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92.45% Dragon Ball Oneiron / Chapter 49: Episode 21: (Son Goku Saga) The Strong Villain of the Desert, Yamcha – Mauka’s Unexpected Insight

Kapitel 49: Episode 21: (Son Goku Saga) The Strong Villain of the Desert, Yamcha – Mauka’s Unexpected Insight

Dragon Ball – Scene 21.0: Earth, Southeast Mountain Area, September 6th, Morning, Age 749


"In search of the sixth Dragon Ball, Bulma, Stockings, Goku, Mauka and Voidotte head southwest. As does Oolong, who was forced to go with them, much to the love-struck Voidotte's delight."


Bulma, Stockings, Goku, Mauka, Voidotte and Oolong are in a boat passing through a river with Bulma in the drivers seat as Stockings is resting from the fight she had with Hemlock and the Verdugo. Mauka sees her best friend and can't understand what she sees in Oolong as she knows he's not a good match for her. Stockings notices this and decides to tease Mauka on it…



(Mischievous Smile, Whispering)

Still confused, Mauka-Chan?


(Teen) Mauka:

(Annoyed, Whispering)

I don't get it! What does she sees in this creep!? I know Void-Chan. She's smarter than this! She must see that Oolong is nothing but a villain!



Love Is Blind. Also – Attraction Is Not A Choice.


(Teen) Mauka:

Repulsion Is Not A Choice Either, ya know.



Don't you have someone you are attracted to that everyone else will never do?


(Teen) Mauka:

Quite the opposite. Every stupid girl is attracted to the moron. I'm the one who is not interested in him.



(Evil Smile)

Hooo! Do tell. What is his name and why you don't like him?


(Teen) Mauka:


Even though I'm stronger than him, he always manages to win against me. Every girl around him would swoon over him as soon as they see him and they hiss like territorial cats when he only pays attention to me.



Is that so?


She's refusing to say his name…she must really like him if she's unconsciously avoiding to say it.


(Teen) Mauka:

It's not like that. He's just messing around, that's all.




Sometimes that is not always the case. I believe this young man is actually interested in you. What else can you tell me about him?


(Teen) Mauka:

Why bother? But since you insist – He's Cocky, Strong, Too Carefree, Strong, Annoying Smile, Strong, Stupid Sense of Humor…Did I mentioned he's Strong?



(Amused Smile)

No, you haven't.


Ara Ara. You actually used it 4 times counting with your question. Looks like Mauka-Chan hasn't noticed she actually has a crush on the boy. She's a really Big Tsundere. Maybe one day she'll realize the truth of her feelings. Hopefully she doesn't develop feelings for someone that will lead her astray.


What was his name again?


(Teen) Mauka:

Blade and he's a weirdo…



(Thinking, Surprised)

Did she say "Blade"!? I hope it is not the son of Balmung and Sword. Blade-Dono is one of the reasons Bulma is trying to wish for the perfect boyfriend after he turned her down. If I remember correctly, the reason Blade-Dono turned Bulma's confession down was because he has feelings for another girl. Could this girl be you, Mauka-Chan? If you are…

(Warm Smile)

…you are one lucky girl, Mauka-Chan. I hope you and Blade-Dono do get together one day by understanding how you truly feel towards him.


(Teen) Bulma:

Only 2 Dragon Balls left! I would be saying that if that creep in the sunglasses didn't swipe the 6-Star Ball from us. It looks like this will set us back a little. I expected that this would take us a while. Longer now since we need to get that ball back.


(Teen) Mauka:

(Out Loud)

I wouldn't worry. Wesker is not the type to sit on an asset and not use it. He'll use it as bait to draw us into a trap soon enough. We'll get it back.


(Teen) Bulma:

I hope you are right about getting it back.


(Kid) Goku:

But why are we bringing Oolong with us?




That's what I'd like to know.


(Teen) Bulma:


Oolong and Void-Chan's transformation ability is really something! It has come in handy from time to time when Void-Chan helped us when we needed her the most. Having 2 Shapeshifters will help us much more in the long-run.


(Teen) Mauka:

Plus we need bait to lure out Wesker and Hemlock.






(Teen) Mauka:

But you are a strong young man. I'd say as strong as Goku…not nearly as strong, but strong enough to impress the heart of a Pure and Innocent Maiden.

(Forced Smile)

…Rrriiiggghhhttt, Void-Chan?



(Flustered, Ashamed)



(Teen) Mauka:

Also…since I'll be training to fight Wesker and Hemlock, I'm going to sleep in my underwear from now on. I also have a habit to train too hard, my body heats up so much, it takes a full day for it to cool down. If it gets really bad, I usually sleep naked.



(Out Loud)

What a coincidence. I'm exactly the same way. When I overwork myself, my body tends to overheat and I'm forced to sleep in my underwear and if I really overdo it, I sleep naked as well.



(Blushing, Acting Cool)

Well…since you put it that way…I guess being a hero does has its responsibilities and isn't too bad.


(Teen) Mauka:

(Annoyed, Thinking)

Looks like Kei is right. It's like she always says – "Cold As Ice, But In The Right Hands They Melt". It's always the innocent ones that think like that such as Kei you need to be scared of.


(Teen) Bulma:


That was actually a great strategy Mauka used on Oolong…

(Mischievous Smile)

…I was going to use that on him if he was going to be difficult. I'm glad she did. I read in a book that if you have someone do something they don't like a day, it ends up becoming a habit. If I make Mauka act more womanly starting today…she will start seeing things my way…

(Evil Confident Snickering)


(Kid) Goku:



(Teen) Mauka:

(Out Loud)

Did you go crazy again, Underwear Girl?



(Worried Sigh)

What are you up to this time, Bulma?


As they continue down the river which is boring that both Goku and Mauka are getting to do nothing, sitting on the boat just waiting to reach shore that Mauka is moaning in boredom; meanwhile secretly Stockings shares the same sentiments as Mauka and Goku, but since she's a mature woman and a maid at that, she needs to maintain appearances, but she's gripping her skirt tightly on how bored she is doing nothing but staying still; Stockings actually wanted to drive the boat, but Bulma insisted so her mother-figure could save her strength if Wesker and Hemlock would show up once again: she is right as a giant monster is hiding underwater, ready to attack them on its Master's Orders.


Phase 1:

Nightmare Link 5 – Vs. Del Lago N-Type


(Kid) Goku:

We sure have come a long way. Aren't we there yet?


(Teen) Mauka:

I could have flown to the other side with Void-Chan a long time ago, but since Wesker could show up at any moment, I decided to stick around.


(Teen) Bulma:

We still got a long way to go. I'd guess about three more days…

(Grabbing Map From Bag)




Say, where the hell are you guys trying to do anyway?


(Teen) Bulma:

(Looking At Map)

Let's see…Somewhere around Mt. Frypan.




W-What? Mt. Frypan!? You were planning to go there!?


(Kid) Goku:

You know that place?


(Teen) Mauka:

Judging by your expression, I'm expecting it to be a very bad location filled with countless dangers and perils.

(Excited Smile)

Tell Us All You Know!




I agree with Mauka-Chan. I'm curious of this location myself.



(Shocked, Annoyed)

You're Crazy! You've never heard of it!? The terrifying Gyumao lives on Mt. Frypan!


Stockings, (Teen) Mauka, (Kid) Goku:



(Teen) Bulma:

He doesn't scare me! After dealing with Wesker as of late, the Gyumao will be a pushover when Son-Kun, Mauka and my Mom take care of him for us!



You don't know how horrible the Gyumao is!






He's truly terrifying! He's known as the emperor of demons! Everyone who gets near Mt. Frypan gets this!

(Signals Throat Getting Slit)


(Teen) Bulma:


They get killed?



Yeah and his general is just as nasty! She looks like a beautiful woman with short hair and a tail wearing a Pink Qipao, but don't let that fool you, she is just as terrifying as she can knock your head off from a distance!


(Teen) Mauka:

(Shocked, Thinking)

A Beautiful Woman with Short Hair and a Tail!? Could it be…!?


(Kid) Goku:

(Excited Smile)

Sounds kinda neat!




You can count me out! Transform!

(Transforms Into A Red Fish, Smiling)


(Swims Away)





(Kid) Goku:

(Annoyed, Gets Naked)

What a jerk! I'll dive in and catch him!


Before Goku goes after Oolong, the transformed fish swims back frantically as a large wave of water follows behind him as Mauka notices that the wave is actually one of Wesker's Monsters. Mauka tells Goku to protect Oolong, Bulma & Voidotte while Stockings and herself fight this underwater monster. Bulma quickly revs up the boat and drives the hell out of there. While underwater, Mauka notices that the monster is a giant salamander with an oversize mouth with tentacles moving around there and swimming at amazing speeds, but Mauka and Stockings have trained their bodies enough to keep up with its speeds and able to keep their breath underwater for long periods of time. They try to hit it as hard as they can, but its scales are as hard as steel, so they have no choice but to resort to Ki Blasts to deal some damage to it, but notices that it has no effect on it either. All seemed lost until they both notices that the monster is bleeding from its mouth as it seems it ate something or someone that put up a fight before getting eaten. Stockings signals Mauka to use her most powerful technique as she will distract it. Mauka nods and starts to charge her Super Galick Gun while Stockings attacks the creature. While charging her attack, Mauka tries her best to focus on the battle, but seeing Stockings fight, Mauka can't help but remember her mother somehow. Once her Ultimate Attack is ready, Stockings notices this and swims towards Mauka and slows down enough to bait the creature to open its mouth wide enough for Mauka's attack. Once she sees an opening, Mauka fires her Super Galick Gun and killing the monster instantly by blowing it up from the inside out.


Wesker & Hemlock managed to gauge Mauka & Stockings' power, especially that he now knows the truth about Bulma's Maid. Mauka & Stockings swims up to the surface and see Voidotte waiting for them on the surface of the lake as she was worried. With Voidotte leading them back to Goku, Bulma and Oolong, but they notice that they are staying still as the boat ran out of gas. Mauka suggests that she and Goku push the boat, but Bulma declines and asks Oolong & Voidotte transforming into Oars in order to row the boat to shore as Bulma wants the Saiyans to stay at full strength in order to face Wesker's B.O.W.s if they show up to attack them again. After reaching shore, Goku goes to pee while Mauka & Stockings get a change of clothes as for Bulma & Oolong are arguing about her giving him her panties; suddenly Bulma notices that her capsules are gone, but doesn't panic since Stockings have her own capsules. Much to Bulma's dismay, Stockings with a sad and ashamed look on her face returns to the others with her wet clothes as it seems she lost her capsules fighting the monster. Mauka's Armor and Suit are new because she didn't lose the capsule Stockings gave her for Mauka bringing her gear in this journey. Mauka and Goku suggest they walk, but Bulma snaps at them saying it's easy for them because Mauka can fly on her own while Goku has the Kinto Un. Goku suggests that Oolong and Voidotte should transforms into something to help her move to where they are going, but Oolong ran away while they were all arguing as he doesn't want to go to Mt. Frypan. Goku search around but couldn't find him and Mauka didn't bother using her Scouter to find him because she still thinks Oolong isn't a good guy for her best friend, Voidotte. Stockings notices this, but said nothing as tending to Bulma is more important than reprimand the Young Saiyan.


However, Bulma laughs mischievously which worries Stockings and annoys Mauka as the Female Earthling starts saying loudly "Pee! Pee! Pee!…" repeatedly. It turns out while Mauka and Stockings were fighting Del Lago, Bulma fed a candy to Oolong that she made called "PP Candy" and whomever eats it gets a severe case of explosive diarrhea if anyone says "Pee Pee" as she threatens him to comeback or she'll say it a lot more. Mauka is disgusted, Voidotte is saddened, Stockings is ashamed as she facepalms and Goku distrust Bulma even more as he still thinks she's a witch; but Bulma tells them with a carefree smile on her face that the effects lasts only a month. That doesn't give any peace of mind to anyone around her as Oolong return promising not to runaway again. Bulma demands Oolong to transforms into a bike but fall apart as soon as she mounts him. Oolong explains his situation which infuriates Bulma as they are forced to walk on their journey.


Phase 2:

Nightmare Link 6 – Vs. Gulp Worm N-Type


As Goku, Mauka, Stockings, Voidotte, Bulma & Oolong are walking through the desert, the latter are sweating like crazy and downright thirsty as the heat of the scorching sun is too much for them to bear that they feel are about to keel over as they complain insensibly. Before the Saiyans could tell them to suck it up, they all sensed something wrong as the ground starts making noise. Mauka activates her Scouter and sees that there's something underground making a beeline towards them. She notices that whatever it is, it's heading towards Bulma that Mauka jumps and gets her out of the way as a giant worm tried to swallow her whole. The worm roars as it borrows back underground. Oolong panics and starts to run, but his footsteps gives away his location, making the worm rush towards him, but Goku saves him just like his sister did for Bulma. Goku & Mauka puts both Bulma & Oolong on top of a large rock, a very safe location and out of reach from the worm trying to gulp them whole (No Pun Intended, Dear Readers 😹). Fortunately Mauka can track the worm with her Scouter and gives its location to both Goku and Stockings as she does so while looking from up high with a Bird's Eye View as she flies from above the area. Stockings has a plan: Stockings will get the worm out of hiding and Goku will slay it with his Power Pole. They all ask how can she do that as Stockings asks where is the worm, Mauka tells her and using this information, Stockings predicts where will it move, so she jumps up high, smash the ground hard as soon as she went back down and she did so as hard as possible that the worm comes out of the ground unwillingly into the air; Goku sees it and smashes it in half with his Power Pole just as planned by Stockings. As soon as the remains of the worm hits the ground, the stench that everyone is disgusted by the smell that is even worse than Oolong's diarrhea waste.


Phase 3:

Vs. Yamcha


After taking care of the worm, Goku and his party continue heading to Mt. Frypan but due to the extreme heat and almost being devoured by the worm, they decided to rest up until they can continue on their journey. They take shelter under a large hollow rock with Goku, Mauka and Stockings charged with protecting Bulma, Voidotte and Oolong in case Wesker sends another monster after them. However unknown to them, they are being watched by Puar from up top of Yamcha's Hideout as he laughs when going to tell Yamcha what he saw. Yamcha heads out to see what he's dealing with, but he only sees Goku and Oolong because at the moment Mauka, Stockings and Bulma are resting inside the hollow rock away from the sun. Oolong states that he's hungry, so Goku decides to look for some food for them all. Suddenly they hear the sound of a motor from a distance and a cloud of dust from the direction of the sound. Everything goes as the original story, however Mauka and Stockings heard Yamcha arriving there except for Bulma as she is taking a nap. But as soon as Mauka lays eyes on Yamcha, her heart skips not just a beat, but multiple beats as she has never seen anyone as handsome as Yamcha and not only that, thanks to Grandpa Gohan's training, Mauka can sense Ki from all those around her and upon sensing how strong Yamcha is, she falls madly in love with him because of it; his good looks are also a factor as he looks like a rogue and to Female Saiyans, Power Levels aren't the only thing they are looking for, but also the Bad Boy Persona; A Main Reason Mauka doesn't like Blade as Blade behaves like Gohan in his High School Years and older. Stockings notices this as she is both happy and worried for Mauka: Happy because this proves her words to be true – Attraction Is Not A Choice. Worried because she hopes this doesn't hurt the possibility of Mauka getting together with Blade.


Voidotte is surprised to see Puar with Yamcha after so many years apart and sees he still is holding a grudge at Oolong for all of his bullying that Yamcha is motivated to teach the pig a lesson. Oolong scared for his well-being asks Goku to fight Yamcha as he runs to hide with the girls. Mauka, Stockings and Voidotte aren't worried since Goku is strong, they aren't worried of him losing to Yamcha even after the Desert Bandit drawing his sword. Oolong is annoyed seeing Bulma sleeping so carefree on the ground while Goku is about to fight Yamcha. The fight goes as originally with Mauka finding out famous their Grandpa Gohan truly is once Yamcha learned that Goku wield the Power Pole and Oolong admitting to it too. However…As soon as Yamcha changes his fighting stance, Mauka is in awe upon seeing it as he prepares for his trademark attack: Rogafufuken [Wolf Fang Gale Fist]. When the attack lands, Oolong, Voidotte and Stockings are shocked on how Yamcha sends Goku flying through the stone pillars nearby, but Mauka is awestruck and love-struck as well upon seeing Yamcha's technique as it is something she has never seen in her life. Stockings is disgusted upon seeing Oolong trying to Pander to Yamcha while Voidotte is ashamed, however they are both equally ashamed when Mauka joins in with Oolong, but she is genuinely meaning every word. Yamcha looks at their direction, but Mauka for the first time in her entire life, hides from sight like a shy schoolgirl leaving Oolong to fend for himself, not noticing the Saiyan Princes. Stockings stays out of sight as well since it's her duty as a maid to protect Bulma first and foremost; as for Voidotte, even though she has a crush on Oolong, she worries for Mauka's current mental state as the Saiyan has never behaved like this, not even around Blade.


Yamcha doesn't notice the girls as he shakes down Oolong and during such a moment, they all find out that the pig was holding out on them as he had an M-Sized Hoi Poi Capsule which infuriates Stockings, Voidotte is ashamed and Mauka is excited on seeing how Yamcha threatens Oolong as she sees him as ruthless as a Saiyan, but better looking. Stockings is about to rush Yamcha before could swipe the capsule, but Goku rises from the rubble that he challenges Yamcha's Wolf Fang Gale Fist against his Rock-Paper-Scissors Attack. Goku manages to one-up Yamcha with his attack which infuriates Mauka and for the first time ever is hoping Goku loses which catches everyone off guard wishing for her younger brother to lose to Yamcha as she cheers for him quite loudly that Bulma wakes up from her nap, annoyed at the noise of Mauka's Cheering. As soon as he lays eyes on both Mauka and Bulma's beauty, Yamcha is stunned by them, falls over and rushes away saying that they will be back. Bulma gets a quick glance of Yamcha and falls in love with him which Mauka is furious as she saw him first, sparking a new rivalry between them which annoys Stockings to the point of ignoring them and threateningly demands Oolong to handover the M-Size Capsule which he quickly does as he fears Stockings far more than Yamcha. While back at his hideout, Yamcha reminds Puar of his fear of women and that he will get Goku back to get that capsule. After opening the capsule, Bulma is furious that Oolong was holding out on them as the Saiyans eat everything which annoys the pig. Bulma asks if Oolong have a bathroom to clean herself from the sand dust and sweat that they endured in the desert giving her split-ends, which Oolong leads her to. This prompted Mauka to think of a plan: go search for Yamcha and make him choose her instead of Bulma. Thanks to her training under the Armored Squadron, Grandpa Gohan and the help of her Scouter, Mauka can easily search for Yamcha later that night.


Scene 21.1: Dreamscape, White Void, Age 799


In the Dreamscape, Vegeta is furious seeing Mauka who is his Twin Sister in this recreation is fawning over Yamcha of all people and is trying his best not to show it, but his mother, the queen actually does.


Queen Vegeta:

(Evil Smile)

I told you back then didn't I? If I had a daughter, I would not mind in having her teaching Yamcha how to be a proper inamorata. It seems Ark and Luminescence agrees if it has come to this.







Calm down, Vidro. Your children will be in this reality just like in your reality. You are fated to be with Yamcha, but things will take time.



You mean it?



But of course. What is it that everyone calls this type of situation? A phase?



Definitely. As Supreme Kai of Time, I already foresee that you will be together in the end.



(Telepathic Communication)

That's not how your position works, brat.



(Furious, Telepathic Communication)

They don't need to know that, dummy! So Ssh!


Queen Vegeta:

Remember what are the factors Saiyan fall in love with their mates – Strength, Confidence, Will To Be In Control. Kakarotto and you, my son are married to women with a Strong Character. Son Gohan and Trunks are together with women of Strong Yet Reserve Character, only letting said strength to show when they need to. Unlike most Saiyans, Yamcha does in fact fit the taste for most Female Saiyans. To be honest I would recommend for Males like him to go for Low Class Saiyans. Elites have certain fetishes that can break his sanity.



I'm glad I'm happily married to Vidro.



(Blushing Happily)




So how will you make sure they don't end up together?



Now, now. All in good time. Still, how are you all liking it so far?



It is a little exciting and nostalgic in a way, but Wesker and Hemlock being there doesn't feel right…



I could have booted him long ago, but I noticed something odd…



And that is?



Mauka's Nightmare Powers are rising. Every single time she faces off against one of Wesker's Monsters, she gains "Nightmare Links". Haven't you noticed something odd here? When she faced against Blade, she attained a Dream Link, but when she faced anyone other than Blade or Wesker and his monsters, she doesn't obtain a link. I believe she only obtains a link when facing someone that has the power to define her – either by someone from her own reality or by an enemy sent to her by my current enemy. We need her to face off against Blade or anyone who we asked to take part in this little event of ours in order for her Dream Link to rise.



How about adding our own guest characters into the mixed?



I really don't want to taint Toriyama-Sensei's Legacy by adding something he wouldn't approve.






I really don't want to do this, but if Mauka's Nightmare Link outperforms her Dream Link, she might end up becoming a danger to everyone around her.

(Annoyed Sigh)

I have someone in mind to help Mauka right now. I hope he's willing to help us with balancing Mauka's Links. Wait here. I'll be back soon.



Where are you going?



To recruit a group of heroes…


Scene 21.2: Dreamscape, Dream Gate


Luminescence arrives in front a beautiful diamond gate with golden frames all over and around it. As she enters it she sees heroes from many famous franchises that have existed enjoying their time in paradise. They all greet her and she greets them back, but she's looking around for someone that can help Mauka's Dream link and she finds him.



I never expected to see you again. After playing your game, I was hoping to get a rest after all you put me and my friends through.



Sorry, something came up. I need not only your help, but…All of you.



Must be something big to be crawling to us for help. What is going on?


Luminescence explains the situation to everyone inside the Dream Gate which starts worrying everyone as she reveals that Mauka is the reincarnation of an Ancient with the power to become the next Luminescence. They know Mauka is not a Luminescence Clone, but in reality a counterpart/alternate reality persona just like their friend during their own "Journey" and this worries them to the point they have no choice but take part in this.



This is really serious. If Mauka is an alternate version of you, this will indeed end horrifically if she is infused with Pure Nightmare Energy. Even if this reality is erased, The Dream Gate is indestructible that not even you can erase it.



True, but I don't want my alter ego to go down the same path I did, so I need help in making sure that doesn't happen.



Have you tried making her fight Goku and the others in order to boost her Dream Link?



She faced off against other characters from that alternate universe and not gain any Links. She fought Goku, but it was mostly sparring matches, not a real fight. Maybe, just maybe her Dream Link would arise if she fought Goku and his friends in real battles. I wonder if that's possible at the Tenka-Ichi Budōkai Saga once this Saga is over. Hopefully we'll find out by then.



And you said she's fallen in love at the moment with a rogue? That's not my field of expertise. But I do know how to help with this whole Wesker situation.



You mean you, right…Chris Redfield?



No. If I were there, Wesker would do something drastic and same for everyone from my reality as it will produce the same results. It has to be someone that has experience fighting B.O.W.s and similar monsters that can provide Mauka assistance. If Saiyans are that powerful, then Fukamichi is the only one I can recommend right now.



Guyver I, Sho Fukamichi? Sorry, but I not only need someone to help Mauka against Wesker, but also to fight her in order to boost her Dream Link. Guyver I is a kindhearted soul…he's not going to push Mauka to get stronger in a positive light and I also need a calculating strategist as well as a powerful warrior to do that. Aside from Guyver I, the only one who fits this bill is Sho Fukamachi's Rival, Partner and Friend – Guyver III himself, Agito Makishima.



Are you sure? You do realize Makishima doesn't hold back when fighting someone, even if they are allies.



That is why I want him more than Sho Fukamichi. I need someone with the experience he has as I believe he can help Mauka not just on what we talked about, but in other ways.



What do you have in mind?



I don't do spoilers, Redfield.



(Approaches Luminescence)

After hearing everything, I am quite interested in this universe filled with unique Aliens that are not Zoanoids and these Dragon Balls are very enticing not to look into.



With your background I can find a very useful position where you can do everything you want so long as you do what it is needed of you.



But of course.



I would also like you to accompany him, Shizu Onuma. Your abilities as a Zoalord will be very useful for Mauka's growth.



I was going to ask that of you, but as always you are a step ahead. Shizu?



I will always be by your side, Agito.




As a reward, I will grant you a wish the Dragon Balls cannot grant. Anything your heart desires.



You mean to tell me that the Power of the Dragon Balls are limited?



The ones on Earth, yes. The ones on Cereal too and they come with strings attached to boot. The ones on Namek are higher tier and they are not as limited as the others, but you need a Namekian in order to make the wish since the Dragon only acknowledge Namekian Tongue to make wishes.



But their power still limited.



Yes. The Original Ones, The Super Dragon Balls have no such limitations, but gathering them are next to impossible by any normal means.



Why is that?



The Super Dragon Balls are 1 – The Size of a Planet, 2 – Three of the Balls are in Universe 6 and the other 3 are in Universe 7 while the last ball is in neutral space, in-between both universes. 3 and the most damning thing of these balls – You need to know the Tongue of the Gods in order to use them.



So you can do it. You are not limited to any of the 3 negatives you mentioned.



Actually I don't know the Tongue of the Gods since I'm NOT from that reality. But since you're a genius, I bet you can master it pretty quickly.



You overestimate my abilities, Luminescence.



I believe you can, Agito. Especially on how talented you have always been.



Thank you for your support as always, Shizu.




Please get a room, will ya. That's what I want to say, but unfortunately I need them to be in good spirits so they can help us get Mauka's Links stabilized. Still…Guyver III and Zoalord Griselda…Two of the most deadliest heroes that fought against the Cronos Corporation as the rebel faction created by them – "Zeus' Thunderbolts" who managed to liberate the world from the insanity of Zoalords Archanfel and Hamilcar Barcas. With the help of Sho Fukamichi also known as Guyver I, Zeus' Thunderbolts managed to free the world from Archanfel, The Leader & Strongest of the Zoalords and the one who killed the very first Guyver, Guyver 0. I wonder how they will help Mauka…I need to make arrangements for them to fit in the story. Good thing I know where they will easily fit in nicely…


To Be Continued…

StarscreamSigma StarscreamSigma

Due To The Incompetence Of Both My Electric Company & Government, My Country Is Suffering Countless Power Cuts Which Is Forcing Me To Delay My Projects. Thank You For Your Patience, You Awesome People! ;)

Script by: Starscream Σ

Created By: Akira Toriyama

Owned By: Capsule Corporation Tokyo

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