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33.33% RWBY: The Rose Dragon / Chapter 5: Histories and Burial

Kapitel 5: Histories and Burial

(4 days later)

Daemon stood eyes down cast staring at a small ebony black tombstone. Engraved on the tombstone in a metallic gold cursive writing. "Roman Ebon" beneath it was written (1921-1992). Beneath that ' Beloved Grandfather, Father and Husband. A great Huntsman's. A grand beacon in the Darkness. Rest with angels." He gently ran his fingers over the inscription before laying down a bouquet of white lilies and chrysanthemums in front of the grave.

Daemon thought back to the information that his grandfather had taught him before his death. The origins of the silver eyed warriors and their history and the true abilities that their eyes held.

(Flashback 2 days earlier)

Daemon was sat in the front room across from his grandfather who was sitting on his old rocking chair. His grandfather had told him the day before that his father had actually made as a gift for him on his 60th birthday.

His grandfather was looking a little worse for wear. His grandfather's skin had taken on a pale pallor, his skin was now pale white. His eyes were sunken and had dark shadows around them and would occasionally become slightly unfocused. He hadn't really moved around as much in the last few days.

Daemon was slightly taken aback by the sudden sharp gaze his grandfather directed at him.

"Daemon my boy." he began his voice soft and hoarse. "There is something I must tell and it must be done now. I had hoped that I wouldn't have to tell you until you had graduated Beacon or Haven or any other of the huntsman academy. I must tell you of the silver-eyed warriors."

Daemon nodded and said "Wait a moment Grandad." Daemon then stood up and when and when to the kitchen and poured a jug of water and grabbed a glass before returning to his grandfather and pouring his grandfather a glass of water and passing it to him. His grandfather took it and gave him a gentle smile as took a sip of water and gave Daemon a thank you as Daemon sat down.

Daemon grandfather stayed silent for a moment as he collected his thoughts on the matter and decided where to start. His grandfather then started his speech.

"In the beginning there was a lone dragon who held almost infinite power yet having lived alone in the vast empty void for so many millennia he desired to have an equal, a companion to alleviate his loneliness. Yet even with all his power he was unable to create another like him and as such he had to split his magic in two creating two dragons. One born of light and delighted in creation and life while another dragon born of darkness who only pleasure in destruction. These dragons became know as the brother gods, the god of light and the god of darkness.

For many years they just enjoyed they companionship they had with each other content before one day they decided to experiment to bring new life. Together they created the world with all its oceans and forests and mountains. They created the sun, moon and stars. Yet they were not satisfied as they had nothing to live on this planet as such, they each created their own creation.

The god of light created animals of every kind. He creates wolves, deer's, fox's and all other mammals and land walking creatures. He creates fish, sharks and whales and all of manner of marine life. Finally, creature birds and other flying animals to roam the skies.

The god of darkness however created a monster born of shadows and malice in his own image. The first grimm, a massive black dragon called Alduin. After doing this he created the other grimm in order to serve it. This origin of grimm.

Yet both of the brother gods felt dissatisfied with their own creations and as such they decided to work together one more time in order to create the first race of humans. A species that they blessed with souls and their very own magic. With this they were satisfied with their creation and began their experiment.

That is until one day the Queen of humankind in fury at her lover's death and the gods refusal to revive him she gathered army and led them to the gods domain where the collective mass of humanity with the exception of a few families who did not turn against the gods used to the magic given to them by the gods to attack and rebel against them.

The god of darkness gathered the magic they had been fired at them then used to kill the magic of human kind and to shatter the once whole earth into the five contents. Solitas where the city of Atlas was first established. Sanus where Vale and Vacuo was founded and also where man first emerged after the brother gods departure. Anima where the kingdom of Mistral rose. Menagerie where the faunus are now forced to reside. Finally, the nameless dragon shaped continent where the grimm population is at its most dense and houses the area called the grimm lands. It is also where we reside.

Having done this the gods tore the magic that they bestowed upon humanity also tearing and cracking their souls so that they could never be whole. This was their punishment for betraying their creators and rebelling. While the god of darkness was spiteful shattering the moon as he left raining down the broken shards on the earth. These shards are what become dust having become magical after being touched by the god of darkness.

The god of light however was not without mercy. Those who did not rebel against them he gave silver eyes, a weapon to be used against his brothers' creatures of darkness who sought to extinguish the light of humanity and truly destroy them. These silver eyes were hereditary and passed down through the generations while the families practiced to master the art of combat to defend themselves from the grimm. These are the eyes that our family still have. Once these families were many but now, we are few. But I will explain more about after I have finished.

The god of light also allowed those few to keep the sparks of magic inside them though almost extinguished. The god of light then brought back the former queen's lover and cursed him to forever reincarnate while being given the goal to reunite the whole of humanity.

For almost two hundred years humanity stayed hidden away. When they re-emerged, they did not do so alone. A new species know as the faunus arose. A humanoid species almost identical to mankind with exception of animal features that marked them as a new race.

During their years hidden away humanity and the new race of faunus had learnt to use dust to defend themselves. But they had also to use a new tool, aura. Aura was the manifestation of the soul or rather that is what is now taught when in truth the real reason aura exists is because when they gods took magic and left a hole, a fracture in the soul and the vessel that contained it allowed it leak out and humanity learnt to manifest this and learnt how to use it as a tool to defend themselves and a weapon to attack others. Now we come to semblances manifesting as a way to fill the gap in the soul and attempt to make people who possess them whole which is why everyone possess one that is unique to them. It also the manifestation of the final spark of magic that each person possesses bolstered by their very soul in attempt to mend the fractures within it.

The broken moon and the broken people were all that remained of the failed experiment that the gods had made. However, the god of light was still merciful and left humanity with a last hope, a chance for redemption. Four relics given to the reincarnated king, each unique and powerful. The relics gave humanity the ability to summon the brother gods back when they finally redeemed themselves. However, if they returned before this was managed, they would destroy the world as they knew it.

This is the history that has been passed down through our family as we were once the record keepers amongst those who did not rebel. Twenty-three families chose not to follow the rest of humanity against the brother gods in their misguided attempt to rebel. Instead, they sheltered together and trained and bonded. Of these twenty-three families, six of them died in the time humanity hid when they did not know how to use the gift given to them and were still learning to fight. Of the seventeen that remained they all played a large role in reclaiming the land lost to the grimm and helped to found the original kingdoms. In doing so five more families were destroyed by the grimm for they hold a unique animosity for those who bear these eyes. Of the twelve families, three more fell over the years fighting the grimm threat. Finally, four more fell in the faunus wars.

Only those of the Rose, the Ebon, the Calavera, the Lupa, the Starr and the Seraph families remain. The Roses last I heard lived in Vale. The Lula family at some point merge with the silver wolf faunus bloodline giving them the alias of silver moon wolves. The Starr have been hidden since the time of the faunus wars and likely won't emerge unless the world is truly in danger. Finally the most powerful family, the Seraph family those with the brightest silver eyes and a hereditary semblance that let's them manipulate and to use the light as a weapon. The Seraph is tasked with watching for the next huge grimm army to attack humanity and protecting them.

It is our job to protect humanity from the ever-present grimm threat that looms over humanity.

That brings us the purpose and power of the silver eyes that were bestowed upon us the god of light. These silver eyes act as an antithesis to the grimm and will cause them to become panicked or fearful at a basic mastery. The silver eyes also allow the wielder to entrap the grim in a prison of solid stone in an instant when this ability is mastered. The next stage is ability is manifest and manipulate a silver energy much the Seraph semblance, this energy is lethal to grimm and even a small cut could kill them. The final stage is the ability to turn a grimm completely to stone, not entrap but turn them into stone permanently. This is a stage only ever achieved by the first Seraph but it is not without a great cost. To use this ability is to die. The first Seraph used this to the first grim Alduin forever turning him to stone before the rest of the silver-eyed warriors shattered the statue of grimm dragon to pieces.

My boy the silver-eyes are empowered by great emotional turmoil and can only be unlocked after puberty has started. That's the reason I have told you about the ability before now because even if you knew, you could not use it."

Daemon stared at his grandfather in shock as he stopped in order to take a sip of water. Before he continued.

"Now Daemon you may wonder why I am telling you this now. The reason is that I am dying and likely won't live more than another day or two and it has been our family's duty to maintain and pass on this history. No one else but us knows this Daemon that is not to say you cannot tell anyone just chose who you tell wisely. Our family has recorded history and battle techniques whether with aura or blade or bow for century. I have recorded all I can in a small journal while the rest is in the family codex, a relic made by the first Ebon. The codex will reside in your and will allow you pull it out at any time. It will also record any knowledge you learn into it automatically.

You may wonder in that case why I have written what I have, it is merely what I would have taught you and as a way to save you time. Also, the codex doesn't record personal insights, thoughts or experiences so this journal holds them all, all my insight and knowledge in the hope you can learn from when I am gone.

My boy I have watched you from a baby, taught you to read, write and look after yourself. How to fight, not that you really needed my help or training in that regard. I am so proud of you my boy and the man I know you will become. So, I have one last lesson for you. Always live in the moment and do whatever makes you happy in life. Then when the time comes marry a woman or more maybe more than one and make a family of your own."

With this his grandfather finally fell silent and Daemon stood up before walking over and wrapping up the man in a hug. "Don't worry grandfather I will become the greatest hunter to ever live then maybe marry, have a few children and name one after you." A watery chuckle left Daemon mouth as he said this before he hugged his grandfather even tighter. "Thank you for always being there for me grandpa. Thank you for everything you have taught me. I love you grandpa."

His grandfather whispered back "Your welcome mu boy. I love you too."

(Flashback over)

His grandfather had passed away peacefully in his sleep the very same night they had that conversation after having given him the journal and passing down the codex and teaching him how to use it. It was fairly simple just imagine it in his hands and it will appear, it made easier as it was so similar to his inventory. It was a small little book that apparently worked by reading the users intent and then displaying any relevant information.

When he had woke up and found his grandfather dead he had announced to the rest of the village who had helped clean and dress the mans body before laying his weapons in his hands and putting him in a coffin. The village then performed a days vigil.

The next day they had asked where he wanted to bury the man and suddenly remembered an old little clearing about two miles from the village with a little waterfall that dropped into a small little pond-sized lake. This was where his parents were buried and as such where he decided to bury his grandfather.

He had made the journey alone borrowing a small wooden cart from one of the villagers and putting the coffin on it with a spade so he had something to dig with. He had pulled the cart all the way there before the digging a six foot deep grave a metre to the left of his parents.

Daemon then put the coffin in the grave before shovelling dirt back over it. By time he finishes the sun was setting so he decided to make a small fire and pulled a small tent and sleeping bag from his inventory. He also pulled out a leg of goat to eat for the night. One he had setup a small camp he pulled out a large slab of ebony from his inventory and began to use his semblance to melt it into a tombstone shape. Once it was in the correct shape, he used his semblance to form a single superheated claw over his index finger that he then used to write on his grandfathers tombstone.

"Roman Ebon"


'Beloved Grandfather, Father and Husband. A great Huntsman's. A grand beacon in the Darkness. Rest with angels."

He gently removed the melted material and he then he put it back in his inventory as it was a limited resource, yes, he had a lot of it, but it was still a limited amount. He then took out one of the gold bars from within his inventory before melting it with his semblance and pouring it into the letter groves before letting it cool gently using his froze magic to speed up the cooling process until it and then used a piece of leather to gently polish the gold to an even shine.

He then set the tombstone over where he buried he just his grandfathers coffin. He then stood there thinking of all the memories he had with his grandfather before he had laid the flowers which led up to the current time.

He decided to spend the night camping out in the clearing as he doubted, he would get back to village before morning while avoiding all the grimm. As such he decided to go and tend to fire, he had made and then spent the rest of the night staring up at the stars and the broken moon. Even after almost half a year he still wasn't used to the sight. The broken moon was in strange way mesmerising and beautiful but eerily so yet even then it didn't detract from the beautiful site.

Daemon decided to pull his sleeping bag closer to the fire. He then went just past the tree line and using his sword and aura cut a tree in half before cutting it into large logs that would burn through the night before carrying them back and gently putting them in the fire so that it wouldn't go out during the night. He then climbed into his sleeping bag and laid staring up at the night sky as his eyes became heavy with sleep and as his drifted shut he thought to himself 'I will miss you Grandpa'.

(The next day)

Daemon woke up the next morning and saw the embers that remained of the fire so he quickly got and went to gather some twigs to put on it in order to keep it alight. Once he had done this he went and knelt in front of his grandfather grave and placed his hand upon the tombstone.

"Goodbye granddad this is likely the last time I will see you, for a long time at the very least. Soon I plan to leave the continent and I don't know if I will ever be able to return and come here again. I will miss you and if I ever have the chance I promise to come back and visit you."

After having said this final goodbye Daemon finished packing up his little camp and proceeded to leave and begin his way back to the village pulling the borrowed wooden cart behind him as he made his back. In his mind he proceeded to think of what he had to. The only thing that he was certain of was that he would need to help save Summer Rose's life from Tyrian Callows. He had 6 days to plan how he was going to manage that.

Absentmindedly he made his way back to the village to have found everyone emptying their houses and packing up all their possessions. Seeing this he walked into the market area where he saw the village elder. An old man in his late 70's with close-cropped silver-grey hair and a large grew moustache with dull blue eyes and a tanned weathered face. He was short but despite this despite his stocky with muscle.

Daemon approached him and asked "What is going on? Why is everyone packing their possessions and getting to leave? Did something happen?" The village elder shook his head and responded "Daemon your grandfather was the last person in the village capable of fighting off the grimm or protecting us. With him gone no-one feels comfortable staying here anymore so we are doing to go to Anima and resettle there where it will be safer. You can come with us my boy just pack up your things by tomorrow night ready for when we leave the next morning."

Hearing this Daemon shook his head resolutely and gave a small sad smile to the elder before saying "I'm sorry I can't come with you there is something here I still have to do." The elder had a confused look but hearing the conviction his voice the man just shook his head gave a small smile and said "Just as stubborn and mysterious as your grandfather you are my boy. Ahhh, I will not attempt to convince you otherwise though as I can tell you have already decided on your course of action. However, should you change your mind before the morning we leave you are welcome to come with us." Suddenly someone shouted to the elder from across the market and the old man just patted him on the shoulder and went towards the man who called him.

Daemon decided to just go home. He would pack everything he wanted to take with him into inventory like the family photos and his grandfathers rocking chair and a few items in the house like his mother jewellery box. He may have never met her but he still considered her his mother due to the memories he received when he woke up on his fifth birthday. He would also take all the food and drinks in the house so that they would not go to waste. He also found the secret stash of lien that his grandfather had told him about. Almost a million lien and a scroll with a book on how to use and set it up. His grandfather told him this was for if they had to leave and return to one of the kingdom.

Daemon took everything that he could find that would be of use and put in his inventory and then he tried to take a picture of his mother off the wall and dropped it causing the glass to shatter and the frame to break. Inside the back of the now broken frame found three pictures that had been hidden the back of them. Each photo was of four people but he could just recognise three of the people before he realised that it was team picture of his parents and his grandfather's hunter teams.

His grandfathers picture was black and white. He stood with one other man and two women who were both covered by cloaks. The other man however looked to have silvery white hair and Altesian features, he looked like a Schnee. On the corner was written Team ASEN (ASHEN).

He didn't really look at his parent pictures. As harsh as it sounded, he was as attached to his parents even in his memories he spent more time with his grandfather than his parents. He might look at them another time but for now he would focus on the task he set himself.

Two hours later Daemon had finished scavenging the house and had found some camping supplies, maps, compasses. He had found a few thousand more lien and had gathered all his childhood books and all the photos of his family that were in the house. After he had finished, he decided that he would spend the next few days in the house before he left afters that he would setup a temporary camp in the clearing where he trained and then two days after that he leave in order to save Summer.

Daemon was sat out in the garden enjoying the fresh air and then let our a sigh knowing that these next few days would drag as he wouldn't have anything to do otherwise than wait with tense anticipation for what he knew what was coming. He could already feel the anticipation coursing through him. In just five days he would do something that would change the course of fate.

He slowly raised his hand in front of his finger spread before he clenched them into a fist turning his hand back around.

He couldn't wait.

(So, everyone i decided to get a bit creative and actually come up with some history and lore for the use of the story. I thought that ideas would be quite cool and decided to implement them anyway let me know what you all think.)

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Okay I really enjoyed making this chapter so please let me know what you think of it.

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