"Harahel and I wanted to bring everyone together to discuss what all we know about what is going on." Jessica said as she took the podium. "First I wanted to thank everyone here for taking quick action in the rescue and migration of so many people. Harahel and I could not ask for better and more committed people to aid in this cause. I ask that everyone here persevere as we continue to serve the people that were caught up in this as well.
"Harahel and I have interviewed many of you as to what you remembered before coming here and it would seem that all of us had a similar experience of falling in darkness for hours before re-emerging, of course with no small amount of pain. We currently do not know what forces summoned us here or why. Until we get answers we are vulnerable which is why it is imperative that we collect our people and fortify. I want to hear everyone's thoughts on this."
"It could be the work of a God right?" Kokou said. "Whatever brought us here had to be extremely powerful."
"That would be impossible," Liminal exclaimed. "Partially because of the guild master and the vice master. The angels were quite thorough in killing all of the Upper Celestials. Well at least all of them with the power to do this. I believe a few Neter still inhabit Enthroned but they are more intelligent than powerful."
Liminal was referring to the lore of the game which to him really happened. The Upper Celestials were three races of Gods that existed and created the Enthroned; there were Gods, Great Old One and Neter. The Upper Celestials also created the many celestial races such as angels, kisume spirits, shinigami and millions more. One of the Goddesses of War was the creator of the angels and she went insane and used her armies to start a never ending war with all of the other Upper Celestials. She became known as the Butcher of Gods and the crazy thing was she won. They killed every Upper Celestial with the exception of a few of the Neter who were smart enough to evade her and not powerful enough to be worth the trouble in tracking down.
Demons came about later once the war in Enthroned had ended. Half of the angels became restless without battles to fight. They ended up turning on their own and the Butcher of Gods who planned on betraying them anyway. They ended up being victorious and successfully slayed their Mother Goddess and bathed in her blood which caused them to absorb her sins and were cursed becoming demons. The angels that sided with the Butcher of Gods in the decisive battle hunted down the demons and removed their wings as punishment.
"Aren't you forgetting that several Upper Celestials did escape." Pneuma stated. "They caused all sorts of havoc on Tonantzin. Who is to say that more didn't escape either."
"The Three Dark Gods were foolish and ended up being killed by each other and a few mortals." Liminal stated. "But I guess you have a point."
Kevin and Jessica knew that the conversation would go towards the possibility of there being Upper Celestials involved. In the game they were supposedly the strongest beings to have ever existed beside the unconfirmed Pit Walkers. However, to Kevin and Jessica there is no possibility of fictional gods, no matter how powerful they were in the fiction, being capable of pulling two people from the real world into a new one. It would be the same as being summoned by a character in a book you were reading. Luckily they had a plan to steer the meeting back onto helpful subjects.
"We that have fought and killed Upper Celestials have gained the innate ability to sense their divinity." Kevin said as he stood. "You were right to think that they may be involved but neither I nor Lilitu sensed them, so we can rule them out for now."
"I see, we did not know that angels and demons could do that." Kokou stated.
Jessica looked back at Kevin with a slight smile as he sat back down. She then turned back to the small crowd happy that their lie worked.
"Most can't, Harahel and I are exceptions to the rule given the amount of Upper Celestials we have fought against." Jessica continued she then cleared her throat. "How we were summoned will have to be a subject for another day. We are here now and our people need us. There are thousands of people out there but most of them I have never seen."
"If I may." Awen said as she stood up. "It looks like the the power that summoned us here is tied to AFKIRL it is at the center of everything. From what I noticed from the map that Pneuma constructed it looks like the first building to arrive was the Guild Hall then you and Harahel. Then everything you owned then the people that worked for you including us. After that our assets started appearing and the people that worked for us and their immediate families. All I am saying is that this attack on us was targeted and we should definitely collect everyone and bunker down."
"To keep track of everyone we should have everyone's soul marked with the guild seal. That will allow us to communicate more effectively." Svaralfer added. "While I was searching around I found one of my estates in the forest. My guards and servants can not use the guild chat to coordinate easily so there may be overlap in the search area."
"Vara, you call that hovel an estate?" Kokou said with a smile.
"It's bigger than anything you have out there!" Svaralfer screamed as she stood anger plastered across her face.
The two continued to bicker for a few seconds before Fredrick stood up. The sound of his shuffling armor attracted everyone's attention.
"Agreed." Frederick's deep voice bellowed. "Coordination is going to be key and having more able bodied guards will help keep the people safe. I am worried that fear will get the better of some of them if things don't start to improve. The last thing we need is a riot."
Jessica looked over to Pneuma who averted her shy eyes as soon as she felt the gaze on her.
"Pneuma, are there still buildings and people appearing now?" Jessica asked.
"Y-yes… Less frequent now than previously, I think we are nearing the end." Pneuma squeaked.
The conversation shifted to how to effectively organize the new families that would soon join the massive number of people they already had. It was estimated by Fredrick's men that currently they had around 5,500 civilians with more still finding their way to the Guild Hall. In addition there were around two hundred servants, and six hundred guards not counting the ones from the other avatars estates. That was well beyond the capacity of the estate and even more pressingly beyond what they could provide in food supply.
Everything was broken down into three main points. The first was rescuing the civilians still lost out in the forest which would be overseen by Hyperion, Svaralfer, Pneuma and Fredrick. Second was security which was going to be carried out in two fold, Liminal would assign guards to police the populace and handle disputes ensuring people didn't fall into disarray. Eraká, Kokou and Aureole would secure the perimeter to keep a lookout for any would be attackers until more permeate defenses could be made. Lastly was shelter which would be handled by Awen who was the guild's engineer and Murder who really just wanted an exuse to be outside and take sample of the flora.