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24.32% The Empire of Titans / Chapter 18: Mikasa's Titan

Kapitel 18: Mikasa's Titan

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The following TEN chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 19 (Ymir's Night), Chapter 20 (Subjects of Ymir), Chapter 21 (A Monster with Tears), Chapter 22 (Lady Ymir), Chapter 23 (The Truth of Humanity), Chapter 24 (Historia Reiss), Chapter 25 (Annie's Pleasure), Chapter 26 (The Royal Titan), Chapter 27 (The Attack Titan Vs Levi), and Chapter 28 (Historia's Love) are already available for Patrons.

Krista gasped in amazement; the bones formed first, followed by muscles, tissues, Blood veins, meat, and skin. Dark hair grew on top of her head, and her eyes were Ymir's eyes, but her jaw was strange. Four large sharp horns came out from the back of her head, already crystallized; her whole mouth had sharp teeth made of crystal, her mouth taking the shape of a tiger's mouth, completely crystallized; her form standing on her four limbs, but still standing eleven meters tall, her fangs were crystallized too, sharp enough to cut everything.

Krista was amazed by her titan form, looking beautiful in a strange way, especially with the light of the moon shining on top of it, but Eren, Mikasa, and Armin had only one thought in their minds.

She's a Blessed Eldian!!!

They gasped, surprised by this revelation, Eren especially knowing how rare it was for anyone to be a Blessed Eldian. They were supposed to be only three every century, and now two were here. Eren wondered who the other one was and hoped it wasn't an enemy but knowing their chances; he knew the third was definitely an enemy. All the other Titans were working for Marley. From everyone that could be, Eren hoped War Hammer Titan wasn't the one; a Blessed Eldian with that Titan was an impossible force to counter. From what he had read from his father's letters. Out of all nine Titans, a Blessed War Hammer was far stronger than The Colossal, beaten only by the Founding Titan.

His thoughts were interrupted when Krista shouted. "Ymir, your Titan is so beautiful!" fondling her hands together, an adorable smile on her face.

Ymir, who seemed to be completely controlling her Titan, looked surprised and touched by Krista's words; she had expected everything to come out of her mouth, even insults but not compliments. Ymir highly doubted her Titan was good-looking but decided not to say anything; instead, she opened her mouth to speak, letting out a deep voice that barely sounded like Ymir, only that it sounded feminine.

"This is my Jaw Titan, Eren. Am I a Blessed Titan?" She questioned, remembering Eren's words that if she was, she was more powerful than a normal one.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin didn't look surprised to hear her speak; Ymir figured they knew some Titan Shifters could talk. Krista, on the other hand, was taken aback by the voice, for a moment not realizing that it was Ymir who was talking.

"Ymir, you can talk as a Titan?!" Krista questioned, bewildered, walking closer, not showing fear in her eyes, something Ymir greatly appreciated; it felt good to be looked at like that. Ymir turned her head to face Krista, standing one meter from her Jaw.

"I can; some Titan Shifters can talk as Titans," Ymir answered.

Krista nodded along before walking up to her paw; soon, she climbed on top of Ymir with the help of the Titan. Krista was sitting just above her eyes, not really believing that she was on top of a Titan; a part of her thought she would soon wake up from this dream.

"Well, am I, or not?" Ymir questioned again, turning the discussion back to what matters.

The Yeager cleared his throat as he stepped forward. "Yes, Ymir, you're a Blessed Titan, just like me," Eren confirmed with a nod.

Ymir felt relieved to hear that their chances of survival were suddenly much higher than before; tonight, not only she gained powerful allies that she would gladly consider dear friends but find out that her Titan was more powerful than a normal Jaw Titan.

She wondered if whatever was injected into Mikasa and Armin could be used on Krista as well, with that they would gain one more Semi-Titan Shifter on their side to fight against the Enemy Shifters, but most importantly, increase the chances of Krista's survival, which was something Ymir prioritized over everything, even her own life.

"That's good to know, but you mentioned Armin and Mikasa are Semi-Titan Shifters! Can you show it to me?" She questioned, her jaw now laying on the grass, looking a bit smaller as Krista was busy inspecting her long hair that was bigger than her.

Mikasa had a downcast look hearing that, something everyone noticed; Eren put his hand on her shoulder, comforting her, hoping to make her feel better; the Ackerman girl put her hand over his, giving it a little squeeze, already feeling better.

Armin looked deep in thought, probably thinking of something important.

"What is it?" Ymir's voice breaks the uncomfortable silence between them. She noticed right away that something was off.

Krista thought of jumping from Ymir to comfort Mikasa, feeling bad for her friend.

"Mikasa can't control her Titan; the first time we tried, she lost control, and we were forced to fight back," Armin explained, not giving the details of the danger they were put in because of that, and Eren almost getting captured by the Survey Corps later; Ymir and Krista nodded in understanding.

"In that case, she should try now," Ymir immediately suggested after a short pause.

Mikasa abruptly looked up at her, ready to say something against it, but Ymir continued before she could say anything.

"Just think about this, you will need to use your Titan sooner or later; it might be tomorrow, it might be years later, but you will need to, and it would be better if you had control, and you can't achieve that by not using it." Ymir reasoned, getting looks from everyone who were surprised that Ymir said something smart for once.

"Wow, Ymir, you're actually saying something with sense," Krista joked with a light chuckle, much to Ymir's annoyance, who groaned before looking up at her, still playing with the giant strand of hair.

"What is that supposed to mean, Krista? Are you calling me stupid?!" Ymir questioned playfully to the blonde girl, who chuckled in response.

"I never said that; I'm just pointing out the truth," Krista said slyly.

Armin turned to Mikasa, who fell silent after hearing Ymir's words. "Ymir is making a good point, Mikasa, and don't forget, we are here, it is the middle of the night, and the other groups are many miles away. You have me, Eren, and Ymir to stop you if you lose control again," Armin reasoned, looking at the Ackerman girl who reluctantly nodded, especially after Eren whispered something in her ear that made her blush, something she quickly hid with her scarf.

"Very well. Let's try this again!" Mikasa said with a nod. Eren told Krista to stay with Ymir in case the worst happened. Eren and Armin quickly transformed.

Ymir almost gasped at the size of Eren's titan and was a little surprised to see the Armoured Titan of Armin, who had short blonde hair, thirteen meters tall. Instead of armor made of steel, Armin's titan was covered in solid bone plates. She figured his Titan wasn't on the same level as the original one.

Eren opened his mouth to speak but let out nothing but grunts that sounded more like groans rather than words.

"Mikasa, we are ready," Armin spoke with his Titan, his voice much deeper.

Ymir opened her mouth wide; her mouth now was four meters wide. Krista reluctantly entered her mouth; the slime around her large tongue was a little disgusting, not to mention the smell coming from inside her mouth and deep from her throat. Ymir shut it tightly, paying extra care not to swallow her accidentally; her jaw was made of Crystal it would be hard to break.

Eren was standing in front of Mikasa, Armin to her right, and Ymir to her left. Giving her a nod, Mikasa's eyes filled with determination, and she bit her lower lip.

A bolt of lightning struck where Mikasa stood; The bones formed first, quickly followed by tissue, muscles, and meat, forming a fourteen-meter Titan. Her feminine body started forming, as the muscles, meat, and tissue formed quickly, much faster than Armin. The skin started normally forming around the body, except for her hands and jaw, a layer of white skin formed on top of her normal skin, as if crystallized.

Ymir's eyes widened in worry and astonishment; from her body, she looked like the Female Titan, but her jaw and hands made no sense. Why are they crystallized? Her jaw didn't have any unusual form like the Jaw Titan, which had mouths resembling certain animals. Mikasa's Titan jaw looked normal except for the crystallized part.

Is she an abnormal Shifter somehow? Why didn't Eren mention anything about this? Maybe he doesn't understand this himself before Ymir could think of anything else. Mikasa let out a mighty roar that made the entire forest shake as if an earthquake just shook the earth.

This immediately alarmed the Shifters quickly moved to subdue her, moving with an incredible speed despite the size of his body. Eren put his hand over her mouth, silencing Mikasa, whose eyes quickly filled with rage, not liking what he did.

Her teeth tried to bite down his hand, but before she could, Ymir jumped on her face, her hand blocking her mouth; Armin put his arms around Mikasa from behind, a full nelson blocking her arms from trying to punch Ymir's titan, but it seemed Mikasa's Titan had the same abnormal strength as her human form, with one move, she moved her arm forward before striking behind with her elbow, hitting Armin on the face, his grip around her lessened, giving her the opportunity to get free from him, before punching him, her fists shattering his bone plates like glass, sending him flying, before crashing down in the ground, trees shaking and falling, animals running away from what was happening.

Eren decided to stop being gentle; using the size of his body, he grabbed her throat as Mikasa was trying to get Ymir off of her. Using his entire strength to keep her in the air, Mikasa tried to break free from his grasp. Ready to punch his arms.

Opening his mouth to speak, Eren understood his voice could calm her; opening his mouth, he spoke.

"M-mi-kaz-sa," his voice deeper and with growls, but hearing his voice made Mikasa stop struggling against his grip.

Her Titan's eyes looked at Eren's green eyes, her cloudy eyes turning brighter.

"It-s E-er-en," Eren spoke, hating himself for not speaking more plainly.

Mikasa's eyes widened, her body no longer moving, not even noticing that Armin was now standing behind her, his face still steaming from her punches. "Eren!" She spoke, confused.

Hearing her talk made Eren let go of her throat, landing on the ground; she looked around for a moment, not understanding where she was or what was happening; Ymir was still watching her warily; during the fight, Krista had shouted from inside her mouth hearing the loud noises outside.

"Mikasa, are you, well you?" Armin questioned, a little embarrassed.

His words seemed to make the girl remember everything, her eyes quickly filling with sadness and shock when she noticed Armin's missing face and Ymir's cracked jaw from her punch.

"I-I didn't mea-" "Don't sweat it, Mikasa. It is normal to lose control. Now that you're in control. You will no longer need to worry about losing control again. Now try to come out of your Titan," Ymir interrupted before the Ackerman girl could start blaming himself for something out of her hand.

"She's right, Mikasa. We don't feel pain when we are Titans, so don't worry about anything," Armin added calmly, his face now fully healed. Eren simply nodded along; he didn't want to groan and growl, trying to speak sentences that no one would understand.

Eren nodded in agreement, agreeing with Ymir's words. Mikasa smiled before kneeling, and so did the other three; Ymir first opened her mouth, letting Krista out before she could come out of her Titan.

"Ymir, is everything alright?" Krista shouted the moment the mouth was open and she could actually see something. Her eyes found Mikasa trying to come out of her Titan; knowing Ymir could do well on her own, she ran towards her.

"Let me," Krista shouted from below Mikasa as she climbed the Titan's head, pulling out a knife to cut the many tissues still glued to her face; Mikasa said nothing but nodded; Krista quickly cut the tissues, freeing the Ackerman girl.

Krista looked at her face; there were horizontal striated lines on her skin from the corner of her eyes going to her temples.

"Are you alright?" Krista asked softly; the dark-haired girl smiled back, looking at her arms and her legs as if she was seeing them for the first time.

"I feel much better," Mikasa said with a genuine smile, her voice suddenly sounding happier. Armin, Eren, and Ymir walked up to them. Well, Eren was running, trying to get to Mikasa.

"You did it, Mikasa. You are in control now," Eren congratulated her as she and Krista jumped from the steaming body of Mikasa's Titan.

Mikasa smiled, hearing Eren's praise, pulling up her scarf and hiding most of her face. Suddenly the Ackerman girl felt her entire body suddenly go limb; Eren caught her before she could fall face flat on the ground.

"Mikasa!" Krista shouted, worried, shaking her shoulder but soon noticed that neither Eren nor Armin seemed concerned.

"She's alright; last time she turned into a Titan Shifter, she slept for three days. I hope this time is shorter," Eren explained, lifting Mikasa, and carrying her in his arms, Mikasa's head resting against his chest with a cute smile on her face.

"Three days! That's unusual," Ymir said with a raised eyebrow. She knew one could get tired because they used their Titans since they needed energy, but to sleep for three days after using it was a bit extreme.

Ymir quickly concluded that Mikasa's Titan could be used only as a last resort since she was pretty much out of the game when she got tired.

"We should probably change our location; it is better to be as far as possible from all this," Armin reasoned, pointing at the destroyed forest around them; trees had fallen like toothpicks from a box.

"He's right; we should move at least one mile away," Eren added with a nod; Ymir simply shrugged her shoulders; it didn't bother her much.


Life was tougher than it needed to be for a child her age. And fellow children were the cruelest of all.

They always found something to throw at her, whether it was their insults or simply the stones in their nearest proximity.

Was it because she wasn't lady-like enough or pretty enough, like the girl in the book was?

Somebody once told her that she ought to be gracious and well-loved above anything else, albeit she couldn't remember who had told her that exactly.

She could hear the boys laugh as she fled and tried her best to dodge the stones. Most times, she just wasn't fast enough, and they hit her hard on the back of the head.

"Stop it! Stop it at once!" She cried out to the little boys, her voice shattering with every word.

"Or what?" one shouted back, cupping his hands around his lips. Even from a distance, Historia could see his teeth crooked on the front, but he sneered all the same.

She remembered him, this one, as she had had the time to single him out from the rest of them during their previous encounters on account of his peculiar zeal in tormenting her.

He enjoyed picking on her more than the others and would often pit his friends against her even when they had nothing against her, to begin with. "Will you climb over the fence and beat us up?"

She would have loved climbing over the fence and running away from that place. She truly would have.

But a familiar voice emerged from the back of her mind every time she thought of doing so, warning her against it. Oddly enough, she couldn't recall who gave her that warning.

Perhaps her grandparents? But certainly, not her mother, who would love nothing better.

Besides, she had already gotten a splinter in her finger from the failed attempt at climbing over the fence, which had been more than enough to dissuade her from further attempts.

"Not now, maybe... But one day."

She promised; not to her bullies, who were already walking away, exchanging japes about her laughable distressed face, but to her secret self.

"One day, I will climb over the fence."

Her eyes opened abruptly, remembering where she was, with her friends and not back at the farm. Her eyes were gazing at the sky, the many stars above her, they looked so far away, she saw one falling, she didn't know what it meant, the voice of the lady she remembered told her that one could say a wish and that wish would get fulfilled. So far, that dream had yet to become a reality. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed the moving chest of Ymir as she was breathing. She was lying beside her! Krista then saw she had an extra blanket covering her.

When did she get in my tent?! Krista asked herself, rubbing her temples; she couldn't remember Ymir asking her to sleep in the same tent; she wouldn't do that in front of Eren and Armin. Her thoughts were interrupted when Ymir started murmuring things Krista couldn't understand, but she noticed Ymir was trembling.

Perhaps she's cold! Krista thought before sharing the blanket she had to cover Ymir, who was hugging her legs. Her body leaned closer to the freckles girl, and soon, Ymir stopped trembling, and a smile formed on her face.

Krista kissed her cheek tenderly before closing her own eyes, hoping to fall asleep and dream of the farm and the fence.

Two Days Later

Eren and the others were collecting firewood and food for the night, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the training corps would come to collect them. Eren hoped Mikasa would wake up by then; he wasn't sure how he could explain why Mikasa wasn't waking up. She was breathing normally and looked as healthy as possible; Eren checked on her every once in a while.

He put a log on the flames, using a long stick to move it to the right place, forming what looked like a small house made of logs with fire in the center. Cracks were the only sound around him, his eyes looking at the flames spreading across the log. He remembered a much simpler time him collecting wood with Mikasa.

Eren, Mikasa, you should Live

Her words echoed in his ears, louder every time. Again and Again.

Noooooo, STOP

The Jaw shut tightly, and the blood flew in the air like a waterfall.

The grip around the stick made it break in two as he grinded his teeth. His breathing was getting harder as he remembered the skinless face of the Colossal.

A groan made him escape his dark thoughts as he looked over his shoulders to see Mikasa stirring up. His face brightened, and his grim mood faded as quickly as it appeared. He stood up, walking up to her as Mikasa slowly stood up, yanking away the blanket covering her.

"Mikasa, how are you feeling?" Eren asked; her beautiful eyes found Eren, a blush formed on her face, still not noticing she wasn't wearing her scarf.

Grasping her soft hand, despite being someone who lifted heavy things and trained daily, her hands were still as smooth as a pillow.

"Feeling better?" Eren asked, squeezing her hand; Mikasa was sitting upright on her bed in the tent.

"Yes, how long?" Mikasa quickly asked, wanting to know how long she had been sleeping.

"Only two days, Mikasa," Eren said, his hand playing with a strand of her hair. Mikasa leaned against his hand, enjoying the feeling of his hand playing with her hair.

Her eyes only now noticed that her scarf wasn't around her neck; getting alarmed, she quickly checked around with her eyes when Eren tapped her shoulder.

"You are looking for this?" Eren asked, smiling innocently; she turned towards him, seeing him holding the scarf in his hand; she tried to grab it when Eren pulled it away, out of her reach, shaking his head, before he started wrapping the scarf around her. His hands slowly wrapped it just as she liked; Mikasa stood there stunned until Eren was done, his green eyes looking back at hers.

"I will wrap this scarf around you for the rest of our lives," Eren promised, holding her hands with his; Mikasa felt her heart beating faster from his words. She didn't know who did it first, but they were kissing; it was a gentle kiss, expressing what they felt, and she almost felt like crying. Pulling away, Eren still held her hands when they heard coughing from behind, only to see Ymir smirking like a fox.

"By all means, don't mind me. I was just having a walk," She said, whistling innocently; both rolled their eyes with amused smiles on their faces.


Eren was waiting for Mikasa to enter his tent, but he had noticed she had talked with Ymir in hushed tones the whole day; he had tried to ask what they were talking about she wouldn't tell him, only saying he would find out soon.

Because of this, he spent the day with his friend. Armin told him that he was thinking of a safe way to get in contact with the Survey Corps and to let them know about the Titan Shifters and everything else.

Eren had simply nodded; he was glad to have someone like Armin on his side; Krista had been mostly quiet, which was unusual for the angel girl; she only told them she was busy thinking about her past.

Eren's thoughts were interrupted when Mikasa's head peaked inside the tent; Eren smiled as Mikasa crawled inside, her hands around his neck as they kissed passionately. His hands were holding her waist; suddenly, she pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"Eren, I have seen how you sometimes look at Ymir and Krista," Mikasa suddenly said, but her voice sounded happy.

Eren was taken aback; he opened his mouth to defend himself when Mikasa put her finger on his lips. "I'm not angry, Eren. I want all of us to be happy. Ymir and Krista are our dear friends. They all deserve to be happy. I wouldn't mind, and neither would they," Mikasa explained softly, kissing his lips at the end. Mikasa didn't mention Sasha and Annie for now, especially Annie.

Eren was lost for words; sure, he liked Ymir, despite her constant teasing, and that's what made her who she was; she was taller than him and quite good-looking. He knew he wanted to protect all his dear friends and Ymir was amongst them.


"I want all of us to be Happy. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy, and having someone like Ymir and Krista is something I would appreciate. And enjoy,"

"Are you sure?" Eren questioned, putting his hand on her cheek, his thumb caressing her cheek, something he knew she enjoyed.

"Yes, Eren!" Ymir suddenly spoke, her head poking inside the tent. Mikasa kissed his lips one more time before standing up from his lap and leaving the tent.

"Your first time should be alone. I will be there if Krista needs anything, Ymir," Mikasa reassured the tall girl as she walked away toward Krista's tent.

"Y-Ymir!" Eren stuttered, a little frozen, especially when the tall girl smirked in triumph; her face leaned closer, giving Eren a good of her cleavage; her face looked prettier from up close.

"I have waited for this, Eren, and Now you're Mine!" Ymir spoke teasingly and seductively; Eren felt his cock go hard as Ymir grabbed his collar, smashing her soft lips with his.

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