Naruto was pissed, he may be immune to sunlight, however it was still too bright, he had tried to create himself a pair of sunglasses on several occasions during his stay in Wave, however the best he managed to get was a blindfold, and that isn't very useful.
He was also thinking about how he should deal with Hatake, should he tell the Hokage and have him deal with it or keep it a secret and mentally torture the Jōnin while holding the assassination attempts over him? Then again, if he withheld that information then there would be no reason for the Hokage to believe him if he brought it up later.
"Kyū-chan, what do you think?" the young vampire thought to his favourite familiar.
"It's up to you Naruto-sama, if you want to torture the Jōnin then you will have to stay on this team, but if you want to get more cannon fodder or ninja's then you will have to leave the team and start doing higher ranking missions," came the response of the vixen in his head. It hadn't taken long for Kyūbi to break out of her insecurities, after all they were all about her human appearance, which Naruto never made a fuss about.
"That's it, I guess I could attempt to do both, tell the old man yet convince him to not remove Hatake from duty, yes, that might work," and with that, Naruto decided to enter his mindscape and get in a couple of games of shōgi, since the rest of team 7 where at least a couple of miles away. That is simply how much faster it is to fly than run.
Team 7 were almost laughing their heads off, they hadn't seen Naruto since they departed Wave and were almost at the Konoha gates.
"You took your time."
"AARRRGGGHHHH!" came the cry of the three members of team 7 as they were shocked enough to miss their mark and crash to the ground below.
"How did you get here before us?" Kakashi asked shocked that the demon had made it there before them and even managed to hide his presence from him.
"Trade secret Hatake," came the taunting reply of the vampiric genin.
"I'm sure you could share it with us," the silver haired Jōnin asked mischievously.
"You're right, I could, but I don't want to."
"Well then, you WILL tell me, that is an order as your superior," the Cyclops decided to try and pull rank.
"I thought I made it clear that I don't care about you're rank Hatake, you are still just a worthless piece of shit as far as I'm concerned," Naruto's voice rang throughout the Jōnin's head, before he calmly started to walk towards Konoha's main entrance.
"Damn that miserable demon" "Monster, Hatake" "damn you get out of my mind!" "why should I listen to such a weak minded fool?" "because I'm your sensei" "you haven't earned the right to call yourself that Hatake" as the group headed towards the main gate, Kakashi stepped forward, not allowing the voice in his head distract him from his duties.
"Team 7 returning from a C-rank Mission to Wave," the Jōnin stated with an official air surrounding him. After the gate guards checked all of their paperwork, the group began their journey to the Hokage tower.
On the way many of the villagers glared at the young vampire, but backed away when they saw the sadistic smirk etched onto his face, they did not want to risk provoking him with a smirk like that, it was even more terrifying than the village psycho's, and she would rip your balls off and feed them to her snakes if someone tried to make her life hard. So what would the demon do?
Naruto was starting to get annoyed, he REALLY wanted a random drunk to attack him or something, then he could mutilate them before draining them of their blood, it would be the ultimate deterrent for those foolish villagers.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) the walk to the Hokages tower was peaceful, meaning Naruto didn't get to demonstrate his new alignment to the villagers.
"Hokage-sama, team 7 reporting in from a successful C turned A-rank mission to Wave," the Jōnin stated before he was subject to the killing intent of the old man behind the desk.
"Kakashi, did you just say C turned A-rank?" the god of shinobi asked him coldly.
"Uh yes," the cycloptic Jōnin answered nervously.
"Why didn't you turn back as soon as you found out that it was an A-rank?" just as the Jōnin was about to respond, the blonde genin beat him to the mark.
"He was hoping the Uchiha would activate his sharingan and I would die, which nearly happened."
"Naruto, I don't think Kakashi would try to put you in danger."
"Oji-san, he actively tried to assassinate me when the hard part of the mission was over," the blonde deadpanned, of course the Hokage noticed the lack of any tell tale signs of a liar when Naruto made that statement AND the fact that Kakashi was VERY uncomfortable when Naruto made his statement and it was easy to put two and two together.
"Hatake Kakashi, you actively attempted to murder one of MY ninja! ANBU take him to Ibiki," the angry fire shadow barked out.
"Now, now Oji-san, don't you think you should confiscate his most prized instead, after all, we all know how precious that eye is to him, but even without it, he would still be valuable to konoha," "Plus it would allow me to torture him as well, hehehe," Naruto stated with a sadistic smirk as the hidden ANBU jumped out of the shadows to restrain the traitorous Jōnin.
"I believe that taking his eye would be quite the blow to him, however, the mere fact that you suggested it brings just one sentence to mind. Who are you and what have you done with Naruto?"
"That is why I tried to kill it sir, it is obvious that the demon is in control after he slaughtered hundreds of people, and he clearly enjoyed it, right now he is nothing more than a demon," the silver haired man told the Hokage clearly trying to worm his way out of the situation.
"(sigh) how many times do we have to go over this Hatake, I'm a monster not a demon," the blonde stated clearly annoyed at the man.
"Aren't they the same?" one of the ANBU restraining Kakashi asked clearly confused.
"(sigh) demons are born demons, monsters are born human and cast away their humanity for one reason or another,"(1) Naruto explained to the blank faces inhabiting the room.
"Um, Naruto, what could have forced you to throw away your humanity?" the old man asked cautiously.
"Surely with your healing factor there shouldn't have been anything that could of nearly killed you?"
"Oji-san, I was bisected at the waist," the blonde deadpanned.
"YOU WERE WHAT!" came the predicted cry from the Hokage and ANBU in the room when they finally processed what he just said.
"Bisected, you know sliced in half," he expanded for them.
"If you were bisected then how come you're still in one piece?" a cat masked ANBU asked cautiously.
"I became a monster."
"Anyway, what about those two? Technically they attempted to kill me as well, even if a civilian could of made a better job of it," Naruto asked bluntly as he pointed his thumb towards the now petrified duo.
"Did anyone you meet NOT try to kill you?" the VERY irritated old man.
"All the civilians and one of the enemy ninja."
"Unfortunately, as clan heirs, Sasuke and Sakura are under the councils jurisdiction," the Hokage stated, earning a victorious smirk off each.
"Regardless of their 'punishment' I would like to request that I be removed from this team and be allowed to perform solo missions," the vampiric blonde requested.
After thinking things over for a few minutes the old leader reluctantly granted the first part of his request.
"Fine, I will allow you to leave team 7, however, you will receive a new Jōnin sensei, now do you have anything else to add?"
"Indeed I do. May I have the honours of removing Hatake's eye?" the blonde asked with a sadistic tone ringing in his voice.
"Very well."
Before anyone could react, Kakashi had three fingers pushing under the eyelid of his now uncovered sharingan eye, before it was literally ripped out of the socket, leaving a highly damaged optic nerve behind.
As the Jōnin writhed in agony, Naruto turned towards the Hokage before placing the eye for him to see and asking "do you want this or can I crush it?"
"You can crush it."
"NNNNNOOOOOOO!" the now literally one eyed Jōnin screamed out as he watched the eye of his best friend get crushed into a mere mush before being unceremoniously thrown in the trash.
"Ah, music to my ears, are you enjoying the show my queen?" "Oh yes, it is VERY satisfying to watch that worm squirm in agony after everything he's done to you."
"ANBU take Hatake to the hospital," with a quick 'Hai Hokage-sama' the ANBU left the room with Kakashi in tow, "Now if that is everything," the old man started only to be interrupted by the former jinchūriki again.
"Actually Oji-san I have more to talk to you about, in private."
"Fine then, Uchiha, Haruno leave my office now," with that command the two clan heirs left the room, but not without glaring at the blonde.
After the door had closed the Hokage activated a privacy seal and Naruto immediately spoke up.
"First things first a quick rundown of my abilities.
Number one, by drinking a person's blood I am capable of absorbing their soul, assimilating their memories and abilities into myself, so far I have absorbed approximately 300 bandits, Momochi Zabuza, his apprentice, a Hyōton user named Haku and finally Kyūbi."
"W-WHAT! You absorbed the Kyūbi!" the aged Kage spat out in shock.
"Yes, and that is another thing you need to understand, Kyūbi is NOT evil and only attacked Konoha because a Sharingan user forced her to."
"I see, so an Uchi- WAIT! Did you just say 'her'?" the old man asked in surprise.
"Yes, Kyūbi is a girl," came the exasperated reply.
"Is? I thought you said you absorbed it?"
"When I absorb a soul, it is still separate from me, it will merely occupy my mindscape until I decide to, temporarily release it, or use it."
"Use it?"
"By sacrificing a single soul, I can survive and reform from almost any fatal injury, though I need at least a portion of my body left, even if it is just a single drop of blood," the young vampire explained causing the old man's eyes to go wide.
"But that would mean, that someone would have to kill you over 300 times for you to stay dead," with a nod of confirmation from the blonde, the Hokage suddenly realised that Naruto truly wasn't human anymore.
"Now as I was saying, I also possess the ability to change my physical manifestation if I so desire, that is where these clothes come from.
I also possess the ability to become intangible if I so desire," "and telepathy," he finished in the old man's mind, nearly giving him a heart attack in the process.
"Now, to get serious, during the mission we just returned from it appeared that the client lied due to lack of funding. It turned out that the shipping tycoon known as Gato had created a monopoly over Wave and wanted the bridge builder dead in order to maintain it. Eventually I killed Gato and absorbed his blood, as such I have complete knowledge concerning Gato's empire including his illegal activities. I have taken all forms of documentation and sealed it in this scroll," he claimed as he pulled the scroll from within his jacket, "and have separated all of his legally and illegally accumulated assets. I would like to request the go ahead to destroy the tyrants empire."
"I see, well considering these powers you state you possess, I don't see any reason to deny you that request, however, you will go with your sens- partner just to be safe."
"Thank you Oji-san, when you see my sensei, tell them to meet me by the main gate at 8am three days from now I have some things I need to do before then," and with that the boy phased straight through the wall.
"Things will definitely get interesting from now on," the hokage muttered to himself before reaching into his desk and pulling out a small orange book.
"I know what you're doing Oji-san."
"HOLY SHIT!" the Hokage was definitely happy that he forgot to take down the privacy barrier after that little episode. "I guess I'll just get back to signing paper work then."
Naruto had just discovered one of the biggest problems about shopping when you're a vampire.
He couldn't see himself in a damn mirror. Of course it was really quite easy to fix that, all he needed to do was call Kyūbi out and get her opinion. Of course this caused its own set of problems.
"N-Naruto? Is that you?" a young blonde girl asked as she saw him browsing. She had her hair tied into a ponytail with a single bang covering her right eye. She wore a purple sleeveless tank top that stopped above her midriff, with bandages wrapped around her stomach. She wore bandages around her thighs and a purple split skirt held up by her hitae-ate which she was using as a belt.
"Indeed it is Ino-san, why are you asking?" Naruto responded pleasantly after all, when his life flashed before his eyes, he never saw the girl he was currently talking to do anything to hurt him, I mean sure she didn't do anything to help him either, but even that type of person was rare inside of Konoha, so he would be pleasant, at least until she gave him a reason to be cold towards her.
"Sorry, It's just weird to see you without that hideous orange jumpsuit, your new look suits you by the way," she told him without any deception in her voice or actions.
"Thank you for the compliment Ino-san, however I'm here looking for a particular type of accessory," the vampire trailed off.
"I don't know what you're looking for but I think you could do with some sunglasses, they would complete the look you're going for," the young girl advised him.
"Heheh, that is exactly the accessory I'm looking for Ino-san."
"I see, oh, hi there I'm Ino, me and Naruto were in the same class at the academy, I don't believe we've met miss?" the blonde girl said as she noticed Kyūbi.
"Victoria is her name, we met a couple of months ago in the market when she got lost and I offered to show her around," Naruto answered quickly.
"That's a weird name," Ino stated.
"My parents are historians, they found a book from a long time ago that talked about an old queen named Alexandrina Victoria, they decided to name me after her," Kyūbi continued to improvise on the spot.
"Wow, that's pretty cool, I'd love to be named after a queen," the purple clad girl stated with stars in her eyes.
"Hey, Vicky-chan, Ino-san, what do ya think?" Ino was snapped out of her revelry by the now glasses clad boy. The glasses had circular lenses with a heavy orange tint to them, held in place by a thin wire frame and small, goggle like edges (2).
"Definitely suit you Naruto-kun," came the opinion of the redheaded kitsune.
"Yeah, they suit the outfit as a whole," "I still can't believe that Naruto actually has some form of fashion sense," the fashion conscious blonde verified.
"Well if that's the case then why don't you two talk while I go and buy a few pairs, don't want to have none if they get broken on a mission," and with that said the bloodsucking genin left to 'persuade' the shopkeeper to sell him a few pairs of the sunglasses at the normal price.
"So what do you see in him?" Ino asked out of the blue.
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well then, why don't you get to know him and find out for yourself," Kyūbi asked deviously.
"To be perfectly honest, when I was younger my mother would never let me near him, she always just said he was a demon and I shouldn't associate with filth like that," as Ino said that, she could feel the hate emitting from the girl beside her, "whenever I wasn't with my parents, I could never find him so the only time I got to see him was in class, but to be perfectly honest, I still can't understand why my mother kept calling him a demon, especially when my father said he was a hero."
Upon hearing that the redhead visibly calmed down, "did you know, that most of Konoha see's Naruto-kun the same way your mother does? And because of that, they kept hurting him, both physically and emotionally. He couldn't buy anything because stores refused to sell to him, well except the Ichiraku's ramen stand."
"Wait, are you saying that he likes ramen so much because,"
"Because he's never had the chance to eat anything else, and yet throughout it all, he just smiled and carried on, any normal person would have broken long ago, yet look at him now, he's finally decided to not take any shit and to start fighting back," Kyūbi informed the blonde sitting next to her.
"Wait, where did you get all this from, how do you know it's not all lies?" Ino decided to verify, after all as the biggest gossiper in Konoha she knew that you can't trust everything you hear.
"The Hokage told me," the fox lied to her, since she couldn't exactly tell her the truth. However hearing that the Hokage told her of Naruto's treatment instantly caused the young blonde to stiffen, if the Hokage had told her then it was obviously true.
"Well have you two enjoyed your little talk," came the call of the vampiric genin when he had finished finalising his purchase of the sunglasses.
"I know I did," came 'Victoria's' response, while Ino just sat there remaining silent with her head hung low.
"Well then my queen, shall we leave this establishment?" Naruto asked with a small smirk, causing Ino to snap out of her stupor and watch as the now black clad genin escorted the new girl out of the store.
"Did he just call her 'my queen'?" was the only thought going through the blonde girls head, that is until her instinct for gossip took over and she started planning how to spread this interesting titbit of information and she left the store, not noticing the middle aged cashier currently assuming the foetal position on the floor.
"Alright then why did you chose Victoria?"
"I dress like a Victorian and you are my queen, my queen Victoria, and since you don't have a name, I had to come up with something," the sapphire eyed vampire explained.
"I see, sssooo, why are we walking away from your apartment?"
"I want to see if I can find a forge I can use at night."
"Why?" the kitsune asked cautiously.
"Why? To make myself a gun or two of course," Naruto stated as if there was no other possibility.
"You do realise that making gunpowder will be nearly impossible with the current accessibility of minerals in the world right? And without gunpowder you'll have no way of making bullets do you understand?(3)" the vixen informed him.
"Yes, I am fully aware of that, however I have already formulated an improvisation for that," was all he said, since he wanted to see her face when he showed her his simple solution to the problem.
Naruto walked into a small weapon store in a small alley just off the high street (Victoria had returned to her place in this mind) and walked straight up to the cashier.
"Hello there young man, would you like some help?" a large middle aged man asked from behind the counter.
"I was wondering if you had a forge I could hire at night?" was the blondes reply.
"I do indeed, the current rate is 15,000 ryō a night, however, you have to buy all your own materials if you want to make something, so do you still want to use it?" the large man asked happily.
"Indeed, would it be acceptable for me to rent it out for the next three nights, starting tonight?"
"Of course, just pay me now so I know you aren't going to try and escape paying me, I've had that happen too many times already," after that was said, Naruto pulled out a bundle of notes before counting them and then handing them to the cashier, who then counted the notes himself.
"Hey kiddo, the fee is 45,000 ryō, you gave me 50,000," the older man stated as he removed 5,000 from the bundle to give back to him.
"That sir, is a tip for serving me."
"Oh yeah, you aren't exactly welcomed everywhere are you."
"So you know who I am and are still treating me like a normal customer?"
"Kiddo, you're paying my bills by shopping here, I'd be an idiot if I ran you out."
"Thank you for that, now, do you have any materials I could buy?"
"Follow me."
Over the next three days Naruto built his first gun, spending the first night making the moulds for the different parts including the bullets and cartridges. The mould for the bullets allowed the bullet to be nothing more than a solid lump of metal with a seal engraved on both ends.
On the second night he filled the moulds with chakra resistant metal except on the trigger, striker and spring, which he used chakra conductive metal for. He also filled the mould for the bullets with a chakra conductive metal since in order for them to work how he wanted, they had to be capable of conducting his chakra (4)
On the last night, he engraved seals on certain parts of the gun and then assembled the finished product. It was approximately 40cm long and weighed about 15kg. It was black in colour with grooves forming a grip on the handle(5). It had a reinforcement seal on the inside of the barrel so that it could handle a bigger blast, which it would need to do considering Naruto's method of getting bullets to fly.
After assembling the gun itself, he took his time placing the rounds in the ten, seven shot cartridges he made, before sliding one of them into the handle. All in all, his new weapon was a masterpiece, something he was sure he wouldn't have been capable of making without a vampires eye for detail or his vixens knowledge of how to build a gun.
When he had finished his work of art, he pointed it at a training dummy that was used to test a new weapon before putting it on display, and pulled the trigger with chakra flowing through his finger. The trigger absorbed the chakra, transferring it to the spring that in turn both activated the striker and transferred the chakra to it, causing it to transfer the chakra to the inactive seal on the back of the first bullet, causing its activation while more chakra flowed to the seal on the front. The difference between the seal on the front and on the back is that the front seal possessed a time delay array, meaning that it would only go off after a certain length of time, currently set at half a second, while the seal on the back didn't have any time delay, that resulted in Naruto's attempt succeeding as the explosive seal at the end propelled the bullet out of the chamber and as it collided with the dummy, the seal at the front was detonated, completely destroying the target in the process.
"HOLY SHIT! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!" came the cry of the vixen in his head.
"Heh heh, I told you I could improvise," earning a small laugh from the fox.
"I guess I should have had more faith in you huh?"
"It's okay, besides I don't intend on using it that often, but it might come in handy sometime."
"Yeah, besides it does feel real good to shoot something when you're stressed," she claimed as Naruto left the building, taking all his material's with him, since he didn't want bastards like Hatake or the Uchiha getting their hands on firearms.
As he left the forge, he was greeted by the concerned face of the shopkeeper.
"Is everything alright, I thought I heard an explosion down there?"
"Uh yes, though I guess I owe you for a new training dummy huh?" the black clad gunner stated.
"Don't worry if you wreaked the training dummy, it's there to be broken."
"Oh well then, I'll see you again sometime, I'll come by if I ever need to use the forge," and with that the blonde haired genin left the store, after all, it was about 6am and he wanted to be early to see his new sensei.
It was 6.30am and Naruto was already waiting for his sensei at the main gate. As he waited he pulled on a pair of white gloves he bought the previous day. When both his hands were covered he pulled out an inkwell and using a brush, he painted a couple of storage seals contained within a more decorative design (which he burned on permanently with a little chakra), and then sealed his new gun inside the one on his left hand.
As soon as he finished doing that he noticed a person walking towards the main gate, they were a 30 or so year old woman with purple hair tied into a pineapple style, and was wearing a fishnet body suit with a small orange skirt, shin guards, a small pendent with an open tan trench coat on top of it all. She wore her hitae-ate where it should be, on her fore head(6).
"I wonder when the gaki will get here," the woman said to herself, causing Naruto to realise that this woman was obviously his new sensei, and to think, she was over an hour early. With that in mind he phased into the wall before emerging just over the woman's shoulder as she leaned against it.
"I'm already here," he whispered directly into her ear, causing her to propel herself away from the wall, before turning to face her assailant, and then going bug eyed.
"No, merely capable of becoming intangible," he explained as he phased out of the wall to stand in front of the Jōnin.
"So this is the Kyūbi brat, doesn't seem that bad," "I can hear you," "WHAT THE FUCK!?" the woman shouted as she heard his voice in HER head.
"I take it that Oji-san didn't tell you I possess telepathy then."
"No, all he said was that I would have fun working with you, which so far, I'm beginning to hate him for suggesting, anyway, I think introductions are in order, I'm Mitarashi Anko, there your turn," the newly dubbed Anko started.
"Very well, my name is Uzumaki Naruto."
"Alright then, I know that you specifically requested this mission, but I need you to realise that Hokage-sama has added secondary objectives to each part of the mission. Well first things first, we're heading out to the land of the Sea," and with that said the Jōnin charged off into the trees as Naruto simply shape shifted into a colony of bats and made his way to the objective.
( (1) I know that is wrong, but that is the definition in this Naruto's universe.
(2) Just Alucards sunglasses from Hellsing.
(3) In this world the necessary minerals for gunpowder are not easily accessible and not found in abundance.
(4) he kept a bit of Gato's money so he can afford it.
(5) essentially the Jackal without the decoration.
(6) forgot to mention in the last chapter that Naruto now uses his hitae-ate as a belt buckle. )