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44.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 52: Three Faction Meeting-

Kapitel 52: Three Faction Meeting-

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 4400


After the whole Kokabiel Fiasco. The Three Factions decided to hold a meeting in Kuoh Academy. Guess who got an invitation

Azazel told me I was invited as a leader of a group filled with strong individuals. Not as some grunt to go give a report. He was treating me as a separate faction.

Smart guy. Things would have gone hostile if the Devils tried to order me around.

Thanks to our appearance in Kyoto they know we are more than four people.

They probably want me there to hear my side of the story. Maybe even bully me into their alliance. Considering I have Excalibur and Durandal. The Church and Heaven won't sit quietly.

But if they think they can threaten me they have another thing coming.

And why the hell did they choose Kuoh academy? Neutral ground my ass.

We could have gone anywhere else. A freaking penthouse would do. We all sit on the top of the penthouse and all their mob army defends us.

Those stupid Sis-cons wanted their sisters involved. So they can get some good publicity.

Being present on a historical moment like the Alliance forming. Yeah, can't really get better publicity than that.

~Team meeting.

"Okey I just got a call from Azazel. He called me about the thing Sona was talking about. The Three Factions are having a peace meeting. Officially is just a meeting to talk about Kokabiel and that whole mess." I skip right to the most important details.

"And since you were the one who killed Kokabiel, with a legendary sword at that. They want to ask some questions" Meredith noded along

"Do you need me there? I could help fight off the pressure, I have been planing to quit as the Referee in the Rating Games. My debt to Ajuka is already paid. I just continued for added benefits." Tiamat offered. Since she was now Transcended/ Super Class. If she showed up they would know my 'faction' has some serious backing.

Which reminds me. I need more people. A group of powerful people is not a faction. They are nothing more than terrorists. A faction means a lot more. Having, members, sources of income. Making trades with other factions, and much more.

But I got the base covered. Without the prerequired strenght. We would have been eaten alive out there in the 'real world'. Now that we can defend ourselves. It's time to grow and expand. We will travel the world. Seeing the sights, gathering people and funds.

But that will take time. And it's not like I'm in a hurry.

"As funny as that would be. There is no need. They can stop me if I want to run away. So there is little danger for us there. But you can still quit if you want."

There was really no need for her to waste her time with the Devils.

"Hmm. Okay"

"So who will you be taking?" Valerie asks me

"I won't be taking you with me, Valerie. It's too risky. You are our lifeline. Sending you on the front lines is not a smart idea. Only Dino, Veldora and Asia will come with me. The rest can hang out in Kurama's Mountian or at Tiamat's cave."

"I'm fine with that" Asia nodded. But I'm guessing it's because she is going to be having a few words with the Heaven representative. Good luck Michael

"A meeting with the most powerful people in the Biblical Faction. How exciting" Veldora grinned brightly

"I'm going to see my old man? What a drag..." Dino slumped even further on his seat

"The rest can start training. Gasper, I have already sealed your Sacred Gear. So there is no worry about it going out of control. You can train to your heart's content.

"Got it!" Gasper saluted

"Koneko, Kuroka. I have given you the same swords as Kurama. More or less. He is staying with you so you can ask him for tips. Kuroka can guide Koneko better as you are sisters. But even if Kurama is from a different race. He is far more experienced and knowledgeable about Senjutsu. So you can ask him for advice"

"Okay" "No problem~nyaa" Koneko and Kuroka nodded

"Xenovia you and Misaka can train your swordsmanship and stamina. Since you are both human and swordswoman. Your training is more or less the same" Both of them nodded

"Good. The meeting is about to start. Asia, Veldora, Dino you guys can head on without me. I need to make a pitstop in the underworld."

"Why do you need to go to the underworld?" Koneko tilted her head, the rest of them were also curious.

Seeing their faces I couldn't help but grin "To pick up our next member of course"

~Meeting. Kuoh Academy

There were 5 chairs on the table. One of them was empty.

Sirzechs and Serafal on one side. Behind them were the Grayfia, Sona with her peerage and Rias with her peerage. With her new Knight Irina.

Michael sitting alone with Griselda Quarta behind him.

And Azazel with Vali who was behind Azazel but he had his back against the wall.

"He is late" Serafal grumbled as she tapped her foot on the ground

"He will be here soon, and there is still time before the meeting starts" Azazel says without a care in the world

"It's still common courtesy to arrive earlier at a meeting. And why did we give him a seat" Sirzechs frowned, not understanding why someone like Isaiah is sitting on the same level as them

The Devils behind them were feeling awkward

"That guy is a bit troublesome. I don't want to get on his bad side. If you antagonize him that's your problem. But leave me out of it" Azazel says casually while waving his hand

The other leaders were surprised by this statement.

What could have Isaiah done to get Azazel value him so highly

"Hey Sona Sitri. Something has been bothering me. Why is the sacred Gear Signal on your pawn different?" Azazel looked at Saji, more specifically, looking at his soul.

Saji shivered. He felt like a test subject on a table ready to be cut open

"Really Sona-chan?" Said Serafall in her business tone. She couldn't play around here.

"I made a deal with Isaiah. One Sacred Gear for another. We got Starling Blue in exchange" Sona lifted up her glasses making them flash.

This information surprised the others.

"Really?" Michael said in a surprised tone.

"Hoo. And it was done without any consequences to the host?" Azazel leaned forward, excited about the news

Sona nodded

"So he has a way to take out or exchange Sacred Gears with no harm done to the user. Man, that kid is getting more interesting by the minute" Azazel laughed as he leaned back on his chair.

Thinking about how to convince Isaiah to do some experiments on Sacred gear with him.

" Yeah.. Interesting. " Sirzechs and Serafall glanced at each other. Isaiah was getting more troublesome

"By the way." Vali spoke up "Where is the rest of your peerage Rias Gremory? I have heard rumors of a Vampire that can stop time. Is he here today?"

Azazel just facepalmed 'Man this kid has no tact. Only revenge and battle are on his mind. Is he gay? ... Actually, I hope that he is 'at least' gay and not asexual. Ajuka spends all day in his lab. The last thing I need is him going around randomly picking fights all day'

Sirzechs fought down his flinch. But Rias's face dropped for a moment, before the fake smile came back on

" I'm afraid that information is personal "

~ Flashback. Koneko and Gasper leaving

"What do you mean you are leaving" Rias slammed her hands on the desk with an angry expresion

Akeno and Issei just stood there in shock

"Exactly as I said. We are leaving." Gasper said calmly

"But why" Akeno spoke up, she was still a bit shaken by the information

Koneko let out her ears and tail. Shocking Issei

"KONEKO IS A CAT GIRL!!" he yelled out in shock. But the next second he had a perverted expression on his face

"I found my Big Sister" Koneko said slowly

"Kuroka the S-Rank Stray Devil?" Rias eyes widened as Koneko noded

"I found out the truth. My sister killed our master to protect me. The Naberius Family was experimenting on different yokai and devils. My sister for my protection participated in the experiments, for months she withstood torture every day. One day they decided that they needed more data. So they were going to experiment on me next. Kuroka found out and killed him"

Koneko's words left Rias, Askeno and Issei frozen in place

"She left me to your brother, because she became a wanted criminal. Your brother. and the other Satans knew she was innocent. But the Naberius clan is one of the remaining Pillars, and moving against them would cause all sorts of problems for them. So they did nothing. The Satans promised Kuroka to tell me this. For years, I was afraid of my sister. That I'd end up like her."

"Koneko.." Rias tried to talk, to reason with her, but Koneko stopped Rias

"Now I know better. I will take revenge against the Naberius family myself. Along with anyone who tries to stop me." Koneko said with great conviction. There was fire in her eyes.

"And you Gasper?" Akeno asked softly. She already knew that they will leave

"I found my Big Sister as well. She sacrificed herself to let me escape. Now that I found her again. I'm not leaving her alone."

"What about Buchou? Didn't she save you as well?" Issei asked in a confused tone. Everyone was leaving. And it didn't seem right to him.

Gasper nodded "Rias-Buchou did save me. I was alone on the streets, she gave me a home and a safe place to stay. But that's it. And I think I already repaid my debt to her. After all, nearly 60% of all her 'personal money' was made by me."

Gasper threw a dagger at the floor and a teleportation circle appeared from it. A silver Magic Circle with a BroadSword in the middle. It had wings coming out of the handle. The Sword of Freedom.

A second later Isaiah appeared in the ORC

"Kiba!" Issei yelled out, making everybody grimace from his loud voice

"Man not here even one second and you are already yelling. Rias did you teach him any manners? Like at all?" Isaiah picked his ears

"Koneko, Gasper. Are you done saying goodbye" He asked them and the both nodded.

"Good." Isaiah raised his hands and a multicolored dagger appeared in each hand. The dagger had a weird shape. It had a sharp bend on the blade.

'Rule Breaker'

"This might sting" He slowly presses each dagger at Koneko and Gapser. A second later both groaned in pain and clenched their hands. As the Evil Peace came out of their body.

Thud. x2

A Rook and Bishop piece fell on the ground

Isaiah put his hands on both of their shoulders "See you around Rias. These two need to rest"

Rias steped up "Wai-"


They teleported away.

Rias's magic went out of control and she blasted apart the room.

"Rias!" "Rias-buchou!" Akeno and Issei yelled


Rias fell on her knees. Tears streaming down her face

" Why is everyone leaving me" She started to sob. Akeno went to hug and console her while Issei just stood there. Not knowing what to do.

~Flashback end

Vali narrowed his eyes. 'So this is what Kuroka meant by getting what she wanted when she quit. I was confused by what she was saying but back then I didn't know that she already got her sister.'


The doors opened. Dino, Veldora and Asia enter the room.

"Yo Old-man" Dino waves his hand lazily causing tic marks to appear on Azazel's forehead

"Why don't you introduce yourselves," Michael said calmly. But everybody knew he was keeping his emotions in check

"Veldora Tempest" "Asia Aregento" "Dino-*yawn*"

"Oi Dino. Why don't you pick a cool Surname for yourself? You can take mine you know" Veldora asked casually totally ignoring the tension in the room

"Huh? Surname? Isaiah doesn't have a surname as well. And I'm fine without one, thanks for offering though"

"Surname huh?" Azazel put his hand on his chin. "Maybe I should make one for myself"

"Azazel, don't get swept up in their pace." Michael smiled at his brother "Good Evening. If I may ask. Asia were you the Holy Maiden once?"

Asia scoffed right in the face of the leader of heaven greatly surprising them all considering she was acting very differently than the information they had on her

"Holy Maiden? That was a pathetic title that you give and take on a whim. You kicked me out of my home. My family. Just because I healed a devil. After all, no one must know that God is dead. Even if innocents suffer for it. All in the name of the Lord, right?" Asia glared at the leader of Heaven who just sighed

"We had no choice. We Angels depend on the faith of humanity. Twilight Healing couldn't heal devils when God was alive. Since it can heal now. It shows that God isn't with us anymore. The only choice was to exile you" Michael said in a sad tone

"The Angels were created to protect humanity even at the cost of their own lives. Now you are sacrificing it just so you can stay alive. And you call the devils evil? Isaiah was the one who saved me from being killed by the Fallen and Rouge Exorcists.

Apparently, after that a devil was supposed to 'resurrect' me into a slave. So all 3 factions have acted with hostility against me. Funny how that happened." Asia stared down at the leaders sitting at the table.

Veldora smirked "If it were up to me I'd let the entire Biblical Faction burn to the ground."

"Well good thing it isn't up to you." Serafall glanced at him

"Forgive me if I'm wrong. But aren't you one of Tanin's children?" Sirzechs asks 'nicely'

"Yes I am. That reminds me. I didn't inform dad or mom about this... Meh they will figure it out" Veldora shrugged his shoulders without a care in the world

"Where is Isaiah" Serafal cut straight to the chase

Dino slowly unsheathed a dagger. The others looked at him with interest. There was nothing he could do to them with just that dagger.

Dino throws the dagger in the air. Causing the markings on it to glow


Isaiah appears in the room to snatch it mid-air. (Minato Style)

Surprising all of the people in the room

"Sorry, I'm late. I had some urgent business to attend to" Isaiah ignored their stares and sat down at the 4th side of the table on the empty chair.

"That was a cool entrance. What were you so busy with?" Azazel asked curiously

Isaiah just smiled

~Flashback- 30 Min earlier. MC POV

I went ahead and grabbed Ingvild leviathan from the Sitri Hospital. Sirzechs and Serafal have left the underworld and took some of their army with them. Falbium and Ajuka were keeping watch for the Old Satan Faction.

No one was there to stop me from taking her.

I left her with the other half of the team.

Kurama is watching over them. And Valerie can fix her Sleeping Disease.

Another piece taken off the board. First Valerie, then Meredith and now Ingvild. The plot has gone to hell, but at least my team will be very well protected.

Time for the meeting.


~ Back to the meeting Meeting MC POV

"Recruiting a few more people to my group. Now shall we get this meeting started" I clap my hands with a smile

Vali growls at me. His killing intent is obvious

"Vali. Calm Down" Azazel looks at my group "Where is the other blond girl? The vampire. I was looking forward to talking with her"

"She is with the rest of my team stationed in Japan" A small lie but true. With Tiamat on our team. We technically have a base in the Underworld. Her Territory in the Familiar Forest. We should build a safe house there.

"Stationed in Japan? You have other branches? You sure do work fast" Azazel says in fake surprise. This sneaky bastard. He already met my team, he is playing it off like our exchange didn't happen.

I'm pretty sure he also has some people in Kyoto so there is a chance he also knows us from there.

"Yep~ a lot more. So let's get this meeting started." I say casually, basically disregarding their authority as faction leaders.

"This time the incident Kokabiel caused is quite grave." Michael says solemnly

"Sorry about that." Azazel says calmly "One of mine got a little out of hand"

"Not to mention the incident after his actions. We are not sure how. But the Pope as well as some Angels have died" Griselda gives her reports on the matter.

So did Rias and Sona

"Isaiah" Michael turned to me

"What else is there to say? I saw an opportunity and I took it. I also had a bone to pick with Valper. I enjoyed ripping his heart from his chest. I honestly didn't care about Kokabiel. But he insisted on attacking me. He practically committed suicide"

They frown at my words but don't say anything

"I'd like to hear the General of the Fallen Angels' opinion on the reports" Sirzechs turns to Azazel"

"There is nothing much to say. Kokabiel acted on his own accord." Azazel says calmly

"It has nothing to do with you?" Michael asks in his usual calm and soft voice

Azazel nodded "I was waiting to find out what his objective was. I was even in the city to personally stop him. Well, I was going to send Vali in first. But it looks like Isaiah and his team took care of him. Dino good job by the way"

Azazel praised his son. Dino only facepalmed

"Please stay on topic" Sirzechs sighed at Azazels weird personality

"Kokabiel is dead. He won't be a problem anymore" I spoke up

"Our concern is Kokabiel's motives. He said he was not content with your decision Azazel." Michel points out

"Yeah. He was not happy when I pulled out of the war, when were in the lead. I have got no interest in war anyway"

"You just want more time so you can do your research" I look at the man

"Guilty as charged," Azazel says smugly

"He was an unstable individual then?" Serafall asks as politely as possible

"He was a psychotic warmonger. There is no need to sugarcoat it" Serafall sent a small glare my way

Azazel chuckles "I have heard some things about you devils too. So its not like you are entirely clean as well"

Sirzechs spoke up "That has nothing to do with this conference. This is abo-"

But Azazel interrupted him "That's enough of the small talk. Lets sign the peace treaty already" This surprised some of the 'viewers'

"You were aiming for that from the start anyway, weren't you?" Azazel smirked "It was the obvious deduction. Even if I ignored your light probes on my opinion. Old Dad is dead. The Satans are dead. This cold war is only costing all of us. We aren't in any position to fight"

I smile at that "Not to mention all the souls and materials he stole from the other factions to make the sacred geats. I mean he stole both the materials for Canis Lykaon and Regulus Nemea from the Greeks. Making Olympus an enemy was not a smart decision. Especially with their personalities. Honestly, the world would be a better place if the Greek Gods disappeared. They are not called 'More Human than Human' for nothing"

God, I love that insult. And it fits them so well. They look down on humans yet commit just as much sin as the worst humans possible. They rape, torture and kill as they, please. Curse someone for just looking at them wrong or just being better than them in any way.

"Hahaha. 'More Human than Human' That is true. Even my people arent that bad. Same with the devils. The Greek Gods are something else" Azazel started laughing

"Azazel.." Michel sighed at his 'former' brother's actions

Azazel stopped laughing and coughed in his hand "Right. The problem is that we have 3 people here who have the power to change the world.

The White and Red Dragon Emperor and Isaiah. You made a Longinus, didn't you? Otherwise, there is no way for you to make Excalibur. I'd like your input on this" Azazel sent me that annoying smirk of his.

Vili shrugged "I just want to fight strong opponents"

"Heh. You don't need war for that. Well, what about you Red Dragon Emperor? What do you think?" Azazael and everyone else in the room turned to Issei show as uncomfortable about being put in the spotlight

"Ah,, Umm.. It's a little difficult to answer with being put on the spot like this" Issei scratched his head

Azazel smirked when he saw an opportunity to cause some mischief "Well let me make it easier for you. Hyodou Issei. if we were at war. You would be on the front lines and wouldn't be able to sleep with Rias Gremory"

"..Haa?" "Wai-" Isseis's jaw dropped and Rias opened her mouth to protest

"But.. If we declare peace.. survival and propagation of the species becomes a priority" Azazel kept talking with that smirk of his

"Propagation..." The idiot was still confused but then in clicked "... Of the SPECIES!"

"That's right" Azazel grinned even further "Every night you and Rias Gremory could be making babies." This made Rias blush and Grayfia sigh out

As expected from a pervert. He knows just how to push Isseis buttons

"Peace lets you spend every day making babies, if there is war you will be making none. How's that? Nice and simple right?"

The pervert froze in place, the expression on his face became more perverted by the second "I want peace! Peace over war! I want to make love with Buchou!"


Moron. He just said that in front of everyone.

"Well, what about you Isaiah? What is your opinion" Azazel spoke up, his whole demeanor turning serious? The other leaders were also waiting for my answer

"I only came here because Azazel said you guys won't stop bothering me if you don't get answers. So ask your questions. I have no interest in your little alliance."

"Hoo. Why so?" Azazel was a bit supprised.

"This alliance. It's based on mutual support. That's not possible. I don't know what you are planning to offer each other. But I have nothing that I want from you. Nor do I want to give you my secrets. If I signed I would also have to fight whenever you guys are attacked. Why would I riks my people without any benefits for me? So go on. Ask what you want so I can leave" I crossed my arms and looked at the leaders

"Heaven and the Church request the return of Durandal and Excalibur " Michael states his condition

"Not gonna happen. If you want to take them back feel free to use force. But I'm saying this now. Anyone who attacks me. No matter what faction they are from. They are dead. Next" Like hell, I will give back those weapons

"Those weapons belong to the church" Griselda growled

"Those weapons did belong to the church. I took both Durandal and the Excalibur Fragments from the enemies I defeated. Then I reforged Excalibur back to its original Strenght. Something you have been trying and failing to do for centuries" I point out

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. I want to take a peek at Excalibur. We can talk about the price later" Azazel smirks at me.

"That's fine" If he is just going to examine it. I don't mind.

"But it's going to cost you. Just ask Penemue first. She will skin you alive if she found out you spent all of the R&D fund." (Research and Development)

Azazel shivered "Yeah, good call." he picked up his phone and started typing.

"Are you sure about your decision" Griselda presses

"I'm quite sure. Just remember. Anyone who comes after me is dead. Including your secret weapon. Dulio" That last part seemed to shock Michael and Griselda


Serafall and Sirzechs looked at each other

"We want Koneko and Gasper to be returned to Rias" Sirzechs says seriously

"I refuse" I stop him right there

Vali widened his eyes 'Koneko is with them? Then that means Kuroka left my group to join his' Vali gritted his teeth

" Gasper wants to stay with his long-lost friend Valerie. And Koneko learned the truth about the Neberus family. Do you think she wants to come back to the people who knew the truth and didn't do anything about it?"

"Do you think your group is strong enough to survive on its own? Even after you have antagonized us? You are the weakest one here" Serafall asks seriously

Azazel glances at Dino. 'Can I beat him?'

Dino slightly shook his head, just a few milimeters 'Not a chance

Azazel's eyes widened for a split second before returning back to normal. Nobody noticed that exchange 'Damn. Dino wouldn't lie about things like this. He doesn't like me but I am still his father.

I'm so glad I made the right call about not antagonizing this guy. Knowing that he can hide his aura made me more cautious of him. I was right to do so'

"Oh I'm quite sure about my odds. You don't think That I'm the strongest one in my group, do you? You have no idea about how many members I have or how strong they are. So if you are willing to attack me. Then you'd better be prepared for the consequences. Because I'm pulling you down with me" I give her a cold stare. This was not a threat. This is a promise.



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