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100% Star Wars: Sarith (AU) / Chapter 3: Time waits for no man, unless it's me. I have plenty

Kapitel 3: Time waits for no man, unless it's me. I have plenty

Orontaro slept for a long time. He slept for 5 days straight after undertaking the Force's spiritual trial. He only woke up again because his body was thirsty. He could go a full 10 days without water, but that wouldn't mean his body wasn't thirsty during that time. He straightened out his brown robes again and grabbed a full meal at the dining hall in the morning. He then explored some different areas of his temple, updated his new body's permissions in the core temple archives, and now he was going for a stroll through the temple's halls.

It was already afternoon on Tython and the yellow sun was highest in the sky, seen through the skylight windows and crystals above his head. All throughout his temple had mosaic glass as skylights and crystal gems to reflect the sunlight into all parts of each room. It was truly beautiful and a natural source of lighting.

It was a Gree architecture technology from the Royal Citadel-type blueprints. The reflection of the natural lighting and different colored glass caused the shadows to be tinted, red, yellow, orange, green, and blue. It was a set of moving artwork that changed based on the sun's position in the sky. Since it was noon, the walls around Orontaro were covered in deep blue reflections, like he was underwater and the floor looked like a regal royal red carpet from the red shadows. The Gree people really were the most ancient and advanced race in the universe, even their architecture and art were advanced.

Nothing much changed during Orontaro's time asleep. His temple was not easily spotted and explorers couldn't just discover it by chance. His temple was on Tython, the planet where the Je'daii order was first founded. This planet is known for its perfect balance of The Force in its ecosystem. There are aspects of the dark and light sides in coexistence here. It caused the climate to be abnormal; large hurricanes would spring up in certain areas without warning, or a large pack of beasts would sweep the land hungrily, leaving only empty bones in their wake.

It was strange, the dark side seemed to exist in the dangerous creatures and the light side existed in the natural disasters. Each pushing the other back and forth. A balance in the ecosystem rich in The Force.

Tython was a perfect planet for Orontaro to construct his temple, but it wasn't cheap to do so. He spent quite a lot of his savings on his beloved temple. It was an expensive [Type-17 Royal Citadel] blueprint and placed in a semi-hidden location. The reason he wanted to place it on Tython was that the location of the temple would generate that temple's [unique attribute]. Needless to say, if he placed it on a dark side-encased planet like Dathomir the [unique attribute] would be dark-side oriented. So he wanted a balanced planet like Tython for this.

The unique attribute became [Force Focal]. It reduced extreme thinking while inside the temple as well as blended the temple's presence with the surrounding nature. The temple wasn't hidden completely, but it was obscured from prying eyes. So Orontaro was not worried that someone would find his temple so naturally. You couldn't just 'stumble' upon it as if the force 'led you here'. That's why it was obscured. You had to be invited in, or know what you were looking for to find it.

Orontaro's stroll lead him into the temple gardens where he sat on a gothic-designed obsidian bench situated next to a small pond. There was a willow tree draping its branches overhead and the scent of spring filled the air. He came here to think about what he should do next. He felt that he had changed a lot after the Force's trial of spirit. He was more disciplined and cautious than before. He swore not to enter any kind of Force trial anytime soon. Not even the Natural Force Dungeon item card that he planned to use was appealing to him right now. He needed time to recover from the last one.

Orontaro fiddled with the [Destiny Amulet] on his neck while thinking. The current year was around 25,430 BBY. The middle of the schism of the Je'daii order. This was the clash of many different codes, between the Jedi and the Sith. In fact, Orontaro's temple had its own code as well. It considered balance and justice differently than the traditional Jedi Order. It advocated for Vengence on behalf of the weak and curiosity to explore the unknown.

Thinking back on what he wrote in some of his descriptions, lore, and custom cosmetic items, Orontaro felt embarrassed. Some of the things he wrote could be said to have been cringe by internet standards. He tried to remember some of the things he had done.

Oh, right he had paid a lot of money to win that 'Force Vengence' technique from the Grand Auction and used it to complete his Jedi temple's vengeance philosophy. It was supposed to function similarly to form 7, created by Mace Windu. It would use the caster as a focus, to channel the suffering and anger of others in the surroundings and turn it into your strength.

In the game, Jedi player temples needed a philosophy to justify their creation to the developers to keep everything within roleplaying guidelines. Orontaro argued in his case that his 'Jedi' should not actively participate in wars, but remain in the background and would step in if any force 'went too far'. They would not stand by as the innocent are slaughtered but would be the overlooking party to make sure that nothing went too far.

Upon arriving at this thought, Orontaro remembered he also used a few cosmetic items called 'music theme player' on this character. It was a popular thing among players during PVP and raids to jam out to their favorite soundtracks in the background. It would play music when your character performed a certain action as a trigger.

The reason why his thoughts drifted to this was that when Orontaro used 'Force Vengence' in the game he set it to trigger his music theme player and play the Doom OST 'The only thing they fear is you' in the background. He couldn't stop himself from wondering... would that cosmetic still work here? Maybe in the game, it was cool, since many players did things like this, but Orontaro was now in the real star wars universe. He shook to shake away these stray thoughts in his head, thinking that he should get back to planning his next few important decisions.

"First, I can relearn all the techniques at my temple. I stored all of them here for use, even though I never accepted any other players." Oronatro spoke his thoughts aloud.

The player temples were supposed to act similarly to how the guild system works in other RPGs. Sadly, nobody wanted to follow a guild master who was a heavy roleplayer like him. Most guilds were min-maxers and Sith guilds. There were very few players that invested in a Jedi temple as they prohibited conquering planets directly and required political decisions to take action on behalf of the people.

Orontaro had to be honest with himself, he wanted to explore the universe and get involved with things immediately. But he also knew, he was too weak right now. Even though he had the force ability [Goal Tracing], he was weak in terms of knowledge, force skills, and strength.

He did have a few items that he could use to help him get an education. That could help his lack of knowledge. They were 'Insititution Education Enrollment' item cards he could use to directly get accepted as a student at the most prestigious education institute at the current time. But he still needed to hide his force sensitivity with [Force Cloak]. He was safe from discovery now, because he was in his temple, but if he tried to leave he could be discovered. He needed to relearn many of his [Red Sith] characters' previous skills.

Overall, he was in an era of constant fighting between different force sensitives and their ideology. He would need strength no matter what he chose to do. He better prepare himself to buckle down and train up again for the next few years. Orontaro's thoughts drifted to a few other unimportant things as he sat in his temple's garden. His thoughts eventually changed to thinking about transportation.

He had the dream of building his own starship. He only had a basic one for his game character and it didn't even have a hyperdrive or any of the good technology you would normally want to see. It was the basic transport model: Zilan-5 Kwa Transporter. It was only good for traveling and didn't carry any weapons. This was one of the better ones available during this time period and he spent his money on the cash shop for this design.

In the future, this ship would have to go. There was just too little he could do with it right now, and he could get an engineering education to help him make a better ship in the future. He daydreamed about building his own ship, one so powerful Sith Lords drooled over it, and one so luxurious that senators would resign their positions for it. He would design one of the greatest ships ever created. He only needed time to make it, which he had because of his 40,000-year lifespan. He had tons of extremely rare metals back in his storage that he could use, like the living metal Heartwoe, a metal whose value couldn't be calculated in money since it was so precious. The blood-red metal only had a small downside in that it contained dark-side elements. It would not very appealing to traditional Jedi, but he wouldn't let that stop him though.

Orontaro shifted in his seat and glanced at the fish, beneath the surface of the pond. He blinked his eyes as he reflected on just how easy it is for him to organize his goals now. He had been listing off so many options so easily and filing them away at the back of his mind neatly. Perhaps OCD wasn't as bad as people used to say.

He stopped reflecting on his mental changes and continued sorting his thoughts. He had updated his temple records this morning after visiting the core archives with his new race's DNA and biometrics. He also tested his midichlorian count with his temple's Mark 1 Architect droid. Due to the race derivation, his previous midichlorian count was boosted by 2,000 per cell. Now his total midichlorian count was 19,800 from the original 17,800 on his old [Red Sith] character, nearly the highest available amount per cell allowed in the game. He was quite satisfied with his new number. In the Star Wars universe, the midichlorian count determines a being's connection to the force. Having more of them per cell would increase the total maximum influence they could exert with the force at any one time.

For example, Anakin had a high midichlorian count of around 27,000 after being born directly from the force. This was the highest count ever recorded, meaning he had a higher limit on force manipulation compared to any other force user to have existed till then. Grandmaster Yoda only had a count of around 17,700 but even then he was still one of the most powerful Jedi on the council when Anakin was in the Order. It's not that Yoda was weaker than Anakin, but that Anakin had a 'wider channel' for using force than Yoda. So he could burst out more influence at once compared to him.

A midichlorian count above 16,000 seemed to be an important unofficial benchmark in the Star Wars universe, as most Force Sensitives with a count higher than this were prominent figures that changed Star Wars history. Orontaro had already passed this benchmark by a significant amount and could certainly count himself to have met the criteria to be one of those big influences on Star Wars history if he had time enough to grow. His count wasn't as abnormal as 'The Chosen One', but he was powerful enough, and his lifespan was more than enough to dive further into the force than anyone before him.

"I feel like I'm a living cheat. I arrived here in the Star Wars universe with my game character and all its assets. I am projected to live long enough to see the birth and death of the Republic. I will see other civilizations rise and fall naturally... I am lucky, but also I will always be alone. I am the only one of my kind." Orontaro spoke aloud, laughing in the beginning but becoming melancholy towards the end of his spoken thoughts.

"Well, I guess I can just build some immortal droids to keep me company through the ages." He said optimism returning to his voice.

"Hup," Orontaro breathed in sharply and swung himself off of the bench.

"I guess that's enough mental organization for now. I can do the rest tonight."

Orontaro made his way out of the garden and towards the treasure hall, which he used for meditation. An hour had passed unknowingly while he sorted his thoughts in the temple garden and the colors of the walls had changed from deep blue shadows to turquoise green. He admired the ever-changing colors until he arrived at his white marble throne. He settled himself into a meditation position with his back straight and his legs crossed in the lotus position.

He felt discomfort on the marble, but he mentally commanded himself to remain disciplined and not focus on the discomfort he felt meditating on it. He wanted to get used to meditating here since the thone strengthened one's connection to the force while in meditation. And now, he was truly trying meditation for the first time since he arrived here as his game character. He quieted his mind after a bit of struggle and got himself into a rhythm of breathing.

He felt a connection after only a few minutes to what he could only describe as a feeling like wind and water, all around him. It flowed through him, through the marble throne under him, through this very planet he was on. It was ever-present. It was the Force. The deeper he went into meditation, the more he could feel the 'currents' of the Force around him. He noticed exactly how his marble was changing the flow of the Force, directing it to him like a riverine, while isolating the edges of that flow from prying eyes.

'What is the Force?' he couldn't help voicing this question. And nobody would answer that for him, because even the old Je'daii order doesn't have a good answer, they can only describe it as best as possible.

He focused on directing the flow of the 'Force' into and around himself. It swirled around him gently, like a soft stirring of a ladle in soup. He remained in this state for a long time. In fact, he spent a full 18 hours in meditation and didn't realize it due to his body's reduced needs. It's a strange thing to meditate with the Force. It's like going deep inside yourself to adjust your state, letting an outside force pass through you. It can even have unexpected rare occurrences like force visions or inspiration for new force abilities. But he didn't have any of these occurrences this time.

Orontaro opened his eyes to a completely dark room. There was very little moonlight coming in through the skylights. He finally got to feel the effects of his racial negatives. He was nearly blind. He could barely see 4 inches in front of him. The rest of the room was nothing but black for him.

"Uh, well. I forgot I'm blind at night." he squinted his eyes hard to try and make out any outlines of the force treasures in the hall, but he couldn't.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna deal with this. I need to make myself some goggles to deal with this or something." Orontaro said as he walked very slowly towards the exit of the hall while feeling around with his arms. Thankfully, the temple was well organized by his OCD a few days ago and he didn't bump into anything. He made his way into his bed chamber and went to sleep. He was surprised at how tired he was, he didn't realize that holding a meditation position was so exhausting for him. His body could go days without sleep, but his mind still couldn't. He needed to rest.

"Isn't meditation supposed to be a replacement for sleep? *Yawn* ...whatever" Orontaro muttered before sleeping.


Tython, Moa Jedi Temple of the old Je'daii

A rakata man smiled at two passing Jedi along his way down the corridors of the Temple. Rakata were egg-head-shaped humanoids with two horizontal stalks on the sides of their face to hold their eyes. They also had the largest empire in the galaxy: The Rakatan Infinite Empire. He was a member of the Moa Temple, a sect of the newly founded Jedi Order that was reusing the old Je'daii temple here on Tython for training new members. As the two Jedi returned his smile back to him, his face changed and grew cold.

'Pathetic and predictable,' he thought to himself smugly as he walked into the archives room.

He had long developed a technique for masking emotions in front of his Jedi colleagues. Actually, he created the technique himself and called it [Force Mask]. It created a 'fake persona' of emotions to fool force sensitives [Force Sense]. It was quite a good technique for intel gathering and espionage. He didn't plan to teach anyone this technique though, it was too valuable to him.

'What use is the force if it cannot be used for your own purposes?' he thought to himself as he reflected on some of another Jedi's lectures today.

'The only use you have is access to the knowledge from the ancient Je'daii. You have no respect in my eyes other than that.'

He walked over to a blue Holocron took it from a podium, and walked next to the local Temple librarian. He once again used [Force Mask] and smiled brightly at the human man at the desk.

"Good evening, Jedi Master Ocely. Weather on Tython seems wonderful lately, don't you think." He said to Master Ocely, the human librarian.

"Ah, Master Dra'am. Yes, seems so." Master Ocely calmly replied while taking a look at the Holocron in Dra'am's hands.

"I know that one. Lessons from Grandmaster Zicyth Dol-ro on Force Precognition and Prophecy. Interesting choice." Master Ocely commented.

"Indeed. I hope he will recognize me this time and let me learn from him. *sigh*" the rakata Master sighed.

"Don't worry. Be patient and he naturally will, Master Dra'am." Master Ocely smiled slightly and recorded Dra'am as the user of Zicyth Dol-ro's Holocron.

"Haha, I hope you are right! Goodnight, Master Ocely" Ra'am replied, laughing lightly.

"Goodnight Master Ra'am" Master Ocely responded.

Ra'am walked briskly back through the halls of the temple and returned to his small room. Immediately his smile returned to a blank face and he dropped his act along with his [Force Mask] ability. He clenched his teeth in frustration, taking a glance at the Holocron in his hand. He would get Zicyth Dol-ro to accept him eventually, but he hoped it was tonight. He had been perfecting his [Force Mask] just for this stupid Holocron to recognize him as a 'pure and upright' creature to pass on Zicyth Dol-ro's knowledge.

That's right. This was the true value of Master Ra'am's personally created technique. He could fool Holocrons to a certain extent, allowing him to 'crack' some of the most difficult ones within the Moa Temple. Holocrons are only a remnant of a Jedi's teachings and not true force ghosts. It's like an advanced program on a computer, running on the force where the creator of the Holocron sets parameters for who they want to pass on their knowledge to, and the force takes care of the rest.

"This time. You will give me what I want." Ra'am's eyes flashed greedily. He entered into a meditation on his bed, and once again reactivated [Force Mask], giving himself a solemn, calm, and justice-filled personality as the mask. The force flowed into the Holocron in his lap and an old Gree hologram-like image was displayed in front of Ra'am. It was the Grandmaster Zicyth Dol-ro.

"Greetings Grandmaster, I am here to learn if you can teach me." Ra'am bowed solemnly.




Hello again everyone,

I'm happy that everyone is looking forward to the story. I've rarely seen fanfictions get so many power stones this early. I want to let everyone know up front that I write and refine the chapters slowly. They go through a few iterations of changes before I release them, so I have plenty of time to read your comments and consider adding your ideas to the story.

Do not be alarmed if I don't update you every day. I want a quality story and I need a lot of time to think, research cannon and wiki, and fit components of the Star Wars Genesis game into star wars lore in a way that fits.

As always, leave comments. I write more when I get comments, stones, and more people adding the story to their collections.


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