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57.14% HOTD / Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Kapitel 8: Chapter 8

Coming out I looked at where the sun had set, so towards the bridge was west then north would be on my right.

I nodded and started my journey mostly keeping within the houses away from the street jumping over walls using the street lights as I came out near a crashed police car on the other side of the road, looting it I acquired a gun with some ammunition.

Great, as I moved forward clearing the houses of zombies

I would prefer to take this way as I finally saw the three Alice maresato and her parents that is at least what I think.

Shoulder length pink hair and a white headband.

She was with two adults the woman had similar pink hair reaching up to her lower back as he was wearing a casual dress though it was dirty now similar for the man, as they were running around trying to find a safe space.

I looked around I could not find the zombie's around but it was then I heard the scream from Alice as the zombie came out from a garden in one of the houses where the family was going.

I was about ten feet away in the other house as I stood up and shot straight through it's skull. dropping it laving the three staring at it then at me as I beckoned them over since that scream would have attracted the dead here.

"Thank you thank you!" this was the Alice's mother as her father was looking at me since I was carrying a gun, can't blame him.

"Can I ask you what you are doing running around in the middle of the night?" I asked as we went behind the house that I had just cleared.

"Well we wanted to find a safe place for the night since these things broke into our house" Mr masetaro answered still panting from the running.

I was starting to hear the sounds of zombies coming near as I looked at them, "I can get you a safe place for tonight but we need to hurry before more of them show up" I hissed, as the two adults hesitated before nodding.

I smiled lightly, "I am Takashi Komuro"

"Masetaro Nori"

"Masetaro Kichiro"

"And I am Alice" Alice spoke up a little loudly as I winced before shaking my head,

"Let's get out of here!" I said climbing over the wall then helping them over into the back street heading towards the others hopefully I don't get murdered by them.


Saeko was coming out of the bath with a towel wrapped around her body and hair as she saw the note pasted on the fridge.

'I will be back'

As the others too came out with Shizuka barely keeping the towel around her jugs,

Rei who was following her too noticed the note as she paused staring at it before looking around.

Last to come out was Takagi still a little red from all the teasing the two did of things between her and Takashi.

She read the message as she knew the writing as she clenched her fists muttering, "He is so dead when he comes back!"

"Oh he is" Rei agreed, Shizuka pouted a little while Saeko just smiled looking at the note with interest.


Feeling the chill down the spine as I killed a zombie. Yeah I am dead when I get back.

"You aren't bitten are you?" I asked as we turned towards the house.

"No, i saw others turning when they got bitten" Kichiro said as I nodded.

He was much better than I thought as he took another one down with a wrench that was coming near Nori who had Alice in her arms.

We came to the front gate which I opened up, and let them into the driveway.

"Go in tell them that Takashi sent you! they will take you in, but don't make too much noise I am still on a supply run" I instructed them as they looked at me then at the glowing window and nodded.

"Onii-chan where are you going?" Alice asked just as I was closing the door.

"where am I going? hmm...tell them I am going shopping alright" I said smiling as she smiled back, as I looked at Kichiro who bowed deeply along with his wife.

I nodded and left knowing the hell Takagi was going to kick up.


Takagi, Rei and Shizuka were staring at Kohta who was kneeling down looking at his hands.

"So you are saying that he walked out telling you that he would be back?" Takagi spoke as Kohta nodded.

"And you didn't check, where he was going?"

"I thought he was just going to the kitchen"

"But he went out on a stroll"

Kohta was currently cursing Takashi at least he could have done was take him along but he was here being glared down by three women while not being able to anything about it.

Saeko was currently going through the cabinets finding something to eat, She was wearing just and apron and a black thong, since nothing else really fit her size.

'If takashi had waited we both could have gone and brought the clothes that we need' Saeko thought shaking her head.

Just then she heard the bell ring as she grabbed her bokken and went to the door looking out through the keyhole and finding a family of three as she hesitated.

"Who are you?" she asked from behind the door as the man, Kichiro Masetaro replied.

"My name is Kichiro Masetaro and Takashi komuro sent us here"

Saeko hesitated as she saw the others coming behind with kohta holding a gun while Rei was holding her pole as she looked at them and nodded before opening the door.

She pointed the bokken at the man who stared at her before feeling his wife glare at him.

"Where is Takashi?"

"Onii-chan said that he was going shopping!!" Alice replied as Saeko looked at her then stepped back a little allowing them in.

They paused seeing kohta holding a rifle towards them before continuing forward.

"Sit!"Takagi said pointing at the dinner table as the three sat down.

"Care to tell us what happened? and how you ran into him?"


"This would go with this right?" I asked the female zombie that I had killed as I stood in front of the mirror, holding a black T-shirt, a hoodie, slacks and sneakers.

"They go together right?" I asked, smiling ah I think I am going insane.

I changed and I got the clothes from the women section and got whatever I thought would fit the girls while I grabbed anything xl and xxl for Kohta, Shoes were a problem I just guessed it and stuffed everything in if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit, as I placed the credit card on the counter as I went out of the store playing with my UV torch.

Since this world had similarity to Dying light then maybe UV would work.

Carrying the bag I saw some zombies as I hid and continued on my way back as I could hear guns starting to got at random interval. Until I came up to a dude bleeding heavily while holding a old shotgun of some type.

"Want my help?" I asked as he looked at me.

"" he croaked as I pointed at the gun.

"I will be taking that as payment" I said as he smirked, nodded and I shot him through the head. I didn't feel much from it as I took the gun and the extra ammo.

I came out to the empty street in front of the house as I could see Kohta standing at the balcony glaring at me as I grinned in reply. It was then a message popped up.

[Host metal condition degrading please rest to heal it]

yeah I think I should sleep I can feel myself spiraling downwards.


I was relaxing in the tub, after getting back, and hearing a lecture from the others.

Handling Kohta was pretty easy, since I bribed him with a shotgun. I looked at the screen in front of me.


Name: Takashi Komuro

Species: Average Human

Age: 17

Mutation level: 2

Skills: Perfect copy (Max), Protag Aura, Swordsmanship (Level 4), Martial arts (Level 2), gun arts (level 2), Parkour (level 1)

Mutation skills: Strength boost, Agility boost


Skill store:

Skill points - 2

Mutation tree:

Mutation points - 5

Teammates mutation:



Rei Miyamoto - 0 point

Hisashi Iguo - diseased

Saeko Bujishima - 0 point

Kohta Hirano - 0 point

Saya Takagi - 1 point

Shizuka Marikawa - 1 point

Mr Masetato - 2 points

Mrs Masetato - 1 point

Alice - 1 point.


I looked at the system first to get my skills out, I increased the level of both swordsmanship and gun arts.

Swordsmanship reached the physical limit meaning until my limits increased I would not be able to increase its level.

Then I went to the teammates section,

I didn't think much since except Mr Masetaro everyone else was 1 point.


Saya takagi - analytical mind - faster thinking speed.

Shizuka Marikawa - weakness detection - able to figure out the weakness of the enemies

Mr Masetaro - Beserk - more the enemies the more he fights

Mrs Masetato - emotion - knows the emotional state of a person

Alice - danger alert - instinctively knows where danger is.


I even threw in strength and agility in for Mr. Masetato.

I sighed climbing out of the tub and looking at my reflection in the glass.

I was quite muscular, well proportioned body, and then my 10 inch dick, which I never measured....well my marking on the scale would prove otherwise.

Time to sleep now,

I came out of the bath, changing into something casual, slacks and a T shirt, as I walked out I spotted Saeko in the kitchen still wearing the apron.

goddamn that's erotic, I try to get it out of my head as Hear her voice.

"Like what you see?" she teased as I just smirked,

"Of course I like the view, who wouldn't?"

"Of course you do, anyway I wanted to ask you about something?"

"About the mutations?" I mused as she raised her eyebrows.

"That's what you are calling it?"

"Yeah, didn't find another term to suit it"

"When did you experience it?"

"About the time this entire thing started out"

"Hmm" she fell into some thought as she looked blankly at what she was cooking before she turned and looked at me sitting across the counter.

"But if we are mutating, it means others will too"

"Well that's most likely scenario" I replied as she turned silent,

"If that's the case then..."

"We will have to be more careful when we run into a group of humans, yes" I replied as I smelled the alcohol in the air.

"Seems like they drunk a lot" I asked looking at the floor above where the bedrooms were,

Saeko smiled and nodded,

"Well there were three mainly, Mr. Masetaro, Shizuka sensei and Rei" she replied as I just shook my head as expected.

"I am pretty sure they are being a menace up there especially Rei and Shizuka sensei" she added as I just smiled at her.

"What about you?" I asked as she paused smiling slightly,

"Trust me, you don't want to see me go crazy" she replied going back to cooking as I laughed.

"Yeah the jokes on you, I am into that shit"

"Oh?" she was about to continue but then I heard something crash in the apartment above.

"Shizuka sensei! you can't!" I heard Takagi's voice as I sighed,

"I am going to check on them" I said getting up, as Saeko nodded.

I climbed the stairs as I saw Takagi holding back a drunk Shizuka as I saw Kohta smiling totally out of it.

Mr Masetaro was Passed out while it seemed like Alice and her mother were sitting at the back watching all of this play out.

I spotted Rei standing looking at me smiling weirdly.

I walked forward as Takagi looked at me, "Takashi help me!" she cried out as I just smiled, as I picked up Mr. Masetaro,

"All right let's go to sleep we need to leave tomorrow " I said as Shizuka stopped spotting me.

"Takashi!!!" she tried jumping at me but was stopped by Takagi.

I dragged a passed out Masetaro to the spare room letting him on the bed as Alice and her mother followed behind.

"Thank you, Onii-chan!!" Alice thanked me as I smiled and patted her head, as her mother bowed a little before closing the door.

Time to deal with the others, Shizuka was wearing a purple top, that barely hid her assets, as she was kissing Takagi who was turning red trying to push her away.

That was when I was assaulted by Rei who was extremely drunk,

"Takashi ! carry me!" she said wrapping her arm around me. as I could feel her breasts pressing against me as she pouted,

"Yeah I will get you down!" I said as I carried her down in a princess carry but it was then she started sobbing.

and started talking about Hisashi, honestly I could do well without listening about him.

[Metal degradation increasing]

yeah i know, let me wrap this up.

"..You know we were going to break up!.." Rei spoke as I looked at her she was looking at me, her face was so close that I could feel her breath on my face.

"At the begining when I left you and started going out with him, all was going well but then you changed a few months ago that's when I started feeling it again...." she said leaning forward as our lips touched lightly, I unconsciously pulled her closer as her arms tightened around my neck. before I broke away.

I let her rest on the couch as she passed out.

I looked at her, then sighed grabbing a sheet and covered her up,

Right time to start the big one,

I climbed back up as Takagi was being assaulted by Shizuka.

"Takashi save me!!" she cried out as I just watched and enjoyed the scene until Shizuka came for me as I held her back, goddamn those are big as I picked her up in a piggy back ride down all the while she kept trying to kiss me and calling me a pervert. well that's all of them for now as I turned off the lights while Takagi went downstairs to sleep leaving me with Kohta keeping watch.

"Anything interesting?" I asked as he shook his head

"the same old, people on the bridge protesting and police trying to maintain order." He replied handing me the binoculars as I spotted the protest and the barricades.

"What a mess.." I muttered as they were barely able to control the crowd I went back in turning on the news only to see the person get shot in the head.

It played out similar to the anime until I spotted the fast running zombies.


Common infected in Dying light,

I felt Kohta come back in along with Saeko who stood watching the new infected.

"What the hell are those?" Kohta asked looking at the fast moving Virals that were being shot down.

I looked at Saeko, as I knew what she was thinking, the zombies were mutating.

"Seems like we weren't the only ones" she muttered as Kohta looked at us confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Mutation, its happening to the infected as well" I replied as Kohta looked at me,

"You mean like I was able to run faster and felt stronger"



[Metal degradation reaching dangerous levels]

"Let's turn in for the night, we will talk in the morning" I spoke as they looked at me, I think my expression told them what they needed as they nodded.

I walked out to the balcony as Saeko turned the lights off spotting the white puppy in the streets below looking up wagging its tail.

I should get him up,

"I will bring it up" Kohta said as I looked at him as he smiled.

"Keep a watch" he said handing me a gun as he ran down.

I saw him open the gate slightly as the puppy ran to him, allowing him inside without letting the infected know as he brought him up while it licked his face.

I smirked as I walked to the bed jumping on it and pulling the sheets up, while Kohta locked the balcony door and went downstairs to find a spare room along with the dog.

[Entering recovery mode - Time remaining 2 hours]

Immediately my eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.

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