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66.31% Prince of Nazarick [Overlord] / Chapter 61: Intervention

Kapitel 61: Intervention

There was light wherever I looked. If a mortal would see this sight, they might believe they had entered heaven and in some sense, they would be correct. Of course, it wasn't just light. It wasn't a purely white space where one would expect an old man to wait for one's soul, but it was obvious this place wasn't normal with the way it glowed and the vague movements one might catch.

There were hints of something hidden in the light. Life which seemed to be on the verge of manifesting. However, something was hindering it from coming into existence or rather it lacked something to actualize itself into existence.

This wasn't just a random place I had found. This was the divine domain I had created through the souls of the fallen and chaos magic. There were many things I could do with this domain, especially after I had absorbed the Celestial Radiance. It had caused some major differences in this realm and brought it one giant leap to realizing its potential.

The most important thing was the creation of my divine kingdom, my heaven with the pearly gates to my throne and everything in between. This divine domain forged through soul energy and chaos magic built the foundation of this realm.

However, there was something missing to advance it to a real heaven. Currently, it was still illusionary, and it would stay like this until my tree developed. Many things that I was unable to glimpse into, were now clear in my mind. I knew where and how far I could go with certain things. Some things were out of reach, but wouldn't be in the future, like the fact that my domain would turn into a real world, a real paradise once my tree could support its existence.

Like the leaves of Yggdrasil representing entire worlds, my tree could become something similar, though I also had the feeling that this wasn't the end. No, I desired more than just to be the creator of worlds… Of course, this was something for the future, after I had reached the basic requirements to surpass a tree that could support entire worlds and regulate them and their inhabitants.

What I could think about now would be the worlds I could create. I didn't have the intention of ruling a world, but to have an idyllic paradise to retreat to. A safe location where I was invincible even in the face of beings that were beyond my current capabilities. That would give me a sense of satisfaction and ease, which was hard to come by, especially with the knowledge that there was more than this world.

My mind wandered to the mirror I had in the basement of my royal home. Once charged, it would give me the ability to travel to other realities. I had already charged it a bit in the first few days I had arrived in the New World, and I had confirmed that it would enable me to travel between realities.

In the future, I could freely move back and forth to other realities, so why couldn't others do it? And if they could then they would either have similar powerful items or were powerful enough to do it by themselves. Fortunately for me, there had been no signs in the series of something like that happening. At least, if one ignored the side stories like Isekai Quartet and the games…

I exhaled slightly as I exited my divine domain and opened my eyes. It wasn't just my domain that could become a world, but another item I had prepared inside the Royal Backyard. It could create an incomplete world by carving something existing out of this world. It was a failsafe in case something went wrong. I could take away the royal backyard with everything inside and hide somewhere without having to worry about necessities or getting bored locked up inside.

Now that I realized I could actually support entire worlds and even nurture them once my tree matured, an incomplete space wasn't just something that would be convenient to escape with, but I could nurture it until it became my safe haven. With the combination of my divine domain and my tree, it would be easy to create my first world in the future.

Obviously, this item couldn't be used now. Perhaps if I stayed in this world forever and never decided to move, I would never use it. After all, it would cause a huge commotion if I took away the Royal Backyard and I couldn't predict what it would do to the morale of Nazarick's citizens. Even though Ainz would still be there, I had a massive fan club in the tomb. Me taking away my house might give them the idea that I was abandoning them. 

Of course, if I was forced, I would still take it away, which was why I already made the necessary preparation to do so. In this case, I had another item to support my escape. I pulled it out of my inventory. 

Astralroot Scepter

It was a majestic staff. Its shaft was entwined with intricate celestial patterns that shimmered with cosmic radiance. At its pinnacle rested a radiant gem, pulsating with ethereal energy resembling the night sky. Its handle is adorned with celestial symbols, evoking a sense of cosmic alignment and unfathomable power.

Originally, it was part of an expansion that led the players into some parts of Yggdrasil. It was basically just a key to open a dungeon, though there were some rumors that one could find the World Enemy which rested in the World Tree's roots inside the dungeon, or at least a map that could lead the player to that boss. The only visual function in the game was to move a portion of the roots of Yggdrasil, which blocked the entrance. It was also said to be employed to cleanse a localized area tainted by a potent poison. In an unofficial guide, it said it would draw on the tree's essence to restore balance and purity.

As for what I added to that was just something to help me control the world that would be created out of the Royal Backyard once I used my other item and with some flowery text to exaggerate its usefulness:

The staff's origin didn't lie in Yggdrasil but in the ethereal realms, forged by celestial beings attuned to the cosmic weave. When wielded by Azazel, the archangel embroiled in instinctive animosity with Yggdrasil, the Scepter's latent potential was unleashed in a transformative manner. Cosmic enmity between Azazel and the world tree would stir within the staff, awakening its true essence.

Its true purpose was not merely to control roots, but to serve as a catalyst for cosmic manipulation, enabling the wielder to shape destinies and alter the flow of time of independent worlds across different realms. 

In Azazel's hands, the Astralroot Scepter manifests a boundless influence over the fabric of reality itself. Rather than controlling a segment of Yggdrasil, it now served as a conduit to manipulate the cosmic web that connected all worlds. Azazel gained the ability to traverse dimensions, manipulate cosmic energies, and shape the very foundations of existence. This manifestation of power aligns with Azazel's inherent nature and emboldens his quest for dominion beyond the limitations of Yggdrasil's rule.

…It was only supposed to allow me to control the independent space created by my other item. When I changed this item, I didn't have many crystals, so it was pretty straightforward. I wanted a space (an independent world) that I could manipulate and change the time inside to carry things that would normally decay or things that would normally take forever to grow.

My eyes glanced at the word 'archangel'. When I created these items, I didn't know I would become an archangel even if it was likely, so I expressed myself with the umbrella term angel. Did it change recently? Did it update itself? From what I remembered my other items didn't…

I shook my head and decided not to think about it too deeply since I wouldn't be able to pry out this secret just by looking at it. It wasn't time to use it either, after all the consequences of using it would- Hm? My mind halted and I just looked at the added parts that weren't added by my hand. Now that I was really looking at it, the interface seemed off. I didn't even realize when I instinctively started to stir up chaos magic. The moment I noticed I decided to give in to my instincts.

I pried into the fabric of reality, into the interface that displayed even the most ancient background of items. Now that I thought about it, there were levels to reading items' descriptions. After all, there were different tiers to this kind of spell. Different ways of doing it or obscuring it. I never thought about it, but I was able to read these items' lore because I had changed them, and they were public items whose background was supposed to be read by the players.

For me to learn something new didn't mean new things were added to their lore, but that this information had already existed before and I just wasn't able to access it before. The surface-level information was that I could use the Astralroot Scepter to manipulate independent worlds, but in fact, its potential range was so much higher, which meant that its capabilities were limited by my power.

Now the question arose whether the lore already existed even before I changed its original description. If it was a yes, then this would mean everything I did now was meant to be. My brows furrowed at the thought of my actions being predefined. My essence shook slightly, rattling the invisible shackles that were still connected to me.

No one could hear their chime, but me. To my ears, they couldn't be more deafening. Perhaps, I would know whether my actions were just predefined when I reached the peak and shattered every chain, every string attached to me. My hand clenched around the staff and I could hear its wood creak under the force.

"You alright, d-darling?" I turned to Fubuki, who roused from her sleep. She pushed her arms together pronouncing her curves, making me smile slightly, which released the tension in my jaw, which I didn't know had been there. 

As I dismissed the Astralroot Scepter into my inventory, I wrapped my arms around her waist before pushing my face between her tits. "Now I am." I muffled from within. She just started petting my head, feeling immense satisfaction that I focused my attention on the area she was most confident about.

Before I could fully immerse myself in this situation, my phone started ringing. Without looking, I reached into my pockets and pulled it out. Of course, I didn't need to look into who was calling me since there was only one other phone in existence that could call this phone.

I directly unlocked it and looked up from between Fubuki's wondrous pillow, "Hey, honey. Everything alright?" I asked since usually she wouldn't call me for no reason, especially when I had just visited her in her office.

"H-honey?! Oh, my dear-"

"Ahem." Fubuki suddenly interrupted her with a cough, making me raise an eyebrow. However, I wasn't worried, I was more surprised that she would interject Albedo. Even though I tried my best to treat them both the same, there was still a subtle hierarchy among them. It wasn't anything too bad, but usually, she wouldn't say much if she was able to caress me like she was doing now.

"Azazel-sama, do you have a moment?" Albedo asked rather solemnly, making me feel like she had something important to say. Ideas appeared in my mind about the possibility of having missed a major event.

"Yes, for you I can always make time. There is nothing more important than you."

"Iiiekk-"I heard her suppress an excited shriek before continuing as if she hadn't lost composure just then. "Ahem, I will be there in a moment then and I will come with company." I couldn't help but smile thinking about her still being so shy and happy to hear my sweet talk.

"Alright, can I keep lying like this?" She nodded at my question, which meant that the one she brought with her was female, probably Cixous or one of the battle maids? I decided not to think about it too deeply and just closed my eyes as I fondled Fubuki's tits.

I didn't even wait a minute when I felt the magic influence space and time to create a teleportation portal. The [Gate] opened and she stepped out with the Royal Maids, Narberal, Enri, Neia, and Lupus following her. The Royal Maids were directly behind Albedo, while the others followed behind them.

They started to spread around the room, filling it up and giving it a bit of a rowdy feeling. Yuri was here as well and went to the door to lock it. If it had been a few weeks prior, I would have gotten extremely nervous, but even if they were all equipped with World Items, I would have easily escaped. Besides, they weren't going to attack me even if the situation would have looked like this to my previous paranoid ass. If Albedo allowed such a commotion then this had to be supremely important.

I turned around and sat up to lean against the bed's headrest before I pulled Fubuki into my lap, so I could continue playing with her beautiful mounds and hearing her suppressed moans. She was truly doing her best to make it inaudible, but when I blew against her earlobe, she couldn't help but release sounds that were music to my ears.

The others looked enviously as I fondled her. My hand drifted between her legs as I looked at the women, who were watching with rapt attention. At the last second, I changed the direction slightly and my hand just rested on Fubuki's thigh. My telekinetic assistant/wife took this moment to take a deep breath and regulate her emotions, while the others were sighing disappointedly, blushing, or pouting.

"So, what is this about?" I asked as my hand kneaded Fubuki's thigh, which visibly attracted the women's attention.

"This is an intervention." Albedo started, her eyes firmly staring into mine. She kept them on me even when I was massaging Fubuki to mini-orgasms. The others were already imagining themselves in her place or were just enjoying the fact I was sexually engaging with someone even if it was just fingering my wife in front of them.

However, Albedo was different. I could see it in her eyes. She chose to look at me, so she could watch me longer. Of course, it wasn't that she was unaffected through the periphery view, but besides her blush, she was enjoying looking me in the eyes more. Why was it that the succubus was one of the least lewd of this group?

One would think that the simple villager would be the one, but she was already drooling, her thighs rubbed together, and she firmly grasped her dress over her thigh. She was clearly just about to start her masturbation session. "We are worried about you." Albedo cut through the lusty tension that had arisen in this room, bringing the others out of their trance.

"You haven't had sex in a week!" She shouted worriedly. This instantly triggered a déjà-vu.

"Didn't we already have this talk?"

"No!" She shouted aggrieved. "The last time it was only three days, but now an entire week had passed without change!"

My mouth twitched slightly at her worried expression, given the content of what was worrying her. "I already told you its-"

"November! Yes, we know, but we don't see the significance of this month and it worries us that you want to go through this for an entire month. This can't be healthy for you!" Man, this was really bothering her.

"You don't need to worry, it's just a test of my willpower." I certainly would need it more than ever with all the temptations this world threw at me.

"This- I don't believe it!" Albedo dared to object to my words. I couldn't help but look at her astonished. "If there is something I- that we did wrong, please forgive us and don't punish us." She tried to kneel but I directly stopped her and floated her onto the bed.

"I see. You weren't just worried about me, especially when I had already explained it to you... It's about you. You can't hold it anymore, can you?" I asked as I gently placed Fubuki to the side to pull Albedo to my other side. Albedo's face was of shame and she looked away, not daring to meet my eyes again. "Tell me the real reason, why you got yourself reinforcement."

Although the others hadn't said anything, it was obvious they felt similarly. Albedo was hesitant before she opened her mouth. "I want... you to fuck me. I want you to ravage my pussy and cover me in your semen! I want you to desire me so much that you can't hold yourself back when you see me! I want you to bend me over and fuck me until you are satisfied, regardless of whether I can handle it or not! And if you don't fuck me, I feel like you don't want me!"

She heaved slightly as she finished her little lewd speech with tears welling up in her eyes. I hugged her comfortingly. "Sorry." I began, not realizing that I shouldn't torture my succubus wife like this. Although humans could abstain from it for a while, she must have been on the verge of going mad or getting depressed from the looks of it. This might have been hell for her.

"I didn't realize it was that difficult for you, though I have to make something clear. I would never not want you. Do you know how difficult it is for me to keep my hands off you?" My voice almost turned into a growl in the end. "Just after a single day, I was constantly thinking about fucking your brains out. If I wasn't suppressing my urges to the best of my abilities, I would be running around with a boner that would tear through my armor."

At that, their eyes wandered to my crotch as if my thing would truly poke through my pants at any moment. "Why don't you use your toys? I know you made a replicate from my dick-"

"It's not the same!" Albedo interjected. "Even if I covered it with your semen, it doesn't come close to the real thing! Everything pales in front of you feeling pleasure through my body. I-I'm not sure how long I can go without you, without knowing I sweetened your day, without being able to serve you..."

"Alright, alright." I finally gave in. I just couldn't resist my down-bad women. Fuck, I love my life. "As a reward for being so patient get naked and line up with your butts sticking out to me." I then flipped Albedo on her stomach and pulled her butt up, ignoring the hastily rustling from the others as they undressed themselves.


Draudillon Oriculus looked over the city from her balcony, going over the news that she had received from the frontlines. The beastmen had dialed up their war efforts by several degrees since the news of the phenomena which had revealed the stars in broad daylight.

Although she would normally dismiss the idea, there were rumors that the beastmen saw this event as a sign to go all out in this war. It's said that they saw this as their god trying to tell them that victory was near. She wasn't sure how much truth was to these rumors, but even if they didn't believe this was a sign from their gods, the fact remained the same, their attacks had grown more aggressive and more frequent.

They wouldn't hold on for long. Usually, despite their disadvantage, they could still hold the fort. Defending with brick walls as cover and the cunningness of their adventurers and soldiers, cultivated throughout the years allowed them to keep their borders against these savages. However, now that they were sacrificing their own to gain ground, it would only be a matter of time before their defense collapsed and their country would be doomed.

The fourth city had already fallen and more and more villages were deserted because of this tide of beastmen running amok. The adventurers were also just barely holding on. Even Crystal Tear, the Dragon Kingdom's only adamantite adventurers, had retreated at the latest attack led by one of the beastmen's generals.

Although they had lost the city to the beastmen, the adventurers were able to save a lot of their citizens. Still, there were enough they hadn't saved. News of the beastmen holding flesh banquets to celebrate their victory was heavy on her mind.

Her thoughts wandered to the Slane Theocracy which would have supported them by now. Usually, they would send their Sunlight Scripture to help them defend against this plaque of ravaging monsters, but until now there was no news of them sending their usual aid.

She wasn't sure whether it was related to the angel that had appeared, but she couldn't completely dismiss it as she knew how important the divine angels were to the Slane Theocracy, especially the Sunlight Scripture. Although it was difficult to admit, she didn't have much hope of getting the needed help from their neighbor.

Their emissaries were already out to ask for aid from the other neighbors, but she doubted they would be this magnanimous to come for their help when they didn't have any contact prior to this. Perhaps, the angel would help her, but could a single angel turn the tide in front of an army of beastmen?

With her eyes closed, she remembered the scene of the holy light piercing the sky and revealing the stars behind it. No, she was quite confident that he would be able to save them single-handedly, but who knew where he was now or if he was willing to help after going into hiding for the past week?

A sigh escaped her. There was only the wild magic that could save their country from turning into cattle for these beastmen. A million souls were needed to power the spell that could annihilate the beastmen. She would need to sacrifice almost the entire population of the Dragon Kingdom just for a fighting chance.

After watching the people in the city go through the motions of their daily lives a moment longer, she went back inside and headed for the map in their war council chamber. In it were all the military strategies, tactics, and plans they had discussed over the last week as the situation worsened day by day. She hoped she had missed something.

After letting the door fall shut she leaned on the table with the map covering it. "I heard you need help." Her eyes snapped toward the voice. In a chair sat the most attractive man, she had ever seen. For a moment, she was stunned before snapping back to reality.

"What are you?" She asked, trying to keep her expressions calm, while inside she was confused and scared. After all, this wasn't a place anyone could just walk into because they wanted to. She hadn't even realized that her question was a little off from what she would have normally asked if she saw a stranger invading this chamber.

He tilted his head to the side. "Didn't you send for me? I thought I would come over and see if I could be of help." Her mind quickly thought about all possibilities before one stood out among the rest. He certainly had the appearance of what she imagined one to look like. His bearings were immaculate and the glimmer in his eyes conveyed an endless power.

This being wasn't a mortal like the rest of them and even though she shouldn't say it as a descendent of one, but even dragons paled in comparison. There was a force to him that made her realize that she was standing in front of a higher being.

He smiled as if he had read her mind. As he stood up his wings unfolded behind him, "I heard you needed a guardian angel?" His voice carried a certain confidence that made her aware, he could fight against the entire world and win. He retracted his wings again and even his aura vanished, leaving behind only his devilish appearance. Now he looked like just another human.

The change was overwhelming, but as the sovereign of a country, she quickly gathered her bearings. Without any aid arriving anytime soon, their country would fall and be regarded as mere food by the Beastmen Country. This wasn't something she could bear, so without hesitation, she knelt in front of this divine being. 

"Please save us."

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