(Hi guys sorry for the late post but I have been researching about cool and awesome ideas for this story and if you like it please don't forget to add a power stones)
After Edward returned from the world of black clover he saw the city was busy which wasn't surprising considering the royal wedding was only a couple of days away however Edward had more important things to do so he teleported to dragon stone where he found his generals with a new addition Vhagar which made him surprised since as far as he knew no one could pinpoint it's location, so he asked Vermithor.
"Vermithor how come Vhagar has shown up in dragon stone of all places so suddenly" asked Edward to which Vermithor answered." Well boss considering the insane amount of magic that has been released into the world since you arrived made Vhagar curious and she decided to follow the biggest fluctuation of magic which was us" as Vermithor finished his explanation Edward decided to talk to Vhagar." Hello Vhagar can you still recognise people when they talk to you or are your senses not as sharp as they used to be" asked Edward." My senses have diluted over time however the return of magic to the world has helped me with my problems and I just want to say thank you for being the reason that true magic returned to the world" said Vhagar to which Edward smiled." Do not worry my friend and that is the least amount of help that I have given you and now I will heal you completely" as Edward said that he used true awakening magic which is capable of turning every creature in their most powerful version of them and Edward created a golden celestial flame which he then fused with Vhagar and as soon as he did the changes happened, her body regained its previous strength and went beyond it growing front legs which were gigantic and its wings became more refined healing and gaining more power, at the end Vhagar looked like a four legged jade dragon with scales that reflected its power and after she was done going through the changes she transformed into a human same as the other dragons.
"Thank you young warlock for helping me to awaken truly to my power and for returning me to my prime" said Vhagar to which Edward just gave a salute and said." It's my pleasure to help the dragon kind to awaken and become kings as they should have always been" as he said that he went towards the castle where he saw Daemon in Targaryen clothing and he just nodded at him which he did back, afterwards he went deep into the castle where he used his Earth magic to create a ritual chamber afterwards he created a rune stone made of uru, moon stone and different potions which had all sorts of effects and once he did that he used rune speech to give it more protective abilities and powers, once he was finished he used his earth magic to open a hole in which he buried the rune stone and activated it, as soon as he did the entire castle came alive which he decided to use, so he expanded the magical barrier all over the island of dragon stone and the entire place came to life the statues and decorations which Aegon the conqueror created became more realistic and powerful and the entire walls of the castle inside out looked like they were made of dragon scales since the old magic in the stones of dragon stone came from the dragons and it was awakened thanks to him.
The top of the castle became wider as a place where dragons could land and live freely and as for the rest of the castle the front gates had the symbol of a dragon roaring with its wings spread which looked intimidating, now the main room or hall as you would call it had changed the seat had become like a dragon made of stone where one would sit on his wings as for the hallway they had become larger and decorated with the symbols of house Targaryen since he made sure to add that effect to the rune stone, after everything was done he still had three days till the wedding on the fourth day so he decided to talk to the dragons and Daemon however before he did daemon decided to comment.
"I have to say Edward you never cease to amaze everyone just when we think that you have shown us all of your tricks you go and do something insane like this and change the game again" said Daemon to which everyone present chuckled."What can I say Daemon I have a flare for dramatics but let's forget about that, since we have three days until my wedding how about we spend it training" as he said that everyone agreed and were eager to start since they knew if Edward is training them then they would have to bring their best to their training.
As everyone agreed Edward created a domain of time same as before and with endurance that would make them let lose so without further ado they began however unlike before Edward decided to create dragon slaying magic just by using what he knew from watching anime, as the fight began he cloaked his fists in fire but it felt out of place and as their fighting began he got used to it so he expanded more on said magic and as Vhagar attacked him with fire he decided to eat it and that was painful but he could feel his body turning into that of a dragon slayer and after six months in the domain he mastered it and used it in their fight which made it even harder for them to lay a finger on him and as a year passed he decided to make them dragon slayers as well so he taught them the way that dragon slayer magic works and for the dragons it was easy but for daemon he needed more time, during their training to learn their kind of magic everyone's power increased to tremendous levels and the dragons were showing markings all over their bodies and their outfit was changing as well they were becoming firmer and better looking but also they had symbols on their cloaks with Vermithor having the Chinese symbol for bronze fury, Atlas Never ending flame, Vhagar Dragon Queen, Ceraxes Blood Wyrm, Silver aka Silver wing had the symbol for Deadly beauty and sheep stealer had the symbol for Fire, as he saw all of them change and grow stronger it made him happy, however Daemons hair became shorter and his magic went through the roof same as the others and his strength was now that of a dragon, so after everyone got a hang on their new magic, they began fighting again but this time with pure destructive force and let's just say their speed and clashes made the entire chamber boil because the intensity of their flames was insane and as they continued clashing the dragons we're experiencing changes and Edward knew exactly what they were however before being happy for them he got hit in the face by Atlas who just laughed it of.
" Hey that was a cheap shot Atlas especially considering the changes you guys are going through can't you feel yourself getting stronger" said Edward to which atlas stopped and examined his body.
"Huh now that you mention it I can feel my fire becoming stronger and my strength increasing, do you by any chance know what is happening partner" asked atlas.
"That's what I was about to explain dunderhead your entire being is going through changes because of the dragon slayer magic, your entire structure is becoming stronger and your former power and strength are being increased to who knows how many levels, as you can see all of you are experiencing this change because dragon slayer magic is not only to slay dragons but to make dragons more powerful and to also help them harnesses and increase their overwhelming strength, there are stories where dragons have become more powerful than gods and I intend to see that for myself" as Edward finished he saw them changing becoming something else, whilst before they were simply dragons in human form now they resembled true dragons in human form( like Ignia and acnologia for reference) once they were done changing he decided to kick it up a notch to show these rookies how it's done however his enthusiasm was stopped when he heard Daemon shout and as he looked over to him he saw him in a blazing inferno and Ceraxes was helping him get out of it but Edward stopped him.
"Stand your ground Ceraxes there is nothing to worry about ,he is just going through changes same as you all did but because he is human the change will be more painful for him, his entire body is becoming that of a dragon so every cell is being transformed into something more powerful than before" once Edward explained it Ceraxes calmed down and as they waited for Daemon they finally saw him and to say he look badass was an understatement he fricking looked like Acnologia 2.0 only without the destruction and habit of slaying dragons.
"So this is what it feels to gain the abilities of a dragon I had never imagined that this kind of power really existed, I feel like a could take on the entire world and win" said Daemon to which Edward decided to stop his delusions before it became uncontrollable." Easy there Daemon you may have become a dragon but you are still a hatchling compared to the true dragons, so before you go do something stupid I will have to bring you down to earth" once Edward said that Daemon attacked and his speed was impressive however Edward just dodged and kneed him on the gut which brought Daemon to his knees and he spoke.
"Now that you have an understanding of real strength how about you get up and learn how to harness your abilities" once he said that Daemon got up and apologised to Edward and the training began again.
After another two years in the domain of time the training was finished and not only had they mastered fire dragon slayer magic but other magics as well since Edward didn't want them to depend only on one type of magic, once they were ready Edward undid the domain and everyone took a deep breath of fresh air, however as they were relaxed they felt an ominous feeling coming from kings landing and they took to the sky instantly flying towards kings landing and after a few minutes they were there and they saw a circle of magic expanding and returning everything as to how it was beforehand.
After they got closer Edward heard the being speak." Mortals of our creation should learn to live as we see fit and not according to the laws of an outsider" once he heard that Edward was pissed and spoke in a powerful voice." So you are one of the so called gods, I have to say I expected more, however I don't have time to play games leave the mortal plane and return to your place or you will learn first hand what a dragon god can truly do little ant" once Edward said that his squad moved back as he created a spear which the so called god knew all to well." You dare use the same weapon as him, he who banished me here and he who rules over the devas, I came to this world when their gods were at full strength and I managed to banish them to their own realm and I will not tolerate a mere hatchling to interfere in my plans even if that hatching happens to have the weapon of Indra the god of war and king of devas" said the god to which Edward chuckled." You should have used the second chance he gave you to repent because I will make sure to erase every trace of you from existence" once Edward said that the god charged at him and he did the same where they meet in the sky as their clash shook the entire sky and their battle began.
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