonely New God.

"Hmm…? I'm, I'm ok. Better than ok, in fact I feel great. Now that I've clarified that there is another me in this past, it'll make things easier for me as I make my own waves. I don't want Nazarick to get hold of my arrival not without preparation form my own side."

[… That's not what I meant, Orion. You are connected to me as I am to you, so I know how it feels… To see them all again, the fear that this is all just a dream and if it isn't, how to go about it all. I can relate what it means to be heaped with expectations, but know you are not alone.]

The Mother Box floated closer.

[I am here with you.]

Orion didn't slow down his pace, but beneath his hood, tears cascaded down.

"Hmm…" His hands went quickly to clean the two streams away.

[So where are we going, Orion?] The cosmic computer questioned after her child had composed himself.

"Deep into the forest. I remember something back… When I was still their slave. A dryad, Pinison, if I remember correctly, bragged about witnessing their power against an ancient monster, an Evil Tree. I want to see if it's still there or not."

[And, if it's not?]

Orion expelled out a hot breathe, "That means they are already here… And if they aren't."

Eyes powered up with the Astro-Force as he smirked darkly. "We're hunting Zy'tl Q'ae, the Evil Tree. After all, I've got to test how far my power can take me in this world, and what is even better than an adversary fought by the gods themselves."

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