Unfortunately, the applause didn't end when Papyrus and Undyne stopped clapping. Not too far away, they could hear the sound of a third person clapping and walking towards them, in high heels.
No one said anything out of fear.
Papyrus handed Frisk his violin case and surrounded their group with his bones while Undyne pulled out her spear in anticipation. Once Frisk had packed his violin and his bow away and was holding his violin case against his chest, Papyrus picked Frisk up in his arms.
Undyne quickly turned off her flashlight and Papyrus quickly did the same.
As the footsteps grew closer, they all held their breaths.
Thinking quickly, Undyne dissolved her spear, grabbed Papyrus' hand, and whispered, "Put down your bones and follow me."
"What are you -?" Papyrus started to ask as quietly as he could.
"Trust me," Undyne replied. "If I recall Frisk's memories correctly, I can get us around whoever that is."
"My lovely contestants, are you alright?" the familiar, obnoxiously flamboyant voice rang out confirming their worst fears. "We have had a few minor technical difficulties and I just wanted to make sure you hadn't fallen over the edge into the abyss. Where did you go?"
Mettaton couldn't have been any more than 100 feet away.
Papyrus quickly dissolved his bones and whispered, "Alright, Undyne, you lead the way. Don't worry, Frisk. We'll be out of here in no time."
Frisk replied with an "okay" and started silently praying.
Undyne and Papyrus walked backwards until they had almost reached the edge. For fear of falling, she stopped there and they just listened.
"When he passes by, you two run like hell," Undyne whispered. "You understand me? I'll take care of the pretty boy."
"No, Undyne," Frisk whispered pleadingly. "Don't hurt him. I don't want him to die."
"Why not?" Undyne quietly protested.
"I don't want any more sad endings for anyone," Frisk replied. "Please, Undyne…"
"Besides," Papyrus chimed in. "This isn't a fair fight for either of you. Neither of you can really see where you're going."
"Fair point," Undyne reluctantly agreed. "Alright, I won't fight him. At least, not now…"
"Frisk, dear, are you down here?!" Mettaton yelled much loudly from about 8 feet in front of them. "I know you are. I could hear you playing the violin. You sounded wonderful. Are you with my lovely contestants? I know you're around here somewhere, even though you somehow managed to get your bracelet off. You don't need to be afraid, dear! I'm not going to hurt you. Come out. Come out. Wherever you are."
They did not realize that Mettaton had gained so much ground so quickly. Everyone went silent and hardly breathed while Mettaton stood there and looked around listening for a sound. Evidently, he couldn't see in the dark either.
"Hmmm," Mettaton said before he continued walking past them.
Undyne then pulled Papyrus behind her as quickly and quietly as possible with Frisk still in his arms. They were so quiet that they practically stopped breathing.
Unfortunately, when they had run about 400 feet away, Undyne tripped and Papyrus fell on top of her with an "oompf." It wasn't that loud, but it was just loud enough.
"Oh, there, you are!" Mettaton happily called out from a distance causing them all to freeze in their tracks.
"Oh, shit," Frisk muttered fearfully. "Please, God, no."
"Don't worry, Frisk," said Undyne as she and Papyrus got to their feet. "We won't let him get you again."
"I'm coming, darling!" Mettaton yelled as his boots clacked louder and more quickly towards their general direction. "Don't go anywhere!"
Undyne summoned her glowing spears, fired them in Mettaton's general direction, and yelled, "Eat this, pretty boy!"
The group heard Mettaton shuffle around quickly on his feet and respond, "You're gonna have to do better than that, Undyne. Your moves might be good enough for Dr. Alphys, but you're gonna have to try harder to stop me!"
"Shut up!" Undyne yelled. "God, you're annoying! Papyrus, make a wall now!"
"Right," Papyrus said momentarily dropping Frisk on the ground and creating a wall of bones in front of them. "Now, what?"
Undyne lifted Frisk onto her back, tossed the violin case to Papyrus, and said, "Run like hell and don't you dare drop the violin!"
"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!" Papyrus replied running while cradling the violin case in his arms.
"Hey!" Frisk whined while Undyne and Papyrus dashed as far away as possible. "Don't toss my instrument like that. You could break it."
"I think we have bigger problems right now, punk," Undyne retorted.
"I'll say," Mettaton's voice said in front of them before the ground fell out from under them again.
They fell upwards through a hole on the path overlooking the city that Frisk had followed many times before and landed on their feet when the hole was dissolved.
Another hole opened up, and Mettaton popped out and posed in front of them once he dissolved that hole as well.
Papyrus, Undyne, and Frisk all did double takes. Mettaton was wearing a blue minstrel outfit of varying hues instead of the dress he wore all the previous times.
But before any of them had too much time to think about it, lights came up. Cameras came on. Calibri handed Mettaton a microphone. Then, suddenly, they were live.
"Beauties and gentlebeauties, our crisis has been averted," Mettaton announced. "My lovely contestants and my son have been found safe and sound. It's a miracle."
Mettaton clapped his hands along with the crew and the audience at home while Frisk and Undyne simultaneously rolled their eyes.
"Now, for those of you just tuning in, Mr. and Mrs. Skeleton are fighting through an obstacle course against me for the right to take the homeless human orphan Frisk home as their son," Mettaton said as he walked more closely to his contestants before Undyne summoned a spear as a warning. "But before commercial break, we were having some technical difficulties and Frisk took the chance to run away from his babysitter and me and somehow managed to find his way back. Now, Frisk, would you like to explain how you did that for the curious audience watching?"
Mettaton stretched out his arm until the microphone was right next to Frisk's face.
Frisk saw Burgerpants standing nervously next to the crew and staring at him apologetically.
Frisk looked back at Mettaton and said, "No, that's none of your business."
"I'd beg to differ," Mettaton replied. "You are legally my responsibility."
"Tough toenails," Frisk retorted. "I'm not your son."
Mettaton leaned back, posed dramatically, and said, "Oh, woe is me! What ever shall I do?"
Lights went down, and the spotlight appeared on Mettaton. He strutted backwards to the bottom of the stairs, fell back onto them, and posed against them dramatically.
"Alas! My son, the child I have adopted as my own, has turned against me," Mettaton monologued. "Why has he betrayed me so? Have I not fed him and clothed him and treated him with the upmost courtesy? Have I not vowed to care for him as I would my own flesh and blood? Why does he treat me with such vile contempt? Where ever did I go wrong?"
"God, he was less annoying when he wore the dress," Frisk muttered quietly causing Undyne and Papyrus to chuckle under their breath.
"My son," Mettaton said reaching out his hand towards Frisk who was suddenly lit up with the spotlight. "Won't you return to me? There shall be no consequence for your betrayal. I only want you to come home…And play this MTT-brand electric guitar I bought for you!"
Another spotlight shined on the electric guitar that was sitting on the landing at the top of the stairs.
"How about it, my dear son?" Mettaton asked.
"I'm just fine with the violin you bought me, asshole!" Frisk yelled back at him.
Just then, the ratings board pinged as 20 viewers stopped watching the show at once. The ping was loud enough to catch the notice of Mettaton and Frisk's group.
Mettaton was visibly flustered for a moment before regaining his composure.
"Darling, I must ask again for you not to use such language on a family-friendly television show," Mettaton said firmly. "Such language makes my audience unhappy, and when my audience is unhappy, I'm unhappy. Understand?"
The dots finally started coming together in Frisk's and everyone else's mind. Undyne, Papyrus, and Frisk exchanged knowing glances.
"Yes, Mettaton," Frisk replied. "We understand. May I play a song for the audience? I'll sing the lyrics, too."
"Oh, my dear," Mettaton said happily getting to his feet. "Nothing would make me happier. What do you want to play?"
"It's a song called 'Dumb,'" Frisk said. "It was written by a grunge band called Nirvana."
"Oh," Mettaton said in slight confusion. "That sounds…interesting. Why doesn't Mr. Skeleton put you down so you can play?"
Papyrus looked worried for a second, but after receiving a smile from Frisk, he put him down but kept his hands on his shoulders.
Frisk smirked back at his friends one more time as he began to play.