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60.71% Domination, have you heard of it? [SCP|SI] / Chapter 17: Chapter 11

Kapitel 17: Chapter 11

I was sitting on my desk thinking of new symbols. Memorizing them was not an issue; My improved memory made sure I didn't forget stuff.

I was, in what I decided to call, the creative state of creating a new language. Then I would start assigning symbols meanings. After that… I would need to find a way to give them power. I was not sure I possessed magic, but I was sure my soul was powerful enough to power up anything I put my mind into.

I had around 200 symbols done when I heard the door to my cell open. In walked Dr. Bright with all of his swagger. He was one of the few people not terrified of me. His soul, which was locked in the locket around his neck, never showed any signs of fear. Maybe he thought me incapable of destroying it?

He walked up to me and swung his arm around my shoulders to lean over and see what I was working on.

"So…" He began in a manner which experience told me he was ordered to do something he found boring. "Whatcha doing?"

"I am creating a new language. Being in this cell, no matter how big it is, is sometimes boring."

He slowly turned his head towards my face as he stopped looking at the symbols drawn on my computer."Uh huh, it has nothing to do with the fact and Clef refused to teach you runes right."

"Oh no, it definitely has to do with that. If he won't teach me runes, I'll teach myself, thank you very much." His eyebrows strongly twitched. I had noticed that all of Bright's mannerisms were greatly exaggerated. I didn't know if he did that because he liked doing it or because it made people less scared of him.

"Oh, so you are planning to teach yourself runes? Figure them out by trial and error?"

"Oh hell nah, I feel like that would take too much time. I'm creating my own runes."

I heard a voice coming from Dr. Bright's earbud that sounded very similar to Dr. Clef's voice. "That motherfucker!"

"I am no mother fucker Clef. I have never fucked someone mother. Stop it with the false allegations."

"Oh shit, he can hear us."

"Of course he can! What can't he do!?"

"Maybe escape?"

"Have you seen the video logs of how he escaped Site-81? He could almost definitely knock everyone on the Site out if he wanted to. Even the other SCPs!"

"Are you hanging out again with Neville again?"

"Hey! I told you he's not crazy. The mages are actually pretty nice once you get to know them."

"Both of you shut the fuck up. Terry, go tell the director about this, she asked us to tell her about any new…" I heard a sigh "abilites."

Dr. Bright looked amused and exasperated. "Since when have you been able to hear so much?"

"Since I woke up after being hit with a bunch of tranquilizer darts."

"That long huh?"



Pov - Site Director: Dr. Tilda David Moose

Dr. Bright was seated on my desk, dangling his feet off it. "Has the O5 answered our call for instructions?"

"Yeah, they have." Dr. Bright was an exercise in patience to deal with. He was not bad at what he did, that was the only reason he was allowed to keep the position he had earned.

"Are you going to tell me what they told us?" If he stopped being a walking menace it would make it much easier to work with him though.

"I'm not sure if I should." He could potentially go and do something stupid with the information. The O5 seemed to favor him, he got away with a lot of crap. I think it being immortal has affected the way Jake looks at loss and failure. I suppose that's what happens when not even death can stop someone.

"Oh c'mon, the fate of my friend lies in whatever the O5 said, please tell me, pretty please."

I sighed, why was Bright so difficult to deal with? "That is exactly why I don't want to tell you."

He gasped. His eyes going wide and hints of fear appeared in his body language "What kind of dreadful fate has Gabe been sentenced to?"

"The O5 has ordered us to terminate him."

He deadpanned surprisingly fast at me. "How unexpected."

"But," And this was the important thing. "they want us to do it discreetly. They have ordered us to let SCP-12725 come in contact with other dangerous SCPs in hopes of him dying to one of them. They don't want us to tell SCP-12725 we want it to die though."

He blinked owlishly at me. "Well, that is unexpected."

"Yes, yes it is. We are going to exploit 12725's willingness to help us."


"So, who am I meeting?" I was walking with a d-class down a corridor, the Foundation had finally decided it would let me help with research on some SCPs.

"A pretty lanky guy." Though the d-class I was walking with seemed to dislike me for some reason.

"Lanky?" There were a shit ton of SCPs that could be described as lanky.

"Yes, lanky." This d-class didn't seem to like talking. How cold. Does he really hate me?

"So… can you tell me about the rumors about me?"

This actually made him look at me.

"You don't know about them or are you just messing with me?"

"I genuinely do not know any of them. Well, that is not totally true, Connor talked about some of you believing I went around reading thoughts."

"You don't?" The fact he said that with a surprised tone hurt me a little.

"No, I do not. Thoughts are loud and annoying, I try my best to ignore them. I can actually stop reading them if I concentrate, but particularly loud ones can sometimes ping my senses."

He looked skeptical of that. Which, understandable, but as previously stated a bit hurtful.

"What I can't stop doing is feeling everyone else's feelings. Souls just reflected them so strikingly I can't help but to notice them."

His posture now seemed a tad defensive.

"So you just know what everyone is feeling all the time?"

"Unfortunately, but I am working to find a way to dull my senses. So many people either fear me or detest me. It's kinda depressing."

"Ohh, sorry man. It's just hard to accept that someone is capable of doing that."

"Don't worry about it. It is also annoying for me, way more than what it annoys you I'm sure."

"And how do you know that?" Well for one, I could actively feel how annoyed he was. Secondly…

"Because sometimes those feelings affect mine; I kind of mimic other people's feelings if I don't pay attention. There were once a couple of guards getting frisky in their dorms and I accidentally gave myself blue balls."



The cell I was placed in had a closed off garage like door. The d-class who brought me here gave me the document he was carrying and told me to stay here. I was wondering what SCP I would meet when I heard a voice from some microphones on the ceiling.

"Ah, hello SCP-12725." I heard a slapping sound. "My bad, Gabriel, hello Gabriel."

"It's fine man, just try not to call me that again. It's a bit annoying."

"Yes, yes. Anyway, we would like you to open the file and look at the picture inside of it.

Ohhh, they were gonna test how mental hazards worked on me? This was going to be interesting. I could technically dominate myself to forget something, expel an invading force, or fight a compulsion, so in a worst case scenario there would be no problems.

"Alrighty, opening up the document now."

"Thank you Gabriel."

"Good luck Gabe." Hey! Bright was going to be part of this experiment!

Without any more delays I opened the folder I had been given and saw the face of a screaming pale man…

I began to hear a very loud scream, followed by some sobbing and mumbling before the voice went back to screaming.

You have to be fucking kidding me.


Pov - Assistant Director of Personnel of Site-19: Dr. Jack Bright

"SCP-12725 seems to be holding out pretty well."

"What do the sensors show?"

"Somehow 12725 was able to capture 096 before it even had a chance to attack him."

I hummed, Gabe seemed to come up with new abilities every once in a while. His clearly Type Red like bio-manipulation, his ability to control 'air', his ability to control space, his crimson flames, his cool soul powers, the new rune inspired language, and now barriers?

"Perhaps he is folding space in a way SCP-096 is unable to go through?" I proposed.

"Maybe? We are not too sure sir. Studying 12725 has proven very hard, even with the help of the thaumaturgy personnel and SCP-12725's own inclination to give us answers to all of our questions. Him being able to just do new stuff all the time is not something we are used to. He is logical about how he does stuff, he is not like Type Greens. For all we know, 12725 learned a way to seal stuff."

"You are right, this does sound troublesome, let's see if 12725 is willing to answer some questions."

I pressed the 'open coms' button and leaned down into the microphone. "Hey Gabe, the big heads here wish to know how you are containing SCP-096."

"You fuckers! What is that thing and why is it so damn fast! I can't believe you've done this to me."

Huh, maybe Gabe would not be willing to give us answers this time.

"So… you are not gonna brag about how you are doing whatever you are doing?"

"Fuck you Jake! Go fuck yourself!"

"Fuck me yourself you coward!"

The scientists who were muttering behind me suddenly stopped and just stared at me. They were giving me very pointed looks. I decided to ignore them, one of the sensors was detecting Gabe looking straight at me. He was doing it like the load of bullshit he was, you know, like through the wall and containment procedures. He was just staring at my position with an honestly perturbing amount of accuracy.


"Yes Gabe?"

"I like you."

"I know Gabriel."

"But I have to let you know you are the weirdest human I have ever met."

"Thank you Gabby."

"Never call me that please."

"Will do Gabriel."

"Thank you."

"You are welcomed."

It looks like our conversation died right there.


Pov - SCP-12725: Gabriel Garcia

SCP-096 was a scary fucker. As soon as he entered my part of the connected cells I had expanded the space in between us so much that I couldn't even see the other side of the room.

I could feel him accelerate towards me at speeds that actually frightened me a bit. Was SCP-096 really supposed to be this fast? I don't remember anything about him being fast as fuck.

As he crossed the 1 / 4 of the space in between us and kept accelerating I began to sweat a bit. I had expanded the space as much as I could. I had hoped it would have given me enough time to think of a countermeasure for the shy guy, but apparently he was Sonic or something.

With a sigh I decided that I would try to use boost once again. I concentrated on my being and connected it to the concept of domination as much as I could.

Nothing happened, but that was expected, domination almost never did anything without directions. I began concentrating on dominating my strength and tried to raise it. As always it didn't do anything.

I concentrated on infusing my soul with domination and using my body as a conduit for all my power. I didn't feel much of an increase and I couldn't make myself stronger after the initial boost.

SCP-096 crossed the halfway mark.

I tried to concentrate on the oncoming fight and felt something reach out to me, calling for me, but I couldn't feel anything else. Like looking at the light at the end of a tunnel you could never reach.

My eyes shot open wide. This had been the first time I had felt that type of connection with domination. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore how fast 096 was barreling towards me. SCP-096 had already reached the 3 / 4 mark and was not slowing down at all.

That connection, I had to reach out for it with more intention, but what kind of intention? The fight? I had to become stronger to win whatever fight I had coming, runes were not ready, 096 speed meant that my space manipulation would not be helpful enough, wind would be totally ineffective, what else could I do other than boost myself?

I knew I had to concentrate on boost before trying out all the other cool ideas I had, but the hulk had never been my favorite and so the power to go 'hur dur me strongest' had not sounded so appealing.

I was beginning to regret my decisions.

I tried concentrating on dominating the fight and I felt the connection become stronger. Unfortunately nothing happened again. What was I supposed to do!?

SCP-096 then appeared on the artificial horizon my power had made, he appeared to have slowed down once it was close enough to me and felt I wasn't getting any further away from him. Great, that meant I had more time.

Think Gabe, think. You are about to be mangled to death if you can't figure out how to boost. How did God even end up using Ddraig's power to create the boosted gear? What had he done with domination to make it a weapon that increased exponentially the overall strength of whoever used it.

SCP-096 was now closer to me and was now running at a speed that didn't make me dizzy. I heard his screams become louder and louder. I needed more time, I had to do something to slow him down even further. I decided a mini hurricane would have to suffice, I couldn't afford to put more attention on other stuff at the moment. I also decided to let my soul out, I would apologize to everyone at a later date but keeping such a tight lock on it was also distracting.

Finally I gave all the attention I could possibly give to how to boost and came to a realization. I didn't need to dominate a fight. I didn't need to dominate this fight. I already, on a conceptual level, dominated everything.

I was not limited to flesh and blood because I was not a human. Why would my body restrict how strong I could become? Why did my soul have to be tied down to a standard of how strong souls could be?

It didn't need to be. I had unconsciously decided I would be.

And with that realization the world around me slowed as I became much more than I had been just a minute ago.

SCP-096 tore through the mini tornado and ran at me, his hands finally reached me and grabbed me by my arms and lifted me up. He screamed at my face, his jaw opening up to an unnatural degree. His eyes had tears running out of them like a river and his nose was runny. In conclusion, he was very hideous.

His lanky arms tried to rip my arms out of their sockets and failed.

He slammed me into the floor and put one of his legs on my torso and pulled again and again and again as he tried to rip my arms off. But he failed, because why would my body give to an external force that was inferior to it.

I watched SCP-096 screech at its inability to kill me and saw him go in for a bite. He thought he would be able to bite my head off? Even if he failed at pulling my arms out? Pathetic.

I moved my right arm towards his face and slammed it down as fast as I could. Now that I thought about it, 'as fast as I could' now was just as fast as I wanted to be. I noted with some detachment that I had ripped his lower jaw off with my one hand. The hand that was also grabbing me flew with the jaw to the side.

SCP-096 did not even feel what I had done to it. I could feel his soul only agonizing over the fact that someone had seen his face. What a truly sad being. To be so pitiful that even just the knowledge of its face being known made it go on a rampage. I decided to put down the rabid dog where it stood.

With ease I brought destruction into reality. And with that same ease I annihilated everything that was SCP-096. I would let people keep the knowledge of what it was, but everything spiritual and material that made part of its being ceased to exist. Such a creature had no right to be mad at me for knowing what it looked like.

Now, what would I do about the Foundation? They had been amusing to mess with, but now that I thought about it, maybe I should just destroy them?

It would certainly be easier than dealing with them on a daily basis. Though a part of me screamed that it would be wrong to actually follow through what I thought the best course of action was. Why was I even limiting myself to amusing these humans? They had been somewhat annoying ever since I first met them. They were so demanding, so entitled. I just had to flex a little and they would all disappear.


Was I screaming? That felt like I was screaming. Why would I be against just deleting the humans from existence? Actually, why don't I just eliminate all humans? The Foundation wasn't the only annoying group of humans. They were so insignificant, it would matter if one more species was to be eliminated from the universe. They certainly tried to eliminate each other plenty. I could just give them the little push they needed to stop being a nuisance.

I felt my emotions revolt at that and gasped as I felt all my power leave me. I fell to the floor and almost blacked out. My feelings returned to me and the dispassionate part of me that was the embodiment of domination left me. I had never felt so tired before, with a little bit of effort I felt how strained my soul was.

With a little more feeling around I realized something. The strain didn't occur because of my power. It occurred because I decided to lower myself to what I was now. How interesting. Still… that way of thinking. It disturbed me a little that I could suddenly become so apathetic to everything around me.

I looked around me and noted I was in a very wide crater. With nothing else to do I laid down on my back and started suppressing my soul once more. I hoped I didn't kill anyone. Well, everyone other than 096.

I felt a bit sad at the fact I had taken a life, but the part of me that would have cared for a single being's death was not part of me anymore. I was just sad I had taken a life, not sad for the life I had taken.


Watching SCP videos at 2x speeds cuz I don't have enough time. -_-

Also, goddamn, why am I unable to write long chapters!?

If any of y'all finds a spelling mistake, has questions, has some criticism, or whatever, please leave a comment. I enjoy reading them.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

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