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58.88% Take Eldritch surveys! Noted! / Chapter 53: Side Story: Tearwyn’s adventure! Part 2

Kapitel 53: Side Story: Tearwyn’s adventure! Part 2

[news]Some parts were just c/p from Sae's part... sorry not sorry~![/news]

— P.O.V. switch Damian —

~ Courier 6, Lucky 38 Casino ~

After a long day of solving issues in the strip, the courier, the man who reincarnated, finally got to relax as he got to his Penthouse suite. He had solved the White Glove Society's weird cannibalistic tendencies and rescued a brahmin baron's son. Just before that, he had stopped the Omerta's plans to take over the Strip when the battle of Hoover Dam would kick off. He was understandably tired. Turning on the radio, he checked his status via his system and listened to Radio New Vegas while relaxing on his bed.

[Congratulations, Damian! You officially reached level 25! Do you want to pick your perks or invest in your Super Soldier physique?] His system asked, making him think as he stared at his screen.

The System he had had a vibrant and pleasant personality that he quickly got accustomed to. They very quickly bonded and although he could not see her form, he knew she was a girl. Being that she was with him the whole time while he faced the Mojave, he developed a crush on her. Though he tried to hide it while making plans to get her a body of her own in the future.

"Thanks, Alice. I'll go with a perk. Let's see.. yeah, shotgun surgeon sounds good..." Damian mused to himself while looking in his inventory, which was full of weapons.

Very few were truly special, as he had taken most weapons from dead enemies, like the raider group known as 'The Fiends'. He was saving up caps to buy the really good weapons from the Gun Runners. Though that was a forty-thousand cap investment, to get everything. As he was counting his caps, he heard the voice of 'Mister New Vegas' on the radio.

"This just in... It seems the town of Goodsprings was hit by the Legion recently. As all the town's residents were found killed by a blade and the town's buildings were set ablaze. There were no survivors." Damian stopped and stared at the radio in shock.

"Wait what...?" He tried to remember if this series of events happened in the game but he drew a blank and slowly, panic began to creep up into him.

[Wait... It's true! I don't feel them anymore...] Alice responded in despondence.

"Is it that Dark God's work...? Maybe they sent someone to fight for the Legion? That bastard…" Damian cursed with a frown.

"I might be able to catch them in Novac if I hurry..." Damian stood up and threw on his courier duster.

[Right! I'll mark the location on your display!] Alice responded with determination.

"I just hope they don't kill anyone else..." Damian muttered as he hurried out of the casino.

— P.O.V switch Tearwyn Alter —

~ Primm ~

Neo and I were sitting on top of the hotel, with me enjoying the view on her right shoulder. The first thing Neo had done after I had gifted her the new ability was to create a tiny little black cowboy hat that was a custom fit for me. It had little holes in it for my ears and everything!

'This is the first thing I've gotten that wasn't from big sister Lilith or Artoria. I will keep this forever. I don't think Divine Law will mind if I make it an existence beyond reality so it'll never get damaged. If it does, I'll just have to ask big sister Lilith to do it then!'

Smiling at the precious gift on my head, I looked over Neo while she was peering down at the town. After she created my hat, she had given herself a new wardrobe to deal with the "bullshit heat of Mojave" as she said.

It consisted of a white duster coat with open sleeves, a black short skirt and long white boots that went up to her thighs. She even created a white cowboy hat that matched mine, with a pink, white and brown bandana that went around her neck. It even had a mini picture of me on it!

When she created that bit, she gave me a wink and said it was only natural.

Currently, she seemed to be looking at the twenty two people she had marked with one of her abilities. Most of them seemed to be soldiers, though a few were civilians. All were corrupted by the Light though. She had a thoughtful look on her face while she hummed before she snapped her fingers and looked at me.

Neo: "Hey, Tearwyn? Wanna see something cool?"

Seeing the small smile spread on her lips, caused me to get excited when I said, "I am always up for cool things, Neo! Show me, show me!!"

I saw a small amount of magic flare around her hand as sparks travelled between her fingers. Looking up above us, the sky above the town started to quickly become cloudy. I also noticed Neo took out some bullets with .308 written on the back of them from her system inventory.

Neo: "While I could just destroy the town and go… that'd be kind of overboard. Like using an RPG to kill a spider."

As Neo explained her reasoning, she flipped one of the bullets like a coin and then flicked it. The bullet travelled instantly, and straight into the head of an NCR soldier, where it exploded in a mess of blood, bone fragments and brain. It looked as if he was flicked by the hand of a God. I smiled at that thought.

Tearwyn: "That is cool! You're using your lightning to accelerate the bullet to such extreme speeds! Again, again!"

I clapped in glee as I found the whole thing amusing and interesting at how she was able to get so much gore with such little magic.

Neo: "I knew you'd get it! Now for the one hundred percent speedrun of Primm…"

Neo then flicked up twenty-one more bullets, and focused before she entered what she called a "pseudo-judgement cut state."

All of the marks she had placed prior all hummed with slight magic and glowed. Soon as the first bullet fell, it almost instantly tore through the heart of a soldier, quickly followed by another and another. Until all the soldiers in town had rather explosive deaths. One of the more impressive hits was against a man named Deputy Beagle who was inside a building eating a Gecko Steak. Neo had angled the shot through a tiny crack in the door frame, and caused his head to explode when he bit down on his food.

I had laughed when the screams started from the people near him, as it looked like his food was responsible for his sudden case of spontaneous explosive head.

The town of Primm was deadly quiet, as within a second, it began to rain blood as dark clouds billowed over the town. It was until after a few minutes did the remaining survivors discover what had caused the rain. But by then, Neo and I were long gone as she had already looted every house.

When we pasted the checkpoint, Neo did as I suspected she was going to do and reclaimed her 15 caps. As she was walking she started to sing a song while I was busy cheering in glee and making "pew pew" sounds as I imitated what she had just done.

Neo soon turned on the Pip Boy's radio though, which gave me an idea as a mischievous glint passed through my eyes.

Tearwyn: "My sister would think this would be an appropriate song!"

With a snap of my fingers, the song "Let the bodies hit the floor" started to play, causing Neo to nod her head in appreciation.

'Wait for it….'

However, as soon as she started to sing the song changed from "Let the bodies hit the floor" to, "I can only count to four." I lightly giggled as she choke backed a laugh.

Neo: "Good tastes! What a ...cultured individual your sister is. Next up is.. Nipton? Ah, already burned to the ground. Looks like Novac is next. Little community with an uptight sniper, a bitch who sold the sniper's wife into slavery, a handicapped ranger, an ex-pilot, a nerd who wants to sell toys and a big dinosaur statue."

As Neo rocked her head to the silly song, I clapped my hands in excitement at the fun we were sure to have.

Tearwyn: "Onward!"

About an hour and at least ten songs later, we arrived at the town of Novac. There were some silly raiders who fired at Neo, but they died right as soon as they pulled the trigger via flying energy blades from her sword: Yamato. Upon reaching the town proper, we quickly noticed some commotion ahead of us.

Some mortal in a basic, boring, totally not in any way drip, duster coat arrived with a few people around the same time as we had. Neo had narrowed her eyes as she noticed they all were corrupted by the Light.

However, one stood out to me a lot more than the rest. He was practically glowing with the Light. He had a system, and it even had an intelligence attached to it, much to my surprise.

I quickly lost my composure though, and I started to ooze killing intent while a pink aura surrounded me.

Tearwyn: "That's the scout! The dog working for the Light that is after me!"

However, before I could do anything else, I suddenly felt my energy leave me causing me to slump onto Neo's shoulder.

Tearwyn: "Divine Law… ugh, I can't even get mad near them? Muuu. I'll be okay, I just can't help you at all if you need it…"

Neo: "Oh, don't worry your little head-"

However, she was cut off by the notification sound from her system, while I took a peek at what was happening.

[System detected. Intrusion attempted... Intrusion Repelled. Intrusion attempted... Corruption detected... Corruption destroyed. Piss off...]

Her System sounded quite annoyed. A suppressed AI that will only intervene for moments like this maybe? It really is a very unique system.

— P.O.V. Switch Damian —

I noticed immediately once I saw Neo. Nobody looked like that in New Vegas. This bizarre attractive woman was definitely responsible. I tried to activate [Observe] but it was blocked completely.

"Alice, can you help me here...? I can't tell what her deal is." I whispered.

[Of course! Let me try... Hmm.. she's not Dark aligned. Wha-Hey! Okay fine.. I'm sending Light over to her. Maybe we can turn..... her... Oh no.. Damian, run... This system... it's different...] Alice warned me as I slowly nodded and started backing up, though I was interrupted when I heard Alice scream in agony.

[What!? How are you-] She managed to speak before her wailing echoed in my head.

I began to run away in a panic as I tried calling Alice over and over. The only response I received was an agonised cry.

— P.O.V swap Tearwyn Alter —

Tearwyn: "How do you like it, stupid Light! My new friend is awesome!"

I yelled after the mortal while letting out a rather sinister chuckle at what was happening.

Neo: "Totally could have killed him there. But! Take heed, Tearwyn... We gotta crush his spirit too. That's rule number two. After we out style them, we break their spirits. Did the same thing with this one Cultivator guy. I cucked him and shattered his pride"

Neo laughed before taking her sword, Yamato, out and killing the multiple infected people in Novac.

Though I took notice of the extreme measures she took against the old woman who sold another into slavery. She didn't even have any Light corruption, it just seems Neo values freedom that much. Fortunately for the town of Novac, it only had 10 or so infected mortals. Neo was quick to murder them and loot their bodies before she left the town at a leisurely pace in the direction the Light scout fled.

Clapping my hands in joy and cheering I yelled, "Yes! Style on him! Crush both of their spirits! Break them for daring to interrupt my time with my Bestie!"

I stilled for a second before I felt myself blush at my slip of the tongue.

Tearwyn: "I mean attacking me. That's what I meant."

Neo was clutching her chest and trembling while she said, "It should be illegal to be this cute…"

She quickly composed herself before she gently grabbed me and lifted me above her head. She then started to run and yell after the Light Scout who was running as fast as he could when he looked back and saw her.

Neo: "Nobody messes with my BFFF and lives... without getting Isekai'd to hell!"

With my voice filled with dark glee I yelled, "Prepare for the Neo-pocalypse!!!"

—P.O.V. switch Damian —

I had been sprinting for over an hour, trying to calm Alice down. After half an hour, it worked, though I could tell she was injured. Very much so. I had to gather my allies in the NCR, since this woman had some kind of counter to my system. I had heard sadistic laughter behind me until the forty-five minute mark in my mad sprint, when I passed Boulder City. Somehow, the woman kept up with me so easily!

[We… We need to destroy her, Damian. She's dangerous...] Alice commented weakly.

Damian: "I know.. I know! I'm going to Camp McCarran to get reinforcements from the NCR"

I only hoped that would be enough.

— P.O.V switch Tearwyn Alter —

~ Boulder City ~

Neo and I decided to take a small detour when we detected more infected soldiers inside the nearby city: Boulder City.

Neo wanted to be thorough, as to not leave a single Light corrupted on my world, so she spent fifteen minutes butchering all the NCR soldiers stationed here.

They were quick to find out they were not even close to a match for her when two squads of full-auto assault rifle wielding soldiers saw Neo catch their bullets. She then countered with an arcing slash wave that had cut them all in half.

The despair on their faces was beautiful, and I was sure my sister would have loved to see it. I was brought out of my small daydream of spending some time with Artoria and Neo when the last Light corrupted soldier was impaled and flicked off her blade with a scoff of disdain.

However she released a sigh of disappointment which is what caught my attention. I looked down, and there was a splatter of blood all over her clothes. As she was cleaning it off, I stood up and gave the side of her head a little hug.

Tearwyn: "Don't worry! Remember, your new ability gives you FULL control over your 'drip'!"

However, I felt a lot of indignation towards the lowly mortal who bothered my friend. As I stared down at him, I followed the course his destroyed soul was taking before locking onto it.

I carefully raised up my hand in preparation for a finger snap. I wanted to make sure Divine Law wasn't going to be pissy about the action I was about to take. Waiting for a second, and not feeling anything trying to stop me, I snapped my fingers.

I saw Neo tilt her head in confusion out of the corner of my eye.

She cleared her throat before asking, "Did you… do something?"

As she nudged the body with her foot, I nodded my head while a smug smile spread on my face.

Tearwyn: "Yup! Since he had the audacity to bleed on you, I decided to send its soul somewhere special, instead of letting it go back to the seat of creation where all destroyed souls go.

Big sister Lilith had sent someone who called themselves 'The One Above All' to the same universe stripped of all their divinity and authority. I thought they could use a sister."

Neo: "The One Above All? The Marvel god? I thought you just sent him to the shadow realm, for real. Ah! The reincarnator guy escaped, didn't he? Maybe that's for the better though. We can kill off all his 'infected' friends, then his system and THEN him. I also wanna rob the Gun Runners too on the way."

Neo tapped her chin in thought at getting something special from these so called Gun Runners.

Tearwyn: "Yup, that's the one! And sounds like a plan to me~!"

As we were making our way out of the now further destroyed city I decided to tell her exactly where I had sent that foolish mortal soul.

Tearwyn: "By the way, if you're curious. Lilith called the universe I sent him(Her) too, "The Goblin Hunter" universe. She and the former god are now cursed to eternally live out their lives as human women with a pension to want to be adventurers~. Well, at least till that universe dies anyway."

I could feel Neo shiver a little at my clarification.

Neo: "Goblin Kelly.. Goblin Cosby... I pity them…"

She then saluted to the sky. I thought it was funny and so I imitated the gesture while giggling.

[author] C-C-C-COMBOOOOOO~~!! Here is a nice bonus chapter for you all~.[/author]

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