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71.42% Born By Will  / Chapter 10: ch 10

Kapitel 10: ch 10

"You're such a pretty slave now aren't you Tayuya," a certain blond stated as he reformed his clothes after 'using' his slave.

"Shut… the… fuck… up!" the red head growled out angrily as she lay on the floor with a warm, sticky fluid covering most of her form and filling both of her holes.

"Now, now… we both know that you liked it… you just don't want to admit you like being completely and utterly dominated," Naruto claimed with a smirk.

"Go fuck yourself."

"I could… but I prefer to fuck others," the vampiric genin claimed with a cheeky grin.

"Asshole," Tayuya muttered under her breath.

"What was that? You want me to fuck your asshole again?"


"I know I fuck assholes… I just did yours," he said with an exaggerated smile as he enjoyed tormenting the girl.

"Fuck you!"

"(sigh) I've spent a little too long here…" the blond said after looking at the time, "get dressed," he commanded as he formed a new set of clothes for her to wear, which she gladly did.

The outfit consisted of a simple white tank top, a pair of black jeans, a simple leather jacket and a pair of running shoes.

As soon as she had finished getting dressed, he grabbed her arm before dragging her out the base.

"Hey! Where the fuck are you taking me ya bastard!"

"Home of course. I can't use a slave if they aren't within reaching distance at all times."

"Wait! You fuckin mean you're just fuckin taking me to use as a fuckin fuck toy!" the redhead shouted out indignantly.

"All complaints will be filed away for future reference at such a point in time that I give a shit," he replied in a professional tone of voice, further irritating his 'slave'.

"Fuck you bastard," she muttered under her breath. The truth was though, that what he said earlier was right, though she loathed to admit it, she had enjoyed being completely dominated by the psycho... even if he annoyed her to no end.

Feeling a sharp tug on her arm, she soon found herself in front of her 'master', while one of his hands began to massage her right breast.

"Now, now Tayuya-chan… is that really anyway to talk to your master?" 'especially when he can read your mind?' he stated, resulting in the girls eyes widening to unreal proportions, "do you understand now? I KNOW you liked it and you simply cannot hide it from me."

"Well… I have to admit I'm surprised you're still alive Jiraiya," the Hokage stated as he sat next to the younger mans hospital bed.

"Screw you sensei," the white haired man stated in a tired (and pained) voice, "you don't know what it's like to have your balls ripped off."

"And why did he rip them off in the first place?" the older of the two asked in confusion.

"I was thinking about using him and the Kyūbi for my next book."

"Jiraiya… are you telling me that Naruto is having a sexual relationship with the Kyūbi no Kitsune?"


"… I should have known," the professor muttered at that titbit of information.

"You don't sound too surprised sensei."

"I'm not… ever since his change I've learned to never believe he won't do something."

"That unpredictable is he?"




"So Jiraiya… what would you say about becoming Hokage?"

"No fucking way."

"Come on Jiraiya, you could always use my orb for your… research."

"And not get any time to write because of the accursed paperwork, no thanks."

"Come on… if you don't who will?"

"Have you tried Tsunade-hime?"

"I don't know where to find her."

"I can look for you."

"In your condition?"

"Just give me a week to recover and I'll be as good as new… just without certain parts of my anatomy."

"And you think you can find Tsunade before the Chūnin exams have finished?"

"Of course."

"(sigh) fine then… but I'll be sending Naruto with you," the aged Kage stated, causing the Toad summoner to pale considerably.

"Do you really think that's necessary sensei?"

"Yes… I want to retire as soon as the Chūnin exams are over, even if you have to bring Tsunade back by force."

"Understood sensei."

"Vicky-chan I'm home and have brought a new pet!" Naruto called out as he entered his home, earning a splutter off the redheaded slave.


"Oh sorry… I mean slave!" the blond corrected, further irritating the former Oto nin.

"Oh… where are you going to put it?" the demoness asked as she came round a corner, shocking the foul mouthed Konoichi with the sheer lack of concern present in her voice.

"I was thinking the basement… it isn't really being used for much right now."

"Okay… though I think you should redecorate down there first… it's too easy to escape from right now," Kyūbi stated, gleaming a small glimmer of hope in the other redhead.

"True… but then again her seal acts as both a leash and a tracker, running would be pointless," and as if on cue, the small glimmer of hope faded and Tayuya was left with the harsh reality of her existence from then on.

"How are the other slaves doing?" Naruto asked.

"Well Kin is definitely going to be easy to live with, she's hard working and seems to be very… sexually open, while Dosu's just praying you're not bi," Vicky deadpanned, drawing a small sweatdrop from the immortal psychopath.


There was silence until a small grin found its way onto the blonds' face.

"Well would you look at that… it's about time to do some jinchūriki hunting," he stated with a small smirk, before leaving out the front door.

"What was that about?" Tayuya asked in confusion as she stood in the middle of the hallway.

"Nothing you should be concerned about, now get over here, I've got jobs for you to do," the other redhead stated with a small grin.

"I see… in that case assist Hyō and Terai in monitoring Akatsuki," the one eyed warhawk in control of ROOT stated after receiving all the information on the remaining Jinchūriki.

It appeared as though Suna's and BOTH of Kumo's Jinchūriki would be attending the Chūnin exam finals, while one of Iwa's was currently living in a small cabin several miles away from the village with the other one currently located within the village walls. Takigakure also possessed a jinchūriki within the village walls, however the village itself was protected to a lesser extent. And last but not least, Kiri's hosts were currently fighting on the anti kekkei genkai side of the civil war, very useful considering the fact that ROOT was currently supporting the other side.

Soon after receiving the information and giving out new orders, the old man vanished in a puff of smoke.

Naruto wasn't exactly what you would call the slowest at travelling, he was actually VERY fast, and surprisingly it only took him a couple of hours to reach his first target… Takigakure.

"Well that was surprisingly easy," he mumbled to himself as he wandered the street looking for the Shichibi's vessel. He had expected a more thorough security system, including detection barriers, fortified walls, moats filled with carnivorous species and unpredictable patrols. What he actually got was nothing more than a pair of half asleep sentries that he could sneak past in his sleep.

Of course the main problem that the blond faced was how to go about finding the jinchūriki . He could do a simple information gathering exercise and attempt to find the container… or slaughter everyone until they handed the vessel over.

The only problem with the second option was that he could potentially kill the shichibi and he didn't want that.

So plan A it was then.

"I hate having ambitions to fulfil… always seems to make things harder."

By the end of the day, he was surprised that no-one had even realised that there was a potential enemy among the crowd.

He was certain that someone would have noticed him, but the lack of ANBU trailing him told him otherwise.

As far as the jinchūriki hunt was concerned, he had discovered that Taki's jinchūriki was a young girl with chocolate skin, light green hair and pink eyes… definitely narrowed down the search.

As he was contemplating this information, he noticed a single person had started following him, so he did what he did best in that situation… enter a dark alley.

Once he had entered the alley, he quickly became intangible and hid in one of the shadow covered walls. Hiding in the wall, he waited for his tail to enter the alley after him, which they did after several seconds.

"Fuck… where the hell did that freak go?" the person cursed under their breath, before feeling their arms twisted behind their back and find their face pressed against one of the alley's walls.

"You know… it isn't very nice to call someone a freak, jinchūriki-chan," Naruto responded in a whisper.

"So you know who I am… what are you after?"

"That's simple, your bijū," he claimed causing the girls eyes to widen at the implication.

"If you think, I will just stand here and let you kill me, you've got another thing coming!" the pink eyed girl shouted as she started to struggle against the black clad blond. Just as she was about to pull on the shichibi's chakra, she noticed an odd… cold sensation appearing in her stomach.

Turning as much as her position would allow, the sight she witnessed would be forever imprinted in her mind. Floating behind her assailant was a terrifying spectre with grey skin, a pair of horns protruding from its forehead, while an ornate tanto was gripped between its teeth.

Looking at its cloaked form, the young girl noticed one of its arms protruding from her assailants chest, before merging with her midriff.

The arm then began to slowly emerge from her with something in its grasp. After several seconds, she was capable of discerning the object in the wraiths clutches, the Shichibi.

Fear coursed through her body as she realised that she was about to have her bijū ripped out of her being, something she knew resulted in the hosts death. She began to struggle harder as she felt the life fading from her being, until she simply couldn't fight anymore.

Letting a single tear flow, her world faded to darkness.

Warmth. That was the sensation coursing through her body.

"Why am I warm? Am I in hell?" she thought as she kept her eyes closed, scared of what she would see.

"You're not in hell," came a familiar voice, causing the girls eyes to snap open and face her assailant.

Looking at the person who somehow managed to steal her bijū, she saw the silhouette standing against a backdrop of fire. Looking closer at the flames, she soon wished she hadn't, within the fire, she could make out the outline of Takigakure, her home.

"M-my home," she muttered out in shock, before noticing something she missed before. Everywhere within the flames lay burning corpses, many of which were impaled upon fences, power lines, signs and even trees.

"(sigh) those humans were stupid enough to attack me just after using a tensei ninjutsu on you… had they been smart and let me be, this wouldn't have happened," the black clad blond stated calmly as he continued to gaze over the former waterfall village.

The former jinchūriki didn't shift her gaze in the slightest, still overwhelmed by the sight before her. To think that a single person could lay waste to an entire hidden village and come out completely unscathed was unbelievable. But that didn't change the fact that she was currently looking at the village she grew up in burning before her eyes. Everyone she ever knew was dead or homeless, including her family and friends, "wait… no, I never had any family or friends in the first place…" and with that thought, the sadness she felt began to die as she remembered everything she went through in the village, all the hateful stares, the countless beatings, the harsh training she was put through, the only abuse she didn't suffer was rape… and that was because no-one was prepared to risk 'catching something' off the 'demon girl'. The more she remembered, the more the pain dulled, until watching the burning became satisfying.

The pair continued to stare at the burning village for a good ten minutes, before the vampire turned his back on it and started walking away.

"You have two choices little girl, one, stay here and try to fend for yourself, or two, come with me, either way makes no difference to me."

Snapping out of her stupor, the lime haired girl quickly got to her feet before running after the person who freed her from her village… and her burden.

Slowing down next to him, she decided to start a conversation.

"Hi," she started nervously, still unsure if to trust this strange individual.


"My names Fū," she said wanting to get the introductions over with.

"Naruto," he responded calmly.



"You said you used a Tensei Jutsu on me… why?" she asked with confusion lacing her voice.

"Because I did."


"You asked me why I said I used a Tensei jutsu on you, and I said because I did," the blond stated, earning a small sweatdrop from the girl.

"I meant why did you use a Tensei jutsu on me?"

"So you wouldn't die."

"But weren't you the one who killed me in the first place?"

"Yes, but your death was nothing personal… you just had what I wanted" he informed her.

"Oh and you just go and kill anyone who has something you want," Fū said with sarcasm dripping from her tone.





"Only if they don't give it to me."

"Okay…" 'why did I have to meet this psycho?"

'Because you're a jinchūriki.'

"AAAHHH!" the young girl screamed after the boy's voice echoed in her mind, before pointing an accusing finger at the black clad blond, "YOU CAN READ MINDS!"

"Amongst many other things."



"Do I really want to know?"


"Fair enough."


"By the way… if you used a tensei ninjutsu on me, how come you're still alive?"

"I'm immortal."


"Yes, immortal, you know that thing were a person can't die."


"Yes really."



"Sooo… where are we going?"



"To collect the Sanbi and Rokubi."

"So you're saying that you intend on stealing more bijū?"



"More power."

"Aren't you powerful enough?"


"Then why are you after more power?"



"Yep… it's more fun to try and increase my power if I'm already the most powerful being on the planet… it just means that I can get stronger without having to worry about being too weak to defeat my enemies or protect my precious people."

"You have precious people?" Fū said incredulously.


"... I find that hard to believe," she muttered under her breath.

"Then don't believe it," the blue eyed teen stated nonchalantly.

"Huh?" the green haired girl said in confusion.

"Are you forgetting, I'm a ninja too, I could be lying to you about everything," the blond stated as he looked back at her.

After blinking a couple of times, the chocolate skinned girl said a single word, "asshole."

"What? You want it in the asshole?" the blond said incredulously.

"What?! No!" she shouted indignantly as a slight pink tinge settled on her cheeks.


"Yes really!"

"Okay then," he said as he continued to walk towards their next destination.


"He has got to be the weirdest person I have ever met…" she muttered to herself as she continued to follow him.

Any outsider that visited Kirigakure could easily see that the situation wasn't good.

Everywhere you looked houses were collapsing while the streets were littered with craters from the countless exploding notes that were used over the course of the war.

No matter how hard you looked, you would never see a civilian, since they all either moved out or died in the crossfire.

Right now however, the streets were anything but lifeless.

"RETREAT!" a random Jōnin shouted before getting crushed by a large greyish green appendage.

Numerous ninja started running as an enormous greyish green turtle with three tails crushed countless ninja, while making sure to avoid others.

"Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu!" came a feminine voice, just before a large sheet of lava appeared above the monstrous creature before gravity worked it's magic.

The voice belonged to a woman in her early 30's, with long auburn hair, with a blue band creating a topknot, while two long bangs crossed over her chest and a small bang covered one of her light green eyes.

She wore a long sleeved, dark blue dress that left her shoulders uncovered and stopped just below her knees, with the right side slitted from the waist down, revealing mesh leggings. Looking higher revealed more mesh, as some was visible above the low starting dress.

As the lava consumed the beast, steam began to fill the area, obscuring the ninja's vision, until one of the beasts appendages lashed out, crushing several more shinobi, before the monstrosity crawled out of the steam completely unscathed by the attack.

"Dammit… as long as Yagura is in control, we don't stand a chance against that beast," the woman muttered through gritted teeth.

"Terumī-san, it is unlikely to work but I could attempt to disrupt the Mizukage's mind," a white cloaked man wearing an animal mask said as he appeared next to the woman.

"It's worth a shot, do it," the auburn haired woman commanded.

"Shintenshin no Jutsu," the man whispered as he placed his hands into a unique formation.

Immediately the cloaked man's body went limp before jerking violently and getting back up.

"I'm sorry Terumī -san but it appears as though I can't disrupt the Mizukage's mind," the ANBU stated, causing a frown to grace the beautiful woman's features.

"Then I guess you're lucking Danzō sent me to back you up," a new voice called out, before a black clad stranger appeared out of nowhere and embedded his heel in the monstrosity's head, slamming it into the ground and creating a shockwave that nearly knocked everyone off their feet.

Jumping off the beast, the Victorian styled genin landed in front of the duo, before the sanbi swept one of its tails at the blond, who effortlessly caught it in one hand… though the ground didn't fare as well if the crater at his feet was any indication.

The pair could only look on wide eyed as they witnessed the sanbi's attack effortlessly caught by some child, after all the destruction it had caused, after all the lives lost to it while under the control of the Yondaime, a single child was capable of overpowering it.

"Wow… I can't believe he's THAT strong," a voice stated from behind the observers, causing them to turn towards the speaker.

"And exactly who are you?" the blue clad woman asked.

"Names Fū, yours?"

"Terumī Mei."




"We have the same name…" the green haired girl stated.

"Indeed… just refer to me as ANBU."

"That seems simple enough," Mei claimed, before a small earthquake hit the area.

Looking towards the battle, they were surprised to see the sanbi laying on its back with only two tails present on its form, while the last one was currently dissolving next to the black clad blond.

"Shabondama no Ninjutsu," came a quiet call before the area was filled with bubbles.

Standing still with a bored expression marring his features, Naruto simply let the bubbles do their thing, with one filled with water covering his head, before the rest began to burst, burning everything the substance they spread touched.

"Well this is boring… I was hoping to at least get a minor workout form this, but nooo, they just have to be too fuckin weak," he thought quietly before unleashing a minor portion of his power, effectively obliterating the bubbles and knocking everyone off their feet.

"You know, you're beginning to bore me… I guess I'll just finish this before I get too bored," and with that statement, he flew through several hand seals, before grabbing the bubble user and sanbi, "Shiki Fūjin," he whispered.

After several minutes of struggling (and the sanbi dissolving), both Kiri's jinchūriki were laying lifeless on the ground as the Mizukage's forces were surrendering left and right, while any that didn't were quickly captured or killed.

"I take it then, that you intend on keeping our bijū," Mei stated as she walked towards the blond.

"Don't worry too much… I've already taken the shichibi and am planning on gathering the rest," the blond claimed resulting in a confused expression finding its way onto the woman's face.

"Why should that stop me from worrying?"

"Because it will mean that only Konoha will have ANY bijū, which means that as long as you make sure you're allied with Konoha, you will never have to worry about a bijū attack," Naruto explained, earning a look of understanding from the woman.

"Will Konoha be prepared to sign a treaty with us?"

"The Sandaime Hokage loves peace, the only problem might be with the daimyo's rejecting the decision, but they can easily be… persuaded," the blue eyed genin claimed with a small grin.

"You would threaten the daimyo's? Are you completely stupid?"

"No, I am simply strong enough to crush the daimyo's and their armies without much effort."

Just as the woman was about to make a retort, the female Fū intervened, "like you did with Taki?"

"What did you do with Taki?"

"They attacked me… so I destroyed them," the jinchūriki claimed casually.



"You destroyed an entire hidden village?" the auburn haired woman stated incredulously.

"They started it," the blond stated with a pout, earning sweatdrops from everyone that was listening to the conversation.

"You claimed that Danzō-sama sent you to back us up, why did he?" the ANBU asked seriously.

"Danzō's goal is to bring peace under the flag of Konoha and the only way of doing so is by military dominance. I have the ability to become infinitely powerful and survive for eternity, so he sent me to increase Konoha's power and gain a new ally," the fedora wearing blond explained, earning nods of acceptance from all the present ROOT shinobi.

"And yet Konoha has the largest number of missing nin in the elemental countries," Mei stated.

"I blame the council."

"You blame the council?" both Mei and Fū asked in confusion.

" the Konoha council consists of three sections, the Hokage and his advisors, the shinobi section and the civilian section. The Hokage and the shinobi section are perfectly fine, however the civilian section is filled with corrupt bureaucrats and brain dead merchants that seem to believe that the only thing that matters is their pockets or ambitions," the blue eyed vampire explained.

"If they're that bad then why doesn't the Hokage dissolve them?"

"Because they're good at covering their tracks and unfortunately, they are needed to keep Konoha's economy afloat."

"Why would they help the economy?"

"Their pockets and ambitions are linked to it… the better the economy, the more they can steal," the blond said before turning towards the ROOT shinobi, "as for you lot… Danzō ordered me to pass on this order to you… assist Hyō and Terai in monitoring Akatsuki."

"Hai!" and with that call all the present ROOT shinobi vanished with a shunshin.

Turning towards the attractive woman, Naruto decided to say his farewell, "well then, I should be going to Iwa now… I might see you again someday."



"Look I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted… I mean come on, we've been travelling for nearly 20 hours! Don't you ever need to sleep?" the lime haired girl shouted.



"I don't need to sleep… ever," Naruto explained to the girl.

"Well I do, so can we please just spend the night here?" she asked with the best enuaizu no jutsu she could muster.

"Stop doing that or I will rip your eyes out," the blond stated in irritation, after all, as he is now he would happily kick a puppy just for the hell of it, "as for staying the night… fine," he said before turning around to avoid the girls victory dance… that reminded him FAR too much of his old self, "And stop that dance or I will break your legs."

"Huh? What's wrong with my dancing?"

"It brings back bad memories…" he claimed, resulting in the girl stopping.


"Just find somewhere to sleep and get some rest… I want to collect Iwa's bijū by the end of the week," he informed her before leaving to do… whatever he does.

"I can't believe just how much stronger I am now," Madara stated as he stood in the middle of an arena. Laying around him were the other members of the Akatsuki, with each sporting several injuries.

"Well you do have the experience of the other members all added onto your own, so is it really that surprising that you're as strong as you are?" the white half of Zetsu stated.

"But that's the point… if he only obtained their experience, could he have beaten them all so easily?" the black half of the plant man asked, earning stares off of everyone that was still conscious.

"What are you trying to say Zetsu?"

"Well… what if you got more than just memories from the blood? I mean come on… you gained a person's memories by drinking their blood, so what's to say you didn't get their strength or abilities?"

"You make a good point… however the only ones that have an ability without a physiology altering jutsu are Itachi and Hidan… I already have the sharingan and I'm not prepared to see if I can survive being decapitated," the black haired man deadpanned.

"How about Danzō's blood bank? That has nearly every kekkei genkai in existence stored in it," the white half of Zetsu suggested.

"Yes… that is a good idea," Madara muttered before vanishing in his little spacial distortion.



"I wonder how strong he'll be when he gets back," Zetsu's black half said to break the silence.

"I would suspect he will be VERY strong," the white half mentioned.

"He already is VERY strong."


Madara then decided to reappear in his little distortion.

"All the blood is gone," he claimed with unbridled fury lacing his tone.


"It would appear as though the Kyūbi jinchūriki has absorbed all of Danzō's samples," Madara explained, "where is Hidan?"

"Laying on the floor where you left him," Zetsu's white half stated, before Madara walked over to the unconscious immortal and started to take his anger out on the Jashinist.

Back in Kiri we find a certain blond sitting on top of what used to be the Mizukage's tower, simply looking out onto the village.

"What do you want Terumi-san?"

"I want to know about this Danzō person… what does he gain out of sending his men to aid us?" the woman asked.

"Nothing… Danzō is dead," he claimed, earning a look of shock off the green eyed beauty.

"What happened?"

"He pissed me off… and I've been impersonating him in front of his men ever since."

"So then, was it him or you that sent us aid?"


"What do you gain from it?"

"Those bijū and a new ally for Konoha."

"(sigh) you're a strange one."

"It's better to be strange and interesting than normal and dull."

"I guess you're right," she claimed before leaving him in peace.


"(sigh) the problem starts when no-one wants to fight me," he muttered to himself before continuing to watch the village.

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