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54.88% Gladiators of the Gridiron / Chapter 73: Body Unshackled … Almost.

Kapitel 73: Body Unshackled … Almost.

'Do you feel any more pain than usual?' the doctor asked, their gentle hands massaging down Jackson's leg, thumbs pressing just firm enough on his shin.

Jackson winced slightly at around the midway point. 'I mean, yeah it can hurt sometimes, but, not too bad, and there isn't much pain usually.'

'Mhm.' The doctor didn't say much as they continued their administrations. They asked the same question over and over and gave the barest of grunts and mumbles in response to the answers.

They'd rub Jackson down, have him push his leg down against their hands, lift up against them, they'd stretch his leg this way and that, always asking. But Jackson felt alright for the most part, there were only a few instances where he showed a visible reaction to the pain.

His older brother, Tommy, and their mother watched the proceedings from close by. They kept any comments or worries they might've had to themselves, not wanting to disrupt things.

'It really doesn't hurt much. It feels nice to have the cast off, finally. Ugh, though I am kinda itchy now.'

'Oh, that can happen. Doesn't look like there was an allergic reaction to the plaster which is good, and it's still in fine condition. You just make sure you give it a good wash when you get home,' the doctor advised.

Jackson nodded. Everything seemed to be going well. The door opened up again. A nurse entered and handed over a folder to the doctor. The doctor thanked them, and shimmyed out one of the large images from the folder, taking a look at it.

'Hmm, X-rays seem to have come out nicely, no problems there.' They pinned the image up to the wall, all eyes were locked onto the closeup of Jackson's fibula and tibia.

The doctor circled one part. 'He's where the fracture occurred, and if you remember what the first x-rays looked like when you were last here, well, the difference speaks for itself.'

From what was once the place where both his bones had snapped, now there was hardly any indicator that they had been broken at all. Only minute fissures that were yet to heal were highlighted.

'It looks as if your recovery is going well, Jackson. However, I would suggest that you continue to take things easy until your bones have completely healed, we wouldn't want to disrupt the process this close to completion, or cause any unnecessary setbacks. I'd give it another fortnight.'

Tommy was visibly disappointed, finally speaking up. 'So, Doc, when you say "take it easy", what exactly do you mean by that? Are there any exercises or stretches that we can do in the meantime to help strengthen the leg and maybe speed up this last stretch recovery?'

'Excellent question. It wouldn't be wise to do too much, but some of those exercises you saw us doing earlier, pushing against someone's hand, upwards, downwards, outwards, those are good. I can give a list of other stretches that can help, but for breaks in the shin area such as this one, there isn't much that stretching can do really.'

'Got it.' Tommy nodded, whipping out his phone to take notes.

'Besides that, stick to your crutches. You won't need the cast, but you should still keep pressure off the leg and keep some bandages wrapped around it, or wear a compressive sleeve to help keep things where they should be for the most part. Now, getting up to go to the bathroom should be fine to walk, but nothing more than a minute or two without assistance.'

'Hmm. I had hoped he would be further along than that already,' Mom said.

'These things take time, Mrs Woods. They can be frustrating, I know, but they won't get better if we don't give them time to rest. Now, Jackson, if there is any pain, you should stop what you're doing immediately, especially if the pain is coming along this area.' And the doctor brushed their hand along Jackson's shin.

'I understand,' Jackson said.

'Good. Then there doesn't seem to be much else I need to say. Just keep doing what you're doing, you all seem to be taking good care of Jackson and his leg. I'll have a nurse bring you some bandages you can use for that wrapping, and they can show you how to do it right. But after that, you're free to go.'

'Thank you for your help, Doctor.'

'I'm just doing my job, Mrs Woods. If something happens, don't hesitate to call.' The doctor glanced at the X-rays. 'Would you like your own copy to take home?'

Mom looked at Jackson. Jackson looked at the X-ray on the wall. 'Ohh, no, uhh, that's alright. I don't need one.'

'Very well.'

The family picked up their things, and once Jackson's leg got wrapped up tight, they made their way out to the car.

As they piled into the car, Tommy was both excited and disappointed. 'Aww man, it sucks we still have to wait a bit before getting you back out on the field running around, but I'm glad you're getting better and making progress.'

'Y-Yeah, me too.' Jackson sat in the back, reminding himself that he was just trying to get his body healthy and strong again. But, it did feel good to finally be free of that cast, even if he did still have the annoying shackles that were his crutches, at least he'd gotten rid of one.

He felt a little more free. He couldn't help it as a smile crawled across his cheeks.

As they pulled out of the hospital car park, Mom's eyes glanced back through the rearview mirror. 'You know what I think this occasion calls for? Some pizza to celebrate! What do you boys think?'

'Hmm…' Tommy looked back. Jackson was still somewhat of an invalid, so it's not like he could work off that junk food. 'Ah what the hell, I think this is plenty special enough for us to celebrate. Pizza sounds amazing.'

Jackson's grin grew wider.

The next day, Jackson went to school without his cast for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. Sure, he hadn't gotten rid of the crutches yet, but it still felt a whole lot better.

After the first class, Sachin, Marcus, and Eddie found him in the halls.

'Yooo! You finally got rid of that cast, huh?' Sachin said, pulling him into a side hug.

'Haha, still stuck with them damn crutches though, that's tough luck, man,' Marcus laughed.

'Shut up…' Jackson couldn't help but laugh, jovially shoving them both.

'Congrats,' Eddie said. Jackson's smile vanished. 'I just hope you don't put yourself back in a cast again any time soon.'

Jackson cringed. His leg may be healing, but his relationship with his best friend only seemed to be fracturing further.

Sachin sighed. 'Come on, bruh.'

'Man what are you talking about? You're not still yapping with that conspiracy theory, are you? Why the hell would Jackson do something like this,' and they pointed to his leg, 'to himself!'

'Whatever. I gotta get to my next class.' Eddie brushed by Sachin and Marcus, walking away.

'Ugh, man. Sorry about him we… we gotta catch up sometime, okay? We'll see you later.'

'Y-Yeah, no, it's fine. He just, it's alright. I'll see you guys around.'

Jackson watched them leave. His shoulders slumped. He got on with the rest of his day.

When his classes were over, he started making his way to the practice field, though, after his run-in with Eddie and the others, he was dreading the team's reaction to his recovery.

'Look at youuu!' Jackson froze at the sound of Jasmine's voice.

He turned to face her. 'Ah, h-hey, Jasmine.'

She was grinning radiantly, Jackson almost melted at the sight of her. 'Look at you, dude! You got rid of that cast.' She hurried to his side, still beaming. 'Congratulations.'

'Th-Thanks,' he chuckled nervously.

'You must be getting better, how long do you have to keep using these things?' She gently tapped one of his crutches.

'Oh uh, I think the doctor said a fortnight?'

'Ohh, I love that game.'

'Ugh, no you… you dork.' They laughed as Jackson shook his head.

'How are you holding up though? Still need some company as you hobble like a turtle to wherever it is you're going?'

'Hah hah, very funny.'

'I'm somewhat of a comedian, what can I say? Hahah, but if you don't mind, I could come with you wherever you're going.'

'O-Oh uhh, well, I was just going to the football field to watch the team practice. You probably wouldn't wanna come 'cause it's—'

'Sounds fun! Let's go.' Jasmine grinned.

'H-Huh? Really?'

She shrugged. 'Sure, why not? C'mon, let's go.' She looked around. 'Just lead the way, turtle.'

'Uhh, y-yeah. Okay then.' And with that, he began to hobble through the halls again, leading the way out to the practice field. She stuck by his side. At one point, she tilted her head as she observed him.

'Hey, I'm not annoying you, am I?' she asked.

'Wh-What?! No way. Why would you think that?'

'Wellll, you seem awfully reluctant to be hanging out with me most of the time. Annnd I couldn't help but notice that you didn't send me a text or anything even though I gave you my number.'

Jackson blushed. He looked at the floor. 'S-Sorry, I…I just didn't want to bother you.'

'Pfft, dude, come on. I wouldn't have given you my number if I thought you were going to bother me.'

'R-Right, sorry… I'll uh, be sure to send you a text sometime then.'

'Good. I'd like that.'

Jackson's blush didn't go away until they made it to the field.

They found a spot on the field to sit, sticking to the first set of seats along the ground row of the bleachers. Jasmine, to Jackson's surprise, sat with him and stayed as they watched practice get underway.

'Y-You really don't have to stay.'

She shrugged. 'Yeah, but I want to. I don't have anything better to do.'

'Do you even know what's going on?'

'Nope. I mean, I think I've seen my little brother play Madden a couple of times, but, I've never really understood football.'

'O-Oh… I could try and explain?'

She smiled. 'I'd like that, too.'

Jackson's cheeks darkened but he turned to the field, focusing on the drills that the team were running through, doing his best to explain how they'd be applied to in-game situations and why they're helpful.

Jasmine listened intently, though she was amazed at how hard everyone worked, and almost fell out of her seat when Jackson explained the weighted vests to her.

'What?! That's insane! How do you even move around like that.'

'Hah… I didn't. I was still crawling around like a worm before I hurt my leg.'

Jasmine laughed. 'No way. I'd be… I'd be stuck! Like I wouldn't even be able to move at all. You guys are crazy.'

'I-I guess so, haha.'

They continued to watch, though throughout Jasmine would continue to make funny little comments, Jackson's lessons devolving into a comedy session as they kept making fun of how uptight Coach Otsen was, like a drill sergeant. Or how Coach Vasquez was jumping around and screeching like a monkey on crack. That was especially funny when compared to Coach Knight, who was like a giant boulder standing stoically against the raging storm that was Coach Vasquez's "MAXIMUM" energy.

Time flew by, and before Jackson knew it, practice was over, and the boys were free to go. However, instead of going home right away, a large portion of them made their way over to Jackson and Jasmine.

'Yo! Look who's got rid of his cast. How's it feel to be free, Jackson?' Pete was the first to come over and bring attention to the fact, though more soon followed.


'When can we get you back on the field?'

'You're still on the team right?'

'Hah, I'm more interested in the girl. This your chick?' Wesley said, even a few of the varsity players had come over to check out the situation.

'Hahah, bringing your girl to practice, classic,' one of the other seniors laughed.

'Wh-What?! N-No we're not… she's not.' Jackson groaned, lowering his head, his cheeks burning red. More boys laughed.

Jasmine laughed louder than them all, smirking wryly. 'What's wrong? Are you boys jealous that Jackson's the only one with a girl to bring around?'

'Oooh …'

Wesley scoffed. 'Well, if she ain't your girl, does that mean she's free to be taken?'

Jackson frowned, fists clenching, but he didn't say anything.

'By you? I'd rather make-out with vomit,' Jasmine said.

More laughter came from the group, but before Wesley could retort, Mickey stepped in. 'Cool off, man. Leave the kids alone.'

Wesley backed off, muttering about how Jasmine "wasn't even that good-looking anyway" as he left.

Mickey stepped closer and patted Jackson on the head. 'Don't let these jackasses get to ya, man, we're just playing. It's good to see you outta that cast, it'll be great to have you back on the field.'

'Yeah, dude. Coming back from injury is tough, but we're here for you,' another added.

'Y-You guys really mean it? You're not… mad?'

'Fuck no. Of course, we ain't. Why the hell would we be mad? Accidents happen, we all get that, sometimes you can't help it,' Mickey said.

'Yeah… accidents. Right, right, was stupid of me to ask.'

Jasmine watched Jackson closely. She was the only one to notice his hesitancy with the word "accident" as if it almost pained him to use it.

'I can't speak for your JV teammates,' Heads turned towards Shane who was now finished with his extra laps and had made his way over, still donning his weighted vest, 'but even so, I saw that you were a great leader during the early practices. I'm sure they missed you.'

Lonnie stepped forward and placed a hand on Jackson's shoulder. 'Yeah, dude. …I'm happy to see you're getting better.'

'Yeah, yeah.' The general sentiment was in agreement with Lonnie's statement.

'It'll be good to have you back,' Kenny said. He was standing off to the side of the group. Jackson didn't look at him for long. He saw too much of Eddie's accusatory glare in those eyes.

'D-Does this mean I'll be off the team now?' The group was beginning to disperse, which finally gave the timid Frederick room to make his voice heard.

'Why?' Petey asks.

'Well… because you won't need me anymore once Jackson's back.'

Kenny stepped over and whacked Freddy over the back of the head.

'Ow!' Freddy rubbed the back of his head.

'Dude, Freddy. That's not true. No one's going to get replaced. We'll all work together and we'll finally be in full force once Jackson gets back. Though… if anyone is gonna be "replaced" it'll probably be me, 'cause I'll have already moved up to varsity, but, you know.'

'Hah! In your dreams kid.' Kenny's hair gets roughly ruffled by one of the older boys before they playfully shove him and walk away.

Kenny groaned and grumbled, staring daggers at the older boy as they walked away while he tried to fix his hair.

'That's a good goal to have.' Again, everyone looked to Shane. 'Keep working hard, and I'm sure you'll make it onto the varsity team in no time. You'll be a welcomed addition to the team.'

'Yeah, shame I won't be around to see it though. Ain't no freshman making varsity on Coach Otsen's team. Not even Shane was varsity his first year,' Mickey points out.

As the conversation and attention drifted away from Jackson, he let out a sigh of relief. Things were going to be alright. Everything was fine. Just so long as nobody found out his accident wasn't really accidental.

SeipoltMP SeipoltMP

Thanks for reading. As always, I hope you enjoyed it.

Yo, any of y'all wrestling fans? Sting's last match was wild don't ya think?

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Shoutout to my supporters: Howellsy.

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See you for the next chapter!

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