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91.3% MHA: Stacked Cards / Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty One: The start of a massacre.

Kapitel 21: Chapter Twenty One: The start of a massacre.



Thirteen and Izuku stood together at the fronts of the training facility. Though they made their introductions beforehand, Izuku couldn't hold a conversation long enough to actually sustain the silence; He stood at the bottom of the stairs with his co-worker in said silence, blissfully smiling with a Greek stature and a straight, inhumanly straight, pose.

Thirteen however, wasn't too comfortable.

She fidgeted, and sometimes entered her suit's inner region out of awkwardness, yet it had been over 20 minutes now, and she was running out of attempts at ridding the awkward atmosphere around her. She thought of a hundred things before speaking the most urgent thing on her mind.

"How much longer will they take?"

"They're here." He replied as quick as the question was sent; still keeping his smile.


Soon, less than 20 seconds after, the bus filled with Class-1A's members had appeared near the horizon, and within seconds, the electric vehicle arrived at their door.

"..Thank god." Thirteen couldn't help but whisper before remembering the boy was right beside her, she took a brief look at him, turning her head before muttering a soft apology, "...sorry.", he sighed with little care.

"C'mon. Let's greet them?" Asking almost provocatively, Izuku looked at his 'co-worker' with a raised brow, Thirteen reacted quickly to his question.

"A-Ah~ Right." They started walking to the newly arrived group, as the latter had mixed response, most positive, on the sudden meeting.

"Izuku!" Mina said her greeting along with a few others. The notable few included Momo and the Ochaco, both of whom smiled towards the boy, one with a polite wave, the other with joy before her eyes wandered to the space theme hero matching her own theme.

"Hey man! You're not in costume!" Kirishima grinned to the boy, yet was met only with his teacher's gaze..

"Ehem." Aizawa interrupted Mina and the others, long before anyone could speak. Acting like it was an ordinary thing, Thirteen followed along with her half-rehearsed speech.

"W-Welcome everyone! We've been waiting for you all!" She said through the static of her helmet, quickly ridding the stutter she held in her speech, she was speaking casually to the newly introduced teens.

Several groans of excitement resounded as some recognized the hero; Especially those whose abilities ranged in similar proportions, hint, hint.

"Is that space Hero Thirteen?!" Ochaco said as her inner fangirl took form of the countless videos watched when she was younger, many around gravity based heroes, especially Thirteen considering her popularity in Japan.

With a clearing of her throat, said hero continued to speak.

"Let's move without delay!" It was a comfortable, yet eager voice that drew out the traditional formalities of the class. Performing something close to a 90 degree bow, the class spoke unanimously with the mildest of hesitations.

""""We look forward to working with you!'""""

Izuku's brow flinched and twisted at the sight. He mentally reminded himself to prepare counter agents to mind control quirks, it seemed less and less like a running gag and more like a horror flick in how they moved with such synchronicity. Genuinely terrifying from his perspective.

Looking over to the approaching Aizawa, he asked with his gaze why they'd possibly decide that was the best decision.

"It's called manners, brat. You'd do best to learn from your class." Aizawa said with a puff, but Izuku had already changed focus back to his classmates.

Everyone wore their costumes, with some designs changed from the last trial. He grinned as he saw Momo's costume following his recommendations; A neat tank top with white stripes and red accents. He had given said design when the battle trials started, yet sadly, Mineta's new look wasn't much better, replacing the diaper with what genuinely looked like a white and inverted underwear.

Though his thoughts were dismissed by Thirteen's excited yet glitchy voice.

"I can't wait to show you all what I've prepared!" She spoke gleefully as her steps led on everyone else.

The three leads moved up the stairs into the facility infront of them, carrying the attention of the class with them as 1-A followed a meter away.



Once inside the large structure, no smaller than 7 football fields, they classes wonderous awes were shared with the entirety of the world.


"This place looks like USJ (Universal Studios Japan)!"

"Loook! A waterfall! They even have a slide!"

"A shipwreck. A landside. A fire. A windstorm. et cetera." Thirteen started to which the class went silent. Spreading her arms, her space suit bending it's lumps to accommodate, she continued to speak. "It's a training ground I made, with various different accidents and disasters in mind-"

"It's called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Or USJ for short!" She spoke, catching her own words with extreme happiness.

"..." The class went silent at the comparison.

"Nezu's getting sued sooner or later, I just know it." Izuku added from the side as Aizawa stepped closer yet to the other hero there, while Izuku took the hint and headed towards his class.

"Thirteen. Where's All Might, he should be here by now."

"Ah, um-" She glanced at Izuku as he spoke to Kaminari and Mina. "He had- Um, He needed to take a 'Reporter Problem'- If you get me-" Aizawa's palm stopped anymore words as he raised it infront of her chin.

"Yeah. I got it." He noticed Izuku's glinting eye, turning from it's corner briefly, then sighed; Nezu had prepped code words to use in case anything happened, to which, well- Thankfully they had something they could use without causing more problems.

"He's in the break room now." Thirteen added in a whisper.

"Tsk." Aizawa gave another look to his class before he spoke again, much louder than before. "Can't be helped then. We'll continue with Izuku as substitute, is that alright Izuku?"

To which the boy turned to them and nodded. Cutting the conversation he was having with Momo in half.

The class straightened up with the green bean moving to the teacher's side.

"Ehh... Let's see." Thirteen took a second or two for herself, allowing her thoughts to straighten out.

"Before we start, I want to say one thing... Or two... Or three, four, five, six- seven- eight-" She continued mumbling for a moment before getting to the important point.

"Everyone. I'm sure you're all aware of my quirk. 'Black hole'-" Izuku smiled at the mention, almost drooling before Aizawa elbowed him softly.

"I can pull any matter into my quirk and turn it into dust."

"Right Right Right!" Ochaco nodded furiously, "You've used your quirk to remove debris! It's such a superb power, perfect for hero work!"

"Yes, but it's a power that can also be used to kill." At that the class went deathly silent.

"Many of you have quirks like that, right?" Some peered over to Izuku, but it was a small category of students. "In our superhuman society, quirks have been regulated to an extreme degree; Not because our abilities themselves are in anyway bad, but because without proper control over them, it could become dangerous to others."

"It may not seem like a problem, but anyone's ability can be like that. It could be a child, a hero or even just a civilian that harms another, even indirectly; A single bad step can make almost any quirk dangerous."

Looking over to Aizawa and Izuku on the side, she added-

"Before, Aizawa tested your physical abilities and how you can use your quirks along side them. You found out the possibilities of your quirks, and how effective you can be in the real world. With All Might's test on physical combat, you've all seen how dangerous your combat abilities really are, I think everyone has seen exactly how much damage is possible with your quirks."

The class looked at Izuku at the remark, but he aptly ignored them.

"Today, we'll be giving you something different. A new outlook, where you'll be using your quirks to save lives; You're abilities don't exist for the sake of hurting others. They exist as a means to save others. I hope everyone here will leave this class with that sentiment."

Taking a bow, one hand extended outwards, the other folded to the space-suits chest, she ended her speech. "That's all. Thank you for listening!"

Then, the class erupted.

"That was awesome!"

"Bravo! Bravo!"

"Good speech."

Several different praises overlapped, as they praised the moral booster. Izuku sighed at the naivety of these students, did they really believe they could save others with such little strength?

"Alright then. Let's start by-" Aizawa's voice was interrupted by the sound of the lights cutting. Sparks of lightning ran through the upper region of the stadiums lights as the entirety of the area was now illuminated by natural light. The lights weren't the only thing to suddenly shut off as every utility, including security and otherwise important machines, shut down.

"Aizawa." Izuku said as his range of sonar waves were suddenly lowered to a tenth of their capacity. "The birds are offline."

The teacher's eyes widened as he followed Izuku's gaze. The Plaza.

"What's that?" Mina spoke first, gathering the attention of the class in the same direction.

Within the center of the stadium, a mass of black and to those who could see, violet swirls, appeared in an expanding movement of cloudlike matter; Unlike the previous time Izuku had seen it, it was much slower, taking it's time to increase with little interruptions between. It expanded to the size of a human body by the time the next person spoke.

"Is that a part of the class?" Asked Shoji.

"No. It isn't." Izuku said smiling at the sudden food arriving on his doorstep. While he wasn't allowed to target UA's student without introduction and quite the few guidelines, he could certainly take a spacial quirk from an intruder.

Not until the smoke reached three times its size, did someone appeared from the mist. A young man, the same one Izuku was before, but wearing several hands, human hands across his upper body and face, gripped the sides of the portal as if they were solid mass.

"And I thought our class costumes were shit." Izuku muttered as he analyzed the severed hands from afar, but no one could speak, not when three more deathly figures appeared from the mist after.

One that seemed to be the origin of the Mist stood at the boy's direct side, like a caretaker or associate. They wore a waiter's suit, and walked like a confidant, with what seemed to be formal movements and hands behind their back.

The most concerning thing about this man or woman was the fact Izuku could not see past that mist, ticked him off that his "Anatomy" failed to work. Still, Izuku wore a smile. Hundreds of villains poured from the massive wall of mist and particles, and as they did, his smile rose and rose and rose; Like a child at a candy store, or a miner seeing light after days of work, genuine happiness covered his face.

"Well~ Well~, I let one fish go, and it brings back a swarm~ Aren't I quite the fisher~!" He exclaimed excited by the sudden arrival, as Aizawa side glanced him along with few of his class, "Don't even think about it Izuku."

Their teacher said sternly as the boy simply shook his head.

"I'm not so sure I have to do anything at all!" He said, seeing bloodlust pouring from the boy, even from afar.

He couldn't help but widen his smile at the sight of so much food, so many treats and even a means to properly, properly, test his powers. He smiled and smiled at the sight, almost to improper proportions, his face carried his joy with a twisted bend.

But it didn't last.

Once he saw the other two beside the hand-fetishist, then slowly, his face dropped into a soft and violent glare. Every hair on his hair, every muscle strand in his body ready to kill them at the moment.

This caused those around him to watch in anticipation, and worry.

The first one he saw was a bird faced individual, made out of what seemed to be multiple body parts. The proportions of flesh and fat where stitched artificially, matched together as the central nervous system and muscle density was over 16 times the normal human in cell count. The most troubling part however, was that when Izuku analysed it's body, it seemed... dead. Not on the cellular level, but on a more primal one.

Like a moving corpse, it that had no micro contractions, nothing to indicate any form of consciousness. Even it's heart- hearts, were all beating at a snail's pace. Yet even with it's strict posture and wandering eyes, exposed brain, it just wasn't what you'd call... Alive.

It's brain was irregular, even compared to his, rewired several-times over to achieve whatever goal the enemy would hold. Possibly even braindead to how much was actually miss wired; It was like someone's imperfect design was made into a disgrace upon all sciences.

But when he saw the other one, he truly felt despondent; he gazed on the smaller, white figure with putrid disgust, looking at the brain, exposed skull, that was morphed from two individual donations. While the last one was made with several corpses, and that did seem disgusting in it's own right, the white, bird-faced body was only made of two.

Yes, this bird, doll like entity with bone covering it's body was made of just two bodies.

"Aizawa. Those things with the bird faces aren't alive. One's made out of a bundle of corpses, maybe 7 or 8 different ones-" Their eyes widened at the remark, "And the other of two children. I'm not sure we can consider either as people."

"What?!" Thirteen proclaimed as the class settled the thought in their heads.

"C-Children?!" Ochaco said covering her moth with both hands.

"Damn it. Everyone, get back!" Aizawa said with disgust written on his face. The class obliged as they stepped with haste away from the views of the many villains surrounding them.

"Corpses?! Ho-How?!" Momo cried out from the side as the class almost fell into heavy panic, they shifted uncomfortably before thirteen spoke, "Stay behind me!"; No one would decline. Not when hundreds of villains surrounded the platform from bellow as the thoughts of how someone could attach several bodies together churned their rapid breathing and stuttering steps.

"Everyone, stay behind Thirteen! Those are real villains!" Mr. Homeroom said before Izuku acted hastily, he grabbed the kid's shoulder and pulled him back. Not that it did more then pull him by a step, before his fingers slid into the flesh like oil to water, before falling off entirely.

Izuku was still gazing in contemplation, utter fury as he looked once more over the unseen details.

Stitched into each other, nerve by nerve, brain matter by vascular system, the automatons moves with slow and roughish steps. Their brains lacked the several core pieces, and the smaller one lacked all essential regions dictating complex emotional patterns, not different to the scars Izuku had, though obviously at a greater scale.

It was like someone wanted to make a twisted puppet of organs and skin, a mesh devoid of life, a machine. He could still see the fragility and flexibility with their bones, akin to the school children he saw on his walks. He could see the multi stitched skin, treated with so many chemicals that the cells lost all sign of melanin. He could even see their hearts, 2, rather then the other one's 8, beating rhythmically in tune, one after the other.

He clenched his fist slightly at the sight.

"Oi.." He spoke quietly, yet the only one to hear was Aizawa.

"I know you're angry, Izuku. But the class is at risk, we need to alert the othe-"

"No." He replied, moving Aizawa's sleeve of his shoulder with a push.


"We can't act foolishly, I know; But I'm sure sending the only other person here who can disable quirks isn't a good idea considering those things appear to be the definition of bio-weapons." He spoke, but the first sentence was more towards himself than anyone else; Aizawa gave a second for Izuku to speak.


"Look carefully, that guy over there." He pointed out with his chin as Aizawa gazed to the center man and the mist maker beside him, "Somehow they didn't trigger any security protocols, meaning that spacial ability seemingly emitted by the smoke covered one, can be used in a variety of scenarios, most definitely unrestricted be the prerequisites we had discussed and even contended before." He took a look from afar at the teen, before he saw the large bird like creature staring at his direction.

"And somehow, USJ has lost all power? And even better, the security system we've designed to combat a situation like this, the birds.. are offline? No. How would they possibly know where to target, even worse, why did they bring so many to attack us, most here look untrained, unskilled? None of it makes sense unless they're attempting to corner us. We need to rid of the spacial quirk first, before anyone is placed in a disadvantaged scenario; The others look like they're made for direct assault, so we'll have enough time to deal with those few after we get rid of the fodder."

He gazed at the young man looking from afar at him, red eyed and twitching at Izuku's presence.

"That kid holds grudges. This is going to be a pain." Izuku couldn't help but comment with a soft tone.

"Do you have a plan?" Aizawa said as he looked with a grimace at the hundreds of small fry villains that appeared alongside the cast of 4; Izuku took a pause before speaking, and when he did, he spoke with a cheerful gaze.

"I'll just wait here."

"..W- Are you serious?" Aizawa replied, keeping his eye on the enemies infront of him.

"Yep. The spacial one is too risky to attack against directly and I'm not going to make hasty moves that can danger the class behind us. For them to come to us, they have to make the first move, so I'll just wait instead of tiring myself. Bet it won't be long before they move, as that one's literally itching in anticipation."


"Considering that they've brought both heavy hitters and proportionally useless pawns on the scene, it means the plan is likely a divide and conquer route, big guys for All Might or me, small guys to keep the students, or even you and Thirteen preoccupied, I'd probably send each of us to be targeted individually if I were them. Since it's unlikely that Thirteen would kill, they could easily cause massive amounts of damage if they restricted us to a one versus many combat."

"We don't have many options, do we?" He sighed while keeping his focus on the enclosing troops who seemed to inch closer with even more arrogance, stopping only to gaze at Izuku's 'eyes' running across his body. Those who did stepped back from a primal feeling of discomfort.

"Nope, leaving everyone here is too risky, and letting a quirk like that out of my sights would be non-sense, it could easily be the death of us all, if not a waste of a free meal."

"Seriously- Thinking about your stomach now?"

"Exactly. That, and the several problems currently happening, like those guys approaching." Pointing to the villains, they took a moments pause yet kept on treading. The smoke around them flaring up.

"So, yeah, I wait here for them to take the first move, while you move into the crowd. In the mean time, go play hero. Have fun breaking a few bones or something. Aslong as your here, they'll act apprehensive against your quirk, if they aren't already aware of mine, so deal with the small fry for a bit, okay? When the main transporter arrives to deal with the classroom or the kid with a grudge against me arrives to kill me, I'll do everything else after." He spoke mischievously.

Aizawa couldn't help but stare at the kid with apprehension.

"Kid, you better have something proper cooking. Don't let anyone get hurt, or it's paperwork for a year."

"Wait, Aizawa! You can't fight them by yourself!" Ochaco spoke from afar before he replied, wearing his goggles. "You can't be a hero with only one card up your sleeve, Uraraka; You have to be ready for anything."

And a leap later, the class was left with Thirteen and Izuku, who almost cried at the mention of paperwork.

Turning to the class, Izuku watched as everyone huddled behind Thirteen, anxious and worried about what was going to happen next.

"V-Villains?! Seriously!? It's the first week!" Kaminari spoke.

"What are we going to do?!" Mineta cried out as they started sweating and few, some almost shaking from adrenaline.

Even Ochaco was shaking slightly, breathing in and out, trying to calm herself; It was adorable to the broccoli haired advisor.

Izuku couldn't help but scoff at how pathetic they were. Though it was arrogant of him, he knew that, this was just disappointing for people who were going to risk their lives in a few years. Did they think being a hero was easy? Or did this entire situation not settle it in for them yet?

Either way, he couldn't use them like this. He needed to push them a bit.

"Wowowow. Look at all these future pros~" Izuku started speaking haughtily, clapping twice as he paced towards them without a care.

Ochaco looked at him with an calmer gaze as he neared closer. Bakugo and Shoto followed his steps aswell; Before everyone wondered what he was talking about.

Aizawa couldn't help but glance at the boy afar, yet, he was too concentrated with dealing with several different enemies simultaneously to hear the rest.

"What a bunch of pussies." Izuku said with mild anger, sensing the smoke covered person vanish from afar.

They all widened their expressions and shot Izuku an shaken look. Many of his 'friends' wondered what the kid was doing; Yet none of them could ask before he spoke.

"Is this how heroes are supposed to act? Like cowards who can't protect themselves, hiding together like a bunch of rodents? First the cafeteria incident and now this, tsk tsk, maybe you all should just go back to your normal lives instead, since you can't keep your composure when surrounded by mere low lives. Go on; The door is right. Over. There. I'm here, so you all can just run away!" He raised his hands in defeat, looking away from his classmates.

Many contemplated, but were unsure of what his tone supposed. Where they supposed to run?

"Bu-" Ida tried to speak, though was not given any comfort on that side.

"But what? You can't handle a few petty crooks? Can't handle the responsibility of being a hero either? Honestly, it's disappointing that you'd feel intimidated by these guys. I mean, look at them!" He spoke loud enough to get the attention of the crowd bellow, those who obviously frowned at the remark. Though a carbon fiber scarf quickly drew their attention and dread prior to any action.

"You've all hearing and talking about being heroic, saving others, and all these vague perceptions of, frankly, heavy responsibilities, yet none of you are even capable of standing up when its needed the most? I don't see anyone stepping forward!" He said as visibly, terror spread across their faces from some unknown source, holding them in place as he continued.

"Honestly! If all of you want to run away from your problems, hide from the threats that you'd see ever day as a hero, then fine. But if anyone leaves that door, don't expect to be back. I'll make sure of your expulsion myself if I have to." He spoke to the widening of everyone's eyelids, several spoke up, but were shrouded by their teacher.

"H-Hey! Izuku, what are you saying?! We don't have time for this, these are real villains!" Thirteen spoke as his face morphed into a bigger smile.

'Please play along everyone~' He thought within the confines of his mind, his plan to kill two birds with one stone seemed to be viable after all.

"Yeah man! It's still the first week! How are we supposed to save anyone with barely enough time to train!"

"I mean. What's the point of saving anyone when you all can't save yourselves!" He spoke laughing with exaggeration, seemingly hitting a thorn on the spikey haired boy's ego.

"Did anyone here besides Shoto even visit the hero gym, accessible to every student? Did anyone bother to train their quirk whatsoever? HAS A SINGLE PERSON HERE DECIDED TO TAKE THE ROLE OF HERO SERIOUSLY YET?!"

The class morphed into a look of anger, disappointment and visible hurt as they couldn't argue with his words. Not many actually strived to train, and those who did couldn't say they were using the best of their environments or abilities.

"Tsk. You think all of you can stay on the sidelines forever? What a joke-" He was eagerly interrupted by an hateful voice; The girl gazed at him with scorn and creased brows. Looking at him, she screamed her words out.

"That's easy to say when you're so strong! What about us?! How are we expected to fight when they outnumber us by the dozen?!" Mina raged in defense for her friend's pride, as Izuku stopped smiling for a moment.

Perhaps he heightened their terror a tad bit much.

He turned towards her, as he met her gaze head on.

"That's exactly why you should fight. You're a hero."

"" She said as he spoke further. Not that she wouldn't have realized this in any other circumstance, just her flight and fight responses were covering her senses of practicality.

"Bravery isn't being assured you'll win. It's fighting when you know you'll lose, and still striving. That's the ideal you all seem to be carrying, yet everyone of you is acting so cowardly, hypocritically like your all still civilians. Sooner or later, you all will have to actually deal with real villains, villains that could target you, hurt you, kill you. Have you even considered what would happen to those around you if you failed for a second?" His glare caused no further interruptions, he peered to the teacher who spoke up after.

"Izuku! They're still green, they can't be expected to be prepared for something like this!"

"Still green, huh." He scoffed as he turned away, his grin widening. "Of course, of course! They're still children, is that why they signed up to a hero course in a field that promises death if you lack the courage to step forward? Is that why I haven't seen a single one of you actually move yet?"

'Just a little longer.' He reminded himself as he increased their fear even further, pushing their tolerance for stress bit by bit.

"So congrats! You future heroes are basically harmless! What a future Japan has with heroes like you all!" HE FELT IT! The sonar waves around his side reflected!

"Indeed. If these are the future heroes, we may have less of a trouble then first predicted." Kurogiri appeared to their side as they took a step away, while Thirteen stood infront of the small crowd.

'He took the bait!' Izuku couldn't help but exclaim as he left them all open; Though there was no sign of the teen who seemed to want him dead, Izuku would take what he would get with their spacial quirk user.

Speaking off, the individual stood meters away now, extending his arms outwards ever so slightly, one hand covering his stomach like a servant.

His mist was much clearer upfront, and held a visible violence to it's pattern of curves and turning edges; His yellow eyes and suit gave a feeling of dread to most, while Todoroki and Bakugo's heart rates spiked, as their faces paled sternly.

"Ah~ The fish I was looking for. Mind introducing yourself please?" Izuku said as took 3 steps forward before stopping both somewhat far away from the man.

"Mind my manners, it's not often I get the chance to have a proper conversation in these types of settings. I suppose I should do the curtesy of giving my greetings then. I am Kurogiri, of the league of Villains. I would say it's a pleasure, but sadly, we have to stand in your way for the time being." Izuku chuckled at that, as the man watched eagerly and confused.

"I suppose it isn't. You don't know me, do you? I'm sure spacial manipulation is much better used on something else than mere children, no? So, what's today's aim exactly? I'm thinking lunch myself, but everyone has their preferences."

Eyes narrowing, Kurogiri looked once over the kid, wondering how much he knew. Thirteen however, moved long before the conversation could prove fruitful.

Causing the man to react several times sooner than he would have.

"You? I'm not too certain why I would. Our target today is All Might, who seems to be absent. Sadly, since he isn't here, we'll have to eliminate the number of students here by at least four." To which the man's mist covered body expanded rapidly attempting to surround everyone there.

"No you don't!" Thirteen said as she moved to the scene. Her suit's index opened, to which all of the spoke had slowly seeped into. His body shook, but one piece of titanium was visible now, running from his neck to his ribcage.

"Ah, Pro hero Thirteen! I've see-" Kurogiri's words were cut short.

Izuku did not simply stand still, as Thirteen targeted from the side, infact, Izuku... Pierced from the front. His hand, like a hot knife onto butter, ripped through the man's chest, his left lung trailed into goop. Before another word could be spoke, the man's eyes widened in rapid shock.

A sickening crunch was the only indication that Izuku moved at all, and before anyone could react even with impending horror, Kurogiri collapsed from a sudden extreme pain travelling across his chest, along with the chemicals he was forced to exhale.

If Midnight's Somnambulism had inhalation properties, why not just direct it directly into his lungs!

Or so was Izuku's view on the matter.

'One bird down~' He thought as his fingers and forearm dripped with crimson. Blood dripped from his lips as blood silently left his moth onto his other hand.

"Thanks~! My meal is truly delicious." Izuku said softly and cheerfully to Thirteen as he continued to twist his arm past the metal shielding of Kurogiri's chest. The class turned away from the sight as soon as they could.

Soon, he moved his hand and the 'wound' closed up, resulting in a disformed repair of flesh, one that would do more than scar.

"I-Izuku?!" Ida spoke as Tsuyu gagged, covering her lips with her gloves; Izuku's fingers were covered with blood, up to his wrist. It caused many in the class to look at him with fervor and mild discouragement.


His class shook at the easiness in which Izuku spoke. Ochaco especially gazed at her 'friend' with stricken nerves, as she felt a cold chill down her spine. The others were no different, if to list a few, Momo had her lips parted ever so slightly, Ida held a terrified look, Tokoyami and Shoji gazed with shock.

Bakugo's expression however, took the pie! His lips quivered as he shook in his place, it was the face of his childhood pal, yet somehow, it wasn't him. No, it wasn't Izuku, this couldn't be him! It couldn't be the child that always smiled and wanted to save everyone. The child that always wanted to be a... hero? His heart skipped a beat when Izuku stopped smiling once again. It froze over when their eyes met, and then petrified when the boy turned away with little emotion; Katsuki wasn't sure what to do, so he just stood there.


Shaking. Did he do this? Was all of this because of him? He couldn't help but repeat the questions he asked himself for the last few days, the consequences of his past years once again settling onto his view of the real world.

The only comfort was Kirishima's hand on his shoulder, quickly snapping the boy out of his fears.

"I-Izuku.?" Ochaco whispered to only receive a soft smile. He spoke as if he was playing a game of catch.

"Relax! I healed him! He's still alive and breathing!" He spoke as he turned to the body on the floor, limp.

Aoyama vomited in the background as the class took a collective step backwards.

Some shivering like Mineta, fear encompassing their senses as they entered a state of terror, and some ready to attack, like Shota, whose body unintentionally started producing more ice. A basic fight or flight response covered the crowd, all for Ochaco, who simply stood in hesitation, a deer caught in the moment. Even those who didn't react with flee response looked away from the splatter a liters worth of blood on the floor, covering their mouths.

Everyone was somewhat weary, if not motivated by their increased terror.

"That-t That's not the problem!" Thirteen practically screamed, but the blood on Izuku's fingers slowly seeped into his body as extra 'nutrition'.

"Yes yes, would all of you have wanted him to teleport you into where-ever, to do something that could easily have led to worst scenarios? Who know what would have happened if they did that? Probably several deaths! See! This is what I mean! So much heroism, so little capacity for action!"

Turning his head to the teen far away once more, who seemed to seething at the moment, Izuku walked towards the edge of the platform. He threw a paper towards Momo from behind, who flinched before catching it's falling form. She opened it up before looking at the several different instructions. All of which seemed to be different steps to... something. Even blueprints for a deathly set of weapons. Infact, it was a layout for several different scenes; 'Did he make this now?' She thought as her calm still maintained some function of rational.

"All quirks can be dangerous you see." He spoke suddenly to the odd look from Thirteen. The class gazed for only a moment, seeing no smile on his face.

"But being a hero is more than just quirks, it doesn't matter what your born with or how dangerous you are. It's... heart, heart that decides whether or not you can make the good and the hard choices when you have to; Tell me, if you knew that your peers, those around you could get injured, hurt, or even die, wouldn't you all fight with everything you have too?"

He noted as he gazed on the enemies infront of him, moving his hand towards Kurogiri's limp body.

The collar of the man, the ripped metal, shivered before his body was slowly dragged across the floor towards Izuku by some unknown force, as if an act of strength to demonstrate his calm attitude in face of hundreds of onlookers; The latter held the man's neck and lifted his unconscious body upwards, infront of all the villains.

Many took a moment to stare as Izuku sent the body towards the fountain of the plaza, in one move the man crossed around 70 meters or more, then Kurogiri crashed into the fountain right behind the supposed head of the operation. The teen stopped to turn to his ally, before screaming something, causing the largest one to stare at Izuku with it's exposed eye muscles flickering.

"How about this? You all encompass the idealistic part of being a hero, and sit back quietly telling me what's right and what isn't, act all calm and tranquil when you're far from the violence, the pain and brutality, all while I take the action portion of it and act cruelly to protect you all, so when I save you all, you can all tell me what you think a hero should be like instead of doing something when you could have." He chuckled at his own words.

"But, if any of you grow a pair, and finally learn to act instead of huddling around like preschoolers, check that paper and follow my instructions. At the very least you'll all learn that it's more than just talk that makes a hero, and that you can do a hell of a job saving others when you're stronger than your enemies, and much more courageous."

He spoke with mild humor and some resentment, taking a leap towards the central plaza, entering the sky with several wings as his body lost it's internal structure, turning into mut a mesh of muscles and wings. Everyone bellow stopped and gazed at the kid, before Aizawa heard a whisper to head back to the class; Obliging, the hero took his chance and followed through, deciding the best course of action was to get everyone out of this place as fast as possible.

None of the villains dared try to stop, as what looked like a thousand eyes gazed at their frames from way above; Feeling terror encompass their very natures, they could only take as many steps back as they needed to. To get far away from that 'hero'; Yet they couldn't properly move, some tripping across themselves as their legs and arms flailed but aimed for the exits.

Before anyone could escape or run off however, hundreds of glowing spears shot out of the black beings wings and eyes, as if holding something sinister within it's feathers, all the while hundreds of more wings appeared on each side, inhaling several liters of air at a time into the bubble within.

Aizawa saw the anguished faces of his class cringe at the sight, many unable to take it in, before seeing even greater anguish from the ones trying to approach them as the villains tried to run as far as they could.

But then the spears followed.

Rather than kill, every single projectile pierced the legs and arms of the villains bellow, anchoring them to the ground as they silently screamed, their voices in reverence to the being above; Hundreds were skewered simultaneously, and many of those who kept moving away would find themselves pinned by their arms, limbs or mutated appendages.

While this was not all the enemies within USJ, from the many Izuku had perceived as scattered across the entire landscape, it was those that carried the greatest level of annoyance that suffered silently, as Izuku removed any trace of their screams.

All would fear now at the sight of something more cruel than any villain here.

"All kneel beneath me." The voice boomed with almost a laugh. Terror continued as the pain of impalement spread across the limbs of the victims, though now only serving to induce sadistic pleasure to the perpetrator. Their voices however, never let out a single auditory syllable.

"For I am here." The wings opened to reveal a mass of crimson and pulsating eyes, all of which gazed to the only real enemy infront of him.

Tomura took a step back at the sight, muttering incoherently, he screamed what he should have minutes ago.

"Nomu! Harpy! Kill Him Now! NOW!"

As Izuku moved closer and closer, the rapid scratching of the neck was seen from the teen, the largest bird like creature soon squatted and jumped towards the boy at extreme velocity. The other one only stared from afar as the teenager screamed profanities.

The being above, Izuku, laughed and laughed.

It was exactly the fun he waited on, the entertainment and food he desired especially.

'Three on one? That doesn't sound too fair. For any of you.' The boy thought as he dove downwards, extending from the cocoon of wings a single, massive arm like appendage towards the accelerating 'Nomu', with a single mouth on it's palm.

A resounding scream sent the bird like creature into the ground, all while making a massive shockwave that knocked away the spears of light, leaving over 60 villains unconscious and injured. The rest dared not move, slowly drifting asleep from the pain.

It was just the first move. Yet something terrifying had already begun.

DaoistreLnu5 DaoistreLnu5

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