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75% An player in game of thrones / Chapter 3: CH 2

Kapitel 3: CH 2

Next morning, Damon sets out on his quest, hiding his armor, he wore an long thick cloak, the cloak is held tight to his body with an belt, on that belt hangs his sword, tools, and magic items that weren't already installed into his armor, on his back is an large pack carrying all that he needs, and his bow after double checking, he leaves the territory and his home.

* as i leave, not worried at all, not that i don't think i'll die, but just that my family can easily find me, even if I die in the middle of nowhere, with the tracker installed in my armor, and will revive me if anything happens. i can also talk to them whenever i want, so I'm not particularly lonely.

having descended the mountain briskly and with ease, i looked towards my map, telling me to head to the other side to the mountain in the direction towards "the twins" then after passing the mountains, towards the "Riverland", then stopping in "kings landing" with the final destination being "high garden".

with the basic direction written down, i follow the mountains on the left side, as I travel I see an village, and I enter it, I go to where the locals congregate, into the tavern, I'm there to try to see what my gold was worth.

it's the least valuable currency i carry, next is star gold, worth about 100 gold, it has an dark black color, that radiates with an golden aura, it's unbreakable, and unbendable, requiring an special method to melt, which these people, don't seem to possess.

my father keeps most of his money in gold, probably in an vain attempt to fill out the vault, but these gold coins are enough to buy most things, even if we have to drag an wagon full of it.

still thinking of that unpleasant memory, i asked an passing barmaid, can you tell me about how money works around here? she replied "did your mother not tell you?" in a demeaning tone.

I took one of my gold out of my pack, and I asked, "what is this worth?" Her eyes goes wide, she shuttered saying nervously, "A-apologies m-my lord", drawing some attention from the nearby villagers.

she continues "we are just farmers, the largest i've seen are sliver coins, and only rarely, we mostly deal in copper coins, but we can survive an year on around 2 gold coins".

having gotten my answer, i say my thanks, as i hurriedly leave the tavern and village, as i noticed the stares, saw the greed in their eyes, but also some fear, probably thinking i'm an naïve noble, who has no idea of how much money was worth, and they are coming up to scam me.

As i leave the village, making sure no one was following me, and hiding my traces, i move along the dirt road, hurriedly, at least i got some critical information, that is that gold is valued a lot, i now hoped to go to an big city to exchange it for some local currency.

having heard the conversation, i imagine that my father is smiling happily right now, since he hoarded several dozen tons of gold, it made us very wealthy in just our old world, but impressively it made us even more wealthy now.

back then 1 gold is just an months wage for an peasant, and it costed way more to employ anyone decent, into the army, satisfied with thought, i briskly walked.

It took several weeks, but i'm finally near "kings landing" i've been ambushed by bandits several times, it was fairly hard battles, as they charged in mass, although none of them hit me, it was a good workout.

But regrettably, because it was hard, i had no choice by to cut most of them down, thankfully some surrendered, before getting cut down, mostly those who were in the back of their "formations", or disorganized mob.

i had their hands tied up, with each of them connected to each other with an rope string, even after several ambushes, they only amounted to 5 men, with how some of them attacked together with the new attackers, after they were cut free by them.

i've killed 20 men so far, they attack in groups of around 5 at an time. my prisoners, especially the ones who tried to attack me multiple time, look at me with fear, i have them walking in front of me, to make sure none of them do anything devious.

i have passed by some carriages, when they ask me what was going on, i just replayed with the truth, that they were bandits I caught, and i'm offering to sell them.

after one of them told me that it's forbidden to own and sell slaves, i just refer to them as prisoners now, i'm hopeful that even if i can't sell them, someone might take them for labor, or something.

at least i'm not too bummed about the dead bandits anymore, less chance of them overwhelming me, i can only do so much as an single warrior.

it's still surprising that they resorted to banditry, even though there isn't an revive statue anywhere in these savage lands, you would assume that they would value their lives more, sighing, i drive the prisoners onwards.

seeing that were about seeing distance away from "kings landing" one of the more cunning bandit strikes up the courage, attempting to negotiate with me, and informing me of how things worked, seeing how confused I was.

it seems that they would just be executed instead of being put to hard labor, seem kind of wasteful, and the guards would only pay me an pittance for turning them over, it also seems people in these lands look down of slavery, i have also observed that, he brings up an alternative, "going to the wall" having no idea what means, i had him further explain it, it seems to be an alternative to being executed, wondering why none of them said anything sooner, he explains is because no one wants to go there, and only he is willing to go, i then asks how much would they pay me for capturing you guys? He replies a few dozen silvers, seeing that this is all just a waste of time, i pulled out my sword and executed them.

we're in the forest, so i hope they make good fertilizer, with the baggage gone my travel speed increased, getting closer, and seeing that it's about to be night time, i prepared my tent and supplies, camping here for the night, and getting into the city during morning.

and although suspicious, with my cloak and mask, over my air tight helmet, although they don't know that, but they still let me in after I paid the toll fees, which was all the money I taken from the bandits, it seems these merger coins counted as an bribe or something.

as I was let in, I walked around, asking strangers where the money exchanger was. As I asked numerous people, I got numerous answers, I decided on one with the lease traffic around it.

standing in front of the money exchanger, who had an scale in front of him, I asked how much is this worth? As I pulled out my gold coin, his eyes went wide.

he weights it and says that it's 3 times thicker and heavier than a "gold dragon" and that the images and pictures are perfectly pressed, and it's shape is perfect with no imperfections.

after some negotiations, I got 3 and an half "gold dragons", for my gold coin, satisfied with the exchange rate, I traded 5 more gold coins, netting, 21 gold dragons, it seems both sides are happy with the exchange.

he thought that it was an medal, not an coin or something, and gave more for the craftsmanship, not correcting him, I converted some of the "gold dragon" into smaller, spendable currency, having gotten the local coin, with most of it being in silver, with an good amount of copper.

happy with the exchange, I kept exploring the Capitol, and talking with the locals, it seems that they heavily favors the crown prince over the reigning king, with the king being insane, it might be an good idea make friends with the prince, as he might quickly become king.

Brushing off the idea, since there is no way that an stranger of these lands can suddenly meet the crown prince, not to mention that I can't exactly make friends quick, finishing my thoughts, and checking into an inn for the night.

I overheard in the tavern that there will be a tournament, in a week from now, with the grand prize for the joust being 1000 gold dragons, with the runner up getting 250 gold dragons, and the winner of the melee also getting 250 gold dragons.

I asked him more about it, and it seems anyone can join, but they have to bring their own armor, but the weapons will be supplied, knowing what to do, I go to my room and sleep peacefully on the blankets covering the ground, as I need an flat surface to sleep well, with my armor on.

I woke up feeling great as always, I asked around, where can I sign up for the tournament, it was relatively easy to find, and they didn't ask too much questions.

they only checked if I have armor, which I easily proved, as I pulled off my leather glove, revealing an metal gauntlet, and with that, the guy refured to me as "ser" for the rest of the interaction, thinking only an lord can have such an good gauntlet.

having secured an place in the tournament, i went inside to the training field, I did it to see the general level of my competition, and make an name for myself, if they aren't that good.

after watching for an while, they aren't that good, it's decent for an unmodified body, but that's about it, so i decided to join the sparing.

my first opponent is an squire, which i humiliated in 10 slow slashes, that exploited his weak spots, catching every one of his strikes, like it was planned, and coordinated, after stopping my wooden blade inches away from his throat, he conceded, and thanked me profusely, and embarrassed, he ducks out of the square training arena.

not many watched the fight, and the ones that did, didn't think much of it, thinking he was my friend or something, my next opponent, who I presume is another squire, which i defeated with 4 hard strikes, countering every strike he threw.

after this win, my opponent asked what's my name, i responded, "damon liuger", he respond with an "you're an good fighter, and looked distinctive enough in your robe, but i've never heard your name before", he said looking at my robe that tightly hugs my armor, and the outline that could be seen, making it obvious, that it's an very well made amour.

i responded, that i was new to this area, and that he was an talented squire, which i lied easily, he seems to perk up at that part, and corrected me that he was an knight, but allowed me to continue speaking.

after talking with each other for an while, i left the sword training area, and goes to the archery area, after shooting some shots with the provided bows, I felt that the bows were pretty weak, compared to what I normally use.

but after getting used to it, i could continuously hit the bullseye, easily, hitting over 100 meters away, which, many of my competitors could barely scrap, even after seeing that the martial prowess of the archers here were, low, i didn't let down my guard, as even if i'm the strongest individual, getting too over confident, will cause my down fall in an real battle.

finished with my inspection of my rivals, l try to find place that supply information, after asking enough people, like merchants, i know the general location of some every major territory, and there lords and heirs, though, the information wasn't exact.

getting that information wasn't cheap either, as I had to buy a lot of useless junk, which i used as gifts to bribe the next person. Having finished my information gathering over the week, I went to where the tournament due to be held, to participate.

as i told the guard my name, he went through his check list, having found me, he let me in, i have signed up for all three contest, the joust, the melee, and the archery contest, the first was the archery contest.

after training and getting used to the bow for an while, we were gathered to the arena, with our targets getting further and further the more rounds there are, i won it with relative ease.

next came the foot melee, it seems more people are watching this, then the archery contest, i defeated my opponents easily, going full power with each.

then came the joust, i did buy an horse an few days before for joust, and although it's just decent at best, i ridden him to victory.

I was the talk of the city. After beating their best knights, warriors, and archers, i got reached out afterwards by many nobles, wanting to recruit me, or asking if i currently serve anyone, i told them that I didn't serve anyone, but I'm not looking for employment.

The reason being, that getting shackled to being some nobody's knight is not part of the plan. luckily and surprisingly, the prince "Rhaegar Targaryen" and his knight "Ser Arthur Dayne" reached out to me so we can have a rematch, considering how they lost to me in the tournament.

agreeing to their request, we met up in the castle, after he told the guard to let me in through the gates, we talked and dueled for some days, with me sleeping in an guest room, and of course i adamantly refused to removing my robe and mask, and although they asked frequently, they never pressed the issue, perhaps out of respect, since non of them won an duel yet.

not to say they were bad, they were particularly skilled among those I've seen in this world, even my family who watched through the surveillance magic stone attached to my helmet agreed, way better compared to the riff raff bandits, and a level higher than the other knights I've faced.

and particularly, Arthur Dayne, he's an cut above the rest, i have to use 50% of my ability and skill to beat him, considerable impressive, he's fast, accurate, and has good timing, very skilled as well.

having become fast friends with both, i learned about the world and the history, dragons, his "destiny" and also his plan to get support from the great houses to force his father into retirement, it was too bad that he didn't win, and not only that, not getting the support he needed.

offhandedly, i asked how much gold and soldiers does he need from them? He replies, "not that kind of support, but rather their approve, so they don't rebel against me, and want my father still in charge".

i responded, with my father approval, "if you need it, i can provide you with 10k gold, and an few hundred "elite knights", but i want the vale, as an reward, will you take this deal?".

Thinking hard, his entire expression melting away in thought, he responds seriously, to my ridiculous offer, "if the time calls for it, but i can't make the decision currently, and i don't even know where your family's house is, we also only just met. having made an decision, i tried small talk to stop the awkward atmosphere. I spent an few more weeks there, then continued my journey, as originally planned.

Like that, an few weeks passed in my travel to high garden, having fun exploring the fertile fields, and interacting with the locals, i then went to "old town".

in old town scholars, called "maesters" are everywhere, and i got to ask all kinds of questions, and even though they guard their closest information well, i still got an good amount of it, with my mapping mission finished.

i relaxed for an week, checking out the scenery, like the black tower out on the shores, after the week was over, i returned back up where I came,

I went to every village, and scouting out families that have good looking daughters, and asking if they are willing to sell them for 10 gold each, surprising an good amount took the deal, and now i have 3 big wagons, with 2 carrying 10 women each.

of course, as these were just innocent maidens, and not barbarian savage, i did not lock them up, or even lock the wagons from the outside, i also feed them 3 times an day, with fairly expensive food i bought in the "high garden" region, which i filled into the third carriage to the brim, they are properly clothed, with, additional sets for the winter as well, they sleep on good sleeping rolls as well, and I let them out for fresh air when we make camp as well, i have told their parents multiple times, that i'm not looking turn their daughters into whores, but to have them make alot of children.

I've talked to them and it seems that their lives in the villages isn't much better then being an slave, but who am i to say, as what I'm doing is pretty much enslaving them, but as much as I feel bad for them, we need breeders to make more soldiers, but the least me and my family can do is to provide them proper care, so they are at least safe, with their basic needs met.

The women are apparently under the impression that they are going to be concubines, which isn't far from the truth, so i haven't corrected them yet.

they also ask why i don't take off my helmet, to which i said, that i have been ordered by my father, not take off my helmet, until we get back to our territory, an safe place, so it's kind of an traditionally thing, which i lied, it wasn't an traditional thing, the truth is that it was too obvious that we weren't of the same elven race, but i didn't say that, they are probably thinking i was born disfigured or ugly and decided to cover up.

next came the question of why i'm treating them so well, to which i replied that it's just common decently towards beautiful ladys, they just nod politely to that answer, thinking that i wasn't telling the truth, but i was, as long as they weren't enemies.

then came the question what's my home like, since i'm taking them there, i responded with truth, that the temperature is perpetually soothing, with an big field, full of crops that is harvested everyday, and grows back every morning.

the never ending magical water that come out of the moat, that supplies the field with water, the gigantic castle on top of an hill, and the history of how we got the territory, becoming an noble of the Fae kingdom. half believing, with the truth that sounds like an lie, they talked happily, and with an small amount of hope.

and like that an few weeks passed, and we were near the steep mountain face, that I came out of, in the beginning of the journey, I stopped the carriages and helped them climb down, to the ground, with them wondering why, since it's not time to make camp yet.

when I announced to them that we are to hike into the mountain, they didn't look very happy, since it looked rather steep, I told them not to worry to much, as my father and brother should be coming to greet us soon.

as I say it, my father and 50 of my brothers came with their armor in full display, down the mountain, with ease, coming close, the woman notices how large they are, and some even way larger then damon, who is already very tall compared to them,

*when I approached the girls that my son damon brought here, looking down at them, they looked better in person, seeing the rest of my sons are also satisfied with the catch.

I had 40 of them carry an girl each, and have the rest disassemble the carriages and hide them in an safe location, where they won't rot, then i had them carry the supplies up the mountain, having the plan sorted, we walked back home.

* they looked in surprise at our territory being in an cave, up on an mountain, disappointed. my father opened the first gate, and had us all come inside.

I have heard from one of my sisters that they digged the front part into an wide cave, it's more fancy in person then how it showed up in the image transmission stone.

it's an place for the guards to relax, and to accept visitors, which we don't have yet, but it made the girls even more unhappy, thinking that we really live in an cave, no matter how good it looked.

I opened the second door, it lead to an long passage, that leads to the true destination, but there is one final door, before we can enter our territory.

as we walk through the passage in an single file line, the girls are nervous, when father opened the door, and bright light shined through, the girls are stunned, when they entered.

as soothing warm fresh air washes over them, as they taking in the miles of land with their eyes, finding it Impossible that this much land can be in that mountain, and that it's an open top, making it even more confusing, as the mountain on the outside had an peak, making it impossible.

I was also confused when i saw it for the first time, but my father said, it was because our territory is in an pocket dimension, he thinks it's an gift for accepting the "final mission" from the gods.

as we were in our own lands, we take off our helmets, to take in the sun and air, the girls are stunned, as she takes in our features, skin as white as snow, smooth with no imperfections and soft as well.

With hair, that is pitch black, and it is silky and long but not oily, some take after father, with his silver hair, we mostly take after mostly our mothers features, then their are our beautiful golden eyes glowing with an golden glow, the most distinctive feature and difference being that we have long pointy ears, looking elegant, paired with our beautifully handsome faces, shock by our perfectness, the women look look at us in wonder.

seeing as I was the one who scouted out "Westeros" on my own, and was most deserving of an reward, i get to have first pick of the women.

as they are all good looking, i picked one that is more my type, she looks like an cold beauty, but whenever she talks it's silly and cheerful, which isn't exactly my type, but I don't mind her talking, if she's not talking during sex, I don't mind her talking in bed if she talked in an more measured and elegant voice.

before doing anything , I had the women taken to an healing statue, to remove diseases and wounds, then having some of my sisters wash them up.

seeing my favorite sister among them, I walk up to her, smiling happily, as we passionately kiss each other, with my hands gripping her ass, as her pregnant belly press up against me, with my child in there, the belly looks big enough to be close to giving birth soon.

She's basically my wife, and also an servant warrior, same as me. I slap her ass, and let her do her job. I wondered about the premise, entering the baby room, checking on the young babies who were born an year or two ago.

the yearlings are just starting to walk, and the ones near 2 are already walking around in the trading fields, trying to learn how to put on armor and use the spear.

sadly, they won't be divinely modified, since although father stocked up on a lot of magic stones, and metals, he didn't stock much on upgrading materials, they would still be trained well, since it takes time being revived.

But since it can only heal 20 at an time, it'll take an while before all of them get revived, if they all died at once, so their training is an priority, and it's an big hassle dragging them from whichever far away battle they were sent to, back here.

Thankfully it doesn't matter how long they were killed, as long as they have bones left, and if they weren't killed by old age, which is an impossibility, thankfully, thanks to mother and father's God blessed Genes, we as a family are immortal, and always In our prime.

Even these fast growing "war fodder" will stop aging and be perpetually in their primes and be immortal, as they are just clones. After checking out their training, I when to my room, I saw that the woman i chosen was sitting on my bed, probably told to wait there for me by my wife.

pushing her down, I deflowered the golden haired girl, gently moving my hips back and forth, until she stops hurting, then I cum inside her, After fucking her for an hour, and cummings inside her 5 times, I go to sleep.

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