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42.55% Ghost Raider in DC universe / Chapter 40: Aliens

Kapitel 40: Aliens

Sean slowly woke up from his bed and smirked seeing Sally and Chel naked next to him.

Just then his phone rang making him sigh and answered it.

"Come on Dad it's my day off and you're running my morning." Sean said in a tired voice making his father chuckle in amusement.

"Sorry son but duty calls. I need you in the office theres an old friend of ours who needs our help." Tom said making Sean sigh.

"Fine just give me an hour to get there." Sean said hanging up. "So help me god this better be worth it." Sean said getting up without waking them.


"Alright what the hell is going on?" Sean asked before seeing a man Sean knew both from business dealings and old family ties. "Carl?" Sean said seeing Carl Bishop Wayland of Wayland corporation in his office.

"Long time no see son." Carl said shaking his hand.

"Yeah about two years. What are you doing here? Dad said you needed help with something." Sean said.

"Yes well ever since Earth became allied with the Republic my company has made a lot of business deals with them about reforming uninhabitable worlds to more Earth like ones. One such planet is LV-426 which has been under construction since the contract." Carl said.

"Ok so?" Sean asked.

"We've lost contact with the colony there for the past month. It could be nothing a transmission malfunction or..." Carl said.

"Something big like Trade Federation BS again." Sean said.

"That to. I need you and your father to go with a group of Marines and advise on what to do if thats the case or something else is going down there." Carl said.

"Why not just send in the clones?" Tom asked.

"I cant risk the Trade Federation getting involved in this if it isn't them and they might have eyes and ears in the Senate." Carl said.

"So you came to us for help. Smart. Anything else?" Sean asked.

"I need to send one of my employees to evaluate the situation there. This place does have a substantial dollar value to it." Carl said.

"Oy. Alright we'll see just what the hell is going on down there under one condition. If the situation is to much to handle even for highly trained troops we call in the big guns and that includes destroying the site." Sean said.

"Is there something your not telling me?" Carl asked.

"Well." Tom said. "Your aware of our alliance with the hunters right?" Tom asked.

"Yes I've been briefed on them why?" Carl asked.

"Well theres a species that they hunt called Xenomorphs. They told us that a deserted space craft crashed on that planet carrying dozens of eggs of the species. If by chance these colonists have uncovered the craft theres a chance the whole place could be infested with them and it will be to much to handle." Tom said.

"Lets hope it doesn't come to that." Carl said.

Days later

Sean and his father and his old team along with a group of marines were in cryostasis before they were slowly taken out of stasis.

"Ah hell." Sean said slowly getting up from his bed.

"Whats the matter sir not your style." Sargent Apone said.

"Yeah fuck you." Sean said getting the marines to laugh.

"This kid has balls." Hudson said.

"Alright son knock it off." Tom said before the others started waking up.

"Well that was unpleasant." Lane said.

"Tell me something I don't know." Sean said standing up before heading to his locker to get dressed in his regular clothes.

"Hey why are the big guns here?" Vasquez asked.

"Well apparently Wayland and General Kruger go way back and asked him and his old team to help out." Ferro said.

"And his son?" Vasquez asked.

"Wanted a business partner to asses the damage." Ferro said.

"Not even close." Sean said behind her making her jump up making Vasquez and a few others laugh.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Ferro yelled making Sean chuckle.

"Carl asked me and my dad since we're old friends." Sean said.

"Thats it?" Vasquez asked while enjoying the sight of his bare chest.

"What else were you expecting?" Sean asked amused.

Later (I was going to add in that knife scene but you've all seen that a hundred times so it wouldn't be that funny anymore)

The entire squad was assembled in the hanger.

"Squad, Ten-Hut! Officers on deck!" Apone said.

"As you all were." Tom said getting them to stand do. "Now sorry we didn't get the chance to brief you all before..." Tom tried to say.

"Sir?" Hudson said.

"What is it soldier?" Tom asked.

"Is this gonna be a stand-up fight, sir, or another bug hunt?" Hudson asked.

"We're not really sure. All we know is that the colonists aren't responding. Could be any number of things. However what we are concerned about are these." Sean said showing a holographic image of a Xenomorph.

"Now what in the hell is that?" Frost asked.

"This is a Xenomorph. An ally of ours says that theres an abandoned ship in the area containing dozens of their eggs which need a host to breed with. If the colonists have found this ship the entire planet could be overrun." Sean said.

"How dangerous are these things?" Drake asked.

"Extremely. They have acid for blood and various other traits that make them dangerous." Sean said.

"Well this should be fun." Hudson said.

"I wouldn't joke about this if I were you." Tom said. "Our mission is clear find the colonists and bring them back to Earth and find out just the hell happened out here." Tom said.

"Alright sweet hearts you heard the generals now get moving." Apone said.

The Marines were getting everything ready for the mission.

"Lots of high tech in here." Sean said.

"Your design?" Eiling asked.

"Most of it." Sean said.

"What I cant help but wonder is this a natural event if those things got to the colonists or..." Lane said.

"Is the Dark Rider behind this?" Tom said.

"Yeah." Lane said.

"I wouldn't be so sure since he's been pretty silent the past week since Apocalypse escaped." Sean said.

"You know every time we get new allies he seems to get more pawns." Ross said.

"Thats true." Shepherd said.

"Can it. Whatever happens we always win." Sean said.

"Not always son. The war was one thing but this is completely different." Tom said.


Soon the marines were ready for deployment.

"Now this is what I call a squad." Eiling said impressed.

"You asked for the best sir thats what you got. Alright lets pack them in!" Apone said getting his men into the APC.

"This should be interesting." Sean said as they got in the tank and it got into the drop ship.

"Why cant we just land on the surface with the cruiser?" Ross asked.

"Doesn't work that way with this carrier. It's designed for space nothing else. Little flaw that can be solved in time." Sean said strapping himself in.

"I'm surprised anything you design even has a flaw." Eiling said.

"I only gave out ideas on this for Wayland I didn't build it myself." Sean said.

"Alright ready for drop in five." Ferro said.

"We're on an express elevator to hell. Going down!" Hudson said.

"Two one mark." Ferro said as they dropped from the ship.

"Oh shit." Packard said as they bumped like crazy from the drop.

"Ok this is annoying." Sean said.

"Whats the matter big man not a fan of drops?" Frost asked.

"What the hell do you think?" Sean said before the bumps decreased. "Ugh son of a bitch." Sean said before they settled down.

"Wheres the damn...Oh there it is." Ferro said seeing the colony along with the giant machine creating oxygen for the planet.

"Huh. So thats machine Carl was talking about." Sean said.

"Thats right. Remarkable piece of machinery. You know we manufactured those, by the way." Burke said.

"No I did. Just a lot different from the original deigns I gave him." Sean said annoyed.

"The whole colony still has power and I'm not seeing any bodies on the ground." Eiling said.

"That's not a good sign." Sean said.

"Why?" Burke asked.

"If the Xenomorphs are here it would explain the lack of dead bodies if any." Sean said.

"How do you know those things did all this?" Burke asked.

"Look around. The whole place looks perfectly fine on the outside and no bodies or any signs of battle. This is definitely adding up to the possibility of those things here." Lane said.

"You make it sound like you've seen them before." Gorman said.

"We have a long time ago." Tom said as they landed. "Alright Apone I want your men divided into two groups to search the building this will help speed things along." Tom said.

"Yes sir. Alright people lets move out." Apone said as they got out of the tank and did as ordered.

"Apone your group first." Lane said.

"Ay sir." Apone said as his group searched first and found the inside of the building to be a mess.

"Damn." Shepherd said seeing the damage.

"Wait hold up. Corporal Hicks back up. Look down." Ross said seeing the floor was melted along with the next floor down.

"Acid for blood." Burke said.

"Yup." Sean said.

"See this. Looks like the Generals are right this looks like their bad guys here." Hicks said.

"Yeah and no Droids or dead bodies anywhere in sight." Hudson said.

"Damnit." Sean said rubbing his temples.

"Lets not jump to conclusions just yet. Apone finish your sweep we're coming in." Tom said.

"Ay sir." Apone said.

Tom and his team got out of the tank and headed inside while Sean stayed out for a few seconds looking around.

"Hey." Vasquez said getting his attention. "You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. Just hoping we're wrong about those things being here." Sean said as they got back inside.

"Jesus Christ." Packard said seeing the damage up close.

"Looks like a last stand." Eiling said.

"Must have been one hell of a fight." Drake said.

"With the equipment here I doubt it." Sean said as they made their way into the labs.

"The hell is so valuable about this planet anyway?" Ross asked.

"Nothing its just a demonstration for the machine to use on other planets." Sean said before he found what they feared. "Uh dad." Sean said.

"What?" Tom asked before looking into the lab and found the first stage of the Xenomorphs called face huggers in jars not moving.

"Well that confirms it they're here." Lane said.

"Goddamnit." Sean said annoyed.

"Ugh disgusting." Vasquez said in disgust seeing the things.

"Are these..." Burke tried to ask only for them to nod as he got closer to one of them.

"Burke be careful." Sean said before it tried to latch on to him but couldn't since it was behind the glass.

"Looks like love at first sight to me." Hicks joked.

"Yeah very funny." Sean said before grabbing the documents on the things.

"Two are alive the rest are dead." Bishop said.

"Yeah no shit." Sean said before reading the notes. "Surgically removed before embryo implantation." Sean said "Subject Marachek, John J, died during the procedure." Sean said frowning.

"They killed him trying to get it off." Tom said looking over the notes before Frost's motion detector went off.

"General?" Frost said showing him the screen that something was moving towards them.

"Apone, where are your people? Anybody in D block?" Tom asked.

"Thats a negative general." Apone said.

"Let's find out whats going on." Lane said as they moved outside slowly.

Once they got outside the hallway they looked carefully for anything that moved when something did and Drake fired only for Tom to pull his gun up.

"Sir?" Drake said confused.

"Idiot." Tom said. "Sean come have a look at this." Tom said to his son who shinned a flashlight under the floor and found a girl at least 7 years old.

"Hello there." Sean said trying to get her but she moved away.

"It's ok honey." Tom said trying to calm her down when Sean got her.

"Got her." Sean said before she bites his hand. "Ow! Little brat." Sean said as she made a run for it.

"Don't lose her. Where the hell did she go?" Tom asked before spotting her moving through one of the vents. "Goddamnit." Tom said before going after her.

"Dad hang on a second." Sean said.

The Little girl got into a garbage room trying to hold the door so Tom couldn't get in but he did and looked around.

"It's ok honey I'm not going to hurt you." Tom said before she tried to get out through the next vent but Tom grabbed her making her struggle and whimper in fear. "Easy honey it's alright." Tom said before she began to calm down and Tom spotted a badge next to him with her picture and name. Rebecca Jordan. "Rebecca." Tom said.


"How is she?" Tom asked Sean.

"Hard to say she's not saying anything dad. But physically she's perfectly fine borderline malnutrition but doesn't look like its permanent damage. I might have a way to find the colonists. Carl told me that they had surgical implants to track them. I'll see what I can do from here." Sean said heading out.

Tom walked over to Rebecca and helped clean her off.

"Honestly honey you remind me of my daughters. You would honestly like them Rebecca." Tom said cleaning her off.

"Newt." Rebecca said quietly but Tom heard her.

"Hmm?" Tom said.

"Newt. My name is Newt. No one calls me Rebecca except for my brother." Newt said making Tom chuckle.

"I think it suits you Newt. Wheres your brother and your parents?" Tom asked.

"They're dead." Newt said making him sigh.

"What happened here?" Tom asked.

"Yo! I found them!" Sean said.

"That was quick." Tom said as the two walked over to him.

"Nice work son they alive?" Lane said.

"Unclear. But it looks like all of them." Sean said showing they were under the processing station sub level 3 under the main cooling towers.

"Looks like a goddamn town meeting." Hicks said.

"I don't care what it is. Lets get the hell over to them and get them out now." Sean said.

"You heard him." Apone said.


"Alright I want these civilians found and brought back here immediately. Once thats done I'm calling in the calvary from all our allies. This is a level omega situation." Tom said surprising the marines since that level hasn't been issued since WW3.

"Is that really necessary sir?" Apone asked.

"You bet your ass it is." Lane said.

"Don't just stand there get moving." Sean said.

"You heard the commander lets move." Apone said as they exited the tank once they entered the facility and started looking for the civilians.

"General is it really that serious?" Burke asked.

"These things nearly once conquered an entire race had our secret allies not put a stop to it. I don't want to take chance of the Trade Federation or worse the Dark Rider getting they're hands on these things." Tom said.

"Oh great now what?" Gorman said getting a lot of interference on the cams.

"Probably interference from the structure." Hudson said.

"He's right the amount of power that things lets off will do that." Sean said before they got a view from the inside seeing some kind of unknown material on the walls.

"I'm not making that out to well what is that?" Gorman said.

"You tell me, man. I only work here." Hudson said.

"It's from the Xenomorphs they secreted that shit. Makes the area part of the hive." Sean said.

"Secreted from what?" Burke asked.

"What do you think? They're like bees they make it themselves." Sean said.

"Busy little creatures, Huh?" Burke said.

"Knock it off." Sean said.

"Sir is there any danger from this stuff?" Apone asked.

"Uh no its harmless but keep your eyes open since they use this stuff to blend in." Sean said.

"Roger that." Apone said.

"How do you know all this?" Burke asked.

"When I was 9 we spent a month on the hunters home planet studying these things or at least I was while they were going over various terrorists in the world at the time." Sean said.

"Wait a second. Lieutenant what exactly do those pulse rifles fire?" Eiling asked.

"Ten millimeter explosive-tip caseless. Standard light armor-piercing round. Why?" Gorman asked.

"Well look where our marines are. They're under the primary heat exchangers." Eiling said.

"So?" Gorman asked not seeing the point.

"So if they fire wont they rupture the cooling system?" Eiling asked.

"Ah shit thats right fuck." Sean said.

"So?" Gorman said still not getting it.

"Look this whole place is big giant nuclear reactor and if one bullets hits one of the cooling systems well goodbye marines." Sean said.

"Oh great wonderful." Gorman said annoyed.

"Goddamnit." Sean said.

"Shit! Apone." Gorman said making Apone and his group stop. "Look we cant have any firing in there. I want you to collect magazines from everybody." Gorman said.

"Is he fucking crazy?" Hudson said in disbelief.

"What the hell are supposed to use, man, harsh language?" Frost asked.

"Sorry guys we cant risk one of you rupturing the cooling tanks and blowing yourselves up." Sean said.

"Oh come on man." Vasquez said.

"Just do it. Flame units only and no grenades." Sean said.

"Alright sweethearts you heard the commander. Pull them out. Come on. Let's have'm." Apone said getting the mags from the marines while secretly Vasquez and Drake pulled out some back up rounds for their smart guns.

"Frost open that bag." Apone said. Hicks pulled out a shotgun from behind.

"I like to keep this for close encounters." Hicks said pumping it once.

"I heard that." Frost said as they continued to proceed inside the hive and found a rather disturbing sight.

"Commander you seeing this?" Hicks asked.

"Ah shit." Sean said seeing some if not all the colonists dead with a hole in their chests. "We're to late." Sean said.

"Maybe not. Run a quick sweep then get back here so we can call in the big guns." Tom said.

"Copy that sir." Apone said.

"Goddamnit." Hudson said seeing all the dead civilians wrapped up in the disgusting residents the Xenomorphs made.

"Newt go up front now." Tom said getting her to do that.

"Sir I'm not seeing any civilians alive down here." Apone said.

Dietrich was looking at one civilian who didn't have a hole in her chest and slowly puller her head up just as she opens her eyes.

"Commander we've got a live one here!" Dietrich said.

"Please...Kill me." The woman said.

"Somethings wrong." Dietrich said.

"Get away from her." Sean said as she started convulsing around as something tried to burst through her chest and an infant Xenomorph known as a chest buster bursted through her chest. "Shit." Sean said.

"Flamethrower move!" Apone yelled frying the little alien making it screech in pain before it died off. When it did something felt off around the room.

"I've got movement." Hudson said.

"Whats the position?" Apone asked.

"I cant lock in." Hudson said.

"Talk to me Hudson." Apone said.

"Multiple signals they're closing." Hudson said.

"Go to infrared, people. Look sharp." Apone said.

"Whats happening Apone? I cant see anything in here." Gorman said.

"Pull them out now." Sean said.

"I got signals in front and behind." Hudson said.

"Where, Man? I don't see shit." Frost said.

"He's right theres nothing back here." Hicks said.

"Look on the fucking walls." Sean said.

"Do they even show up on infrared at all?" Dietrich asked.

"They should." Gorman said.

Dietrich looked around the area with her flamethrower but while her back was turned one of the Xenomorphs grabbed her from behind making her fire her weapon on Frost burning him alive.

"Frost!" Hicks yelled while Dietrich screamed as she was carried up.

Some of the marines went to where Frost last was and saw the bag containing their ammo on fire.

"Come on!" Hicks yelled pulling them away from the bag or so he tried as it exploded and killed Crowe.

"Christ Apone what is going on?" Gorman asked in annoyance.

"Wierzbowski and Crowe are down." Hicks said.

"Sound off!" Apone said and heard Wierzbowski screaming in pain.

"Lets rock!" Vasquez yelled as she and Drake started firing their weapons.

"Who's firing goddamnit!" Gorman asked.

Vasquez and Drake continued to fire at anything that moved.

"I ordered to hold fire." Gorman said.

"They're coming out of the walls! They're coming out of the goddamn walls! Let's book!" Hudson said as they tried to pull back.

"Apone I want you to lay down a suppressing fire with the incinerators." Gorman tried to say.

"Vasquez, Drake hold your fire goddamnit!" Apone said. "Say again sir all after incinerators." Apone said before looking up and one of the Xenomorphs grabbed him.

"Sarge!" Hudson yelled.

"Sargent talk to me." Gorman said.

"He's gone!" Sean yelled.

"Wheres Apone!" Hicks yelled.

"Sarge is gone! Lets get the fuck out of here!" Hudson yelled.

"I told them to fall back." Gorman said.

"They're cut off! Do something!" Sean yelled but he did nothing. "Motherfucker!" Sean yelled rushing up front. "Hang on." Sean said strapping Newt in while taking control of the APC.

"Commander what the hell are you doing!" Gorman yelled rushing up front while Sean drove the tank to the marines. "Turn around!" Gorman yelled trying to steer but Sean wouldn't budge.

"Get off me dumbass!" Sean yelled.

"Back off!" Tom said pushing him off as Sean drove to the marines.

The remaining marines which consisted of Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez and Drake rushed back to the APC with the later two firing at the Xenomorphs.

Sean finally arrived at where they were supposed to be and crashed into the wall to get them closer.

"It's blocked man now we got to go around." Hudson said.

"Open the goddamn door." Sean said getting his father to do just that.

"Get in here!" Tom yelled firing at the Xenomorphs to cover them.

"Shit!" Drake yelled as he ran out of ammo and started using his flamethrower

"Eiling take the wheel." Sean said getting him to do just that while Sean took an assault riffle and started helping out.

"Drake come on!" Vasquez yelled.

"Look out!" Sean yelled swinging his chain around one of them and it lite up in white flames.

"Jesus christ!" Drake said getting inside.

"Lets go!" Sean yelled.

"Roger that." Eiling said driving the APC out of the facility. Soon they busted out of the facility and the Xenomorphs didn't follow.

"Jesus christ." Lane said before noticing Gorman was out cold.

"The hell happened to him?" Packard said.

"Mild concussion nothing more." Shepherd said.

"The hell did we just walk into in there?" Vasquez asked Sean.

"I warned you guys these things were dangerous." Sean said.

"Yeah but you didn't say they were extremely smart man." Drake said.

"I shouldn't have to. Doesn't matter now anyway. We're in no position to go back and kill the rest of them. We take off and nuke the site from space." Sean said.

"Fuck A." Hudson said.

" Hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it." Burke said.

"Carl already gave us full permission to nuke the site if these things over run the place. We're nuking this site. I am not going to have some greedy bastards in the Trade Federation come here and try and make weapons out of these things." Tom said.

"General this is clearly an important species we're dealing with here. We don't have the right to exterminate them." Burke said.

"They have their own planet." Tom said.

"Maybe you haven't been keeping track of current events but we just got our asses kicked pal!" Hudson yelled.

"Look I'm..." Burke tried to say.

"Shut it." Sean said.


"Alright set him down here." Lane said as they set Gorman down on the stretcher on the ground while Hicks lite up a flare.

"Move it, Spunkmeyer. We're rolling." Ferro said seeing the flare.

Spunkmeyer made his way to the drop ship when his hand touched something slimy on the ramp.

"Hold on a second theres something..." He tried to say.

"Just get up here." Ferro said.

"I'm in. Closing ramp." He said as they took off.

The group waited seeing the drop ship approached them.

"Spunkmeyer? Goddamnit." Ferro said not getting anything back before the door opened. "Well where the fuck..." Ferro tried to say before seeing a Xenomorph behind her covered in blood making her try to quickly draw her weapon but it attacked her spraying her blood on the glass.

"Something isn't right." Eiling said.

"Wade I swear to god." Tom said before the Drop ship started crashing down. "Oh shit move!" Tom yelled as they ran for cover and he covered Newt up from the explosion as it went into the facility.

"What the hell just happened?" Lane asked.

"What do you think? One of them must'v gotten on board and killed them causing the crash." Sean said.

"Well thats just fucking great. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now, man!" Hudson yelled before Sean grabbed him by the neck.

"Are you fucking finished?" Sean asked getting him to nod.

"Guess we're not going to be leaving now, right?" Newt asked Tom.

"I'm sorry honey." Tom said.

"It's not your fault." Newt said.

"Well shit. Transmitter is wasted. Alright grab whats useful and head back to control center now." Sean said.

"You heard him." Drake said getting them all to do just that.


"Alright this is all we could salvage. Riffles and Grenades and one flamethrower thats half full and one thats slightly damaged. The Good news is..." Sean said opening a case full of automated sentry turrets.

"Nice." Lane said.

"Fully functional with 500 rounds a piece." Sean said.

"How long till we're overdue for a rescue?" Ross asked making Sean look around before sighing.

"17 days at the earliest 19 maximum." Sean said.

"17 days?" Hudson said freaking out. "Commander I don't mean to rain on your parade, but we're not going to last 17 hours." Hudson said.

"Dude. This little girl lasted a month here by herself with no training and no weapons." Sean said placing his hands on Newt's shoulders who wore a helmet and saluted him.

"Look private relax. No one knows these things better then us. At the earliest we'll be out of here in ten days when our allies get concerned." Shepherd said.

"Now look. I want every schematic on this place for everything I don't care how little it is but I want it now." Tom said making Hudson sigh.

"Yes sir." Hudson said.

"I'll be down in med lab continuing my assessment on the parasites." Bishop said.

"Yeah you do that." Tom said.


Tom had set Newt down in one of the close by rooms so she could sleep before he came back to the lab.

"Find anything useful?" Tom asked.

"Bishop did on the acid." Sean said.

"The molecular acid oxidizes after the creatures death, completely neutralizing it." Bishop said.

"Well thats somewhat helpful." Tom said.

"I don't understand something though. How did they spread so fast? I mean I know theres a ton of eggs on that abandoned ship but still." Packard said.

"I don't think theres even enough to fully infect the colony on that ship. Each one of these things comes from an egg...So who's laying the eggs?" Lane asked.

"Well considering these things move and act like a hive its possible theres a queen laying the eggs. She runs the whole show." Sean said.

"Probably right. Bishop I want these things killed immediately." Tom said.

"Mr. Burke gave instructions that they were to be kept alive in stasis for return to the company labs." Bishop said making Sean and the others frown.

"I can guess why." Tom said going to find him.

"Whats he talking about?" Drake asked.

"Look at this." Sean said showing him something on the computer.

Tom found Burke and confronted him about his orders.

"Look. Those two specimens are worth millions to the bio-weapons division, right? Now, if you're smart, we can both c one out of this heroes, and we will be set up for life." Burke said making Tom frown.

"Your insane if you think I'm going to allow that. Do you really think you can get a dangerous organism like that past I.C.C. quarantine?" Tom asked.

"How can they impound it if they don't know about it?" Burke asked.

"But they will know about it, Burke, From me." Tom said glaring at him. "Just like Carl is going to know you caused all this." Tom said making Burke look confused yet slightly nervous.

"What?" Burke said confused or at least tried to.

"You know having the smartest son in the universe has its advantages. He found out Newt's parents went to that ship on your order its all dated and signed. You sent them out there cause you knew about those things and didn't even warn them. Why?" Tom asked.

"Ok, look. What if that ship didn't even exist? Do you ever think about that? I didn't know. So now if I went and made a major security situation out of it, everybody steps in, administration steps in, and theres no exclusive rights for anybody. Nobody wins. So I made a decision, and it was wrong a bad call." Burke said before Tom shoved him into the wall.

"YOU CALL NEARLY 200 DEAD PEOPLE A BAD CALL YOU FUCKING SHIT STAIN! I am going to make sure your nailed right through the fucking wall for this you hear me!" Tom yelled before heading outside.

As he headed back to the Op center the alarm went off and rushed back to the others.

"Whats going on?" Tom asked.

"Those little fuckers are trying to get into the tunnel." Sean said seeing two of the sentry tunnels holding them back. Soon enough the guns ran dry before the aliens tried to get past the door but it was sealed shut.

"Well shit." Ross said.

"Bishop here you all need to see this." Bishop said on the comms.

They headed to where Bishop was seeing the facility.

"It's very pretty, Bishop, but what the hell are we looking for?" Sean asked before the venting system activated.

"That's it. Emergency venting." Bishop said.

"Ah hell." Ross said.

"Thats not good. How long till it blows?" Tom asked.

"4 hours give or take with a blast radius of 30 kilometers, equal to about 40 megatons." Bishop said.

"Goddamnit!" Sean said annoyed. "We need to get the other drop ship down here or at least contact the others in the republic or the covenant." Sean said.

"How! The Transmitter on the APC is wasted you said so yourself." Hudson said.

"Well theres got to be another way." Sean said.

"What about the colony transmitter?" Ross asked.

"That would mean one of us going outside with those things and doing it all manually." Sean said.

"Oh yeah sure with those things running around you can count me out." Hudson said.

"I'll go." Bishop said.

"Wait what?" Sean said.

"I'm the only one qualified to pilot the ship down here anyway." Bishop said.

"Not like we've got a lot of options." Lane said.

"Believe me i'd rather not. I may be a synthetic but I'm not stupid." Bishop said making Sean smirk.

Sean and Vasquez led Bishop to the pipes that would lead Bishop outside.

Tom went to check on Newt and found she wasn't in her bed making him concerned till he looked under the bed and smiled seeing her under the bed and crawled under the bed with her and held her close as she looked to be having a nightmare and held her close.

"I'm sure Mara is going to love having you in the family." Tom said.

"How long." Sean asked Bishop as they cut a hole in the pipes for him to get to the other side where the transmitter was.

"This conduit runs almost to the uplink assembly 180 meters. Say 40 minutes to crawl down there. An hour to patch in and align the antenna. Thirty minutes to prep the ship, and about 50 minutes flight time." Bishop said.

"It's going to be close." Sean said as he got in. "Good luck." Sean said.

"See you soon." Bishop said as he started crawling away and they sealed the pipe back up.

Tom soon woke up after a quick nap seeing Newt was still with him and looked in front of him and narrowed his eyes seeing two of the jars that contained the face huggers were in the room empty.

"Burke you fuck." Tom said before waking Newt up. "Honey get we need to move slowly." Tom said quietly. Tom took a look out from the top of the bed and when he did one of the face huggers tried to get him but Tom reacted quickly and it on the wall with the bed while Newt screamed.

"Move!" Tom yelled getting her to move fast. Tom got out and flipped the bed over but it ran away. "Crap." Tom said looking around and saw outside the room his assault riffle was out of reach. "Goddamnit!" Tom said.

Outside the room the monitors looked at Tom and Newt before the one monitoring them was turned off by Burke.

"Has anyone seen my dad?" Sean asked.

"Last I checked he went to check on Newt." Eiling said.

"That was an hour ago." Sean said.

"I'm sure he's just keeping her company you know how he is with kids." Eiling said making Sean chuckle knowing kids was his dads life just like it was his for making a better future for the next generation.

Tom looked around the room before seeing a fire alarm.

"And Mara said my smoking habits would kill me before I quit." Tom said taking his old lighter out and activated the fire alarm making the sprinklers came on.

"Ah shit! Hicks get your men to Med lab we got a fire!" Sean yelled rushing toward that room with Eiling and Lane behind him.

"Hang on honey they're coming." Tom said before one of the Face Huggers tried to attach to him but Tom was holding it back while Newt screamed before seeing one behind her making her push the equipment onto in preventing it from moving any further.

"SHOOT IT OUT!" Sean yelled getting Lane do just that and Sean burst through the glass.

"Sam!" Newt yelled.

"Oh shit!" Lane said. "Kid get back!" Lane said blasting it to pieces before Sean and the others killed the other one on Tom.

"The hell happened?" Sean asked as Newt held onto Tom.

"It was Burke." Tom said.


"I say we grease this rat-fuck son of a bitch right now." Hudson said aiming his gun at Burke.

"This doesn't make any sense." Lane said.

"To you it doesn't. He figured that he could get an alien back through quarantine if one of us was infected with those things." Tom said.

"Wait hold we would know if that happened through the scanners." Sean said.

"Thats right those things are impossible to fool." Drake said.

"Not if he sabotaged certain freezers on the way home. Namely yours." Tom said.

"You fuck." Sean said.

"Would you listen to yourselves." Burke said before Sean punched him in the face.

"Shut up!" Sean said before red lights appeared as the power went out. "Oh shit." Sean said.

"They cut the power." Tom said.

"What do you mean they cut the power? How could they cut the power man? They're animals." Hudson said.

"Doesn't matter get geared up we're getting out of here." Sean said.

"No need to twist my arm." Drake said getting the flamethrower.

"Is there anything we might have missed?" Ross asked.

"Hardly theres no other doors or..." Sean said before looking up. "Oh shit." Sean said.

"I'm on it." Hicks said getting up and checked the vents and saw a whole swarm of them.

"Oh hell no!" Shepherd said firing at them.

"Fall back now!" Tom yelled as they got back into the other room. "SEAL IT!" Tom yelled getting Sean to do just that.

"We need another way to the landing pad." Sean said.

"This way." Newt said leading them into a vent.

"Atta girl." Eiling said.

"Newt lead the way." Sean said as he finished sealing the door and they all left. "Bishop we're out of time how much longer?" Sean asked on the comms.

"The drop ship is on it's way. ETA sixteen minutes. I also got the Republic to respond their sending a battalion of clones here." Bishop said.

"Not like we need them for nuking this place but better then nothing." Sean said.

"Come on move!" Tom yelled as they entered a ladder area with a treadmill.

"Fire in hole!" Packard yelled throwing a grenade behind them.

"Packard wait!" Tom yelled but it went off and Newt fell down the treadmill. "Newt!" Tom yelled as she fell down into the sewers.

"Dad we can find her. The rest of you hit topside." Sean said.

"Good luck guys." Hudson said.

Sean and his father searched the sewers for Newt.

"Newt where are you?" Tom called out.

"Here!" Newt said sticking her fingers up from under the floor.

"There." Sean said running towards her.

"Hang on honey we need to cut through the floor." Tom said.

"Get down." Sean said using the torch to cut through the metal. Tom then saw the movement tracker had movement.

"Sean." Tom said.

"Don't fucking rush me old man I'm going as fast as I can." Sean said moving as quickly as could.

Newt never saw one of the Xenomorphs behind her till it was to late and screamed.

"SHIT!" Tom yelled as they started smashing through the floor but saw she was gone.

"Don't worry Dad we know where they took her and she's got a tracker. We need to move and resupply." Sean said.

"Aright lets go." Tom said as they made it to the Elevator and one of the Xenomorphs tried to get them but Sean blasted it and its blood got on his jacket and shirt making him and Tom quickly take it off before it could melt through his skin which it did but only a little. "Hang on son." Tom said placing his arm over his shoulder.

They got topside and ran towards the others.

"The hell happened?" Vasquez asked.

"Nearly got melted is what happened." Sean said

"We're not leaving yet." Tom said.

Minutes later

Tom and his old team got geared up with everything they could.

"General." Bishop said.

"I don't want to hear it Bishop. Hicks you make sure he doesn't leave and keep an eye on Burke." Tom said as Burke was handcuffed to the chair while knocked out. Sean was to injured to come due to the acid hitting a vulnerable spot on his chest.

"Tom we're ready." Lane said.

"Alright lets go." Tom said as they rushed outside to find Newt in the facility with the tracker on her.

"Your old man is one ultimate badass." Hudson said making Sean chuckle.

"If you only knew." Sean said.

Tom and his group searched for Newt's tracker and made sure to keep a watchful eye out for anymore Xenomorphs but found none. When they got on top of the tracker Tom found it on the ground.

"Damnit." Tom said before hearing Newt Scream making him rush to the sound and found one of the eggs about to open making him fire at it along with a Xenomorph that tried to get them. "Hang on honey." Tom said as they got the stuff off her before the facility started exploding.

"TOM WE NEED TO MOVE!" Lane yelled.

"Lets go!" Tom said as they rushed to the second floor only to find a large nest full of Eggs and these looked fresh.

"Oh boy." Shepherd said before they turned around and saw one giant Xenomorph laying eggs.

"I think we just found the queen." Eiling said.

"What was your first clue?" Packard said as the queen hissed at them and the smaller aliens moved towards them. "Uh uh." Packard said firing his flamethrower making the queen scream in fright and ordered her hive to back off from them.

"Man screw this." Ross said firing on the eggs with his flamethrower along with the others making the queen screech in rage that her nest was being destroyed. Soon enough the nest was destroyed. They made their way to the Elevator.

"I knew this whole trip would be exactly like 1987." Lane said.

"Sam shut up." Tom said before the Elevator came down just as the Queen made her way towards them. "Oh move!" Tom said as they got inside the Elevator and went up.

"That drop ship better still be there."Shepherd said as they got to the top.

"Shepherd you fucking moron." Packard said seeing the Drop ship was gone.

"Bishop goddamn you!" Tom yelled before they spotted the second elevator made its way up to them.

"The hell?" Eiling said before it got to the top and when the doors opened.

"Oh hell." Ross said seeing the queen.

"Look!" Newt said seeing the drop ship.

"Don't just stand there get on!" Sean yelled.

"Ladies first." Tom said getting Newt on first then the rest.

"Bishop get us the hell out of here!" Sean yelled.

"Roger that." Bishop said flying away from the facility just as it exploded making the drop ship rock a little before settling down. "We're ok." Bishop said.

"We made it honey." Tom said to Newt.

"I knew you'd come." Newt said making him smile.


"Sean and the others are going to need medical attention once the Clones dock with us once they arrive." Bishop said as they walked outside the drop ship into the cargo bay.

"You did good Bishop." Tom said making him smile before looking down and saw the ground melting slightly before gasping as something burst through his chest and the others saw the Queen had somehow boarded with them.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Lane said as it tore Bishop in half.

"Newt find cover fast." Tom said as it started chasing Tom and his group before they shut the door.

"How the hell are we supposed to kill it out it bleeding through the haul?" Packard said before Tom saw a lifter.

"I got an idea." Tom said getting attached to the machine. "I'm going to send that thing into space through the airlock." Tom said,

"Are you out of your mind?" Lane said.

"Trust me." Tom said before hearing Newt screaming and Ross opened the door making the queen look at them as Tom approached her.

"Get away from her you bitch!" Tom yelled making it charge at him. Despite Tom being slightly smaller then her in the machine he was holding his own. "Sam open the first air lock!" Tom said.

"Got it." Sam said doing just that.

"See you in hell!" Tom said dropping her down but it grabbed him pulling him down with her.

"Tom!" Lane yelled.

"I'm alright." Tom said climbing up quickly before it could grab him.

"Send this bitch to space." Eiling said opening the second airlock while closing the first sending the queen out into space making her screech.

"Daddy." Newt said hugging Tom before he picked her up.

"Not bad for an old man." Bishop said still alive making Tom chuckle.

"I might be in my 50's but I still got what every soldier has." Tom said.


"Jesus Christ what happened?" Talbot said as Sean and Tom's group entered the office looking banged up.

"Long story. Carl I'm sorry but your employee Burke sent Newt's parents to that abandoned ship and the Xenomorphs over ran the place." Sean said making Carl sigh hearing one of his employees did this causing so much death for money.

"I had no idea." Carl said.

"Thankfully we have a way for your company to bounce back from this." Sean said.

"How?" Carl asked before a holographic image of a temple appeared.

"By making history." Tom said.

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