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64.28% Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics) / Chapter 83: Imparting Lessons

Kapitel 83: Imparting Lessons

Tuesday 3rd August 2010, 13:20.

Rhode Island,

Happy Harbour,

Mount Justice.

"What're you doing?"

Looking up from his laptop screen, Esau saw Barbara standing in the entryway to his room clad in her Batgirl outfit with her mask pulled back.

"Hello, Esau?" She called out his name, waving one hand as she entered into the room. "You in there?"

Shaking his head, Esau smiled apologetically. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I was asking what you're doing?" She asked once more, coming to sit down on the other end of his bed, picking up one of the discarded files and flicking it open to read through the file on one Albert Michaels aka, Atomic Skull. It was one of many hundreds of files that the Justice League had compiled about a villain's history, goals, affiliations, powers and other important information, one for every villain and team of villains that had appeared.

"I'm reading." Esau replied bluntly, smirking up at her and making Barbara roll her eyes.

"I'm surprised you know how to." Barbara was not one to let that go lying down, taking a movement to flick through the file in her hands before chucking it on the bed with the other pile of discarded files. "Doing some homework are you?"

Esau shrugged. "One thing I've realised is that I don't know as much as I'd like and now that I'm in charge of this time, I don't want to be caught by surprise by villains I don't have a clue about. That's happened to me twice now." The first time was when he became Black Hood and learned the hard way that civilians didn't know as much about the world of heroes and villains as they thought they did. The second was quite recently and while it didn't have much impact on the outcome of the mission, it was certainly a reminder that he sorely lacked information. "I don't want that to keep happening to me."

"At least you've acknowledged areas to improve on." Barbara sighed, running one hand through her hair. "And seem to be taking this seriously. Can't say the same about others here."

"Don't even get me started." Esau grunted, clenching his fist in an attempt to restrain his frustration. "I should have let them get their ass handed to them, especially Superboy and Wally because even M'gann has started training a little bit now. Maybe that would have taught them to actually start putting in some effort."

Wally had yet to take part in team exercises, always running late or arriving after training was done with an entire repertoire of excuses as to why. But at least he made an effort to avoid taking part in the exercises or doing the bare minimum of them, Superboy on the other hand didn't even try, just sitting in the living room and watching TV. Even his beating at the hands of the Champion had not changed that aspect of him, nor did the escape of Sportsmaster and Esau didn't know what would.

But at least M'gann seemed to have learned a lesson and was beginning to take this team more seriously though that wasn't saying much. She lacked confidence and a large amount of it, to the point that Esau didn't know whether she was cut out for this kind of job.

"I know and I'm sorry." She nodded her head, a little wary when she noticed his clenched fist, the blood dribbling from between his fingers as he attempted to calm himself at that moment. He managed to do so, seeming to be a lot more in control of his powers than he ever had before this, a showcase that he was making improvements.

No longer was Esau gritting his teeth and remaining stiff as he attempted to stop himself from losing control and going berserk. Now, despite that earlier instance, seemed to look at ease and relaxed, a stark difference from how things had been in the past. Whenever he tapped into his powers, it had been under the careful purview of Hawkman and Aqualad in case he lost control. Esau had done on many occasions, the slightest disturbance from outside being enough to snap that thin line of control Esau held over his rage and the only way he had been stopped was by being knocked unconscious.

Ever since those times, Hawkman had no longer become necessary, only Aqualad but they had created their own alarm for the possible situation of Esau losing control. However, on the bright side, as they had all learned, Esau was infinitely more dangerous when in control and not using his powers, than when he went berserk and used them. All the skills and experiences Esau had trained himself to use were thrown aside and his berserk mind just acted without conscious thought.

It was like he was Black Hood at the start of his career again.

Unpredictable, but untrained.

He was easy to predict and outmatch, Aqualad had more than enough to handle him with his current level of strength and speed, still outmatching him in those departments as well. How long that would remain the case, no one knew and they were not eager to find out either, which is why Aqualad worked to put Esau down hard and fast before he had a chance to get any stronger.

"How's the progress?" Barbara eventually asked after Esau took a few calming breaths, fully centring his mind once more, the meditative techniques he had learned from others coming in handy.

"Well, I hate meditation." Esau jested and Barbara smiled, having always known that meditation would be something he would hate, sitting still and doing nothing like this wasn't really in his style. "But I can actually move around now, and hold conversations with people without losing control, so that's something." The fact that it had taken around a month of constant training from a few days before he joined the team till now was incredibly frustrating, the progress he had made for what was effectively, a small gain in strength and speed was far too steep a price to pay.

From what Aqualad had shared of his experiences fighting against a berserk Esau was that he was about two to three times stronger than his base state. On paper, it was quite a large increase, but when considering the power of the foes they were dealing with, it was but a drop in a very large ocean. Aqualad had been able to feel the difference in strength and speed but had not felt overwhelmed nor even close to being pressured by this increase, still holding a comfortable lead over him in both departments.

It was that and the fact he was actually less dangerous than his base state in a fight that Esau had avoided using them.

There was far too much risk with little reward.

Barbara nodded her head unsurely, well aware of his frustrations. "I'm guessing it will be a long while before you ever use them, huh?"

"If it continues like this, yeah, it will." Esau collapsed back on his bed, having enough reading and just staring up at the ceiling of his room. "Honestly, it just pisses me off, I went through all that and this is all I get. Just seems like a big 'fuck you' from the universe."

"Is that really all there is to your powers?" She wondered.

Esau shook his head. "Nah." He paused, trying to think over how to describe it. "It's difficult to explain really. My powers, they make me feel powerful when I'm in control, you know? But it's like I'm wrestling with a wild animal at the same time, one that's fighting me every step of the way. Yet, I feel like I'm tapping into an endless supply of power and the closer I get to losing control, the more power I get access to in return."

"Sounds daunting."

Esau snorted at the understatement. "Tell me about it." He then sat upright, bracing his hands against his bed. "But at the same time, it strangely feels like my powers are approaching a limit."

Barbara rose a brow at that. "A limit?"

"Yeah." Esau sighed. "Like right now, I'm at the absolute limit of what I can use without risking losing control. But there's still a little more waiting for me before some kind of blockage. It's like I'm about to hit a wall soon yet behind that wall is even more power."

Esau would not admit that he was afraid of what was behind that wall should he ever approach it and look at what was on the other side. He still remembered those strange foxes he had met in his mind and he had a feeling that the wild animal he was fighting was one of them and if he lost, they'd go for those he cared for most. It was why he was so afraid to ever push his limits with his powers, because if he lost control and Aqualad or others couldn't stop him then the people he cared for would be put in danger.

It was why, as frustrating as his slow progress was, he actually preferred that he was taking it slow.

It lowered the risk of danger as much as possible.

A strange thing for him though, Esau had never been afraid of risk or pushing his limits to the extreme, yet now he struggled to pull that trigger and act in the same way as before.

"Do you even want to use your powers?" Barbara wondered, Esau having asked himself the same question on many occasions. "I mean, it's not impossible to survive in this world without them. Batman, Green Arrow and many others, including yourself, that you can survive in this world without powers. Do you really have to practise to use powers like those?"


There was a long pause, Esau considering her words carefully, his eyes then trailing to the files on his bed. "I think I'm going to have to eventually." He answered honestly. "We both know that there are some extremely powerful and dangerous guys out there, frankly from reading these files, they're more powerful and dangerous than I ever imagined was possible. And there are still dozens of guys even higher than that."

What Esau had once considered top tier now seemed to be the minimum requirement in the world of Heroes and Villains. Those he once considered top tier, were now just the bottom of the totem pole, and the ones even higher than that were beings Esau didn't even imagine were conceivably able to reach such heights.

"Someday, whether we like it or not, we're going to have to face them." Esau continued, frowning heavily. "Maybe it's possible to fight them without this power, but can I say that it will be any less dangerous than practising using this power right now? Not really, things kind of balance themselves out. At the end of the day though, while things are relatively peaceful, I might as well gain as much control as I can because when shit hits the fan like it always does, these powers can be a trump card that could save a lot of people."

Barbara smiled. "Alright." She said softly. "But perhaps you should try katas?"


"Yeah, it's a thing used in karate. It's a series of martial art movements linked together. I knew that meditation would never be up your alley." Esau smirked at that. "But katas might help you just get used to moving around while using your powers while also keeping your mind focused on something other than just keeping control."

"I guess I'll give it a look." Esau nodded his head. "Thanks. So, what did you come here for?"

Barbara's eyes widened slightly, a look of realisation dawning on her. "Shit! Black Canary sent me to get you." Both looked to the clock, Esau letting his powers slip away, nails receding and eyes turning back blue. "We best go."

"Agreed." Getting to his feet, Esau followed Barbara as she stepped out of his room and began making their way down towards the main area of Mount Justice where the training session would be taking place. Though Esau was a little hesitant about going, he had no doubts that Black Canary was skilled, she had to be considering her profession, but he had trained under the likes of Deathstroke.

He had to wonder what else there was to learn.

Even Slade after a while, besides their daily sparring sessions, no longer taught Esau anything specific after the first month. It was, as Slade explained, an experience that Esau needed more than anything after all the flaws in his fighting style had been ironed out. So that was what Esau and Slade had focused on most for the large majority of his time spent training under the mercenary, experience fighting against a foe so far above his level that it required everything he had just to survive.

Though Esau would not deny he was curious to see what Black Canary was capable of.

"Stick around, class is in session." Black Canary called and as they rounded the corner they saw Superboy standing a little ways away from the group, arms crossed over his chest and a prominent frown on his face.

He looked ready to argue and Esau fought the urge to rub his eyes tiredly, having had more than enough of this.

Still, he did nothing and nor did Superboy who remained where he was, waiting as the simulator activated beneath Black Canary's feet. "I consider it an honour to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentors," Black Canary winced as she took off her jacket. "And my own bruises."

M'gann leaned forwards in concern from beside her uncle as she noticed a Black Canary's pain. "What happened?" The senior hero smiled at her concern.

"The job." She answered simply, tossing her jacket to one side. "Now, combat is about controlling conflict." Esau couldn't agree with her more, when he had fought Killer Croc he had been in control throughout and it had been one of his easiest fights to date, only beaten by his fight against Victor Zsasz. Control was highly important in a fight, often the controller was determined by who was stronger, more skilled or more experienced.

'Perhaps, I might learn something new, or at least, a different perspective on how to fight from her.' Esau thought to himself.

"Putting the battle on your terms." Black Canary continued. "Always acting and never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner." Wally, as many had expected was more than eager, raising one hand into the air while still eating his banana.

"Right here. Yeah." Walking forwards, Wally smirked cockily as he came to stand in front of their teacher. "After this, swish." He tossed the banana skin to one side. "I'll show you my moves."

Esau shook his head in exasperation. "I don't know whether to hit him or feel bad for him." Barbara smiled, elbowing him in the side playfully. "Does he have no shame?"

"I doubt Wally even knows the meaning of the word," Barbara said, stifling the laughter that threatened to burst free.

"Or that it exists." Esau finished, the two of them watching as Black Canary smiled indulgently.

Then in a burst of motion that caught all of them by surprise, threw a straight jab that Wally hastily blocked, it was quick, precise and unexpected.

Yet, despite blocking the blow, which Esau would admit was impressive considering his low standards for the speedster, Wally was unprepared for the low sweep that followed.

"Ow." Wally moaned as the simulation beeped indicating his loss. "Hurts so good."

There were more than a few stifled laughs in the room, even Martian Manhunter cracked a small smile at the speedster's antics.

Moving forwards, Black Canary helped Wally to his feet. "Good block, but did anyone see what he did wrong?"

Never one to miss an opportunity, Dick raised his hand like an eager school child with the accompanying noises that attracted everyone's attention."Oh, he hit on the teacher and got served?" Esau smirked.

"Dude!" Wally exclaimed in shocked surprise.

However, Black Canary did not find it as amusing. "He allowed me to dictate the terms of-"

"-oh please." Superboy spoke up in disgruntlement at the whole thing. "With my powers, the battles always on my terms." To further accentuate his point, Superboy pointed his thumb at himself. "I'm a living weapon and this is a waste of my time.

'Now,' Esau leaned back, an ounce of anticipation rising within him as his gaze flickered to Black Canary. 'I wonder how you'll handle this.' She was smirking confidently as if this was what she wanted all along and that only made Esau even more curious to know how she would handle this situation. If she could send a clear message with this, then it might be enough to get Superboy's head out of his ass and actually make him start training.

"Prove it."

Carrots123 Carrots123

So, another chapter is done and with it, we not only get a little insight into Esau is progressing with his powers but also into how he feels about them. Right now, he doesn't like that they seem very weak and that is the case, but as we progress through this story and this arc, Esau will realise that they are much stronger than they appear at first glance. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.

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