"The legendary bread!" Mora yelled as he snatched a loaf and a full cheese wheel. He looked at Mira as he rushed to the forge. "Eat up lass. You'll not find anything better than this in the whole world." He took one of the swords on the wall and smacked it on the anvil to get the dust off. He then stabbed the cheese wheel with it and shoved it in the forge, melting it as he snuck a bite of the bread.
"OH! My ore!" He gasped, staring at the breath with glowing eyes, "Barley, wheat, and malt all mixed together. I thought those things only make good beer." He waved the loaf toward the still-confused Mira. "Look! This is what hands with more than five thousand years of experience in breadmaking could achieve. Absolute perfection!"
Arad isn't learning new skills, he's re-learning them.
First, we thought he was mimicking people. After that, it seemed that alongside mimicking, he's an extremely fast learning. Now, we found the next layer of his power, he's actually re-learning.
Also, here is an FP Code: ABDHYKNGYWRLD62ZB
It'll give ten diffirent people ten fast pass each.