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26.66% Yamato Kozuki

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2 - Kuoh Academy

Yamato smiled seeing that she was successful knocking up Akeno and immediately selected the twin and the gender as he acquired the reward. The system would reward him every time he managed to impregnate a woman.

'With Hiraishin then I can be close to my girls at any point of time.' She needs to protect them if needed, especially when they are going to battle. As she was in deep thought, Akeno straddled Yamato and the Oni girl couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. She loved being in control, and with Akeno's body pressed against hers, she knew this was going to be an intense experience. Yamato moved her hands up and down Akeno's thick thighs, feeling the warmth of her skin and the power that radiated from within.

"Now it's my turn to take control~" Akeno moaned as Yamato rubbed her clit against the still throbbing cock between them. The sensation was exquisite, sending shivers of pleasure through both their bodies. With one hand on each thigh, Yamato began to gently squeeze and massage Akeno's legs while continuing to grind their hips together.

"Oh fuck..." whispered Akeno breathlessly as she leaned forward into Yamato's embrace. Her breasts pressed firmly against Yamato's chest as they both lost themselves in this moment of passionate bliss.

"Go ahead. But we can't do it all night or we'll miss our class." Yamato's reminder of their impending class only served to heighten the intensity of their passionate encounter. Akeno nodded, still stroking Yamato's cock with one hand while the other continued to massage her thighs. She leaned forward even more, pressing her breasts against Yamato's chest as she whispered into her ear,

"I know... but I want you so badly right now."

Yamato groaned at the sensation of Akeno's soft lips brushing against her neck. Her hips began to move faster against Akeno's, grinding their bodies together in a primal dance of desire. The Oni girl felt herself getting closer and closer to climaxing as she savored every touch from Akeno and every moan that escaped from her lover's lips.

"Fuck...," Yamato gasped out between heavy breaths.

"I can't hold back any longer…"

As Akeno licked her fingers clean of their shared fluids, Yamato couldn't help but watch in awe. The sight of her lover's mouth wrapped around each finger, sucking and slurping with abandon, sent shivers down her spine.

When Akeno finally raised herself up and impaled herself on Yamato's cock once more, the Oni girl let out a deep groan of pleasure. The sensation of being filled by Akeno was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. With each bounce and squelch that followed, Yamato felt herself getting closer to the edge once again.

"Fuck...," she panted out between heavy breaths as she gripped onto Akeno's hips tightly.

"You feel so good…"

"AHHHHNNNN~♥️♥️ MHMMMHAAAHN~♥️♥️" As Akeno moaned and leaned down to lick Yamato's cheek, leaving behind a lipstick stain and a hickey, the Oni girl couldn't help but feel even more turned on.


The sight of her lover's face so close to hers, combined with the feeling of Akeno's ass being slapped hard enough to leave a handprint, sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

"Yes...," Yamato groaned out as she continued to pound into Akeno with increasing force.

"You are such a naughty fallen angel... I can't help but want you even more."

With each slap of her hand against Akeno's ass cheeks, Yamato felt herself getting closer and closer to climaxing once again. She could feel the heat building up inside her as she lost herself in this intense moment with her lover.

"You like that my fallen cumslut? Do you want me to release my milk to you again?"As Akeno squirted her juice, Yamato couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at being able to bring her lover to such intense pleasure.

However, when Akeno nodded in response to Yamato's question about releasing her milk again without being told, the Oni girl frowned and growled.

"My my, Did I tell you to cum?" she said sternly.

"I guess I have to punish you for that."

Without warning, Yamato pulled out of Akeno and lifted her up before laying her down on the floor mat. She then raised Akeno's hips and plunged back into her with even more force than before. The sound of their bodies colliding filled the room as they both lost themselves in this primal act of passion.

Yamato held onto a prone bone chokehold around Akeno's neck while continuing to thrust into her at an increasingly rapid pace. The sensation was exquisite for both parties involved - one feeling pleasure from being dominated while the other took joy in dominating their lover.

As Yamato held onto the prone bone choke hold around Akeno's neck, she felt her lover squirming beneath her. The sensation of being dominated by Yamato only served to heighten Akeno's arousal even further.

With each thrust of Yamato's hips, more and more of her length was buried inside Akeno. The fallen angel moaned loudly as she felt herself being filled to the brim with pleasure. Her body shook with every powerful stroke from Yamato, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through her veins.

"YES...," panted out Akeno between heavy breaths.


Yamato grinned at Akeno's plea for more, her eyes filled with lust and desire. She pulled her upward forcing Akeno to arc back then leaned down to capture one of Akeno's nipples between her teeth from behind, biting down gently as she continued to thrust into her lover's tight core.

"You want it hard?" Yamato growled out through clenched teeth.

"You got it."

With renewed vigor, Yamato began pounding into Akeno at an even faster pace than before. The sound of their bodies colliding filled the room once again as they both lost themselves in this intense moment of passion and domination.

As Yamato continued to thrust into Akeno at an incredible pace, she suddenly lifted her lover up into a full nelson position. With one arm wrapped around Akeno's legs then locking it behind her neck, Yamato held her lover tightly against her body.

"You like being dominated like this?" Yamato asked breathlessly as she looked down at Akeno with a predatory glint in her eyes.

"You belong to me now."

With each powerful stroke of Yamato's hips, more of her length was buried inside Akeno's tight core. The fallen angel moaned loudly as she felt herself being completely taken by her Oni lover.

Yamato smiled wickedly as she felt Akeno's body shudder beneath her. She knew just how to push her lover over the edge and bring her to the most intense pleasure possible. With renewed vigor, Yamato began pounding into Akeno with even more force than before.

"You like being taken so roughly?" Yamato growled out through clenched teeth as she continued to thrust into Akeno's tight core with unrelenting force.

As Yamato continued to thrust into Akeno with unrelenting force, she felt herself getting closer and closer to climaxing. With one final powerful stroke, she buried her entire length inside her lover's tight core and let out a loud roar of pleasure.

"AHHHHH!!!!" Yamato cried out as she came inside Akeno, filling her womb with a bucket of hot semen.

As Yamato came inside Akeno with a powerful roar, the Oni girl felt a sense of satisfaction and pride wash over her. She had claimed her lover completely, leaving no doubt in either of their minds who held the power in this relationship.

With a final thrust, Yamato pulled out of Akeno and collapsed onto the floor mat beside her lover. Both girls were panting heavily as they caught their breath after such an intense encounter. Yamato looked at Akeno who was fucked silly twitch a bit and clearly had stamina left.

The next morning the sound of birds chirping and sun peeking through the curtains. Inside the room where the entire place was a complete mess with sheets torn and shredded while the thick and pungent smell of sex emanating from inside that almost reached another room.

Their faces looked peaceful until Akeno opened her eyes having laid on Yamato's arms and rose from the bed letting the bedsheet fall and looked at her lover who was sleeping snoring, acting unladylike. She finds this cute and kisses Yamato's cheek before looking down at her womb.

'Hopefully she didn't back out now. I'm sure I can take care of myself and our child.' Akeno knew that there is always danger everywhere therefore it's better now or never.

She looked down seeing that her lover still harder even after hours of fucking and only reason they stopped is because Yamato made her since the two had class. Akeno's lips quiver, wanting to blow her while waiting Yamato to wake up, decided to hold back.

'I can ask her to fuck me in the bathroom later.' Akeno thought standing up feeling wobbly because of her legs severely weakened but managed to move where she decided to make some breakfast and lunch for the two of them.

Akeno wasn't bothered walking into the kitchen naked and grabbed the apron wrapping it around her body. She was excited to see what Yamato's reaction would be and started to make breakfast.

Meanwhile, Yamato's eyes twitched before opening and yawned as she stretched her body looking down to see that Akeno didn't blow her again. She normally does it to surprise her. Yamato sniffed the air and the aroma of the food tickled her nostril.

She stood up with his dick hanging and immediately used magic to hide it. Yamato didn't want to have an awkward boner and people to see it.

Yamato felt refreshed walking down the hallway before arriving at the kitchen where she was pleasantly surprised to see Akeno cooking.

"Morning beautiful~" Yamato approached her and Akeno smiled, receiving a peck from her lover as she warmly wrapped her arms around her.

"Morning, Dear~ you can take a seat while I set up the table for breakfast." Akeno had a beautiful smile as she held Yamato's cheek and her lover tightened the embrace.

"Give me a moment to enjoy this." Yamato heard her giggle and briefly enjoyed the intimacy. Sex is great but it feels better when it includes some Love.

Yamato let go and sat down as Akeno showed her why she was epitome of Yamato Nadeshiko, a term used to describe a perfect traditional Japanese woman.

Her graceful moment was mesmerizing and knowing that she belonged to her made Yamato extremely happy.

"Have I told you how I love how graceful you are?" Yamato complimented and Akeno giggled.

"Many times. And I won't stop getting tired of hearing it. Tell me more what you love about me?" Akeno said, sitting down as Yamato listed down the things she loves and the fallen happily listening. They looked like a couple if not for the fact that Yamato was a woman unless you see her hidden tool.

They finished eating and the two went to take a bath together washing their bodies trying their hardest not to have another sex marathon. The two finished taking a bath and wore Kuoh Uniforms.

"Still, I really hate how short these shirts are. Wish I could wear male uniform. Maybe I can convince Sitri to make an exception." Yamato complained as Akeno helped her lover tie her ribbon.

"Maybe, another of my kouhai was granted permission to wear a female uniform." Akeno said and this gave Yamato some assurances. She finished tying the ribbon then wrapped her arms on Yamato's shoulder stretching her feet since Yamato was quite tall.

"Now, be sure to be good dear and tell me the woman you intended to take into your harem before doing anything okay?" She made a rather cute expression that Yamato couldn't help but take the chance to kiss her forehead.

"I will, I'm not a sex deviant." Yamato said.

"Really now? Didn't you keep pounding me hard last night?" Akeno teased her and Yamato wrapped her around the fallen's waist.

"Oh, I digress. Weren't you the one screaming for me to keep going and harder?" She shot back as the two laughed at it before letting go and held hands as they headed to school.

It didn't take much time for them to arrive at Kuoh Academy. A once all girls school that recently opened for Co-ed.

"Who is that with, Akeno-senpai?"

"Why are they holding hands?"

"Maybe their good friends?"

"Wow, she's tall, has to be the tallest girl I've seen."

This was the thought of the female student, on the other hand the male student.

"I wish that was me, not her."

"Which one?"

"Either one."

"Oh she's hot."

"I wonder if I could ask her out?"

Yamato ignored them since she's still mentally male and her soul had already fused with Yamato and the real Yamato also sees herself as a Man.

"It would be funny if they see your not so little brother." Akeno muttered quietly enough for Yamato to hear.

"That would be funny. Too bad for them I'm not into guys." Yamato said and fortunately she can hide with her magic. Akeno giggled and got inside the building.

"Are you sure you can handle it from here?" Akeno worriedly asked.

"Yes, don't worry. I'm just going to get my schedule and classroom." Yamato received a nod from her then had Akeno steal a quick peck surprising the onlooker.

"See you later, dear~" Akeno left with Yamato receiving quite the stare from the student but she ignored it heading towards the student Council. It didn't take long for her to find it using her Observation Haki. She arrived and knocked at the student council room and heard a female voice come in.

"Excuse me but I'm here to ask for my schedule and class number?" Yamato entered the room to find two people. Both were a bespectacled young woman with only differences were their figure. Sitting in the desk was a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes while standing next to her had long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

"Ah yes, you're Yamato Kozuki, correct?" The slimmer young woman reconfirmed.

"That's me." Yamato showed a friendly smile walking over to them.

"Well, I am Souna Shitouri, student council president and this person here is Tsubaki Shinra, the vice president." Souna or rather Sona said with Yamato pretending to not know.

Yamato knew what kind of person Sona was but took it with a grain of salt because they are fictional characters from what he remembered but now they are real people in front of him.

She carefully observed her and remembered that her best friend's queen acting strange and the person responsible was named Yamato but Sona simply chalk it to coincidence and needed to observed Yamato for the time being.

'If possible I want to recruit her.' Sona's intuition told her that the person in front of her was more than meets the eye, meanwhile Yamato could sense her emotions through Observation Haki.

"Here is your schedule and room. Furthermore, it includes the rules and regulations of Kuoh Academy such as proper uniform." Sona handed the pieces of paper to Yamato who looked at it.

"Uhmm, speaking of, this is an odd request but can I get permission to wear male Uniform?" Yamato asked surprised Sona.

"Is there a reason for your request?" Sona asked.

"Well, I'm not keen on the short shirts and I grew up wearing male clothes. That's why, if possible, may I be permitted to wear them?" She didn't mind wearing female clothes but preferred male clothes.

"How bold of you, it's your first day and already requesting something." Sona said, showing a bit of her authoritative tone.

"Of course I won't do it for free. I'm willing to help in any way so long as it's reasonable and doesn't restrict my freedom as well as within my capabilities." Yamato said.

[ Sona Sitri's affection: 20+ ]

[ Affection Status: Acquaintance. ]

She heard the notification even though Tsubaki was curious but Yamato isn't aiming for her bust instead towards Sona.

"Well, if you put it that way then I can make an exception. I'll put an end to our bargain when I need your help." Sona said as Yamato brightened up and grabbed her hand to surprise Sona while getting up close.

"Really!? Thank you! Thank you!! I swear I'll make up for it!" Yamato said with a wide grin while Sona was a bit flustered from her actions.

"*cough* You're welcome." Yamato let go for her hand.

"Ah sorry about that, I got too excited. Well, is there anything else I need to do?" She asked.

"Nothing, you may head to the teacher's office and speak to your homeroom teacher to help you get to your class." Sona said and Yamato nodded, taking her leave.

"Well, see you around, you two." Yamato waved them goodbye as she left.

"Do you think she's involved in the supernatural?" Tsubaki turned to Sona who had a serious look.

"Yes, I have this feeling she will cause a huge impact. Best we keep her as an ally and not antagonize her." Sona said.

"Are you planning on adding her to your peerage?" Tsubaki asked.

"If possible, yes but it's likely impossible. I'm not sure why but…I think she's far out of our league." She has seen people who are extremely strong yet hide in a playful and friendly façade like her big sister and Rias's big brother.

Tsubaki was surprised by this claim but trusted Sona would make bold claims without anything backing her theory. Meanwhile, the said person followed her teacher towards her classroom.

"Settle down everyone. We will be having a new student joining us." The student began whispering among themselves wondering who this person is. They all waited in anticipation and gasped when they saw Yamato.

"Holy shit! She's tall!"

"Her chest is massive! Maybe larger than Rias-sama!"

"I wonder if she's single!?"

"Dude you don't have a chance."

There's many more reactions while Yamato gave a wide grin.

"My name is Yamato Kozuki and It's nice to meet yah all." Yamato said.

"Okay, is there anyone who likes to ask a question?" The teacher said there are many who raise their hands.

"Are you single!?" A guy immediately asked.

"No, and I'm not into guys." Yamato words echoed like thundering rain storms as every man in the room was heartbroken while the Yuri were thrilled.

"Uhmm, I heard from a friend but is the person you're dating, Akeno-sama?" One of them asked if everyone were surprised by this.

"Yes." Their imagination runs wild at the Yuri action that Yamato and Akeno do but suddenly the air becomes cold.

"But please bear in mind if any of you have lecherous thoughts of me or Akeno then there will be consequences." Yamato glared at them, scaring them a bit, making them nodded frantically. Soon after, she sat down in her chair and began their class.

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