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74% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 37: Failed rescue

Kapitel 37: Failed rescue

As the heroes began to prepare themselves and move to their attack positions, the league of villains sat obliviously in their dark gloomy bar, as they unknowingly watched the decoy press conference on their small flatscreen tv.

Shiggaraki sat slumped on his barstool, scratching his neck feverishly as his long pale hair fell down around his face.

"Sensei, has that brat been eaten yet.?"

His cold voice rang out with boredom as he spoke to the second tv stood upon the bar table, the other villains eyeing him cautiously with curiously lingering in their eyes as Shiggarakis' words caught their attention.

There was a tense moment as the room quietened down to silence when the crackle of the tv came through and the low hum of a dark voice could be heard rattling from the speakers.

" The pair of them are both still alive and well within their cell, Shiggaraki."

Shiggaraki narrowed his eyes, looking down from the empty tv screen as his hand paused in thought on his neck, grumbling aloud to himself with an irritated sigh, "Why to can't that stupid brat just get on and eat him..!"

The rest of the villains in the room watched silently as a malicious laugh rang from the speakers, only the sounds of the UA press conference could be heard murmuring in the background.

"Don't worry yourself, young Tomura. Midoriya has been trying to prolong his dear friend's life, eating his own flesh. However, I can assure you that won't work for long. Bakugou will die in good time."

Shiggaraki narrowed his eyes with annoyance before looking back towards the UA press conference on the flat-screen TV attached to the wall.

"And what about Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya zuku, can you say the same for them?...

"Look at those stupid heroes, even the NPCs are keeping them too busy on their toes," Shiggaraki trialed out with a vile grin, the rest of the villains now watching the tv screen along with him.

"I'm surprised that they haven't confessed to housing a villain in their school" One of the villains, Magne murmured to herself, loud enough for the others to hear.

A sigh could be heard as Shiggaraki ignored the conversation happening behind him.

"They're just trying to save face while they can.

They won't be able to hold off the reporters finding the information themselves for long, they'll get the information themselves." The scared man leaning sloppily against the wall replied, causing some of the others to look over to him.

Shiggaraki turned away from the press conference towards the bar with an irritated sigh, "I wish they would just hurry up, I don't want to have to release another data pack into the system just yet!"

Some of the other villains let out an uncomfortable groan at the computer reference, which Shiggaraki begrudgingly ignored; there was no use killing them yet, these were the only players who seemed to be of any use to him after all.

'Is it possible that the villains kidnapped Bakugou to try and dye him towards a path of evil?'

The league watched silently as the reporters tried to drag Us reputation through the mud, before targeting the two children they had kidnapped.

..Is it possible that Midoriya was working with these villains before joining UA, having used his previously quirkless identity to avoid being suspected? Do you think the league may have beep using Midoriya to spy on UA? Or even spying on Bakugou as a potential ally before even joining the school?..

"Those reporters aren't pulling any punches are they?" Compress murmured as he lent on his hand rested on the edge of the table, causing a few silently nods of agreement, "Their sensei doesn't seem too pleased about how ruthlessly they're going for his students."

Shiggaraki only grumbled out with annoyance as he raised the volume of the TV, annoyed at everyone talking over it.

"I still can't believe that brat wouldn't join us," He began, scratching at the scabby skin around his neck as flakes began to fall off, "Even those NPC's thought he would."

..Both Midoriya and Bakugou are outstanding students, both putting their all into becoming the greatest heroes they can be...'

Shiggaraki growled with annoyance as the hero's words from the tv unknowingly countered his words, narrowing his eyes furiously as he brought both his hands up to the sides of his neck to scratch the dead flakes scabbing away.

"Shiggaraki, it may be in your best interests to stop scratching your skin, you're only going to make it Wors-"

A couple of knocks came from the hard wooden door, causing their small world to come to a tense, screeching halt.

The league of villains froze as time seemed to pause in place, the sounds interrupting Kurogiris' nagging as it came, as they all stared cautiously towards the door, waves of confusion and tension radiating throughout the room.

". Midoriya is one of the most driven students I've seen coming through UA's doors, and I won't allow you to drag his name through the mud on live television...

The Tv continued on without them.

"Hello! Pizza delivery!"

Shiggarakis eyes narrowed on guard as he concentrated on the door in front of him, ignoring spinner complaining as he lent forward from the wall he was resting upon.

"..Pizza? Which one of you idiots ordered a Pizza-"


Spinner didn't get to finish his words as the wall exploded in, shattering the bricks and glass as All Might barged into the room, full of fury with his signature smile nowhere in sight as he saw the lack of friendly familiar figures in the room.

He lunged into the room with an infuriated yell as he made way for the rest of the heroes outside to pill into the room from the hole in the wall.



All Might yelled furiously as he turned to face

SHiggaraki who was sat back on his stood stunned as the front door simultaneously slamming of its hinges as Edgeshot, Gran Torino, and Best Jeanist worked together to apprehend the villains in the room before they have a chance to counter-attack.

Their surprise attack had worked leaving the villains cornered and unable to escape, Gran Torino reassuring that Dabi was unable to interrupt their arrests as he knocked the blue flamed villain out; leaving Best Jeanist and Edgeshot to waste no time quickly entangling the villains into their quirks restraints.

"All Might, all the villains have been apprehended!"

Best Jeanest yelled over the sound of the commotion going on outside, giving All Might the opportunity to furiously walk up to Shiggaraki who laid almost motionless with shock on the bar side.

Shiggaraki tossed his head to the side at the impact as his father's hand went flying from his face from the impact of Edgeshots quirk forcefully holding him down, his eyes widened with blithering rage and shock as he looked down at the lifeless dead flesh of his mask.

An evil, sadistic thought popped into his mind... To see the look of absolute despair wipe the face of the number one hero's face clean from his smile forever again.


He turned his face back slowly towards his declared arch enemy with a vile, heartless grin formed on his face. His knotted, greasy pale hair sticking to his face as his lips spilled the few words which terrified the number one hero more than his last deadly battle, over five years ago.

"They're dead..!'

His manic grin widening as he saw the look of abhorred horror show through the tight skin of the man he loathed the most, lying straight towards his face.


The number one heroes words were nothing more than a whisper as his face grew slack with defeat, taking a distraught step away from the psychotic villain in front of him as silence rang around the room at the sounds of his voice, the rest of the heroes in the room turning to look at the villains' leader with widened eyes and jaws dropped horror.

The distraction created from the hero's realization gave Shiggiraki just enough time to wiggle in his space to bring his hand up towards edge shots body which held him tightly to the ground, chuckling hysterically as he did so.

"They're All Dead..!"

His fingertips slammed down dramatically onto the fresh skin of Edgeshots body holding him down, causing the hero to yell in agony and flinch away in pain; the action freeing both Shigaraki and some of the other villains in one swift movement.


The actions of the villains escaping knocked All Might back into the present as he screamed furiously at them, turning to grab the closest person he could, only for them to vanish from his grasp is a blur of gruesome slime and gunge.

Within a matter of seconds, the villains had escaped, leaving only the heroes behind to listen to the agonizing yells of Edgeshot as he made the maddening decision to grab a knife from his hero costume and dismember the disintegrating limb from his body; Best Jeanist wasting no time running over to him to cut the blood circulation off to the area to prevent the hero from bleeding to death on the spot.

All Might stood back in disbelief as looked around with widened, guilt-stricken eyes. The sight of the destroyed room, covered in a thick layer of dust and debris, watching in horror at the scene which surrounded him.

Edgeshot slowly fell to the ground in pain as he clamped his only remaining arm down into the limbless joint, the detached limb falling into dust a few meters away. Best Jeanist ran to his aid, a look of worried terror for his colleague as they worked together to stop the bleeding; paramedics only now arrived on the scene to assist. Gran Torino, among the rest of the heroes surrounding the building, looking into the building with hopeless loss at their failure.

The rest of the building was deserted, with no signs of Bakugou and Midoriya insight, and the villains had escaped; with no tracker placed to trace.

The villains had gone, and they had nothing left to follow..

All Might let his heroic form down with a pop of despair as the dust in the air around them began to settle. At least, with no epic battle, there was no one around to film his weakened form silently tearing.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! Those Heros Have Been Tracking US!"

Shigarakis scream could be heard raging through the building where All for One had teleported them too, the same facility which had both Midoriya and Bakugou locked away in a cell only a few floors below.

"What do you want us to do, Shiggaraki!" Dabi demanded, shouting back at the childish man; who was furiously scratching his neck as he looked around the Nomu Lab they had been dropped in.

"God damn it..! God fricking damn it!'

The villains seemed to have been at a panicked loss as their leader kept swearing to himself, not noticing the man who stood in the shadows only a few feet behind them.

"..Young Shigaraki, I suggest you start moving and get anything you may require from here, I suspect the heroes may have traced you here too...'

The cold voice speaking from the shadows made the other villains jump from their skins and they all flinched to look behind at All For One making his way forward; Shiggaraki seemingly the only one unbothered by his appearance.

"Shit, shit! Alright!" Shiggaraki cursed to himself, turning to look at Magne with a deranged expression, "Go and grab those brats from downstairs! There's no point holding them here if those bastardly heroes show up!"

Magne nodded, looking around along with the rest of the villains towards their leader with similar looks of uneasy stress and paranoid tension.

"There too floors below us"All for One's haunting voice rang out, " assume they are both still alive, but it's been a while since I've checked on them; I suggest you're cautious nonetheless."

The group of villains looked up at the boogeyman warily as Magne slowly nodded before steadily speeding up as she sprinted off to grab their hostages. The villains stood in silence as they listened to the constant whirring of the machines around them and the irritating sounds coming from Shigaraki, all stood on guard as they watched All for One finally speak up again as Magne had finished turning the corner at the end of the room.

"With that being said, I do suggest that some more of you go and assist her; I don't think she will last very long against a hungry ghoul on her own…

The rest of the villains' eyes widened with realization, excluding Shiggaraki who was too busy with this irritating skin, as some of them cursed and began turning to chase behind her one by one.

Once it was only Shiggaraki and All for One left in the room, All for one turned to look at his student with detached concern; as he stood irritating his skin, his eyes staring blankly at the wall as they filled with madness from his mask which had seemingly at some point dropped from his face.


The pale blue haired boy in question seethed angrily to himself as he replied to his master.

"Sensei, what are we going to do?"

All for One released a low dark chuckle that would send shivers of ice down anyone's spine who listened in hard enough, his head rolling up to the ceiling as he said so, "Don't you worry yourself, young Shiggaraki. I'll ensure that you and your friends make it out safely... You have nothing to worry about at all..!"

Shiggaraki looked up from where he was standing towards his sensel, his hair half clung to his face with sweat and grease.

"And what about you, sensei?"

All For One let out an almost nostalgic breath, "I'll stay here and make sure No One is able to follow you..!'

The room was stagnant from noise as the two boys sat motionless opposite each other, neither of them making any effort to move or escape as they stared dully towards the floor, both silently waiting, and waiting for an opportunity to present itself.

Waves of despair and exhaustion mixed together sloppily as they steadily flooded the room they were contained in, drowning the boys with its imperceptible state, slowly draining the pair from all the yearning they held of being rescued.

Ever since All for One had chucked Midoriya in this cell, three days had unknowingly passed; with Bakugou joining him in the last few hours saving him from the silent torture he had enured alone.

Three days alone without food, three days past his eating schedule, three days of slowly healing injuries with only the aid from his own skin and bones.

Eating his own flesh was slowly starting to fail.

His hunger quickly was growing stronger and stronger, locked in a room with only his childhood friend to keep him company. He was starting to get hungry, and that thought terrified Midoriya to his core; silently sat on the opposite side of the room to where Bakugou obliviously sat to the thought crawling in the back of his mind.

They couldn't afford to stick around and wait for the heroes to rescue them, not any more..."

Midoriya let out a ragged sigh as he felt his emotions begin to overwhelm him, causing Bakugou to look over to him curiously as he looked up from the blood surrounding him.

His words were filled with caution.


Midoriya gulped, his eyes widening with fear and anxiety.

"Um-Kacchan.?1-I don't think eating my fingers is going to work much longer.!"

The switch from curiosity to unbinding fear in Bakugou's eyes was instant as he sat up from the damp fall he lent against cautiously.

"Deku.?What do you mean?"

Izuku let out a withered laugh of desperation.

"I'm starting to get hungry, Kacchan..." He began with a pitiful look as he looked up from his blooded fingers towards his blond-haired classmate, his eyes brimming with an alarming look of hopelessness. "I don't think we can wait until the heroes rescue you anymore, we need to find a way out ourselves.!"

Bakugou lent back against the wall, his contemplating eyes still wide as he thought over the distressing words spoken by his friend, before letting out a ragged sigh and turning to face him somewhat annoyed.

"We're going to get out of this together, alright?

Just- try and hold yourself together while we find a way out. And stop with the depressing shit about the 'heroes not coming to save you too? It's really starting to get on my nerves!"

Midoriya sat up straight with a look of surprised shock, ignoring the lack of energy coming from his usually over-the-top angry displays, "Why would the heroes want to come after me..?"

Bakugou just narrowed his eyes as he looked at Midoriyas' visibly exhausted and deteriorating body up and down as he gave a momentary pause.

"…Of course they're going to come and find you, you stupid nerd!"

Midoriya stayed quiet as he gave out a silent gulp, listening to what Bakugou had to say.

"With the way the pink cheeks and Icy-hot were acting around you, it wouldn't surprise me if they've both already explained what you told me to the heroes."

Izuku shot up from where he was slumped with fear and muted betrayal glistening over his face,

"W-what!? No, they wouldn't do that! They both promised to keep everything a secret.!"

Bakugou let out an infuriated groan, "Of course they're gonna tell sensei, you Idiot! They fucking care about you and know that when we're getting out of here you're likely to go to fucking jail, it's disgystingly sappy, but it wouldn't surprise me if they told the heroes to try and keep you away from there."

He leaned against the wall behind him, crossing his arms as he closed his eyes to rest them, the exhaustion of not sleeping for the last few days draining him by the second.

"The heroes aren't stupid, unlike some people around here, and will know that it was part of a situation you couldn't fucking control! So suck it up, and stop moaning! I've already told you to stop once today, it's fucking depressing!"

Izuku silently watched as Bakugou looked as if he was about to drop off to sleep, his body seemingly fighting to stay awake. He couldn't believe how calm he was, lying there with his eyes closed while locked in a room with him.

Wasn't he scared? Wasn't he afraid there was a chance he wouldn't wake up.?

Bakugous' eyes remained closed as he spoke up again, his voice much quieter than before as he silently yawned.

"Besides, you've still got One for All! I doubt All Might would let something like that go to waste."

Izuku lowered his head with sorrow at the thought, even though it had already crossed his mind hundreds of times.

"I told you l intended to give it back to him..." Izuku murmured out to himself, before lifting his head to look at Bakugou with concern as a new thought washed over him.

"How can you sit there so calmly?"

Seconds ticked by before a response came.

"What do you mean by that?"

Izuku shifted awkwardly where he was sitting,

"How can you sit there in a room with me, so calmly when I just said I was hungry?"

He watched as he saw a single eye open across the room, eying him with annoyance.

"What? Are you trying to say you want to eat me?"

Izuku visibly jerked back, waving his arms with denial in front of him, "What? No! I'd never want to eat you!"

Bakugou watched him carefully for a moment before shutting his eye again, giving a content yet tired hum, "Good."

He paused again.

"I'd kill you before you had the chance anyway!"

Izuku felt his eyes widen with surprise at the answer which would normally make him feel so uncomfortable before letting out a nostalgically quiet laugh, not noticing the small smirk hinting at the corners of Bakugous' mouth as he rested his head back against the wall.

The pair fell into a comfortable silence, as comfortable as one could in the situation they were in. Izuku shifted awkwardly in his seat as he felt his stomach began to ache for food again, wincing at the pain as he slowly lifted his hand up to his mouth again and chewed down on his fingers again.

The time between his stomach pains was rapidly shortening, leaving an uncomfortable twisted feeling lying deep within the pit of his stomach.

Izuku wondered if Bakugou had even noticed.

"Hey... Kacchan?" Izuku began quietly after a while, looking up to his blond classmate who didn't bother opening his eyes as he gave a short hum in response.

He lowered his head to look at his blood-stained hands as he spoke, memories of all the horrific things he had done flashing through his mind as he thought of the prospect of never getting out of here alive.

"In the end, if we can't escape together, I need you to promise to look after One-for-All for me."

Izuku didn't notice Bakugous' eyes blinking open with surprise from his request.

"Deku, I told you to stop talking like that!"

He only lowered his head further with shame, reaching up to grab his head as he began to visibly shake.

"You've got a far better chance of getting out of this alive with One-for-All, I'd rather you take it."

He hid his head within his tucked-up knees, muffling his words.

"I don't think i could take it again if Al-"

Izukus final words were cut off by a loud bang of a door above them slamming open as the sounds of heavy, racing feet sprinted around above them.

The noise made the pair of them jump with fear, petrified in their place, as adrenaline pumping through both of their bodies fore through their exhaustion and prepared them for whatever monster was quickly coming to get them.

"What the fuck was that..." Bakugou whispered to himself aloud as he quickly stood up preparing for a fight, the two boys looked around the room for clues, only for the sounds to be followed by another loud bang.

Much, much, closer...

A sharp intake of breath could be heard as Izuku pushed himself against the wall as terrified hysteria quickly came over him, his eyes visibly widening with fear.

His world around him was starting to crumble away from beneath him, leaving him murmuring rapped pleas to the god he had offended that it wasn't All for One. coming back for another attempt to claim One-For-All.

He couldn't handle another round. It had been so long since the last one, he had grown almost complacent in the safety he had always felt near Bakugou.

His thought trailed back to the agony he felt, violent memories of All for One's hand lowering slowly onto his head before he was impaled with excruciating pain.

The pain which came again, and again, and again; leaving him writhing on the floor with desperate gasps for air, the attacks knocked and overwhelmed all the senses in his body.

He didn't want to cave in, but at this rate, he knew the possibility was far from within his control.

He couldn't do that again, not again..!

Quickly, Izuku reached up and grabbed at his hair, the colourings now patchy from the splotched of pale hair which had formed from the stress and fear created from the pain and torture he had endyred from All for One trying to make him give in and give the quirk back to him, and ripped a clump out.

"Kacchan..! Kacchan! Please! Take it!'

Bakugou turned at the sound of his nickname and looked down to the snot, tear-ridden expression on his classmate's face. The expression leaving him mortified at the utter desperation in Midoriya's voice as he crawled towards him, begging to take ownership of the legacy bestowed upon him.

"Deku,stop! Calm down-"

Midoriya lent forward to grab ahold of the blonds blood spoiled trousers as he clawed himself up, the scene scarily reminiscent of a man clinging onto the edge of a cliff before ultimately falling to their deaths...

"You don't understand! I can't- I can't!"

He let out a ragged breath as Bakugous' eyes widened further with horror as he tried to grab hold of Midoriyas' shoulders in an attempt to try and ground him, panic flaring into his voice.

"Deku! Can't wha-"

Hysterical giggles muffled through heavy breaths and snotty snorts rang throughout the room, echoing off the blood-stained walls as Izuku looked up to Bakugou with utter defeat; the clump of knotted hair still clinging tightly within his palm.

"I-i can't take anymore.! All for One is going to try and take One For All from me! I can't- I can't keep it anymore!" Izuku took in a sharp breath through his sobs, "I can't do this, you need to take it, it's not safe with me anymore!'

Bakugou felt his eyes widen with realization as he understood what Midoriya was trying to do, sucking in a steep breath as he felt his own emotions getting the better of him, as his voice shook and tears of fear and anxiety began to make their way through his own eyes.

"H-hey! You don't even know if it is All For One-"

He shucked in a deep breath of horror as he watched Midoriya's eyes slowly traverse the boundaries between what visibly made him into the Ghoul he feared within himself.

The heavy footsteps grew closer and closer, as each of Midoriyas' breaths came quicker by the second.

"PLEASE! Kacchan! Please take it! Please! It's not safe with me!'

Shared tears flew down either of their faces.

"I can't do this anymore..!I don'twant you to get hurt"

The bangs on the floor were now on their floor.

"Stop it, Deku!"

As Midoriyas' eyes came closer and closer to his target.

" don't want you to get hurt! Use it to protect yourself, please!'

Getting more and more desperate.

"I don't need protection! I thought I'd told you that!

We can fight them off together!"

As some sobs grew louder.

"I don't want to hurt you! Please!"

Others stayed steady and strong.

"You won't!"

A shout coming from a distance away was heard from outside the cell, as the metal poles holding it shut from the inside began to shift; causing Izuku to fight against the restraints that Bakugou held him down with, a new wave of unpalatable pain clawed into his stomach.

A pain starting to become far too much for any man to handle.

Please just take it. Kacchan...

"I don't want to eat you..!"

As the next few tense, sacred moments flew past, the iron door which had helped them captive flew open; a bright burning light from the other side shone into the sullen room as Midoriya and Bakugous' eyes flew straight to the figure who shadowed above them.


He felt an overwhelming wave of hunger come over him, as Midoriya's ghoulish eye locked onto the villain at the door.

That wasn't All for One..!

Bakugou didn't have time to blink before he was shoved to the side, a large black tentacle, throbbing with pulsing red veins as Midoriya flew past him towards the villain now on the floor.

It didn't take long for blood to pool into the room from the exit of the room.

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