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24% Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Kapitel 12: Chapter 12

Daphne Greengrass was happy to be home again. Just after dinner, her mother had told her that she wanted to talk. So now, mother and daughter were sitting in the family living room, when her mother spoke up. "So, how was the first term? I heard you're friends with Harry Potter."

Daphne nodded, "Yes. But I just told you this an hour ago and I've been sending you letters for the last few months. So, what exactly is this about Mum?" she asked confused.

Elizabeth Greengrass blushed and took a deep breath. "Before I tell you, you need a brief lesson in history. Almost two hundred years ago, a son of one of the cadet branches of the Potter family, teamed up with others who wanted to see the family's destruction and killed all the members of the cadet lines. This incident is commonly known as the Potter Massacre. But he was unable to destroy the main line, the reason is not really known as details are sketchy and the Potters are notoriously known for being secretive, so no one knows what happened. It was several years later, that William Potter, the great-great-grandfather of your friend Harry made a contract with your ancestor Steffen Greengrass. It said that if either of the families did not have a male heir, then a marriage contract would be enacted so that no one takes advantage of either family's immense wealth or political power. And this contract has come into effect now. There is an unbreakable marriage contract between you and Harry Potter" she said softly.

Daphne stared into space as millions of thoughts went through her head. Anger, hurt, betrayal, fear were the primary ones. She was betrothed to Harry? And from the looks of it, he knew and didn't tell her about it! She swallowed as tears filled her eyes. She had always wanted to make a name for herself. She was a natural when it came to Potions and Charms and had always dreamed of being a very successful enchantress, inventing new magical devices and earning recognition all over the world. She had also thought she could take on her family's business one day and also her father's Wizengamot seat so as to enter politics. And now, she was betrothed to an international celebrity as Harry was the only known survivor of the Killing Curse, one who was a genius too. She would be forever stuck in his shadow, never being able to see the light. She didn't respond to her mother as she ran to her room, and cried. She cried for the future she could never have.


At 5 PM the next evening, Harry flooed to Greengrass Manor. As he stepped out of the fireplace, he automatically flicked his fingers and the soot disappeared. Elizabeth Greengrass was waiting for him. He handed her a bouquet of lilies and said, "These are for you, Lady Greengrass. I thank you for welcoming me into your home."

"You're welcome Lord Potter. This way, please" she said, taking them to the drawing room. Harry bowed and said, "Lord Greengrass, it's a pleasure to meet you again. Thank you for inviting me to your home."

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Potter. Please take a seat" he said gesturing to the couch. Harry sat down, and the older man began. "I'll come straight to the point. I've been told by my account manager at Gringotts that you know that the contract is unbreakable unless we have a male heir. When I first found out, I was worried because no one knows much about you and I certainly didn't believe in those fantasy novels. But what I was deeply concerned about was if you were brainwashed by Albus Dumbledore. As you can guess, I don't trust the man and you revealed his true colours a few months ago. But that trial in September removed that fear, but the fact remains that we don't know you. That's why we wanted to get to know you and for you to become comfortable with us."

Harry nodded slowly. He could understand that, but there was one question which was prevalent in his mind. "Lord Greengrass, how did Daphne take the news?" he asked softly. He really felt bad about the whole affair. From their experiences in the last few months, Harry knew that Daphne was a very ambitious girl and had big dreams for her future. She probably thought they were crushed and he wanted to set her straight.

Cyrus looked at Elizabeth and the woman continued saying "Not well, Lord Potter. She hasn't spoken to us since last night."

Harry nodded grimly and asked, "May I speak to her? And please, call me Harry."

The adults looked at each other and nodded, and the older woman showed Harry to the garden where Daphne was sitting under a tree, reading a book. Harry slowly approached her, and sat down next to her and said, "Hey Daphne."

The girl's demeanour didn't change, but she turned and gave him her already famous icy stare and in her cold voice said, "Lord Potter" and went back to her book. Harry could see that her eyes were bloodshot, either from crying or lack of sleep he couldn't say. But he slowly enhanced his magic and took a peek into her mind, just to scan her surface thoughts. He knew she was trained in elementary Occlumency so he didn't go deeper. After realising what was troubling her, he took his time to figure out what to say to her. He thought about if he wanted to spill some secrets but then decided since his history with the Dursleys was printed on the front page of the newspaper, he could speak about it with his future wife.

So he began. "You know, when I was growing up and before I found out about magic, my relatives used to tell me that my father was a drunk and my mother was a whore who died in a car crash. During all those years I was abused there, I promised myself that if I ever am in a position of authority, I would make sure I would create a world worth living in. I would build a society where such abuse would be reported immediately and dealt with."

"It was then that I found out that there was a shadow named Albus Dumbledore that was trying his best to control my life, and I did my best to get out of his thumb. When I was living by myself and growing up in Potter Castle, I saw to what extent the British Wizarding world had been destroyed thanks to Voldemort. So many talented people were dead, and it looked like there would be stagnation until the next generation rises."

"I truly am a Ravenclaw in that I believe only in merit. I respect only those who achieve and those who have knowledge and power. I don't have the patience to deal with idiots and incompetents. At the same time, I can't tolerate immature gits like Voldemort either, even though he is very knowledgeable. About six months ago, I found out about a marriage contract where I was to get married to this girl Daphne Greengrass, whom I had never even met. I didn't know the girl I was betrothed to, or if she could handle someone who is always cold and distant or if we could even get along at all. But there was one thing I did tell myself, that it wasn't the girl's fault for me being forced into this contract."

"It was then that I decided that I wouldn't stand in the way of her dreams. I wouldn't like it if someone stood in the way of mine, so what right do I have to stand in the way of yours, Daphne? If you're worried that I won't let you achieve your dreams of being a successful business woman, then please don't. What both the Potters and the Greengrasses have one thing in common is that we're damn good at the businesses we undertake. I would never hinder your growth, Daphne. If you want to be a part of politics, you can sit in my seat on the Wizengamot when the time comes. If you want to be an enchantress like you told me, then I would be the first person helping you. I would never hinder your growth Daphne, never."

"The truth is that even as an eleven-year-old, I have to act like an adult. Abuse makes or breaks children, and I decided that I could be either downtrodden or get up and make my own life. But there is something which I crave, something which I have always wanted which was taken away from me. You might view that marriage contract as a trap, but to me, I view it as a future where I can have a family, something I have always and would always crave for. Is that too much to ask Daphne? That you consider me family?" he asked, his face pale.

Daphne's face was pale and she was crying silently. She reached out to him and gave him a soft but firm hug. Both kids clung to each other for several seconds as her crying slowly subsided. Then Daphne took Harry's hand and said "You have a family Harry. Don't ever think that you don't. I will never leave you alone, ever. Where ever you go, whatever you do, you'll always have me by your side. This I swear" she said. Unknown to both kids, their hands glowed as Daphne's vow set in. They wouldn't realise the effect Daphne's words would have on their lives until many years later.

Harry chuckled. "That sounds so cliché. Are you sure you didn't read it out of a romance novel?" he asked.

Daphne burst out laughing and said, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Come on, let's go inside. It's freezing. I don't know what I was thinking when I came out here."

Lunch was a joyous affair. Cyrus and Elizabeth were happy that the kids had worked out their problems. Astoria was busy chatting away. Unlike Daphne, she had a more outgoing personality and was in awe of meeting the Boy Who Lived. After lunch, they proceeded to the Drawing Room where they sat and talked. Two hours later, Harry suddenly remembered something. He got up and said, "Daphne I have something for you. I can't believe it slipped my mind."

He took out a small box from the inside of his robes and opened it. Inside it was the most beautiful ring Daphne had ever seen. "This is for you. This ring has been in my family for centuries. The large centre stone is a rare blue diamond, and there are several small white diamonds surrounding it, encrusted on a platinum band. It was given by my ancestor Raphael Potter to his wife Aradia Peverell in the early fourteenth century. From what I've read, she was a spell crafter and enchantress, and it is said that she herself had enchanted this ring with protection spells and such. That's why I want you to have it. What do you think?" he asked nervously.

Daphne stared at the ring in the box. Her voice shook as she said, "Thank you for thinking of presenting me with something so special, Harry. I'm honoured."

Harry took out the ring and looked at her father. He smiled and nodded, and Harry took a deep breath and put the ring on her left ring finger. The ring flashed and resized to fit her finger. Daphne immediately grabbed her betrothed and hugged him. Harry immediately stiffened, but slowly put his arms around her to return the hug. Astoria squealed in delight as she asked her older sister to show her the ring. Daphne smiled and showed it to her sister and mother. Cyrus took Harry aside and said, "Congratulations Harry. I can see you're trying your best to keep my daughter happy. Do that and we'll have no problems with each other. But if you break her heart, you'll have to deal with me."

Harry smiled and nodded. He thought about something and said, "Now that the contract has been enacted, it would become public record in the Hall of Records in the Ministry. It won't be very long before the media get their hands on it. I'm not sure how people are going to react to it."

Cyrus nodded "I don't doubt that everyone would be happy. I'm already sure Lord Malfoy and Lord Nott would be pissed. But I do have to say that I'm relieved. It looks like William Potter and Steffen Greengrass really did know what they were doing" he said grinning.


Harry spent Christmas day and the following days in the presence of his godfather in Black Manor. Sirius had first thought of going to his childhood home in London but had decided against it as he didn't want to remember the bad memories associated with the place. The Black Lord was doing much better than the last time Harry had seen him in person, but Sirius was still going to a mind healer to come to terms with what had happened. On Christmas day, Harry gave Sirius something he thought his godfather definitely needed.

"Sirius I know how much you hate Kreacher, and you said the hate is mutual and that he may try to kill you, so my gift to you are Floppy, Twinkie, Daisy and Lucky." Immediately four house elves popped next to him and said happily "Hello Master Sirius."

Sirius was elated as he didn't have to deal with Kreacher and immediately bonded them to the Black family on their request. Harry explained that they were being abused in a pub in Knockturn Ally, and had helped free them. The elves wanted a master, and Harry had thought of his godfather. The elves were overjoyed, thanked them both and immediately started cleaning the large manor that had been run down.

"Thanks, Harry. Now, for your gift, I want you to sit down and close your eyes, okay? Don't open them until I say so" he said and left the room. He noticed after a minute that the older man had come back. "Okay kiddo, open your eyes now."

Harry opened his eyes to find a puppy wagging its tail. It barked and leapt onto Harry and started licking his face. Harry was shocked and started laughing. He never, in a million years would have imagined that Sirius would buy him a dog!

"He's a Crup Harry, a magical dog. I had to get a license to buy him. I'm sure he'll bring some joy in your life. Besides, every boy needs a dog" he said grinning.

Harry laughed as the crup sat on his lap and wagged his tail. "Thank you so much, Padfoot. This is an amazing gift. He needs a name, doesn't he? Hm, what to call you? How about Tango?" he asked the puppy. The crup barked and wagged his tail. Sirius smiled as he watched Harry laugh and play with his new friend. It was so difficult to make Harry smile and not be so cold as he always was.


On the evening of the 29th of December, Remus Lupin stepped out of the fireplace in Black Manor. He was greeted by a House Elf that showed him to the formal drawing room. Remus of in awe of the wealth and splendour of the place; he had forgotten what large manors were like, as Potter Manor was the only home of an Ancient House he had visited. As he entered, he saw his friend Sirius pacing. When he entered, Sirius turned, gave him a small smile, and told Remus to sit on the couch. They sat for a minute in silence, but Remus felt someone was watching him. He turned to look at a young boy and gasped. This had to Harry, he thought. When he had agreed to meet Harry, he expected the boy to look exactly like his friend James, with Lily's eyes. But that face wasn't what was staring back at him. He was looking at a tall, extremely good looking boy, his emerald eyes glowing with controlled power. This was no ordinary eleven year old. He shivered when he looked at the cold expression on the boy's face. The happiness and mirth he remembered seeing on Harry's face when he was a baby were nowhere in sight.

Sirius decided to break the silence. "How have you been Remus?" he asked.

The man shrugged, "Okay I guess. I've been abroad, working in the muggle world, since, you know, no one in the wizarding world wants to hire me. I was completely cut off from Britain and only came yesterday after Dumbledore called me back and to meet you both" he said.

There was silence in the room as turned to Harry face the window, looking at the overgrown gardens around the manor as he said, "Oh? And what did Albus Dumbledore want with you?"

Remus again shivered involuntarily at the icy tone and replied, "Well, he told me that Sirius was declared innocent, and that both of you hold a grudge against him, and that he only wanted the best for you. I think he's right. You should trust him, Harry; Dumbledore is a great man and knows best."

Sirius winced as the temperature dropped. As a Black, he was from a notoriously dark family and could recognise that his godson wasn't as light as the public thought. Harry was definitely grey. That's why he was trying his best to be as supportive and comforting as possible, but at the same time did not intrude in his godson's business. It was too late for him to develop a father-son bond with Harry. All he was trying to be was Harry's friend. Not the first time he was glad Amelia had insisted he go to all those sessions with a mind healer. He probably would have been a reckless, insane man, thinking Harry was exactly like James and that preconceived notion would have destroyed any hope of friendship with his godson.

Harry said nothing. He called out to his elf. Remus heard a pop, and a dignified house elf looked up and said, "What can Toby do for you, Master Hadrian?"

"Toby can you please bring a copy of the newspaper of the 5th of September to our guest here?" he asked. The elf nodded and came back with the paper. Remus took the paper and his face paled when he saw the headlines. "You, you were abused and stabbed? How are you still alive?" he asked shocked.

Harry suddenly turned around and shot back. "That's the question you want to ask? How about you tell me where the hell you've been for the past 10 years? You said you were cut off from Britain. May I ask why? Couldn't you even bother to try to find the only child of your best friend? Before you start about werewolf discrimination, you could have at the very least, sent me a letter after I started Hogwarts, introducing yourself and telling me that you were my father's best friend and asking if I wanted to know more about them. Did it ever cross your mind that as an orphan, I don't remember my parents? And I would also like for you to answer me, did you just let Albus Dumbledore kidnap me and place me with Petunia Dursley without any hesitation? You were supposed to me my mother's friend! Didn't you know how much that bitch hated my mother? Did you ever care if I would be treated well there? But no, Albus Dumbledore said it was best, therefore there would be no question in the matter. Finally, tell me why I should trust you when you knowing that Sirius wasn't the Secret Keeper, didn't say a word. What a bunch of friends you had Sirius, one who worked for Voldemort and another who worked for Dumbledore. Between each other, the two old men brought about the near destruction of the Potter family!" he shouted.

Harry had never lost so much control in recent years. The air was thick, and the weather outside started to get worse. Dark clouds loomed over and heavy rain lashed against the windows, claps of thunder could be heard and they could see several flashes of lightning. Harry himself was glowing, his hair was pure white, and small lightning bolts surrounded his body gave him a deadly appearance. It was hard to believe he was an eleven-year-old boy.

Remus was white as a sheet. He couldn't believe this was the innocent baby he had seen all those years ago. He gathered all his courage and replied. "You have to understand Harry that I did want to contact you. But I figured that I hadn't seen you in so many years, that you might not want to be associated with me. And about your placement with the Dursleys, Dumbledore told me that was what was mentioned in James and Lily's will. And that being with Petunia would keep you safe. So I figured that while you may not be happy with Petunia, at least you would be safe from the Death Eaters. And what do you mean I knew about the Secret Keeper, I didn't know it was Pettigrew!" he shouted.

Harry got angrier. May not be happy, but for the best? That was his defence? And again, he spewed his werewolf sob story for not contacting him. It looked like that was his only defence. It looked like Lupin would never leave Dumbledore's side. As his anger increased, another flash of lightning tore through a tree on the grounds as it caught fire. Sirius and Remus gasped. Was this storm related to Harry? Such a phenomenon was unheard of. Remus shook his head. There was no way Harry could do that. Albus Dumbledore was the most powerful wizard ever and even he couldn't do such an amazing feat of magic.

"Do you remember the Wolfsbane Potion my mother used to send you every month during the war? In the last week of October 1981 when the Fidelius charm had been set up, you were not there as usual, as you had the habit of disappearing for long periods of time without telling your friends. I don't know how she did it, but she kept sending you the potion, don't you remember? That particular batch also had a letter, where she had informed you, in her own handwriting, that Peter Pettigrew was the Secret Keeper. She had charmed it in such a way that only you could open the letter. So, what's your excuse this time?" asked Harry.

Sirius was furious. "What the hell is going on? You knew this whole time?" he asked with disbelief. Remus shook his head and said "I didn't know about the letter. The package arrived as usual but I wasn't supposed to take it for a few more days. By that time I had heard about James and Lily being murdered. In my anger I destroyed the package, I swear. I thought that Sirius was the Secret Keeper."

Harry laughed a loud, mocking laugh. "Bravo Mr Lupin. And what did that accomplish? The end result was Sirius being locked away in Azkaban for 10 years. I was beaten up, tortured and enslaved for the majority of my childhood. If you had seen that letter and given it to someone like Alastor Moody, the end result could have been different. Instead, you sat on your arse and let it all happen, and after the incident you, what was it? Oh yeah, cut off all contact with Britain."

Remus was boiling mad now too. What did the boy know about the horrors of being a werewolf? It was only because of the kindness of Albus Dumbledore that he even had a wand! But before he could reply, Harry cut him off. "But that is the past. You have two options Mr Lupin. You and I can never have the sort of relationship you probably thought of when I was a baby. That chance was shot long ago. What you can do is answer me this. Where does your loyalty lie? With your friends or with Dumbledore?" he asked.

Remus snarled and said, "You may have had a tough life Harry, but so have I. Did it ever cross your mind that it was because of Albus Dumbledore that you might still be alive? That he really does want what's best for you? That man took me in when no one else would have! He's done so much for me, and you expect me to forget all that? What next? Are you going to proclaim that Dumbledore is evil and Voldemort is good? Your parents would be ashamed to see you disrespect such a great man as Albus Dumbledore. Someone has brainwashed you, can't you see that? Who is it? The Malf-"

That was all he was able to say, as he was thrown across the room. Harry's face was filled with fury and his wand was pointed at Lupin's chest. "Harry! Don't! Please, calm down" said Sirius. Out of nowhere, a voice entered his mind. "Calm down little one. I can feel your distress and anger. I'm guessing that man has betrayed you. But don't do anything you would later regret. Calm down, Harry. You still have others who care about you. Calm down" said the voice of Aquila. Harry closed his eyes and used his Occlumency to bury his emotions. He breathed deeply for a few minutes. Once he felt he was back in control, he lowered his wand and put his emotionless mask back on. He turned to his godfather. "Sirius, it's your choice if you want to be friends with this man. Just because I don't want anything to do with him doesn't mean that you should too. But please don't try to make me forgive him. I won't be able to handle it" he said.

He paused at the doorway and turned to look at Remus who was getting back to his feet. "You keep saying that Albus Dumbledore is everything to you. You forget that while he may have allowed you into the school, it was your friends that helped you through the years. James Potter and Sirius Black did not have any obligation to befriend you, but they did. They did not have to become animagi so that they could keep you company during the full moon nights so that you didn't injure yourself as you normally would, but they did. Lily Potter did not have to spend money and brew Wolfsbane Potion for you every month so that you didn't have to suffer like you always do, but she did. And finally, James and Lily Potter did not have any obligation to leave a hundred thousand galleons and a house for you in their last will, but they did. If after all this, you still take the side of Albus Dumbledore over your friends, then there is no difference between you and Pettigrew. The rat's action killed James and Lily Potter. Your inaction put Sirius Black and me in prison. The rat was a spy for Voldemort, but you're a spy for Dumbledore. You'll be getting the official letter from Gringotts about the money and property transfer. The least you can do is honour my parents' memories and accept it. Goodbye" he said and headed for the floo and headed home.

Remus sat down on the couch just as tears rolled down his face. He closed his eyes just as the ramifications of his actions sunk in. While he loved his friends and was grateful for them, how could he turn his back on Dumbledore? That was something he couldn't do.

Sirius looked at his old friend with sad eyes. He couldn't believe that this was the end result of their friendship. He would agree that he had always been closer to James than any soul alive; they had been like identical twins. They were cousins and had met several times growing up and being in the same dorm at Hogwarts just cemented that bond. But they had never treated Remus or Peter as outsiders. He sighed. He would have to think about the next course of action. He didn't want to make a hasty decision like he had before. Maybe he could talk to Amelia; she always gave him good advice. He walked out of the room to leave Remus to his thoughts.


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