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92.25% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 131: Chapter 127: You thought it was weird? Watch this! (Pt 1)

Kapitel 131: Chapter 127: You thought it was weird? Watch this! (Pt 1)

♤♡♤♡ Book 8: When worlds collide ♤♡♤♡♤

Location: unknown

Time: unknown

(?): You know what happens if the mad titans succeeds in his quest.

(¿): I know, but we still have some time.

(?): We don't. Time is fragile, now everything is quite peaceful. But I can foresee a chain of events that may lead to Thanos' victory.

(¿): If your predictions are true then we can only hope they succeed.

(?): I went forward in time to see all the possible outcomes.

(¿): You can do that?

(?): Death is eternal.

(¿): So how many did they succeed.

(?): I saw fourteen million six hundred and five different scenarios. Only in one they won.

(¿): What happens to us after they fail?

(?): Depends if I rejects his love or not.

(¿): What's the outcome?

(?): Either he will kill all of us. Or he will kill (a)ll of us except me.

(¿): You think we need to interfere?

(?): Already did.

(¿): What did you do?

(?): I found someone who can stop Thanos.

(¿): From what planet is the one you had in mind?

(?): Earth.

(¿): You can't be serious. The Phoenix force is unsubstab-

(?): I was not talking about her. About someone else. Someone from a different world.

(¿): Who?

(?): Someone who is on the other side of the multiverse. So far away not a single being in this world can prepare for him. Not even the Beyonder.

(¿): He would become a target if you brought him here. People will notice immediately...The Beyonder. He hates world travelers. Besides, traveling to our universe would also decrease his power.

(?): He won't notice. The person I have in mind is not a powerful being. Just a normal hero. A demigod.

(¿): A demigod? And how could he stop the titan?

(?): That's the beauty of it. The boy I'm talking about appears to be weak. Not stronger than a mutant. So he won't be noticed by other deities.

(¿): That's good. But if he's so weak why bring him here?

(?): Despite his lack in powers he is a real survivor. He faced a lot of impossible odds before. At this point he might look weak but yet he managed to survive almost anything the universe throws at him. And his fate...he has the power to destroy an universe.

(¿): I'm curious. How can you be so sure he's the one able to save us.

(?): I'm not. I selected 1369 different beings across the multiverse and saw one hundred eighty-four trillion, six hundred seventy-four billion, five hundred sixty-five million, three hundred forty-four thousand, three hundred forty different scenarios. The boy I'm talking about has the highest chance of winning.

(¿): By how much?

(?): If the boy interferes the chance of survival would go from one in a fourteen million six hundred and five scenarios to 6 in a fourteen million six hundred and five scenarios.

(¿): I'm impressed. So how do you plan on bringing him here? If his universe is so far away from ours.

(?): I can't reach his universe and make a portal. But I can attract his attention. He is a curious person. He will fall for his curiosity and come to this world.

(¿): But what if he doesn't want to help. What if he only wants to go home.

(?): He will help. It's in his nature to help.

(¿): So who is this person?

(?): His name is Percy Jackson.


(Third POV)

The black helicopter flew through the night. Under it miles of dry desert passed by. The dry desert of New Mexico offered the perfect place for the shield base. Also known as the PROJECT P.E.G.A.S.U.S FACILITY.

The base was in a state of panic, though they called it. Evacuation.

Men in suits ran around, carrying all kind of technological stuff to the vehicles. Soldiers were running around. Fully armed and ready for a hostile attack.

Slowly the helicopter flew towards the helicopter pad. A man in a fancy black suit waited a few yards away.

Although Phil Coulson was internally freaking out he managed to appear calm. He patiently waited for the helicopter to land.

Two men jumped out of the helicopter, a woman in a skin tight shield uniform and a black man wearing a black long coat.

She looked fierce and sexy at the same time. Though she looked pretty Maria hill could actually stand her ground. There was a reason she was a level 9 SHIELD agent.

He was bald and had a goatee bird, however the thing that stood out the most was a black eyepatch that covered one of his eyes.

He climbed out of the helicopter and approached the Phil Coulson.

From the way he walked you could see he was a man of respect and power. Someone who you shouldn't underestimate.

"How bad is it?" Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., asked.

"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil answered calmly.

Phil led Agent Hill and Director Fury through the SHIELD base, through the radiation section

of the facility. Hundreds of technicians and other staff ran around, taking only the essentials.

Fury glanced at a few scientist carrying a black box which probably held some high-tech SHIELD equipment.

"How long does it take to get everyone out?" Fury asked.

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour." Phil answered.

"Make sure they do it faster." Fury said and Phil tapped his earpiece, sending a few more commands to the other agents.

"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase." Fury groaned, clearly displeased by what was going on.

"He didn't," Phil said to Fury's surprise. "It turned itself on. "

"What level is it?" Agent Hill asked.

AGENT PHIL COULSON. "Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evacuate."

Finally they had reached the RADIATION FACILITY FLOOR.

Ufry turned to Agent Hill. "I need you to make sure that PHASE 2 prototypes are shipped out. If the Tesseract's energy can't be controlled there might be no safe distance."

Agent Hill looked confused, "Sir, is that really a priority right now?"

NICK FURY shot her a dark glance, "Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Every piece of PHASE 2 on a truck and gone."

"Yes sir." Maria Hill said and turned around and began to order around a few soldiers who were busy evacuating.

After another minute they reached a heavily secured door, but at the sight of Nick Fury the guards immediately stepped away, Phil gave director Fury a nod before going somewhere else. Trying to help the others evacuating everyone.

Nick Fury sighed as the doors opened and revealed a large room. There was enough space in the room to fit a small army, which was something they had to consider.

In the middle of the room a few scientist were walking around a rather large metallic machine. It was a circular frame that was glowing blue.

In the middle of the entire construction was a glowing blue cube.

The Tesseract.

"Tell me Doctor," Fury said, "What's going on."

One of the scientist stepped away from the machine.

Sweat was dripping down Doctor Erik Selvig's face, "Director. We don't know what is going on."

"Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked.

"The Tesseract is misbehaving."

Fury shot a glare at Erik. "Is this a joke to you?"

"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's...misbehaving."

Fury gritted his teeth, "Can you pull the plug?"

Erik shook his head, "She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level…"

"We've prepared for this, doctor. Harnessing energy from space." Fury said.

"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference, radiation. Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation." Erik immediately replied.

"That can be harmful," Fury groaned, "Where's Barton."

"The Hawk?" Erik huffed and pointed at the roof, "Up in his nest. As usual."

Clint Barton was dressed in black tactical gear, swung over his shoulder was a quiver stuffed with black arrows. In his hand he held a black bow that was his signature weapon.

If you saw him leaning against the railing you would think he was just relaxing, but it was the opposite. From this spot he could see everything that happens in this room, plus he had a clear shot from this place.

"Agent Barton," Fury called Barton on his earpiece, "Report."

Barton perked up and rappelled down and approached Fury.

"I told you to keep an close eye on this thing." Fury scowled.

"Well, I see better from a distance." Barton shrugged.

"Saw anything that had might set if off?" Fury asked.

Suddenly Erik ran towards Fury, "Sir. It's spiking again."

Fury shot Barton a concerned look, "Did someone activate it?"

"No one's come or gone. It's oven is clean. No contacts, no I.M.'s. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"What do you mean this end?" Director Fury asked.

"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right?" Agent Barton said not realizing the implication. "The doors open from both sides."

While he explained his theory Erik was typing rapidly on his keyboard. Windows popped open and closed on his monitor within seconds. His jaw dropped in fear as he read the newest status report.

"Fury!" He managed before an earthquake interrupted him. All the nearby Agents glanced around nervously, trying to stand their ground.

After a second the earthquake stopped.

The Tesseract was glowing brighter and blue rings of energy spout out of it.

Fearfully everyone stepped away from the glowing cube as it was building up energy.

Then the Tesseract's light faded. For a few dreadful seconds everyone hoped this was it.

Only to be proven wrong by a beam of light shooting out of the Tesseract.

The color of the beam could not be defined, it was like trying to determine the color of a nuclear explosion. To many colors followed each other in such rapid pace it was impossible to look at it without feeling dizzy.

The beam shot horizontally through the room and stopped in the middle, vorming a black vortex of energy that began to spin around itself and then collapsed on itself. Sending a shockwave across the room.

The beam had disappeared but the energy that had been created by the Tesseract had not. In the facility's vacuum chamber blue energy was forming a blue cloud of energy. It slowly began to crawl up the walls towards the ceiling of the vacuum chamber.

Then it disappeared.

A silence followed, multiple SHIELD agents armed with automatic rifles and wearing black tactical armor aimed their weapons at the vacuum chamber.

A heavy breathing filled the air.

The guards slowly approach, weapons ready to fire at will.

She smoke from the blast had faded away and revealed someone kneeling on the platform.

The person in question had a smug smile on his face, a smile that said: I have already won.

He had long black hair and blue eyes that had a spark of mischief in them.

He was slender yet he wore long dark robes.

Smiling in his mischievous manner, he raised his head.

He looks into Nick Fury's eyes, and the grin on his face grows wider.

He slowly rose and revealed his weapon, a scepter.

It was a golden staff with on top of it a blue glowing stone there was a golden blade curved around the stone. Giving it more protection.

"Sir," Nick Fury said on a demanding tone. "Please put down the spear!"

The new figure looks at the spear in his hand for a few second.

Suddenly he pointed the spear at Agent Barton and Directory Fury.

A blue exploding light shot out of the spear and razed towards them.

But Barton was a trained SHIELD agent, he tackled Fury to the ground and they dodged it just in time.

The guards fired their rifles at the newcomer but the bullets just bounce of him like he's invincible.

The man jumped up and with superhuman speed he slashes down a guard, using the blade on top of his scepter.

Within 5 seconds he had killed all the guards using a combination of his knives and the energy blasts from his scepter.

When no one attacks him he stops and glances around, curiosity written all over his face.

He steps towards Barton and Fury who are still one the ground.

Barton tried to attack him, he drew a handgun and aimed it at the man's face but before he could pull the trigger his hand was grabbed and he was forced down.

Barton immediately noticed that this man was not a regular human, his strength surpassed a normal human.

"You have a good heart," The man said. He pointed the spear at Barton's head and the blue stone glowed a little brighter.

Barton's eyes suddenly turned black, Barton straightened and his will to fight left his head.

The man went to the researches and used his spear on them too. Brainwashing each one of them.

While he was doing that Fury decided this was his chance. He sneaked towards the machine and dismantled the Tesseract from the metal frame. He carefully placed it inside a suitcase and tried to leave the lab.

For a second Fury hopes he can make it out without getting noticed only to get his hope shattered a second later.

"Please don't." The strange said. "I still need that."

Nick Fury slowly turned around, "This does not have to get worse."

"Of course it does." The man smiled. "I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard,

and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

Doctor Selvig's eyes widened, "Loki? Brother of Thor?"

"We have no quarrel with your people." Fury said.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot." Loki said threateningly.

"You planning to step on us?"

"I come with glad tidings, of a world made free." Loki said dramatically.

Fury scowled. "Free from what?"

"Freedom," Loki said, "Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart…"

Loki suddenly spun around and faced Selvig who had been standing behind him. He placed his spear against Selvig's heart.

Selvig's eyes glowed black.

"You will know peace." Loki finished his sentence like nothing had happened.

"Yeah, you say peace," Director Fury said unimpressed. "I kind of think you mean the other thing."

"Sir, Director Fury is stalling." Barton suddenly said. "This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us."

Fury grinned for once. "Like the pharaohs of Odin."

Loki glanced at Barton who immediately pointed his gun at Fury and shot him point blank.

Fury fell to the flour.

Barton knelt down to grab the case when it suddenly clicked open and a blue beam of light erupted from the case.

Loki immediately lunged forward and closed the case again, but it was to late.

A blue energy cloud began to swirl around itself until it loosely resemble something like a floating water pool.

"What is this?" Loki murmured.


Tomorrow I will be launching my new " Percy Jackson " Fanfic, I'm counting on your support guys.

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