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74.73% Prince of Nazarick [Overlord] / Chapter 69: A tight leash

Kapitel 69: A tight leash

Calca was the Queen of the Holy Kingdom. The responsibility of her people lay on her shoulders and with it came expectations. Expectations that couldn't be ignored if she wanted to prevent a rebellion from rising among her allies. Of course, it depended on the severity, but even if it wouldn't give rise to a rebellion it would still cause unrest or discontentment. If unchecked, this could spiral down to something unpleasant.

So, something like choosing her partner came with a lot of considerations. It severely limited her pool of potential mates and unfortunately or rather fortunately she didn't like the other nobles who had pursued her. Not to mention that most weren't even of her age, having a couple of decades on her. There had been no man who could move her regardless of whether their noble status was sufficient or not.

Although she still held hope for the love of her life, she had already settled for the fact that she would marry someone from a different country or someone she just wasn't attracted to, but that was the burden of a Queen. Some things weren't for her to decide carelessly. She had to think about her country first and weigh the advantages and disadvantageous of a possible marriage for the distant future.

Obviously, this had changed since He arrived. At first, he just appeared as a potential candidate as he was said to be a noble from a distant country and despite having gained her attention, it was just that. There were obvious problems like the fact that no one knew where he came from exactly and what his status was.

A few mentioned that his country had fallen or he was banished for some crime or to prevent him from ascending the throne of his nation. Many ideas and rumors surrounded Lord Azazel the rising adventurer. His power was second to none and he was said to be charismatic.

It was easier to find someone who had a positive opinion of the man than someone who was neutral or disliked him. It was some fresh wind in her life. The subsequent events only lured her in more, especially when Kelart informed her of Lord Azazel and his warning.

It completely put the prospect of a potential partner into the back of her mind. However, the moment she met him was what had sealed the deal. At that point forward, a part of her already knew he was the one and only for her.

With it came the lust, the love, and the... fear. She feared that she would never be able to reach him. It was something she hadn't imagined before. After all, she was the queen and maybe not the prettiest, considering that Lady Fubuki and Lord Azazel's maids existed, but still, countless people would be stunned into a daze when seeing her. 

Of course, it might be just the combination of her appearance and her position as the queen that most people were reduced to nervous wrecks, so the prospect of her worthiness came into question. She shook her head with a self-deprecating smile on her face. 

After all, the time she felt nervous and insecure in her looks had been so rare that she couldn't even recall the times before Lord Azazel had shown up. Even when managing a kingdom, she at least had Kelart and Remedios by her side, giving her confidence in her decisions and status.

Truly, since the time she had ascended, despite her opposition, she felt untouchable until now. With a deep breath, she pushed everything aside, trying to calm her heart pounding against her chest like it wanted to escape its confines.

She stopped in front of a closed double door. Behind these doors, she would meet Lord Azazel in all his glory and he would give her a chance to prove her worthiness. Her heart started pounding even harder. If she could prove herself then she would be his. It wouldn't be just getting some relief from that constant desire in her stomach. No, it would be the opportunity of her life to serve something higher than herself, than even her country.

Her mind wandered to the last time they had met and he told her about fucking her brain out. This had caused sleepless almost torturous nights, but there was no price she wasn't willing to pay for a chance. Without hesitating further, she pushed the door handles and revealed the inside of the room to her eyes.

There were couches and chairs with a table in the middle. If she knew what the test would be about, she could have prepared something better than a regular room to receive foreign nobles. Of course, she had prepared the most luxurious pieces of furniture and decorations she was able to gather. Several interior designers worked on the arrangement, but it still felt lacking when thinking about the purpose of receiving a god.

Her eyes snapped to the only person that was present inside the room. She couldn't help but frown which was mirrored by the girl sitting on the couch. Her best friend was also there. "Calca, what are doing here?" Her friend addressed her directly, which made her even more confused.

"I should be asking this." She started before glancing at the empty balcony where the half moons shone in from. She had specifically arranged this room since it would give Azazel easier access to enter the building. Although she would love for him to come in public for all to see and witness, she was also aware that he couldn't afford to be this high-profile.

He was still hunting down that demon and the fewer people knew about his visit the better. She had been already fortunate enough that he asked her to arrange something for their meeting, so she wanted to do this without causing any future problems for Lord Azazel.

"Did Lord Azazel also ask you to come here?" Kelart asked with slightly widened eyes.

"Yes, but not specifically." She responded. "He told me to arrange something where we could meet and I guess you were also included in this meeting. Are you... did he also tell you about this being an opportunity?"

Kelart's eyes flashed with something that Calca rarely saw in the other woman, competitiveness. This caused Calca to also remember that she had to prove herself, the presence of someone else would suggest a competition.

"I'm not going to lose to you." Calca raised her chin slightly and unleashed the bearing of a sovereign that improved herself to the best of her ability since she was a child and had ruled her country for years. It didn't matter that her purpose was her to submit to someone else. The leader of the priestess leaned on her palm up with her head held high as well, a cunning smile on her face as she met her gaze.

"I'm not going easy on you and I will fight for this screeching and biting." The other woman didn't yield and her gaze was standoffish. Of course, this was something she expected- no, it was something that she hoped for. The two would fight for this with everything they had and not let any regrets form because of this.

This was the only way these two could keep their friendship. An honest battle for the man their heart yearned for. "You think I won't?" She chuckled slightly as they held their gaze.

"Now, now ladies." A sudden smooth voice called out from the balcony door. Their gazes snapped toward the source of the voice, only to find their heart's desire standing on the balcony, enveloped by the gentle moonlight and with his wings spread wide. They retracted as he entered the room and the balcony door closed by themselves. "This isn't going to be a competition between you two."

His smile was reassuring and his words caused some tension between the women to dissipate, though they wouldn't be able to relax completely as they still didn't know what would be expected from them.

He proceeded to sit down on the couch before conjuring up some wine inside two glasses. With a wave of his hand, he gestured to them to take them, which they followed without hesitation. He then patted the cushion next to him on both sides, indicating to them that they should sit with him, which they also followed without hesitating.

With a glass inside their hand, they sat down next to him. She noticed that Kelart's knee brushed against Lord Azazel's and the robes on her were slightly raised, revealing her ankles for all to see. Quite bold of her. Calca conveniently forgot that she had visited Azazel's mansion while revealing much of her cleavage, something that wasn't far off from being completely naked as royalty.

"Drink." He commanded and they did. Calca moaned slightly as she tasted the wine before blushing at the sound she willingly made. A glance at Lord Azazel's smirking expression revealed that he was pleased. A sigh of relief washed over her and from the looks of Kelart, the priestess seemed rather upset that she didn't think of it.

"You two don't need to fight. There is more than enough of me for you two. In fact, you two should worry about your lives. The challenge I have for you won't be easy and might cause you to die." His words coupled with the divine energy he was constantly exuding woke them up again. They had expected this to be difficult and their lives weren't a small price, but the two thought the same thing at the same moment. 'It's worth it.'

Even if there was the possibility of dying in the process, as long as there was a chance to taste the angel before them, it would be worth anything. A dangerous thought appeared in Calca's mind that she would be willing to offer her country, but quickly squashed that notion. There was no way he would ask this of them and if he did then...

"Not backing out, huh? You two are really interesting." His hands wrapped around their waists and pulled them to his side. Calca's heart started beating so strongly that she feared Lord Azazel would be able to hear it, hear her nervousness. "Just as a heads up, you aren't only convincing me, but my wives as well." He raised his chin, gesturing at something.

Their heads turned to the direction and found two ladies sitting opposite of them. She directly identified one of them, Lady Fubuki, but the other one wasn't anyone familiar to her, which meant they hadn't met before. Although Calca wouldn't claim to be able to remember every person she had met, she would be able to remember this goddess of a woman.

Just like Lady Fubuki, her body was downright sinful, but there was something else to her. A natural inclination as if her body instinctively attracted everyone around her. Although Calca knew that the woman wouldn't glance at her for a moment if she didn't have to, her entire body positively reacted fiercely under the woman's reluctant gaze.

Fortunately, the woman didn't seem interested in her and favored to look at Lord Azazel. She couldn't help but gulp as she gave the woman another glance. Black feathers and jet-black hair as dark as the night, curved horns of a demon, and yellow eyes coupled with a body that would be envied by any woman. All this was packed inside a white dress, which was a thinly veiled attempt at conveying a semblance of innocence.

Even though Calca wasn't too versed with different races, she knew that this woman had to be a demon goddess. "Don't worry, she won't bite unless I ask her to." Lord Azazel reassured the two, making her realize that she had grown tense again.

"You are a very good girl, right Albedo?" Lord Azazel asked Lady Albedo, who blushed heavily and looked away shyly before nodding. The queen of the Holy Kingdom once again gulped, leaning back again into his arm, trying to relax. It wasn't just the fact that this woman was a demon, something she could easily accept since Lord Azazel had apparently tamed and even married her, but this didn't help quench the rising feelings of insecurity.

Her gaze landed on Lady Fubuki, who was somehow even more beautiful than she was the last time they had met. Did she worsen her appearance before? Calca and Kelart had always been confident in their looks, but this wasn't humanely possible. It was even more exaggerated than the overstated elven beauty that some books attributed to the race.

"Alright, let's get to your challenge." Lord Azazel stated as he stood up and turned toward them. He held up a hand. "The leashes." He called out and as soon as he did Lady Fubuki was already by his side, placing two dog leashes into his hand. What were they for?

He looked at the two with a smirk on his face. Calca couldn't help but squirm in the seat. His intense gaze was too much for her, causing her to rub her legs together as a familiar heat rose inside her. "Stand up." He hadn't even finished his sentence and they were standing, shooting up from their seat as if their lives depended on it.

"Strip." The moment this word left his mouth they were already undressing themselves. The pride of being the first female queen of the Holy Kingdom and the thoughts of her purity were thrown aside like they were worthless. Not to mention being reluctant, she was looking forward to it.

There was nothing she wanted more at that moment, so in a few seconds of hurriedly undressing themselves, they were left standing naked in front of the true angel who had saved her country, who had saved her. If her subordinates would see her then it would have caused outrage, though she believed that most would understand if they knew who she did it for.

Just as she reached to her choker, he raised a hand, "Don't. After all, without this, I wouldn't be able to put this onto you." He stated as he put the end of the leash into the heart-shaped opening at the front of the choker- the collar. "Now kneel." He commanded and they dropped to their knees.

Calca looked over to Kelart, who met her gaze. Their eyes were dazed, clouded by confusion as to why they felt this way. She looked back to the ground, in the periphery she noticed the feet of Azazel's wives. "This is your last chance." He started as he patted their heads. "Do you accept being my exclusive pets for the rest of your lives?"

The queen of a grand kingdom was put into such a humiliating position. Calca didn't want to be seen like this by others. She was the representative of the royal family and her country, a powerful magician, and a pure woman. Now, she knelt in front of a man with nothing to wear but the collar around her neck as she was leashed by him.

At this moment, she was asked to be this man's pet. Her body would solely belong to him and she may never be seen as a proper woman in the future. Calca felt humiliated and fearful. She was embarrassed and ashamed. How many people would be disappointed in this sight of her, of her giving up her autonomy? What would her parents or brother say?

No longer was she the ruler, she was the ruled. All her power and responsibility laid now with this man that subjugated her... Oh how terribly horny she felt. The desire wasn't something she could clench, so she pressed her forehead on the ground. "Please! Use me as you see fit. I'm all yours."

"What a good girl." His words sent shivers down her naked form. Her legs rubbed subtly against each other, trying to hide the liquid that was running down her inner thighs.

"My life is yours for now and forever." Kelart followed.

"Good." He responded as he raised their heads to make them look up to him. He guided their face to rest against his thighs as he rubbed their head affectionately. It was like the loving touch of a father, caressing them passionately. "For today you will be my bitches." He said with a chuckle before pulling lightly at their leashes. "How about a walk through the market?"

A walk... outside? She would have looked forward to revealing herself to the angel who had claimed her, but a walk outside? Despite accepting her position this caused trepidation in her, though, like the good dog she was, she walked on all fours next to him.

Just as Lord Azazel reached the door and was about to push the door open, the side door of the room suddenly burst open. Some clinking of metal and a sword was unsheathed as the person who burst inside revealed herself. Remedios, what was she doing herself and why did she dare point her sword at her master?!

"Stop this. It's not right!" She hollered with a red face and with a heavy breath. 

"Does she represent your opinions?" Lord Azazel asked the two, taking them out of their stupor.

"Shut up Remedios!" Kelart shouted, stunning her sister, which caused her stance to falter slightly. 

"Don't ruin this opportunity for us!" Calca joined in before looking at the smiling Azazel. "I reassure you this has nothing to do with us." His smile widened as he looked down at her.

"Since when can dogs speak?" He asked hypothetically, making the two women on their knees realize their mistake.

"Woof woof!" "Ruff ruff!" With red faces, they started barking at Kelart, who was completely dumbfounded. The battle-hardened paladin took a step back and her grip weakened. Another step and she fell on her butt while her sword clattered on the floor.

"I..." Remedios opened her mouth but nothing came out. After being satisfied with the display, Lord Azazel guided them outdoors. Calca cast a last look at the kneeling paladin, who bit her lower lip as she watched them leave.

"Come on, you two walk at the front."

"Woof!" "Ruff!"

As they crawled in the front, his wives walked beside him, snuggling up against him. Only a minute later, she heard someone walk toward them around the corner. Although she had accepted it, there was still some fear, and embarrassment welling inside her that she couldn't just push aside. How would they react to seeing her like this?

All her muscles tensed as she watched the maid round the corner. This moment halted her crawling and she anxiously watched how her maid would react. The maid in question looked surprised to see them, though for some reason she only glanced at the queen for a moment before curtsying.

The maid's eyes were still more drawn to the angel behind them, who reached down to her, petting her behind before sliding her fingers between her wet folds. It was at that moment she realized how close she had been. Just a slight brush against her button-down there caused her to cum right then and there.

"Nnnnghh~" She whined as she lost the strength in her arms and fell on the floor with her butt raised high.


Her butt stung slightly as Lord Azazel retracted his touch. "You can leave." He said to the maid, who just bowed before leaving. It was obvious that even her direct subordinates were already more loyal to him than herm to the point to ignore this sight of her.

After a moment of panting on the floor with her naked butt pointed at the man holding her leash like she was a perverted whore, her head cleared up, giving her the chance to prop herself on all fours again. They continued their walk through the palace.

The maids, knights, and other personnel accepted the sight of their naked queen being walked like a dog without any comments or surprise. It caused her to breathe easier and enjoy herself more than she would have otherwise.

After getting outside of the palace, she was still a bit tense, but as they continued on no one paid any more attention than they would have normally. Of course, this was still a lot of attention, but most were drawn to Lord Azazel rather than her state.

It was when they were in the middle of the market that she got really uncomfortable. "It seems like the wine was a bit much for you two." Lord Azazel chuckled lightly, making her realize that she should have denied the wine, even if she knew there was no way to deny his requests.

Calca looked around and couldn't help but blush. There were so many people around them and even though at this point she had realized that no one paid attention to her, it wasn't something she could just do. Her thighs rubbed together, trying to hold it in.

"Come on. Go ahead and relieve yourself if you have to." Her master gently reminded her and the sound of liquid hitting the ground almost made Calca leak. She couldn't help but look at the source of the splashing sound only to find Kelart raising one leg and peeing against the street lantern. Her eyes widened at the sight. The dignified, cunning, and beautiful leader of the priestess was peeing against a street lantern like a dog while being completely naked.

She couldn't help but gulp at the sight. No one seemed to care, but Calca knew that this was how she was going to look like. Her legs trembled as she forced herself to retain it.

"After this will be your last test." As soon as she heard this, she knew she had to be in top condition. She quickly crawled to a stall and released the liquid inside her, peeing against it without any care in the world as the relief washed over her mind.

"Aaaaahh~" She moaned as relief hit her. 

"Ah, I am sorry. She isn't trained very well yet." Lord Azazel apologized to the woman who was selling vegetables, who just shook her hands in denial.

"It's quite alright, my Lord. It's a pleasure to have encountered you and the queen like this." The woman bowed a few times as they exchanged some pleasantries. It was almost like the woman was the one in the wrong.

After the interaction stopped, he pulled at her leash, causing her windpipe to restrict slightly, leaving her without air for a moment, and even though it was supposed to be an unpleasant experience, her pussy tightened before opening again as if it expected something. "Come on, last stop." He then walked the two onto a slightly elevated position, for anyone on the market to see.

"You two have done quite well. If you do well I will not only treat you as my pets in the future, but I will even consider you my women. So you better give your all." The determination and joy rose as she heard these words.

She would have been perfectly fine just being a toy thing/pet for this god, but to be considered his woman was something that she intrinsically yearned for. "If you accept and try your luck, there is a possibility that you are going to die." The reminder of the prospect of death didn't even represent a slight hurdle for Calca as she already knew what the consequences could be.

"Woof!" She barked before rubbing her cheek against his thigh. 

"Enthusiastic aren't we?" He said with a chuckle before disconnecting her leash from her collar. Lady Fubuki proceeded to strip him, revealing him in all his nude glory in front of her. Her breathing quickened and she felt like she was about to pass out from the mere sight, so overwhelming did it feel.

Lady Fubuki then proceeded to strap something around his waist before connecting one end to her collar. It suddenly pulled her in as the rope started magically shrinking. Her eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. "Try not to pass out." He advised as his dick hardened and grew closer to her.

There wasn't much place, so she could only open her mouth, letting the tip inside as the rope shrunk further. It was only when her lips brushed just over the ridge of his head, did it stop shrinking.

Although no one told her what to do, she knew exactly what was expected of her.

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