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12% The Slayer Gamer / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: When the scav's get you down, you got to take them out, with Propane

Kapitel 6: Chapter 6: When the scav's get you down, you got to take them out, with Propane

I'm standing in the back alley that I landed in, trash piling up along the walls and graffiti covering their original color. Several cars and car husks appear abandoned back here. I can see some flashing neon signs across the street. There are several towering buildings nearby that reach way up into the sky, taller than any building I've seen.

My body had also increased in age and size. I now looked roughly twenty-five an I stood at a height of seven foot. I had developed stubble on my face, giving it a slightly harsher tone.

"Iris, are you going to tell me where we are?" I ask.

[It's a surprise!]

Great . . . .

[Luck Event Triggered]

The regular noise of the city is broken by screams coming from nearby. I run around the corner to see a group of people wearing digitized masks grab a couple off the street, and toss them in the back of their van and try to drive off. One of the masked guys took a couple of potshots when he noticed me.

I felt his bullets hit my chest plate as I give chase. The van speeds up but I'm right on their tail, running past and vaulting over any cars that get in the way. The back doors eventually swing open, and one of the masked guys opens fire with an automatic weapon of some sort. Most of the bullets go wide but a few hit me in spots where the armor isn't as thick.

[-660 HP]

Poisoned bullet

Effect: -25 HP per second until removed.

I returned fire with my BFP, killing the guy with the automatic, as I try to find an opening to take out the van without injuring the abductee's. I take aim and pop one of their tires causing the vehicle to lurch into the sidewalk before it corrects itself. Thankfully, its night so most people are at home and not out on the street in this area.

We pass by a club next to an intersection and the van overcorrects trying to make the turn at an intersection.


I pick up speed and shoulder check the driver side of the van causing the van to slide into the wall of a building on the opposite side of the street. I fire a couple rounds through the driver side window, killing the driver. I rip open the side of the van, to discover a horrifying sight.

The floor boards in the van were covered in dismembered and mutilated bodies, their organs ripped out, and their limbs sawed off. The two abductees were lying next to the carnage with their hands zip tied behind them and bags over their heads. Of the remaining kidnappers, one snapped his neck in the crash, while the other was groggily trying to aim a pistol at me. I shoot him causing his head to explode before I pull the two captives from the wreckage.

As I gently set them down and go to remove the bags, I can see a couple of people observing from the club across the street. The bar sign flashes in bright neon.

Lizzie's Bar

Oh Damn . . . . .

[Welcome to Night City Samurai!]

I'll figure this out later. I need to take care of these two captives first.

I remove the bags and pull out a knife and cut the zip ties.

The Man was stylishly dressed in a suit vest of black and red with gold trimmings. He had a goatee and what looked to be some cybernetics in his hands.

The Woman was dressed in a leather biker vest, her black hair done up into two buns on top of her head. She had two fully cybernetic arms covered in some gold plating.

Both of them were unconscious. So, I just used observe to see if they can be identified.

Gustavo Orta


Level- 72

Martha Franks


Level - 36

I am starting to feel like this was staged.

"So, what are you planning on doing with those two sweetie?"

I start, and turn when a voice interrupts my thoughts.

This woman was built like a plastic doll. Her pink hair and goth like Barbie aesthetic toning down her spiked arms and the bat hanging from her hand.

Rita Wheeler


Level- 84

"Wake them up, and send them home. Nothing else to do. These two, look like they've been drugged. Would you happen to know where I can get a stimulant to wake them up?" I reply.

"I do, but I'd probably recommend against it. That dude right there is a particularly high ranking 'tino. He might not take kindly to you injecting stuff without his permission." She said taping the ground with her bat.

"So what would you recommend?" I ask.

"Tell you what. I'll grab a van and a couple of girls and we'll drop you guys off somewhere they will be taken care of. In exchange, a favor. To be called in at any time by the Mox. Doesn't hurt to have a walking tank to call on for backup." She finishes with a grin.

So that's what she was angling for, a deal. I'll have to keep that in mind when doing anything in Night City, everyone has an angle, some are just more benign than others. Fortunately, the Mox are easier to deal with than a gang like Maelstrom.

"Got yourself a deal Miss." I offer a hand and we shake on it.

"Names Rita, not Miss. You got yourself a name?" She snaps back.

"Tavish." I introduce.

She sends a message and a few moments later a new van pulls up to the curb with the Mox logo on the side. I load Gustavo and Martha into the back and then squeeze in myself.

We take off driving, I recognize some landmarks but not all. Night City is a lot bigger than what was portrayed in the game. We pass through the city center and the corporate towers reach up into the sky, overshadowing everything nearby. Eventually, we are driving through the streets of Heywood.

While we travel, I add some points to my charisma stat boosting it to 300. Chances are, I may have to fast talk my way out of getting shot by some Valentinos so I get prepared for that.

For reaching 200 Charisma you get a new perk

[Smooth Orator]

Your 25% more successful in convincing people of your point of view.

For reaching 300 Charisma you get a new perk

[Lady Killer]

Your 25% more likely to have successful charisma checks with the opposite sex.

Let's hope that's enough to not alienate the Valentinos.

I take off my helmet and set it on the seat beside me.

"Sounds like you made the news cutie!" Rita calls back from the front and turns up the volume of the radio.

This just in; a Scav kidnapping gone wrong. A group of Scav's snatched a young couple off the street and fired shots at a heavily armored individual. The individual gave chase to the van, keeping up on foot, in a high-speed pursuit across the city. The van exceeded 70 mph at points during the chase. The chase ended when the armored man shoulder-checked the van into a wall across from the popular braindance club Lizzie's Bar. The man supposedly got in a van with the couple but his current whereabouts are unknown. This information is from eyewitness accounts because apparently, the man doesn't register with cameras. Traffic footage of the event shows the van racing through the streets of Night City, but there is no sign of the man in any of the footage.

"Do you have some sort of super net runner you call up for stuff like this?" Rita asked.

"No, I am just as confused as you are. I have no idea why I don't show up on traffic cams."

I explain.

Rita studies my face before she settles on a look of intrigue.

"You don't say . . ." She trails off lost in thought.

I remain silent for most of the trip. I try not to give up too much info about myself and at some point, Gustavo wakes up with a jolt.

"Easy there, you probably still have the fuzzies from when the Scav's drugged you." I comment causing his eyes to snap to me.

"Martha. Where is she?! I swear if you've done anything . . ." Gustavo threatens.

"Chill man, she is right there." I say gesturing over at the seat across from him.

His ex-patterned eyes scan her for any sign of damage. Once he is satisfied, he refocuses on me.

"Alright, what do you want? You kidnapped us from the Scav's for a reason so spit it out!"

"What I "want" Gustavo, is to drop you two off at home and grab some food somewhere. This was honestly a hassle, and I just want to chill for a bit before jumping feet first into trouble like that again." I reply back slightly irritated.

He stops glaring for a moment before he takes a deep breath.

"I apologize for assuming, I assumed you were a Corpo with the gear you're wearing." He explained.

Martha was starting to wake-up and started groggily looking around.

"We're here!" Rita calls into the back.

I open the back doors and step out onto the street and look around. The van had stopped just outside of El Coyote Cojo. A frequent bar frequented by Valentinos. I help Gustavo get a woozy Martha out of the van and up the steps to the bar before I head back to the van.

"Thanks for the help Rita, it's been a pleasure. As promised, if the Mox call, I'll come running."

"Good boy." She said winking at me. "I'll see you around Cutie!" And with that the van pulls away into traffic.

I shake my head and head into the bar. I draw the attention of many of the patrons of the bar when I grab a seat at the bar. Gustavo was talking with a couple people up on the second story so I decided to just order something.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked.

"Whatever today's special is and a glass of Centzon." I inform him.

He nods and starts making the drink. I relax and take in the atmosphere of the bar. Some of the customers have gone back to their business while others kept their focus on me.

I got my drink and the bartender struck up a conversation while waiting for my food. Pepe had a few interesting stories regarding some of the patrons of the bar which were entertaining to listen to.

Eventually, Mama Welles made an appearance and informed me that I was needed upstairs and that my food would be brought to me there. I grab my drink and I head up to a private booth in the back corner where Gustavo and another Valentino was sitting. As I approach, Gustavo waves me over and I join him at his booth.

We waited until Mama Welles brought food before Gustavo started speaking.

"Listen Tavish, I would like to thank you again for your actions today. Not a lot of people would do what you did in going after the Scav's. You even incurred a debt to the Mox to get Martha and myself to Valentino territory, and for that I thank you. I understand that you didn't do this to gain anything from me, but I have to extend the offer. I owe you for what you did, and I can't and don't want to leave a debt like that unpaid." He explained as we dig into the food.

I chew thoughtfully on my imitation chicken dish before I swallow and explain; "If you insist on a repayment, how about an introduction?"

Gustavo raises an eyebrow and motions for me to continue.

"I am . . . new to Night City. Spent most of my life traveling from place to place picking up odd jobs and helping people out here and there. I need an introduction to local fixers, where to buy wheels, maybe a Ripperdoc. Ultimately, I need help with a basic start in this city." I explain.

One of the overhead TV's blares out the news from earlier tonight showing portions of the chase and we all glance up at it.

"I just made my first debut in the Night City scene. Even if it was unintentional, people are going to come looking. And I would rather be prepared when they do." I finish my explanation.

+40 Rep with Gustavo Orta (For saving his life and being reasonable.)

Gustavo smiled and reached across the table and clapped me on the shoulder.

"That is something I can easily do choom. Now let's toast, to the start of a good partnership!"

We raise our glasses in a toast and we continue talking for an hour or two. Gustavo was mostly interested in my travels. I described a tale of travelling through the remaining wilds of Alaska, down through Canada and then finally making my way south towards Night City. This made my explanation about a lack of identification easier to understand.

Gustavo finally taped out a few hours later, escorted home by a few of his chooms. I stop at the bar and pay my tab to Mama Welles and stop to ask if she knows of any place to stay nearby.

She offers a garage space with attached room. Apparently, she owns a series of garages out back of the bar. I try to offer her eddies for the space but she waved it off saying; "We will discuss it later. Consider it a thank you from me till then. You did right by Gustavo tonight, and we don't forget that sort of thing around here."

"Thanks Mama Welles." I said.

I take the key, bid her goodnight and head to the garage outback. I unlock the door and lock it again behind me.

The garage is empty for the most part. The lights flicker weakly when I turn them on. The attached room is as empty as the first the exception being a small, well-made bed in the corner, a small couch, and a few tables up against the wall.

I take off my armor and set it off to the side before I lay down. I have to scrunch up a bit to fit on the small bed before I doze off for the night.

[The Next Morning]

I wake up to the sound of banging on my front door I blearily get up and throw on some pants before heading towards the door. I open it to come face to face with a grinning Jackie Welles.

"Hola amigo. Just came by to visit the new neighbor. The names Jackie Welles." He said.

"I'm Tavish" I say shaking his hand.

"Now I don't mean to be rude homes, but are you hurt at all?" Jackie questioned, taking a more serious tone.

I was confused at first, because gamer's body would have healed anything I had done overnight.

"No, why do you ask?" I question him.

"Because you have a bullet wound in your hip choom." He informs me and I glance down.

The wound isn't bleeding, but when I check my stats, it's still dealing twenty-five damage a second. My passive healing is just making up for it.

Iris, can you explain this please?

[The bullet is causing active damage and is not recognized as a status effect.]

[I recommend finding a surgeon]

[Everything should return to normal after its removed]

"Damn, must have took a bullet last night and didn't realize it." I comment while examining my hip.

"We'll make the doc our first stop today then." Jackie said nodding. He hands me a bag full of clothes.

"I recommend that you put that on, your armor stands out from what I hear. And switching clothes is an excellent way to go incognito. When you're done, I'll be in the bar." He turns and leaves, heading for the bars back entrance.

I'm thankful to whoever offered the clothes. The only clothes that I have are from the AOT world and those are extremely dated for this time period.

I put on a red tank-top and a pair of utility pants. The merc jacket that came with the ensemble was dark in color with red trim. It had a golden embroidered figure of Santa Muerte on the back. The outfit was finished with a pair of combat boots. I looked at myself in the mirror before I left.

It looked right at home, but there was something missing . . . . eh, I'll figure it out later.

I stash my armor in my inventory and holster the Malorian 3516, before I lock the door and head into the bar.

Jackie is sitting at the bar having breakfast and talking to Mama Welles until she spots me.

"Tavish! Jaquito here told me that you found a bullet wound this morning. You didn't get blood on the sheets, did you?" She glares at me with an accusatory eye.

"Never Mama Welles. I wouldn't dream of ruining the work you've done." I reply cheerfully.

"Good. Now hop up to the bar and get breakfast. Jackie can take you to Vik's after." She said bustling around the bar area.

Jackie and I talked for a bit before we got on the subject of boxing and fighting.

"You seem like a built guy choomba, do you work out? Or are you into some exotic martial arts shit?" Jackie asked.

"I practice a few styles and I work out with whatever I can find at the time Jack." I inform him

"Oh? Any boxing?" Jackie questioned

"No, I could manage a rather brutal style of street fighting, and I practice the gentle fist but that's it." I tell Jackie

"The Gentle Fist? What kind of style is that?" He asked.

"It's a style that revolves around redirecting your opponent's attacks and striking joints, pressure points and vital area's" I state drawing a wide-eyed look from Jackie.

"That's sick choom! We should fight sometime, might make for a really fun fight in the ring!" He says excitedly.

"That sound like fun. You're on Jack!" I reply.

"Alright boy's, take Tavish to Vic's so that you can continue on with your day." Mama Welles came back and interrupted us.

"Alright, see you later Mama Welles" I said as we clean up our spot.

"It's just Mama, Tavish. That's what everyone calls me. And if you keep hanging around here, I expect you to call me that too." She said in her no-nonsense manner.

I smile back at her; "Sure thing Mama. You have a good day now." Jackie and I head for the door.

Once we are outside, I ask Jackie; Bye the way, who do I need to thank for the clothes. I'd like to thank them personally."

Jackie glances back and keeps walking; "That would be Mama. She thought you looked a little lost and out of place, so she went out and grabbed some stuff to make you feel more at home."

"Your mother's a saint Jack. Is there anything I can do to pay her back?" I ask.

"As far as she's concerned, she thinks you've paid up and then some. Gustavo and I grew up together, and he spent a good portion of time under our roof growing up. Mama considers him an unofficial nephew of sorts. Bottom line is, you took care of our family, we take care of you. That is a sentiment shared by most of Heywood." Jackie explained.

We travel in silence for a bit after that.

[Time Skip]

We make it to Viktor's Clinic, where we meet the ever-charming Misty after Jackie introduces us. Misty wanted to do a Tarot reading on me while Vik was finishing up with a patient. She shuffled the cards and pulled three cards. I ended up with The Fool, The Tower, and The Star.

Misty sat there, quietly staring at the cards. It wasn't until Jackie waved a hand in front of her face that she snapped back to reality.

"I don't think I've ever seen that particular sequence of cards. Tavish represents a catalyst for a massive change, either for good or bad. Many people will look to him as a point of inspiration of what can be done. And to him, it will always be another step on his adventure." She said.

I was busy staring at the pretty pictures on the cards. After a moment, I ask; "Can I get a set of these cards? These are really cool!"

Jackie starts laughing and Misty giggles and rings me up a set of the cards and shows me how to use them. I even got a new skill.

[Fortune telling: tarot] (1/100)

Tell people their fortunes or ascertain your own with these mystical cards.

Not terribly useful, but a fun way to pass the time none the less.

Vik finally finishes up with his patient and we go down to meet him.

After our initial introduction, Jackie went back upstairs to spend time with Misty while Vik put me on his table to remove the bullet.

"It's a bit odd, normally, a bullet like this would normally kill you. It's a nasty business but some Scav's used poisoned rounds. It wouldn't be a problem if you had certain cyberware, but you don't have any evidence of implants. You haven't been chipped right?" Vik questioned.

"Never." I affirm.

"Then color me impressed; your natural healing factor exceeds that of a standard humans by several magnitudes. The bullet was still causing damage, but you could carry on normally because you were healing faster than the damage being caused. If you installed any bioware that might explain why but that's not the case." Vik explained examining the wound and watching it close.

"Do I have to worry about anything then Vik?" I ask.

"No, the remaining poison should flush itself in a couple of days. If you experience any problems, just swing on by and I'll check you out." He said leaning back on his chair.

"Got it, Thanks Vik. What do I owe you?" I question.

"For a first-time customer, we'll call it five hundred eddies." He states.

"Fantastic, Thanks Vik." I state and I hand him a cred chip. The money in my inventory thankfully converts to prominent currencies.

"Anytime Tavish. Just remember me if you decide to get chipped. If you get into any merc work, you're going to need a neural link at minimum." Viktor said with a smile.

"Will do." I reply.

I head back up the stairs to Misty's and get Jackie, and we depart for the next location.

We stop by a store titled 2nd Amendment and Jackie says; "This is where you can purchase extra firepower. You can also sell any weapons you "acquire" while you're out on a job. I know the guy here, and I guarantee he won't sell you a bad piece."

We open the door and head inside. The guy behind the counter looks up from a rifle he is tinkering on.

"Jackie! How are you ya gonk! Still doing merc work?" The man asked.

"Yep, got a custom order I wanted to put in. I also wanted to bring Tavish by and make the introduction. Tavish, this is Marcus, best iron salesman this side of Heywood." Jackie replies.

The now named Marcus and I shake hands.

"So, what can I get you Tavish? You look like the kind of guy who doesn't do subtle right?" Marcus asked.

"Only when its required." I reply

"Got a wish list or do you just want to grab whatever catches your fancy?" He continued

"Wish list. I'm going to need a M-10AF with a silencer, and a DB-2 Satara. I'd also like ammo for each, and a mixture of incendiary, recon, frags, and flashbangs. If you have any EMP grenades I'll take those as well." I list off.

"Jeez, you want an HMG to go with that? Sounds like your off to start a war." Marcus jokes.

"Sure, if you have one, I can take that as well. I'll need ammo for that too." I casually state.

Marcus grins; "Tavish, I think that this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship." He said with a laugh.

"I can give you most of this stuff right now, but it'll take me a day to get the rest of this. As long as your good for the eddies, I can happily get it for you." He continues.

I fish out a cred chip and also buy basic material components for making ammo, along with a rifle making kit.

Jackie and I depart with a fair well to Marcus as we head off down the street.

"What are you planning with all that gear amigo? That's enough gear to start some serious shit." Jackie questioned in a hushed voice.

"I'm thinking that I might not be quite done with the Scav's yet." I spoke.

"A little overboard for some Scav's don't you think?!" Jackie asked.

"I'm angling for an all-encompassing "fuck off directly to hell" sort of message. Their practices leave a bad taste in my impression of them." I explain, causing Jackie to laugh.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side choomba!" He said.

[Time skip]

Jackie took me to a dealership to get a set of wheels. It was a decision that we both regretted instantly.

We walk in and were met by a smarmy sales lady with obnoxiously long nails typing away on her tablet as she was showing us through the more expensive cars. When we tried to direct her over to the "less spendy" cars, she started getting irritable and short with her answers. After several agonizing hours, I manage to get a good deal on a Chevillon Thrax. It will be a good baseline to work from to learn how to work on and modify the vehicles of this world.

As we were leaving the parking garage, a notification alerted me to an important fact.

New skill gained

[Driving (Land Vehicles)] (1/100)]

I have to re-teach myself how to drive.

The skill improved rapidly, but there was defiantly a couple of moments where Jackie was hanging on for dear life.

We finally pulled into a parking spot near the overpass by the basketball court. As we walk toward the court, I notice the amount of Valentinos increase significantly. Some are just hanging around, while others are playing on the basketball court with the kids. Jackie waved to a few and exchanged words with another before we found Padre sitting on the bleachers watching the pickup game.

Padre speaks up as we approach; "I heard you have been making waves in our little piece of Night City."

"It wasn't my intention Padre, I had plans of quietly setting myself up a place in this city." I reply.

"But plans change. What have you done before this?" Padre questioned.

"I was a soldier for a time, I was a doctor for another. I even was a merc at one point, doing odd jobs to fund my travels." I inform getting a look of surprise from Jackie and drawing Padre's full attention.

"You must have lived a life very rich in story my friend, perhaps you will visit my church sometime and tell this old man a story?" He requested.

"I'll be happy to Padre." I return, getting a smile from Padre.

"Then go and be welcome in Heywood Tavish. I'll call you with work when I find something that fits you, but be warned; Job 1:21, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." I will not have you doing jobs for other people in Heywood. If you receive an offer for work, you need to run it through me first. I do not need you demolishing the delicate balance that is Heywood." Padre finishes.

Jackie and I say our goodbyes and we leave, heading for a medical supply shop.

"I had no idea you were a doctor Tavish. And a soldier! Where did you serve?" Jackie asked.

"I was a soldier for a small-time revolutionist movement that was forced to disband by one of the megacorps. You can't fight a war against the people who sell you everything you need to live. I was a local doctor in a community for a few years. I fixed and maintained cyberware, I prescribed medication. I was kind of a jack of all trades for some nomads. Did whatever kept me fed really. I kind of wonder sometimes how hard it would be to get my license again." I tell Jackie.

"Why do you need a license? You could just be a black-market doc." He questioned.

"Because people tend to associate no license with scav ripperdocs." I explain.

"Ah, that is an actual legitimate reason for a license. I could ask Vik. He would know what test you'll need to take. So long as you study, you should be able to re-certify in no time." Jackie said.

"Thanks Jack."

"Hey, no problem. We could always use more doctors that won't harvest your organs or cyberware on the operating table." He jokes.

We both share a laugh at that.

[Time skip]

I made it back to the El Coyote Cojo after dropping Jackie off at the gym.

I unload my purchases from my Thrax into the small space that I possessed and got to work.

I managed to acquire a chemistry set at the medical supply store, and that meant I could get to work on brewing potions. I know that if I manage to start selling potions like healing, cure disease, fire resistance and so on someone is going to take notice. Most likely a corporation or an inept government official. When they realize that only I can make this magical wonder drug, they will try to forcibly conscript me. The point is, I don't want them coming after me.

What I really need to find, is a talented net runner to hack into the system and facilitate these patents for me so my machines and potions won't be stolen. I message Padre for a recommendation on a runner. I set up some minor health potions to brew and I move onto my next project, studying.

Jackie and I stopped by an "education outlet" he called it and got fitted with a braindance wreath. I also got a bunch of medical shards regarding "modern medicine" ranged from treating cold sores to implanting cybernetics. I had the option of officially getting a degree and a license if I passed the test first time. If I didn't, I would be required to attend a medical school and have oversite if I wished to continue in practicing medicine.

I set a timer for the Health Potions and then laid back on the couch and started the brain dance.

[Several hours later.]

Due to rigorous studying, the following skills have increased

Ripperdoc (25/100)

Surgeon (30/100)

Pharmacist (25/100)

Chemistry (35/100)

Your intensive study of cybernetics has opened new possibilities with technomancy.

[Merge cyberware]

You can flawlessly merge cyberware and integrate it into the human body. Massively reduces the chance of cyberpsychosis.

Good god . . . .

My brain hurts so fucking much.

Brain dancing was a surreal experience, I could understand why people could get addicted to it.

But my head was so full of information, I was thankful when that timer went off.

I went about filling air hypos and inhalers with doses of the healing potion. The main difference between the two applicators was air hypos was instant healing with a little healing over time, while the inhaler was just a more concentrated dose of the potion. By the end of it, I had about 10 air hypos and 15 inhalers ready to use or sell.

I started the process for the cure disease potion and left it to brew while I started checking over my new weapon acquisitions. The M-10AF was a smaller pistol than the ones I usually carry, but it's in good condition. It had a select fire switch on the side for either single or full auto. The silencer extended from the muzzle, completing the gun.

The DB-2 Satara was a gun I wanted to analyze and see if I could implement on my super shotgun. The gun was designed to electromagnetically accelerate it projectiles. I wanted to implement that feature without getting rid of the meat hook. So far, I can only understand so much without taking it apart to examine it.

I decide that I wouldn't get much further examining the shotgun. I switch to something more attainable, working on the Thrax for instance.

[Time Skip]

Skill Gained

[Mechanic] (15/100)

Jackie came by a few hours later to me examining the inside of the engine. This car runs on a gasoline like compound called CHOOH2. From there, I was able to ascertain that the entire car ran like a standard car with one key difference. The car had a baffling number of electronics under the hood that enabled fuel regulation, security, emergency safety measures and so on.

"What's up Tavish? Something wrong with your ride?" Jackie asked interrupting my thoughts.

"No . . . . Just getting familiar with it, that's all." I explain.

"Well clean-up, its dinner time and you probably should put that all back together before going to bed. Never know when a fixer is going to call with a job." He admonishes.

"Alright." I shrug and I go and wash off my hands.

Jackie looks around my place and whistles; "Dang choom, you don't waste time, do you?"

"I still have a handful of shards of data that I need to go through. I thought this was normal." I said as I finish drying my hands.

"I mean there is driven, and then theirs a workaholic. Maybe you should slow down a bit and relax. We should head to a bar tonight! It's probably my last chance for a while, Padre got me some work on the outskirts of the city so I won't be doing anything for a week or two." Jackie said.

"You've got a place in mind Jack?" I ask.

"You ever been to Lizzie's?" Jackie asked.

"Yeah, last night. Might be a better idea to go somewhere else." I return.

"Ah don't worry, any police presence will have left by now. Nothing to worry about." Jackie said.

"Alright Jack, I'll go, but if anything happens, I'm blaming you." I say with a smile

Jackie grins and claps me on the back "Anything? Choom?" What if you meet a sexy señorita? Will you blame me for that too?" he said impishly.

"Yes." I finish giving Jackie a look before grabbing my jacket and heading out.

[Time Skip]

Skill gained

[Dancing] (15/100)

The night was fairly uneventful. We spent some time dancing and partying before I got pulled aside by Rita and she got my number from my new phone. She told me they had something to call me for soon, there was just some surveillance they needed to finish first before I was called in.

I got back to my garage a little after midnight and I got a call from Rita.

"Hey Tavish, you sober?" She asked.

"Mostly, why? What's up?" I reply. I had a few drinks but nothing that would inhibit me from doing anything.

"Need that favor I asked for. Splash some water on your face, take a stim and gear up in you full kit. I'll explain when you get here." And she hung up.

I grab my armor and servo harness and put it on. I grab several bottles of water, my hypos and inhalers and a duffle. I grab several weapons and put them in the duffle along with some grenades, my Saxe knife goes on my hip next to the BFP, and the hand axe goes on my other side.

I lock the door and head back to Lizzy's bar. One thing I noticed since getting here is that many people couldn't actually see me due to the ghost in a shell perk. Many people in Night City have a full set of cyber eyes so the eyes didn't even register me. This made it easier to run through the city without being noticed.

After a bit of running, I made it to a side street near the bar that Rita set as the meet. There were half a dozen Mox vans lined up along the street with a bunch of Mox hanging around outside. To my surprise, I could see Judy Álvarez talking to Rita and Suzie Q.

Guess it's time to introduce myself.

[Judy POV]

"Come on Rita! Where's your supposed backup? We need to go before we miss our window!" I said.

"Be patient Judy, he's coming. I think that's him now." Rita said gesturing over my shoulder.

I turn around and I freeze when I lay eyes on him. A giant of a guy is walking towards us carrying a large duffle. He's wearing a set of armor that looks heavier than some of the stuff MAXTAC wears. From the weapons I see, he's armed to the teeth with both conventional and non-conventional weaponry. He speaks up for the first time . . . .

[Tavish POV]

"Hey Rita. Who are your friends?" I ask breaking the silence that seemed to fall with my approach.

"Tavish, this is Susie "Q" my boss, and Judy, a fellow Mox." Rita introduced and I give each of them a nod.

"Think you brought enough gear doughboy? Suzie comments, eying me over.

"Rita told me to gear-up in my full kit so that's what I did. If I knew what she needed from me I could have toned it down on the gear." I reply

"I'll explain on the way, hop in the back of the first van Tavish." Rita said heading toward said vehicle.

I climb in the back followed by Judy and a few Mox.

"Alright Rita, lay it on me." I prompt her when we take off.

"A couple of our people were caught up in a human trafficking ring run by some Raffen Shiv. Rumor has it is they are being moved out of state tonight. The transport is going to be a couple Militech behemoths with a couple of security cars. The objective is to stop the trucks and get our people back safely." She informed.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask.

"Stop the lead truck, by any means necessary. If any of the cars try to stop you, zero them."

Rita finishes grimly.

"10-4 Rita. Anything to add that I need to be aware of Miss Susie?" I ask, addressing the gang boss in the passenger seat.

"Don't fuck this up, big guy." She growls back.

"Understood." I reply.

Quest added

[An eye, for an eye]

The Mox came calling for you to repay a debt. Don't disappoint.

Objective 1: Save the captured Mox

Objective 2:?

Objective 3:?

Reward: Respect of the Mox, ?, ?, ?

The rest of the ride passes in silence as we get to the outskirts. For the duration of the ride, I'm under Judy's constant scrutiny as we head towards our destination.

"Why are you helping us?" Judy finally breaks the silence.

"I owe Rita for helping out me of a spot the other night." I reply.

"Yeah, that's what I don't get. Rita essentially gave you and those 'tinos a ride across town. And now you're here helping us take out a convoy. What's your angle?" She said accusingly.

"Would you rather I didn't? Personally, I don't mind helping the Mox with a few of their own. Rita's good people. And that was our deal. So, when she called me up and asked me to get ready for a fight, I did so. I don't fuck over people who help me out." I state.

"So, she calls and you respond like a dog is that it?" Judy snaps at me.

"No, A choom called and cashed in a favor owed. I don't go back on my word. It's as simple as that." I can't figure why she's acting so hostile.

She falls into silence as we pull up to the spot where we were planning our ambush.

We get out of the vans they are positioned like a barricade on the road while the others are hidden behind some rocks, ready to pull out behind the convoy as soon as they stop.

"Do you have a plan for stopping the trucks?" Rita spoke, breaking the silence.

"I have two options. Option one is to manually stop the truck similar to the van last night. Option two is if option one doesn't work, is to put a round through their engine block."

"A round isn't going to stop a Militech vehicle." Suzie comments

"A 30mm round will." I state, unfolding one of my servo arms as the barrel of the Harkonnen extends.

"Jesus Christ! What the hell would cause you to implant that kind of fire power?!" Suzie exclaims.

"Something a lot scarier than a truck." I said, folding the arm out of the way again.

"As soon as I stop the lead truck. Someone needs to follow up on the truck behind and kill the driver and passenger. From there, we either blow up, or steal the escort cars, and once we have your friends out of the truck, either burn it or dump the truck somewhere. Any problems or thoughts with this plan?" I ask, and was met with a general round of agreement.

"How much time do we have?" I ask

"Ten minutes." Rita responded.

I settled down to wait.

[Time Skip]

[Raffen POV]

As we passed the outskirts of Night City, I relaxed and settled in for the long drive towards the border. It was a nail-biting experience trying to get passed the Night City patrols with our cargo. My co-driver, Mikey, had his eyes scanning the horizon. He had night vision and zoom installed on his eyes, serving as early warning against anyone trying to jump us in the dark.

We had two escort cars in front while inside city limits but once we got to the outskirts they fell back behind us, the gonk drivers had to stop for CHOOH2 before continuing the drive.

After a bit I could see an armored figure step out into the road in front of us.

"Mikey, do you see the guy standing in the road?" I ask my partner.

"What are you on about? Theirs's no one there!" Mikey said.

The guy started picking up speed running towards us. He took on a chromatic gold color as the truck collided head on sending Mikey through the windshield and causing me to blackout shortly after my head was hit by the airbags.

[Tavish POV]


You become the immovable object. Resist all damage for 10 seconds and become impervious to knockdown effects. Thirty second cool down.

Fortify was one of the new toughness perks I acquired after level 100. It slowed me down significantly, but the payoff was worth it. The truck totaled itself against me as I caught it.

I extracted myself from the grill of the truck. I draw my pistol and shot the driver as I made my way to the back of the vehicle. The rest of the Mox had the other truck trapped and were engaged in a firefight with the Raffen's, the escort cars serving as protection for the Raffen's to return fire.

I charge towards the barricade holstering my pistol and vaulting over the barricade. I grab the first Raffen and drive my doom blade through his face.

Perks activated

[Indomitable Rage]

[The only thing they fear is you]

I throw the dead Raffen through his friend causing him to splatter all over his compatriots.

The next Raffen I grab and simply drop kick him up into the sky, followed up on a double palm strike on his friend causing the Raffen's lungs to explode.

I grab the next Raffen and snap his neck. Throwing him at the remaining guy trying to get away, the Raffen is knocked over by his friend's corpse.

Raging was probably overkill for these guys, but it ended the fight quicker. I move towards the back of the truck and I break the lock and open the doors. In the back of the truck there was tons of random crates stacked on top of each other. I started pulling crates until a space was revealed. Inside were 16 people from all walks of life, joytoys, gangers, even a few children.

I was furious. I knew that this sort of thing happened in the Cyberpunk universe, but to see it with my own eyes is just deplorable. I gently start coaxing the former prisoners out of the back where they are gathered up by the Mox.

Susie and Judy approached me as they were loading up the people to take them back.

"Thanks for helping us out Tavish. Look, we appreciate the good will but this is a little much for a favor. How about you take the cargo in the other truck? It looks like the Raffen's were trying to move all their contraband in one run. These were corporate sponsored guys so we need to vanish quick before they come looking." Susie said shooting Judy a look.

"And I'd also like to apologize for riding your ass on the way here. That was unfair of me." Judy said diplomatically.

"It's all good Judy. Are you sure about that Susie? I'd be fine with half that and one of the cars." I explain and she shakes her head.

"Take any of the Raffen cars you want but I can't afford to bring that much heat down on the gang. Especially since we are off loading more people than we were expecting." She says.

"In that case, just keep me in mind for jobs like this. Like I said before, I got no problem supporting the Mox." I said, drawing a small smile from Susie.

If only more people did Tavish, then we could help more people. As it is, we are just struggling to protect ourselves from the likes of Tigerclaws, much less the joytoys that work for them. She informed.

"If that's it, I'll take my leave Susie, Judy. Take care." I say, watching them load into their vehicles and take off.

Quest Complete

[An eye, for an eye]

The Mox came calling for you to repay a debt. Don't disappoint.

Objective 1: Save the captured Mox

Objective 2: Save the other prisoners

Objective 3: Acquire the unknown cybernetics

Reward: Respect of the Mox, New vehicles, significant recognition, advancements in technomancy abilities.

I do a quick inventory of everything left behind.

Iris, can I stash the cars in my inventory or the fortress?

[You can but its time consuming.]

[Storing a vehicle in your inventory takes time to store properly and you can only do that for a few minutes.]

[You can store vehicles at the fortress but that requires to purchase a garage attachment. It takes time to bring the vehicle between a world and the fortress. This depends on the size of the vehicle.]

Can I make the purchase?


I loot the dead Raffen's and load the Crates into my inventory. I take the Militech truck that's in one piece, two Archer Quartz "Sidewinders", and a Quadra Type-66 Reaver. It honestly bothered me that more people didn't steal Raffen vehicles and have them remade into decent cars. It seemed that every Raffen in the game owned a Quadra so it can't be that hard.

A groan came from behind me and I turned to see the Raffen that was thrown from the vehicle twitch. I'm surprised he is still alive to be honest. I take a closer look at him with my technomancy. It looks like most of his body is cybernetics. That explained why he survived the crash. Acting on a whim, I tried to access his storage banks. I slowly pulled information from him, a list of contacts, GPS history and several videos. I kept trying to extract information till I caused him to short circuit, and his brain fried.

Reviewing all the data I acquired, I started mentally making a list. How far did this human smuggling ring go? Who were the suites involved? And why were they moving so many valuables in such a small, relatively unguarded convoy? Corporate Tech was worth its weight in gold if you manage to sell it off. But I had no concept on what half of the cyberware was, or what it's for anyway.

I piled up the remaining bodies in one of the busted-up cars and turned it to slag with my multi-melta. The pile of molten metal would make it next to impossible to trace, not that anyone would care enough to look. Burnt out cars with bodies were a dime a dozen in Night City. It wouldn't surprise me if they had an entire division dedicated to investigating those crimes at the NCPD.

I unequipped my armor and walked toward the last Quadra left and got in. I set my GPS and started driving towards a techie that Jackie recommended for vehicles "acquired" on the job. A new set of vin numbers, a new paint job, replace a couple of parts, and I would have myself a new ride.

[Time Skip]

Apparently, it wasn't as simple as that.

Getting caught with a dead guy's car incurred hefty bribes from the police if you were caught. There was some netrunner stuff that had to be done in the background to actually legitimize my claim to the vehicle. Stuff that I can't technically do myself because I have no idea how to hack.

I could mess with the tech in AOT however I pleased because there was nothing to protect it from. No one else could do what I did. However, in this world, systems are so much more sophisticated and advanced. It was part of the reason I wanted to higher a netrunner. I could pay them to teach me to do it myself, and I could use their abilities on more complicated jobs.

The car was left with the techie for a couple of day while I caught up on sleep and made an appointment with Vik to look at the cyberware. Jackie had left the morning after we went to Lizzy's bar leaving me to my own devices. The first thing I did once I was up and around was re-assemble my engine so I had a working car. It took the better part of a day but I managed to get it done.

Afterword's, I received a call from Padre to do a simple delivery job. I picked up the package and dropped it off and received my eddies, all within an hour.

Ultimately, I was getting used to life in Night City. I had found a temporary home in Heywood, a place I was growing fonder of as the days went by, and I continued studying to get that degree. Once I have a base of my own, I can really start establishing my name in Night City, after all, who doesn't want to be a legend?

[Interlude: Scav's in Space!]

[Scav POV]

Today was a real shit day.

It started fine, he received a ton of eddies to smuggle some merchandise across the border, he had a good breakfast and even had some new hardware installed. I was all ready to begin that trip when some random Joytoys were added to the shipping list. Thinking nothing of it we started our drive. Got out of the town safely before the lead truck hit something stopping it completely.

Less than thirty seconds later they were engaged in a firefight with a bunch of angry Mox. Its not uncommon to fight people while leaving but the real kicker was the armored fucker, they brought with them.

When he stabbed Luke in the face, I was prepared to make him bleed, before he grabbed and drop-kicked me. I blacked out from the force of the kick, the last thing I remembered was traveling up and up.

When I came to, I heard the sound of my oxygen use alarm going off from my internal oxygen tank. It took a little bit to realize I was floating in space. Its probably a good thing I was so intent on getting cybernetically modified, otherwise I wouldn't still be alive.

My oxygen alerts me that it's at ninety-five percent. I look around for a way back to earth before giving up for the time being. Looks like I'm going to be stuck here awhile.

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