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39.62% My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow / Chapter 21: Episode 20: (Apple Bloom Arc Finale) Stardust’s Wish

Kapitel 21: Episode 20: (Apple Bloom Arc Finale) Stardust’s Wish

Scene 20.0: Limbo, Time: Unknown


Stuck in a dark and endless abyss, Apple Bloom is being tormented by Black Heart Trotter Poisonia by taunting her in horrific ways like how she took sick delight in ending the lives of her parents; how much she laughed herself to sleep to learned that Goldie Delicious died without telling anyone about Shadow's Mother, Stardust Memory, herself or what she did over 40 Moons Ago in Equestria. Just when all hope seems to be lost, Apple Bloom's surroundings flashes in a bright light, dispelling Trotter as she screams in agony. As everything clears, much to Apple Bloom's disbelief, the ones who saved her was none other than her Family led by Bright Mac, Pear Butter, Granny Smith, Grand Pear and Goldie Delicious. Among them is a Strange Filly that in a way, she resembles Shadow and as Apple Bloom was about to approach her, she gives Apple Bloom a sad look and disappears in a puff of black smoke and shinning glitter.


Bright Mac:

You alright, Sugar Cube?


Apple Bloom:

(Tearing Up)

Pa? Ma? Granny? Goldie? Everypony? Is It Really You?


Pear Butter:

(Warm Smile, Crying, Hugging Apple Bloom)

Yes, Deary…it's us. Lord Thanatos is planning on allowing Shadow to save you, so he sent us to give you a chance to see us one more time.


At that moment, Apple Bloom couldn't contain herself and starts to sob loudly in both joy and sorrow that she is reunited with her family for the day. For a long while, Apple Bloom told her parents all about her life with Applejack, Big Mac, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Jersey Mac, Sugar Belle and for some odd reason she has been mentioning Shadow a lot even though she has only known him for over 2 weeks only that she thought it was weird mentioning him, but none of them laughed or reacted oddly, but instead they listen to it he has always been a part of the family which made Apple Bloom see this as odd.


Apple Bloom:

Why are you so accepting of Shadow? I only met him almost 2 weeks ago.


Goldie Delicious:

Because his mother was a close friend of mine. I met her a long time ago…


Goldie tells Apple Bloom all about Shadow's Mother and her Clone who would become her daughter and sacrificing herself to save them all. She also said that their party consisted of Spitfire when she was still a filly and was kidnapped by Trotter, a Ghost Pony who was over a 1,000 Moons Old named Specter, Goldie herself, a Mysterious Crystal Pegasus Mare and a Young Pink Unicorn Mare whose wisdom could be on par with Celestia named Tia. Apple Bloom couldn't believe the story Goldie just told her because there are inconsistencies in there that she gives Goldie a puzzled look.



Is something wrong?


Apple Bloom:

I'm not doubting you or nothing, but…A Crystal Pony 40 Moons Ago?



She's a descendant of a group refugee that splintered from the Crystal Empire when Sombra took it over. This Group also happen to be Shadow's Home Villagers.


Apple Bloom:

So in a way this Crystal Pegasus is Shadow's Aunt?



I don't know since I haven't seen her ever since that time. She disappeared after all was over. The same for Tia and Specter.


Apple Bloom:

Did you know Jack was Shadow's Pa?



Jack was pretty reserved, so he knew how to hide it. Imagine my shock when I got here and found out.


Apple Bloom:

I would like to meet Shadow's Ma! Is she here?


Apple Family:

(Worried, Looking At Each Other)


Apple Bloom:

Is something wrong?


Granny Smith:

I don't know what to tell you, Apple Bloom but…Stardust Memory isn't in Elysium or anywhere in the afterlife.


Apple Bloom:

Is she with the Ancients?



(Little Girl Voice)

No…Neither Me and Mama aren't Ancients. Otōto is the Ancient between us.


Apple Bloom looks at where the voice came from and she finally gets to interact with the Little Filly with the same colors as Shadow, but she is a Pegasus since she is a clone of Stardust, but she is really cute that Apple Bloom already likes her.


Starry Night:

(Ladylike Bow)

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Starry Night. Shadow-Chan's Big Sister.


Apple Bloom:

Hello. So you are Shadow's Big Sister?



Yes, but I am not the one he is looking for. He doesn't know I even existed. But…I will meet him one day once I am resurrected.


Apple Bloom:

Resurrected? What do you mean?



When my body died, Mama managed to keep my soul safe and secure in her Element of Life until she could find a way for me to a new body. The one you call Rose has A Fragment Of My Soul and you soon will too.


Apple Bloom:

Why is that?


Starry Night:

As I stated: My Life-force is within the Element of Life and every time he needs to infuse his life-force into someone, I bypass it and infuse my own like I did with Rose. Since Trotter did a number on you, I am sure Otōto will use his Element to restore you along with the Anima of Eden which is within Rose.


Apple Rose:


I'm happy you named her after me.


Granny Smith, Goldie Delicious:

(Annoyed Stare At Apple Rose)


Apple Bloom:

Well she wanted me to give her a name so that's what I did and her colors helped me pick the name easily too.


Apple Rose:

(Disappointed Groan)


Granny Smith, Goldie Delicious:




Also…since a fragment of my soul will be a part of you and Rose, that makes my Otōto, Rose's and your brother as well from this point onward.


Apple Bloom:


Shadow…Will be my brother?



Yes. Even if I manage to attain a new body of my own, a part of me will always be with you. So please look after Otōto for me.


Apple Bloom:


I always wanted a younger brother. Sure! I'll look after him for you.



(Warm Smile)

Thank you, Apple Bloom!


Apple Bloom:

I knew it. You look better with a smile on your face.



That what Mama always told me.


Apple Bloom:

I want to know more about her. Can you tell me?



Yes! I will tell you everything!


For a very long time Starry Night told everything about Shadow's Mother, Stardust Memory and since Starry is her clone, she knows everything about her up until she was created and her relationship with her then mother, she even reveals that Shadow is an Alicorn which shocks not only her but all of the Apples around them. After learning everything about Stardust, Apple Bloom started focusing her attention in bonding with her parents. For what felt like an eternity is now coming to an end as an Apparition that resembles Applejack approaches Apple Bloom.


Eden (Applejack?):

Apple Bloom. It is time to go home.


Apple Bloom:

Applejack? How are you—?



That is not Applejack. That is Eden, the Entity of the Anime whose is named after. Since she is here then that means Otōto and Rose are here to save you.


Eden (Applejack?):

Indeed. I can also sense that a fragment of Starry Night's Soul is being inserted within you. Come. It is time for you to go back to Ponyville.


Bright Mac:

It was good to see you again, Sugar Cube.


Pear Butter:

Please be careful next time. I don't want to see you under these circumstances again.


Goldie Delicious:

Please look after the family, especially Little Rose and Platinum Shadow.


Apple Bloom:

I will now that I know that a part of Shadow will always be with me. After all…

(Warm Smile, About To Cry)

…He's My Little Brother Now Too.


Scene 20.1: Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom's Room, 12:20 PM, Day 16 Of 365


Apple Bloom's Family and Starry Night smiles at her and both Bright Mac and Pear Butter hugs her one last time as her entire surroundings flashes brightly as Apple Bloom wakes up and sees all of her friends and love ones, she starts to sob nonstop as her family hugs her and cries with her while Shadow and Rose look at them with a warm smile. But Apple Jack looks at them and signals Rose to join in. She nervously walks towards them only for Shadow to push her carefully so she inadvertently trips and hugs the Apple Family as they lovingly hug her back as Shadow notices why Apple Bloom was crying: She was visited by her Parents, Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter in her dreams as their ghosts smile and nods at Shadow as they are thanking him for helping their family as the move on to the afterlife without any creature noticing them being there. Suddenly Shadow's Diary Crystal he obtained from Lord Thanatos starts to go active without him interacting with it and starts to project Shadow's Father, Jack-Of-All-Trades entering the Mausoleum Of Hate and confronting Lord Thanatos in the same way it projected Jack's interaction with Discord.


Lord Thanatos:

Bright Courage. An Ancient Survivor of the Great Alicorn War Of Arcadia.



That name has no longer any meaning to me. I am Jack-Of-All-Trades and I am here for your assistance.


Lord Thanatos:

I assume it is for the behalf of Stardust Memory. My Sisters, The Keres were meant to collect her after being murdered by Sombra. But her Element of Life saved her from them as she was found by the Crystal Ponies Of Shard. Allow me to disclose right now…"Jack"…Stardust Memory was meant to be collected then and there with your son dying unborn along with her. But it seems her ancestors has other plans for both her and your son, Platinum Shadow.



I don't care for any of that. I came here to request her life be extended.


Lord Thanatos:

What you request cannot be granted. All Life has an Expiration Date. Sometimes that life expires sooner due to the actions of those around you as well as your own decisions. My Sisters are furious beyond belief that Stardust Memory was saved by a power that is on the same level as our own, but since she was pregnant at the time and life is prominent in the world, the Element around her neck is by far the greatest power there.



That won't matter if she takes it off one day.


Lord Thanatos:

She will. Her fate is already been rewritten once and my counterparts will not allow another life extension rewrite. You have approached me today for nothing.






Lord Thanatos:

As an Ancient, you are aware of the Evil of both your Ancestor, The First Platinum Shadow and Your Mortal Enemy, The Second Platinum Shadow. If you manage to extend the Life of Stardust Memory, your son who bears the same name will fall in the same evil. You do know the Prophecy of Twilight Sparkle?



That she won't outlive her friends? What about it!?


Lord Thanatos:

If you extend the Lifespan of Stardust Memory Once Again…it will be your son, Platinum Shadow that will end Twilight Sparkle's life.





Lord Thanatos:

The Fates has written many possible futures. It's our decisions that decides which future is the one that matches said decisions. If you pursue this path, your son will be the Third Platinum Shadow that will bring the world into chaos. Mark My Words, Bright Courage…what you seek will cause more suffering than happiness.



You are not doing this because of a Future you are trying to prevent. You are doing this because of the bad blood between us Ancients and you Gods.


Lord Thanatos:

You can think what you like, but we Gods cannot turn a blind eye to a being with unlimited potential like your son. We will not allow a Fourth Apocalypse to come about because of your feelings. I know this will sound odd coming from me but all life has value. Sacrificing a large amount of it just to save one is ludicrous and heinous thing to do and I believe Stardust Memory would agree.



You will regret this, my lord…


Lord Thanatos:

Before you go, Bright Courage. Are you aware of your mate, Stardust Memory's Greatest Wish?



What Wish?


Lord Thanatos:

Her Greatest Desire Is For Your Son To Attain Happiness. Due to him being born with that power, The Darkness Within Platinum Shadow's Heart is Ever-Growing. If remained unchecked, he will not only be the catalyst for the Demise of Twilight Sparkle, but all of Equestria and beyond as well. In order for him to attain the happiness she wishes him to have…he must be accepted by all…even her death.



That won't be enough if he refuses to accept all that are accepting of him.


Lord Thanatos:

You underestimate what he is capable of.



He's still a child. I highly doubt his patience will be at my level at such an immature age. But…since he is my son, I believe he will surpass me one day, just not yet while he is this young.


Lord Thanatos:

Underestimate your son's potential at your peril, Bright Courage. Remember this: His Name Holds More Weight To The Balance Of Reality Than You Think. For That Name Is A Title Of A Being With The Power To Bring Either Salvation Or Destruction On A Whim. The Prophecy Cannot Be Undone Once It Has Been Told. Stop It, You Cannot…Undo It, You Cannot…The Fates Has Deemed It To Be. So has the Fate of Stardust Memory.


With rage in his heart, Jack leaves before losing his temper and starting the war between the Gods and the Ancients. The Diary Crystal from its blue color turns slightly purple, meaning that Shadow is progressing in his collection, but he is disturbed after seeing what was in it. His father was really looking for a way to save his mother that he even went to Thanatos to beg him to save her. His emotions are so turbulent right now, everycreature begins to worry as his dark aura is visible and seeping out of his body. Even though she's in a weakened state, Apple Bloom jumps out of her bed and hugs Shadow which catches him by surprise and scares everycreature and worries them because she just got saved from he situation.


Apple Bloom:


Stop this! Both Your Mom And Starry wouldn't want you to get this angry!




How…? How Do you…know that name?


Apple Bloom:

I met her before you and Rose saved me. She told me to look after you and to make sure…that you don't cross a line that you shouldn't. So please…don't let this bad memory ruin all the good you have done. I don't want to see my little brother turn into a monster.



But I am not…


Apple Bloom:

I became your sister because of your Element of Life. Your life is linked to it. When you infuse too much power into it in order to save somecreature's life, you also put a part of yourself too. Rose is your sister too because of that. Starry told me everything!!!



Apple Bloom…

(Calms Down, Sad Smile, Hugs Apple Bloom)

Thank you…


Scene 20.2: Fillydelphia, Big Boss' Dine & Grill, 8:09 PM, Day 20 Of 365


4 Days later, Blaze blindfolds Shadow with the help of their friends enter a restaurant that the smell actually is making Shadow hungry which makes him remember who is the only one that can make him crave food this badly.



I know that smell! Are we in—!?



Take the blindfold off.


Shadow takes the blindfold off and sees that he is inside his favorite restaurant: "Big Boss' Dine & Grill" and at the counter is a female dragon with a sour look on her face as she is locking down the store for the night. This dragon is a very beautiful looking one with her spines as razor sharp that looks like she could seriously hurt others just by stabbing them with it.



(Nervous Smile)

Hey, Sis…



Hey Kid! Goodbye, Kid.



You aren't staying, Spines?



(Foul & Horrible Attitude, Mean Look And Glare, Furious)

Tartarus No! I want to get to bed and stay there. I worked my scales off all day. I need my "Me-Time" Now. So step off already!


Spines leaves without looking back as she slams the door as she walks out.



Talk about a very Anti-Social Dragon.



Sis has always been like that. Judging by the smell, Boss must be cooking up a storm.


??? (Male Voice):

And it's all for your victory, kid.


At that moment a Unicorn Stallion with dark blue coat and a light blue mane with white highlights exits the kitchen with a large vanilla cake with cold chocolate frosting decorated with Blueberries, Strawberries, Goji Berries, Mulberries, Physalis, Raspberries, Cranberries, Acai Berries, Gooseberries and Blackcurrants and as soon as Shadow saw all of the berries in the cake as tall as a Wedding Cake, Shadow started drooling which everyone laughs because they have never seen Shadow fall head over heels for this cake, but Slipstream knows why as she flashback at what Sunset told her…





(Teleports In Front Of Slipstream, Devilish Smile)

But before you go, if what Blaze has planned for Shadow is what I think it is then let me tell you this.

(Whispers To Slipstream)

Shadow is crazy for berries. If Blaze is going to give Shadow a Big Cake, decorate it with blueberries, strawberries, goji berries, mulberries, physalis, raspberries, cranberries, acai berries, gooseberries and blackcurrants. Do that and you will see him go crazy.





(Amused Yet Annoyed Chuckle, Thinking)

How In Tartarus Did Sis Knew About This On Shadow's Berry Craze?


Everyone celebrates Shadow saving Apple Bloom and bringing Rose back. They all party all night especially that the restaurant was closed for the day just for them have this party. Since they all partied all night, they all spend the night at the guest room of the restaurant. Spines lives on the top floor, so she doesn't have to bothered being next to everycreature. Shadow is sitting on the rooftop while still eating what is left of his cake as he gazes at the stars. The Unicorn which Shadow calls "Boss" sits by his side and he brought bottles of milk for them to drink.


??? (Boss):

Oh, Yeah! Now That's Delicious!



Thanks for the cake, Boss. I know this party was Blaze's idea. He always believed in me that I always will win. But I wonder how did he found out that I am crazy for berries.


??? (Boss):

Actually it was your friend, Slipstream that brought them to me.



Slips? Oh! I already have a good idea how she found out.


??? (Boss):

(Hearty Laugh)

I envy you kids. The struggles of youth is a wonderful thing.



You sound like an old man looking for love.


??? (Boss):

I might. But I highly doubt I'll find anyone.



You have been living here in Fillydelphia for over 10 years and you haven't found anyone?


Dusk Shroud (Boss):

You do realize that I used to be "Dusk Shroud", The Element Of Power in my reality until I was stripped of it when I was banished to live here. Thanks to your dad, I was able to keep my true form hidden. There are no Bicorns in this reality and from what I have heard, Bicorns are considered Ponies Of Great Evil. So trying to find a special somepony is next to impossible for me in this sunshine and rainbows reality that Spines Hates So Darn Much.



Well you could always make peace with the princess.



Twilight is my alternate counterpart and Spines is Spike's Counterpart. You know that old saying, right? "Opposites Attract, But The Similar Tends To Fight". She and I seeing eye to eye is impossible and not happening.



Who knows? Maybe she put everything in the past, especially that you have been hidden for so long and done nothing bad since.



I really don't think they'll forgive me even if the stature of limitations has ran out.



I can vouch for you whenever you are ready.




Thanks, kid.



So…when did you meet my father?



He was there when I invaded this reality up until my defeat. I never expected for him to show me and Spines such mercy. And we definitely wasn't expecting to learn that Jack is your father.



No one did…to my dismay. Anyways…I can tell you are not ready to reveal yourself to everyone, but I will be there to vouch for you and make sure that everyone knows that you are reformed. No villain can cook food as delicious as how you can.



But you are just as good, kid. You might be even better than me.



No way.



I'm sorry about your mother. Looks like a lot of things are coming out.



But luckily not fast enough. I don't think I can handle all of the truth flooding and drowning me like a tsunami wiping me out instantly.



Luckily all of this is just among your inner circle and not the whole world finding out. I wonder…what will you do with what you know right now, boy?


Shadow hasn't thought about that since he wasn't expecting to learn so much in less than a month and this worries him as he thinks to himself that if this is just the very tip of the iceberg about his parents, what lies at the very bottom of it all once everything is out.


Scene 20.3: Canterlot, Secret War Room, 8:09 PM


Inside Canterlot's Secret War Room, Twilight along with all of the leaders and heroes of Equestria along with a few members of the Royal Guard to act as bodyguards are present to discuss the situation involving Shadow and the revelations that was revealed when he went the Mausoleum of Hate and confronted not only the New Pony of Shadows named Limbo, but Shadow also refused to return the Alicorn Amulet when he revealed that it has become sentient. All of this information was given to them by the SMILE Agent known as the Obsidian Jetstream who was secretly following Shadow and Luster by orders of Sunset Shimmer. There were names thrown none thought were going to hear like Bright Courage is Jack's Real Name and an Alicorn in disguise and Lady Imago which gives chills down the spines down both Thorax and Pharynx's spines and much to everycreatures surprise, except for Sunset is that Shadow is in reality an Alicorn and that his Element of Life gets stronger the more living creatures are around. Unknown to them, Sky Supporter is actually a Renegade Changeling Spy masquerading as a Royal Guard.


Dragon Lord Ember:

(Thinking, Saddened, Worried, Hiding Emotions Behind Stern Look)

My Poor Shadow…




Imago…She's still alive!?


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

Who is she, Thorax?



Imago was Chrysalis' Second-In-Command and there were rumors that she was her daughter, but they were dismissed instantly after Chrysalis made me Captain and demoted her. But what I found strange about it was that on the surface she was furious about it, but in reality when no changeling was looking, she was happy to be demoted.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

So there's a chance she is Chrysalis' Daughter?



She doesn't look like Chrysalis, but her personality resembles her in every way. She disappeared after we reformed. She was one of the many Renegade Changelings that left the hive and went after Chrysalis. At one point we were worried that they would rendezvous with Chrysalis and start a Civil War, but the next time we saw Chrysalis, she teamed up with Tirek and Cozy Glow but none of the Renegades were around.




Well as acting leader of Griffonstone, I have a problem with something here. Ember? You are Shadow's Foster Mother, right?




Your Point!?



(Furious, Slams Claw On Table)

How Long Were You Were Going Keep The Fact That Shadow Is An Alicorn!?



(Looks Away)



Prince Rutherford:

Yak Don't Care. Black Pony Trustworthy.



THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! Obsidian Jetstream also disclosed to us the Prophecy involving him and the crimes that the other Alicorns with his name has done! At one point when he turns Evil, he'll be the one to end Twilight's Life.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

(Furious, Royal Canterlot Voice)

WATCH YOUR WORDS, GILDA!!! I Will Not Allow You To Throw Slanderous Statements At Platinum Shadow!



I have nothing against him! I actually enjoy his company, but if he's going to be a danger to all of us, we need to take precautions.



You don't need to worry about that. Ember has already taken steps to stop Shadow in crossing that line with Thorax's help.



You Knew Too!?



Yes. I did. Ember told me all about it when Krystal mysteriously evolved into a Queen-Type Changeling. I mean…Ember and me are going through a similar situation. Our Foster Children possess a strange heritage like theirs.







We found her while we were doing a patrol near the hive. We found her in a very cute basket with a very cute pink letter. "Please Look After My Pure Krystal". We also found tear stains on the letter and they were still wet. Meaning that Krystal's Real Mother was around and wanted to make sure to leave her with us, so she might've been hiding nearby. Maybe Imago threaten Krystal's Parents. I wouldn't put it past her since Imago's Personality is just like Chrysalis. She's One Evil Changeling and she can be far worse than Chrysalis if you cross her even if you are a fellow Changeling.



That's horrible.



Stardust…Is everything you told us about her true as well as her true heritage?


Princess Amore:

Yes. It is true. My Teacher was the True Founder of the Crystal Empire. But she never wanted to be known as that; instead she chose me to be the First Ruler of the Crystal Empire. None knew of her except for myself and a select few.



What was your teacher's name, mother?


Princess Amore:

Stardust Memory…Just like Platinum Shadow's Mother.





Princess Amore:

I know what you are all thinking, but my teacher was an Alicorn, not a Pegasus. Celestia can attest to that fact.


Princess Twilight Sparkle:

You met the Alicorn with the same name as Shadow's Mother?



No, I never did meet the Alicorn with that name. I did meet my best friend, but never once she wielded the power of an Alicorn. Ergo, My Friend…Shadow's Mother Is Not An Alicorn, but I know she is the descendant of that Alicorn. She would always talk on seeing the Crystal Empire once it returns from Sombra's Curse as she considers it her mission passed down from Mother to Daughter for the past 1,000 Moons.




I…really need to ask Shadow for his forgiveness for what I did to his mother.


Princess Radiant Hope:

Please don't. Not yet. From what we know he is still hurting. Confront him about it now and he will do something he will regret.


Princess Sunset Shimmer:

I agree with Radiant. I know Shadow. When it comes to his mother, he can be very emotional.


The same can be said for those who are too close to him.


Like Me, Sonata Dusk, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze. Shadow…My Shadow would always fight for us even though we were fighting each other for his affection.


Princess Amore:

So it is settled. Sombra, you are forbidden to talk to Shadow about what happened to his mother.



I…understand, Princess.



So who is this Obsidian Jetstream you keep talking about?


Princess Sunset Shimmer:


He's the best agent I have within SMILE that both Bon Bon and Lyra are jealous that I give my most important missions to him. I'll introduce you one day, I promise. Right now he's off duty.


Scene 20.4: Location: ???, Area: ??? (Cutie Map Room?), Time: ???


At Blight Terrors' Throne Room, he is surrounded by his Top Generals like Volcanus, Lady Imago with Shell Shock by her side, Limbo and a Pegasus Pony with the same colors as Shadow (Platinum Mane, Dark Coat and Glowing Emerald Eyes) and he is wearing what appears to be a futuristic cybernetic suit that makes him look like a cyborg pony. Jack-Of-All-Trades and Jewel La Flaga are not present. Lady Imago's Appearance resembles Chrysalis in every aspect for the most part with similar body type with sharp pair of fangs, her limbs and torso being very slender except her horn isn't twisted but curved and sharp like a cutlass similar to Chrysalis in her youth, her legs, mane and tail aren't full of holes and her colors are mostly different; for Lady Imago has Glowing Ruby Red Eyes with Elongated Oval Pupils. She has a Crimson Red Mane and Tail, Yellowish-Red Chitinous Plating over her midsection, and she wears a Golden Crown similar that The Alicorn Princesses wear complete with rubies in contrast to Chrysalis' dark green eyes with elongated oval pupils; teal mane and tail, blue-green chitinous plating over her midsection, and small, black crown tipped with blue orbs. But her face is just the same as Chrysalis, but luckily her colors except for he black part makes sure nobody confuses her with Chrysalis.


Blight Terror:

Is this everyone?



Jack and his assistant aren't here yet.


Blight Terror:

They're in their lab working on the new variants of the Black Heart Crystal. Just because they are not present, that does not mean they aren't aware of this. They are monitoring us through the laboratory's comm. Thank you for all of the information Limbo…Clyde.


Clyde (Black Pegasus):

(Suave Hispanic Accent [Similar To Antonio Banderas' Voice])

It's the Obsidian Jetstream, but whatever rocks your boat, Compadre.


Blight Terror:

Rarity will be miffed if she finds out you are both alive and working as a double agent.



I'm doing this for her. She won't mind how I am doing this.


Blight Terror:

So Platinum Shadow defied Princess Twilight in not giving her the Alicorn Amulet.



(Evil Laughter)

Just like I said: He values the life of others more than his own. Of course he'll defy her and protect Darkness.


Blight Terror:

(Evil Chuckle)

The Element of Life becomes more powerful the more life-force is in the world. The only way to destroy it is for the Element Bearer to commit the unforgivable sin: Ending A Life. If A Life Is A Cursed One Like An Undead, Then It Doesn't Count As A Sin. Has he thought on how to give Darkness a body of her own?



Not yet. But he has considered in using an Automaton Body for that. There is also cloning, but since he is the Element of Life, Cloning using a Necro Seed is not a viable option since in order to use one, you need to be a Necromancer or an Agent of Death.


Blight Terror:

What about his friends?


Lady Imago:




As Slipstream's Superior, she's doing great. Flurry Heart is finally attaining her individuality the more she interacts with Shadow. Gatz is getting wiser by the day. Yavish and Florid Harvest are the life of the Party and I believe they will finally confess to each other soon. Too bad they aren't like me and Rarity. We managed to confess our feelings in way that it got heated and then we had a mass—


Blight, Volcanus, Lady Imago:




(Amused Chuckle & Sigh)

Party-Poopers. Luster Dawn is getting close to Shadow as Jack and you want, Blight. As for our 2 other Main Targets: Prince Blaze is becoming more like his Real Father and Krystal is straying away from her predecessor's madness.


Blight Terror:

Platinum Shadow…Krystal…Blaze…And Then There's Limbo Here…We managed to find 4 out of 5 Children of the Ancients.


Lady Imago:

(Slightly Out Of Sync Dual Distorted Echoed Quality Voice)

Remember that Krystal is my Prey, Blight.


Blight Terror:

(Evil Chuckle)

But of course, Lady Imago. I would never take away what is rightfully yours…Nor anyone else, Understand?



(Annoyed Fire Scoff)

I could care less for that Changeling. My Prey is Blaze.



And mine is Luster Dawn. I want to make Shadow my Prey, but it seems he's already spoken for.



Well it looks like I am forced to take Slips as my Prey since the others are not that interesting. That leaves The Yak, The Kirin, The Griffon and The Alicorn Princess up for grabs. I wonder who will take them?


Blight Terror:

I am still recruiting for our Cadre. Please be patient until that time comes. Oh and Clyde…





Blight Terror:

Go Back to Princess Sunset Shimmer and tell her that you managed to find out the identity of 4 of the 5 Children of the Ancients. I want the Leaders of Equestria to feel a little desperate to find the last one. Especially that we are also unaware who the 5th one is as well.



Should I tell them the identity of them all?


Blight Terror:

No. I want them to know we are aware who are they and I also want them to be fearful of our intentions when we try approaching Creatures they will believe is a Child of the Ancients. Try and make it as Dynamic and Dramatic as Possible. I want them to fear that the Downfall of The Equestria Golden Age Is Just Around The Corner. And…I want you to deliver this letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle by giving this to Sunset.

(Teleports Letter To Clyde)




This Writing…!!!


Blight Terror:

(Sinister Laughter)

Indeed…That letter is a declaration of a certain nation. "Comply And Honor Our Request Or There Will Be War! Insult And Offend Us, There Will Be War! And We Want The Following Creatures To Serve As Your Ambassadors! There Names Are…"


As Blight Terror reveals the names of who he wants to go to this nation, he laughs heinously as they all know this will bring disaster is everything goes horribly wrong; and that's why his name is "Blight Terror".


Episode Bonus:

Apple Bloom's Update Letter To Princess Twilight Sparkle


"Dear Princess Twilight: It's been a while since I wrote a letter to you. I bet everycreature is on the same boat as me. Anyhoo…I learned so much being around Shadow ever since he and Rose saved my life. I can now see what his Ma, Stardust wanted for him now that he is my little brother because of the power of his element. I always wondered what it was like to have a little brother or sister because of how AJ and Big Mac treated me while growing up and now I have both. For the past 4 days…the Biggest Jerk in all of Equestria has been a real sweetheart around me. I have never seen Shadow behave like this. I kinda like it, but a part of me misses the Cynical Jerk that made fun of all of us just because he could. As for Rose it is the same deal. I remember both Rose and Shadow hating each other when they first met and now they behave like they are really brother and sister. Looking at them now as they are sparing using their swords, all I see is them having a good time. I am a little worried that they might hurt each other if they overdo it. As I am writing this letter, I am right looking at them go at it while we are in the apple fields. I am sitting under the Apple Tree that was returned by Slipstream and Krystal, not stolen by them and I am watching the practice their swordplay. I would always fantasize AJ using a sword in a gallant way. I don't know why, but AJ with a sword somehow feels right. Anyhoo…I have been using this word a lot lately. Well, I…I want to fulfill not just Stardust Memory and Starry Night's Wish for Shadow, but I also want to fulfill my family's wish to care for him and Rose. Seeing Shadow in this different light feels so natural like he was never a Cool Edge-Lord, World's Biggest Jerk, Maverick, Loner, Cynic or even a Smart-Alec at all…he's now like…a normal and relatable pony. I am beginning to see what they wanted for him and I will fulfill their wish. Speaking of wish: I wonder how are we going to give Starry Night a body. Shadow is looking for ways to give Darkness a body of her own and I know he's doing it without your approval, but…I have faith in him. I believe that Darkness will change if she sees how hard Shadow is trying and I know you will too. Speaking of trying…After being visited by Ma and Pa…I visited their tree they planted when they got married, made a memorial in their honor and I plan on visiting it once a week. I also made a spot for Stardust and Starry so Shadow can visit them one day. Right now I feel like he isn't ready for that after what we all saw what Jack tried to do 4 days ago. I will admit that Jack had his issues, but he was never a bad pony and…I just can't believe how desperate he looked trying to save Stardust. But…If Spike and me were still a couple…I feel like either of us would have done the same thing to save the other. Actually…Ma and Pa would have done it too…Now that I think about it, almost everycreature we know would do it. But what scared me out of all of that is…Shadow Taking Your Life? I Refuse! There's just no way! I will admit he can be a little rebellious, but crossing that line? I will never accept Shadow taking your life, not even if I see it with my own eyes. Shadow is…Not that type of pony. This must be Starry's feelings stirring within me, but…I agree with her. I know deep down you feel the same way, Twilight. Especially that…for what I have seen…You and Shadow are the same. Two cloths in the same stitch as Granny would say. I believe in you and I believe in him. I believe that both of you are going to make the right choices and…this "Prophecy" of Shadow becoming Evil…Deep Down I Know…He's Not Going To Cross That Line. And I…I hope he can stop your Prophecy from coming true. Equestria still needs you now more than ever. Especially that the Pony of Shadows is working with somecreature who wants to destroy Equestria. We need your, my sister and everycreature's strength to defeat whatever it is. I know deep down you will win…Always! Your Friend and Disciple, Apple Bloom."


Apple Bloom Arc Concluded.

To Be Continue…

StarscreamSigma StarscreamSigma

I'm Back For More Biweekly My Little Pony: Platinum Shadow Episodes

Script by: Starscream Σ

Owned By: Hasbro

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