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64.05% Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility / Chapter 98: Chapter 93: Politics? Fuck That

Kapitel 98: Chapter 93: Politics? Fuck That

Alex and the gang were currently in an abandoned house that was in pretty good condition. They were watching T.V. like it was a normal Friday evening, eating some food they raided in the fridge.

"So? What are we gonna do now? Just wait here and hide? I know that ain't our style." Zack slurped some instant noodles and definitely thought it was a good field ration for SOLDIERs, who can just boil their own water with magic.

"Yeah, Alex-nee. Information spreads fast in these kinds of worlds. Especially because of what we did. And speak of the devil, we're on the news already. Great." Aerith pointed at the television.

"Here we see 5 individuals that are unknown. They fought the invading Omnics with swords and what looked to be magic. One of them was even flying in the sky and destroyed a titan. The U.N. is currently searching for them." A reporter was commentating.

There, footage of a soldier's body cam was being shown to the public. And even if they were moving fast, everybody still saw their faces.

And Alexandra was extremely noticeable. Platinum silver hair, her glowing red eyes, and her height that towered over everyone there. She was also the apparent leader of their group, with everyone following her.

"Hmph, let them do their thing. But I guess this is another mess that we have to do something about?" Alex sighed and she knew they couldn't just abandon the people.

Millions of lives were already lost because of the war. And even if humans were trying to counter attack. Like with the crusader program of Germany that they were able to see. A group of knights wielding rocket hammers and large barrier shields. They were still outmatched.

"Yeah, I'm starting to believe that your luck really sucks." Tifa looked at her with suspicion and Alexandra blushed a bit. "It's not my fault! We just happen to enter some shitty situations, that's life." She nodded sagely.

Alex then froze as she intercepted a message that came from Ramiel. He told them that he was nearing the time to travel again, but they weren't in Gaia.

Which complicated situations even more. And because of their actions, they'll have to try and find each other with immense difficulty.

He also told her about Yuna and Samus. And Ramiel instructed her to send out messages in the void just like how he did it if they received it.

It was the least risky. And it had the highest chance of success, though Alexandra was having ideas about how to communicate directly. And it came from the properties of the soul stone that she learned briefly after getting it. Connecting their souls so they could locate each other, even if it isn't possible to travel.

"Fuck... I might have caused a huge problem. And Ramiel apparently has done what I have feared." Alex frowned and they listened in.

"He's seducing more women out there! And I don't even know if they're worth being with him! Damned hussies, you don't have my approval yet!" Alexandra gritted her teeth and was extremely envious.

"Well, don't you trust his decision?" Cloud pointed out and she was speechless. "Y-you're right, hell will freeze over before he fucks a slutty little bitch!"

Aerith and Tifa rolled their eyes and Zack gave a nervous laugh. "I almost forgot that she was like that." Zack remembered that Alex is absolutely obsessed with her brother.

And while they were talking, they heard something move. "Wer bist du?" A little blonde girl was shivering in fear, looking at the gang. She looked like a mess and they immediately reckoned that she was a survivor.

"Hey, are you alright? What's your name?" Aerith went up to her slowly and smiled at her.

The girl didn't understand as she only spoke German. "I'll handle this, I remember that language... Ramiel always speaks like that with Bismarck and Hanz." Alexandra cleared her throat.

"Who are you girl?" Alex spoke to her in German and the girl stared at her, a bit afraid. "Angela... Angela Ziegler."

Before Alex could think of a few more questions, the girl slumped down on the ground and cried. "Hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" She calmed her down with some of her energy.

"Wow, I didn't know you were good at children..." Zack commented and Alexandra glared at him. "I'll neuter you if you keep on being a smartass."

He shut up immediately and hid behind Aerith. "My parents are gone... They're gone now." The girl could still remember them being gunned down by the Omnics and Alexandra frowned.

"She's an orphan... The robots got them." She sighed and was never good in these kinds of situations. She is a solve problems with violence person.

"What are we gonna do now? We can't leave her here. And I'm guessing that the bunkers and evac sites will traumatize her even further." Tifa imagined a girl, all alone in an evacuation site. She'll probably starve and be ignored.

"Damn it, no choice then. Let's just pick her up, that's the easiest one." Alexandra shrugged and she saw a picture nearby. Angela was in it, meaning this is her house.

"How about it kid? Want to come with us?" Alexandra gave her a hand. Going around with a kid is a hassle for sure. But it's not like it will be a big deal for them. Any one of them can carry her on their back and still fight in wars.

Angela looked at her hand and took it. "Are you guys strong? Will you be able to defeat the Omnics?" She was scared of the robots.

"Pft, robots? I'll have you know, we've dealt with aliens that can fold these robots in a jiffy!" Alexandra boasted.

"That's right, come on little Angela. I'll make you something to eat, you must be hungry right?" Tifa patted her head and smiled. She then raided the fridge to make the girl some food.

"Come, sit down here. That big sister can make good food you know?" Zack guided her and made her sit down on the table.

"So, what's the plan now?" Aerith asked Alexandra as she makes the calls. Alex burned a map on the table and began putting some pins on the places where the Omnic crisis was at its worst.

And the nearest one was Eichenwalde, Germany. They've already taken care of the biggest force that almost wiped out Küvich, the swiss can do something about the remnants. The next one will be in Eichenwalde.

"So, when do we leave? We can't travel with Angela in that state. She's exhausted and mentally unstable for sure." Aerith looked at Angela who was still quiet.

"We fly at dawn. We'll just strap her to one of our backs and show her that these robo junks aren't infallible." Alexandra left it at that and Aerith sighed.

"She's still as hard as ever..." Cloud commented on the side and Aerith nodded. They would basically put Angela in the middle of her trauma and show her that there was nothing to be afraid of. But with violence of course.

"Here you go Angela." Tifa gave her a hearty meal and the girl ate it immediately. Clearly starving for days now.

"Don't eat too fast, or you'll choke on your food." Alexandra rubbed her back and she slowed down. Though she was still eating quickly.

After eating and having a quick cleanup from Aerith with water. She started getting drowsy and Angela was nodding off.

"Let her rest for now. I will be going out for a bit." Alexandra looked at the girl who was sleeping peacefully. And her imagination got running, thinking if she had her own child.

She then decided that this can be quite a good experience. "What? Why are you going to roam outside?" Zack was confused.

"Stop asking questions." Aerith rolled her eyes and Alexandra roamed around like a sentry. Anything in a hundred kilometer radius that was going to cause noises were immediately drowned out by either eternal sleep or a temporary one. Depending on what they were doing.

"She's acting like a guard dog." Tifa was in disbelief and she didn't quite peg her to be the type to like children that much.

The others slept for now, tired with the war against Thanos in titan. While Alexandra was at the roof of the house, perched like a gargoyle. Thinking how to connect with Ramiel and silencing the area as her red eyes glowed a brilliant red in the night.

After a few hours, everybody woke up and were obviously going to travel to Eichenwalde. Alexandra carried Angela on her back and they started their flight.

While flying to Eichenwalde, they were already hearing the chaos and combat from hundreds of miles away.

Automatic gunfire resounded in a rhythm. The smell of gunpowder in the air was strong. It was the scent of battle. "Ahhhh, I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning." Zack joked and he got slapped by Tifa.

"Shut up, people are dying." Tifa chided him and he deflated. Aerith then snickered at him and they began locating the place where the action was in.

"Angela, wake up. Angela." Alex shaked the girl after they landed and she rubbed her eyes. "G'morning..." She yawned, but she froze when she started hearing the battle.

Her eyes went into a daze and she was beginning to have a panic attack. Her PTSD coming back up as she remembered her parents getting gunned down by Omnics while they were trying to flee.

Alexandra infused her brain with energy and made her brain activity calmer. After a few seconds, Angela looked at the robots that were fighting some ways away in fear.

"W-why are we here?" Her voice was trembling and Alexandra sighed. She felt quite bad in treating her like this, but it was the best treatment in her mind.

Exposure and adaptation, and if it fails. Just bring her to a pretty good institution. "We'll be fighting against those tin cans, just watch." Alexandra gestured for them to begin and they jumped high in the air.

The squad arrived in the middle of the heat of battle and was between a group that were armored from head to toe. The crusaders of the German army. And a platoon of Omnics, especially the bastion builds that were holding them off with their Gatling guns.

Angela closed her eyes and cowered in fear. "Open your eyes and watch! That's an order!" Alexandra shouted as they deflected automatic fire on them.

The crusaders were confused, upon seeing them. Though before they could walk up to them and converse, Angela barely opened her eyes. Starting the show and treatment.

Aerith casted barrages of lightning spells with Tifa and the Omnics were quickly being eradicated. Some melee combat types ran at them, with superheated swords. But Cloud and Zack dismantled them with ease.

"Amazing, who are these people?" The leader of the knights, wearing a pretty adorned set of armor was in awe. They have lost several people already in their elite team that were launching an assault to take the area.

"Well, whoever they are. We can't let them get all the glory!" A blonde man charged and helped with their battle.

"Reinhardt! Come back here and protect your team!" The leader shouted out, but the hot headed crusader charged in and continued his support.

"That guy's gonna get himself killed." Cloud chuckled and everybody agreed. "Let him be, he thinks he's a hotshot." Aerith snorted.

Suddenly, drop pods fell from the sky and robots that were even larger than the crusaders appeared. The ones from behind were being overrun immediately and the shields of the crusaders can't handle their higher caliber weapons.

"We're being surrounded!" A crusader was backing up as he protected his squad under him. "Hah, Angela hasn't seen a lot yet. But we should just get this over with." Alexandra raised her hands and the clouds darkened.

Lightning crackled and a red dragon made of electricity exited the clouds like it was descending from another realm. It roared and fired lightning from its mouth.

It snaked around all over the battlefield and destroyed the Omnics instantly. Drop ships of the robots that were flying in the sky were then hunted down by her will. The soldiers of the German army stared at them with gaping mouths.

"W-who are you people?" Reinhardt couldn't help, but ask. "None of your business. We're here for her therapy, but you just had to ruin it didn't you?" Alexandra pointed at Angela and rolled her eyes.

Angela was just in a daze, but her eyes were sparkling. Seeing awesome might would do that to any child.

A few more drop pods then managed to go down again and Aerith walked up to Reinhardt. She swiped the huge metal hammer from him and she tapped it into her palm.

"Your hammer is wasted on you, this is how you use a hammer bro." Aerith jumped up and smacked an Omnic right as its pod opened up. Smashing it into smithereens, along with the hammer.

"Awww, this junk can't even handle one hit..." Aerith stared at it with a bit of sadness. She wanted to whack a bit more.

Reinhardt was speechless. Seeing a girl that was barely above 5 feet in height, smashed an Omnic with his hammer so hard. It shattered into a million pieces.

"Hey you, what's your name?" Alexandra looked at their leader and he pointed at himself dumbly. "Yeah, of course you." She sighed and face palmed.

The man got a bit embarrassed. "I am Balderich, can you tell me who you are?" He was sure they were on their side, a little crazy. Especially with them bringing a child to a warzone.

But they were obviously warriors that are super lethal. Even the shrimp Aerith is much stronger than them. And nobody would ever expect that.

"Hmm, now that I think about it. People will always ask this question... Any suggestions on what our group should be called?" Alexandra called out to the others.

Aerith's eyes lit up and she raised her hands immediately. "Ooh! Ooh! I know! How about the Midgar Rangers?"

Zack, Cloud, and Tifa looked at her with disgust and Aerith's smile twitched. "Let's just go with the usual. We're SOLDIER 1st class, the most elite team you will ever witness in your life. Now, tell me. Where are the Omnics most concentrated?" Alexandra squinted her eyes.

Balderich was apprehensive, but Reinhardt slapped him on the back. "Give it to them my friend! They are obviously helping us!" He laughed and was really amused by Aerith using his hammer.

"But Reinhardt, they are strangers." Balderich wasn't convinced and Alexandra rolled her eyes. "Come on, baldy. We don't have all day. I've got a kid with PTSD to cure here. Look at her, she's so excited once we destroyed them."

Balderich took out some coordinates, but he was still making decisions in giving it to them. Especially hearing the fact that they were fighting in battles to cure a girl of PTSD. By putting her in a warzone.

Alexandra yoinked it with telekinesis and she quickly memorized the places. "Come on let's go. And you, blonde idiot. You should listen to your friend. You would've gotten them all killed if we weren't here." Alexandra gave some advice as they were a help to humankind.

They then flew away and disappeared from sight. Balderich was still confused as hell. "Balderich... Do you know them? They called themselves SOLDIER 1st class... No government can make people like those, ever." Reinhardt got a bit serious.

He might be hotheaded. But he is a lieutenant of the crusaders. He played it off and tried to be friendly. But those kinds of people are ones who are super dangerous. Ones who are so desensitized to war and fighting that it was a regular weekday 9-5 for them.

"I do not know Reinhardt... But Overwatch and the UN must know of this. There's a group of superhumans roaming around, taking care of Omnics." Balderich looked at a badge in his hand. The symbol of Overwatch, a small group that is being rounded up by the UN to take care of the Omnic crisis.

The gang roamed around Germany and they fought on all fronts. And after a whole day of fighting, Angela was visibly improving. In her mind, the Omnics weren't as dangerous. Though her grief was still there.

"You okay?" Alexandra checked on her as she heard some crying. She wasn't good at cheering people up. Especially children, but she still tried.

"I miss mommy and daddy." Angela stated and Alexandra was at a loss. She then had an idea. "Look here, your parents won't come back. They're gone for good, but they will want you to live your life and attain your dreams. What's your dream?"

Angela stared at her. "You suck at cheering people up big sis Alexandra... I don't know, I haven't thought of it..." Angela is a smart child and Alexandra winced at her comment.

"Then... How about a doctor? Or a researcher? You can help the world be a better place." She thought those would keep her out of the front lines.

"A doctor... But how will I become one? I don't have anyone to support me anymore." Angela asked the difficult question and Alexandra's face twitched a bit.

"Then I'll teach you, I'm no doctor. But I tried helping my brother with his research a bit. I have extensive knowledge about the human body." She smiled and Angela was suspicious.

"Really?" Angela couldn't quite believe it and Alexandra pinched her cheeks. "Yes, yes I am. And you're annoying. We'll be teaching you today how to fire one of these things." Alex took out a pistol and handed it to her.

"A gun? How will I heal people if you teach me how to shoot?" Angela was confused and Alexandra sighed, breathing in and out to calm herself.

"Calm down, you're talking to a kid. This is good practice, she's smart. But she isn't as smart as you at her age." Alexandra cleared her throat.

"You need to protect yourself first. If you can't, then how will you heal other people?" Alexandra just pulled her outside and set up some targets before she could ask more questions.

"Now, do things like this." She patted her head and injected some knowledge about firearms.

Angela nodded and she processed the information quite quickly. Remembering them pretty easily. She had an eidetic memory and followed the steps.

She fired on the targets and was expecting the recoil. But she was expecting it too much and her accuracy fell. Though she hit them still, which was already good enough for a first timer.

"Again. Do you notice why you aren't hitting it accurately?" Alexandra entered her teaching mode and scrutinized her technique down to her muscles twitching.

"It's my first time?" Angela replied and Alexandra froze. "Right... This is your first time, go on. Practice makes perfect."

"You're a bad teache aren't you?" Angela quipped and Alexandra deflated at that. "She got you there, bwahahaha!" Aerith laughed at her and Alexandra glared at her.

"Then teach her?" She raised a brow and gave her a meaningful look. If she didn't make Angela improve, she will be punished.

Aerith huffed and was proud of herself though. So she went up to Angela. "Come on, fire once again and I'll check what you're doing wrong." Aerith gestured for her to fire again.

After reviewing what she's working with, she nodded. "You're too tense and excited. Take a deep breath and calm down. Don't expect the recoil and try to control it. Time your trigger finger when controlling the recoil, you'll be more accurate and your shots won't dip down as much."

Angela tried it and she was leagues more accurate. Aerith then had a smug look on her face and smirked at Alexandra. "You were saying?"

"Don't tease her too much Aerith. This is the first time she's teaching someone normal. We were augmented by Ramiel so she didn't have any trouble with us. And Angela is already prodigious if you consider her age and background." Tifa intervened.

"Really? Am I really talented?" Angela smiled at Tifa's words and she smiled. "Yes honey, you're really good. Now, continue your practice okay? I'll give you some food after you're done." Tifa patted her head and Alexandra huffed and puffed.

"She's already like a mother, it's not fair." Alex frowned and Angela looked at her. "What? You gonna make fun of me too?" She squinted her eyes and Angela gestured her to come to her.

"Can you give me more knowledge about firearms and shooting?" Angela tried cheering her up and the roles reversed. Though Alexandra didn't notice, with her EQ being a bit lower than average.

She got hooked and was happy to keep on making her improve. Alexandra pumped her full of knowledge about being a marksman.

And with newfound motivation, she helped her however she could. Training Angela to be the best marksman the world has ever seen.

They entered a cycle and cleared out the Omnics in Germany. After a week of doing so, Alexandra armed Angela with guns, lots and lots of guns.

There were tons of it lying around after all. Their group started getting more recognition all over the world. Especially because the crusaders have talked about them. And the crusaders are an elite force.

"You ready? We're going to battle in the plains now. I'm still going to give you some barriers, but they can be depleted and you need to take cover." Alexandra bluffed Angela for some pressure to improve.

"O-okay." Angela was nervous, but she was a child. And children have more confidence than others. Especially when she thought that she can't let her mentors. Her big brothers and sisters down.

Armed with a plasma rifle so she won't run out of ammo, they flew to the most dangerous battle in Germany.

At the battlefield they arrived in, it was a total warzone unlike the pretty tame ones earlier. The skies were filled with smoke. Bullets were flying everywhere.

Battalions of robots were marching. Drop ships of the Omnics kept on replenishing the soldiers. Planes and jets were being shot down. Titans walked around and were unloading high caliber rounds.

It was a battlefield that made world war 2's fiercest ground engagements look like a nerf war. "Skynet has truly tried taking over the world." Aerith closed her eyes and prayed.

Tifa pinched her cheeks and she teared up. "Come on, let's go." They started their assault and left Angela on her own. But they didn't move far and was within her range at all times. Which she noticed.

So she breathed in deep and her adrenaline was pumping. One Angela Ziegler sniped the bastions and other Omnics with great accuracy and precision.

She put on the heat on the endless hordes of robots. Alexandra casted a regeneration spell on her so she won't get tired.

Angela fought her inner demons as she still had flashbacks of her parents getting killed. Meanwhile, the others protected the other soldiers so she won't see them get gunned down.

"They grow up so quick." Alexandra had a smile on her face as she saw little Angela run around and fight.

"This is messed up." Zack commented and he was smacked by Alexandra. "Look at her! She's having a great time!"

And she was, at least right now. High from adrenaline because of the intense battle. Her mind was focused on beating the Omnics and to make them proud.

Though of course, with them sitting at her side to monitor her. They didn't have much done. "Aerith, take down the drop ships and aerial fighters. The titans there too. I will thin out their numbers." Tifa took decisive action.

Aerith raised an orb in the sky and it spun really quickly. Scanning the skies, she noticed there weren't any human pilots in the air space around them and unleashed her spell.

The sphere began spewing laser at all directions in the sky and all the Omnic ships were cut down instantly. Explosions lit up the sky and the soldiers of course noticed this.

"They're here! The SOLDIERs are here! And one of them took care of all the air force! I repeat, the air space in our location is clear! We need air support damn it!" A soldier radioed command.

Tifa started throwing lightning at the titans and shot them from afar. The heavy infantry were quickly wiped out and the army was able to breathe more.

She then casted a chain lightning at the battalions of robots that were marching ahead. Making a domino effect. Explosions kept on triggering and it was like a carpet bombing.

Angela stared at the fireworks and she was simply amazed by the sight. She won't ever get tired of it.

"How are you doing champ? How many are your confirmed kills?" Zack patted her on the back. Angela then counted and remembered all her shots that confirmed a kill.

"I had 233!" She lit up like a Christmas tree and she kept running around to shoot more. "Damn, that kid's going to be messed up when she grows up." Zack was concerned.

"Oh please, she hasn't even shot a real human. It's just robots, it's much more traumatic seeing heads explode." Alexandra rolled her eyes and they continued their campaign.

With the air space being clear, air support came and soldiers cheered. They were able to bomb the Omnics and provide tons of help. Drop ships also didn't add more and more soldiers to the enemy side. Slowly turning the tide of war.

Angela also didn't forget her role as a doctor. And Tifa had the idea of lending her their curaga Materia. Anytime she saw any injured, she went up to them and healed them up.

Tifa thought it would gratify her and consolidate her idea of being a doctor. And now that the Omnics are being pushed back. She focused more on running around, trying to find injured to heal.

After a few hours, the fires still burned. And casualties were still a lot. But the humans pushed back a huge Omnic offensive.

Angela also got famous as she healed up a lot of injured soldiers. And she was all too happy to help. With Alexandra filling up the energy to the Materia, she managed to heal many wounded.

"Okay, I hate to say this. But this won't work, we need to learn where these punks are coming from." Alexandra remembered the Omniums. But they don't know where they were located.

And the Omnics would just keep on being produced if they don't shut them down. Stronger, faster, and better as time went on.

They just put up a table in the middle of the battlefield with magic and started drinking and eating.

"Here, go eat Angela. You're definitely hungry right?" Tifa cooked and Angela's stomach growled. She was tired and hungry, but it was a good kind of tired.

"Yes! Your food is always so good big sis Tifa." Angela was excited and ate the food she cooked.

The soldiers just stared at them incredulously. They were waiting for someone to walk up to them. In order for them to know where they will need to go.

After a while or waiting, two people arrived in a heli and they walked up to them. "Hello, I am Jack Morrison, this is Gabriel Reyes. We are the current commanders of an international group, Overwatch. We're tasked with deali-"

"Yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. Save the speech for later man. We already know you're like the group that are chosen or something." Alexandra cut him off as he was going off in his monologue.

"Pft, he got you there Morrison." Reyes laughed and Morrison didn't know what to say. "Listen here, we actually need just one thing from you guys. The exact locations of the Omniums. We are going to shut it down to end the conflict." Aerith spoke up.

The two looked at each other and considered it. "Can we invite you to our headquarters first please? We want to aid you in this endeavor." Morrison knew they were supernatural. They've tipped battles in several fronts already.

And they did all of that with a goddamned kid with them. "It's a waste of time, what can you guys even do? Shoot bullets? That's like every other soldier. We don't need them, I'd bet Angela here can do better than a lot of soldiers. How many did you take down today?" Alex looked at Angela.

She fidgeted a bit and was shy. "I took down 420 Omnics. And I healed 69 people, hehe~" Angela was bashful.

"See? She's more combat effective than elite soldiers." Alexandra patted her head and had a smile on her face.

Morrison and Reyes stared at each other and thought they were insane. Putting a kid in a warzone. And they weren't kidding too, she had a plasma rifle on her shoulders.

"We beg of you, this is a huge step for mankind's counteroffensive. We need to go with you, we can't just let it all be on your shoulders." Morrison bowed and they raised a brow.

"This probably political, we should just beat them up to get the locations." Tifa suggested and they broke into a cold sweat.

"Awww, but shouldn't we like rope them in? We'll leave this place eventually. I think it will be good if there's an elite task force that can take care of super vital missions." Aerith disagreed.

"Hmmm, Aerith's got a point Tifa. I got just one question though. Is this Overwatch thing not a secret spec ops task force?" Alexandra squinted her eyes and would kill them in an instant if they lied.

Secret spec ops of the government will never result in something good. Right now due to the Omnic crisis, they would. But when things start to calm down. The government will use them for their own gains.

"No, it's completely public. And we're currently going around the world to take care of rogue Omnics." Reyes replied immediately as he felt extreme danger. His senses as a black man was ringing alarm bells at Alexandra's question.

"Then fine, where will we be going?" Alex sighed. "To the UN, we're currently situated in New York. We were just in the area to recruit some crusaders." Morrison replied

"Then call your team here right now. We leave in 30 minutes, time starts now. You're late by even a nanosecond, we leave." Alexandra shooed them and they immediately started running away.

After waiting a bit, they were joined by two familiar faces. Balderich and Reinhardt. There were also a woman with tanned skin and an old beansprout that looks like a dwarf.

"Really? You expect us to go shut down an Omnium with that shrimp over there? No offense old man, but your stubbly little legs will slow us down." Alexandra looked at the dwarf like old man.

"Who're ya callin' a shrimp!? Ya wanna fight, huh!?" The old man was about to go in and swing, but he was stopped by Reinhardt.

"Torbjorn! Stop, they'll fold you like a lawn chair my friend!" He hugged the furious Torbjorn and Alexandra stood up. Morrison and Reyes having to look up to be eye to eye.

"Let's go." She gestured for them to float and they started levitating. They then flew to New York at break neck speeds.

After an hour of flying, they arrived at New York and went to the UN headquarters. There, they were welcomed by a pleasant Asian woman.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mina Liao." She bowed and while waiting for a conference, she explained that she was responsible for a lot of the development of the Omnics and Omnium in Omnica corp.

"Morrison here insisted that I be a part of Overwatch. In order to stop the Omnic crisis. And I vowed to do so, with the war already taking millions of lives worldwide." Mina had a sad expression.

She worked on them to bring a golden age of economic stability. Automation all over the world to bring prosperity to mankind. But it suddenly turned into a nightmare.

"We're holding a conference, please follow me." The tanned woman gestured to follow and they entered a room with people in suits.

"Ugh, politics. If they don't make this quick we riot." Aerith whispered to them and they were given a seat.

"Hello, may we please know your names?" The defense minister asked them.

"Sorry, there's no time for that. Please just give us the locations of the Omniums and we'll be on our way." Tifa politely cut the bullshit so they can shut down the main root of the problem.

"Please, we insist. We're going to be a team. Overwatch is an international task force that will be going on missions to turn the Omnic forces inert." Anothe member of the committee explained.

"Yes, we are going to need a team that can coordinate together perfectly. This is of utmost importance."

"But that's the major problem about it. We don't need to. Just one of us can do everything they can. Cough up the locations so we can do our job." Alexandra tapped on their table and was getting impatient.

"We can't do that, it's a huge security and environmental risk. Especially because the Omniums are dangerous. If not shut down correctly, they'll cause nuclear fallout that will bring more disaster."

The committee members kept on arguing back and forth for them to cooperate with Overwatch. "Alex-nee's gonna blow up." Aerith sighed and they could feel her blood pressure rising.

"ENOUGH! Fools, all of you." Alexandra stomped on the floor and the whole building shook. "You keep on blabbing about risks and dangers. When you already know we can handle it with ease. You just want to tie us down." Alexandra gave them a cold look.

"Disgusting pigs, I should kill the greedy ones now!" Alexandra brandished Masamune and was about to go on a killing spree.

"Alex-nee! Angela's watching!" Tifa held her back and she looked back at Angela who was about to witness her kill people.

"I'll take care of it!" Aerith covered her eyes and ears. Then, Tifa let her go.

Alexandra then made the ones with obviously malicious intent sleep forever as she turned their brains into goop.

"Hah, now. Tell me, where are the locations? I'm not here to play politics with you people. I have places to be. And unfortunately for you, we aren't your little small time hero wannabes that believe in the united nations." Alexandra released her Mako and made the building almost crash into itself.

"We're SOLDIERs, elite of the elite. Who have one job, and that is to undertake the most dangerous missions and wars to protect the world. You're just politicians that sit on your asses, while scientists and others fight your battles. You have no power over us. Now tell me where the targets are or I will ransack this place for it." Alex announced and everybody went quiet.

"I told you this was a bad idea." Reinhardt whispered to the other members of Overwatch.


Thank you for reading everyone, ciao.

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