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77.41% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 279: End Times has Come for Greece

Kapitel 279: End Times has Come for Greece

(General POV)

Location the God of War World-Macedonia/Greece, Open Plains

As a massive and still growing vortex swirled above the land of Greece, many people were running away feeling the danger and malignance exuding from the vortex.

Praying and pleading to their Gods to come and save them from whatever was coming...

Meanwhile on Mount Olympus.

Location Mount Olympus, the Ruined Palace of Zeus

Zeus was even more furious, as his Pantheon was anxious as they could sense what he could, the invader along with several more Gods were coming into their realm.

But that didn't mean that they were preparing for battle, with Zeus covering his muscular body in electrical magic, Poisedon summoned his triton and his tattoos glowed ocean blue, Hades helmed burst into flames as he summoned his weapon, hooked chains known as the "Claws of Hades" and Demeter while she was the least eager to fight, she'll protect her domain of nature as the magical essence life emenated from her.

Hera summoned her scepter and guardian Argus standing by her side, Persephone released some of her magical power of the Underworld and plant life was surging fort, Thanatos hooded and eager to reap the souls of Immortals, summoned his scythe, as his daughter Erinys spread her wing and claws ready to swoop into battle, Morpheus smiled as he floated and started making miasma of sleep around himself, and Eos started harnessing the power of the dawn Sun to provide her support to her fellow Olympians.

Two of the Moirai, Lahkesis was harnessing her magic and tightening the grip on her hook scepter, and her sister Atropos was floating menacing with her long, sharp claws ready to spill blood.

Next were the children of the Gods, Ares existed for battle while originally he was hoping to use Kratos to eventually overthrow his father, he'll wait and slaughter these invaders, bringing fort his spiked sword and great shield, Athena standing beside her warmongering brother also summoned her weapons a spear and shield, Bellona was the most excited of this upcoming conflict seeing a opportunity to regain her worship from the damn Roman mortals that dare abandon and forget her, summoning her massive greatsword she has a bloodthirsty smile on her beautiful face.

Artemis breathe in deeply as she summoned her hunting bow and was ready for battle, Helios with a cocky smirk as he ignited his fists in Sunfire, and was ready to summon his chariot to fly into battle, Hephaestus despite his uneagerness to enter battle, preferring to return to his Smithing and find his darling Pandora he has to obey Zeus, summoning a massive hammer and using his ring to charge it with magical green lightning.

Aphrodite while she didn't want to waste her time in battle, she summoned her magical aura ready to enter war and celebrate afterwards with real men, and lastly Bacchus while he prefers to be drinking and partying he knew he has to fight, less he be punish by Zeus so taking a huge swing of his wine vase/chalice he was as ready as he'll ever be.

Zeus stretched his arm out and commanded not only his Gods but also their armies to "Go. To battle!!!" all over the mountain creatures started to stir and emerge.

From legions of Cursed as well as the golden Automatons, the giant Cyclopes, the wild Centaurs, the Harpies of Ares, the bird creatures of Nymphs, the alluring Empusas and the juggernauts Elephantaurs send from the furies, the bloodthirsty Minotaurs, the fecious Chimeras, the mistical Satyrs, the curse spawn of Medusa and her sisters the Gorgons, the vile Banshees, Cerberuses, the four-armed Geryons, and Morpheus Beast brought by the God of Sleep himself.

All crawling and climbing down the mountain following the strongest son of Zeus, Hercules (GOW Model) as they been set loose for war.

With the call to battle given, Poisedon jumped off the balcony to fall into his realm in the ocean merging with his power source, and upon diving into the sea he emerged within a watery construct in his image, projecting Hippocampi from his chariot.

Hades also jumped off the balcony growing to the size of giant with his beloved Persephone joining him, riding on his shoulder.

Hera with elegance befitting the Queen she is strutted over her guardian Argus as he picked her up and became her mount, as they left to battle, Demeter walked over to one of the few surviving plants in the Palace and focusing her divine power through it a massive pod open for her, flying inside she was swallowed and traveled through her plants into the battleground.

Eos wished good fortune to her dear brother Helios as she used the sunlight to banish, Helios thanked his sister and placing his fingers in his mouth to whistle he called fort his cherished chariot, once it flew near he hopped on and he rode into the sky in a fiery trail yelling out, "Cursed invaders, come face the power of the Sun!!!!"

Hermes shuke his head on his brother's cockiness, while not as fast as before for the loss of his greaves, he was still able to fight and run he vaulted over the balcony rail and started running down the side of Olympus.

Ares and Athena started walking out the palace with their weapons ready, as the God of War turned to his sister and said, "Don't get in my way, coward." Athena scoffs at her brute of a brother and responded, "Being wise and smart is not cowardness brother. But I suppose for a mindless berserker, as yourself that be difficult to understand." before Ares could rebuttal to her insult, she turned into a great white owl and flew off to battle, making Ares angry as he bang his shield a couple of time, before rushing out to battle.

Artemis summoned a giant eagle to fly off to battle while Thanatos watched as his daughter turned into a bird monster and flew behind the Moon Goddess of the Hunt.

Swing his scythe a couple of time as the God of Death, Thanatos turned into a cloud of black smoke and left the Palace.

Morpheus said to Zeus that he'll see him in the battle as he floated out the palace without a care in the world, Hephaestus was next to leave silently praying for his lovely Pandora's safety as he climbed down the mountain like a ape, Aphrodite left in a more elegant manor than her "husband" using her magic to teleport away in a flash of pink and magenta energy.

Lastly Bacchus already drunk just stumbled out the palace, taking another swing of wine every couple of steps, leaving Zeus alone.

Zeus looked down at the amassing armies of Olympus, and his Pantheon that were already heading off to battle.

Leaving him and the two Moirai that excused themselves as they also left but not for battle, since they task back in the Island of Creation was important, Zeus allowed them to leave even if he prefers they joined the upcoming battle.

With divine magical power, surging through his body the God King of Olympus, reached out his arm to the sky summoning lightning that struck directly into his outstretched hand, surging with power and lightning as he becomes lightning and set out through the storms.

Location Macedonia/Greece, Open Plains/Soon to be Battlefield

As the legions of Olympus was marching to the location of the vortex which has greatly increased in length and started swirling with several colored blood red, crimson, sickly green, yellow-green, grey, violet, and white.

With the power of these invaders growing closer and closer, as the vortex grew.

Eventually the Olympians started to come and lead the marching army from both Land and Air.

As Hercules halted the march with the Gods standing ready with Poisedon and Hades at the front of everyone, and as lightning was crashing a bolt of lightning struck down in front of the Kings of the Sea and Underworld, as the lightningbolt was fading revealing the giant figure of Zeus, surging with great amounts of power.

Seeing the vortex swirled above him, enraged Zeus that he summon fort his power, as his eyes burst with energy and coating his arms in lightning.

Yelling in rage he thrusts his arms forward and blast out all the gathered power of his lightning, unleashing all his fury onto the vortex to kill the invaders or close the vortex before they could cross over to his realm.

As Zeus' lightning surged forward striking at the vortex!!!

But instead of hurting either the Gods coming through or the vortex itself all Zeus did was...entertain the Chaos Gods, as they all laughed and their laugher echoed out the vortex.

Zeus' lightning swirled along the edge of the vortex, seeing that there wasn't any affect on the vortex, Zeus stopped his attack, as he and the other Gods glared at the vortex which was emenating mocking laugher at them.

Enraged Zeus yelled out, "COWARDS!!!! WHO ARE YOU!!!!? WHY HAVE YOU COME TO MY LAND!!!!!?" with his questions said, the laughter ceased...

An eerie silence for a while before multiple voices spoke, "Who are we? Why have we come here? Let's us show you Lesser God."

With their declaration the vortex stop swirling and started to collapse into itself, as it was forming a multi-colored ball it was releasing soo much power and force that it pushed back all the Olympian forces, while the Gods were able to resist to some extent they were in the end pushed back by the power of the Dark Gods.

Then the black orb burst into twelve cyclone like tentacles that reached out and struck the ground the first two upon impacting cause all the earth to shatter and burst open releasing fire, magma, and blood.

From that blood came emerging legions of daemons, bloodletters, bloodthirsters, bloodcrushers, rendmasters, skullmasters, flesh hounds, juggernauts, gore butchers, blood valkyries, goristros, balrogs, bleeding banshees, brass talos, slaughterbrutes and massacrebrute chariots, and finally two giant figures started to emerge from the blood.

The first was clearly male and familiar to all gathered, clad in blackish red, heavy, daemonic armor with gaps and eyes blazing in hellfire, he summoned a massive daemonic greatsword known as the Unmaker, made of hellfire with fanged skulled guard of black and red brass with the pummel of his sigil.

Next to him was a female pale skinned, menacing horned-beauty, clad in red armor with great wings of daemons and a vast amount of hair made of hellfire, like the God beside her she had eyes blazing in fire and blood red lips, in her gauntlet equipped hands were a long spear with some skulls hanging from it, known as the Slaupnir, while on her opposite hand a giant shield with a huge daemon-face on it, this is the Loceplex.

Pointing his swords at the Olympian the Blood God spoke, "I am Khorne, Chaos God of Blood & War!!!!!" the Gorequeen, smashed the pummel of her spear at the ground and spoke next, "And I am Valkia, Chaos Goddess of War-maidens, proud wife of the Blood God!!!!!" as their daemons yelled out their prayers and praise to them, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD!!! GODS SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONES!!!!"

Two more black cyclone tentacles impacted some distance from the blood legion, upon impact all life and terrain started to wither, rot, and exude foul vapors and smell.

Turning the once luscious landscape into a disgusting place, with pustules, tumors, sickly tentacles and other disgusting things sprouting in the area along with horrible creatures emerging from all the vile, nurglings, plaguebearers, plague brutes, great unclean ones, poxbringers, bilepipers, spoilpox scriveners, infectors, rotten, plague toads, pox riders, molluscoids, rot flies, plague drones, mukwalkers, and repulsive khaos, and finally starting emerge from the scum and vile were two giants much more horrid and foul the rest of these disgusting nightmares.

The first is titanic and foul, a giant antler-horned daemon of bloated, green, diseased and plague-ridden body with two mouths filled with sharp teeth, maggots, worms, larvae, and puss the one on his head and the other in his bloated belly, as giant parasite tentacles came from his back, summoning a pair of weapons in his slime covered, skeletal clawed hands, on his right hand a humongous rusted green, cleaver with a rotten wooden handle, this is the Worldblighter, while in his other hand is a giant seven chain flail with seven spiked skull-club head two which were filled in some substances, this is the Phthisis.

Next to this decaying divine horror, was a sickly pale skinned, female deity with pale sick white hair, with a horrendous slit wide open mouth with greenish, purple, and white colored insect mandibles, clad in a heavy, thick, rounded green armor as four, white spider like legs were coming out this entity's back with split open ends oozing thick, green poison, in her white insectoid clawed fingers was her weapon, a gift from her beloved one...a massive polearm, with poison oozing wooden pole with a black and green huge spiked, chain flail at one end and a rusted, black pole axe blade at the other end, this is the Black Death.

The green bloated God laughed joyously in a sick, very old sounding voice, as the Grandfather said, "I am...Nurgle...Chaos God...of...Plague...and Death." the Swarm Queen spun her polearm and spoke next, "I am Aiikila, Chaos Goddess of Swarms, proud future wife of the Maggotking."

The final eight black cyclone tentacles impacted away from the blood and plague legions as the impact sites started to rapidly being defiled and corrupted in daemonic pool of amythest liquids started to buble up, plant life became mutated and daemonic, as giant needles bursting out the ground and violet colored landscape spread.

From those pools started to surface a legion of monsters different from the other legions, as knightmares, void wraiths, daemon slimes, abyssalnites, abyssal wraiths, abyssl defilers, darkstalkers, apexstalkers, slaughter calvary, succubi, hell seductresses, lujuria dancer, observers, death stingers, allure stingers, dreadlords, infernals, oscurias and shadowweavers surface, and lastly eight giant female figures started to emerge as well.

The first female was light grey skin, with furred arms below the elbows and legs below the knees, a long, large saurian tail, and black sharp claws and four horns pertruding from the holes of the drake/saurian skull she wore, piercing red eyes wearing clothing that make her look like a hag (in Greek culture) a fur rag over her breast, and leather shorts with a fur pelt over her waist and countless bones and skull hanging from her body, as she has a corrupted long wooden scepter/staff in one claw, and a huge cleaver/chopper like axe in the other claw, as she said, "I am Chi Aahtahg, Chaos Goddess of Corrupting Nature, proud first wife of the Arch-Daemon."

The second giant figure which was unbelievably beautiful, attractive, exuding sexuality and sensually which made Aphrodite and Hera envious and jealous at this Goddess before them.

A flawless light skinned, dark pink, spiky, long haired horned-beauty, with pink colored eyes, violet daemon wings and heart tip like tail wearing a long sleeved open jacket with a pair pink fingerless heavy cuffed gloves, and a pink colored biking/one piece lingerie covering her large, perfect breast, along with tight high violet short heeled boots as she has a large ring blade over her right shoulder, and in her hand, smiling with a hint of malice and wickedness she said,"I am Kiira Blakenroze, Chaos Goddess of Dark Desires, proud second wife of the Arch-Daemon."

Beside the one, named Kiira was a light skinned beauty that exuding a cold aura but also one of bloodlust and unrestrained, and unstable mentally, as she has light blue and white colored, spiky hair tied in a short ponytail with long pointed ears, claws, and a devil like tail, she wore a white colored clothes (vintage nurse uniform) and has her arms, legs, and tail wrapped bandages as she had a strange kind of claw on her left hand, none of the Olympians have ever seen such a weapon, including her unique blade with serrated teeth and sharp edge (power hacksaw blade), she looked at the Olympian with a gaze filled with distain, as she spoke with a cold sounding voice, "I am Scalpel Bleedinhart, Chaos Goddess of Bio-crafting, proud third wife of the Arch-Daemon."

Then the shortest of the eight Goddess stepped forward with her weapons at hand a kind of makeshift crossbow (daemonic shotgun) and another weapon that they couldn't make out, as she smiled wicketly with serrated sharp-teeth.

She was the shortest amongst the eight but for some reason all the Olympian felt a lot of power and violence coming from the dirty greenskin Goddess, she has a horned helmet with one of the pair broken, spiky wild green hair, pointed long ears, small green bat like wings, and clothing resemble that of an iron worker, and her armor that none were familiar but Hephaestus could tell her massive gauntlets, helmet, elbow, and knee armor was strong and made from a metal he has never seen, she spoke with a voice laced with violence and bloodlust, "I am Jade Emerlhyde, Chaos Goddess of Anarchy, proud fourth wife of the Arch-Daemon."

Following Jade was a great beauty in red, with golden blonde hair tied into a bun by a long braid, her long red horns and almost blood like wings, on her arms are golden clawed gauntlets with a similar heeled knee-high greaves, as stated she wears a elegant red and gold trimmed dress with white colored corset and lingerie plus legging, in her hands resting on the pummel of very long, sword which emenate a crimson aura, she looked down, and even scoffed at the soo called Gods before her as she spoke, "I am Cassandra Crimsontear, Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Majestry, proud fifth wife of the Arch-Daemon."

Next was the bouncing and most joyful if not childish of these Chaos Goddesses, her skin appears to be like liquid, blue, dark blue, green, and yellow slime.

With deep green eyes and some humanoid like features that made her adorable and beautiful in her own right, she has three large tentacles that act as her hair, and wears a blue leotard and over it some yellow colored hooded, long sleeved jacked and same style boots with almost twisted and childish smile and sounding voice she said, "I am Ruu, Chaos Goddess of Twisted Innocence, proud sixth wife of the Arch-Daemon."

The following Goddess was clearly the most vicious and battle hungry, even eclipsing the God of War, Ares own battle lust by a vast amount.

A pure black skinned daemon Goddess with almost fire like flowing white hair, a pair of curved horns, with three red eyes, and massive clawed tipped hands, wearing a tight form extenuating white leotard which hugs her large breast and figure perfectly, with a collar around her neck along with golden braces and greaves as she was barefooted, she cracked her neck and knuckles as she said, "I am Ragna Kaalika, Chaos Goddess of Rampage, proud seventh wife of the Arch-Daemon."

The final of these eight dark and beautiful Goddess stood forward next.

She is a dark skinned beauty, with silver and violet tinted long hair, very long pointed ears, silver-violet colored eyes with armor that remind them on the visitor Tyr, with a violet tinted horned bear pelt draped over her shoulder, as frost and icicles were forming around the exotic Goddess, she drew a large almost like great axe which is called Skadi, she like Ragna and Jade before was also eager to fight, as she said, "And I am Crystallyl Shik'Adammine, Chaos Goddess of Bloodstained Winter, proud eighth wife of the Arch-Daemon."

Confused Olympians stared at these eight Goddesses proclaim themselves the "Wives of the Arch-Daemon" that's when the black orb started to pulse with more power, turning back into a black vortex, as a pair of massive claws the left being larger than the right burst out and grasp at the edges of the vortex.

Then eight violet and black scaled giant serpents, probably twice the size of the Hydra, bit down at the edges of the vortex as well as the dark deity, forcibly split wide open the vortex and started coming through.

And finally emerging from within the vortex, was a monster that could only be slightly compared to the mighty Typhon.

Whitish grey skin, several wings mostly bird-like with a singular pair that was bat-like a almost skeletal but very daemonic head.

Four of those serpents in the upper part acting as they were extra arms, which speaking of them were very long, slightly spiked, with massive sharp claws but his left hand was covered by a massive clawed-gauntlet with skulled knuckle studs.

With a massive skull like lower body with several tentacles and four more of those Hydra like serpents connected to his lower body.

As the entity that they assume is this Arch-Daemon which the eight Goddesses spoke of before as he started to descend he spoke to Zeus and the other Olympians, "I am Laharl Valboga, Chaos God of Carnage & Darkness...and as for why we're here?" taking a pause as he summoned a colossal sword called Ragnarok and with a flick of his right claw an astral like maroon colored chain manifested from said hand, this is the Gleipnir.

Spinning the chain he told the so called Gods before them, "...we're here to feed." swiping his chain striking and blasting Zeus, Hades and Poisedon flying, the attack begun with the daemons of Chaos charging at the forces of the Olympians, and the Gods of both Pantheon beginning their clash.

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